Make Lagos environment friendly for new corps members, Sanwo-Olu tells residents

Gov. Babajide Sanwo-Olu has called on Lagos residents to make the environment friendly for the new corps members posted to the state.

Sanwo-Olu made the call at the closing ceremony of the 2024 Batch A, Stream II orientation, held on Tuesday at the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) temporary orientation camp, Iyana-Ipaja, Lagos.

He also urged the corps members to make the service year have meaningful impact on the social-economic and political development of Lagos State and Nigeria at large.

‘I implore you to accept your posting to any part of Lagos and see it as an opportunity to participate in the community development programmes, impact your host community and leave indelible legacies.

‘These, your predecessors did in the areas of healthcare delivery system, educational services, social services amongst others, just as your services may be needed in the aforementioned.’

Sanwo-Olu, represented by Mr Ibukun Dosunmu, Director, General Service, Lagos State Ministry of Special Duties and Intergovernmenta
l Relations, said that the state government would continue to recognise and reward outstanding corps members at the end of the service year.

Baderinwa urged the corps members to be good ambassador of the scheme, family and communities in their places of assignment.

She said that it was fundamental for them to obey rules/regulations of NYSC.

‘Let the team spirit you cultivated while in camp guide your conducts, set aside tribal sentiments,

‘I wish you productive service year, remember that any erring corps member will be penalised in line with the NYSC by-law.

‘As these young patriots move to the next stage of their service year, being the primary and secondary assignments, I am optimistic that they’ll perform excellently, having been properly intimated with the tenets of the scheme,’ she added.

The coordinator expressed appreciation to corporate organisations and collaborating partners.

She said that some made impactful presence in the orientation camp, sponsoring social and sporting activities which a
dded colour and variety to the purpose of the course.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that some corps members and camp officials were identified for their outstanding performance during the three-week orientation course and given commendation letters at the event.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Lekki residents mourn Mbelu, VGC chair

Lekki residents and stakeholders have paid tributes to the late Chairman, Victoria Garden City Property Owners Residents Association (VGCPORA), Mr Gihan Mbelu.

They described him as a community developer, an environmental sustainability enthusiast, a visionary leader with deep passion and commitment of youth development and community advancement.

They spoke during a night of tributes organised for him on Tuesday in Lagos, following his shocking demise on April 26.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Mbelu, until his passing, was not only the Chairman, VGCPORA, but was vice president, Lekki Estate Residents and Stakeholders Association (LERSA).

Mbelu, aged 42, was reportedly found dead in his car within the community after purchasing water and soft drinks.

His corpse has since been deposited at the mortuary for autopsy.

Noheem Adams, Majority Leader representing Eti-Osa Constituency 1, described the late Mbelu as the driving force that brought government down to the people of VGC and the people
to government.

He said the late VGC chair expended every efforts to addressing obstructions at the canals and stood for the truth in all things.

‘The shoes he is leaving behind are too big to be filled and today would be recorded as the saddest day in 2024 for me.

‘The kind of person he was, I had envisioned that he would one day be one of those to lead the country due to his immense leadership capabilities,’ he said.

Alhaji Sulyman Bello, President, LERSA, said his contributions to the discourse surrounding the development of the Lekki region was always very compelling.

Bello said relating with Mbelu would leave one in awe and wonder as he dished out facts, data and incontrovertible point of view without being combative, all for the development of VGC and the entire Lekki-Epe region.

‘As long as it was for humanity, Gihan would give it a try as he was a very oriented problem solving individual.

‘His type is not very available in every generation or even a lifetime and he would be sorely missed by us a
ll,’ he said.

Mrs Idunu Oyebelu, Chairperson, Board of Trustees, VGCPORA, said his passing left profound gap in the hearts of everyone.

She said throughout his tenure as chairman, his visionary leadership and tireless efforts was very instrumental in shaping the VGC community.

According to Oyebelu, under Mbelu’s stewardship, VGC witnessed tremendous transformation, infrastructural development and made giant strides in environmental sustainability.

‘Mbelu’s leadership was marked by a deep sense of purpose and compassion.

‘May his memory serves as a source of comfort and make us uphold the values that he embodied particularly his spirit of service.

