Kenya among 6 African countries to receive mRNA technology

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TDPel Media

Kenya is one of six countries chosen to develop their own mRNA vaccine production facilities. According to World Health Organization (WHO) Secretary General Tedros Ghebreyesus, Africa will be able to produce its own vaccinations to combat Covid-19 and other diseases as a result of this. “No other occurrence like the Covid-19 outbreak has demonstrated how relying on a few businesses to offer global public goods is both restrictive and harmful,” the WHO director general remarked. Egypt, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, and Tunisia are among the other countries chosen for the program. According to… Continue reading Kenya among 6 African countries to receive mRNA technology

Remarks by President Cyril Ramaphosa at WHO Press Conference on announcement of additional mRNA hubs in Africa

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TDPel Media

Director-General of the World Health Organisation, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus,President of France, Emmanuel Macron,President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen,President of the European Council, Charles Michel,My fellow African Presidents,President of Senegal, Macky Sall,President of Egypt, Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi,President of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta,President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari,President of Tunisia, Kais Saied, We are delighted to be part of this announcement to share our experience as the first WHO mRNA Hub in Africa. The World Health Organization has listened to our co… Continue reading Remarks by President Cyril Ramaphosa at WHO Press Conference on announcement of additional mRNA hubs in Africa

WHO announces first recipients of mRNA vaccine production technology. Nigeria, South Africa among recipients

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TDPel Media

At the European Union – African Union summit in Brussels today WHO Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, announced the first six countries that will receive the technology needed to produce mRNA vaccines on the African continent. Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa and Tunisia all applied and have been selected as recipients. The announcement was made at a ceremony hosted by the European Council, France, South Africa and WHO in the presence of President Macron, President Ramaphosa, the President of the European Council, Charles Michel and the President of the European Commi… Continue reading WHO announces first recipients of mRNA vaccine production technology. Nigeria, South Africa among recipients

Amii convida o mundo para a AI Week com US $ 100.000 em bolsas de viagem

Pesquisadores e especialistas em IA aplicada são convidados a explorar Edmonton em maio de 2022

EDMONTON, Alberta, Feb. 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Em antecipação a AI Week, de 24 a 27 de maio de 2022, o Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii) divulgou que está oferecendo os primeiros US $ 100.000 em bolsas de viagem para pesquisadores e profissionais emergentes de inteligência artificial (IA) aplicada de todo o mundo. O programa Global Talent Bursary facilitará a participação de mais de 500 convidados na AI Week em Edmonton, Alberta, Canadá. Para mais informação e para se candidatar, visite

“Gostaria de convidar todos para a Semana da IA, em comemoração aos 20 anos de excelência das pesquisas de IA. O programa Global Talent Bursary viabiliza que mais colegas, ex-alunos e colaboradores venham à conferência. O programa também fornece acesso incrível à nossa vasta comunidade para planejamento de esforços futuros. Espero que você se inscreva e participe da AI Week para encontrar seu próximo cargo, aprender mais sobre um domínio de pesquisa dinâmico e encontrar colaboradores para empreendimentos de startups”, disse Cam Linke, CEO do Amii.

Os destinatários da Global Talent Bursary têm acesso exclusivo a eventos da AI Week, incluindo um Simpósio Acadêmico com conteúdo com os vastos recursos oferecidos pela Amii com pesquisadores líderes mundiais, um Mixer de Carreira VIP e muito mais. Além disso, a Amii tem o prazer de oferecer Global Talent Bursaries para pessoas de grupos normalmente pouco representados nos campos de Ciências, Tecnologia, Engenharia e Matemática (STEM), recentes imigrantes do Canadá e pessoas de comunidades rurais. As inscrições são feitas com base na autoidentificação.

Os participantes também terão acesso a uma palestra especial da Semana da IA de Richard S. Sutton, Conselheiro Científico Chefe, Fellow e Presidente da IA do CIFAR do Canadá no Amii. Um dos líderes mundiais no campo da aprendizagem de reforço, o Dr. Sutton é um cientista de pesquisa distinto na DeepMind e um dos principais pensadores do mundo sobre IA, a mente e o que significa ser inteligente.

“Juntem-se a nós nos quatro dias de workshops, eventos sociais, eventos educacionais – experts e estudantes que irão se conhecer e ver o ecossistema de Edmonton. Temos bolsas de viagem disponíveis para pesquisadores em início de todos os tipos de carreiras e estamos muitos animados em conhecer pessoas e aprender um pouco sobre IA juntos”, disse Sutton.

