Banwa: The special delegation from the commune of Kouka visits farmers

Ouagadougou: Members of the special delegation from the commune of Kouka located nearly 45 km from…

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Back to sports: the US armed forces bring out the heavy artillery for the next season

Ouagadougou: The formation of the Sports Union of the Armed Forces (USFA) has put resources into…

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Mouhoun: Defenders of the Transition provide a citizen monitoring framework in Bondokuy

Ouagadougou: The 'Waiyans' of the commune of Bondokuy, a commune located 100 km from Dedougou, launched…

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Center-South: Members of the government and journalists at the summit of Pic Nahouri

Ouagadougou: The Minister in charge of Tourism, Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, at the head of a government…

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Fanta Jolie Mousso says she is seduced by the Nahouri murals for their authenticity

Ouagadougou: Fanta Jolie Mousso, Burkinabè for three years and very active on social networks, likes the…

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Weeding on the RN17: The ‘Waiyans’ want to strengthen security on the Tenkodogo-Ouargaye axis

Ouagadougou: Citizen watch leaders, commonly called 'Waiyans', have, at the initiative of the mission manager for…

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Monkey pox: Burkina puts all its health facilities on alert

Ouagadougou: Following the resurgence of monkeypox in Africa, Burkina Faso, which has not yet recorded any…

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Economic empowerment of young people in Sabcé: Bissa Gold trains and teams local poultry producers

Ouagadougou: The Bissa Gold SA mining company organized a ceremony to hand over poultry farming equipment…

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Belarus records 30 to 40 flights of NATO reconnaissance planes per week

Ouagadougou: Belarus records 30 to 40 flights of reconnaissance aircraft from NATO countries on its borders…

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Nayala: an association plants 100 trees and offers 25 stoves to IDPs in Toma

Ouagadougou: The 'KA WA YOO' Association handed over 25 improved homes to internally displaced persons (IDPs)…

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