‘We will continue to build on the foundation he laid,’ she said.

Mrs Morufat Yusuff, General Manager, VGCPORA, stated that the late VGC chair did everything to ensure a drug free environment within the VGC community.

She listed some of the achievements during his tenure to include fostering a safer and healthier environment, the installation of efficient ener
gy feature lighting, the VGC recycling hub to drive environmental sustainability.

‘He also facilitated efficient access control, identified opportunities to optimise expenses and was deeply committed to the safety and wellbeing of all VGC residents.

‘He increased security surveillance and we had commenced installation of CCTV cameras with 150 installed and 64 ongoing to be commissioned in August.

‘He forged partnership with government entities to resolve issues, mitigated flood risks and this is such a sad occurrence that our hearts cant fathom. He would be sorely missed,’ she said.

Mrs Jane Phillip-Odey, Secretary, VGC, said the late VGC chair though gone, left impacts, developmental activities and legacies that would never be forgotten.

‘Let us honour his memory, cherish the time we had with him as we pay tribute to him who would forever be in our hearts and memories,’ she said.

Mr Adejo Adehi, Head, VGC Basketball community, said the late Mbelu ensured that the youth were engaged in sporting activiti
es to take their minds off drugs and any other vices detrimental to mental health and general wellness.

He said his passing would leave a great void but his legacy, dedication and vision would continue to inspire the youth to build a thriving community of lasting impact.

‘You would be deeply missed but your memory would live on and we pray you find comfort that your legacy would continue to flourish,’ he said.

Mr Ishan Mbelu, brother of the deceased, lauded the entire VGC community for giving a youth the opportunity to lead and serve.

‘On behalf of the family, I would like to thank you all again and I want to say we are proud of the community and love you all,’ he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

CAS warns against NAF lands encroachment

The Chief of Air Staff (CAS), Air Marshal Hassan Abubakar, has warned communities and institutions against encroaching on the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) lands across the country.

This is contained in a statement by AVM Edward Gabkwet, Director, Public Relations and Information, NAF, on Wednesday in Abuja.

Abubakar said he recently discussed issues related to NAF land encroachment by some communities in Benue, when he visited Gov. Hyacinth Alia of the state.

He said the warning was in view of the fact that such encroachment had negative consequences on national security.

The CAS expressed concern that even though NAF had built a fence to contain encroachment at the western boundary of its base in Makurdi, encroachment had persisted at the eastern boundary.

Abubakar raised alarm about the potential loss of 1,537.8 hectares of the 4,486 hectares of NAF land in Benue, representing about 34 per cent of the land originally allocated for establishment of the base in 1977.

‘It is important to note that the 4,486
hectares of land currently serving as the home base of Tactical Air Command in Makurdi was allocated to the NAF in 1977 as depicted by the Signature Plan signed by the then Governor, Col. Abdullahi Shellenge.

‘The siting of NAF Base at the location was to meet set operational and strategic National Security objectives.

‘Ceding such a significant portion of NAF land would limit the required space for medium, and long term infrastructural development necessary for future operational readiness and capability development.

‘These are in addition to immediate security and safety concerns that are apparent with such boundary reduction,’ he said.

The CAS said that encroachment on NAF land over the years had resulted in protracted disputes between the NAF and its neighbouring communities.

‘Previous efforts to resolve these disputes have failed to achieve desired results,’ Abubakar said.

The CAS, however, said a tripartite committee comprising the representatives of the Benue government, NAF and affected communit
ies had been set up to seek lasting solution to the problem.

He expressed the commitment of NAF to tackling communal clashes, banditry, kidnapping and other forms of criminality in Benue and other parts of the country.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

PPDC pledges to ease overcrowding in correctional facilities nationwide

The Public and Private Development Centre (PPDC) has reiterated its commitment to decongest correctional centers across the country in order to reduce pretrial detention.

Mr Jubril Shittu, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the center, said this during the ‘Access to Justice Pro Bono Conference 2024’ held on Wednesday in Abuja, this goal.

Shittu highlighted that the purpose of the pro bono conference was to discuss strategies for alleviating congestion in correctional centers.

‘So many issues that have to do with inmates languishing in detention has been raised, justice delayed is justice denied.

