2022 World Cup: Qatar donates equipment to Ghana

The State of Qatar, as part of the Qatar 2022 World Cup Legacy project has donated equipment to the Ministry of Youth and Sports (MoYS).

The gesture also comes in support of Ghana’s organisation and hosting of the just-ended 13th African Games, Accra 2023, which was a resounding success.

The equipment included Samsung mobile phones, HP Laptops, media working tables, office desks, swivel chairs and task chairs.

Mr. Mohammed Hamad Al Marri, the Charge d’affaires of the Embassy of Qatar, at the presentation ceremony, underscored the need to strengthen the bond between the two countries, and expressed willingness to continue with the excellent cooperation.

He said Qatar had great interest in sports and other sectors, whiles stressing that the value of sports to national, regional and international development could not be overemphasized.

He also revealed that the donation was to help develop sports infrastructure, especially in the organisation and hosting of the African Games.

The Charge d’affaires of the
Embassy of Qatar congratulated Ghana for hosting a successful event and wished for further progress and prosperity in the area of sports development.

Receiving the equipment, Mr. Mustapha Ussif, Minister for Youth and Sports, expressed his profound gratitude to the Emir of Qatar, the Minister of Culture and Sports of Qatar and other key players for the kind gesture in supporting Ghana with various equipment.

He indicated that Ghana and Qatar had enjoyed mutual and long lasting relationship which the donation was a testament.

The Minister added that, he had submitted a proposal to the Qatari people to scale up cooperation among the two states and to establish the Ghana -Qatar legacy project which would in turn help to enhance Ghana’s sports infrastructure.

Source: Ghana News Agency

RTU management pays courtesy call on former President Mahama

The management of Real Tamale United (RTU) has paid a courtesy call on former President, John Dramani Mahama, at his residence in Accra.

The meeting offered the management of the club the opportunity to present to Mr. Mahama the state of the club and the efforts that were being made to restore the club’s lost glory.

Former President Mahama, who is also the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) for the 2024 elections, was elated with the call.

During the meeting, Mr Mahama recounted his engagements with the previous management club in ways of enhancing the fortunes of the club.

He pledged his support to the current management and the Acting Board Chairman, Pishigu Lana Alhassan Andani, as they facilitate the restructuring of the club in order to make it more viable and vibrant in Ghanaian football.

Former President Mahama also donated a cash amount of GHC 100,000.00 to the club.

Mr. Zakaria Safianu, the Chief Executive Officer of RTU, thanked the former President Mahama for the cash donati
on, which he said will support the club in honouring its outstanding matches.

He was accompanied by Acting Board Secretary Arc Jawahri Baba Duah and Sporting Director, Mr. Muaz Abdulai Choo.

Meanwhile, RTU, who are currently bottom of the league standings, would be looking to stage a magnificent ending to the 2023-24 season in their quest to avoid relegation.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Maiden Democracy Cup to be launched on June 6

Mr. Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, the Speaker of Parliament, has disclosed that the maiden Democracy Cup, instituted to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the legislature will be launched on Thursday, June 6, 2024

The game, set to take place on Friday, July 5, 2024, would see Accra Hearts of Oak take on Asante Kotoko at the Accra Sports Stadium.

The Speaker disclosed that as part of the activities for the day, Members of Parliament would also lock horns with former Black Stars players in a curtain raiser.

He said the winner of the game between the two premier league sides would have the opportunity to play against United States-based club, DC United in Washington.

Parliament last year celebrated its 30th anniversary since its establishment in 1993.

This follows the coming into effect the 1992 Constitution and the retain of the country into a democratic system of governance.

Other activities earmarked to commemorate the anniversary include parliamentary sittings and debate, peace walks and fun games.

ource: Ghana News Agency

GOC sends goodwill message to Black Bombers

The Ghana Olympic Committee (GOC) has sent a goodwill message to the national amateur boxing team, the Black Bombers as they seek qualification to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

The seven members of the Bombers are currently in Bangkok, Thailand, seeking Olympic slots ‘2nd World Qualifying Tournament’.

A statement signed by Mr. Ben Nunoo Mensah President of the GOC said though it had not been easy for the boxers, after failing in Senegal to Italy, Thailand presents them with a perfect opportunity to make it to the global sports festival.

‘Ghana can not go to the 2024 Olympic Games without boxing, which had over the years given the nation hope and glory.

‘You must be disciplined and work hard to attain your personal ambition and meet the expectations of Ghanaians,’ he stated.

The seven boxers, six male and one female are Flyweight Theo Allotey, Featherweight Amadu Mohammed, Light Welterweight Joseph Commey, Light Middleweight Henry Malm, Light Heavyweight Jonathan Tetteh, UK based Super Heavyweight Mark Ko
djovi Ahondjo and USA based Middleweight Onella Sathoud.

