NACETEM to train 1 million workforce on ICT skills

The National Centre for Technology Management (NACETEM) says it plans to train one million workforce on various skills relevant to the nation’s socio-economic development through its academy.

The Director-General of NACETEM, Dr Olushola Odusanya, disclosed this on Tuesday in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja.

Odusanya said that the skills training and certification for middle and high level manpower would be held for five years.

NAN reports that NACETEM Academy was created within the first year of President Bola Tinubu’s administration to provide an online training through collaborations with private sector firms.

The director-general said that the skills training and certification would be qualitative and relevant to the socio-economic development of the country.

‘NACETEM Academy is a body created for training. It is a massive online training opportunity made possible through collaborations with private sector firms.

‘It is a potential global training and certification program
me as we expect people to join from all over the world,’ he said.

Odusanya said that Nigeria with a thriving youthful population has a massive workforce.

‘Our aim is to ensure that this massive workforce is connected with skills.’

The director-general said that since he came on board, he ensured that the beneficiaries have a global certification backed by skills training.

He said that there was a huge global demand for ICT knowledge as well as ICT jobs, but regrettably, Nigeria has a huge deficit of ICT skilled workforce.

‘To bridge this deficit, NACETEM, in collaboration with Comits Nig Ltd., applied and became a Certiport training Centre. Certiport Authorised Testing Centre is a global Certification Institution.’

‘We entered an MoU with Comits to carry out the training of one million people within five years.

‘The training is not free. There are basic minimum qualifications required from trainees in more than 162 countries of the world.

‘Three certificates are involved in digital literacy, communic
ation skills of business communications collaborations and competitiveness and entrepreneurship for small business,’ Ogunsanya said.

The NACETEM boss identified relevant ICT skills such as computing and software development, artificial intelligence, data-base management and analytics as some of the basic project management critical to Nigeria.

‘There were also ICT certification for businesses and lawyers, software for accountants and skills such as entrepreneurship, digital marketing, associate microsoft office specialist and educator, among others.

‘At the end of the day, the NACETEM academy turns out to be a finishing school for those who already had degrees but needed this global certification to move across the world,’ he said.

He noted that MoUs were signed with the Federal University of Technology, Minna in the presence of Chief Uche Nnaji, Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology.

‘This is to ensure that all the certificates that we issue are from a recognised university.’

Source: News Age
ncy of Nigeria

FCTA partners NGOs to strengthen fight against period poverty

The Women Affairs Secretariat, Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA), says it has partnered with local and international Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to strengthen the fight against period poverty.

The Mandate Secretary of the secretariat, Mrs Adedayo Benjamins-Laniyi, stated this at an event organised to commemorate the 2024 World Menstrual Hygiene Day, in Abuja on Tuesday.

The event was organised by the Women Affaires Secretariat, FCTA, in partnership with ACIOE Foundation, with the theme, ‘Together for a Period Friendly World’.

Benjamins-Laniyi, who was represented by the Permanent Secretary, Alhaji Adetoye Kolawole, described period poverty as the lack of access to safe and hygienic menstrual products, including water during monthly periods.

She said that the partnership was designed to take menstrual information, sanitary pad, and other hygiene products to the doorstep of young girls, particularly in communities.

According to him the goal is to reach every girl in the grassroots w
ith all that she needs for a healthy menstrual period.

‘We are collaborating with so many NGOs, not only local ones but international NGOs as well.

‘These partners are working with us to provide the needed information about menstrual hygiene to our girls and increase their access to sanitary pads and other hygiene products at home and schools.

‘What we are doing today is part of the Women Secretariat’s efforts to enlighten young girls to know that menstrual period is normal for all women and what to do when menstruating.

‘The need to know what menstrual period is all about, and how to maintain good hygiene practices during menstrual period,’ she said.

Also, Ms Kanyidinofu Oyem, Gender Specialist, ACIOE Foundation, said that the enlightenment campaign was critical to clarify the misconceptions about menstrual period.