‘When you have over 76,000 people in the custodial facilities across the country, and of which 70 per cent of these inmates are awaiting trial, it shows how effective the justice system needs to be.

‘So what we are here to do really is to contribute in our own way, working together with the various law clinics, with the probono lawyers, with the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), with the legal aid council to see
how we can reduce these numbers.

‘And we are supported by our donors to ensure that we are able to effectively deliver justice in a timely manner,’ he said.

Shittu said that the organisation was also addressing issues beyond pretrial detention such as alternative measures to justice challenges.

He alleged that cases like the Nigerian cross-dresser Bobrisky, who was sentenced to six months in prison and many others needed to be revisited.

Shittu, however, commended the efforts of the various justice sector stakeholders at the state levels, adding that the concurrent list was now also addressing the issues of congestion.

‘The idea behind this is to ensure that on a regular basis, we are visiting these facilities to look at the state of these facilities.

‘This is because, according to the Nigeria Correctional Service Act 2019, there is the section 38, which specifically looks at some of these issues.

‘And this is where we hope that through the work of the criminal justice monitoring committee, we are able
to effectively ensure that people do not spend more time than they ought to in this facility, ‘he said.

Speaking, the Director General, Legal Aid Council of Nigeria, Aliyu Abubakar, said that every stakeholder in the justice system was concerned about the issues around criminal justice administration.

Abubakar urged stakeholders to continue to work to ensure that the poor and indigent within the society could easily access justice when needed.

‘In the Legal Aid Council, we were essentially established by the government to assist the poor and indigent persons to access justice.

‘The issue of congestion in the correctional centres are probably factors of two fold; insufficient prisons and inefficiency of the remand system.

‘That is why the correctional centres are overcrowded with inmates and we are working as a government institution to reduce the population, ‘he said.

Abubakar, however, noted that unfortunately, the more the centres were reduced in population, the more people got into the correctional c
entres nationwide.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the PPDC has over 195 pro bono lawyers and over 150 law clinicians drawn from at least six states, from universities and also from various groups .

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Nigerian German Expo ‘ll showcase investment opportunities – Committee

The Nigerian German Investment and Cultural Expo (NGICE) will showcase investment opportunities and rich cultural heritage to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and business partnership from Germany and the rest of the world.

The Chairman, 2024 NGICE Organising Committee, Dr Mike Okiro, also a former Inspector-General of Police, said this in a statement in Abuja on Wednesday.

Okiro noted that the upcoming six-day expo was scheduled to hold from Aug. 20 to Aug. 25, in Berlin, Germany.

‘Preparations are in top gear to bring the world to Berlin-Germany for Nigeria as ‘Investors Paradise’ as the Nigerian German Investment and Cultural Expo (NGICE) is scheduled to hold from Aug. 20 to Aug. 25, 2024 in Berlin, Germany.

‘The theme of the 2024 NGICE is

‘Unlocking Nigeria’s Investment Potentials for Industrial Revolution’ while sub-theme is ‘Cultural Exports: Key Opportunities for Foreign Direct Investment’.

‘The expo is designed to showcase the abundant investment opportunities and rich cultural heritage c
um potentials in Nigeria to attract foreign direct investment and business partnership from Germany and the rest of the world.

‘In fact, NGIGE aims to bring the world to Berlin for Nigeria as ‘Investors Paradise.’

The committee chairman said that the expo would feature presentations, showcasing of investment opportunities, panel discussions, exhibition, investors roundtable, public private partnership roundtable and bankers/financers roundtable.

According to him, it will also feature networking and match-making, cultural display and exchange, Gala Nite-Global Peace Concert and Awards as well as visits to strategic companies and organisations.

‘There will be special daily sessions for state governments from Nigeria to make presentations and showcase their investment opportunities.

‘Apart from thematic sessions, the expo will have sessions on Policy Imperatives, Legislating for Improved Foreign Direct Investment, Public Private Partnership (PPP), Security Management for FDI, German-Nigerian Economic Cooper
ation and Development.’

Also, Sen. George Akume, the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, in a remark, expressed optimism that the expo would strengthen the existing Bilateral and Economic Relations between Nigeria and Germany.

