Farmers, stakeholders sensitised on PFJ2.0 programme at Dambai

The Department of Agriculture has engaged some stakeholders in the Krachi East Municipality of the Oti Region, on the second phase of the Planting for Food and Jobs programme.

The sensitization, which took place at Pentecost Chapel, exposed the stakeholders to the PFJ2.0 registration process and encouraged them to in turn educate their communities.

Mr Emmanuel Minah, the Municipal Director of Agriculture, indicated that the PFJ2.0 had come to build on the successes of the first phase of the programme.

He stated 11 commodities the government intended to provide to farmers, which include tomatoes, onions, pepper, soya beans, rice, millet seeds, cassava, sorghum and maize.

In addition, he said the government would supply fertilizers such as NPK and urea to farmers.

He emphasized that there was the need to educate the stakeholders on the PFJ2.0 programme to enable them to appreciate the potential impact of programme on farmers and its implementation modalities.

In a presentation, Mr Minah noted that the re
gistration of farmers for the PFJ2.0 is done through a digital platform called the Ghana Agriculture and Agric-business platform.

He encouraged the youth in the Municipality to take advantage of the programme to help contribute to the goal of achieving food and nutrition security.

Heads of Departments and Agencies, representatives of farmers’ Associations and groups among others participated in the event.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Trader remanded over alleged GHC308,000 recruitment scam

Joseph Diawuo, a 30-year-old trader who allegedly collected GHC308,000 under the pretext of enlisting 46 people in three security services but failed, has been remanded in police custody.

Diawuo is alleged to have told his victims that he would enlist them in the Ghana Immigration Service, Ghana Police Service and Ghana Armed Forces through protocol slots.

He denied the charge of defrauding by false pretenses when appeared before an Accra Circuit Court.

Diawuo is expected to appear before a court presided over by Mr Isaac Addo on May 22, 2024.

The prosecution led by Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Seth Frimpong told the court that investigations are underway.

ASP Frimpong said the complainant, Elizabeth Adewuni, is a police officer residing at Accra, Airport.

The accused is a trader residing at Dominase in the Ashanti Region.

The prosecution said that about a year ago, the complainant met with the accused and informed her that he had protocol slots available to recruit interested people into
Ghana Police Service, Ghana Immigration Service and Ghana Armed Forces.

According to the prosecution, interested persons were to pay between GHC6,000 and GHC10,000.

The prosecution said the accused then informed the complainant to mobilise interested people for him, and the complainant was able to gather 46 men and women.

According to the prosecution, 38 people paid GHC6,000 each, totalling GHC228,000, and the remaining eight paid GHC10,000 each, for a total of GHC80,000.

The prosecution told the court that the accused person received GHC308,000.

It stated that each person was to undergo a medical examination costing GHC1,500, which was included in the money that was given to the accused.

On receipt of the money, the complainant transferred some funds to a Momo account number provided by the accused and then turned over the remainder to Diawuo.

The prosecution said that the accused organized a medical examination for all 46 people at Hope Exchange Hospital in Santasi, Ashanti Region.

The court was tol
d that after collecting money, the accused went into hiding and broke off all communication with the complainant, and all attempts to locate him were unsuccessful.

The prosecution said the actions of the accused made the complainant realise that she had been swindled.

A report was made to the police and the accused was arrested from his hideout.

The prosecution said during investigations, Diawuo mentioned his accomplice as one Osei, but he had yet to lead the police to the Osei.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Traditional Councils instituted for Weta, Ave Xevi Traditional Areas 

The Ministry of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs has inaugurated traditional councils for the Weta Traditional Area in the Ketu North Municipality, and the Ave Xexi Traditional Area in the Akatsi North District of the Volta Region.

The two formal traditional institutions are part of five being inaugurated in the Volta region this year.

Mr Harry Attipoe, Registrar of the Volta Regional House of Chiefs, led a team from the Ministry to perform the inaugurations.

Hundreds of community members and traditional rulers witnessed the various ceremonies, all of which had police and other security present to ensure peaceful ceremonies.

A total of eleven gazetted rulers were sworn into the Ave Xevi Traditional Council by Mr Nelson Awuku, Magistrate of Dzodze, while Togbe Adogo Agbalekpo IV, Paramount Chief of the area, was inducted as the President of the Council.

