Let’s introduce entrepreneurial mindset in school curriculum- Report

The 2023 Ghana Human Development Report has recommended the introduction of an entrepreneurial mindset in the school curriculum and communities to foster the development of soft skills like critical thinking, innovation, creativity, and teamwork.

The introduction of these soft skills in the school system will help to unearth and nurture the potential of young people to flourish while in school.

The report stated that the re-orientation towards STEM/STEAM education would lead to the training of the next generation of young people with an entrepreneurial mindset.

The report, which went through stakeholder consultations, was initiated by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the Ghana Statistical Service and the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC). 

The report was on the theme: ‘The Future Value of Work in Ghana: Pathways to Sustainable Jobs.’ 

It highlighted the need for Ghana to bridge the gap between current opportunities and the future of work through strategic
investment in both human capital and infrastructure to create a conducive environment for sustainable jobs for all. 

The report indicated that young people aged 15-24 were disproportionately impacted by unemployment, with a significant 65 per cent experiencing joblessness.

That, the report recommended the need for targeted interventions to address youth unemployment and promote inclusive economic growth. 

The report recommended simplifying regulations and providing targeted training to formalise the informal sector, creating more stable job opportunities.

Efficient and reliable infrastructure in energy, transport, water, ICT, and housing, the report stated, was fundamental for the future of work.

The report called for a national consensus on long-term development plans for sustained progress. 

The report called for a strategic focus on job creation, infrastructure investment, and educational reforms as Ghana approaches the end of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

The report proffered a roadmap
for Ghana’s socio-economic transformation, and its implementation will require the collective effort of all stakeholders, including the government, private sector, civil society, and individuals.

Ms Angela Lusigi, UNDP Resident Representative in Ghana, said Ghana must invest in both building human capital and enhancing access to technology and digital infrastructure for all. 

That way, she stressed would achieve its long-term development goals, reduce unemployment, and create a conducive environment for sustainable job creation and economic growth.

Dr Kodjo Esseim Mensah-Abrampa, Director-General, NDPC, said globally there were significant efforts to achieve sustainable development, with an emphasis on human development.

He said the Commission had ensured that the commitments were aligned with the country’s development processes.

Dr Mensah-Abrampa said that by investing in infrastructure and promoting entrepreneurship, Ghana could harness the potential of its youth and informal sector, to drive socio-eco
nomic transformation and job creation.

Prof Samuel Kobina Annim, the Government Statistician, said the findings provided crucial insights into the nexus between work and human development, urging stakeholders to adopt policies that foster inclusive growth and sustainable job creation.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Morocco, Germany Set to Strengthen Security Cooperation

Director General of National Security (DGSN) and Territorial Surveillance (DGST), Mr Abdellatif Hammouchi, has paid a three-day working visit to the Federal Republic of Germany on June 24-26, during which he held talks with officials from the German Federal Police (Bundespolizei) and the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA), on the means to strengthen bilateral security cooperation.

During the visit, which took place at the official invitation of the German side, Mr Hammouchi held working sessions with the President of Bundespolizei, Dieter Romann, BKA Head, Holger Mnch, as well as other German security officials specializing in counter-terrorism and sports security, DGSN-DGST hub said in a press release.

Discussions focused in particular on ways of strengthening bilateral cooperation, notably in the fight against terrorism and organized cross-border crime, as well as the security of major sporting events, the same source added.

Mr Hammouchi and his German peers also reviewed the state of their police coop
eration, as well as regional and international security challenges.

The DGSN-DGST Director General and the accompanying delegation visited the German Joint Counter-Terrorism Centre in Berlin, during which they were briefed on the working mechanisms of this facility in terms of coordination between the various German security apparatuses, and the prospects for cooperation with the Moroccan security services in the fight against the risks of the terrorist threat in its cross-border dimension.

The visit was also to examine opportunities for cooperation between Morocco and Germany in the field of sports security and mechanisms for exchanging expertise and technical assistance between the two parties in securing major events, the press release added.

On this occasion, Mr Hammouchi was briefed on the security arrangements and safety and protection standards adopted by Berlin police to secure the UEFA Cup, currently organized by the Federal Republic of Germany.