The five-member technical staff is led by Coach Dr. Ofori Asare with his two able assistants, Vincent Akai Nettey and Elvis Robertson, Edward Kwabena Asante, Team Doctor, and Daniel Quartey, Physiotherapist.

Vice President of the Ghana Boxing Federation, Mr. Dauda Fuseni is leader of the team.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Facilitate appointment of Election 2024 running mate – NPP leadership told

The leadership of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) have been urged to facilitate the processes for the appointment of an Election 2024 running mate in the supreme interests of the party, and Ghanaians in general.

Mr Richard Kwadwo Adu, a leading member of the NPP in the Wenchi constituency, gave the advice in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Wenchi in the Bono Region.

‘Describing an appointment of a running mate to pair the Vice President Alhaji Dr Mahamudu Bawumia in the next general election as long overdue, Mr Adu said ‘I think the choice of a running mate for our great party shouldn’t be a problem, and so the party leadership must clear the hurdle now.’

He said the Vice President, also the Election 2024 Presidential Candidate of the NPP had the prerogative right to choose a deserving running mate for the party, however, it is also prudent leadership of the party steps in to facilitate the processes in the supreme interest of the NPP and the voting population.

As one of the political stron
gholds of the NPP in the Bono Region, Mr Adu said the December 7, Presidential and Parliamentary elections remained crucial to the party grassroots in the Wenchi constituency, saying the party people were disappointed about what he described as delay in the appointment of the running mate.

‘We have already commenced the electioneering campaign in the constituency, but our major problem is who to market as our running mate. In fact, the masses and the party people are desiring to know, and the party leadership must speed up the process’, Mr Adu, also the founder of the ‘G Boys’ an emerging political group in the constituency, stated.

The group is advocating the appointment of Dr Mathew Opoku-Prempeh, the Minister of Energy, and Member of Parliament (MP) for Manyhia as the Election 2024 running mate for the NPP.

About six months into the 2024 General Election, Mr Adu said the NPP required a running mate, already marketed, with exceptional charisma, and proven records, saying ‘that will make it easier for us
to introduce him to the voting population’.

‘In fact, that is why we have opted for and are advocating for, the appointment of Dr Opoku-Prempeh as the running mate. He has already marketed himself well in the political space and his appointment will subsequently enhance our election victory on December 7,’ Mr Adu indicated.

Source: Ghana News Agency

NCCE extends Inter-party Dialogue Committee meeting to Kumbungu District

The National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) has extended its Inter-party Dialogue Committee (IPDC) meeting to the Kumbungu District of the Northern Region.

The meeting brought together stakeholders including political party representatives, security personnel, youth groups, community leaders as well as faith-based organisations.

The IPDC is being carried out under a project dubbed: ‘Preventing and Containing Violent Extremism (PVCE)’.

The PVCE is implemented by the NCCE with funding from the European Union (EU).

At the meeting, the committee members were empowered to monitor ill-happenings in communities, and taught ways to fish out radicalised youth.

Madam Janet Ameseya, Kumbungu District Director of NCCE, addressing the committee, said the NCCE worked with the theme: ‘Together We Can Build Ghana, So Get Involved,’ which included taking steps to prevent people leveraging on election activities to perpetuate violence.

She said all forms of violence had the potential to derail the country’s democr
atic gains, underscoring the importance of engaging stakeholders on peace.

She mentioned that any challenge to democracy in this year’s election could have an adverse effect, which could embolden anti-democratic forces in the sub-region.

Mr Aliyu Mohammed, Northern Regional Director, NCCE, said the Commission deemed it necessary to engage the IPDC, who represented a spectrum of the district given that election was a yearning affair that required peace.

He said in ensuring peace before, during and after the elections, political parties must address issues in line with rules and regulations governing electoral processes, through the Electoral Commission.

He acknowledged the Kumbungu District as one noted for peace during and after elections and encouraged the IPDC members to act towards maintaining peace in the area.

He advised participants to follow due process in everything related to the elections in prioritising the country’s peace.

He said, ‘while some countries lost peace during elections, Ghana has
remained peaceful after eight elections.’

Alhaji Abdul-Razak Saani, former Northern Regional Director of NCCE, who was the resource person for the event, said the IPDC was constituted to appreciate individual differences.

He indicated that countries under extremists’ attacks were once peaceful saying extremists took advantage of vulnerabilities to strike.

He bemoaned the prevalence of chieftaincy disputes in the country noting that there were about 332 unresolved chieftaincy disputes.

