Headmaster advocates terminal fee bills to appreciate Free SHS

Mr Evans Asare, the Headmaster of Samuel Otu Presby Senior High School (SHS) at Techmantia in the Ahafo Region, has advocated the issuing Terminal Fee Bills to students to enhance appreciation for the Free (SHS) policy.

He made the proposal during an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) after the school’s 50th-anniversary celebration.

According to Mr Asare, the Free SHS policy is a remarkable legacy for Ghanaian parents and guardians adding that by issuing Terminal Fee Bills, parents could calculate the total cost of their wards’ three-year secondary education and appreciate the savings they have made.

Mr Asare believed that the approach would promote transparency and accountability in the education sector.

The initiative, if implemented, would not only help parents to appreciate the Free SHS policy but also encourage them to support the government’s efforts to provide quality education for all.

He urged political parties not to politicize education, which had been a very sensitive area of the econ
omy, but rather work diligently to sustain   such great developmental programs.

Mr Asare stressed that effective education held the keys to growth, development, and transformation of society.

He indicated that the free SHS policy was the best legacy any government could give to the people of the nation.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Black Americans from Miami support Fijai SHS, first cycle schools

The National Science and Mathematics Quiz Foundation, a non-profit organization based in Miami in the United States of America is making efforts to help promote excellence in science and mathematics at Fijai Senior High School near Sekondi in the Western Region.

The Organisation, through the benevolence of some Black Americans, have given the dollar equivalent of 48, 000 cedis to the Fijai school to spur greater laurels in the National Science and Mathematics Quiz (NSMQ).

The donation was made in collaboration with Global Vacation Doc Travel Agency.

The amount was mainly to argument the construction of a state-of-the-art Science laboratory, been undertaken in the school to help the school to do better in the annual NSMQ competition.

Mr Samuel Opoku and his wife, Dr. Kristy Opoku led the group from the USA, to visit historic sites across the country.

The Miami team made up of educationists, investors, businessmen and philanthropists, also distributed book bags to the students of the NSMQ team of Fijai SHS
and other first cycle schools.

The donors of the book bags included Ennis Health Care Solutions LLC,Arch Creek Senior Services and the Monfries and Brown Family.

The cash donors were made to Ennis Health Care Solutions LLC and Global Vacation Doc Travel Agency, Serena Bennett, Farrah, Shannon, Joan, Michaelle, Ismonde, Judith Crecelene, Carol and Lori.

The rest were Chandra, Danielle, Charlene, ?Kristy, Gwendolyn and Paulette.

The 56-member delegation spent a full day on Fijai campus, where they had a luncheon with the students and staff of the institution.

Speaking in an interview, Mr Samuel Opoku stated, ‘Through strategic support and donations, the Foundation empowers students and educational institutions, fostering a brighter future for the leaders of tomorrow.’

The event marks a pivotal moment for the Fijai NSMQ team and underscores the ongoing commitment of the NSMQ Foundation: Fijai Chapter to support educational excellence and foster academic growth.

He said, ‘Our involvement in the NSMQ contes
t is aimed at grooming students early and preparing them for future competitions,’

He continued ‘We remain committed to cultivating future scientists who will compete on the global stage.’

Mr Samuel Opoku, an old student of Fijai was hopeful that the laboratory would enhance the learning environment, provide students with the tools and resources they needed to excel in science and technology.

‘Additionally, the Foundation has granted its first full four-year scholarship to a promising former student of Fijai Senior High, currently studying BS Mining Engineering at the University of Mines and Technology (UMaT), Tarkwa’, he added.

He stressed that the scholarship was a testament to the Foundation’s dedication to empowering the next generation of engineers and leaders in mining.

The team also visited Christian Faith Preparatory School, a first cycle institution at Effiakuma near Takoradi where they distributed assorted items, including cash and book bags.

Mrs. Serena Bennett, a member of the US group, expr
essed the hope the contributions would positively impact the lives of the science students.

She said, ‘we also have poor people around us and some of us were the first to come out of that cycle and to change the narratives…our support is therefore giving back to humanity’.

Mrs. Bennett, a computer scientist, added that giving the students a level playing field to effectively compete mooted the ‘Aunties in the USA’ agenda to raise funds to support.

Mr. Kenneth Abomadze, Headmaster of the school, was grateful to the group for the donation and was hopeful that the act of charity would help advance the course of the students.

The team had earlier visited the redeveloped Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park which is dedicated to honouring the legacy of Ghana’s first president.

The Black American had a feel of the Elmina Castle, Independence Square; Black Star Square, the Freedom and Justice Arch and the Nationalism Park, Ekumfi Juice factory and farm, the Ancestral Slave River at Assin Manso and Kakum National Park, t
he Sakeva Transnational Cultural Festival by the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly, among others.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Zenith Bank locks up 5-year partnership Agreement with WAEC

The Zenith Bank (Ghana) Ltd has signed a contract with the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) to sponsor the Overall Best WASSCE Candidate award for the next five years in demonstrating its commitment towards celebrating academic excellence.

Prior to the signing of the new agreement, which spans 2024 to 2028, the Bank sponsored the Overall Best WASSCE Candidate award for the years, 2020, 2021 and 2022, presenting each winner with a laptop and a cash prize of GHC30,000.

At the 2023 awards ceremony in Accra, Mr Henry Chinedu Onwuzurigbo, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Zenith Bank (Ghana) Ltd, presented the Overall Best WASSCE Candidate, Mr Leonard Kofi Marton Amo-Kodieh, a former student of the St. James Seminary SHS in Sunyani, with a laptop and cash prize of GHS30,000 for his exceptional performance in the WASSCE for scoring straight ‘A1’s in all subjects.

Mr Amo-Kodieh who is currently studying Human Biology at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), also re
ceived a plaque and desk top computer for his alma mater, St. James Seminary SHS in Sunyani.

The second Best WASSCE Candidate award went to Dzandu Selorm, a former student of the Labone Senior High School and currently studying Human at KNUST.

He also received a certificate, cash prize, a laptop as well as a plaque and desktop computer for his alma mater, Labone Senior High School in Accra.

Another former student of the St. James Seminary SHS in Sunyani, Daniel Asenso-Gyambibi, took the third Best WASSCE Candidate award receiving a cash prize, laptop, and certificate while his alma mater, St. James Seminary SHS in Sunyani also received a plaque and a desk top computer.

Mr. Onwuzurigbo said the sponsorship of the award forms part of Zenith Bank Ghana’s commitment of investing in education.

‘We believe in investing in the future leaders of the country by recognizing and rewarding academic excellence. This sponsorship reflects our dedication to supporting the educational achievements of young individuals, e
nsuring they have the encouragement and resources needed to succeed,’ he said.

He indicated that by recognising and rewarding academic excellence, the Bank believes it will not only encourage students to strive for greatness but also help build a brighter future for the country.

‘This sponsorship underscores the Bank’s mission of investing in the best people while fostering educational achievement, promoting lifelong learning, and supporting the aspirations of young scholars,’ he added.

Mrs. Wendy Addy-Lamptey, Head of the National Office of the West African Examinations Council, expressed WAEC’s appreciation for the Bank’s sponsorship of the Overall Best WASSCE Candidate award for a 5-year period, adding that all three candidates from Ghana also swept all the awards at the International Excellence Awards for WASSCE (SC) held in Freetown, Sierra Leone.

Rev. John Ntim Fordjour, Deputy Minister of Education, also congratulated the students for their exceptional performance in the WASSCE.

He highlighted gov
ernment’s investments in education at the secondary school level which had contributed significantly to improve WASSCE results over the years.

Source: Ghana News Agency

STMA holds ninth assembly meeting

Mr Abdul Mumin-Issah, the Metropolitan Chief Executive of the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly (STMA), says the Assembly internally generated an amount of more than GHS13.3 million as of December 2023.

This is compared to a budgeted revenue of more than GHS17.5 million for the period under review.

Also, Government grants comprising DACF, MPs and PWD amounted to over GHS3.2 million, representing 44.57% of GHS7.3 million estimated for the period.

The Assembly received funds from donor partners amounting to GHS13.1 million, which represented 102.55 per cent of the budgeted GHS12.8 million.

The Metropolitan Chief Executive, who announced this at the 19th assembly meeting in Sekondi, said management would continue to intensify efforts at enhancing revenue generation for the Assembly to enable it to meet the developmental needs of the people.

Meanwhile, the Assembly would remain committed to making available the necessary logistical support to the security agencies to enable them to discharge their dutie
s in a professional manner.

‘The Assembly will continue to work hard to ensure that individuals and businesses go about their daily activities in a safe and secure environment.’

Mr Mumin-Issah said STMA, through the Metro Agriculture Director was sensitizing stakeholders on registration processes for the second phase of the Planting for Food and Jobs and urged them to extend the information to farmers in their respective communities.

He said, so far, 100 farmers had been registered.

The MCE said desilting drains which had been allocated to various contractors was ongoing in the various communities marked as high-risk flood-prone areas to ensure a cleaner, safer and more resilient environment for the residents.

The MCE said the second phase of the E-Tankas initiative would focus on community watch, where community members could download the application to lodge complaints.

The Assembly has so far realized GH?25,000.00 from the E-Tankas initiative.

He announced the progress of Work on Axim Road, Shippers
Council Road, De-graft Johnson Road, Harbour Road, Sekondi Road and Adiembra Road, ‘ work on these roads has been ongoing since August 15, 2022. As of the end of February 2024, contractors had been on site for 18 months representing 75 per cent of time spent on site.’

He said the PTC Interchange project had remained suspended for some time now with Sino-hydro, the main contractor for the project vacating the project site since January 2023.

The Sekondi-Takoradi Market and Transport Infrastructure Project, which involved the Redevelopment of the Sekondi market into an ultramodern market, Construction of an automated multi-storey car park in Takoradi (Beach Road taxi station),

Redevelopment of the Eburufom Market and Main Spain (Amanful Electoral Area), Construction of a Haulage Terminal at Sofokrom and Bus Terminal at Nkroful junction had secured a Transactional Advisor to conduct a full feasibility and selection of a suitable private investor to develop the project.

In recognition of the untapped potentia
l of recycling non-biodegradable materials like plastic, as a sustainable livelihood option for the teeming unemployed youth in the Metropolis, the Twins- Cities in Sustainable Partnership Project established and equipped a plastic recycling workshop at the TCSPP Skills and Entrepreneurship Training Centre at STMA Depot, in Sekondi, MCE added.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Five Ghanaian MPs on official visit to Kenya are safe – Parliamentary Service

Five Ghanaian Legislatures and an Officer, who were on an official visit to the Parliament of Kenya, who were caught up during the Kenyan violent protest are safe and secured.

A statement issued by the Parliamentary Service of Ghana, copied to the Ghana News Agency said the High Commission of Ghana in Kenya had confirmed that the five Members of Parliament (MPs) and the Officer accompanying the delegation are safe and secure.

It said the delegation, which was made up of some members of the Local Government Committee of Parliament, including Mr Emmanuel Akwasi Gyamfi, the Chairman of the Committee; Mr Edwin Nii Lante Vanderpuye, the Ranking Member of the Committee,

The rest are Mr Sylvester Tetteh, Mr Thomas Ampem Nyarko, Mr Mohammed Taferu and Madam Anita Quartey Papafio, a Senior Principal Assistant Clerk.

The statement said the delegation was in the Kenyan Parliament on a bench-marking visit when the unfortunate incident occurred.

It noted that they were immediately escorted and secured in the Senate b
uilding and finally evacuated to their hotel by Officials of the Kenyan Parliament.

‘We appreciate the concern from the general public and wish to indicate that efforts are underway to ensure their safe return to Ghana,’ the statement said.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Next NDC Government will improve free SHS – Opoku-Agyemang

Professor Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang, the Running Mate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has assured Ghanaians that the Free Secondary Education Policy will not be abolished by the next NDC Government.

She urged Ghanaians to disregard the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Government’s propaganda that the next Mahama administration would cancel the policy.

A statement issued by Mr James Agyenim-Boateng, Spokesman of the NDC Running Mate, copied to the Ghana News Agency said Prof Opoku-Agyemang stated this in her address to NDC members and supporters at New Tafo Zongo as part of her one-day tour of the Abuakwa North Constituency in the Eastern Region.

Prof Opoku-Agyemang said the NDC would not cancel the free education policy which started as progressively free under the Mahama administration.

‘They are going round peddling falsehood that Mahama will cancel Free SHS. It is not true. Mahama is not a wicked person to cancel the policy’, she said.

She noted that the next NDC administration would rather improv
e the free education system by working hard to ease congestion in schools and provide learning materials and adequate food for students.

Source: Ghana News Agency

John Mahama holds discussions with South Korean Ambassador

Former President John Dramani Mahama, flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has met with Mr Park Kyongsig, the Ambassador of South Korea to Ghana, to discuss the invaluable support and investments South Korea has committed to Ghana.

A statement issued by the Office of the former President, copied to the Ghana News Agency said Mr Mahama expressed his profound gratitude to South Korea for restructuring Ghana’s debt, which would significantly bolster the nation’s debt restructuring efforts during these challenging economic times.

It said their discussion also delved into the $2 billion framework arrangement, a substantial investment that would significantly impact crucial sectors such as healthcare, education, environment, and agriculture.

The statement noted that this arrangement, coupled with the introduction of new rice varieties, holds immense potential for enhancing food sufficiency in Ghana.

It said South Korea’s commitment to bolstering our agricultural sector was truly commendable and
will undoubtedly make a substantial difference.

It said Mr Mahama also shared with Mr Park the NDC’s plans to establish rice mills and Farmer Service Centres to boost the nation’s agricultural sector.

‘As we gear up for the upcoming elections, I raised concerns about the independence of the Electoral Commission,’ Mr Mahama stated.

‘I urged South Korea and the international community to swiftly advocate for free and fair elections in Ghana, an issue of utmost importance.’

It said Mr Mahama was grateful for the support and looked forward to the continued partnership between Ghana and South Korea.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Sanitation: Mahama donates GHS50,000.00 to Buz Stop Boys

Former President John Dramani Mahama has commended the Buz Stop Boys, a Sanitation Team, for their exemplary patriotic volunteerism aimed at seeing a cleaner, healthier, and better Ghana.

A statement issued by the Office of the former President, copied to the Ghana News Agency said he donated GhS50,000.00 to the group and assured them of working to facilitate a few resources they might require discharging their voluntary service such as tricycles, shovels, and wellington boots.

He also challenged the group not to relent in their efforts and never hesitate to make any recommendations to his office in line with future sanitation policies.

The statement said the group thanked the former President and assured him of putting to good use his donation.

Source: Ghana News Agency

NPP inaugurates Assin Central Campaign team

A 66-member campaign team has been inaugurated by the New Patriotic Party in the Assin Central Constituency to devise campaign strategies for the party ahead of the 2024 general election.

Mr Godfred Nti Anewu, leader of the campaign team has been charged with the responsibility to retain the constituency’s seat as well as the government and increase the number of votes in the elections.

At the inauguration, Mr Anewu, the Parliamentary Aspirant tasked the campaign team to work hard in unison and ensure that the party’s message was spread across the length and breadth of the constituency to achieve victory in the upcoming general elections.

He outlined his vision for the constituency and mentioned among other things that, he would ensure educational infrastructure and resources were improved, healthcare services enhanced, jobs created and boost economic activities.

He said women and youth empowerment, promotion of agriculture, tourism and cultural development will also be prioritised.

The aspirant highligh
ted the NPP’s track record in governance, pointing to the numerous initiatives and projects that had positively impacted the lives of the people across the country.

With Mr Anewu leading the charge, he called for cooperation throughout the period and expressed appreciation to members for their support and commitment.

Mr Robert Sackey, NPP Central Regional Organiser urged the team to work together to achieve victory and carry the good news of transforming the economy for a better tomorrow to Ghanaians.

He appealed to voters to vote for Dr Mahamadu Bawumia as well as Mr Anewu in the general elections to ensure the continuation of development.

The event was attended by the rank and file of the party signalling a united front.

Mr Joseph Adjei Banin who contested with Mr Anewu graced the occasion and threw his weight behind the PC and promised to campaign vigorously to help him to retain the seat.

Source: Ghana News Agency

NDC takes 24-hour economy proposal engagement to Tamale

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) has held a symposium to educate party supporters on the 24-hour economy proposal announced by former President John Mahama, its Flagbearer for this year’s elections.

The day’s event, held in Tamale, was in partnership with the Movement for Youth Development-Ghana, and was attended by the party’s youth leaders, serial callers, communicators, executives, TEIN members and some supporters.

Mr George Opare Addo, National Youth Organizer, NDC, speaking during the event, said under the 24-hour economy, would extend productivity from daytime to night time to afford opportunities to the unemployed youth, business owners and consumers to work.

He said it would be a game changer and offer long-term benefits to the people, adding that with the extended working hours, many unemployed youth in the country would be engaged to make decent incomes.

He explained that ‘The policy is an economic model, which the NDC government will implement to adjust to support 24-hour operations of bu
sinesses, factories, chop bars, government services, health care delivery, banking and other services throughout the day and night. It will increase employees’ productivity, reduce long queues at the bank, hospital and other places.’

He appealed to the citizenry to rally behind the NDC Flagbearer to help rescue the country from the current hardship imposed on the people by the NPP government.

Mr Lansah Haruna, Executive Director, Movement for Youth Development-Ghana, said the 24-hour economy proposal was a transformational policy, which must be supported by all.

He said, ‘It is our hope that this step taken by the NDC will be emulated by all parties to promote and enhance the quality of political discourse in Ghana.’

Alhaji Adolf Mburidiba, Northern Regional Chairman, NDC charged members and youth groups of the party to be advocates of the 24-hour economy.

Source: Ghana News Agency