Akume added that the expo would complement the present administration’s ‘Renewed Hope Agenda’ geared towards diversifying and rebuilding the nation’s economy.

‘The expo will further launder Nigeria’s image and attract foreign direct investment in the areas of power, renewable energy, mining and solid minerals development, marine and blue economy, ICT, automotive and creative Industry,’ SGF said.

NGICE is organised by Salute Nigeria Initiative, a Nigerian NGO that promotes peaceful co-existence and the socio-economic upliftment of Nigeria in collaboration with the Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation.

Others include Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment, Federal Ministry of Art, Culture and the Creative Economy with the support of the M
inistry of Foreign Affairs and German partners.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Veterinary council seeks urgent restoration of govt. funding

The Veterinary Council of Nigeria (VCN) has appealed to the Federal Government to urgently reverse the removal of the council from government funding for effective and efficient veterinary practice regulation.

VCN Vice-President, Prof. Matthew Adamu, who made the appeal in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Wednesday in Abuja, said the reversal would boost operational efficiency of the council.

Adamu said that VCN was not a revenue generating agency rather a council saddled with the responsibility of coordinating and overseeing the training and practice of the veterinary profession for the well-being of humans.

He said that the removal of VCN from government funding in 2023 based on implementation of the 2022 Oronsaye’s committee report was impacting negatively on the council’s regulatory mandate with regard to wholesome practices.

NAN reports that Steve Oronsaye panel on the restructuring and rationalisation of federal agencies, parastatals and commission recommended the merging, subsu
ming and scrapping of agencies with similar functions.

The don said that staff members of the council were currently passing through hardship as they had yet to receive their salaries from January to date due to lack of personnel overhead cost and capital funding.

‘Government has been the major funder of the council; unfortunately, last year, government, through Oronsaye’s Committee report, decided to take away VCN from budgetary funding including personnel overhead cost and capital funding.

‘VCN is the oldest regulatory professional body in the country saddled with the responsibility of training and practice of veterinary medicine in the country.

‘VCN is the oldest regulatory professional body in the country saddled with the responsibility of training and practice of veterinary medicine in the country.

‘Its responsibility of training veterinary medicine in the 11 accredited veterinary schools in Nigeria and the practice of veterinary medicine across the 36 states and FCT is suffering because of lack of

‘We appeal to government to quickly bring back council to government funding so that we will be able to live safely and healthy without having diseases that will affect our animals and equally get to human population.”

Adamu said the implication of the council’s removal from the Federal Government budget was that it would affect the profession, affect human health and the environment as a whole.

The vice-president, who identified veterinarians as essential health workers, said issues concerning the council’s should be prioritised in order to guide against exposing the populace to infectious diseases.

The academic said that VCN was supposed to regulate abattoirs operation across the country.

He, however, regretted that the council staff members were unable to carry out such responsibility at the moment due to paucity or lack of government funding.

According to him, the implication of non-regulation of abattoirs and other veterinary premises is that if a diseased animal is slaughtered the health
and well-being of human will be jeopardised.

Adamu said that 80 per cent to 90 per cent of diseases affecting human emanated from animals.

‘If the country is able to take care of animal health effectively humans will live healthy and safe.

‘Government should revisit VCN’s removal from budgetary funding and reverse it as was done to Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN), Pharmacists Council of Nigeria (PCN), Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN) and other regulatory bodies.

‘The reversal will do a lot of good to the nation in terms of public health.

‘Most diseases affecting a human, that is, 80 per cent to 90 per cent of the epidemics the world has suffered in the past 40 years are from animals and if we are able to take care of animals problem human lives will be saved.

According to him, ‘One health’ is practiced globally at the moment and the principle is human, animal medicine and environment interaction because diseases do not operate in a vacuum; it is an interaction between the thr

‘Therefore, if government decides not to fund the council and we run into problem in regulating veterinary medicine practice, we are bound to run into serious challenge as a nation, ‘ he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

EFCC to arraign former Aviation minister, Hadi Sirika, others on Thursday

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) is to arraign former Aviation Minister, Hadi Sirika, before Justice Sylvanus Oriji of the High Court of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Maitama on Thursday.

Sirika, a minister in the administration of former president Muhammadu Buhari, would be arraigned on a six -count amended charge.