The Weta Traditional Council had a total of 15 gazetted rulers sworn in, with Torgbuiga Akpo Ashiakpor VI, Paramount Chief, as President.

Mr George Bua
di, Denu High Court Judge administered the oaths.

Traditional council offices were commissioned as part of the inauguration.

The other Traditional Councils inaugurated included Dzodze, Amugo-Veto, and Awate.

Mr Stephen Asamoah Boateng, Minister for Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs, who was represented at the inaugurations by Mr Evans Habada, Head of the Ministry’s Human Resource Management, emphasised the importance of the Council status and how it would facilitate the development of the traditional areas.

He said with the changing face of leadership, traditional rulers needed to enhance their capabilities to maintain relevance while pledging the Ministry’s needed support and training.

‘Currently, Chiefs are required to lead in the war against environmental degradation, and poverty reduction among others, all aimed at achieving some level of development at the local and national levels. The new role of Chiefs imposes the need for some form of adaptation or revision and training to enable him/her to fulf
il his or her responsibilities,’ he said.

The Minister called for unity among the chiefs and the people, saying, ‘This inauguration should be seen to integrate the people particularly our revered chiefs, and not to disintegrate them.’

The Volta House of Chiefs Registrar, on his part, stressed the relevance of the traditional council institution, noting its independence from royal establishments.

Mr Attipoe said the Council should be considered an institution for everyone, and thus all must support its growth.

Present were political and nonpolitical leaders, and other prominent personalities who graced the events.

Members of Parliament and Local Assembly heads of the traditional areas, present at the events, all promised to ensure the success of the new councils in bringing peace and development.

Source: Ghana News Agency

UN Forum on Forests: Ghana advocates increased forest finance

Ghana’s Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, Mr Samuel Abu Jinapor, has made a clarion call to world leaders for increased financing of forests action, to tackle the triple planetary crises of climate change.

Speaking at the 19th Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests at the UN Headquarters in New York, USA, Mr Jinapor said the capacity of forests in combating the triplet planetary crises called for an urgent re-examination of forest financing options to stimulate investment efforts towards achieving globally agreed goals on forests, climate change and biodiversity.

The United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) is a functional Commission of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), established in 2000 to promote the management, conservation, and sustainable development of all types of forests.

It is also to strengthen long-term political commitment towards the goals.

The Forum is comprised of all the UN Member States, and meets annually to assess the progress of work, adopt decis
ions, and make commitments towards achieving its objectives.

The 19th Session of the Forum began on May 6, 2024, and is undertaking a mid-term review of the implementation of the International Arrangements on Forests.

On Thursday, May 09, the Forum held a High-Level Ministerial Segment and Forest Partnership Dialogue on the theme: ‘Forest-Based Solutions to the Triple Planetary Crises: A Focus on People, Science and Technology’.

Addressing the Forum, Mr. Jinapor decried the continuous destruction of global forests, despite the increasing global knowledge and understanding of environmental challenges and the potential of the forests contributing to tackling these challenges.

According to the World Resources Institute, Tropical Primary Forest loss in 2023 alone stood at 3.7 million hectares and accounted for 2.4 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide emissions.

It is estimated that some US$393billion is required, annually, to save the world’s forests.

While referring to those staggering statistics, Mr. Jinapor unde
rscored the need for global leaders to take urgent and collaborative action to save the world’s forests, the planet, and livelihoods of 1.6 billion people who depended on the forest resources for survival.

The Minister stated that Ghana, under the leadership of President Akufo-Addo, had taken several initiatives intended to protect the forests and conservation.

Those actions included the Ghana Forest Plantation Strategy, the Green Ghana Project, and the Ghana REDD+ Strategy.

Mr. Jinapor said developing countries that hosted some 45 percent of the global forests were facing enormous challenges in protecting and conserving the forest resources, particularly financial challenges.

Ghana, he said, had been expending her limited resources on sustainable forest management due to the importance the Government attached to them.

The Minister lamented the continuous default by developed nations to honour their pledges to support developing countries in sustainable forest management.

That lack of commitment, he not
ed, manifested in the inconsistency in carbon pricing.

‘Why should the price of carbon in Europe, for example, be different from Africa, or in the Americas be different from Asia?’ the Minister quizzed.