Oyem particularly said that some young girls stay out of school because they are menstruating among other taboos associated with the natural monthly circle.

‘We go to school where we have v
ulnerable children. We don’t only talk to them; we share a sanitary pad.

‘This is because, it is not enough to just educate them; you must be able to provide access to sanitary products, particularly to those who cannot afford this basic product.

‘We also give it to the boys so that they will give it to their sisters at home, particularly the out-of-school girls,’ she said.

She added that part of the community outreach was also to train young girls how to make reusable pads considering that not all girls could afford normal pads.

One of the girls at the event, Nina Opeme, a student at Community Secondary School, Asokoro, said that the sensitisation would address stigma associated with menstrual period,

Similarly, a student at Government Secondary School Garki, Umar Aderemi, said that the sensitisation has equipped him with the needed knowledge to support his sisters and friends during their menstrual period.

‘Beside I will still be a father in the near future. I will use the knowledge acquired today to
educate my daughters about good menstrual hygiene practices,’ Aderemi said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Tinubu has made conscious effort to stabilise economy-Shaibu

Former Deputy Governor of Edo, Mr Philip Shaibu, on Tuesday said that in the past one year President Bola Tinubu has made visible and conscious efforts to stabilise the nation’s economy.

Shaibu, speaking with newsmen in Abuja shortly after being installed as the Patron of Edo Journalists in Abuja, said with time the economy would overcome its present challenges.

‘I want to say that I am seeing a conscious effort by the president to stabilise the economy.

‘I see him working really hard, trying to bring experts, trying to get the international community to buy into his vision of developing and growing our economy”, Shaibu said.

He said that with an economy as complex as Nigeria’s, it would take a magician to fix it in one year.

‘We know that. But in terms of infrastructure, I see conscious efforts to build infrastructure, which is also a driver of the economy.

‘I saw what he did in Lagos just three days ago, and in Abuja, I’m seeing lots of bridges being constructed.

‘Like in my own street, for more tha
n 10 years, Arab contractors abandoned the roads, including my street and the bridge connecting to zone one and seven, within six, seven months the road is ready for commissioning.

‘So for me, infrastructure wise, I can see that there is a serious boost in infrastructure development, though there are still lots of things to do”, he said.

The former deputy governor called for deliberate efforts to build small and medium scale enterprises.

‘We now need to consciously move to that next stage of building small scale and medium scale businesses.

‘It is key and we must now turn Nigeria to a production economy, and that is why I am making governor Otti my number one governor for now.

‘We need to start earning forex and the only way we can do that is for us to be a production economy.

‘But before we rush into building or going into any forex, we need to produce for our local consumption”, he said.

He said when the country was able to meet its local consumption it would be 50 per cent in dealing with inflatio
n and capital flight.

‘But if we continue this hollow block approach to building or retaining walls, you know, it’s a disaster because that’s what I’m seeing now in what CBN is trying to do.

‘So we need to consciously go into agriculture, and when we are going into that like I always say, the government has no business in business.

‘Government has a business to provide an enabling environment”, he said.

Shaibu said there was a need for the CBN to rejig its system with commercial banks with low interest rates.

‘For us to be a production economy, especially in agriculture, if we are able to deal with the `stomach infrastructure` that will help to reduce the level of hunger.

‘The whole issue of salary and wages, for me, is not the way forward, the way forward is how to make sure that we have food on our tables. First we must produce for our consumption”, he said.

Shaibu commended Gov. Alex Otti of Abia for providing visionary leadership for the state.

‘He has also done well in terms of trying to grow t
he GDP as well as expand the economy of Abia.

‘I see a genuine technocrat bringing meaningful development and experience to open up Abia to the world.

‘That has repaired some of the doubts we were beginning to have about these so-called technocrats, because in my state it didn’t work, but it’s working in Abia”, he told newsmen.

Shaibu said that in terms of security, the performance of the present administration in the country was relative.