He will be arraigned alongside three others, including his daughter, Fatima; Jalal Hamma and Al-Duraq Investment Ltd, for abuse of office to the tune of N2.7billion.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that as part of EFCC investigations into the financial malfeasance allegedly committed by the former minister, ‘ including fraudulent contracts awarded by the ministry under his watch, had on April 23 detained him in Abuja”.

Sirika was invited by the Abuja Zonal Command of the commission on the alleged contract malfeasance and was promptly interrogated and detained at the Formella Street, Wuse 2 Zonal office of the Commission.

‘The former minister (Sirika) was in
vited for questioning by investigators handling the alleged contract frauds under his watch in the ministry and will be arraigned on Thursday,’ a source who pleaded anonymity said.

The source also said that EFCC had been investigating the alleged contract frauds while the minister was in office, and he had even met with investigators before he was detained.

NAN reports that the arraignment was earlier slated to hold on Tuesday but due to EFCC prayer to amend the charge, a new date was given.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Violent extremism, terrorism, biggest threat to ECOWAS subregion -Gen. Gyane

The Commandant, Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), Accra, Ghana, Maj.-Gen. Richard Gyane, says violent extremism and terrorism (VET) is the biggest threat to the ECOWAS subregion, Africa and humanity.

Gyane stated this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) during a mobile training course on women, youth, and VET, organised by KAIPTC on Wednesday in Abuja.

The Commandant said that the security challenges in West Africa had informed KAIPTC’s decision to organise the capacity building for women and youth to build their resilience to tackle terrorism.

He said that the training, organized in collaboration with the Norwegian Government, would empower women and youth with the requisite knowledge about terrorists’ operations and build their resilience against VET threats.

‘If you look at our subregion now, violent extremism is a big threat to us; If you look at the Sahel nations, most of these countries are virtually taken over by violent groups.

‘If you look at Niger
ia and the Boko Haram group, and the movement of these groups southwards, it is worrisome.

‘Why are we particular about women and youth? They become vulnerable. These are the most vulnerable groups in our society, who are subject to radicalization by VETs.

‘The aim is to engage these women and youth especially and let them understand the issues, the recruitment and all that about these groups who want to destroy our humanity within the subregion,’ he said.

According to Gyane, KAIPTC engages and empowers women and youth through its training programs because when people are empowered, it becomes difficult for VET groups, whose aim is to radicalise the people and take over their countries, to do so.

He noted that no country could tackle VET alone, and stressed the need for collaboration among all stakeholders beyond the security space in order to curb VET’s surging scourge in West Africa and Africa at large.

Gyane said that, given the porous borders of ECOWAS countries, and the need for them to cooperate an
d share intelligence, ECOWAS member states should do everything possible to bring on board Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, who are threatening to quit the bloc.

‘It is not good for the subregion to have a divided front, and I think whatever we need to do to bring on board these countries, who want to separate themselves from the subregion, is very necessary.

‘ECOWAS has done well in certain areas, especially the free movement of persons protocol and I think within the continent of Africa, ECOWAS has done so well.

‘But I think we need to collaborate more beyond even the security space. I would want to see us one day using the same currency and all that.

‘We should work more as one homogeneous subregion to ensure that people should be free to live and work wherever they are and do business.

‘When we do that, it can help us to control violent extremism and terrorism,’ Gyane added.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

NGO launches initiative to curb environmental impact of tech ecosystem

Aid for Rural Education Access Initiative (AREAi) has launched a multilayered initiative to mitigate the impact of Nigeria’s burgeoning technology ecosystem on the environment.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that AREAi, a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), launched the SCALE initiative on Tuesday in Abuja.

The initiative is funded by the Digital Access Programme (DAP) of the UK Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).

The Project Manager, Gideon Olanrewaju, said the initiative would improve eco-consciousness and drive responsible digital behaviours in the use and maintenance of digital tools and internet devices.

Olanrewaju said the organisation would leverage its expertise and extensive capacity in digital transformation and sustainability to achieve the project’s objectives.

‘The initiative will champion series of activities that range from evidence generation, knowledge management and mobilisation, incentivised capacity development, media-driven public awareness, and high-level
policy advocacy activities.

