NAF@60: NAFOWA empowers 150 women with skills

The National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) says it plans to reposition Nigeria’s technology ecosystem to emerge as a global digital talent power house.

NITDA Director-General, Malam Kashifu Inuwa, said this on Wednesday in Abuja at a media parley with the theme ‘Exceptional Media Relations, Strengthening Bonds Beyond Headlines’.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the media parley was organised to discuss NITDA’s Strategic Roadmap and Action Plan for 2024-2027.

Inuwa said the roadmap was designed in line with President Bola Tinubu’s eight priority areas targeted at diversifying the nation’s economy.

He added that the Federal Ministry of Communications and Digital Economy also rolled out five strategic objectives to achieve development in the IT sector.

The NITDA boss said the agency crafted the eight pillars Strategic Roadmap and Action Plan as a comprehensive document that reflected commitment to uplifting Nigeria to a premier status in the global digital economy.

He said
this would be done by harnessing the potential of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Inuwa said the agency had also developed the National Digital Literacy Framework in line with the first pillar, which was aimed at fostering digital literacy and cultivation of talents.

According to him, the framework has an ambitious target of achieving 95 per cent digital literacy by 2030, and that can make us surpass India in technology, among other initiatives.

‘We are working with the Ministry of Education to review the curriculum across the formal education, from nursery to university so that we can infuse digital literacy in our formal education.

‘By doing that, we can empower Nigerians to have digital skills before graduating.

‘We are also conceptualising other initiatives which include the Digital Literacy for All Initiative which will be unveiled soon,’ director-general said.

He added that the initiative would ensure Nigerians were educated on IT outside the formal education and have access to quality digital c

‘This can help them have the knowledge to navigate around digital technology and digital economy.

‘The talents and digital literacy are quick wins and can easily create value for our citizens, but for the future, we need to invest heavily in research.’

The director-general said that apart from digital literacy, the agency was working to ensure digital sovereignty, to develop all digital innovation in the country.

‘We conducted skills gap assessment to identify skills in high demand locally and globally, and based on that, we have identified 12 tech skills in high demand and we used that to design three million tech talent initiative.

‘The initiative is to train three million Nigerians on those 12 identified tech talents in high demand.

‘The idea is that when we train them, some will be able to serve local market and some leave Nigeria to get job somewhere for brain export not brain drain,’ Inuwa said.

He recalled that India started brain export about 20 years ago, adding that’ presently, almost
25 per cent of sea level executives in big technology companies are Indians and they have dominated the global technology ecosystem.

‘Nigeria can do same because we have even more competitive advantage than India. We have the population, better accent, better time zone and if we position ourselves, we can beat India in technology.’

The NITDA boss added that the agency had a mid-term target of achieving 70 per cent digital literacy by 2027.

He said that the strategic plan intended to position Nigeria as a digitally inclined nation in line with the ‘Renewed Hope Agenda’ of the present administration.

He added that IT was an enabler that would ensure development in other sectors.

He said the pillars of the strategic plan included building a robust technology research ecosystem, strengthening policy implementation and legal frameworks as well as promotion of inclusive access to digital infrastructure and services.

‘Others are strengthening cybersecurity and enhancing digital trust, nurturing an innovative a
nd entrepreneurial ecosystem, forging strategic partnerships and collaborations, as well as cultivating a vibrant organisational culture and an agile workforce in NITDA.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Northern Governors’ wives partner NGO to fight drug abuse

The Forum of the 19 Northern States Governors’ Wives has endorsed the Drug Prevention, Treatment, and Care strategy of the Re-Orientation Advocacy of Nigeria (RAN).

Mr Charles Folayan, Executive Director of RAN, announced this while speaking with newsmen in Abuja on Thursday.

He stated that the partnership followed the Northern Governors Wives Forum stakeholders’ meeting on Substance Abuse, held in Gombe on May 14 at the Government House.

Folayan mentioned that RAN presented on the successes and aspirations of the organisation in their efforts to prevent drug abuse, particularly in the 19 Northern states.