A primeira AI Week apresentada pelo Amii é uma comemoração de quatro dias da história de 20 anos de excelência em IA e aprendizado de máquina de em Alberta. O evento será realizado de 24 a 27 de maio de 2022 em Edmonton, com uma mistura de primeiras ofertas presenciais, híbridas e digitais. Com uma programação para todos os públicos, o evento marca o 5º aniversário do Amii e o 20º aniversário da fundação do centro de pesquisa Amii na Universidade de Alberta. Para atualizações e anúncios, entre para a AI Week Insiders List em

A comemoração contará com uma variedade de eventos e programação focados em IA e aprendizado de máquina. Pessoas de todas as idades terão a oportunidade de se conectar com líderes de IA em pesquisa e indústria, explorar a promessa e as possibilidades da tecnologia e mergulhar na ciência da IA e do aprendizado de máquina. Com algo para experts e iniciantes, os eventos e ativações incluem:

  • Palestras, apresentações e conversas informais de diversos níveis de conhecimento
  • Simpósio acadêmico destacando a excelência das pesquisas de IA em Alberta
  • Mixer de talentos de IA conectando candidatos a emprego com potenciais empregadores
  • Sessões de ensino fundamental a médio explorando futuras carreiras em IA
  • Série de eventos comunitários organizados por organizações parceiras
  • Eventos sociais, mixers, networking, e muito mais

A AI Week apresentada pelo Amii será realizada de 24 a 27 de maio de 2022 em diversos locais em Edmonton. Este será o primeiro ano de um evento que passará a ser uma comemoração anual da comunidade de IA de Alberta. Mantenha-se atualizado sobre anúncios e programação entrando para a AI Week Insiders List em

Sobre o Amii

Um dos três centros de excelência em IA do Canadá e parte da Estratégia Pan-Canadense de IA, o Amii (Instituto de Inteligência de Máquinas de Alberta) é um instituto sem fins lucrativos com sede em Alberta que apoia a pesquisa líder mundial em inteligência artificial e aprendizado de máquina e traduz o avanço científico para a adoção da indústria. O Amii aumenta as capacidades de IA através de pesquisas avançadas, com ofertas educacionais excepcionais e consultoria para empresas – com o objetivo de desenvolver recursos internos de IA. Para mais informação, visite

Spencer Murray
Comunicações e Relações Públicas
t: 587.415.6100 ramal 109 | c: 780.991.7136

Amii invite le monde à participer à l’AI Week avec 100 000 dollars en bourses de voyage

Les chercheurs et les experts en IA appliquée sont invités à découvrir Edmonton en mai 2022

EDMONTON, Alberta, 18 févr. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — En prévision de l’AI Week, qui se déroulera du 24 au 27 mai 2022, l’Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii) a annoncé les premiers 100 000 dollars en bourses de voyage pour les jeunes chercheurs et professionnels de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) appliquée dans le monde entier. Le programme Global Talent Bursary permettra à plus de 500 invités de participer à l’IA Week à Edmonton, en Alberta, au Canada. Pour plus d’informations et pour postuler, rendez-vous sur

« Alors que nous nous préparons à célébrer 20 ans d’excellence dans la recherche sur l’IA, je suis ravi d’avoir l’occasion d’inviter le monde à l’IA Week. Le programme Global Talent Bursary la rend financièrement viable pour un plus grand nombre de nos pairs, anciens élèves et collaborateurs qui viendront à la conférence. Il offre également un accès incroyable à notre riche communauté pour planifier de futurs projets. J’espère que vous postulerez et assisterez à l’AI Week pour trouver votre prochain poste, en savoir davantage sur un domaine de recherche dynamique et trouver des collaborateurs pour lancer une startup », a déclaré Cam Linke, PDG d’Amii.

Les bénéficiaires de la Global Talent Bursary se verront offrir un accès exclusif à des événements lors de l’IA Week, y compris au symposium universitaire présentant le contenu de membres éminents de la communauté de chercheurs de premier plan de l’Amii, des rencontres professionnelles « Career Mixer » VIP et bien plus encore. En outre, l’Amii est heureux d’offrir des bourses mondiales Global Talent Bursaries à des individus appartenant à des groupes généralement sous-représentés dans les domaines de la science, de la technologie, de l’ingénierie et des mathématiques (STEM), des nouveaux immigrants au Canada et des individus issus de communautés rurales. Les demandes sont effectuées sur la base de l’auto-identification.

