FCTA trains agric. field officers, targets bumper harvest

The Agriculture and Rural Development Secretariat, FCT Administration has trained agricultural field officers to provide efficient services to farmers, towards achieving bumper harvest in the territory.

The Mandate Secretary of the secretariat, Mr Lawan Geidam, said at the training in Abuja on Friday, that the training was designed to improve the capacity of the officers to provide technical support to farmers.

Geidam, who was represented by the Permanent Secretary, Mrs Grace Adayilo, said that the training tagged, ‘Prevention, Identification, Diagnosis, and Management of Common Crop Diseases,’ would equally cut post-harvest losses.

He explained that a significant number of famers recorded huge losses due to ignorance of good agricultural practices in mitigating crop diseases, pest infestation and poor storage management techniques.

He urged the field officer to build the needed knowledge and capacity to be able to teach farmers how to combat crop diseases that impede productivity.

The mandate secretary
reassured farmers of FCT Administration’s commitment to support farmers with a view to boost agricultural production.

‘The Minister of FCT, Mr Nyesom Wike, and the Minister of State, FCT, Dr Mariya Mahmoud are taking proactive steps towards achieving the collective aspiration for food and nutrition security for all residents of FCT,’ he said.

The Permanent Secretary also highlighted the importance of integrating traditional methods with modern agricultural practices to get the best of the planting season.

Adayilo said that the integration was necessary considering the difficulties small-scale farmers face in accessing advanced agricultural technologies.

She assured the farmers of the full support of the Agriculture Development Project, adding that the project was a grassroots initiative to ensure that government programmes achieved the desired impact.

Mr Ofili Beneath, acting Director, Department of Agricultural Services, said that the department would continue to engage farmers across the 62 wards of th
e FCT and provide them with critical information.

Ofili expressed confidence that the training would strengthen knowledge-based agricultural practices and bring prosperity to the FCT farmers. (NAN)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Tinubu to inaugurate FCT projects May 27 – June 6 – Wike

President Bola Tinubu has approved May 27 to June 6 as Federal Capital Territory Week for the inauguration of various projects executed under his administration.

The Minister of FCT, Mr Nyesom Wike, stated this in Abuja on Friday, while inspecting some of the projects in preparation for inauguration to celebrate Tinubu’s one year in office.

‘By the approval of Mr President, we believe that from May 27, we shall begin the inauguration of various projects and will end on June 6.

‘Particularly on May 27, President Tinubu will inaugurate commercial operations of the Abuja Light Rail also known as Abuja Metro Line, and we will carry out the final inspection of the project on May 20.

‘From what we have seen, I think we are good to go,’ he said.

Wike also expressed confidence that the Vice-President’s residence, located along Aso Drive, would be completed and may be inaugurated on June 6.

He explained that the 9-day inauguration activities would demonstrate to the world the Tinubu-led administration’s determi
nation to renew the hope of Nigerians.

He added: ‘We have a lot of projects being executed that will be inaugurated. So many projects that I cannot begin to list them.

‘We are happy; the contractors are meeting up, and all the promises made they have fulfilled.

‘We have also fulfilled our own part, by making sure that we make the needed cash available and none of the contractors is complaining in terms of cash.’

The minister added that other projects like the construction of bus terminals and the FCT Court of Appeal Division and other projects would be inaugurated within the period.

On the non-functionality of some of the streetlights in parts of the city, Wike explained that some of the streetlights were being worked on, while others were being tested.

He assured the residents that the streetlights would come on once the contractors finished working on them,

‘As I speak to you, most of the streetlights are being worked on and with the project we are executing, you don’t expect the light to be on.

e contractors are test running them, so most of the ones that are not working are those that are being worked on.

‘We believe that before the inauguration you will see that most of the streetlights will be on,’ the minister said.

When asked whether he was being distracted by the development in Rivers, Wike simply said: ‘I am not distracted. If I am distracted you won’t see this performance.

