Faith Congregation of PCG donates to Echoing Hills Orphanage

The Presbyterian Church of Ghana (PCG) Faith Congregation, Madina Estate, has donated a variety of items and an undisclosed amount of money to the Echoing Hills Village, an orphanage at Social Welfare in Accra, as part of its 30th Anniversary celebration.

Bags of rice, maize, sugar, cereals, liquid soap, sachet water, loaves of bread, eggs, milk, cooking oil, toiletries and used clothing were among the items the Church donated to help cater for the children.

The Minister-In-Charge, the Reverend Christian B. Ocloo, prayed for God’s divine protection and provision for the children and commended the administrators and caregivers for their dedication to duty.

‘It is our fervent prayer that God will provide for you and His plans for the children shall come to pass,’ he said.

Rev. Albert Annan, the Associate Minister, said the Church was a charitable organisation that should take care of the needy and underprivileged in society.

He said the gesture was to strengthen the relationship between the Church and the
orphanage and demonstrate its acknowledgement of the significant role the orphanage played in caring for the vulnerable.

Mr Michael Ansah, a Chaplain of the Village, expressed appreciation for the support and love, saying it would enhance the smooth operations of the home.

The orphanage, he said, received no support from the Government even though it fell under the surrogate custody and legitimate care of government, necessitating its attention.

Mr Ansah said financial constraints continued to hamper the smooth running of the Village and called on the Government to extend a hand of support.

He appealed to benevolent organisations, individuals, and well- meaning Ghanaians to contribute their quota towards the wellbeing of the children.

The church is set to climax the anniversary celebrations on December 30 with a thanksgiving service.

Present at the donation were Mr Danquah Addo-Yobo, the Anniversary Committee Chairman, Ms Lena Nyinaku and Samuel Vanderpuiye, members of the anniversary planning committee