Les bénéficiaires auront également accès à une conférence spéciale de l’IA Week de Richard S. Sutton, conseiller scientifique en chef, membre et titulaire d’une chaire en IA Canada-CIFAR chez l’Amii. L’un des leaders mondiaux dans le domaine du renforcement de l’apprentissage, le Dr Sutton, est un chercheur reconnu chez DeepMind et l’un des plus grands penseurs au monde sur l’IA, l’esprit et ce que cela signifie être intelligent.

« Je vous invite à nous rejoindre pendant quatre jours d’ateliers, d’événements sociaux, d’événements éducatifs, lors desquels des experts et des étudiants se rencontreront et visiteront l’écosystème d’Edmonton. Nous proposons des bourses de voyage aux chercheurs de tous types en début de carrière, et nous sommes ravis de rencontrer des gens et d’en apprendre un peu sur l’IA ensemble », a déclaré M. Sutton.

La première IA Week présentée par l’Amii est une célébration de quatre jours des 20 années d’excellence de l’Alberta en matière d’IA et d’apprentissage automatique. L’événement se déroulera du 24 au 27 mai 2022 à Edmonton, avec une série d’événements de premier plan en présentiel, hybrides et numériques. Avec une programmation s’adressant à tous les publics, l’événement marque le 5e anniversaire de l’Amii et le 20e de la création du centre de recherche Amii à l’université de l’Alberta. Pour obtenir des mises à jour et des annonces, rejoignez la Liste des initiés de l’IA Week à l’adresse

La célébration comprendra une variété d’événements et de programmes axés sur l’IA et l’apprentissage automatique. Les publics de tous âges auront l’occasion d’interagir avec les chefs de file de l’IA dans les domaines de la recherche et de l’industrie, d’explorer la promesse et les possibilités de la technologie et de s’immerger dans la science de l’IA et de l’apprentissage automatique. Avec des centres d’intérêts tant pour les experts que pour les débutants, les événements et les activités comprennent :

  • Des discours liminaires, présentations et discussions informelles pour toute une gamme de niveaux de connaissances
  • Un symposium universitaire soulignant l’excellence de la recherche en IA de l’Alberta
  • Des rencontres professionnelles sur l’IA mettant en relation les demandeurs d’emploi et les employeurs potentiels
  • Des sessions K-12 explorant les carrières futures dans l’IA
  • Des séries d’événements communautaires organisées par des organisations partenaires
  • Des évènements sociaux, professionnels, de réseautage, etc.

L’IA Week présentée par l’Amii aura lieu du 24 au 27 mai 2022 dans une variété de sites à travers Edmonton. Cette année marquera l’édition inaugurale de ce qui deviendra une célébration annuelle de la communauté de l’IA de l’Alberta. Restez informé(e) des annonces et de la programmation en rejoignant la liste des initiés de l’IA Week à l’adresse

À propos de l’Amii

L’un des trois centres d’excellence en matière d’IA du Canada dans le cadre de la stratégie pancanadienne en matière d’IA, l’Amii (Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute) est un institut à but non lucratif basé en Alberta qui soutient la recherche de premier plan dans le domaine de l’intelligence artificielle et de l’apprentissage automatique et traduit les progrès scientifiques en adoption de l’industrie. L’Amii développe ses capacités en matière d’IA en faisant progresser la recherche de pointe, en proposant des offres éducatives exceptionnelles et en fournissant des conseils commerciaux, le tout dans le but de développer ses capacités internes en matière d’IA. Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez consulter le site

Spencer Murray
Communications et relations publiques
Fixe : 587.415.6100 ext. 109 | Mobile : 780.991.7136

GEEKVAPE Unveils the Co-branded Products with Paris Saint-Germain during the Champions League 21/22

On February 15, Paris Saint-Germain defeated Real Madrid in the first leg of the Champions League at Parc des Princes. Mbappe’s mercurial stoppage-time winner gave PSG a 1-0 win over Real Madrid.

PARIS, Feb. 18, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — On the same day, GEEKVAPE held the ‘SHAPE THE FUTURE’ new product launch in Paris, France, officially launching three new Paris Saint-Germain Edition products. GEEKVAPE became the first brand in its industry to venture onto an international football field, capturing the attention of fans worldwide.

(GEEKVAPE and Paris Saint-Germain announced official partnership on July 23rd, 2021)

The partnership between Paris Saint-Germain and GEEKVAPE has been widely publicized since it was announced. These much-anticipated products have finally come to market.

