Farmers exposed to agroecological practices for sustainable food production

Crop farmers in the Atwima Nwabiagya South Municipality, have received knowledge on agroecological practices that are meant to reduce the current challenges militating against increased food crop production.

The awareness created for these farmers would strengthen their capacities, improve livelihoods and add value to the food they produce.

The exercise is under the ‘Promoting Agroecological Practices for Improved Maize Production and Healthy Environment (PAPISHE) Partnership’ which comprises the Crops Research Institute (CRI) under the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Center for No-Till Agriculture and the Atwima Nwabiagya South chapter of the National Farmers and Fishermen Award Winners.

It is being funded by the European Commission (EU) and AFD through the ECOWAS Commission under the ECOWAS Agroecology Programme.

Dr Stephen Yeboah, Project Manager, and a Research Scientist at CSIR-CRI taking farmers through the exercise at a demonstration field at Seidi near Nkawie, explained that
the partnership would help develop and disseminate demand-led innovations and build capacities of stakeholders for sustainable food crop production and value addition.

He observed that arable land and other production resources were limited, and area expansion for food production was not appropriate or recommended in the spate of urbanization and multiple land uses.

According to him, with extensive urbanization and competition for farmlands, any increase in crop production should be met by increased productivity -improved crop yields per unit area than an increase in cultivated areas.

Dr Yeboah said it was important to create awareness of existing technologies for greater uptake, commercialization of proven technologies, training of agricultural value chain actors and facilitation of engagements with policy to ensure that an appropriate environment was created for wider adoption of innovations.

He took farmers through some agroecological practices at the demonstration site.

These included maize-carnalia
relay, maize-cowpea intercropping, climate-smart maize varieties under organic and inorganic fertilizer application, mulching/direct seeding in a live mulch, cover cropping using mucuna, cover cropping using carnavalia and cover cropping using grain legume (cowpea).

Madam Esther Nsiah Asare, a farmer at Sepaase sharing her experience on agroecological practices with the Ghana News Agency, noted that when a demonstration farm was established to teach the farmers she had been spending less on chemical fertilizers, controlled erosion on the farm and kept a moist soil throughout.

She explained that her practices used to be slash and burn which hardened the land and in dry seasons the crops withered and died.

Mr Alex Mensah, another farmer from Seidi said when he received knowledge of these practices, farming had become easier and pointed out that agroecological practices were the way to go and all farmers should embrace them.

Madam Grace Achiaa, MoFA Director for Atwima Nwabiagya North District who had visite
d the farm with some farmers from her area requested that a demonstration plot be sited in her zone to teach farmers on the need to adopt these technologies to boost their yields.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Cyberbullying on digital lending apps: 130 cases recorded in 2024

A total of 130 cases of cyberbullying has been recorded on digital lending mobile applications (Apps) so far in 2024, the Cyber Security Authority (CSA), has said.

The Apps that have been identified include Ahomka Loan, Antcredit, Beanloan, Bestloan, BezoMoney, Boomloan, Casharrow, Cashwave, Cmgh loan, Cosycredit, Credit Bag, Divacash, Express Loan, Five loan, FullCredit, Homecredit, Itapcredit, Kashby, Lever credit.

Others are Leverloan, Lightscience, Loanfast, MegaCredit, Minaloan, Mix/oan, Omansika, Ozzy money, Pea money, Perfect loan, PojaCredit, Profitloan, Prokash, Roseloan, Safeloan, Starloan, SunTrust, Tipcash, and UnikCredit.

The Authority, in explaining the Modus Operandi, said when a user installed the App, an amount (usually less than GHS 200) was automatically credited into the user’s mobile money wallet even without an actual loan request.

It said one week after disbursing the loan, the fraudsters used extortion tactics including demanding loan repayment with high interest rates from the vic
tim or an associate, threatening to circulate actual or fabricated nude photos of the victim on social media, threatening to label the victim as a thief or wanted criminal.

The CSA said even after victims repaid, some fraudsters continued to demand additional payments.

According to the Authority, the Apps were in contravention of the Banks and Specialised Deposit-Taking Institutions Act, 2016 (Act 930) according to Bank of Ghana (BoG) notice BG/GOV/SEC/2022/10.