‘This move aims at aligning producers, consumers and stakeholders of the technology sector with eco-consciousness, ensuring a greener, more sustainable future for Nigeria’s digital landscape.

‘This initiative, under the theme ‘Smart Climate Awareness, Learning and Empowerment (SCALE) for Net Zero’ program will directly engage information and communications technology companies, digital start-ups, innovation hubs.

‘Other key stakeholders in the tech ecosystem will be engaged to facilitate their understanding about technology’s high negative environmental cost, then mobilise them to collectively commit and act towards reducing their contributions to digital carbon footprint.’

He explained that the initiative would drive citizens’ engagement strategy on a large scale, by providing empowerment to key technology hubs in Abia, Rivers, Lagos, Kaduna and Adamawa states, as well as the Federal Capital Territory.

The project manager added that the organisation would work in collaboratio
n with research institutions, tech startups, government agencies and civil society organisations.

‘To mobilise high level stakeholders engagement in fulfilment of the policy regulatory requirements of the initiative, we will be exploring key partnerships with National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency.

‘Others are, E-waste Producer Responsibility Organisation Nigeria, National Information Technology Development Agency, the Department of Climate Change of the Federal Ministry of Environment, the National Council on Climate Change.

‘The Inter-ministerial Committee on Climate Change and the Nigerian Energy Transition Plan Office’.

Head of the UK Government’s Digital Access Programme and Country Adviser, Idongesit Udoh said that the intervention was a novel effort to leverage evidence-based and citizens-led approaches to promote digital sustainability awareness and progressive use of technology.

Udoh said the progressive use of technology should be environmentally responsible, social
ly equitable, and economically viable.

‘Hence, the UK Government is once again demonstrating timely support, not only for Nigeria’s inclusive economic development but also in building eco-friendliness within its technology ecosystem through energy-efficient technology business operations.

‘Our DAP programme will continue to initiate significant partnerships with local organisations to drive the UK Government’s continued support for Nigeria and its digital sector, recognising the tech ecosystem’ role in net zero transition and sustainable development.’

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Groups identify strategies for improved women’s participation in democracy

Women Advocates Research and Documentation Centre (WARDC) and Women for Women International have identified social and cultural norms as barriers to women’s freedom of speech and participation in democracy in Nigeria.

They made this known on Tuesday in Abuja at a roundtable on the publication of a research project titled ‘Listen to Women: Identifying Barriers to Women’s Freedom of Speech and Participation in Democracy in Nigeria.’

They said that addressing these challenges would not only enhance women freedom of speech, but also enhance adequate participation in democracy.

Dr Abiola Akiyode-Afolabi, Founding Director, WARDC, noted that the prevalence of sociocultural norms still affected the ability of women to participate in peace processes in their communities and states.

Akiyode-Afolabi said ‘Women who have information and could support peace processes are being denied the opportunity to participate in spite of the fact that the country has signed the UN security council resolution.

‘The peace securit
y architecture in the state is not allowing women and accepting women to be part of it.

‘The project is called Listen to Women: Identifying the barriers Against Women’s Freedom of Speech and Participation in Democracy. It’s a project that focuses specifically on Plateau State but however has a national coverage.’

She explained that one of the recommendations of the research was for government to engender its security architecture to ensure that more women participate, especially in Plateau State, where the research was carried out.

‘Plateau State has signed the Gender and Equal Opportunity bill into law, which allows for women’s equal participation, so we are calling on the government to ensure that the law becomes activated,’ she said.

Also, Zainab Gbobaniyi, Advocacy Coordinator, Women for Women (WfWI) said the event was aimed at disseminating the research findings.

‘The research being an evidence based and carried out in five communities in Plateau State cutting across three local governments of Jos E
ast, Riyom and Pankshin, tells the stories directly from the women themselves,’ she said.

Also, Adedayo Benjamins-Laniyi, Federal Capital Territory, (FCT), Mandate Secretary, said the direction of the present administration was geared towards promoting the well-being of women, increasing their political participation and empowerment.

Bemjamins-Laniyi, while speaking on domestic violence and early child marriage, said ‘forming coalitions, working with traditional councils and working with male champions have yielded a lot of results and I think that is a very good approach.’

Source: News Agency of Nigeria