GEEKVAPE has raised the bar for mod, pod mod, and pod product design. They are the Obelisk 65FC, which epitomizes the industry’s cutting-edge technology, the Geekvape S100, which features a stainless steel body, and the Geekvape 1FC, the world’s first fast charging pod mod. Each of the three products is painted in a French blue hue.

However, the rights and interests of the collaboration go beyond this. GEEKVAPE has a unique GeekFams VIP lounge in Parc des Princes, and their valued clients will be invited to enjoy a VIP viewing experience. GEEKVAPE will also distribute autographed PSG merchandises on occasion, and GeekFams will have the chance to become Geek Ambassadors and be invited to the stadium to meet the players up close and personal.

As we all know, the entire industry is struggling this year due to the influence of COVID-19. Despite numerous obstacles, the GEEKVAPE team has achieved outstanding results.

In 2021, GEEKVAPE continued to consolidate the position of the top one brand in BOX MOD, and its product system was more than that. This year, GEEKVAPE entered the pod and disposable market, realizing the full category layout of three categories and five series. They also gained industry media and partner recognition. GEEKVAPE received numerous international awards from the prestigious Vapouround Awards and Ecigclick Awards.

(Potti Lan, the marketing director of GEEKVAPE, spoke at the ‘SHAPE THE FUTURE' launch event)

GEEKVAPE’s global sales network now covers over 60 countries and regions and has maintained rapid growth for five consecutive years. More and more consumers are now turning to GEEKVAPE products, and its technologies are being adopted by an increasing number of partners. Launching co-branded products with PSG is a significant step toward reviving the industry.

For a long time, GEEKVAPE has been at the forefront of the industry, constantly striving to create better products for customers and pursuing the ultimate product and technology concept. This bold and innovative move increased the brand’s global influence as well as its brand culture.

“By collaborating with Paris Saint-Germain, we are able to incorporate life and sports themes, resulting in a more diverse brand culture that inspires people.” said Potti, GEEKVAPE’s marketing director. GEEKVAPE is on the verge of breaking out on the global stage in the near future.

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Fate of Thousands of Eritrean Refugees in Afar Region Unknown

The U.N. refugee agency said Friday that the whereabouts of thousands of Eritrean refugees remained unknown two weeks after their camp came under attack in Ethiopia’s northern Afar region.

Armed men entered the Barahle refugee camp on February 3, prompting 21,000 Eritrean inhabitants to flee for their lives. More than 4,000 trekked the long distance to Afar’s regional capital, Semera.

Upon arrival, the refugees told the U.N. refugee agency, UNHCR, that the armed intruders had stolen their belongings and occupied their homes. They reported at least five refugees had been killed and several women kidnapped.

UNHCR spokesman Boris Cheshirkov said family members lost one another in the chaos of fleeing the camp. He said thousands of Eritrean refugees were staying with host families but nothing was known about thousands of others who remained missing.

“Since mid-September when violence started to intensify in the area of the camp, we lost access and our staff had to pull back, which means we have not had precise information, including on these attacks … ,” Cheshirkov said. “We are extremely worried about those that are cut off from aid and have not been accounted for so far.”

Campsite being prepared

Cheshirkov said agencies were providing the refugees in Semera with shelter, relief items, food and clean water. He said protection desks had been set up to identify and assist the most vulnerable refugees, separated children and others with specific needs.

He said the government had identified a temporary campsite and preparations were being made to quickly relocate the refugees there.

“UNHCR remains extremely worried about the safety and well-being of thousands of Eritrean refugees caught up in the conflict,” Cheshirkov said. “We condemn the attack on the refugee camp and reiterate the call for cessation of hostilities to avoid further destruction and potential loss of life for refugees and Ethiopians alike.”

Ethiopian government forces invaded the northern province of Tigray to fight rebels in November 2020. The conflict has since spread to the neighboring Amhara and Afar regions, wreaking havoc in those areas as well.

The UNHCR said there are also large numbers of internally displaced Ethiopians in the Afar region, including 300,000 uprooted by the recent fighting.

Source: Voice of America

Covid-19: Africa’s cases surpass 11 mln

ADDIS ABABA— Africa has reported 11,077,105 COVID-19 cases as of Thursday evening, according to the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC).

The specialized healthcare agency of the African Union said the COVID-19 death toll across the continent stands at 245,451, and total recoveries at 10,221,855.

South Africa has recorded the most cases of 3,648,968 in Africa, followed by Morocco with 1,156,356 cases, Tunisia with 974,254, and Libya with 480,945, the agency said.

In terms of region, southern Africa is the most affected region in Africa, followed by the northern and eastern parts of the continent, while central Africa is the least affected.


Covid-19: Six African countries to get own mRNA jab production

GENEVA— Six African countries have been chosen to establish their own mRNA vaccine production, the World Health Organization said Friday, with the continent largely shut out of access to Covid jabs.

Egypt, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa and Tunisia were selected as the first recipients of technology from the WHO’s global mRNA vaccine hub, in a push to ensure Africa can make its own jabs to fight the Covid and other


“No other event like the Covid-19 pandemic has shown that reliance on a few companies to supply global public goods is limiting, and dangerous,” WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said.

“The best way to address health emergencies and reach universal health coverage is to significantly increase the capacity of all regions to manufacture the health products they need.”

Tedros has continually called for equitable access to vaccines in order to beat the pandemic, and rails against the way wealthy nations have hogged doses, leaving Africa lagging behind other continents in the global vaccination effort.

A ceremony marking the mRNA tech transfer announcement was to be held Friday in Brussels at the summit between the European Union and the African Union.

European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen said: “We have been talking a lot about producing mRNA vaccines in Africa. But this goes even beyond. This is mRNA technology designed in Africa, led by Africa and owned by Africa.”

Currently only one percent of the vaccines used in Africa are produced on the continent of some 1.3 billion people.

The WHO set up a global mRNA technology transfer hub in South Africa last year to support manufacturers in low- and middle-income countries to produce their own vaccines.

The global hub’s role is to ensure that manufacturers in those nations have the know-how to make mRNA vaccines at scale and according to international standards.

As used in the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines, mRNA technology provokes an immune response by delivering genetic molecules containing the code for key parts of a pathogen into human cells.

Primarily set up to address the Covid-19 pandemic, the global hub has the potential to expand manufacturing capacity for other vaccines and products, such as insulin to treat diabetes, cancer medicines and, potentially,

vaccines for diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis and HIV.

The scheme’s ultimate goal is to spread capacity for national and regional production to all health technologies.

The WHO said it would work with the first six countries chosen to develop a roadmap of training and support so they can start producing vaccines as soon as possible. Training will begin in March.

The South African hub is already producing mRNA vaccines at laboratory scale and is currently scaling up towards commercial scale.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said Friday’s announcement “means mutual respect, mutual recognition of what we can all bring to the party, investment in our economies, infrastructure investment and, in many ways, giving back to the continent”.

French President Emmanuel Macron said supporting African health sovereignty was one of the key goals of starting up local production, “to empower regions and countries to fend for themselves, during crises, and in peace time”.

More than 10.4 billion Covid-19 vaccine doses have been administered around the world, with nearly 62 percent of the global population having received at least one shot.

However, just 11.3 percent of Africans had been fully immunised by the start of February.


Mali Demands French, European Troops Leave Country Immediately

The military government of Mali says France’s decision to withdraw troops is a violation of bilateral accords. At the same time, the government says it wants French forces to leave Mali immediately.

During an address from Elysee Palace Thursday, French President Emmanuel Macron said the withdrawal of French and European forces from Mali would take between four and six months.

But Mali’s military government has now asked that forces with Operation Barkhane and the Takuba Task Force depart immediately.

Colonel Abdoulaye Maiga, a spokesperson for Mali’s military government, read the government’s statement on Mali’s state television station ORTM.

Maiga called France’s move a “unilateral decision,” similar to decisions that France announced last June suspending joint operations with the Malian army and ending Operation Barkhane.

These decisions, he said, were made without consultation with the Malian side and constitute flagrant violations of French-Malian agreements.

Maiga said that in view of these repeated breaches of the defense agreements, the government asks the French authorities to withdraw, without delay, Barkhane and Takuba forces from national territory, under the supervision of Malian authorities.

The French first intervened in Mali in 2013, in Operation Serval, which was aimed at taking back control of northern Mali from Islamists. Operation Serval was replaced by anti-insurgent Operation Barkhane.

The Takuba task force is a French-led European military operation of about 800 troops that was deployed in 2020. There are around 2,400 French troops currently in Mali.

Tensions between the French and Malian governments have been rising for months. France has accused Mali of working with Russian mercenaries, and Mali expelled the French ambassador in January after France’s foreign minister called Mali’s government “illegitimate.”

Mali suffered military coups in 2020 and 2021 and has been suspended from the African Union.

Source: Voice of America