Allow the spirit of unity take root – Presiding Elder to royals

Reverend Prosper Mensah Ayivi, Presiding Elder, Ashaiman District AME Zion Church has urged members of royal families to allow the spirit of unity to take root in them.

He said unity was a virtue which people in leadership or seeking leadership roles such as chieftaincy must embrace in order to lead in a way such that their subjects could enjoy their reign.

Rev. Ayivi was speaking at the launch of a book entitled ‘Logotome’ a compilation of historical legendary of Torgbuiga Amegadze Anubo Royal Family of Aflao coauthored by Fiator David Selorm Hukportie, Mr John Dovene Hukportie, Mr Paul Yaovi Hussey and Mr Francis Korku Vittor.

He alluded to the Biblical story of the building of the tower of the Babel by a group of united people and the resultant fall of the tower following the dispersion of the people into clusters as in Genesis 11:1-14, to underscore the importance of being united and speaking with one voice.

‘Let the spirit of unity take root in us so we can serve our subjects well for wherever t
here is conflict, there is division and retrogression.

‘As royal families, let us be united and bring members together. No matter how serious the disagreement, it can always to be resolved using dialogue and not resorting to arms/conflict.’

The 15-chapter historical book with forward by Constitutional Lawyer, Mr Anthony Kodzo Dabi, aimed to shed light on the history of Aflao, which it says was founded by over 900 years ago by Torgbui Agban Tatrabi, the first to settle at Aflao from Notsie known in present-day as Togo.

Fiator Hukportie, co-author, said it was important to author and launch the historical legendary to help the people of Aflao have knowledge about their true history.

He encouraged people to document their family history to avoid distortion that might result from passing down oral history from generations to generations, calling,’let our family history unite us, not divide us.’

Mr George Kwame Woami, Vice Chairman of Council of Elders, Torgbuiga Amegadze, Anubo Royal Family, urged every
one to get a copy, which among others, know the migration story of Aflao, one of the oldest towns in Ghana, its historical background, customs, interreligious activities and to some extent, the refugee situation during war times.
Source: Ghana News Agency