To strengthen cooperation in this area, a high-leve
l Moroccan security delegation led by Mr Hammouchi paid a field visit with BKA Head to the facilities and equipment at Berlin’s Olympic Stadium, which is hosting Euro 2024 games, as well as to the police operations management centre, which oversees safety and security protocols during the soccer event.

This visit is part of the advanced preparations of Moroccan security services to host global and continental sporting and security events, starting with the 93rd Interpol General Assembly, scheduled for next year in Marrakech, followed by the 2025 African Cup of Nations and finally, the 2030 World Cup, to be organized jointly with Spain and Portugal.

This official visit testifies to the importance of bilateral security cooperation between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Federal Republic of Germany, given the many security areas of common interest, and reflects the firm commitment of DGSN and DGST to international efforts to neutralize risks and threats to the regional and international security of both countri
es, the statement added.

Source: Ghana News Agency

NACOC Commander advocates stringent measures to prevent drug abuse

Senior Narcotics Control Officer (SNCO), Ernest Owusu Sarpong, the Bono Regional Commander of the Narcotics Control Commission (NACOC), has stressed the importance of strengthening measures to prevent drug use and abuse.

He observed that enhancing the measures would enable stakeholders to effectively reduce drug use and abuse in the country.

Mr Sarpong made the statement in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in Sunyani in commemoration of the 2024 World Drug Day 2024, observed annually on June 26.

He said this year’s theme: ‘The Evidence is Clear: Invest in Prevention,’ underscored the critical role of education in equipping young people with the knowledge to make informed decisions about drug use.

Mr Sarpong stressed the need for increased resources to educate the youth to become well-informed about the risks associated with drugs.

He stressed that with proper knowledge, individuals were less likely to succumb to peer pressure and engage in drug-related activities.

He said NACOC had offices
in all 16 regions of the country with officers actively educating students on prevention.

Mr Sarpong reaffirmed NACOC’s commitment to preventing drug use and abuse through education and proactive measures, emphasizing the importance of collaboration among stakeholders to create a drug-free society.

He said the Narcotics Control Commission Act, 2020 (Act 1019) prioritised prevention efforts to ensure that individuals identified early could receive the necessary support and treatment at rehabilitation centres.

Furthermore, the Act also mandates NACOC to establish rehabilitation centres in all regions, underscoring their commitment to addressing substance abuse nationwide.

Highlighting the prevalent drug substances in the region, Mr Sarpong mentioned cannabis, tramadol, ‘Shisha’, and ‘asraa’ as the most abused substances in the region

He expressed concern that children as young as 13 years old were already aware or experimenting with drugs, emphasizing the urgency of intervention and education at an early a

Source: Ghana News Agency

UK-Ghana Chamber of Commerce raises funds for Otumfuo Osei Tutu II Foundation

The UK-Ghana Chamber of Commerce (UKGCC), a member-based trade association that promotes trade between Ghana and the United Kingdom, has hosted an inaugural, the Hat and Flower Show charity fundraiser, to raise funds to support the initiatives of the Otumfuo Osei Tutu II Foundation.

Executive Director of the UKGCC, Adjoba Kyiamah, remarked that ‘The Hat and Flower Show is a celebration of Ghana’s vibrant culture through floral design and millinery craftsmanship.  As a charity fundraiser, the event showcases the talent of skilled Ghanaian artisans while raising vital funds through our raffle sales.’

The Otumfuo Osei Tutu II Foundation seeks to

improve the lives of Ghanaians by implementing the ideals, values and visions of its patron, the Asantehene and the Asante Kingdom.

According to Ms Kyiamah, the UKGCC selected the Foundation as a beneficiary because ‘their thematic areas, especially Entrepreneurship, which rallies partners in business and academia to promote Ghanaian entrepreneurship, resonates with
our work in the UK and Ghana business community.’

She urged the public to donate to the Foundation, which has already impacted a million lives across Ghana.

The UKGCC has a storied history of raising funds for noble causes through its events. 

In 2021 and 2022, it raised funds to support the establishment of a clinical trials unit at the University of Ghana Medical Centre through its Royal Ascot Ladies Day Experience event.