According to him, the situation is not as bad as it used to be. I can bet that it’s gradually stabilising. I can tell you that the level of insecurity in the country is going down.

”We are not yet there, but I can bet that it is not what it used to be, So I can say kudos to the president and the present sets of security heads. They are bringing the temperature down.

”But I think they still need to do more”, he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Lagos transport policy integrates elements for seamless movement

Lagos State Government on Tuesday unveiled its Transport Policy which emphasised integration of the various transport elements and modes to facilitate seamless movement.

The state Gov. Babajide Sanwo-Olu, who unveiled the policy document, said that it would address the residents’ transport needs.

Sanwo-Olu was represented by his Deputy, Dr Obafemi Hamzat.

He said that the Lagos State Transport Policy was built on a foundation of inclusivity, sustainability and innovation.

Sanwo-Olu said that the policy reflected the state government’s commitment to providing safe, reliable and affordable transportation options for all residents, regardless of their socio-economic status or location.

‘I am sure we all know the challenges that have plagued our transportation system for too long,’ he said.

The governor said that challenges ranged from traffic congestion and pollution to inadequate infrastructure, among others.

‘However, challenges present opportunities for innovation and transformation.

‘It is with this
mindset that we have approached the task of crafting a comprehensive transport policy that addresses the needs of all Lagosians,’ he said.

He commended a team of experts, policymakers, transport operators, other stakeholders and citizens, who spent their expertise and time and gave insights to put together the policy document.

The governor said that the government’s achievements in the transport sector had been much and worthy of recognition.

He listed the achievements to include expansion and rehabilitation of some road networks.

He said that there were ongoing efforts to extend and rehabilitate additional routes and guarantee enhanced traffic efficiency.

‘A notable example is the ongoing construction of the Opebi-Ojota Link Bridge, a landmark project set to reduce travel time and enhance accessibility throughout Ikeja and its surroundings,’ he said.

Earlier in his address of welcome, Lagos State Commissioner for Transportation, Mr Oluwaseun Osiyemi, said that transport was the backbone of any thriving

According to him, Lagos, as Africa’s largest city and an economic hub, is no exception.

Osiyemi described roads, waterways, railways and air routes as the arteries through which the lifeblood of the Lagos city flowed, connecting communities, facilitating commerce and enabling progress.

He said that the transport policy would help to address transport challenges of today and lay the foundation for a brighter and more prosperous tomorrow.

‘The Lagos State Transport Policy represents a bold step forward in our collective efforts to transform the way we move people and goods within our city.

‘Crafted through extensive consultation with stakeholders, experts and other citizens, this policy embodies our commitment to innovation, efficiency and inclusivity in all aspects of transportation planning and management.

‘The policy provides a comprehensive framework for continued development and regulation of our transportation system.

‘ It is not just a blueprint but our commitment to a future where tra
nsportation is no longer a barrier but a facilitator of progress and prosperity,’ he said.

He praised Sanwo-Olu for visionary leadership.

He said that projects inaugurated by the state government in the past few years were a testament to the governor’s dedication to improving the lives of Lagos residents.

A transport consultant, Dr George Banjo, while reviewing the policy document, said that the aim of the policy was to transform Lagos State’s transport sector.

‘The policy scope has 14 elements such as road infrastructure, transport safety and security of users and operators, traffic management, public transport, urban road freight, private transport and car usage, non-mototised transport,’ he said.

Banjo listed the other elements as rail transport, air transport, inland transport, maritime transport, pipelines and environment, climate change and infrastructure resilience.

He said that for the policy to succeed, there should be a deliberate framework to guide and monitor the implementation, develop inst
itutional arrangements, support local financiers and manage expectations.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Mobile Web Ghana to host Online Work Africa Summit July 23

To tackle youth unemployment, Mobile Web Ghana, a leading technology and entrepreneurship hub, and its partners, have launched the ‘Online Work Africa Summit’, which takes off next month.