In addition, the owners of the Apps have not met the compliance obligations of the Data Protection Commission (DPC) hence their access and use of the data and PII of users violate the Data Protection Act, 2012 (Act 843).

Victims would typically have granted these Apps access to their data (contacts, photos) and personally identifiable information (PII) e.g., Ghana card ID, during the installation.

The Authority advised the public against subscribing to those mobile applications since they were not sanctioned by the BoG and the Data Protection Comm

‘The CSA has a 24-hour Cybersecurity/Cybercrime Incident Reporting Point of Contact (PoC) for reporting cybercrimes and for seeking guidance and assistance on online activities; Call or Text – 292, WhatsApp – 0501603111, Email

Source: Ghana News Agency

Beige-Bank trial: Court cautions Nyinaku against repetitive evidence

The Accra High Court trying Michael Nyinaku, former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the liquidated Beige bank, has cautioned him against witnesses’ repetitive evidence.

Justice Mrs Afia Serwah Asare-Botwe, a Court of Appeal judge with additional responsibility at the High Court, earlier advised Nyinaku to avoid collaborative evidence when his lawyers disclosed that they intended calling 61 witnesses.

The Court said it would no longer entertain repetitive evidence after it realised that the 15 witnesses called so far were repeating evidence already given by their predecessors.

Justice Asare-Botwe said the 15 out of 61 witnesses called by Nyinaku to defend his case had adduced collaborative evidence, which clearly explained the issues about funds transfer, transition of Beige bank from a savings and loans facility.

The Judge advised Mr Kwame Yaw Appiah Kubi, a lawyer on the defence team led by Mr Thaddeus Sory, to rationalise the number of witnesses they intended to call in defence of the accused and if th
eir testimonies were collaborative, they should bar them from coming.

If they failed and brought any witnesses to repeat what has already been said, the Court would strike out the evidence and discharge the witness, she said.

Nyinaku, during Case Management Conference (CMC), said he intended calling 61 witnesses in defence of the 43 charges against him, that is stealing, fraudulent breach of trust and money laundering, which he has been admitted to bail.

The Court had always raised concerns about the number of witnesses the defence intend to call and advised that the team would be challenged when it was time for addresses at the concluding stage of the trial.

She has said the number of witnesses to be called by the defence was the highest ever.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Purchase agricultural inputs from authorised designations – Farmers urged

Mr Dennis Abugri Amenga, the Bono Regional Director, Department of Agriculture, has urged farmers to obtain agricultural inputs from authorised and accredited sellers approved by regulatory bodies.

He said farmers in recent times had expressed concern over the quality of agro-inputs on the market, some of whom purchased seeds that failed to germinate or fertilizers that could not deliver the expected nutrients to plants.

Mr Amenga made the remarks in an interview with the media at the Bono Abinbev Agro Input Fair, organised by the Bono Regional Agriculture Department and the World Food Programme, Ghana.

The event, held in Wenchi, on the theme: ‘Promoting Market Linkages through Agricultural Fairs,’ aimed to educate farmers on the various types of inputs on the market.

This is to help them make informed decisions and avoid the pitfalls of using substandard inputs that resulted in low productivity.

The two-day fair brought together industry dealers of agro inputs to engage with aggregators, farmer-based or
ganisations and smallholder farmers from the Wenchi, Tain, and Banda areas.

Mr Amenga stressed the importance of proper storage of inputs to maintain their efficacy, explaining that even high-quality inputs could lose their effectiveness if stored improperly.

The fair provided a platform for input dealers to offer farmers the necessary information to maximize the returns on their investments.

Mr Emmanuel Kwabena Afful, the Wenchi Municipal Agricultural Director, said the fair represented a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to improve agricultural productivity and sustainability in the region.

He emphasised the importance of collaboration among stakeholders in the agricultural sector to cultivate a robust and resilient industry that could support the communities and foster regional development.

Dr Kofi Frimpong-Anin, a Senior Research Scientist and Entomologist at the Crops Research Institute, advised farmers to adhere strictly to regulations regarding the use of agrochemicals.

Improper applic
ation of those chemicals could have detrimental effects on human health, the environment and the quality of food produced due to chemical residue, he said.