Nana Afua Kobi Prempeh, the Executive Director of the Otumfuo Osei Tutu II Foundation, expressed the excitement of the Otumfuo Foundation to partner with the UKGCC to raise much-needed funds and collaborate to undertake some of its core development initiatives in furtherance of the Asantehene’s vision of improving the quality of life of Asanteman and Ghana. 

‘Over the years, the Asantehene His Royal Majesty Otumfuo Osei Tutu II has implemented this vision through his Foundation partnering with like-minded organisations to enhance access to good quality education, real entrepreneurship
and employment opportunities, and sustainable health infrastructure,’ she said.

Through a fundraising initiative managed by IT Consortium’s CHANGO, a crowdfunding and group contributions platform, the event succeeded in

raising funds to support the activities of the Otumfuo Osei Tutu II Foundation.

For his part, Mr  Kofi Atta Kakra Kusi, the Deputy Director in Charge of Domestic Marketing at the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA), praised the UKGCC’s efforts at promoting Ghanaian culture with the Hat and Flower Show and said the Authority was open to supporting individuals, groups, and organisations whose projects promote Ghana’s culture, heritage, and tourism. 

‘We are available for partnership and we are looking forward to working with any creative initiative and anything that has to do with our cultural heritage. We are there to give a helping hand to entrepreneurs that are doing something that has to do with our industry,’ he said.

The show, intended to be an annual extravaganza, offered attendees which i
ncluded artisans, fashion enthusiasts, and philanthropists, an enchanting


It also provided florists and milliners with a dynamic platform to showcase their creativity against a backdrop of the rich cultural heritage of the Ashanti Kingdom. 

The inaugural Hat and Flower Show, which was sponsored by Labadi Beach Hotel, Turkish Airlines, IT Consortium; Guinness Ghana Breweries PLC, and Standard Chartered Bank Ghana with cash donations from Contracta Construction UK, B5 Plus Foundation, and Vivo Energy, concluded on a high note with memorable highlights that included floral and millinery showpiece competitions. 

UKGCC’s next Hat and Flower Show charity fundraiser is slated to occur in June 2025. 

Source: Ghana News Agency

Mr Logic in court over fraud

Chirstopher Nelson, aka Mr Logic, a musician, has appeared before a Dansoman Circuit Court for allegedly defrauding an American of $21,000 and GHC48,000.

Nelson is alleged to have collected the monies under the pretext of securing the American citizen a resident permit in Ghana but failed.

He pleaded not guilty to the charge of defrauding by false pretense.

Nelson, represented by counsel, was admitted to bail of GHC400,000, with three sureties, two of whom are public servants earning not less than GHC2,000 and living within the court’s jurisdiction.

Additionally, the court said the other surety shall be justified with title deed.

The court presided over by Halimah El-Alawa Abdul Basit also ordered Nelson to deposit his passport at the Court’s Registry and report to the Police every two weeks.

It also directed the prosecution to file disclosures and witness statements for Case Management.

The prosecution, led by Chief Inspector Christopher Wonder, earlier did not oppose bail, but prayed to the court tha
t the bail conditions should compel the accused person to appear in court as well as the police pending the final determination of the matter.

The case as narrated by the prosecution is that the complainant Khori Edward Lweis is an American citizen residing at Pantang, Accra.

The prosecution said the accused person also resided at Pantang.

The prosecutor said in May 2023, the complainant and his family visited Ghana and were introduced to one Monica Spence, who claimed to be under the management of Mr Logic’s Music management.

The prosecution said the accused person during the conversation intimated to the complainant that, he could get resident permit issued to him to be able to live and work in Ghana but at a fee.

The court heard that the complainant became interested, and that the accused person took advantage and demanded and collected cash in the sum of $21,000 under the pretext of securing resident permit for the complainant and his family.

The prosecution said the accused person collected GHC48,0
00 again from the complainant for taxes payable to the government.

The prosecutor told the court that the complainant carried out his own investigations and discovered that the transaction was not legitimate, and the funds charged by the accused person were unathorised.

On May 11, 2024, the complainant reported the matter to the Police and the accused person was invited many times by the Police via his cell phone to assist in investigations, but he failed.

The prosecution said investigations extended to the Ghana Immigration Service indicated that the cost of the resident permit was $1,000 per person.