The two-day Summit, starting July 23, 2024, aims to empower the youth in Africa through online work opportunities.

It will, among other things, expose participants to skills and platforms needed to be economically empowered in the digital age.

The launch attracted media representatives, industry leaders, professionals, and representatives of the US Embassy in Ghana.

In her address, Ms. Florence Toffa, Director, Mobile Web Ghana, described the Summit as a ‘bridge between talent and opportunity’, emphasising the Organisation’s commitment to equipping young people with essential digital skills.

‘In today’s digital economy, the youth need more than just traditional job opportunities. They need to be prepared for the future, and that future is online,’ she stated, and urged other entities to partner the initiative.

‘We beli
eve that by providing the right skills, knowledge, and connections, we can unlock vast opportunities for the youth in Africa to thrive in the online job market,’ The Director added.

Ms Liza Steger, Regional Public Engagement Specialist, US Embassy in Ghana, said the Summit aligned with the American Space’s mission of ‘skill-building and creating sustainable opportunities for young people’.

She said the initiative, which would empower the youth with digital skills, was ‘timely and crucial’, and would ‘pave the way for a more prosperous and innovative Africa’.

Some 912 participants are said to have registered for the virtual summit, which will include practical workshops led by experts, covering different aspects of online work.

The discussions at the Summit will focus on freelancing, e-commerce, online tutoring, remote jobs, content creation, challenges of online work, and others.

The Summit will bring together students, online work professionals, and aspiring online workers to share insights, experiences
, and strategies for success in the digital economy.

Mobile Web Ghana and its partners promote digital literacy and youth empowerment through initiatives like the Africa Digital Skills Conference, Visuals for Gender, and mentorship programmes, reaching millions of individuals.

Source: Ghana News Agency

GNA Journalist picks two Merck Foundation media recognition awards

Ms Muniratu Akweley Issah, a Chief Reporter at the Ghana News Agency (GNA), has picked up two awards at the Merck Foundation Media Recognition Awards ceremony in Accra.

Mrs Rebecca Akufo-Addo, First Lady of Ghana, and the Chief Executive of the Merck Foundation presented the awards to Ms Issah and 20 other journalists from the online, print, radio, and multimedia categories.

The award was to recognise journalists whose work and contributions have impacted society, created awareness, and helped to shape the narrative on infertility, girls’ education, Female Genital Mutilation, Diabetes, and Hypertension.

It was in partnership with Mrs Rebecca Akufo-Addo, who is an ambassador of the Merck Foundation’s ‘More than a Mother’ campaign.

The Merck Foundation media recognition awards and sponsorship programme is a partnership programme with African first ladies across the continent.

Ms Issah won third place in the online category for 2022 with her insightful feature on ‘Diabetes and Hypertension,’ aimed at promot
ing a healthy lifestyle and raising awareness about prevention and early detection of the condition.

The award-winning story ‘More Ghanaian Children Live with Type II Diabetes: A Matter of Concern ( was to bring to the fore the dangers of the disease, which was increasing among children, and promote a healthy lifestyle among the younger generation.

She was also adjudged the second-place winner in the 2023 edition with her article, Hypertension on the Rise: Adopting Healthier Healthy Lifestyle Will Make a Difference.

Hypertension on the rise; Adopting healthier lifestyles will make a difference

She was presented with two medals and two certificates each for the 2022 and 2023 awards.

The GNA multiple award winner expressed gratitude to the First Lady and the Merck Foundation for the recognition, noting that it was an encouragement for her to work hard and make an impact in society.

Dr Rasha Kelej, the Chief E
xecutive of the Merck Foundation and President of the ‘More than a Mother’ campaign congratulated the awardees and urged them to do more and impact their society positively.

‘You should not stop by winning this award; I encourage all of you to be the voice of the voiceless and change the narrative in society,’ she urged.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Dozens reported killed in fresh Israeli attacks on Rafah

Palestinian medics on Tuesday said dozens of people have died in fresh Israeli attacks on the southern Gaza city of Rafah, two days after 45 people were reportedly killed in an airstrike which sparked international condemnation.