‘I focus on my work. So, I am not interested. I am the Minister of FCT, and work is going on, why will I be distracted? I don’t even think about it at all.’ (NAN)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Envoy reaffirms China’s commitment to supporting Nigeria

Mr Zhang Yi, the ChargĂ© d’affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Nigeria, has reaffirmed China’s commitment to support Nigeria’s development through strategic partnerships, technology transfer, and infrastructure investments.

Zhang stated this on Thursday in Abuja at a Seminar on Promoting Harmony Through Mutual Learning organised by the Chinese Embassy in collaboration with China Alumni Association and the University of Abuja.

He highlighted the importance of collaboration between the two countries in key sectors such as energy, transportation, and telecommunications to drive economic growth and mutual opportunities.

He underlined the significance of embracing harmony as a fundamental driving force for national advancement and drew parallels between China’s path to economic success and the role of embracing diversity while emphasising harmony in China’s developmental journey.

Zhang said that harmony, as defined by the Longman Dictionary, referred to people living or working together without conflict or disc

He emphasised the significance of fostering harmony in various aspects of the society, ranging from individuals and nature, families, and society, to nations and civilizations, and in governance and development.

‘We believe that promoting harmony among different ethnic groups, ensuring political stability, and investing in infrastructure were vital steps required to unlock Nigeria’s full potential and foster sustainable development.

‘It is crucial to create a world characterised by peaceful human development through fostering friendships and cultural exchanges as bridges between China and Nigeria,’ Zhang said.

Professor Sheriff Ibrahim, the Head of the Political Science and International Relations of the University of Abuja, said that the seminar was held at a critical juncture for Nigeria, facing challenges like insecurity, economic difficulties, and social unrest.

Ibrahim, also the Director of Contemporary Africa-China Research in Nigeria, highlighted the significance of championing harmony as a b
eacon of hope and advancement for Nigeria.

‘For harmonious coexistence to thrive, it requires genuine political will and collaboration,’ Ibrahim said.

He also expressed optimism regarding the integration of harmony into Nigeria’s development agenda, foreseeing its potential to bridge divides, promote inclusivity, and pave the way for a brighter future.

Ibrahim called upon all stakeholders to collaborate toward a shared vision of prosperity and stability for the nation. (NAN)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Move more for improved mental health, Centre urges Nigerians

Greyhub Therapeutic Centre, a mental health centre, has urged Nigerians to always exercise to improve their mental health and well-being.

Dr Oluwakemi Akintoyese, Clinical Psychologist, Grey insights/Grey Hub Therapeutic Centre, gave the advice at a mental health awareness walk organised by the centre in commemoration of the 2024 Mental Health Awareness Week on Thursday in Lagos.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the Mental Health Awareness Week, which has the theme, ‘Movement: Moving More for our Mental Health” aims to promote awareness about mental health.

Akintoyese explained that exercise helps to release endorphins, which aid improvement of moods and combats physical illnesses.

She said: ‘So, annually there is an international mental awareness week.

‘Each year, there is a theme to sensitise people about the nature of mental health and to also understand that mental illness is real and that people can actually get help.

‘But this year they are looking at the theme, `Movement: Moving Mo
re for our Mental Health’ and what the emphasis is, is that we need to move more.

‘Exercises helps to release what we call the endorphins hormones, with the endorphins hormones, a feel good hormones, it helps us psychologically and helps us physically to be able to combat a lot of physical illnesses like depression, colon cancer and quite a whole lot of issues.”

The clinical psychologist added that the walk, beyond raising awareness about mental health, was also aimed at reducing stigma.

According to her, stigma often prevents people from seeking help.

She noted that the economic hardship had led many Nigerians into depression, which according to her, could lead to faulty thinking patterns, negativity, social withdrawal and anxiety about the future.

She advised that it was crucial for people to open up communication about mental health, saying there was no shame in seeking help.

Akintoyese said that there were resources available, like Grey Hub Therapeutic Centre, where people could talk to professiona
ls and receive support.