The prosecutor said accused summons was prepared and served on the accused to appear before the Court.

Source: Ghana News Agency

US-based Ghanaian Reverend Minister unhappy about alcoholism, substance abuse among the youth

The Reverend Dr Emmanuel Akumfi Ameyaw, a United States-based Ghanaian Reverend Minister has expressed worry about uncontrolled level of alcoholism and substance abuse among the youth in the country.

He, therefore, called for active collaboration between the government, religious organisations and society to intervene and do something realistic to bring the alarming situation under control.

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Wenchi in the Bono Region, Rev Dr Ameyaw said alcoholism and substance abuse were having devasting effects on the lives of the youth, saying if something was not done urgently, ‘all our youth will turn alcoholics and drug addicts’.

The Reverend Minister, also the Director of the United States-based Ghanaian charity organisation, the Hope Global Ghana was speaking to the GNA after he presented medical supplies to the Wenchi Methodist and St Joseph Hospitals in the Wenchi Municipality.

Each of the hospitals received boxes of medical devices and equipment valued GHC300,0
00 to improve healthcare delivery in the municipality.

‘It is glaring the youth, both boys and girls are ruining their lives with excessive alcohol intake and drugs abuse and peddling.

Seems we are failing as a church, parents, government and religious bodies and civil society in bringing up this younger generation responsibly. Society will bear the brunt if we neglect and allow them to go wayward,’ he stated.

Rev Dr Ameyaw, a native of Wenchi indicated that alcoholism would not only make the youth poor, but also ruin their future and thereby make them societal liabilities.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Stakeholders holds workshop to validate communication plan for VBA

Global Water Partnership-West Africa, Volta Basin Authority (VBA) and Water Resources Commission have held a workshop to review and validate communication plan and strategy for 2024-2030 of the Volta Basin Authority and its associated action plans.

It aimed at reversing the ecosystem degradation in the Volta River Basin and developing sustainable water resources management.

The workshop engaged national stakeholders across six countries which were Mali, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Togo and Ghana to bring up innovative ideas and suggestions that would improve communication among the member states.

Dr Mawuli Lumor, Head of Planning Water Resources, Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources, said communication was key for effective collaboration and coordination in every sector, therefore, everyone must contribute in the review of Communication plan and strategy of the VBA.

He said VBA launched a three year communication strategy and action plan for 2018- 2020, and during the period of implementation, some
lessons and experiences were learnt, referencing that the workshop was to prepare a new strategy and action plan that would be used to implement communication strategy development.

He highlighted some challenges involving the implementation of the previous communication strategy, explaining that, after preparation of the previous communication strategy, lack of funding and resources was a hindrance to its enactment.

He urged all member states to bring up innovative ideas and suggestions to improve communication among VBA and to the public.

Dr Didi Millogo, Deputy Executive Director, VBA, during his presentation said the objective was to amend and validate the strategic documents stemming from a recent technical workshop held in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

He said, the meeting would ensure the documents aligned with the current priorities of the VBA and its member states concerning natural resource management and address the numerous environmental, economic, climatic, social, and legislative challenges face

He said it would require a well-coordinated and strategic approach to curtail the threats.

According to the Deputy Executive Director, the workshop was a testament to their collective dedication ensuring that communication strategy was both robust and effective and its core objectives was to enhance the vision, strategic axes, objectives and target audiences of the strategy, making it more comprehensive and impactful.

‘Your expertise and insights are crucial in refining and validating the documents that will guide our communication efforts for the next decade’, he said.

He urged media practitioners and communicators to equip and train themselves for capacity building to propagate good messages to the general public.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Akyode traditional leaders perform purification rituals to usher new yams

The Akyode traditional leaders have performed a purification ritual to usher in the newly harvested yams for consumption and sale in the traditional area.

It is an annual observation and traditional rites performed by the Akyode traditional leaders.

Nana Kyeame Akyode Ayimpo of Akyode Nkwanta in an interview with Ghana News Agency said, the ritual aimed to cleanse and to usher in the newly harvested yam into the market and to ensure the safety and spiritual significance for the area.

Nana Ayimpo said that the purification ritual was essential to appease their ancestors and the land for a successful year and guaranteeing a bumper harvest.

‘As tradition demands, every year, traditional leaders do the necessary purification to pave way for indigenes and settlers to be allowed bring their (new yams) into the Nkwanta township and the market to sell.

He also prays for peace, unity, and coexistence among all sectors within the Municipality for development to continue.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Free SHS Bill Consideration: We are hearing from Majority Leader for the first time – Minority Leader

Dr Cassiel Ato Forson, Minority Leader in Parliament, Wednesday denied alleged accusations made by Mr Alexander Afenyo-Markin, Majority Leader that the Minority Caucus was allegedly opposed to a bill on the Free Senior High School Free (SHS) Policy.

Dr Forson responded to the alleged accusations by noting that Dr Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia, the Vice President and the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP’s) flagbearer, had allegedly publicly expressed his opposition to a law regulating the Free SHS Policy.

‘In fact, if there is anybody in this country who is on record to have said that he does not believe in a free SHS law, it is rather the Vice President. The Vice President, Alhaji Mahamudu Bawumia, is on record to have said that there is no need for a bill or a law to regulate the Free Senior High School and not the NDC. He’s on record, he said, all you need is commitment,’ Dr Forson said while speaking to reporters in Parliament.

‘…So NDC, we are committed, we are committed to the Free Senior High School policy. We h
ave obviously identified some lapses in the implementation,’ he said.

The Minority Leader urged the NPP to act quickly and present the bill, emphasising that they would always support any legislation.

‘Our position is simple. The NDC minority will always support any legislation that will improve and sustain the Free Senior High School policy.

‘In the last few days, my colleague, the majority leader [Alexander Afenyo-Markin] is on record to have accused the NDC minority of not supporting the Free Senior High School bill. Let me put on record that there is no such bill before parliament. We are hearing from him for the first time that the government is considering a bill to be presented to parliament called the Free Senior High School Bill, ‘Dr Forsen told the Media.

Source: Ghana News Agency

ICT centre inaugurated at Fazehini

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-Advancing Partnerships for Improved Learning (APIL) Activity has inaugurated an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) facility at Fazehini in the Nanton District of the Northern Region to facilitate effective teaching and learning of ICT.

The facility, equipped with 21 laptop computers and accessories, and audiovisual literacy instruction materials, is to serve over 1,700 students in the district.

The computers and their accessories were donated by Intercom Programming and Manufacturing Company (IPMC), an information and technology company.

The USAID-APIL Activity also provided over 43,000 Teaching and Learning Materials (TLMs), including English Language teacher guide, read-aloud compendiums, supplementary readers, students’ textbooks and workbooks, flash cards, and alphabet charts and cards.

The TLMs, worth over one million Ghana cedis, would be distributed to about 154 low-fee private schools in 13 districts in the Northern, North
East, Upper East and Upper West Regions.

Mr Rolf Olson, Deputy Chief of Missions, United States Embassy, speaking at a ceremony to inaugurate the facility at Fazehini, said USAID continued to invest in the country’s educational sector because it would help to transform the lives of the people.

The USAID-APIL Activity has so far supported more than 200 low-fee private schools to promote quality education for children in underserved communities in the northern part of the country.

Mr Olson emphasised that ‘For the communities, it promotes sustainable economic development, alleviates poverty, stimulates innovation, enhances institutional capacity and cultivates social unity.’

He said in the past year, USAID collaborated with the private sector, government and the leadership of schools to improve quality education, increase private sector investment, and ensure teachers received regular professional development, training and mentorship.

He called for more partnerships to increase access to equitable and qual
ity education for children as well as uplift communities and build a brighter future for generations to come.

Mr Gaurav Sharda, Managing Director, IPMC, said the company was prepared for more partnerships to make ICT learning accessible, especially to underserved communities and students.

Reverend John Ntim Fordjour, Deputy Minister of Education, expressed gratitude to USAID and partners for the gesture, saying the support complemented government’s efforts at bridging the digital gap and ensuring quality education.

Hajia Katumi Natogmah Attah, Northern Regional Director of Education, said the support was a major step towards integrating technology into the educational system to ensure that learners were well equipped with essential skills to thrive.

Source: Ghana News Agency