Folayan said that the Chairperson of the Forum, Hajia Asmau Inuwa-Yahaya called on all stakeholders and well-meaning Nigerians to support their efforts on rehabilitation and reintegration of people with drug use disorder.

Folayan called for treatment and care of victims of drugs, adding that RAN focuses on the wives of the Governor in the region to end drug abuse.

He said RAN is currently working with
two of the governor’s wives in the region.

The director said that RAN is seeking the involvement of others in the establishment of modern social and rehabilitation centres in their various states.

According to him, some of the Governor’s wives who responded to the partnership proposal of RAN, agreed on the need to step up prevention and treatment programmes in Nigeria.

‘They expressed their acceptance to work with RAN and their partners on the project.

‘RAN earlier in the year entered into partnership with Annmom Foundation USA, and formed a joint task with the Federal Ministry of Health and the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency on drug prevention

He said the organisation is also in partnership with the Nigeria Police Force and other relevant government agencies, on drug prevention, treatment and care programmes.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

2024 World Hypertension Day: NGO raises awareness on HIV-hypertension link

APIN Public Health Initiatives, an NGO, says there is need to create awareness on the link between HIV and hypertension.

Dr Abiodun Isah, Technical Officer, Clinical Services, APIN, spoke with newsmen on Thursday in Abuja in commemoration of the World 2024 World Hypertension Day.

Isah highlighted the increased risk of non-communicable disease complications associated with HIV.

He said there was need to integrate HIV and non-communicable disease services to improve care for those living with HIV.

According to him, early detection and proactive management will mitigate the adverse health outcomes of hypertension and HIV/AIDS.

‘Regular blood pressure monitoring is a critical component of HIV management because of the impact of factors like diet and lifestyle on blood pressure levels.”

Isah said that as Nigeria battled with the dual burden of HIV/AIDS and hypertension, the integration of care for both conditions emerged as a pressing need.

He highlighted the importance of expanding access to healthcare se
rvices for the effective management of chronic diseases, acknowledging the limitations of a healthcare system primarily structured for acute infections.

‘With a significant number of people living with HIV in APIN’s care experiencing Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) such as hypertension, diabetes, renal diseases, cervical cancer, and mental health issues, we are strengthening the HIV-NCD service integration programme.

‘Currently supporting 308,497 active people living with HIV across 423 health facilities in Nigeria, APIN aims to address the interconnected health challenges faced by this population.”

Isah said the impact of HIV infection on the cardiovascular system underscored its potential to heighten susceptibility to hypertension-induced end-organ damage, including cerebrovascular accidents (stroke), nephropathy (kidney damage) and myocardial infarction.

He said there was significant risk factor associated with hypertension among people living with HIV and how it could contribute to challenges in HIV
drug therapy, adherence, morbidity and mortality.

‘Despite advancements in HIV treatment, disparities persist in monitoring and managing cardiovascular risk factors among individuals with HIV.

‘Challenges to adequate care include fragmented healthcare systems, limited awareness of cardiovascular risks, and prevailing socio-economic factors.”

He said that APIN was committed to continuously monitoring and evaluating the integration of HIV and NCD services to ensure the delivery of high-quality care.

‘As APIN expands its HIV-NCD integration programme across supported health facilities and states in Nigeria, individuals living with HIV can expect improved access to comprehensive care that prioritises their overall well-being.

‘This initiative demonstrates APIN’s dedication to promoting health equity and enhancing the quality of life for people living with HIV in Nigeria and beyond,’ he said.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the World Hypertension Day is observed on May 17 annually.

The theme
for this year’s commemoration is ‘Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer!”

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Paying tax not burden, but investment in collective future- Expert

Paying taxes should not be a burden but an investment to collective future, Mr Abdul-Kabir Opeyemi, an expert on Taxation and Revenue, said on Wednesday.

Opeyemi, Special Adviser on Taxation and Revenue to Lagos State Governor, Mr Babajide Sanwo-Olu, made the assertion in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja.

He emphasised the need to make the country’s tax system more transparent and accountable to Nigerians to boost confidence and voluntary compliance.

He said that Nigeria needed a tax system that incentivised investment, job creation, and economic diversification.