She said: ‘At GreyHub Therapeutic Centre, one of the things we do and will be doing during this mental health awareness week is to create a space on Thursday and Friday where people can come in and get help.

‘They can talk to professionals and then they can express themselves, assessment will be done and then they will tell you what you need to do.”

Yussuff Alawode, Clinical Psychologist, GreyInsights Limited /GreyHub Therapeutic Centre, advised people against using substances like alcohol, cannabis, and gambling to cope with mental health challenges.

He said that self-medicating with alcohol, cannabis, or gambling was not a solution to these problems.

These crutches, he said, could lead to addiction and worsen their situation.

Alawode said: ‘You are stronger than your problems; you have the inner strength to overcome difficult circumstances. Don’t rely on unhealthy coping mechanisms.

‘Gambling creates a cycle of debt and disappointment. It’s based on luck, not skill, and will
likely lead to financial ruin.

‘Regular cannabis use can become an addiction, and will make it difficult for you to function without it.”

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

NAF@60: We will flush out all terrorists, bandits, criminals – CAS

The Chief of the Air Staff (CAS), Air Marshal Hasan Abubakar, says the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) is committed to flushing out terrorists, bandits and other criminals from all parts of Nigeria.

Abubakar said this while addressing newsmen during the Juma’at Prayer in commemoration of the NAF 60th Anniversary Celebration, on Friday at the NAF Base Central Mosque Asokoro, Abuja.

He said the air force would continue to work in collaboration with other sister services and other security agencies to ensure the return peace and prosperity to all parts of the country.

According to him, the essence of the Juma’at prayer is, first, to thank the God Almighty for all the achievements of the NAF thus far and for the significant operational and other achievements in the recent past.

‘Secondly, to pray for His guidance, blessings and mercies in our efforts to continue to transform the Nigerian Air Force into an agile and resilient force that effectively meets the airpower demands of national security in all operational e

‘This is in tandem with our command philosophy.

‘The NAF has evolved over the years from a basic tactical air force in the 60s and 70s to an air force today that is capable of conducting strategic operations whenever required.

‘So we have every reason to celebrate and be happy as a service,’ he said.

The CAS thanked all Nigerians also for the cooperation, support and encouragement to the air force personnel.

He assured the airmen and air women that NAF had acquired a lot of platforms already with more coming into the system.

He also assured them that a lot of welfare packages were being provided, urging them to look forward to better days.

‘The Juma prayer we just witnessed is one of the activities designed to commemorate the very important milestone achievements.

‘There are several other activities also designed to mark this very important occasion, including an interdenominational service that will be conducted on Sunday.

‘We are also conducting medical outreaches and educational outre
aches to all parts of the country.

‘This will improve our civil military relations. We are also hosting the third African Air Forces Conference and exhibition and this is to also improve and enhance our international collaborations in the areas of defence and security.

‘We are also having parades and aerial displays amongst many other activities designed to commemorate this very important occasion,’ he said.

Sen. Bala Na’alla, former Senators representing, Kebbi South in the 9th Senate, commended NAF for operation successes so far recorded.

Na’alla urged them to sustain their loyalty to the country in spite of all the challenges and redirect their energy towards addressing all security challenges within the shortest possible time.

‘So far, they have done well with the little resources that they have and with their various interventions that we can see.

‘We are extremely happy and we remain grateful to all the airmen and women and the officers for their dedication in the discharge of their duties,’ he sa

In his sermon, Group -Capt. Haruna Idris, Chief Imam and Deputy Director, Islamic Affairs, NAF, called for dedication and obedience on the part of all service personnel to ensure operational successes.

He said that the Almighty Allah had granted the NAF immensely with the human and material resources that must be harnessed effectively to achieve breakthroughs.

According to him, that have got sufficient training and sufficient assets in recent years, and have all the capacities that that will be able to overcome the security challenges.

‘So, we are reminding the entire citizens of this country, that we need to put ourselves in prayers so that God can give us the spirit to use available resources he has given us,’ he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Monitor children’s use of social media, commissioner tells parents

Nasarawa State Commissioner for Women Affairs and Social Development, Aisha Rufai-Ibrahim has called on parents to regulate the kind of content their children consume on the social media.

Rufai-Ibrahim said that this was important in order to curtail the increasing rate of social vices.

She spoke at a news conference to commemorate the 2024 International Day for Families on Friday, in Lafia.

The commissioner said that the advent of the social media had brought another dimension to children’s exposure.

According to her, it exposes children to platforms where they can commit social vices and crimes without the knowledge of their parents.

She said that a child does not need to go outside the house in the era of social media before committing crime or engaging in unlawful activities as was the case in the past.

The commissioner said that parents must know where their children go, know their friends and what they do.

She urged parents, especially fathers, to spend time every week with their families in ord
er to bond together and know each other better.

‘Parents should try to hangout at least once a week to fraternise and rekindle the affection for each other.

‘This type of communication will go a long way to bring happiness to members of the family and is capable of tackling mental health challenges,’ she added.

She said that husbands need to help their spouses in domestic activities, to reduce the level of stress associated with workload.

Rufai-Ibrahim said that many parents often spend much time making money and building careers that they forget about proper upbringing of their children in the digital age.

She said that families were experiencing the greatest existential challenges in the country due to harsh economic and social conditions.

‘The average standard of living of families has fallen in the face of high inflation caused by the removal of fuel subsidy.

‘The high cost of kerosene, cooking gas and electricity has led to activities that are harmful to the environment, thereby threatening the ec
osystem and leading to climate change,’ she added.

Rufai-Ibrahim said that the wellbeing of families had always been an issue of concern to the Gov. Abdullahi Sule-led administration.

She said that the government would sustain its effort to improve infrastructure and welfare of the people of the state.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

AfDB to support Nigeria’s power sector with $1bn – Official

The African Development Bank (AfDB) says it plans to support Nigeria’s power sector with one billion dollars to boost electricity.

Dr Kevin Kariuki, Vice President, Power, Energy, Climate Change and Green Growth Complex, AfDB, said this on Thursday at the Eight Africa Energy MarketPlace (AEMP) Forum in Abuja.

The forum was organised by AfDB, Ministry of Power and the United Kingdom Nigeria Infrastructure Advisory Facility (UKNIAF).

The theme of the forum titled ‘Towards Nigeria’s Sustainable Energy Future: Policy, Regulation and Investment – A Policy Dialogue for the National Integrated Electricity Policy and Strategic Implementation Plan (NIEP-SIP)’.

Kariuki said: ‘We will be shortly seeking board approval for a one billion dollars policy-based operation (PBO) with a significant energy component.

‘This is aimed at supporting the ongoing power sector reforms triggered by the new Electricity Act.

‘The timing of the AEMP and the proposed policy-based lending focused on the energy sector is, therefore, no
t coincidental.

‘We will finance the policy recommendations to actualise the expected outcomes from the National Integrated Electricity Policy and Strategic Implementation Plan.’

He said that good policies attracted sustainable investments, adding that enabling environment would maximise the value of ongoing investments, including the 256.2 million dollars Nigeria Transmission Expansion Project.

According to him, the project entailed the construction of 500 Kilometres (KM) of transmission lines and four substations with a capacity of over 1000 Mega Volt Ampree (MVA).

‘And the 200 million dollars Nigeria Electrification Project, which will build 150 mini-grids.

‘Moreover, we are financing a study for the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) to explore deployment of Battery Energy Storage Systems to enhance grid stability and facilitate greater uptake of renewable energy generation.

‘Nigeria is part of our flagship 20 billion dollars Desert to Power Initiative, which aims to generate 10,000 Megawatts (MW
) of solar power across 11 countries in the Sahel region to provide power to 250 million Africans.’

According to AfDB vice president, this portends great promise for increasing the proportion of renewable energy in Nigeria’s energy mix.