Madam Ursula Nanbala, a farmer from Akrobi, appealed to the government to construct dams in the area to support year-round farming and enhance agricultural productivity.

She highlighted the difficulties faced by farmers in accessing essential resources such as tractors for weeding and fertilizers for crop cultivation, which had resulted in low yield.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Plan International Ghana engages journalists on telling impactful stories

Plan International Ghana has organised an annual workshop for journalists aimed at engaging them to craft impactful stories stemming from the organisation’s initiatives.

The three-day engagement was integral to Plan International Ghana’s strategy to enhance collaboration with the media to effectively communicate its efforts and accomplishments in the humanitarian and development field.

The workshop also sought to provide journalists with a comprehensive understanding of Plan International Ghana’s projects, empowering them to effectively narrate compelling stories that benefit vulnerable children in the country.

It was on the theme: ‘Amplifying Impact: Showcasing Innovation and Progress in Our Projects’.

It convened journalists from the Greater Accra, Northern, North East, Bono, Oti, and Volta Regions to strengthen their ability to amplify the stories of marginalised groups.

Mr Constant Tchona, Country Director, Plan International Ghana, addressing participants at the workshop in Accra, said journalists w
ere partners in Plan International Ghana’s work as it strived for a just world for children and young people, tackling the root causes of the challenges girls and vulnerable children faced.

He said Plan International Ghana was improving the effectiveness of child sponsorship in the most disadvantaged communities, and mobilising resources through grant funding to reach more marginalised communities.

Mr Tchona said, ‘We drive changes in practice, and policy using our outreach, experience and knowledge to influence national policymakers and traditional influencers.’

At the workshop, participants were taken through the various projects being run by Plan International Ghana, their impact on target groups as well as their challenges.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Sustaining the Ga Tradition with the unique naming pattern

The Ga People of the Greater Accra Region, the region that hosts Ghana’s capital, believe that children are strangers from their ancestors.

They, therefore, are accepted as members of the family who have come to stay after surviving the first eight days on earth, and therefore, given a name to welcome them to the family to enjoy a unique identity.

The importance of names cannot be downplayed as God, the Creator, recognised this and, therefore, brought the animals he created to Adam to name them.

‘He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name,’ (Genesis 2:20).

Just like other tribes in the world and in Ghana to be specific, the natives of Greater Accra name their children on the traditional eight days after birth.

Even though the Gas believe they are all royals as most bear the revered title Nii (king) and Naa (queen) just as their chiefs and queens; they have unique names for each clan, which makes it easy for identification
and tracing of ancestry.

Ga Naming

In the past, the language and tribal mark on one’s body could give a clue of where the person hails from, but with modernity, intermarriages, and multilingualism, it is difficult to solely depend on those.

Therefore, the name is one of the most important identifiers of a person.

The renowned writer, A.A. Amartey, said the Ga people believe in reincarnation as the spirit of the dead (ancestors) come back to the world as newborns, hence the revered names Nii and Naa, indicating they are reincarnated.

The Gas are named after their paternal grandfathers, considering the clan they hail from and their birth position.

Uniquely, most Ga names also come with appellations (sabla gbei), which scholars in Ga traditions have indicated is a word or statement used to represent a name, (if one does not want to mention the name plainly but glorify it through appellation).

It is believed that in the olden days because of wars and killings, the Ga people invented the appellations so tha
t their enemies would not be able to identify and kill them.

Name Groups

Names in the Ga Traditional Area can be grouped into six categories: position of birth, family, twins, day of birth, orphans, and reincarnated names.

Aside from these, some may also choose names based on circumstances surrounding the birth of the child, while others may also name children after prominent members of society who may be alive or had passed on as a way to remember them.

Birth Position

Most firstborn boys will generally take the name Tettey with the appellation (Saashi), while the second and third take respectively Tetteh (Mpata), and Kwei /Mensa (Afadi-nsro /Osa). The names can continue to the 10th male boy, who is called Badu, with a sabla of Asuasa.

According to resource materials, including A.A. Amartey’s popular book Omanye Aba, the females will also generally be given the position names and appellations, Dede (Tuma), Korkor (Ofamota), and Kai /Mansa (Adonkropa / Brakatubrafo) for first, second and third girls.

e females that come after them will continue with the names Tsotsoo (Aflaso-manso), Fofo (Oye), Ashami (Okuga), and Botswe (Ashiedua) for the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh positions of birth.

Family/Clan Names

Every Ga family has peculiar names, which make it possible for the child to trace their origin, as it shows the clan, the quarter, and the family the child was born into, even though there can be some names running across more than one clan.  

Some names that come from Ga Mashi (Central Ga), may include Abe, Adukwei, Dakua, Deidei, Lamile, Otobia, Okaija, Taki, Yaole, Kpakpo, and Jagbele, among others.

The people of Osu have names such as Adumua, Aja, Korley, Naki, Maku, Noi, Norley, Sai, Obodai, Oboshi, Soja, Torshii, and Torto, and many others.

Natives from La also have names including Adei, Ajele, Akornor, Anyele, Anyetei, Atswei, Jama, Odoi, Odole, Okpoti, Suatey, Maale, Konney, and Yemoley.

The people Teshie, on the other hand, present names such as Ablor, Akpor, Asheley, Ashorkor, Odua,
Sowah, Mateki, Merley, Martey, Klu, and Adjei.

Nungua natives have naming patterns that are easily identifiable by non-Ga indigenes. These include Borkai, Borketey, Borlabi, Borkwei, and Borteley. Others are Afoley, Afotey, Odai, Mantekai, Momo, and Mantetso.

People in the Tema traditional area respond to names such as Abokaile, Adjeiteye, Adjei, Kailebi, Labi, Mante, Nam, Korkorbi, Armah, Ashitey, and Ashia.

Names of Twins

Having two or more children at birth among the Gas is a blessing and is observed as sacred. Thus the annual twin festival commemoration to celebrate their importance in society.

The first two twin boys are called Akwete and Akuete or Oko and Akuete, while the females are Akweley and Akuorkor.

A boy and a girl will also be called Oko and Akweley.

Some give birth to twins consecutively, and with that Tawiah is added to their names, for example, Oko Tawiah and Akweley Tawiah.

Children born directly after twins will take the unisex names; Tawiah, Agoe, and Abam.

Some families sometime
s add the family names to the twins’ name to show the exact clan and family they hail from.

Day Names

Just like other tribes in Ghana, the Ga people also have some day names they choose in addition to the ones handed down to them by their ancestors. These are Kojo, Kobla, Kwaku, Kwao, Kofi, Kwami, and Kwashi, for boys covering Monday to Sunday. While their female counterparts’ day names are Ajoa, Abla, Akua, Aba, Afua, Ama and Akoshia.


Names are given to children based on situations in their lives, if a child loses the mother before their naming ceremony, that child will be called Ahia (to wit lack of motherly love and care).

The child whose father died before the naming is given the name Antobam, which means he/she did not meet the father to receive joy.

Reincarnated names (Gbobaloi Agbeii)

If a baby dies before being named and the parents give birth to the same gender after him or her, the Ga people believe that it is the same soul that has come back.

To prevent a recurrence of death, incisi
ons are made on the child’s face (especially near the lips and eyes) to prevent the evil spirit or ghost that took him or her away the first time from identifying them.

It is a traditional belief that this will make the child survive.

Such gbobaloi are given unpleasant names such as Booba (you came voluntarily) Aleenor (probably), Obegbei (you don’t have a name), Obaamra (you didn’t come early).

Other names are Mminimade, (an expression in Dangbe meaning ‘What will I Say?) and Kukwei (pot).

Latest Trends

A new trend in naming has been introduced by the younger generation, in which names such as Grace, Blessing, and Praises are translated into the Ga Language.

These are Dromo, Jormor (Dzormor) and Yijiemor, respectively.

They precede such names with the title Naa (Naa Dromo).

However, Reverend Dr Nathan Mensah Nunoo, the General Overseer of Faith Community Fellowship and Ministry, and a family head, says such names are not authentic Ga names and, therefore should not have the revered title Nii or Naa.

e suggested that since it was a trendy name, children could still be given those names but should be placed after the traditional name.

Thus, a child should be named ‘Naa Dedei Dromo) instead of (Naa Dromo Dedei).

He encouraged Christians and other religions not to abandon their traditional names with the excuse of it being fetish, explaining that even if it was, prayers could be sought to take care of any negativity.

‘Just as it happened with biblical Jabez, whose mother named him because of the pain she went through, however, with prayer, he received favour with God,’ Rev. Dr Nunoo said.

He touched on the importance of protecting one’s culture by keeping and using names irrespective of religion, reminding the Gas that no region owns a child, but every child is born into a family.


‘Names are a cultural inheritance for the Ga people passed on from generation to generation. Let us therefore protect this heritage of our traditions by proudly using the names we were born with,’ Rev. Dr Nunoo sai

(This writer, also called Naa Anyorkor; with her appellation; ‘Dade’ meaning ‘metal’, is a Ga woman from La and a quarter called Abese. She has this name because she is the second girl of her parents.)

Source: Ghana News Agency

Participants at AMC committed to create free and fair media environment

The African Media Convention (AMC) in Ghana ended with a resounding commitment from journalists and media professionals to promote press freedom and foster a vibrant media industry in Africa.

As participants departed Accra, they carried with them a renewed sense of purpose and a determination to create a media environment that is both free and fair. The event highlighted the importance of collaboration among journalists across Africa and the need for continued advocacy for press freedom and journalists’ protection.

Madam Nicole Kigamba from Kenya praised the organizers of the program and the relevance of the topics discussed.

She wished for an extension of the convention another time to allow for more topics to be discussed, emphasizing the key role journalists play in changing the narratives of Africa.

Mr. Kobbyanga Godfrey, Minister of State for ICT and National Guidance from Uganda, expressed his happiness to be part of the conference and urged practitioners to tell African stories of their potential a
nd challenges.

He appreciated Ghana’s rich cultural heritage and warm hospitality but also recognized the urgent need to protect media independence and ensure access to accurate information.

Mr Prince Bubacarr Aminata Sankanu, a Gambian journalist, with the Gambia Press was delighted to see women represented in various roles, including speakers and panellists.

He noted that women journalists and media experts led discussions on various topics, sharing their insights and experiences.

Women from different African countries attended the convention, engaging in discussions and networking with colleagues. They also moderated sessions, ensuring smooth and productive discussions.

The African Media Convention was a landmark event that brought together a diverse group of journalists, media professionals, and experts from across the continent.

The convention was a platform for reflection, learning, and collective action, fostering a sense of community and solidarity among participants.

The annual African media c
onvention is a collaborative effort supported by African media stakeholders to reflect on the fundamental role of journalism on the continent, celebrate the fundamental principles of press freedom, and deliberate on measures to safeguard media freedom and promote access to information, and the safety of journalists.

The African Media Convention, held under the theme ‘Enhancing Freedom, Innovation, and Environmental Sustainability in a Dynamic Media Landscape,’ brought together media stakeholders from across the continent to reflect on the fundamental role of journalism and celebrate press freedom.

Source: Ghana News Agency

NYA brainstorms on leveraging technology to enhance agribusiness

The Northern Regional Secretariat of the National Youth Authority (NYA) has held a day’s inception workshop to strategise on leveraging technology to promote agribusiness among young people.

The event brought together District Directors of NYA and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) officers within the region to discuss a partnership initiative with the Feed the Future Ghana Market Systems and Resilience (MSR) Activity geared towards whipping up the interest of young people in agribusiness.

As part of the partnership deal, a total of 2,000 youth would be mobilised by the NYA in eight districts across the region to equip them with basic technological skills, and how to use the various digital platforms to promote their agribusiness.

The beneficiary districts included Sagnarigu, Gushegu, Yendi, Karaga, East Mamprusi, Mion, Nanton and Mamprugu-Moagduri.

The workshop was also tailored to evaluate the accessibility of the various youth and ICT centres in the districts, and how they could be used to
conduct the training for the beneficiaries.

Mr Mumuni Sulemana, Northern Regional Director of NYA, speaking during the event in Tamale, said the rationale behind the partnership was to add value to the agricultural value chain by making it attractive and lucrative for the youth to adopt as a viable business venture.

He said it was part of efforts to adopt sustainable measures to address the issues of youth unemployment and participation in national development.

He urged officers to ensure that they recruited dedicated and committed people, who would use the skills to be acquired to bring about positive change in their lives and community.

Online digital marketing, cyber security, content creation and graphic designing were some of the platforms proposed by participants to be used for the promotion of their businesses.

They raised concerns about inadequate computers at the centres, and called for support to ensure the training was successful.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Wangara Green Ventures partners Sommalife Limited

Wangara Green Ventures, a climate-focused impact investment firm, has invested in the operations of Sommalife Limited, an innovative social enterprise based in Wa in the Upper West Region.

The business partnership will enable Sommalife to expand its operations, support more rural farmers, and increase its community impact.

‘We are excited about this partnership with Sommalife Limited. Their commitment to economic empowerment, environmental stewardship, and community development aligns well with our mission at Wangara Green Ventures.

‘This investment represents a significant step towards fostering sustainable economic growth and achieving multiple SDGs in rural Ghana’, Mr Ebenezer Arthur, CEO, Wangara Green Ventures said in a statement copied to Ghana News Agency.

Mr Mawuse Christina Gyisun, Co-founder of Sommalife Limited, described the collaboration as ‘a significant step’ in the company’s mission to ‘drive positive change and improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in West Africa, with special fo
cus on women farmers’.

Sommalife Limited has established itself as a leader in merging technology, productivity, and environmental sustainability.

The Company aims to sustain income and enhance climate resilience for smallholder farmers, digitising and resourcing them to produce quality shea nuts and other agro commodities in large volumes for both international and local markets.

In addition to empowering its fast-growing network of farmers, especially women, to become ‘successful entrepreneurs, it provides financial inclusion, reliable market access and land restoration services’.

Wangara Green Ventures is a climate-focused impact investment firm dedicated to supporting Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs) in Ghana.

With investment amounts ranging from USD 50,000 to USD 500,000, it targets green businesses that drive social and environmental impact, providing pre-investment and post-investment and Technical Assistance Grants.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Florence Osei Ntim R/C JHS gets US$5,000 STEAM Laboratory

A Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) Laboratory has been handed over to the Florence Osei Ntim Roman Catholic Basic School Junior High School (FON JHS) at Kwahu Pepease in the Kwahu East District.

The laboratory, which cost $5,000.00, was established by Ms. Akosua Afriyie Mensah, a 17-year-old Ghanaian American high school student at Northwest School in North Carolina, USA.

The aim is to help promote the effective teaching of science and mathematics in school. However, with a passion for music, she also donated musical instruments to the school to help train the pupils.

Among items donated to stock the laboratory were laptops, computers, projector, books and science apparatuses.

At the handover ceremony, Dr. William Ofori Ntim, a medical doctor in the US, commended the gesture, stating that it was committed to promoting quality education by providing communities with ultra-modern library facilities, science apparatuses, and educational materials.

He noted that it had always b
een the donor’s priority to introduce modern technology by providing items to students in deprived communities to help expose them to the 21st century, which was the motivation behind this gesture.

This was not the first time the donor had established such an edifice at FON School.

She had plans to extend her reach to Pepease Presbyterian Junior High School, where she would provide a reading and music laboratory and a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) laboratory.

He said more schools in Kwahu were to benefit from the donor as she was ready to support and establish such facilities in schools across the district and that she would not relent on her efforts in providing modern technologies to students.

Dr Ntim promised the donor’s continuous support to schools in Kwahu and urged the students to use the items to better their lives.

Receiving the keys on behalf of the school, Mr. Badu Boakye Yiadom, Headteacher of the school lauded Ms Akosua Afriyie Mensah and parents for the kind gestu
re and promised to maintain the equipment to serve other students who would patronize the school.

He said with the provision of the STEAM laboratory, enrollment in the school had increased massively with low dropouts giving statistics as enrollment had increased from 100 to 150 and school dropout decreased by 50 per cent.

‘No wonder the school had a 100 per cent pass rate in a Science and Mathematics quiz organized by the District Educational Directorate for Junior High Schools in the District due to the gesture’, he added.

Source: Ghana News Agency