According to him, we should not see paying of taxes as a burden and stress, rather we should see it as an investment or contribution to our collective future.

‘I want to use the opportunity to encourage our people to contribute their quota in order to assist the government to fulfill their developmental goals as promised.

‘We want to take tax system to the next level, by investing heavily on infrastructure and sustain
ing the autonomy of Lagos internal revenue service.

‘We also want to ensure that we deepen the technology used in monitoring revenue collection from all sources.

‘An example is, integrating all revenue in generating unit which we call Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDAs) into sharing data, intelligence and the likes,’ he said.

Opeyemi said that the efforts would make the revenue a great deal as well as supporting the government to achieve its goals.

He said that the state was trying to widen the tax length to accommodate people that were not hitherto in the tax length before now.

He encouraged the taxpayers to have a change of mindset, adding that taxes play crucial role in building a better Nigeria and for generations to come.

‘Tax payers need to see that their contributions are being used effectively for public services and infrastructural development.

‘We are doing very well. We have doubled our revenue and are moving closer to our target,’ he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Administrator urges proper upbringing of male children

Mr Larry Odeh, a school administrator, has underscored the need for proper upbringing of male children to ensure moral uprightness in society.

Odeh, Head of Administration, VineCare Schools, gave the advice during the commemoration of the International Day of the Boy Child, organised by the school on Thursday in Abuja.

The Day often celebrated on May 16 yearly was founded by Dr Jerome Teelucksingh, a university lecturer from the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, in 2018.

The celebration seeks to focus on the promotion of the well-being of the male child, particularly their need to feel happy, healthy and valued within family, and community.

He explained that the proper upbringing of male children was crucial to ensuring a healthy and functional society in the future.

‘Today is a day where you need to remind boys of how special they are and how useful they are to society.

‘This is because without proper mentoring of boys to ensure moral uprightness, we will have a dysfunctional society.

‘The more reason
we need to remind them of their potential and worth, have a sense of belonging so they can grow up to be more humane and imbibe good morals, as well as ensure a better society in future.’

Odeh reiterated the day was not intended to relegate or neglect the girl child, but to celebrate the boy child as the girl child was also celebrated globally.

Mr Raphael Odanaogun, Head of School (Academics), said the school decided to celebrate the boy child because the management recognised the importance of children.

‘It is our responsibility to celebrate the boy child today, because internationally today is boy child day and we value them so much, and we want them to know they are valued.

‘It is also to let them know they need to be responsible and accountable to have a better brighter future.

‘We want them to understand how valuable they are and the need for them to grow with a sense of value.

‘This is to help them become responsible and grow up to become what is morally expected of them in the society.’

Mr Chib
uzor Akubuike, a parent, emphasised the need for boys to be God-fearing, disciplined, and respectful, saying male children should be taught to express themselves.

Akubuike restated that boys should be taught to study hard to improve their grades in school, live healthily, and imbibe gratitude as a lifestyle.

Mr Bishop Adamu-Chitumu, a parent, told the boys to imbibe the qualities of their superheroes.

‘The essence of the celebration is to encourage proper upbringing of male children to enable them to become superheroes, imbibe good morals, and become professional as doctors, nurses, teachers, pilots, policemen and engineers.

‘To build the character of the male child to be kind, strong, brave and disciplined,’ he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Effective regulation needed for CNG conversion workshops- automotive council

The National Automotive Design and Development Council (NADDC), says there is a need for proper regulation of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) conversion to provide safe CNG vehicles.

Joseph Osanipin, the Director-General, NADDC, said this at a Stakeholders Engagement Meeting on Accreditation of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Powered Vehicle Conversion Workshops in Nigeria on Wednesday in Abuja.

Osanipin, represented by Dr Fidelis Achiv, the Director, Research, Design and Development, NADDC, said according to Autogas Africa, there are over 120 CNG conversion centres with 466 skilled technicians operating across the country.

He said these workshops had a capacity to convert a minimum of two petrol vehicles to CNG per day, indicating that CNG conversion was increasingly gaining acceptance and the market was expanding in the country.

‘These CNG conversion centres are unregulated, which raises safety concerns on the standards and code of practice used in the conversion.

‘ The market expansion, safety concerns and
unregulated conversion centres have necessitated the council to roll out programmes to standardise CNG conversion centres.

‘Also to upgrade skills development through training of auto technicians on conversion, repair and maintenance of CNG vehicles.

‘The workshop aims to enlighten stakeholders on the developed council’s guidelines and requirements for the accreditation and certification of all workshops that are interested in undertaking CNG conversion.’

Osanipin said the accreditation and certification would ensure that workshops operated in compliance with workplace best practices and standards.

‘The guidelines and expression of interest form will be available online through the council’s website, therefore, it is required that all CNG workshops should apply for the accreditation and certification,’ he said.

Achiv, who spoke on the sidelines, said the council was ensuring compliance by the CNG conversion workshops.

‘We are going to go round the workshops to ensure the minimum requirements are met and
for those who do not meet the requirement we will not accredit their workshop for conversion.

‘If on their own they go ahead to do any conversion, the conversion will not be reckoned with and when they go to get CNG gas in any station they will not be served.

‘After the conversion, they are going to be given a QR code which will go with every vehicle they have converted. It is that QR code that will be used to serve them gas in the gas stations.

‘So if they do not meet the minimum requirement, they will not be served at the stations.’

He said a workshop was expected to have four personnel which include a mechanic, welder, auto electrician and an ICT personnel before it could be accredited.

Achiv said the council proposed a registration fee of N250,000 to be paid by the CNG converters, saying this would wade off converters who would want to circumvent the conversion process.

Zayganu Tobo, the Programme Coordinator, Regulatory Compliance and Facilitation, Presidential CNG Initiative (PCNGI) said the initi
ative was a bold and decisive programme that was strategic and realisable

‘By 2027, we anticipate one million vehicles running on CNG. We hope in four to five years, we will have 11,000 different CNG platforms and infrastructure.

‘We anticipate 25,000 technicians and allied professionals will be trained and three billion dollars of investment with multiple effects on our economy will be realised in four to five years.’

Tobo said a CNG app would be inaugurated to help people identify CNG infrastructure, and conversion centres closest to them.

Chukwunonso Okeke, the Director General, Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON), said SON had 82 standards that guide the standards of CNG conversion in Nigeria.

Okeke, represented by Ega Ijachi, the Group Head, Mechanical and LPG, said the standards had been achieved by working with different stakeholders.

‘Out of the 82 standards, 28 are strictly on the conversion kits and these standards state the safety requirements of these kits. For example, the cylinders hav
e to go through 18 tests before they can be used.

‘CNG is safe for use, and SON is poised to ensure quality assurance of the kits used for the conversion, he said.

Ramalan Yerima, the Assistant Corps Marshal, Corps Safety Engineering Officer, Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), said the corps’ role was to enforce the standards and enforce the usage of CNG when the time comes.

Yerima said the FRSC would continue to work with SON to ensure standards of CNG conversion were met.

Mr Simon Agenyi, the Director, Procurement, Federal Ministry of Finance, encouraged all participants to support NADDC in ensuring the CNG conversion becomes a reality.

Agenyi, Represented by Adigwe Ebube, Chief Procurement Officer, said the conversion to CNG would improve the welfare and lives of Nigerians as he pledged the ministry’s support to the mission.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

FG assures better life for senior citizens

The Federal Government has promised to provide effective social care system to about 16.8 million aged population in the country.

The Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation Dr Abel Enitan, made the promise on Wednesday during the unveiling of the Older Persons’ Social Care in Nigeria.

The event with the theme: ‘Geriatric Social Care and Value Chain: A Case for Social Investment in Abuja’ was organised by the National Senior Citizens Centre (NSCC).

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the event featured the inauguration and certification of 20 healthcare institutions across some states which will serve as older persons care centres in the country.

Represented by Mrs Agnes Aneke, the Director, Special Duties in the Ministry, Enitan said that the aged population was estimated to be more than 16.8 million by the year 2025.

Enitan explained that government was working towards developing effective policy guidelines on ageing, to address some of the challe
nges associated with the population in the country.

He said, the growing number of ageing population in the country remained a source of concern to government.

‘It is essential to note that older persons population in Nigeria is estimated to reach more than 16.8 million by the year 2025 with an increasing incidence and prevalence of multiple and chronic health conditions.

”These conditions, indeed, require new ways to address them’ he said.

On her part, the Director-General, National Senior Citizens Centre (NSCC) Dr Emem Omokaro, said, the national action plan on ageing had developed a well-paid skilled workforce for geriatric social care sector.

‘We are gathered here today to witness the foundation laying of what would be a journey to building an expansive Older Persons Social Care Quality Assurance System which is the bedrock of a very multi-dimensional care industry.

‘This development aims to ensure that the care workforce has the knowledge, skills and competencies to enable the workers to practice
older-person centered care.

‘It is also to build a paid quality social care workforce to ensure reduction of negative stereotypes about care giving to older people.

‘This is in line with the job creation, improved productivity and inclusion in line with the deliverables of President Bola Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda’ she said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

NSE confers fellowship on 63 engineers

The Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), has conferred its fellowship on 63 engineers across various sectors in Nigeria.

Its President, Margaret Oguntala, conferred the fellowship on them at the Society’s Special Dinner on Wednesday in Abuja.

Oguntala, in a remark, said that the conferees had made exceptional contributions to the field of engineering, and urged them to continue to adhere to the codes and ethics of the profession.

She said they had been at the forefront in the drive for progress and development across various sectors including infrastructure, energy, healthcare, information technology, among others.

She also said they had overcome challenges and pioneered solutions with their unwavering commitment to excellence, tireless pursuit of knowledge and dedication to the advancement of the profession.

‘Each fellow being conferred represents the epitome of engineering excellence and serves as an inspiration to us all.

‘As we celebrate, we must acknowledge the challenges that lie ahead. The world
is evolving at an unprecedented pace driven by technological advancements and societal changes.

‘As engineers, it is our responsibility to adapt to these changes, to embrace innovation and to continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible.’

Oguntala called on the conferees to remain steadfast in NSE’s commitment to promoting diversity and inclusivity within the profession.

According to her, engineering is a collaborative endeavour that thrives on the contributions of individuals from diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

‘By fostering an environment that values and respects diversity, we not only enrich our profession, but also ensure that our solutions are equitable and sustainable.

‘Undoubtedly, the expectations of NSE and the larger society from our honourable conferees are high, with regards to the strict adherence to professional codes and ethics.’

Oguntala said the NSE reserved the right to revoke and withdraw the Fellowship certificate of any member enmeshed in breaches, if such breaches ar
e brought to the notice of the NSE.

She added that the conferment of fellowship was an opportunity to be of greater service to NSE by supporting its projects and programmes and providing mentorship to our young engineers.

She charged them to continue to prove themselves as worthy ambassadors of the NSE.

Also speaking, the Chairman, Board of Fellows, Kamila Maliki, congratulated the conferees for their exceptional and extraordinary prowess in the engineering field.

Maliki said that the conferment of the fellowship by NSE represented the pinnacle of achievement for any engineer, and urged them to use their ideas to contribute to the infrastructure and economic development of Nigeria.

Responding on behalf of the conferees, James Arukhe commended the NSE for counting them worthy of the fellowship.

Arukhe said that engineers held the keys to driving the society forward through innovative solutions.

He pledged the commitment of the conferees towards upholding the highest standards of ethics and integrity of
the profession.

‘There will be no need to withdraw the fellowship from any of us; no form of wrong doing shall be found among us,’ he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Commission urges NASS to establish Disability Trust Fund

The National Commission for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) has appealed to the National Assembly to pass the Bill for the establishment of Disability Trust Fund before it.

The Executive Secretary, Dr James Lalu, made the appeal at a two-day sensitisation of stakeholders on Disability Accessibility Regulations, in Abuja on Wednesday.

The event was organised by the NCPWD, in collaboration with the Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Programme.

Lalu explained that the fund, if established, would enable the commission to implement disability-inclusive programmes and interventions to leave no one behind.

He added that the fund would also enable the commission to support states that were yet to domesticate the Discrimination Against Persons with Disability (prohibition) Act, 2018, to do so.

He also said that the Act, if domesticated across the states, would also make provisions for the Disability Trust Fund at the state level.

This, according to him, will encourage the states to implement their peculiar disabi
lity inclusive programmes, especially the enforcement of disability accessibility regulations.

‘Most of the states have domesticated the disability law. Some even established agencies for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs), but ensuring disability inclusion and accessibility for PwDs is capital intensive.

‘In fact, some states have established disability institutions, but our interest in the disability trust fund is to raise funds to support states that are yet to domesticate the Act to do so,’ he said.

In her remarks, Ms Brisca Aaron, the Executive Secretary, Bauchi State Agency for the Disabled Persons, pointed out that the state had already domesticated the disability prohibition act.

Aaron added that the state government had equally implemented the five percent employment quota for PwDs and commenced enforcement of the accessibility law.

According to her, the law was designed to ensures PwDs’ access to public infrastructure in the state.

Also speaking, Mr Monu El-Dad, Chairman, Abia State Commission f
or the Welfare of Persons with Disabilities, reiterated the state government’s commitment to strengthen partnerships with stakeholders to advance the course of PwDs in the state.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

More revenue will be generated from gas businesses – Kyari

The Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPC Ltd.), says the country’s gas sector is now well positioned to help businesses in the country generate more revenue.

The Group Chief Executive Officer, NNPC Ltd., Mele Kyari, said this when he spoke with newsmen on Wednesday in Owerri.

He spoke on the sidelines of the presidential inauguration of three critical gas infrastructure in Delta and Owerri.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that President Bola Tinubu inaugurated the ANOH-OB3 CTMS gas pipeline and ANOH gas processing plant in Assa, Ohaji/Egbema in Imo.

Tinubu also inaugurated the expansion of the AHL gas processing plant 2 gas project in Kwale in Delta.

The projects are being undertaken by NNPC Ltd. and partners in line with Tinubu’s commitment to significantly leverage gas to grow the economy.

According to Kyari, the Tinubu-led administration is ensuring a conducive environment for businesses to thrive in the country.

‘There’s ample fiscal environment today. The laws are good. It en
courages gas development and taxation is lower. Businesses can make more money from gas in this country.

‘And that is why we are seeing renewed interest in taking investments in the floating Liquefied Natural Gas (LNGs) that is already happening.

‘We are already progressing massively on one other LNG product, and there are a number of other floating LNG projects that are now ongoing,’ he said.

According to Kyari, the inauguration of the various infrastructure is an evidence of a gas revolution in play.

‘what this means to our country is that enormous resources are being put into domestic market.

‘It will provide gas for power, gas for industries, gas to chemicals and to the value chain.

‘It will create jobs and everything that you can imagine of a typical gas countries should benefit from.

‘And this is becoming very apparent because you do need the backbone infrastructure to deliver on all this. And this is what Mr President has pushed, and we are delivering on them.’

Kyari said the speedy realisatio
n of the gas projects was proof that Nigeria could transform its gas resources into value.

‘And we are already seeing this value. And I believe that in the very near future, the prosperity from gas will become very much.

‘As the president has said, from gas to prosperity, and this is very important,’ he said.

Earlier, the Managing Director of AHL, Mohit Barot, commended the president in his effort towards revitalising the gas sector and boosting the business environment in the country.

‘We from the private sector look forward to contributing more significantly to the nation’s economy by providing more jobs, advancing technology in our sector and ensuring exemplary citizenship.

‘We will continue to ensure environmental sustainability and economic resilience. And I thank you for your leadership and support,’ Barot said.

Also, Sen. Udo Udoma, the Chairman of Seplat, reiterated the company’s commitment towards supporting the government’s drive for industrialisation and economic growth.

‘The plant being ina
ugurated is a clear example of what can be achieved through an effective collaboration.

‘This project aligns with Seplat’s mission of leading Nigeria’s energy transition with accessible, affordable and reliable energy for social and economic prosperity,’ he said.

NAN reports that the event was attended by senior government officials, partners and stakeholders in the sector.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria