Residents of Nkwanta, Kpassa fix bad segment on Eastern Corridor Road

Residents of Nkwanta and Kpassa in the Nkwanta North and South Municipalities in the Oti Region have organised a communal labour to fix potholes on segments of the Nkwanta-Kpassa section of the Eastern corridor road.

The exercise was an initiative of the Nkwanta South Municipal Assembly, and led by Mr Bright Kwame Lenwah, the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) with support from drivers and commuters in the area to make the road motorable.

The MCE said even though the road had been awarded, work had not commenced yet, therefore, the exercise was crucial to fix segment of the road for easy vehicular movement.

Mr Lenwah provided trucks and other equipment to facilitate the filling process and commended the residents for their support and communal spirit.

Mr Ogbe, a driver in an interview with Ghana News Agency said the exercise would help reduce accidents on the road due to its deplorable nature.

Mr Muniru Safiano, a resident, described the exercise as a display of communal spirit as people came out in their numbers to see the work done.

‘We are pleading with the Government to listen to our plight as several calls on government have not been positive. We are pleading with the Regional Minister to find a lasting solution to the road issue because we are tired,’ he said.

Mr Aziz Bawa, Chairperson of Nkwanta North GPRTU said the bad nature of the road is affecting their commerce in addition to wear and tear of vehicle parts, couple with frequent breakdowns.

Source: Ghana News Agency