Three teacher unions call on gov’t to pay allowances

Three teacher unions within the Western and Western North regions are calling on the government to pay the four agreed allowances, with immediate effect, to give their members some socio-economic relief.

They said the last two years had been tortuous to the Ghanaian teacher, ‘with no ray of hope and relief from their employer’.

The unions, comprising: GNAT, NAGRAT, and the Coalition of Concerned Teachers- Ghana, have, therefore, given the Government up to Monday, May 13, to honour its promises or the ‘leadership will be called to act immediately’.

Mr Peter Obeng Nyamekye, the Western Regional Chairman of the Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT), told the media that government had failed to implement negotiation agreements since 2019.

‘We were looking at 15 areas of allowances but government agreed to pay only four,’ he said.

These are the Deprived Area Allowance, Extra Assessments Allowance, Book/Data/online Teaching Allowance, and the Upward Adjustment of the Continuous Professional Development

Mr Nyamekye said members had been in a very tight position with little or no economic and social peace and well-being …owing to government’s continued failure to implement or fulfill its promises.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Inter-agency collaboration critical in protection of oil assets – Stakeholders

Stakeholders in the security sector on Friday in Abuja, stressed the need for inter-agency collaboration in the protection of Nigeria’s crude oil and gas assets.

The stakeholders spoke as discussants at the two-day 13th National Security Seminar, organised by the Alumni Association of the National Defence College.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the seminar which commenced on Thursday, had as its theme ‘Curbing Oil Theft and Illegal Crude Oil Refining in Nigeria’.

Speaking on the topic, ‘Protection of Critical Oil and Gas Infrastructure in Nigeria: Issues and challenges’, the discussants were unanimous in calling for joint action and collaboration of security agencies in protecting crude oil and gas resources and other national assets.

NAN reports that the lecture was delivered by Dr Benito Eze, an Assistant Commandant General, Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps.

According to AVM Sayo Olatunde, one of the discussants, there is need for collaboration and jointness in operations to effe
ctively safeguard the resources.

He identified bad governance, abject poverty and unemployment as some of the root causes of attacks on the oil and gas assets in the country.

Mr Kamoru Busari, another discussant from the Ministry of Petroleum Resources, said that community-based security outfits should be deployed in protecting oil assets because of their knowledge of the terrain.

Busari said this would eliminate strife from local communities and vandalism of oil infrastructure.

He also recommended the use of technology to reduce person-to-person interface, and the utilisation of hydrocarbon fingerprinting in tracing the origin of crude oil products.

Also, Prof. A.O Ahmed, Provost CSRS NDC, said poverty and hunger have contributed to the damages being recorded of oil and gas facilities.

He added that the degradation of the environment due to exploration activities and oil spills has deprived communities of access to their traditional methods of livelihood.

According to him, this has led to hunger and d
rug abuse among youths in oil producing communities.

‘There is therefore the need to tackle poverty and other factors if we are serious about protecting our crude oil and gas and other national assets,’ he added.

Earlier, Eze in his lecture said that protection of oil and gas infrastructure was necessary, just as the safeguarding of communities from man-made and natural disasters.

He said the government should deploy special equipment, and create a forum to ensure unlimited cooperation with locals.

Eze also said there should be a robust framework for arrests, investigation and prosecution, as well as coordination and synergy among security agencies.

He recommended collaboration among relevant formal and private security agencies, including the armed forces and intelligence services to stem crude oil theft.

According to him, there should also be improved relationships between oil producing communities and International Oil Companies to protect oil and gas assets in the country.

Source: News Agency of N

LASG equips 1,400 prospective retirees for seamless retirement

The Lagos State Government has equipped over 1,400 prospective retirees with the necessary knowledge and information to navigate their retirement processes seamlessly.

Mr Bode Agoro, Head of Service (HoS), Lagos Sate Government, said this at the 26th Retirement Documentation seminar for prospective retirees of the state public service, organised by the Lagos Pension Commission (LASPEC) on Friday in Lagos.

The News Agency of Nigeria(NAN) reports that the prospective retirees were those due for retirement between July and December.

Agoro, represented by Mr Abdulrafiu Fasola, Secretary, Lagos State Housing Board, said that the seminar was a crucial step to transition to a well deserved and fulfilling retirement after years of dedicated service.

He implored the prospective retirees to quicken the process of their clearance from the appropriate Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), to ease further processing of their retirement benefits by LASPEC.

The HoS noted that retirement was eminent in the life o
f any worker and that in the public service, it came as either having attained 60 years or meritorious service of 35 years.

‘Take advantage of the opportunities that will be provided by this forum, which serves as a testament in supporting you in the journey to the new chapters of your lives.

‘As you prepare to embark on the new phase of life, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for your numerous contributions; individually and collectively to the growth and development of the state.

‘I congratulate you in advance, on your successful transition into retirement and encourage you to cherish memories, celebrate your accomplishments and look forward to the new challenges that await you in retirement,’ he said.

Agoro lauded the management and staff of LASPEC for always providing helpful information and guidance to the retirees, as well as being effective in the discharge of their duties.

In his remark, Mr Afolabi Ayantayo, Commissioner for Establishments and Training, said the state government had con
tinuously prioritised the welfare and interests of pensioners in the public service.

Ayantayo noted that the state does so, by ensuring the prompt payment of pension obligations within the available limited resources.

‘Gov. Babajide Sanwo-Olu has shown his commitment to the financial freedom of retirees in the state, by ensuring the monthly payment of retirement obligations.

‘The Lagos State Government is dedicated to maintaining its leading role in the Nigerian pension industry, by its goal to promptly pay retirees’ pensions upon disengagement from the public service,’ he stated.

The commissioner charged the prospective retirees to ensure that all pertinent documentation had been submitted by their MDAs and their personnel files accurate, adding that addressing these matters after retirement may prove challenging.

‘I also wish to advise you to embrace the joy and challenges of this new phase of life. Be wary of fraudsters and seek advice from competent and reliable sources.

‘In this regard, please do n
ot hesitate to contact LASPEC or the Ministry of Establishments and Training, should you require clarifications or advice regarding the modalities surrounding your retirement benefit matters.

‘I congratulate every prospective retiree present and wish you all the best. I pray that God will give you good health to enjoy your retirement,’ he said.

Earlier in his welcome address, Mr Babalola Obilana, Director-General, LASPEC said the commission brought in experts and professionals to guide the prospective retirees through the important aspects of their retirement documentation, to help them make well-informed decisions.

Obilana stated that by planning and documenting their pre-retirement affairs meticulously, the prospective retirees were taking a significant step toward ensuring that their retirement years were successful.

He noted that retirement could be a time of immense joy and fulfillment, but could also pose challenges.

He said, ‘Retirement is not an end, but a new beginning and a time to explore pass
ions and spend quality time with loved ones.

‘It is also a time to pursue dreams that were unfulfilled during working years due to time constraints.’

NAN reports that the seminar covered a range of topics related to pre-retirement documentation, financial planning, legal considerations and healthcare, among others.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Body of Benchers’ll enforce discipline in legal profession – Awomolo

The Body of Benchers (BoB) will not fail in its duty to apply the Rules and enforce discipline no matter the status, position or rank of any legal practitioner involved.

The Body of Benchers is a statutory Body established by the Legal Practitioners Act, 1962 (as amended), Cap. L11 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.

Section 3 of the Act stipulates that the Body of Benchers is the Legal Body of Practitioners of the highest distinction in the legal profession, which shall be responsible for the formal call to the Bar of persons seeking to become legal practitioners as well as disciplining of erring lawyers.

Chairman of the BoB, Chief Adegboyega Awomolo SAN, made this known in his key-note address at the ongoing 2024 Law Week of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), Abuja Branch (Unity Bar) on Thursday in Abuja.

The law week is with theme: `Developing the Law to Attain National Stability and Development’.

He noted that corruption has reached alarming proportions in the legal profession and that the prac
tice permits both the Inner and the Outer Bars.

‘It is commonly believed that my colleagues of the Inner Bar perpetrate and involve themselves in unwholesome practices with impunity.

‘I have challenged those I read and knew their authors on social media and I am waiting for proof on any of these allegations.

‘There is need for all of us to be conversant with the Rules of Professional Conduct at the Bar published in 2023 and that are fundamental provisions that are a complete departure from all the previous Rules.

Awomolo, said that attainment of national stability and development can only be happen when the proper and the right instrumentality of the law is enacted, faithfully implemented, obeyed and enforced.

He noted that the law was only meaningful when it addresses the common goal of government of the people, by the people and for the people.

He said that Nigeria has remained stagnated, poorly governed, and underdeveloped because of a deficit in the quality of governance by the people we elected int
o political offices, and those appointed into public offices.

‘The country’s problems include a dysfunctional socio-political structure, entrenched corruption, and an unproductive economy hence there is a dispute over whether Nigeria is a failed State.

‘The late Fela Kuti’s words in his popular song ‘Suffering and Smiling’ perfectly capture the Nigerian experience, highlighting the fact that problems persist, and continue to evolve in various forms.

‘The country’s problems are not solved, but rather persisted.

‘This has led to huge economic loss, massive brain drain and high loss of majority of Nigerian’s vibrant, intellectual and active youth in what is called the ‘Japa’ Syndrome.

‘The effect of this unfortunate demographic loss in human resources manifest mostly in professional and technical sectors and industries because of the unemployment of educated and skilled youths”.

Also speaking, Senior Advocate of Nigeria, Mr Chris Uche said Nigerians had lost hope in the legal profession.

Uche, who was th
e Chairman of the event said the lecture would afford his learned brothers the opportunity to have a rethink and help the society.

‘People have lost hope in this our profession, so we want to see how our gathering today will help to give us hope as lawyers.

‘It has always been said that the judiciary is the last hope of the common man, but in recent times in this country that has become very debatable.

‘This is an opportunity as practitioners to see how we can use the law to help the society, to help the country and also to help ourselves,” he added.

He, therefore, urged participants to be in the right frame of mind, have the right spirit to consume and to receive and to impact positively on the society.

Mr Afam Okeke, the Chairman of the Unity Branch in his address of welcome said the annual event was part of providing a platform to celebrate the vital role of lawyers in our society.

‘It’s a time to reflect on our achievements, and contributions to the national discourse, and address challenges on our
way to greater impact.

‘The theme `Developing the Law to Attain National Stability and Development’ affords us the opportunity to evaluate our roles in upholding the rule of law and its impact on our society.

‘Through this theme, we will once more be reminded of our shared commitment to justice, fairness, and the protection of fundamental rights”.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Nigeria’ll continue to play strategic roles in Africa- Tinubu

President Bola Tinubu says Nigeria will continue to play strategic roles in the affairs of the African continent at all times.

Tinubu said this on Friday while receiving the letters of credence from the Ambassadors of Egypt, Pakistan and Greece in Abuja.

He said that Nigeria would continue to play its role as the stabiliser on the continent towards ensuring lasting peace and progress.

Receiving a letter of credence from the Egyptian Ambassador to Nigeria, Mohamed Ahmed, Tinubu said both countries would emphasise on global peace and stability through collaboration within international organizations, such as the UN.

The President noted that since establishing diplomatic relations in 1961, Nigeria and Egypt had collaborated on key international priorities, including promoting regional peace, security, and stability.

Acknowledging Egypt’s role towards a truce in the crisis in Gaza, Tinubu said: ”We need to do more. Stability in the region is of paramount importance.”

Ambassador Ahmed conveyed President Ab
del Fattah el-Sisi’s willingness to bolster economic partnership with Nigeria, emphasizing Egypt’s interest in increasing trade and investments between the two countries.

”We need to complement each other on investments. Many Egyptian companies are interested in coming to Nigeria to invest,” the Egyptian Ambassador said.

In discussions with retired Maj.-Gen. Sohail Khan, High Commissioner of Pakistan, Tinubu described the Ambassador’s military background as invaluable for exchanging ideas to expand security and defence cooperation.

”We must do more to stop extremists. We need to enhance our collaboration and exchange of ideas and knowledge in these areas.

”As a government, we will keep an open-door policy with countries and development partners on enhancing cooperation on security, economy, education, and the information and communication technology sector,” the President said.

The High Commissioner of Pakistan noted the demographic similarities between the two countries and expressed a desire to el
evate the relationship to new heights.

”Pakistan has the fifth largest population in the world while Nigeria is the sixth largest. We have a significant youth population, and our national flags are similar.

‘I would like to take our relationship to a new level, from strength to strength,” the High Commissioner said.

In a separate meeting with Ambassador Athanasios Kotsionis of Greece, Tinubu reiterated his administration’s commitment to an open-door policy that encouraged collaboration and progress.

He restated Nigeria’s commitment to strengthening bilateral relations with Greece and building bridges of cooperation to address common challenges.

The President assured the Greece Ambassador of Nigeria’s commitment to creating an environment conducive to socio-economic growth and development.

”Nigeria and Greece have good historic ties. We have shared priorities, including promoting democracy, and there is room to expand cooperation.

”The economic situation in Africa and Europe is still very unbalanced
. We should build on the opportunities from our challenges and strengthen relations between the two countries.

”What I expect is an improvement in the relationship between both countries, and I look forward to us working on that.

”Our government is about renewed hope. Nigeria will continue to play its role as a stabilizer on the continent,” the President said.

Kotsionis outlined Greece’s efforts to finalise agreements with Nigeria in the areas of tourism, scientific exchange, technology, and maritime.

”We are ready to sign the agreements with Nigeria as soon as they are ready.

‘There is a lot to be done between the two countries, and we will need the support of your government.

‘We hope to achieve incredible things in Nigeria during my stay,” the Ambassador said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

1st anniversary: Group rallies support for Tinubu’s administration

The Frontier for Accountability and Democracy Development (FADD) has urged Nigerians to continue to give President Bola Tinubu’s administration the needed support to succeed.

FADD is a coalition of Civil Society Organisations which has diligently followed the trajectory of service delivery of Tinubu’s administration since inception.

Mr Abdulsalam Kazeemas, FADD convener, made this call in Abuja at news conference in commemoration of Tinubu’s first anniversary.

Kazeem rated some ministers high for exceptional performance.

According to him, Tinubu has demonstrated that his government places premium priority on the felt needs of its citizen.

‘No other government stirred up the hopes of Nigerians like the Tinubu administration with the Renewed Hope Agenda.

‘Tinubu as a deft, adroit and exceptional leader knows the most important task he needs to tackle in order to surmount the myriad of daunting challenges facing Nigerians.”

Kazeemas said the president carefully selected ministers with vision and able aid
es to assist in building the great Nigerian of our dream.

‘One year down the line, we are already beginning to record visible progress, with some ministers standing out as exceptional performers in their respective ministries.

‘President’s choice of Bello Matawalle as Minister of State for Defence, Nyesom Wike as Minister of the Federal Capital Territory and Dele Alake as Minister of Solid Minerals Development, is laudable.

‘Dave Umahi as Minister of Works, Abdullahi Gwarzo as Minister of State for Housing and Urban Development, Olubunmi Tunji Ojo as Minister of Interior and Hannatu Musawa as Minister for Arts, Culture and Creative Economy can best be described as placing square pegs in square holes.”

He said that with Matawalle’s all-round support, the Nigerian military had made gains in the fight against bandits especially in Zamfara, Sokoto, Katsina and Kaduna states

‘Matawalle’s firm leadership has reverberated across the entire length and breadth of the nation resulting in the restoration of peace
in the troubled Niger-Delta which has helped strengthen Nigeria’s economy with an increase in crude oil production.

‘The Boko Haram terrorists in the North-Eastern States of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa are rapidly falling to the superior fighting power of the Nigerian military and businesses are rapidly springing back to life again.

‘Matawelle deploys strategic approach to defence policies and initiatives aimed at strengthening the capabilities of the armed forces.’

According to him, better days are ahead of Nigerians in terms of security and the nation’s territorial integrity will never be challenged by outlaws again.

Kazeemas said that Wike embarked on an array of infrastructural projects across the city centre and the satellite towns of the FCT.

He said that before the coming of Wike, Abuja was almost a ghost city with no proper street lights while huge potholes and craters dotted major streets and roads in the city but now reverse is the case.

‘The Abuja light rail project is near 95 per cent completion
and he has reiterated his commitment to reaching 100 per cent completion before the end of May.

‘This rapid progress has been achieved because Wike is not just an arm chair minister, but a field worker who rolls up his arms and gets under the sun or rain to inspect projects firsthand.’

He said that Tunji-Ojo had set a new standard for optimal service delivery in all agencies of the ministry.

‘Tunji-Ojo also leveraged on innovative technology to resolve the seemingly unresolved crisis of the issuance of Nigerian passport and visa by simplifying the process with the unveiling of enhanced e-passport facilities in key Nigerian embassies across Europe and in the North America.

‘As a result of Tunji-Ojo’s strategic thinking, the introduction and installation of e-Gates across all the five international airports in Nigeria has taken effect.

‘Tunji-Ojo has equally achieved a first of its kind release of 4,000 inmates from correctional centres across the nation while commensurate salaries for the personnel of Nig
erian paramilitary agencies have been worked out,’ he said.

He urged the ministers to keep up their good works and strive towards ensuring that the country met its goals and vision for the future.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

2024 Hajj: NAHCON’s advance team departs for Saudi, Sunday

The National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) says a group of 43 Advance Team of the commission will on Sunday depart Abuja for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to mark the commencement of the 2024 pilgrimage.

Malam Mousa Ubandanwaki, Deputy Director, Information and Publications, Division, NAHCON, made this known in a statement on Saturday in Abuja.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the commission had scheduled May 15 for the inaugural flight for the 2024 hajj.

Ubandanwaki explained that the team made up of 35 NAHCON officials and eight Medical Personnel would be in Saudi Arabia for the final preparation to receive the first set of Nigerian pilgrims from Kebbi State, who would be arriving the Kingdom on May 15.

He said that the Executive Chairman of NAHCON, Malam Jalal Arabi, while addressing the team urged them to live up to expectation by discharging their duties in accordance with their mandate.

Arabi noted that the performance of the team could make or mar the success of the exercise.

‘ Y
ou are the first point of call or contact with the pilgrims. Their impression and perception of your action or activities will go a long way towards assessing the commission.

‘If you get it right, we get it right and on the contrary, if you get it wrong, the rest will just be about crisis management.

‘Therefore, you must be up and doing in order to earn our reward here and that of Allah in the Hereafter, for treating His Guests well.

‘They are the reason you are there, so at every point in time, make sure you attend or treat them with courtesy and respect,’ he said.

Arabi, however, warned that the commission would take drastic step against anyone who may be reported to have deviated from the rules of engagement.

The NAHCON boss stated that he would not hesitate to recall any staff accused of dereliction of duties.

He further called on them to ‘take the admonition seriously’ stressing, ‘the bar has been raised and the expectation is high’.

‘ You have been carefully selected because of the trust we have
in you and as such, you need to brace up.

‘ Laxity and procrastination will not be tolerated.’

Arabi also stressed the need for the medical personnel to respect their patients and pilgrims ‘ on whose essence they were going there.

Responding on behalf of the team, Alhaji Ibrahim Mahmud, who is the Madina Coordinator, expressed appreciation to the management for the trust and confidence reposed in them.

He assured of their determination and readiness to make this year’s hajj more successful than the previous years.

‘We will ensure that pilgrims get value for money and also do everything possible that pilgrims perform their Hajj rites without hitches Insha Allah.’

NAN reports the team is to organise and coordinate the reception, accommodation, feeding and transportation, health and general welfare of the pilgrim held in the Holy land throughout the Hajj period.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

NNPC Ltd., First EandP JV empower NGOs with N53.4m

The Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPC Ltd.) and First Exploration and Production Limited (First EandP) Joint venture (JV) have donated N53 million to some Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in the country.

The NNPC Ltd. said the donation was part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

Mr Bala Wunti, Chief Upstream Investment Officer (CUIO), NNPC Upstream Investment Management Services (NUIMS), on Friday in Abuja, during the cheques presentation ceremony expressed gratitude to First E and P for initiating the laudable programme.

Wunti, in a statement by Olufemi Soneye, Chief Corporate Communications Officer, NNPC Ltd. said under the JV’s Impact First Initiative, the donation, targeted towards enhancing societal welfare, would address areas of healthcare and well-being, quality education and economic growth.

Wunti, represented by the Deputy Manager, External Relations, NUIMS, Mrs Edith Lawson, highlighted NNPC Ltd.’s belief in the power of CSR.

He emphasised that the C
ompany remained committed to working with its partners to impact the lives of the less-privileged.

Wunti said under the initiative, projects and programmes executed included the provision of classrooms, ICT Centres, laboratories and other infrastructural intervention projects, scholarships, quiz competitions, skill acquisitions and economic empowerment.

According to him, it is a testimony to NNPC’s dedication to fostering sustainable development in Nigeria.

He described First E and P’s foresight and leadership as commendable, adding that the partner has spearheaded the initiative towards meaningful change that would ensure a better future for all Nigerians.

The beneficiaries of the donation included the Irede Foundation, which provides custom-made artificial limbs to child amputees aged 0-18 and Human Development Initiative (HDI).

This focuses on tackling fundamental issues of poverty, injustice, neglect, deprivation, and equality among vulnerable people.

Others were the OISA Foundation, which transform
s lives through interventions in the education and healthcare sectors; Cerebral Palsy Center, which renders support to families with children with cerebral palsy.

The beneficiaries also included the Niola Cancer Care Foundation, which organises awareness talks and screens communities for colon cancer.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

10th AMVCA: ‘Breath of Life’ wins big

Nigerian film, ‘Breath of Life’, has won major categories in the 10th edition of the Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards (AMVCA).

The film, produced in 2023 by BB Sasore and Derin Adeyokunnu secured wins for Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Sound Design, Best Director, and the most coveted award of the night – Best Movie.

The AMVCA is an annual award presented by MultiChoice, recognising outstanding achievements in television and film.

The event started on Thursday with a night of icons and a vibrant Cultural Day celebration on Friday.

On Saturday, the 10th anniversary of the award continued at Eko Hotel and Suites, Lagos, hosted by television personality, Ikponmwosa Osakioduwa.

Veteran Actress, Idowu Philips, known as Iya Rainbow’, was honoured with the ‘Industry Merit Award’.

Richard Mofe-Damijo, a veteran Nollywood actor, was also announced as joint winner of the Industry Merit Award of the 10th edition of the AMVCA.

Reesponding, Philips said, ‘I thank God that I am st
ill alive. 1942 till now, I thank God. I dedicate the award to my creator, my late husband, Augustine Ayanfemi, my childen, my fans and my friends. Thank you all.’

Mofe-Damijo said: ‘AMVCA thank you. This is completely unexpected. Every actor, producer, writer and all need someone who can trust in them, I have been blessed by being supported by young people. I thank you.’

Femi Adebayo’s Jagun Jagun clinched the ‘Best Indigenous Language West Africa’.

Receiving the award, Adebayo said: ‘Thank you AMVCA and all the cast and crew of Jagun Jagun. We are unstoppable, we are going harder.’

Below is a list of winners at the 10th AMVCA:

Best Writing Award: Volume

Best writing movie: Fumilayo Ransome Kuti – Tunde Babalola

Best Sound Design: Grey Jones Ossai x2 (Breathe of Life and Blood Vessel)

Best Editing: Antonio Ribeiro

Best Indigenous West Africa. Femi Adebayo Jagun Jagun

Best Digital Content: Layi Wasabi

Best Short Film: Broken Mask

Best Unscripted M-Net Original: Nwuyee Bekee (Foreign Wives)

Best S
cripted: Slum King

Best Makeup: Mami Wata (Campbell Precious Arebamen)

Best Art Direction: Over the bridge

Best Costume Design: Jagun Jagun (Lola Awe)

Best Supporting Actress: Genoveva Umeh (Breath of Life

Best Supporting Actor: Ademola Adedoyin (Breath of Life)

Best Cinematography: Over the bridge

Best Indigenous MNet Original: Irora Iya

Trailblazer Award: Chimezie Imo

Industry Merit Awards: Iya Rainbow aka Idowu Philips and Richard Mofe Damijo

Best Lead Actress: Kehinde Bankole (Adire)

Best Lead Actor: Wale Ojo (Breath of Life)

Best MultiChoice Talent Factory Movie: Our Dark Past

Best Series (Unscripted): Gh Queens (s2)

Best Series Scripted: Itura

Best Director: BB Sasore (Breath of Life)

Best Movie: Breath of Life

Speaking at the event, Dr Busola Tejumola, Executive Head of Content and Channels, West Africa, MultiChoice, said that the AMVCA was created to honour exceptional achievements in television and film across the continent.

‘We are excited to have been able to keep that fire burnin
g through 10 editions.

‘Year after year, we have received numerous entries and can attest to the growth in the quality of submissions with each edition.

‘While this year’s edition is a milestone edition as it is the 10th, it is also a testament to the growth the film industry in Africa has experienced.

‘We congratulate all the winners and nominees who have put in the incredible work. We’ll also like to say a big thank you to everyone in the African film industry. You have all made us proud,’ she said.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that this year’s edition had 27 categories, with 16 non-voting and nine audience voting categories, and the winners were selected by a jury led by ace filmmaker and head judge, Femi Odugbemi.

Some of the visible works from the awards include ‘Breath of Life’ and ‘Jagun Jagun’, winning multiple awards.

Shaffy Bello and Seyi Sodimu mesmerised the audience with their 1999 produced music, ‘Love Me Jeje’.

Victory Gbakara, 2023 winner of the Nigerian Idol did a performan
ce while renowned artistes like KCee, Awilo, Chike and Adekunle Gold also thrilled the audience.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

10th National COVID-19 Vaccination Day: 958 people receive jabs at Kadjebi

Personnel of the Kadjebi District Directorate, Ghana Health Service, has vaccinated 958 people, representing 63.9 per cent of its target population of 1,500, during the just-ended 10th National COVID-19 Vaccination Day exercise.

The nationwide event was from Sunday, May 5 to Thursday, May 9, 2024.

The Directorate targeted 1,500 people to be vaccinated against the disease within the period, but ended with 958, leaving a deficit of 542.

Mr Derrick Jack Atitsu, the Coordinator, Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI), who disclosed this to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in an interview at Kadjebi, said the reason for the shortfall would be known during a yet-to-be convened review meeting with the vaccinators.

He disclosed that the district earlier dosed 34,266 people, representing 68.7 per cent of its target population of 49,882.

Of the 34,266 people dosed, 28,311, representing 56.8 per cent, were fully vaccinated against the COVID-19.

He appealed to those yet to be vaccinated to get the jab as early as poss
ible as the disease is real.

Source: Ghana News Agency