He therefore called for a comprehensive programme for incentivising local communities that depended on forests to preserve those resources.

Noting that the world would benefit more from forest conservation than the gains those communities would make.

The Forum ends on Saturday, May 11, 2024, and will adopt a Declaration and several resolutions aimed at promoting sustainable forest management.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ada local council of churches holds maiden royal conference

The Ada Local Council of Churches has held its annual royal conference with a call on traditional leaders to use their position to promote peace in their communities.

Reverend Emmanuel Oklemeh Tettey, the Somanya District Minister for the Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PC), who made the call, said traditional leaders had a special and delicate role to play in unifying their subjects and developing their communities.

Rev. Tettey noted that residents within a traditional area look up to their traditional leaders; therefore, there was a need for royals with leadership qualities to be selected and enthroned to foster peace and bring about the needed development in the area.

According to him, even though everyone could come from a royal family, not every royal qualified to be enstooled as a chief or traditional leader, adding that leadership qualities must not be sacrificed during the selection processes of installing chiefs.

He said under British colonial rule, the role of chiefs was recognised and they were
given the power to prosecute and even imprison lawbreakers.

However, some of these powers were curtailed after independence, rendering the chiefs less powerful.

‘But now, chieftaincy in the country has developed, and therefore, chiefs now take instructions from the central government. This is where we are now. And so, as a chief in your community or state, you must know what your subjects want and provide for them through negotiations without discrimination,’ he emphasised.

Evangelist Ebenezer Godbless Dan-Doe, the Chairman of the Ada Local Council of Churches, told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that the council had noticed that the glory and unity that used to be in the communities were fast diminishing, making it difficult for residents to cooperate with their traditional leaders.

‘Our food and culture have also been lost, and therefore we must go back for them,’ he said.

This, he said, informed the organisation of the conference to get experts to have a talk with the chiefs and queens in Ada to make the
m enlightened to save the cultural inheritance of the people.

He said another aim of the conference, which had over 200 participants, was to strengthen the union between the traditional leaders and the council of churches for community development.

Nene Tetteh Asigbey III, the President of the Ada Community Chiefs Association, said the conference was helpful as they learnt a lot from the resource persons.

He lauded the aim of the conference, which was to realign community focus towards restoring the former greatness of communities through traditional leadership.

He suggested that the conference could be held every quarter of the year.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Manhyia Palace entreats ‘Tricycle riders’ to take a day’s leave on Sunday

The Manhyia Palace has directed tricycle riders in the Kumasi Metropolis to take a holiday on Sunday, May 12 2024, to help bring sanity on the roads as the Asantehene climaxes his 25th anniversary celebrations.

The directive aims at creating a serene atmosphere and comfort for guests who would be driving through the streets in Kumasi to join the Asantehene at the durbar grounds at the Dwabirem in the Manhyia Palace.

Nana Otuo Serebour, the Juabenhene and Chairman of the anniversary planning committee, who gave the order at a press briefing in Kumasi, urged the tricycle riders to follow the laid down protocols not to record any casualty.

‘It’s a joyous day and we wouldn’t want any actions or activities that would mar the beauty of the occasion,’ he stated.

He said some roads leading to the Manhyia Palace would be closed, while there would be restrictions on vehicle entry into the Palace, except those with specially designated stickers.

Nana Outo Serebuor also highlighted the ban on black attire and polit
ically branded outfits, as well as guns and fireworks activities within the boundaries and around the Palace.

On Sunday, May 12, 2024, there would be a grand durbar to climax the 25th Anniversary celebration of the Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, at the Manhyia palace in Kumasi.

Among the dignitaries expected to be part of the event are the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Dr Keith Rowley, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, who will represent King Mohammed VI of Morocco, and a representative of the President of Ivory Coast, H.E Alassane Ouattara.

Ghanaian dignitaries expected at the event include President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, First Lady Rebecca Akufo-Addo, Second Lady Samira Bawumia, and Chief Justice Gertrude Araba Esaaba Sackey.

Also, expected at the event are traditional authorities across the country, notably the Ga Mantse, the Chief of Staff at the Presidency, Akosua Frema Osei Opare and a rep
resentative of Speaker of Parliament, Mr Alban Bagbin.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Public urged to maintain principles of keeping humanity alive

Ms Agnes Mercy Nyatsoe, a Red Cross Officer at Keta in the Volta Region, has urged the public to maintain the principles of keeping humanity alive.

This, she said, would enable the public to reaffirm their commitment to promote peace and alleviate the suffering of the people to build a better future for united communities.

Miss Nyatsoe, who also doubled as the Group Leader for Keta ‘Convert Girls Red Cross Group,’ explained to the Ghana News Agency on the celebration of the World Red Cross Day that the day was observed on May 8 every year to highlight the humanitarian values upheld by the Red Cross. 

‘This day is dedicated to those Red Cross staff who sacrificed their lives to serve those who suffered from natural disaster, armed, conflict, and other crises.’

She revealed that the duty of the Red Cross, among others, was to give assistance and prevent and alleviate human suffering at all points.

Miss Nyatsoe indicated that the mission of the Red Cross was to encourage, inspire and initiate all forms of
humanitarian activities to generate a peaceful environment and programmes for important principles and values, disaster response, and preparedness for good healthcare. 

‘The day is to recognise the selfless work of Red Cross staff who always risk their lives to help others during conflict, fire outbreaks, and disasters.

Miss Nyatsoe encouraged the youth to embrace the Red Cross Associations to create awareness about the vital roles they played in mitigating human suffering and providing medical care and food.

She said the World ‘Red Cross Day’ was to serve as a poignant reminder of the shared responsibilities and the importance of compassion, solidarity, and service to others through selflessness.

Miss Nyatsoe appealed to philanthropists, individuals, and corporate entities to assist them with more tools and equipment to boost quality healthcare delivery. 

The 2024 World Red Cross Day’ was on the theme: ‘l give with joy, and the joy l give is a reward.’

Source: Ghana News Agency

CAGD inaugurates Treasury Ladies Association in Central Region

The Controller Accountant General’s Department (CAGD) has inaugurated its Treasury Ladies Association in the Central Region to empower women.

The Association forms part of CAGD efforts to educate and encourage young women within the region to be determined and aspire for greater heights towards their future.

Additionally, it would serve as a conduit to give back to the society through education, sensitisation and empowerment programmes which would enhance women inclusivity for expedited growth.

The Association comprises all women and ladies working within various sectors under the Department across the region.

At a short inaugural ceremony, Dr Philomena Araba Sam, Managing Partner of Phimanuel and Associate Auditing Firm, encouraged career women not to underestimate their abilities but continuously add value to themselves by leveraging opportunities which went their way.

‘Women need to be educationally, socially, and psychologically empowered to be able to inspire other young women to achieve the gender
equality target set for us.

‘Career women should manage both work and home professionally and never be confused or conflict the two roles to ensure it does not affect their personal growth,’ she said.

Dr Sam, who doubles as the Head of Finance, Institute for Education Planning and Administration at the University of Cape Coast, noted that women needed to be determined and set standards for themselves with a resilient mindset.

For her part, Madam Richlove Amanoo, the Regional Director of the Department of Gender, entreated women to aim higher, explore new opportunities that made them happy and never allow anyone kill their self-esteem.

She told them to exhibit commitment to their work, manage stress and ensure they put in their best in executing their roles and duties as career women.

Source: Ghana News Agency

NIMC captures 107.3m persons in its database

The National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) says it has so far captured over 107.3 million persons in the ongoing National Identity Number (NIN) enrolment.

The Director-General, NIMC, Mrs Abisoye Coker-Odusote said this at the Maiden Media Interactive Session of the Commission on Friday in Abuja.

Coker-Odusote said there was need to fast track the enrolment process to capture more people into the national identity database.

‘An increase in the enrolment rate will help to reduce the processing time for enrolees.

‘Obtaining NIN should be as minimal as possible because the system has been upgraded, and the capacity is not that bad.

‘We are working on increasing the capacity that we have, we are trying to increase it from 100million to 250million, the process will take us a minimum of between 6 months and 9 months,’ she said.

She said the commission had equipped all its enrolment centres, saying however that most of the equipment were outdated, as the systems were acquired as far back as 2011.

DG said that although the equipment were donated to the commission, the number of equipment donated were minimal compared to what was required.

She said that Nigerians would have to pay a certain amount of money to access the New General Multipurpose National Identity Card through their finance institutions.

Odusote also said that although NIN was free, the card would not be issued free of charge.

‘It is just like how you pay to access your ATM cards in the banks, Nigerians will pay through the banks to access their cards within 48 hours after payment to get the digital multipurpose card.

‘Application for the card will be based on request with individuals getting their NIN through self-service online portal or through the banks and the applicants will have to pay through the banks to acquire the card.

‘The proposed general multipurpose National Identity Card will be convenient, and it eliminates the need for multiple cards,’ she said.

She said that the cards had multiple use and can be used for payments
/financial, government intervention/services, and travel.

The DG said that NIMC was also working with the Central Bank of Nigeria and the Nigerian Interbank Settlement System to ensure hitch-free roll out of the cards.

‘Applicants for the card will have to request with their NIN through the self-service online portal, NIMC offices, or their respective banks

‘The card will be issued through the applicants’ respective banks in line with existing protocols with the issuance of the debit/credit cards.

‘The card can be picked up by holders at the designated center or delivered to the applicants at the requested location at an extra cost to be borne by the applicants,’ she said.

Coker-Odusote said the commission was in partnership with Nigeria Communications Satellite (NIGCOMSAT) Limited and Galaxy Backbone to access efficient access to internet connectivity to the 774 Local Government Areas ( LGAs) of the country.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Ghana shows robust commitment to digitisation, achieving substantial progress

Mr Charles Abani, the United Nations Resident Coordinator, said Ghana has shown robust commitment to digitisation, achieving substantial progress in key economic sectors.

He said the widespread adoption of digital technologies and the internet had transformed global communication and information access, including areas like social services and governance, as seen in Ghana.

He said this shift was particularly evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, which underscored the internet’s return role in education and daily life, demonstrating the deep integration of digital innovation.

Mr Abani, who was represented by Madam Fatou Diallo Ndiaye, Chief of Missions, Ghana, said this at the launch and dissemination of the assessment of Ghana’s Internet Universality Indicators (IUI) Report in Accra.

The objective of the IUI is to develop a clear and substantive understanding of the national internet environment and of internet policies that contribute to sustainable development and policies, and in addition, formulate p
olicy recommendations that can help improve internet development in the country.

Mr Abani said however, that despite the growing influence of Information Communication and Technology (ICT), a digital divide remained between rural and urban areas even by insufficient infrastructure, social and cultural barriers and disparities related to gender and disability.

He said additionally, the expansion of digital platforms introduced new challenges including issues with privacy, freedom of expression, cybersecurity, and the spread of misinformation and disinformation.

The UN Resident Coordinator said the establishment of the Ministry of Communication and Digitalisation underscored this commitment and made predictions to advance its digital agenda.

He said the strategic role signalled a clear priority invitation of digital transformation as the cornerstone for national development.

Mrs Eva Andoh-Poku, the Acting Administrator of the Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communications (GIFEC), said in July 2020, t
he IUI was launched in Ghana through the first meeting of the National Multistakeholder Advisory Board.

She said the completion of the assessment placed Ghana among the very few countries that had taken the lead and completed the task, with about 34 countries progressing steadily toward completion.

‘It is noteworthy to highlight that Benin, Kenya, and Ghana are currently the countries within the African Continent that have completed these assessments, which is very commendable,’ she added.

Mrs Andoh-Poku said since GIFEC was declared as the institutional host of the Information for All Programme, the committee through GIFEC had implemented a campaign for efficient tools for youth to conquer violent extremism which aimed at combating hate speech.

She added that they also campaigned to encourage female participation in the digitalisation process, introducing the ICT Skills for Entrepreneurial and Women Empowerment Programme, to equip women entrepreneurs with ICT skills, thereby enhancing their economic welf

Mr Apollonius Akoto Osei Asare, Chief Programme Officer, Ghana Commission for UNESCO, said the findings of this research were more than just observations since they would serve as the foundation for a policy brief that would inform and guide toward an equitable digital transformation.

He said we must adopt strategies that would not only bridge the digital divide but also propel Ghana towards a future where information and communication technology was a driving force for development and empowerment.

‘As we celebrate this achievement, let us also reaffirm our dedication to ensuring that every Ghanaian has the tools and opportunities to thrive in the digital age,’ the Chief Programme Officer added.

Source: Ghana News Agency