He said that through the multi-prong approach of supporting policy development, financing critical power sector infrastructure, and providing technical assistance and capacity building would be achieved.

‘We strongly believe that our partnership with the Federal Government will ensure a viable and sustainable power sector that will yield the desired result,’ he said.

On his part, the Minister of Power, Mr Adebayo Adelabu, said the NIEP-SIP would serve as a guiding blueprint for Nigeria’s energy development.

He said that Section 3 (1) of the Electricity Act, 2023, mandated the Ministry of Power to draft and publish, in the Federal Government Gazette, the Nigerian Integrated Electricity Policy and Strategic Implementation Plan (NIEP-SIP).

Adelabu said the Act directed the
ministry to do this in consultation with relevant government authorities and other stakeholders within one year of the commencement.

According to him, the NIEP-SIP will serve as a guiding blueprint for Nigeria’s energy development, addressing areas such as rural electrification, public-private partnerships for universal electricity access.

‘Power-source specific policies, bulk power purchase, and management of local distribution in rural areas, among other pertinent aspects as directed by the Federal Government.

‘In alignment with this legal mandate, the ministry of power has initiated the development of the NIEP-SIP, as required by EA-2023, aiming to address industry challenges and capitalising on opportunities identified during a comprehensive two-day retreat in December.

‘I strongly believe and hope that through this collaboration, the Federal Government will leverage the opportunity provided by this AEMP to engage with stakeholders in the sector.’

The minister added that the collaboration would also
facilitate the realisation of the goals of the mandate of section Three of the Electricity Act, 2023.

Mr Lamin Barrow, Director-General, Nigeria Country Department, AfDB said that the event was timely, coming in the wake of the ongoing rollout of the 2023 Electricity Act.

Barrow said the event also provided a unique opportunity to contribute to the preparation of the National Integrated Electricity Policy and Strategic Implementation Plan (NIEP-SIP), in line with the requirements of the new Electricity Act.

‘As part of the AEMP, several technical sessions were held virtually that generated a raft of recommendations across key areas, including recapitalisation of the Nigerian Electricity Supply Industry (NESI).

‘Reform of the National Wholesale Electricity Market, operationalisation of State-level electricity markets, accelerating Universal Access, promoting a Just Energy Transition, enhancing human capital and national content development.

‘We wish to commend the experts for their contributions at these
technical sessions and urge participants to share their insights and experience in the two-day sessions to inform the action place emanating from the Eight AEMP,’ he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Ensure justice prevails, CSOs urge Imo Election Tribunal

Eight South-East based Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) have urged the judiciary to use the upcoming judgement of the 2023 Imo Governorship Election Petition Tribunal to deliver justice to the people who felt shortchanged in the election.

The call is contained in a communique signed by the CSOs, made available to newsmen after their meeting in Owerri on Friday, as the tribunal prepares to deliver judgement.

The CSOs said the judiciary should use the upcoming judgement to redeem its image and to remain steadfast and loyal to the constitution.

‘We hope that the actions or inactions of some people will not put the nation’s judiciary under global scrutiny,’ the CSOs said in the communique.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Gov. Hope Uzodinma was returned by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), a declaration that was vigorously disputed by the opposition political parties in the state.

The candidates in the forefront of the election petitions are Senators Athan Achonu and Samue
l Anyanwu of the Labour Party and Peoples Democratic Party respectively.

‘For the 2023 Imo State governorship elections, all eyes are once again on the Judiciary. What judgment will they deliver? Will it be a judgment that will reflect the wishes of the people or the wishes of the politicians?

‘Will it be a judgment that will reinstate electoral law, election guideline and the constitution as supreme in elections or the affirmation of only the interpretations of tribunal judges?,’ they asked.

The CSOs decried the excruciating economic hardship faced by Nigerians, noting that the outcome of the Imo tribunal judgment would either provide succour or worsen the agony of Imo people and the southeast in general.

They urged the judiciary not to adopt the use of technicalities to undermine the alleged injustice served on ‘Ndi Imo’ during the 2023 governorship poll.

