Methodist Christians analyze internal life of church

Faithful of the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church in the south central district of Africa are since Monday, (10) in Malanje Province, gathered in their 30th annual conference of eastern Angola, aiming to analyze the internal life of the congregation and schedule this year´s plan of actions.

The three days conference will also serve for the presentation of the balance of activities carried out in 2022 and the ordination of 20 pastors to deacons and presbyteries, among other activities.

The role of the church in society, blooming of the promise, academic teaching, Christian education, agriculture, public relations and protocol, evangelism and missions, public health and God’s providence in times of adversity are topics to be discussed at the event.

The administrative assistant of the bishop of the church Hilliard Dogbe, Reverend Bernardo Ngunza highlighted the role of the church in the recovery of moral and civic values within the society, through the congregation of families.

Due to that, he appealed to the members of the church to be aware of and to contribute for the eradication of religious and social phenomena that can endanger the stability of families, especially the elderly, children, and women.

The church gathering has the participation of over 1000 believers of the Annual Conference of the Orient of Angola assigned to some provinces of the country and takes place under the motto “Free Church, a Movement Empowered by the Holy Spirit, Serving Our Flock”.

Source: Angola Press News Agency