The Israeli military said it was investigating reports of an attack on a shelter for displaced persons in western Rafah. Hamas authorities said the attack featured at least four grenades, with unconfirmed estimates putting the death toll at more than 20.

Earlier on Tuesday, a spokesman for the Hamas-run health authority in Gaza said a further 18 people were killed overnight in separate Israeli attacks in Rafah. The information could not be independently verified.

Eyewitness reports from Rafah on Tuesday suggested the Israeli army has advanced into the city centre. The Israeli news website ynet reported that Israeli tanks were deployed in the Tal al-Sultan neighbourhood, which was hit by the airstrike on Sunday.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said that troops were still being depl
oyed around Rafah and were endeavouring to prevent harm to innocent bystanders.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) said around 1 million people have fled Rafah since Israel launched its latest offensive three weeks ago.

The aid organization said on the social media platform X that the displaced people had ‘nowhere safe to go amidst bombardments, lack of food and water, piles of waste and unsuitable living conditions.’ It said ‘providing assistance and protection becomes nearly impossible.’

The latest attacks come in the wake of a ruling last week by the UN’s International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordering Israel to end the operation in Rafah immediately. Israel has so far refused to obey the ruling.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday said Israel was investigating Sunday’s airstrike, which provoked outrage from neighbouring Arab countries and Israel’s Western allies. The IDF previously said two senior officials of the Palestinian milita
nt group Hamas were killed in the bombing.

According to the Hamas-run health authority, at least 36,096 people have been killed and more than 81,000 injured since the beginning of the current conflict in Gaza, which was triggered by the October 7 attacks by Hamas.

The war has repeatedly threatened to escalate into a broader Middle Eastern conflict.

Pro-Iranian militias in Iraq on Monday reportedly attacked the port city of Eilat in southern Israel with drones.

Islamic Resistance in Iraq – an umbrella group for pro-Iranian militias in Iraq – said early on Tuesday that it had attacked military targets in the area with three drones.

The Israeli army said that it had intercepted two enemy objects in the area around Eilat. No casualties were reported.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Construction of Oti Regional Police administration block progresses steadily

The construction of an ultra-modern three-storey office complex for the Oti Regional Police Administration is about 70 per cent complete work progressing steadily.

The facility is poised to be completed for commissioning when the remaining 30 per cent of the work is done.

This was made known to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) during a visit by Mr Daniel Ayitey, the sub-contractor.

The project, which began on December 21, 2021, and is expected to be completed before the December 2024 general elections, is being undertaken by Construction Ambassadors Limited.

The contractors are working hard to deliver and meet the deadline for the project’s completion.

GNA further sighted the progress of works on the Police housing project behind the Regional High Court.

The Dambai barracks when completed, will provide comfortable homes and a conducive working environment for police officers and their families.

Some residents said the facilities will improve the welfare of the Police officers and enhance their capacity to s
erve the region more effectively.

Madam Akua Mensah, a resident, expressed satisfaction with the work done and commended the Government for getting the Regional Administration block and barracks for the Police Service in Oti Region.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Debate about sanitary pads should go in favour of the girl-child-ATCWAR

Ms Akua Ansah-Eshon, the Executive Director of Advocates and Trainers for Children and Women’s Advancement and Rights (ATCWAR) has mentioned that girls are the mothers of tomorrow and the debate about sanitary pads must favour the girl-child.

‘Parliament must understand this and ensure that the debate does not only focus on the business environment and profits but also the ability of the normal girl to lay hands on a pad every month to go through the cycle conveniently.’

Ms Ansah-Eshon, a renowned women’s Rights Advocate said the ability of the girl child to be provided for by care givers, did not only ensure that they had stable minds to study, but also boost their confidence to resist any form of enticement from unscrupulous men who may under the guise of supplying their needs, take advantage of her.