He reiterated that prolonged chieftaincy conflicts, and widespread youth unemployment could be a recipe for violent extremism, hence those issues must be tackled and addressed.

He urged the IPDC to work collectively against ethnic marginalisation, which bred violence and pursued respect for everyone irrespective of tribe or ethnic group.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Stakeholders pledge to lead crusade against violent extremism

Stakeholders and the youth in the Lambussie District have pledged to champion and lead the crusade against violent extremism in the area.

They said they would be serving as a unified body in promoting peace, and resolving conflict before, during and after the December elections.

They made the pledge in a communiqué after a day’s training workshop organised by the Lambussie District Directorate of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) on its European sponsored, Preventing and Containing Violent Extremism (PCVE) Phase I programme with focus in the eight Regions of Northern Ghana.

The engagement held in Lambussie was aimed at bringing stakeholders and the youth together to form an Inter-Party Dialogue Committees (IPDC) who would serve as unifying bodies to promote peace and resolve conflicts with focus on monitoring and reporting all threats and vulnerabilities relating to violent extremism.

Participants in the meeting included representatives from the Electoral Commission (EC), Political Partie
s, Lambussie District Assembly, NCCE, CHRAJ, Traditional Authorities, Security Services, Faith Based Organisations, Civic Societies, the media, PWDs, Women and youth groups.

Mr Taalaar Amatus, the Lambussie District Officer of the NCCE said activities of violent extremism had adversely affected Ghana’s neighbouring countries including Burkina Faso and Niger, adding that it was imperative to train and educate the youth and other stakeholders in the Lambussie district, sharing borders with Burkina Faso.

He highlighted that Ghana had successfully conducted both Presidential and Parliamentary elections eight times in succession and that the peaceful transfer of political power from one ruling party to an opposition party in 2000, 2008 and 2016 had been admired by all.

Mr Amatus stressed a need for every well-meaning citizen to help maintain the country’s democratic credentials to enhance political, economic and social stability.

Mr Victor Nuworkpor, the Upper West Regional Director of the NCCE said the activi
ties of violent extremism groups in the sub-region was a serious security threat to Ghana and that everyone must come on board and be vigilant in the fight against violent extremists activities.

He urged citizens to help avert violence extremism by reporting any suspicious acts or activities before, during and after elections 2024 by resounding the National Security Slogan ‘If you see something say something’.

Reverend Father Boniface Tawel, the Catholic Priest of St. George’s Parish, Piina speaking in a presentation on Monitoring and Reporting Threats and Vulnerabilities to Violent Extremisms, urged the public especially political party members to respect the right and political beliefs of each other to enable everyone exercise their democratic rights without fear or intimidation or violence.

‘Our differences should not be a source of conflicts but rather a way to constructive dialogue.

Violent extremism in this 2024 elections can be prevented around developing constructive personal group and political r
elationships across ethnic, religious, class and constituency boundaries’ he said.

Source: Ghana News Agency

EC registers 1,381 persons, four challenged in two weeks at Keta

The Electoral Commission (EC) in Keta in the Volta Region, has registered 1,381 new voters with four challenged cases within the first two weeks of the ongoing Limited Voter Registration exercise.

The 21-day exercise, which commenced on May 7, is expected to capture voters who are 18 years and above into the EC’s database.

Mr Philip Adzomani, the EC Officer at Keta, told the Ghana News Agency in an interview that the exercise had been smooth so far, regardless of the earlier challenges faced.

‘Our team faced network challenges from the beginning of the exercise, and we thank God it has been fixed for the exercise to progress.’

He urged the public to discourage young voters who have not attained 18 years and above to desist from attempting to register.

‘I thanked God we are back to the online registration system. We turned down almost 20 applicants who were detected by our machines for attempting double registration.’

Mr Adzomani urged all eligible citizens to get registered for the December elections.

Mr Bernard Suka, a communication team member for the New Patriotic Party at Keta, expressed satisfaction with the exercise so far.

He urged the public to support the EC for a successful registration exercise.

Also, Mr Wonder Setsoafia Deynu, the Deputy Communications Officer of the National Democratic Congress, on his part, appealed to the EC to extend the duration of the exercise to pave the way for many new registrants including persons living with disabilities to register.

Some of the new registrants the GNA spoke to expressed satisfaction over the process so far.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Election 2024 National Election Response Group launched to control violent threats

The West African Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP) and the National Peace Council (NPC) have launched a ‘National Election Response Group (NERG)’ to monitor and promote violence-free elections.

The Group, made up of civil society organisations, political parties, nongovernmental organisations, development partners, institutions and eminent persons would among other functions set up a situational room to monitor and address violent threats in the upcoming Presidential and Parliamentary elections.