‘All over the world, election cases are easier to determine because the election laws are very clear but in Nigeria, even when infractions are very g
laring, some tribunals tend to rely on technicalities and look the other way.

‘In fact, commentators have concluded that it is judiciary that now votes in representatives into political offices in place of the citizens who own the sole right of determining who represents them.

‘Nigeria and Nigerians are bleeding to the point of death and the only succour they need now is justice whose colors lie in the determination of who actually won the election.

‘The judiciary should also determine whether it was free, fair and credible; nothing should be added or removed,’ they said.

They, however, insisted that Nigerians must hold the tribunal judges accountable as they prepare their judgement.

‘Time has come to hold judges accountable for every judgment they pronounce.

‘This is because in 2020, a Justice of the Supreme court warned the apex court that any judgment they delivered, which is considered a miscarriage of justice, will hunt electoral jurisprudence for a long time.

‘Instead of hunting only electoral ju
risprudence, it has also been hunting Imo citizens since over four years’.

Led by the South-East Social Accountability Network and Democracy and Development Coalition, the CSOs warned that electoral malfeasance and compromised judgement can fuel social unrest and add to the misery faced by citizens.

They also said that a betrayal of public confidence and erosion of the rule of law can result to unimaginable consequences.

‘When people perceive that election courts are not delivering fair outcomes, they may lose remaining confidence in the judiciary’s ability to uphold the rule of law and protect their rights thus resorting to anarchy and self-help during elections.

‘The rule of law is based on the principle that laws are applied equally and impartially to all individuals.

‘When courts fail to deliver just outcomes, it undermines this principle, leading to a weakening of the rule of law and potentially paving the way for deepening of arbitrary or discriminatory practices.

‘Injustice can fuel social unrest
and discontent, particularly among marginalised or disenfranchised groups who feel that they are not receiving equal treatment under the law; this can manifest in protests, demonstrations or other forms of civil disobedience.

‘When court decisions are perceived as unjust, it can undermine the legitimacy of judicial institutions and the broader legal framework; this, in turn, can weaken the authority of the judiciary and other institutions responsible for administering justice.

‘Injustice may lead to an increase in litigation as aggrieved parties seek to challenge unfair rulings or seek redress through the legal system. This can result in a backlog of cases and further strain on judicial resources.’

The CSOs added that lack of justice can deter investment and economic growth by creating uncertainty and instability.

‘Businesses may be reluctant to operate in environments where the legal system is perceived as arbitrary or corrupt,’ the communique added.

The document was signed by Mr Emmanuel Acha, of The S
outh-East Social Accountability Network (SESAN ); Mrs Onyenoha Nnenna of Citizens Centre For Integrated Development and Social Rights as well as Nnaemeka Onyejiuwa of the Democracy and Development Vanguards.

Others who signed were Chibundu Uchegbu of Better Community Life Initiative; Victor Koreyo of Abraham’s Children Foundation, Ebonyi and Mr Nelson Nwafor of the Foundation For Environmental Rights, Advocacy and Development (FENRAD), Aba in Abia.

Also Mr Okoye Peter of the Centre for Human Rights Advocacy and Wholesome Society (CEHRAWS), Enugu as well as Amb. Peggy Chukwuemeka of the Parent Child Intervention Centre (PCIC), Enugu, signed the communique.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

National museum, others digitalise Nigerian heritage sites for preservation

The National Commission for Museums and Monuments (NCMM), Lagos office, on Thursday unveiled digitalised documentaries of Nigerian heritage sites.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the project was unanimously carried out by NCMM, Institut Français de Recherche en Afrique (INFRA-Nigeria) and the Centre for Democracy and Development (CDD).

Speaking during the unveiling, at the National Museum, Onikan, Dr Babrabra Morovich, Director of INFRA-Nigeria, said that the digitised heritage sites cut across monuments and artefacts from Ibadan, Benin and Ile-Ife.