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency in an interview on Tuesday, Ms Ansah-Eshon urged parents to be on alert about the first menarche and support their girl-child through the new stage of life.

She said, seein
g the first menarche, did not necessarily mean that the flow would continue…’do not subject your girl child to abuses or trauma just because the first menarche has come and the following month, no flow.’

Ms Ansah-Eshon narrated how she was subjected to beating and other psychological issues because the flow ceased from the first month ‘…but I was proved innocent.’

She also educated the girlchild to properly handle the pads and panties ‘…you need to first rinse without soap to get rid of every stain before using soap to wash your panties properly in order to avoid stench, also use lime to clean up your armpit and the virginal areas to maintain cleanliness and good smell.’

The Executive Director of the ATCWAR explained that pains experienced around the abdomen was normal but urged that when it becomes excruciating, then they should report to a gynecologist for the appropriate care ‘….do not resort to pain killers’

Source: Ghana News Agency

AGI, GIZ launch AfNEXT grant scheme, 52 SMEs to benefit

The German Development Cooperation, in collaboration with the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI), has launched the African SME Network for Exchange and Trade (AfNEXT).

The AfNEXT initiative aims to increase the production capacity and export readiness of small and medium?-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Ghana with critical equipment and technical assistance.

In all, 52 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating across the country have been selected to benefit from the programme.

This support is expected to lead to an increase in production capacity and improved access to markets of beneficiary SMEs.

While SMEs are critical for accelerating economic development and industrialisation, especially in the manufacturing sectors, they face diverse challenges, including access to finance for acquiring modern operational equipment/tools, market access and overall growth.

To address these, the AfNEXT project offers a combination of financial and technical assistance aimed at increasing the production capac
ity of selected SMEs through equipment support and improving their export readiness through training and consulting services.

Speaking on behalf of the GIZ, which is implementing the project on behalf of the German Federal Government, Mr. John Duti said AfNEXT would not only improve the capacities of Ghanaian SMEs but also support efforts toward creating more decent jobs to tackle the unemployment deficit facing the country.

He said it is expected that through AfNEXT.about 350 new decent jobs would be created, as well as reduced dependence on imports from overseas; thereby strengthening African economies and markets.

AfNEXT is implemented within the framework of Invest for Jobs, the brand of the Special Initiative ‘Decent Work for a Just Transition’.

‘Let me also mention that as we seek to create new jobs through this intervention, we will place a lot of emphasis on the decency of the jobs. Hence, the topics of social protection and occupational health and safety have been included in the training curricu
lum,’ he said.

Chief Executive Officer of AGI, Seth Twum-Akwaboah, is confident that support from the German Government, through GIZ, will have a significant impact on our SMEs in upscaling their operations, making them more efficient and competitive in the Ghanaian business environment.

He believes that the programme will impact the country’s export competitiveness and enable them to take advantage of the Continental Free Trade Agreement.

Dr. Humphrey Ayim-Darke, President-AGI, is also positive about the initiative; noting that it will support the agenda of exporting locally produced items and reducing overdependence on imports.

Commenting on the recent government US$200m boost for SMEs, he advised the use of tried and tested strategy in the execution – and further called on government to create purposeful, targetted interventions in the private sector.

Dr John Hawkins Asiedu, Technical Director at the Ministry of Trade of Industries, said the move was in line with government’s effort to support SMEs to
play a critical role in the economy.

In his remarks, Director of Trade and Membership at the Chamber of Agribusiness, Nlaliban Wujanji, urged SMEs and the business ecosystem as a whole to embrace a positive mindset and leverage strategic partnerships for growth.

AfNEXT builds on the success of the ‘SME Grant Scheme for Job Creation project’ implemented in 2022 by GIZ and AGI within the framework of the Special Initiative ‘Decent Work for a Just Transition’ of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Through the Scheme, 65 Ghanaian SMEs were supported to acquire equipment/tools needed for their core operations – enabling them to expand and create jobs.

Source: Ghana News Agency