Dr Chukwuemeka Eze, the Executive Director, WANEP in a speech read on his behalf, said through the years, West Africa had witnessed new threat vectors and non-conventional intersectionality associated with electoral processes and undermining democratic processes in the region.

Additionally, election-related violence had fractured communities and caused significant infrastructural damage and loss of lives.

At the core of the challenges, he said was the upward trajectory of mistrust among political actors, between i
nstitutions and between citizens and the State which had been fuelled by both realities and perceptions of a deepening culture of politicisation and lack of transparency.

Dr Ernest Adu Gyamfi, Governing Board Chair, NPC, said the Global Peace Index since 2019 had ranked Ghana as the most peaceful country in the West Africa sub-region except in 2023 when the country lost that position to Sierra Leone.

‘This should remind all of us of the need to jealously guard the peace and our peaceful coexistence in the upcoming general elections,’ he said.

He said NERG would hold working sessions to analyse the early warning reports that would be submitted to it by WANEP-Ghana based on the data received from monitors.

Dr Gyamfi implored the political parties to express their opinions on national issues with decorum, while providing practical solutions to the many challenges that confronted them and abstain from hate speech as well as tribal politics.

Mr Samuel Tettey, the Deputy Chairperson, Operations, Electoral Comm
ission (EC) of Ghana, said the EC was committed to its principle of transparency, integrity and fairness as part of efforts to mitigate electoral violence.

The EC, he said, was naturally inclined to support any initiative that created an enabling environment for electoral and political progress.

It, therefore, commended WANEP, NPC, EU and other partners for the election violence monitoring analysis and mitigation project.

Mr Ebenezer Ofosu Asiedu, a representative of ECOWAS, commended the organisers for advocating the tenets of participatory democracy with the sole objective of ensuring the maintenance of peace and stability in Ghana and the region at large.

The event, he said, was timely as it took place at the time when the peace of West Africa was being put to a test.

‘We are all aware of how elections when not managed well lead to disputes. The region recently witnessed coups and attempted coups, resulting from unresolved disagreements from elections. So, elections organisations have been a source of

‘Therefore, we see the meeting as appropriate and timely and to remind us of the need to keep vigilance and protect the peace and stability of the nation,’ he added.

Dr Festus Kofi Aubyn, the WANEP Regional Coordinator, Research and Capacity Building, said as part of WANEP’s Electoral Violence Monitoring, Analysis and Mitigation project, WANEP had categorised all 275 constituencies into hotspots over those that are high-risk, risk and low-risk.

Mr Henry Quartey, the Minister for the Interior, in a speech read on his behalf by the Deputy Minister, Madam Naana Eyiah Quansah, said periodic elections had become a central part of democracy.

Concerns raised against the EC over the registration of new voters, violence arousing from voter registrations, industrial actions and intemperate language on traditional and new media were issues that needed redress with possible avenues, he said.

He called on the private sector and the international community to stand with them in the noble task of ensuring peac
e and human security.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Review mandates of some SoEs to inform action – Asantehene to SIGA

The Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, has proposed to the State Interests and Governance Authority (SIGA) to review the mandates of some State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) and make recommendations on whether to divest or recapitalise such entities.

The Asantehene expressed concern that contrary to the government’s rationale for the establishment of SOEs for the benefit of the nation, not much benefit had been received by the citizens.

The Asantehene made the call when the Management of SIGA, led by Mr John Boadu, Director-General, SIGA, paid a courtesy call on him at the Manhyia Palace, a statement issued by the Corporate Affairs Division of SIGA, said.

The statement quoted Otumfuo as saying: ‘Government has invested a lot of resources into these entities to ensure that its citizens reap the rewards of these investments. SIGA must ensure the ultimate goal for setting-up these entities are fully realised.’

The purpose of the visit was to officially introduce Mr. Boadu as the new Director-General of SIGA and al
so update the Asantehene on the activities undertaken since his appointment in December 2023.

The visit also offered the team an opportunity to hold further discussions on areas where SIGA could collaborate with the Manhyia Palace to garner support for the implementation of its activities.

Mr. Boadu thanked the Asantehene for the opportunity to apprise him on SIGA’s achievements since the previous meeting with SIGA management.

He said that SIGA and the Ghana Revenue Authority were the two organisations in Ghana expected to generate revenue for the country per their mandates.

‘SIGA is collaborating with all stakeholders to ensure that the entities under our ambit are profitable and adhere to good governance practices. For the past five years since our establishment, we have improved on the financial reporting and compliance of our Entities and increased their contribution to the national accounts by a significant margin,’ Mr Boadu said.

Source: Ghana News Agency