She said the challenges encountered in the course of the project had to do with disseminating the research work to all Nigerians, adding that this was the most important aspect of the project.

Morovich said the benefit of the project was directed at the public who had been provided with a platform for easy understanding of what heritage meant.

‘We collaborated with CDD on this project and we have worked on digitalising heritage sites and archiv
al materials in Ile-Ife, Ibadan and Benin, for the purpose of preserving them for the future,’ she said.

Also speaking, Dr Sa’eed Husaini, Acting Director, CDD, said the primary purpose of the project was to preserve materials that were potentially endangered and to disseminate those materials as well as render them accessible for all.

Husaini said the project was in six components and each currently had at least one website for the public to access information and archival materials that had been digitised and uploaded.

According to him, the public could now visit those sites and download their desired materials.

‘The findings and entire work done by various researchers and archeologists are extremely fascinating.

‘The project has run for two years now and we are now opportuned to engage with the materials provided to bring them to a new audience in a new generation, this is one that I cherish,’ he said.

One of those engaged in the project, David Afolayan, Chief Executive Officer of GIS Konsult Ltd., i
dentified emerging problems he came across in the course of executing the project.

Afolayan said climate change posed serious threat to most heritage sites across the nation, citing example of the town of a thousand gullies in Auchi, Edo, and series of floods at heritage sites within Ibadan.

He added that the analogue way of record-keeping had become obsolete and inadequate, making him embrace new technologies for the project.

Afolayan said in digitalising the religious architectural heritage of Ibadan and urban archeology mapping of the pavements of Ile-Ife, he had engaged the Geographic Information system (GIS) as the best technological platform.

According to him, GIS integrates computer hardwares, softwares and humanwares for collating, processing, analysing and displaying geographically referenced data to solve complex problems.

He said in the course of the project, he had trained no fewer than 100 researchers, students and stakeholders.

‘In the course of this, we have developed Ibadan religious her
itage map, Ifa pavement archeology map, digitalisation of Ibadan religious heritage and photogrammetry and video game applications of heritage sites in 3D models,’ he said.

Also, Femi Olanrewaju, an architect, noted that no fewer than 137 churches, I42 mosques and 127 shrines had been digitalised as well as two Egungun festivals, to provide resourceful materials for all.

This, he said, was to encourage promotion of religious tourism in Nigeria.

Mrs Nkechi Adedeji, Curator of the Lagos Museum, harped on the need for heritage conservators to be well informed in the area of heritage preservation, using the GIS.

She encouraged them to consistently come up with laudable ideas to protect the nation’s heritage resources for future generations.

Prof. Adisa Ogunfola of Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), advised on building of a digital interpretation centre for all the urban archaeological heritages of Ile-Ife, in partnership with the National Museum, Ile-Ife.

He said the successful medieval Ile-Ife recapturing h
ad ensured future security for all.

‘With the project, we have been able to secure the captured medieval Ile-Ife for posterity against the possible blotting out of its traces by pending urbanisation,’ Ogunfola said. (NAN)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Aeroport launches new courses to boost capacity in aviation

An aviation institute, Aeroport College of Aviation and Travel Management (ACATM), has introduced additional three professional courses to boost manpower development in the sector.

The Chief Executive Officer of the institute, Dr Oludayo Taiwo, made this known in a statement on Friday in Lagos.

He listed the additional courses as Aviation Management, Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO) course and Drone Piloting.

Taiwo explained that the additional three specialised aviation courses were expected to have a value chain curriculum that would help the aviation and travel sector to produce professional workforce.

He said that the courses would provide opportunities for students interested in building a career in the travel and aviation industry.

According to him, the college has experts in the field to start training.

Giving an overview of the HLO course, Taiwo said that the course was designed to equip students with the basic skills required to perform the role of an offshore helicopter landing officer.

He s
aid that theoretical knowledge would be balanced with practical training.

‘Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO) can pursue exciting careers in various sectors, including offshore oil and gas, search and rescue operations and executive transport. (NAN) (nannews.ng)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria