Adrian Ridge est nommé directeur général de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

TEMECULA, Californie, 02 juill. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — À compter du 1er juillet 2024, Adrian Ridge est directeur général de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group, qui fait partie de la branche industrielle de Nikkiso Co. Ltd. Ridge succède à Peter Wagner, qui reste engagé au sein du conseil d’administration en tant que président exécutif de Nikkiso CE&IG Group.

En tant que directeur général, Ridge pilotera les performances opérationnelles et financières du Groupe et le préparera à sa croissance future. Dans son rôle de président exécutif, Wagner se concentrera sur la mise en œuvre de la vision et de la stratégie à long terme du Groupe en qualité de conseiller.

« Au nom du conseil d’administration, je souhaite la bienvenue et félicite Adrian pour sa promotion au poste de directeur général », a déclaré Wagner. « C’est un leader confirmé qui s’engage au bon moment pour soutenir la croissance de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases vers de nouveaux sommets. »

« Je n’ai jamais été aussi enthousiasmé par le potentiel d’une entreprise que par celui de Nikkiso », a affirmé Ridge. « Nous disposons de tous les ingrédients nécessaires pour être leader sur tous les marchés que nous desservons dans toutes les régions du monde. Je suis honoré et reconnaissant pour cette opportunité unique. »

À propos d’Adrian Ridge

Ridge a rejoint Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases en 2022 en tant que vice-président directeur de la fabrication et des opérations après avoir travaillé près de 30 ans chez le géant manufacturier suédois Atlas Copco où il a occupé plusieurs postes de direction au niveau mondial. Il est titulaire d’un diplôme en génie mécanique et d’un MBA de l’Université de Durham au Royaume-Uni.

Contact média
Lisa Adams
Mobile : +1 405 492-1689

À propos de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group est un fournisseur leader d’équipements cryogéniques et de technologies et d’applications conçues pour les marchés inhérents à l’énergie propre et aux gaz industriels. Le Groupe emploie plus de 1 600 personnes dans 22 pays sous la direction de Cryogenic Industries, Inc. en Californie du Sud, aux États-Unis, qui est une filiale à 100 % de Nikkiso Co., Ltd. (TSE: 6376).

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible sur

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9172603

Adrian Ridge nomeado CEO do Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

TEMECULA, Califórnia, July 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A partir de 1 de julho de 2024, Adrian Ridge é o CEO do Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group, parte da divisão industrial da Nikkiso Co. Ltd. Ridge sucede a Peter Wagner, que continua a desempenhar funções no Conselho de Administração como Executive Chairman do Nikkiso CE&IG Group.

Enquanto CEO, Ridge irá impulsionar os resultados operacionais e financeiros e preparar o Grupo para o crescimento futuro. Na sua função de Executive Chairman, Wagner concentrar-se-á na condução da visão e da estratégia a longo prazo do Grupo, na qualidade de consultor.

“Em nome do Conselho de Administração, dou as boas-vindas e felicito Adrian pela sua promoção a CEO”, afirmou Wagner. “É um líder com provas dadas que se envolve no momento certo para promover o crescimento da Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases para novos patamares.”

“Nunca me senti tão entusiasmado com o potencial de uma empresa como me sinto com a Nikkiso”, afirmou Ridge. “Temos todos os ingredientes certos para sermos líderes em todos os mercados que servimos em todas as regiões do mundo. Sinto-me honrado e grato por esta oportunidade única na vida.”

Sobre Adrian Ridge

Ridge juntou-se à Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases em 2022 como EVP de Fabrico e Operações depois de ter trabalhado cerca de 30 anos na gigante sueca de fabrico Atlas Copco ocupando vários cargos de liderança global. Tem uma licenciatura em Engenharia Mecânica e um MBA da Universidade de Durham, no Reino Unido.

Contacto para os meios de comunicação social
Lisa Adams
Telemóvel: +1 (405) 492-1689

Sobre o Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

O Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group é um fornecedor líder de equipamento criogénico, tecnologias e aplicações para os segmentos de mercado da energia limpa e dos gases industriais. O Grupo emprega mais de 1.600 pessoas em 22 países e é liderado pela Cryogenic Industries, Inc. no sul da Califórnia, EUA, a qual é uma subsidiária integral da Nikkiso Co., Ltd. (TSE: 6376).

Uma fotografia que acompanha este anúncio está disponível em

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9172603

Global Citizen Award 2024 : lancement de l’appel à candidatures

LONDRES, 02 juill. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — En partenariat avec la fondation humanitaire suisse à but non lucratif Andan Foundation, le cabinet de conseil de premier plan en résidence et en citoyenneté internationales, Henley & Partners, a le plaisir d’annoncer le lancement de l’appel à candidatures pour le Global Citizen Award 2024.

Créé il y a dix ans, en 2014, le Global Citizen Award rend hommage à des individus exceptionnels dont les réalisations contribuent à relever l’un des défis mondiaux — qui transcendent les frontières nationales et ne peuvent être résolus par un pays faisant cavalier seul — auxquels l’humanité est actuellement confrontée. La distinction de cette année est particulièrement importante car elle marque le 10e anniversaire du Global Citizen Award, célébrant ainsi une décennie de reconnaissance et de soutien aux champions mondiaux qui ont un impact considérable sur notre monde.

Le lauréat de l’édition 2024 sera sélectionné par un comité indépendant de choix et sera honoré lors de la cérémonie de remise du Global Citizen Award, marquant la clôture de la conférence annuelle Henley & Partners sur la citoyenneté mondiale, qui se tiendra cette année à Capella Singapore du 27 au 29 novembre 2024.

Christian H. Kaelin, Président de Henley & Partners et fondateur de l’Andan Foundation, explique que le travail du lauréat doit démontrer un impact positif sur la vie des groupes sociaux vulnérables, en particulier en ce qui concerne les questions liées à la migration. « Global Citizen Award est un prix est ouvert à tous les individus du monde entier, à l’exclusion des personnalités politiques, des leaders d’opinion et des célébrités, qui travaillent dans un domaine ayant un lien direct avec les problèmes qu’ils cherchent à résoudre. Le comité cible des individus exceptionnels et inspirants qui font preuve de vision, de courage et d’innovation dans la conduite du changement mondial, et dont les actions et les perspectives contribuent à un monde plus juste, plus pacifique, plus connecté et plus tolérant. »

La sélection est confidentielle et reflète la décision prise à la majorité des membres du comité de sélection. Quant au Prix, il comprend une médaille sculpturale sur mesure conçue par l’artiste italien Antonio Nocera, un certificat signé par le président du comité de sélection du Global Citizen Award, et une récompense financière de 20 000 USD visant à soutenir les efforts humanitaires du lauréat. En outre, Henley & Partners s’engage à travailler en étroite collaboration avec le lauréat pendant un an, à apporter de la visibilité à son travail et à soutenir le projet sélectionné par le biais du réseau du cabinet, qui compte plus de 55 bureaux dans le monde.

Depuis sa création, le Global Citizen Award a récompensé de nombreux individus exceptionnels. Le premier lauréat est l’entrepreneur allemand Harald Höppner, qui a mis sur pied le projet d’aide humanitaire aux réfugiés Sea-Watch. Parmi les autres lauréats figurent le Dr Imtiaz Sooliman, fondateur de la Gift of the Givers Foundation, la plus grande organisation de secours en cas de catastrophe en Afrique, et Monique Morrow, cofondatrice de The Humanized Internet, un projet d’identité numérique qui vise à donner de l’espoir aux quelque 1,1 milliard d’individus dans le monde qui ne peuvent prouver leur identité juridique.

La cofondatrice et présidente de la Pacific Links Foundation, Diep Vuong, a été récompensée pour son travail en Asie du Sud-Est en faveur des droits des personnes réduites en esclavage par la traite des êtres humains, tandis que le professeur Padraig O’Malley a reçu le Prix en reconnaissance de son travail sur la résolution des conflits et la réconciliation en Irlande du Nord, en Afrique du Sud et en Irak. Le lauréat de l’année dernière, Zannah Bukar Mustapha, fondateur de la Future Prowess Islamic Foundation, a été récompensé pour le soutien psychologique, éducatif, spirituel et autre apporté aux enfants et aux veuves touchés par l’insurrection dans le nord-est du Nigeria.

S’exprimant sur les dix années d’existence de ce Prix et son importance, le Dr Kaelin explique que les idéaux de citoyenneté mondiale constituent un principe fondateur de Henley & Partners et que, grâce à son partenariat avec l’Andan Foundation, le cabinet est en mesure d’apporter son soutien aux citoyens du monde déplacés à cause des guerres, des conflits et du changement climatique. « Tous les lauréats du Global Citizen Award représentent pour nous une source d’inspiration par leur volonté d’agir face à un problème que beaucoup considèrent comme simplement trop complexe pour être traité. Les problèmes auxquels nous sommes confrontés aujourd’hui transcendent la famille, la tribu, le village et le pays. Il est plus que jamais capital que nous fassions tout ce qui est en notre pouvoir pour soutenir ceux qui s’efforcent de changer la vie des personnes vulnérables dans le monde entier. »

La date de clôture de l’appel à candidature est fixée au vendredi 2 août 2024. Pour plus d’informations sur la procédure de dépôt de votre candidature, veuillez contacter Bushra Zaidan à l’adresse

Sarah Nicklin
Responsable du groupe en charge des relations publiques
Portable : +27 72 464 8965

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000969591

Chamada para Indicações: Prêmio Cidadão Global 2024

LONDRES, July 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A empresa líder em consultoria de residência e cidadania internacional Henley & Partners, em parceria com a Andan Foundation, uma organização humanitária suíça sem fins lucrativos, tem o prazer de anunciar a chamada para indicações ao Prêmio Cidadão Global 2024.

Criado há dez anos, em 2014, o Prêmio Cidadão Global é um tributo em homenagem a indivíduos notáveis que trabalham para promover qualquer um dos desafios globais que hoje afetam a humanidade – desafios que transcendem as fronteiras nacionais e não podem ser resolvidos por um único país isoladamente. A homenagem deste ano é particularmente significativa, pois comemora o 10º aniversário do Prêmio Cidadão Global, que celebra uma década de reconhecimento e apoio aos campeões globais que exercem um impacto profundo em nosso mundo.

O vencedor de 2024 será selecionado por um comitê ilustre e independente e homenageado na cerimônia do Prêmio Cidadão Global, o evento noturno de gala de encerramento da Henley & Partners da Conferência de Cidadania Global anual, que este ano será realizado na Capella Singapore, de 27 a 29 de novembro de 2024.

O presidente da Henley & Partners e fundador da Andan Foundation, Dr. Christian H. Kaelin, explica que o trabalho do premiado precisa demonstrar que tem um impacto positivo na vida de grupos sociais vulneráveis, especialmente nas questões relacionadas à migração. “O Prêmio Cidadão Global está aberto à participação de pessoas do mundo todo que trabalhem em um ramo diretamente ligado às questões que pretendem impactar e exclui figuras políticas, formadores de opinião e celebridades. O comitê está à procura de indivíduos notáveis e inspiradores que demonstrem visão, coragem e inovação para promover mudanças globais, e cujas ações e perspectivas contribuam para um mundo mais justo, pacífico, conectado e tolerante.”

O processo de seleção é confidencial e baseado na decisão da maioria do Comitê de Premiação. O prêmio em si consiste em uma medalha escultural personalizada, desenhada pelo importante artista italiano Antonio Nocera, um certificado de premiação assinado pelo Presidente do Comitê do Prêmio Cidadão Global e um prêmio em dinheiro de US$ 20.000, para apoiar os esforços humanitários do premiado. Além disso, a Henley & Partners se compromete a trabalhar em conjunto com o premiado durante o período de um ano, divulgando seu trabalho e apoiando o projeto selecionado através da rede de mais de 55 escritórios da empresa em todo o mundo.

Desde sua criação, o Prêmio Cidadão Global homenageou muitos indivíduos notáveis. O primeiro ganhador foi o empresário alemão Harald Höppner, que criou o projeto Sea-Watch de ajuda humanitária a refugiados. Depois dele, vieram o Dr. Imtiaz Sooliman, fundador da Gift of the Givers Foundation, a maior organização de assistência a desastres da África, e Monique Morrow, cofundadora da The Humanized Internet, um projeto de identidade digital voltado para levar esperança a cerca de 1,1 bilhão de pessoas no mundo que não podem provar sua identidade legal.

Diep Vuong, cofundadora e presidente da Pacific Links Foundation, foi premiada por seu trabalho no sudeste asiático, em campanha pelos direitos das pessoas escravizadas pelo tráfico humano, enquanto o Prof. Dr. Padraig O’Malley recebeu o Prêmio Cidadão Global em reconhecimento por seu trabalho na resolução de conflitos e reconciliação na Irlanda do Norte, África do Sul e Iraque. A premiada do ano passado Zannah Bukar Mustapha, fundadora da Future Prowess Islamic Foundation, foi premiada pelo apoio psicológico, educacional, espiritual e outros tipos de desenvolvimento oferecidos às crianças e viúvas afetadas pela rebelião no nordeste da Nigéria.

O Dr. Kaelin comentou sobre os 10 anos de história e a importância do prêmio, afirmando que os ideais de cidadania global são um princípio fundamental da Henley & Partners e que, por meio de sua parceria com a Andan Foundation, a empresa pode oferecer apoio às pessoas deslocadas por guerras, conflitos e mudanças climáticas. “Todos os homenageados com o Prêmio Cidadão Global nos inspiraram com sua disposição de agir para enfrentar um problema que muitos consideram grande demais para ser resolvido. Os problemas que enfrentamos hoje transcendem a família, a tribo, a aldeia e a nação. Mais do que nunca, é fundamental que façamos o que estiver ao nosso alcance para apoiar aqueles que trabalham para mudar a vida dos mais vulneráveis em todo o mundo.”

As indicações se encerram na sexta-feira, 2 de agosto de 2024. Para obter mais informações sobre como enviar sua indicação, entre em contato com Bushra Zaidan em

Sarah Nicklin
Chefe do Grupo de Relações Públicas
Celular: +27 72 464 8965

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000969591

Call for Nominations: 2024 Global Citizen Award

LONDON, July 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Leading international residence and citizenship advisory firm Henley & Partners, in partnership with Andan Foundation, a Swiss non-profit humanitarian organization, is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the 2024 Global Citizen Award.

Created ten years ago in 2014, the Global Citizen Award is a tribute that honors remarkable individuals working to advance any one of the global challenges affecting humanity today – challenges that transcend national boundaries and cannot be resolved by any one country acting alone. This year’s honor is particularly significant as it marks the 10th anniversary of the Global Citizen Award, celebrating a decade of recognizing and supporting global champions who make a profound impact on our world.

The 2024 laureate will be selected by a distinguished, independent committee and honored at the Global Citizen Award ceremony, the concluding gala evening event of the annual Henley & Partners Global Citizenship Conference which is taking place this year at Capella Singapore from 27–29 November 2024.

Henley & Partners Chairman and Founder of the Andan Foundation, Dr. Christian H. Kaelin, says the awardee’s work needs to demonstrate a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable social groups, particularly with a connection to migration-related issues. “The Global Citizen Award is open worldwide to those working in a field with a direct link to the issues they are looking to affect and excludes political figures, opinion leaders, and celebrities. The committee is looking for remarkable and inspirational individuals who demonstrate vision, courage, and innovation in driving global change, and whose actions and outlook contribute to a more just, peaceful, connected, and tolerant world.”

The selection process is confidential and is based on a majority decision of the Award Committee. The award itself consists of a bespoke sculptural medal designed by leading Italian artist Antonio Nocera, an award certificate signed by the Chairman of the Global Citizen Award Committee, and a monetary prize of USD 20,000, which goes towards supporting the awardee’s humanitarian efforts. In addition, Henley & Partners commits to working closely with the awardee for a period of one year, raising awareness of their work and supporting the selected project through the firm’s network of more than 55 offices worldwide.

Since its inception, the Global Citizen Award has honored many remarkable individuals. The first laureate was German entrepreneur Harald Höppner, who set up the refugee humanitarian aid project Sea-Watch. He was followed by Dr. Imtiaz Sooliman, Founder of the Gift of the Givers Foundation, Africa’s largest disaster relief organization, and Monique Morrow, Co-Founder of The Humanized Internet, a digital identity project that aims to bring hope to the estimated 1.1 billion individuals in the world who cannot prove their legal identity.

Diep Vuong, Co-Founder and President of the Pacific Links Foundation, was awarded for her work in Southeast Asia campaigning for the rights of those enslaved by human trafficking, while Prof. Dr. Padraig O’Malley received his Global Citizen Award in recognition of his work on conflict resolution and reconciliation in Northern Ireland, South Africa, and Iraq. Last year’s awardee Zannah Bukar Mustapha, the Founder of the Future Prowess Islamic Foundation, was recognized for the psychological, educational, spiritual and other developmental support provided to the children and widows affected by the insurgency in north-eastern Nigeria.

Commenting on the award’s 10-year history and significance, Dr. Kaelin says global citizenship ideals are a founding principle of Henley & Partners, and through its partnership with the Andan Foundation, the firm can provide support to those displaced by war, conflict and climate change. “All of our Global Citizen Award laureates have inspired us with their willingness to act in confronting a problem that many see as simply too vast to address. The issues that we face today transcend the family, the tribe, the village, and the nation. It’s more critical than ever that we do what we can to support those working to change the lives of vulnerable people around the world.”

Nominations close on Friday, 2 August 2024. For more information on how to submit your nomination, please contact Bushra Zaidan at

Sarah Nicklin
Group Head of PR
Mobile: +27 72 464 8965

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000969321

L’AACSB définit l’orientation des écoles de commerce pour qu’elles soient à la pointe de l’IA

L’AACSB se base sur un nouveau rapport et des événements mondiaux pour définir l’orientation stratégique des écoles de commerce afin de faire progresser l’éducation et de mener une action audacieuse en matière d’IA.

TAMPA, Floride, 02 juill. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AACSB International (« AACSB ») ouvre la voie aux écoles de commerce pour leur permettre d’utiliser l’IA et d’innover dans ce domaine. Dans un rapport récemment publié qui explore la manière dont les écoles de commerce peuvent mieux comprendre et adopter les capacités de l’IA générative (GenAI), en complément de sa première conférence sur l’IA aux États-Unis, l’AACSB est ravie d’annoncer qu’Ethan Mollick, leader d’opinion renommé en matière d’IA, fera office de conférencier d’honneur lors de la Conférence des doyens qui se tiendra à Las Vegas, dans le Nevada, en février 2025.

Ethan Mollick est professeur associé à la Wharton School de l’université de Pennsylvanie, où il étudie et enseigne l’innovation et la culture d’entreprise, et examine les effets de l’intelligence artificielle sur le travail et l’éducation. Il dirige également Wharton Interactive, une initiative visant à démocratiser l’éducation à l’aide de jeux, de simulations et de l’IA. Avant de travailler dans le monde universitaire, Ethan a cofondé une startup et prodigue toujours aujourd’hui ses conseils à plusieurs startups et organisations.

Cette nouvelle arrive peu de temps après que l’AACSB ait organisé sa première Conférence sur l’IA à Santa Clara, en Californie. Cette conférence s’est concentrée sur l’intersection de l’IA dans les études commerciales et les affaires appliquées, sur l’importance des capacités de l’IA et sur la façon dont l’IA permet d’améliorer l’efficacité sans pour autant remplacer les aptitudes générales, tous ces points constituant un axe essentiel des études commerciales. L’AACSB prévoit également d’organiser une conférence similaire sur l’IA à Paris les 9 et 10 octobre.

Ce travail s’appuie sur le rapport récemment publié par l’AACSB, Building Future-Ready Business Schools With Generative AI (Bâtir des écoles de commerce prêtes pour l’avenir grâce à l’IA générative), qui examine en profondeur les menaces et les opportunités potentielles pour les études commerciales, en mettant en exergue les différentes manières dont les écoles peuvent utiliser efficacement la GenAI dans leur programme d’études et les expériences des apprenants, tout en réalisant les objectifs de l’établissement.

Les effets de l’IA commencent tout juste à se faire sentir dans l’enseignement, les entreprises et la société, et ces efforts servent de catalyseur pour explorer, discuter et étudier davantage la dynamique de cette technologie numérique en constante évolution.

À propos d’AACSB International

Fondée en 1916, AACSB International (« AACSB ») est la plus importante alliance dans le domaine des études commerciales au monde. Elle met en contact des formateurs, des apprenants et des entreprises afin de créer la prochaine génération de grands leaders. Avec des membres dans plus de 100 pays et territoires, l’AACSB favorise l’engagement, accélère l’innovation et amplifie l’impact au sein du secteur des études commerciales. Découvrez comment l’AACSB révolutionne les études commerciales dans le but de créer une société meilleure sur

Pour obtenir plus d’informations, contactez :
Leah McBride

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9172240

AACSB Estabelece Direção para Faculdades de Business Liderarem em IA

A AACSB usa novos relatórios e eventos globais para definir uma direção estratégica para as faculdades de business avançarem na educação e liderarem corajosamente em IA.

TAMPA, Flórida, July 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A AACSB International (AACSB) está liderando a maneira como as faculdades de business irão utilizar a IA. Com um relatório divulgado recentemente que explora como as faculdades de business podem entender e abraçar melhor a capacidade da IA generativa (GenAI), além da sua primeira conferência de IA nos EUA, a AACSB tem o prazer de anunciar a participação do renomado líder de pensamento em IA Ethan Mollick como palestrante principal na Deans Conference em Las Vegas, Nevada, em fevereiro de 2025.

Ethan Mollick é professor associado da Wharton School da University of Pennsylvania, onde estuda e ensina inovação e empreendedorismo e examina os efeitos da inteligência artificial no trabalho e na educação. Ele também lidera a Wharton Interactive, um esforço para democratizar a educação usando jogos, simulações e IA. Antes de entrar para o setor universitário, Ethan cofundou uma empresa startup e atualmente presta consultoria a várias startups e organizações.

Este acontecimento se dá pouco depois de a AACSB ter realizado sua primeira AI Conference em Santa Clara, Califórnia. Esta conferência concentrou-se na interseção da IA na educação empresarial e nos negócios aplicados, na importância da capacidade da IA e em como a IA aumenta a eficiência sem substituir as soft skills; um foco importante da educação empresarial. A AACSB também planeja realizar uma conferência de IA semelhante em Paris nos dias 9 e 10 de outubro.

Este trabalho baseia-se no relatório recém-publicado da AACSB Building Future-Ready Business Schools With Generative AI (Criação de Faculdades de Business Prontas com IA Generativa), que analisa em profundidade as potenciais ameaças e oportunidades para a educação empresarial, delineando maneiras pelas quais as escolas podem usar eficientemente a GenAI no seu currículo e na experiência dos alunos, enquanto atingem metas institucionais.

O impacto da IA está começando a ser observado na educação, nos negócios e na sociedade, e esses esforços servem como um catalisador para explorar, discutir e estudar ainda mais a dinâmica dessa tecnologia digital em evolução.

Sobre a AACSB International

Fundada em 1916, a AACSB International (AACSB) é a maior associação de educação empresarial do mundo, conectando educadores, estudantes e empresas para a criação da próxima geração de grandes líderes. Com membros em mais de 100 países e territórios, a AACSB incentiva o engajamento, acelera a inovação e amplia o impacto no ensino de business em todo o mundo. Saiba como a AACSB e as entidades de ensino de business de todo o mundo estão liderando corajosamente o ensino de business em

Contato Para Mais Informações:
Leah McBride

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9172240

Adrian Ridge Appointed CEO of Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

Adrian Ridge
Adrian Ridge CEO Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases

Effective July 1, 2024, Adrian Ridge is CEO of Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases

TEMECULA, Calif., July 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Effective July 1, 2024, Adrian Ridge is Chief Executive Officer of Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group, part of Nikkiso Co. Ltd.’s Industrial division. Ridge succeeds Peter Wagner, who remains engaged in a Board role as Executive Chairman for Nikkiso CE&IG Group.

As CEO, Ridge will drive operational and financial results and ready the Group for future growth. In his role as Executive Chairman, Wagner will focus on driving the vision and long-term strategy of the Group in an advisor capacity.

“On behalf of the Board, I welcome and congratulate Adrian on his promotion to CEO,” said Wagner. “He is a proven leader who is engaging at the right time to support Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases’s growth to new heights.”

“I’ve never been as excited about a company’s potential as I am about Nikkiso,” said Ridge. “We have all the right ingredients to be a leader in every market we serve in every region around the world. I am honored and grateful for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”

About Adrian Ridge

Ridge joined Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases in 2022 as EVP of Manufacturing and Operations after working approximately 30 years at Swedish manufacturing giant Atlas Copco in various global leadership roles. He has a Mechanical Engineering degree and an MBA from Durham University in the United Kingdom.

Media contact
Lisa Adams
Mobile: +1 (405) 492-1689

About Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group

The Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group is a leading provider of cryogenic equipment, technologies and applications for clean energy and industrial gas market segments. The Group employs more than 1,600 people in 22 countries and is headed by Cryogenic Industries, Inc. in Southern California, U.S., which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nikkiso Co., Ltd. (TSE: 6376).

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9171987

Let’s thoroughly investigate to understand how the ownership of 90 per cent shares of Adamus moved to Nguvu Mining

The Director of Adamus Resources Pty ( Adamus Australia ) Mr. Allan Morrison has stated that, Adamus Australia never sold or transferred its 90% shares in Adamus Ghana to Nguvu Mining Limited.

‘It is, therefore, in the interest of investment in Ghana and particularly in the mining sector that this matter be thoroughly and fairly investigated to understand how the ownership of the 90% shares suddenly changed from Adamus Australia to Nguvu Mining Limited, for justice to prevail.

He said Adamus Australia would continue to use and trust the court process to ventilate all its grievances saying, Adamus Australia would stand by the Court Orders and urged all the stakeholders, including the government to respect the rule of law in the interest of the good administration of justice and also in the interest of Adamus Ghana, its workers and the hosting community.

This was in a press release he signed and copied to the Ghana News Agency in Accra on Tuesday.

It said Adamus Resources (Pty) Limited’s (Adamus Australia)
attention was drawn to a press release dated 27th June 2024 by the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources on the current state of affairs relating to the suit N° CM/OCC/0279/2023, Adamus Resources Limited and Nguvu mining Limited Vs. Allan Morrisson and Adamus Resources (Pty) Limited.

Adamus Resources (Pty) Limited (Adamus Australia) said they found it prejudicial for the Ministry in its release to be stating that the ownership of Adamus Ghana was vested in Nguvu Mining with full knowledge that the ownership of the company was the subject matter of the dispute.

‘ The Ministry has at all material times sided with Nguvu Mining in this dispute and this release has again reinforced our belief that the Ministry is biased against our interests.

‘The Ministry it was indicated, had chosen to put out its press release though it was well informed that Nguvu Mining Ltd on the 10th of April 2024 filed a notice to withdraw its appeal against the 27th July 2023 injunction orders of the High Court, and had also, on the
6th of June 2024, withdrawn its application for stay of execution of the injunction orders setting up the IMC, filed on the 26th of January 2024’.

Per the background, Angela List and Sarpong Kwaku Odame Esq acted as CEO and board secretary of Adamus Resources Ghana Ltd (Adamus Ghana) to unilaterally appoint Dr. Anthony Aybunn and Mr. Joseph Owusu Ansah to the board of the Company at meetings on the 11th of February 2021 and 17th of June 2021 which they described as Extra Ordinary General Meetings when no shareholder of the Company was informed or in attendance.

Adamus Australia, the owner of 90% of the shares of Adamus Ghana, on the 20th of December 2021, informed the Lands Ministry and the Attorney General of the of Ghana in a letter sent and received by both of them on the 22nd of December 2021, complaining of the irregular appointments of Dr. Anthony Aybunn and Mr. Joseph Owusu Ansah made by Angela List to the board of the Company without any involvement of Adamus Australia or the Government of Ghana who
is also the owner of the remaining 10%shares of the in the Company.

It said on the 28th of December 2021, Allan Morrison, the sole director and secretary of Adamus Australia requisitioned an Extra Ordinary General Meeting for Adamus Ghana, he served notice on the Ministry. Angela List responded to Mr. Morrison on the 29th of December 2021 and claimed that the board of Adamus Australia was made up of three directors, namely; Peter Michael, Kevin Woodthorpe and Allan Morrison, and that all three of them needed to sign a resolution for the Extraordinary General Meeting to be organized by Adamus Ghana.

Unknown to Allan Morrison, in early December of 2021, Angela List, without any lawful authority, purported to have appointed Peter Michael and Kevin Woodthorpe as additional directors of Adamus Australia, just as she had done with Adamus Ghana.

Angela List wrote on the 4th of January 2022 to inform Allan Morrison that he had been removed as director of Adamus Australia at the time he requisitioned the meeting on
the 28th of December 2021. ‘She wrote on the 6th of January 2022 to Korsah and Ackah@Law with notices to the Minster of Lands and Natural Resources (‘the Minister’) and the Attorney General to claim that she had been given the latest profile of Adamus Australia by Peter Michael and Kevin Woodthorpe which she failed to attach to her letter and claimed that Allan Morrison was purportedly removed as the sole director and secretary of Adamus Australia.

‘By January 2022, the Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, the Ministry and the Attorney General of Ghana had become fully aware that Adamus Australia had called for an Extra Ordinary General Meeting to remove Angela List as a director of Adamus Ghana. Angela List in her letters dated 4th and 6th January 2022 admitted that Adamus Australia was one of the shareholders of Adamus Ghana but claimed to have removed Allan Morrison as its sole director and secretary.’

The statement also disclosed that, Minister of Lands and Natural Resources was informed in March 20
22 by lawyers for Adamus Australia of the fact that Allan Morrison and the Company had sued Peter Michael, Kevin Woodthorpe and Moses Kobena Bossompim, agents of Angela List to challenge their authority to act for and on behalf of Adamus Australia.

It said the case was heard on the 14th of November 2022 before the Supreme Court, Western Australia as Suit No. (2022) WASC 454, judgment was delivered on the 22nd of November 2022 where the Court held that the removal of Allan Morrison as a director as well as the appointments of Peter Michael, Kevin Woodthorpe and Moses Kobena Bossompim as directors of Adamus Australia was invalid.

It added that, Adamus Australia through its lawyers immediately furnished the Ministry with the full judgment in Suit No. (2022) WASC 454, but unknown to it, Angela List on the 7th of November 2022 for and on behalf of Nguvu Mining Ltd, a company registered in Mauritius and her agent Moses Kobina Bossompim, he purporting to act for on behalf of Adamus Australia and signed a share tra
nsfer agreement purportedly to transfer Adamus Australia 90% shareholding in Adamus Ghana to Nguvu Mining solely owned by Angela List.

‘On the same day, the 7th November 2022, Angela List wrote for and on behalf of Adamus Ghana to the Minister with notice to the Mineral Commission for the change of the controlling interest in Adamus Ghana to be transfered from Adamus Australia to Nguvu Mining Ltd, her own company.

‘The Minister had been well informed of the judgment of Supreme Court in Western Australia on the 22nd of November 2022 that Moses Kobena Bossompim had no authority to act for and on behalf of Adamus Australia as was as all the irregular actions by Angela list complained of since 20th December 2021. The Minister nevertheless turned a blind eye to, and signed on the 23rd of December 2022, a transfer of control letter, to change the controlling interest in Adamus Ghana from the name of Adamus Australia to the name of Nguvu Mining Ltd’.

On the 28th of December 2022 according to the press release, Ad
amus Australia requisitioned another Emergency General Meeting to remove Angela List as a director of Adamus Ghana; the Minister was informed and invited to the meeting, but the Ministry failed to attend the meeting on behalf of the Government of Ghana, Angela List was removed as a director of Adamus Ghana.

The statement indicated that, Nguvu Mining Ltd acted on the purported change in control based on the Minister’s letter signed on the 23rd of December 2022, to file a Writ of Summons on the 8th of February 2023 before the High Court, Accra (Commercial Division 7) together with Adamus Ghana, obviously under the control of Angela List, seeking to restrain Allan Morrison and Adamus Australia from exercising legitimate control as the majority shareholder of Adamus Ghana.

However, on the 27th of July 2023, the High Court, Accra (Commercial Division 7) restrained the directors of Adamus Ghana including Angela List from acting as directors and also restrained Sarpong Kwaku Odame Esq. from acting as secretary of
the Company. Nguvu Mining Ltd and its directors including Angela List were also restrained from taking any decisions for and on behalf of Adamus Ghana as the new controller and/or conducting any business on behalf of the Company. The management staff were ordered to take instruction from the IMC to continue management of the Company. The Court put in place a five member Interim Management Committee (IMC).

The Ministry it is said on the 5th of October 2023, appointed Juliet Osei Wusu Esq as chairman to the IMC where, the chairman on the 21st of November 2023 sent out notices for the first IMC meeting to be held on the 28th of November 2023 at 10:30am by then, Adamus Australia had long appointed David Abini and Isaac Ackun as its representative to the IMC for its meeting but Nguvu Mining Ltd refused to allow its representatives to attend the meeting.

‘ It rather caused its lawyers to write to the chairman on the 27th of November 2023 to threaten her to desist from holding the maiden meeting of the IMC.

Ministry surprisingly on the same day, the 27th of November 2023, wrote a letter claiming to withhold the IMC chairman’s appointment until further notice. It is not true that the Ministry stated in its letter that it had withdrawn the chairman’s appointment. On 19th February 2024, the High Court, Accra (Commercial Division 7) made consequential orders for the IMC to get to work, but Nguvu Mining and Adamus Ghana did not comply and hence have forfeited their two slots on the IMC. It is therefore false for the Ministry to state in its press release that since it wrote that letter on 27th November 2023 to withhold the chairman’s appointment, it has had no notice of the constitution of the IMC’.

The statement explained that the Minister of Lands and Natural Resources on the 12th of January 2024 asked Juliet Osei-Wusu Esq, the chairman of the IMC to call for a meeting for him to meet with them and, the Minister initially gave a time for 11AM that day but later changed the time to later that day and finally did no
t have the meeting though the invitees had waited all day for him.

‘Again, on the 16th of January 2024, Angela List wrote to and sought the intervention of the Attorney General of Ghana whose office gave an opinion on the 22nd of January 2024, to Nguvu Mining Ltd to pave the way for the continued shipping of gold produced by Adamus Ghana, in disregard to the pendency of an injunction application. The AG extended his personal complements to Angela List to demonstrate his bias conduct in this matter’.

The Ministry and the chairman according to the statement, were later served with a copy of the 19th February 2024 ruling with strict time lines to exclude Nguvu Mining and Adamus Ghana representatives from the IMC where they failed to file names of their appointees by the 1st March 2024 and for the IMC to hold its first meeting on or before the 8th of March 2024. ‘David Abini sent out notices for the meeting to be held on the 7th of March 2024, the chairman and the Ministry were informed, no objection had been r
aised by either of them, but as usual, the chairman acting under the instructions of the Minister did not attend the meeting at the time the membership of the IMC had been reduced to three’.

‘It is therefore incredulous for the Ministry to feign ignorance as to the existence of the IMC and how the efforts of the IMC have been continually stifled by Angela List and her Nguvu Mining’.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Close fishing season begins successfully in Keta

The 2024 Close fishing season has commenced successfully in the Keta Municipality and other communities along the coastal belt of the Volta Region.

The closed fishing season is expected to be observed from Monday, July 1 to Wednesday, July 31 for canoe and inshore fishers, whilst industrial trawlers would observe it till the end of August.

Mr Seth Agbokede, the Public Relations Officer of Ghana National Canoe Fishermen Council, told the Ghana News Agency that the period would help other fishermen to repair and maintain their damaged canoes and nets.

‘We hope all of us will comply and go according to the rules and regulations that govern the closed fishing season for the benefit of all after the period,’ he stated.

He urged all fishermen to abide by the rules and regulations of the closed fishing season to avoid any lawful punishment.

Mrs. Mavis Hawa Koomson, Minister for Fisheries and Aquaculture Development, in an earlier meeting with the fishers along the coastal belt at Keta, promised that outboard mo
tors and some relief items would be provided for fishers to mitigate the prevailing challenges during the period.

‘The Ministry would train some youth within the fishing areas as an alternative to reduce the pressure on the sea,’ she said.

Mrs Koomson said other countries such as Benin, Togo Côte D’Ivoire, and other sub-Saharan countries had also introduced the closed fishing season ‘since the period was one of the best ways to replenish and reduce pressure on the fishing business.’

The GNA, during a visit to the Keta seashore, saw no ongoing fishing activity.

Some fishers, the Ghana News Agency (GNA) engaged and appealed to the Fisheries Ministry to provide the relief items as early as possible to begin the season.

The season would enhance the capacity to produce fish to improve, maintain, and conserve the sea, and protect the aquatic animals for better replenishment.

The official ceremony of the closed fishing season was held at Dixcove in the Ahanta West Municipality of the Western Region on Monday,
July 1.

Source: Ghana News Agency