Ghana on track to bridging justice delivery gap – President Akufo-Addo

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo says Ghana is on track to bridging the gaps in justice delivery, citing the allocation of massive resources to improve judicial infrastructure over the years.

The objective is to strengthen the Ministry of Justice and Attorney-General’s Office to enhance the justice delivery system, thereby advancing the rule of law.

‘Upholding the tenets of the rule of law is the bedrock of any thriving democracy,’ the President explained, noting that it was imperative that the country modernised the structure of its legal system.

The President, speaking at the inauguration of a 12-storey Law House to accommodate the Office of the Attorney-General and Ministry of Justice, in Accra, said the Government would not lose focus in providing a conducive environment for the efficient administration of law in the country.

Over the last seven years, the Nana Akufo-Addo-led administration has constructed about 100 courts, providing state-of-the-art residence for judges and building the capacity
of the judicial staff for effective work.

In addition, many vehicles have been made available to the Attorney-General’s Office to expand coverage of legal aid services across the country.

‘The capacity of the Attorney-General’s Office has been boosted, enabling it to handle numerous international arbitration cases without recourse to foreign or external counsel.

‘This represents a marked departure from previous practice where external legal expertise was often sought,’ the President said.

He said strengthening the Attorney-General’s Office had resulted in notable successes, as it had effectively promoted Ghana’s interest on the international stage.

The favourable outcomes in various arbitration cases, including the reduction in the cost of proceedings for the State, testified to the progress being made, he stated.

‘This strategic enhancement not only underscores the Government’s determination to ensure self-reliance in legal matters, but also showcases the proficiency and competency of domestic legal lu
minaries in managing complex international disputes,’ he stated.

Mr Godfred Yeboah Dame, the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, who was instrumental in the completion of the 12-storey Law House, whose work commenced some 23 years ago, lauded the President for his commitment to the project.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Entrepreneurs urged to collaborate with research institutions for groundbreaking innovations

Entrepreneurs in the country have been urged to collaborate with research institutions to develop groundbreaking innovations for the growth of the business industry.

They have also been advised to leverage technology to scale up their business ventures.

Mr Kwamena Quaison, Director, Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI) gave the advice at the opening of the Matchmaking and Information Sharing Workshop in Koforidua.

The workshop forms part of a special initiative of the Ghana Jobs and Skills Project with the aim of providing a platform for Research Institutions and Entrepreneurs to cocreate new industries or scale existing ones.

Speaking on behalf of Madam Ophelia Mensah Hayford, Minister of MESTI, he said Technology Transfer and commercialisation of Research had been a major policy concern for the government of Ghana.

He said successive Ministers for the Innovation Ministry had placed Technology Transfer at the top of their agenda because
of its connection to other ministries like Trade and Industry, Communication and Digitalisation, Food and Agriculture, Health and most importantly entrepreneurs.

Mr Quaison said the sector Minister had tasked the Science, Technology and Innovation Directorate of the Ministry to find an innovative solution to the weak research – industry collaboration and ensure that research outputs from research institutions were made available to entrepreneurs to create the needed jobs to support economic growth.

He acknowledged the significant roles played by universities and research institutes all over the world in the creation of new businesses, adding that the Ministry wanted to accelerate that culture in Ghana.

Mr Quaison lauded the research collaborations between the Kasapreko and the Centre for Plant Medicine and that of Despite Group of Companies’ with the Food Research Institute of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research.

‘Today, the alomo bitters of Kasapreko and Neat fufu of Despite have created l
ots of jobs and supported economic growth of the Ghanaian economy. It is our hope that more Kasaprekos and Despites will emerge from this matchmaking,’ he said.

He said the session was the beginning of a road map to an ‘Innovation Voucher Programme’ where government would provide Innovation Vouchers to Entrepreneurs to access technologies at universities and research institutions.

The Director said the matchmaking would be followed by disbursements of grants to any Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises or Start-up that identified any technology or extension services to the tune or equivalent of USD5000.00 or more depending on the market viability analysis of the Project.

He thanked the World Bank, the Ministry of Finance and the CTVET for making the project possible.

‘I believe you will all make us proud by creating the jobs that the Ghana Jobs and Skills Project seeks to create. I urge you to all participate and contribute to improving our technology and innovation success stories in Ghana,’ he added.

rce: Ghana News Agency

Driver’s mate jailed 16 years for robbery

A 21-year-old driver’s mate who robbed two people of their mobile phones valued GHC4,200 after pulling a pair of scissors at them has been jailed 16 years imprisonment by a Circuit Court in Accra.

Jeffery Johnson is said to have stabbed one of the complainants, Ebenezer Danquah, in the right hand with the pair of scissors.

Johnson, charged with robbery and causing harm, pleaded not guilty.

However, the court presided over by Mrs. Afia Owusuaa Appiah at the end of the trial found Johnson guilty and sentenced him accordingly.

Prosecution, led by Chief Inspector Wisdom Alorwu, told the court that the first complainant Ebenezer Danquah was a Chef, and the second complainant, a Kitchen attendant,

Chief Inspector Alorwu said the two complainants worked at Papaye Food Company while the accused person now a convict, a driver’s mate and a resident of Teshie in Accra.

The prosecution told the court that on February 17, 2024, between the hours of 1:00am and 1:30 am, Johnson together with his accomplice now at larg
e, rode their motorbike to the complainants’ house.

On entering the house, the prosecution said Johnson met the two complainants who had closed from work.

It said Johnson and his accomplice attacked the complainant, with Johnson stabbing Ebenezer Danquah, the first complainant, in his right hand.

The prosecutor said Johnson and his accomplice succeeded in robbing them of an iPhone X, a Huawei and Itel phones all valued at GHC4,200 and bolted.

The prosecution said the complainant, however, raised the alarm and residents came to their aid and apprehended Johnson.

According to the prosecution, Johnson’s accomplice, however, escaped.

The prosecution said the complainant managed to identify Johnson as one of the two persons who robbed them and he was handed over to the Police Patrol Team who arrived at the scene.

The court heard that when Johnson was searched, an Itel mobile phone and a pair of scissors used in committing the act were found on him.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Murder of labourer in Takoradi: Court strikes out case over jurisdictional issues

A Kaneshie District Court has struck out a case in which seven persons have been charged for their alleged involvement in the murder of a labourer, Robert Eshun, aka Kojo Pete in Takoradi.

The court cited jurisdictional issues and discharged three out of the seven accused persons arraigned.

Those discharged are Benjamin Appiah, aka Kofi Bakado, Joseph Arthur, aka Opanyin Yena, and Christian Acquah.

Four others, who are said to be at large are Anthony Cudjoe, aka Kuffour, Ekow Shadow, Benjamin Aggrey and Evans Naku.

The seven accused persons have been jointly charged with conspiracy to commit crime to wit murder.

Two out of the seven accused persons have been charged with murder.

They are Benjamin Kofi Appiah, a Mason, and Jospeh Arthur, aka Opanyin Yena, a fisherman.

Soon after the court discharged the accused persons, the Police re-arrested them at the court premises.

The case of the prosecution is that the deceased Robert Eshun, aka Kojo Pete, was a labourer at a block factory at Takoradi and lived
at Butumagyebu, a suburb in Sekondi.

On July 7, 2023, while the deceased was passing by the block factory of suspect Joseph Arthur, he was apprehended by suspect Ekow Shadow ( now at large) who was wielding a cutlass on suspicion that he was a thief.

The prosecution said Ekow Shadow with the assistance of Benjamin Appiah stopped the deceased while Ekow Shadow made phone calls to Aggrey and Naku, all at large to come to the scene.

Aggrey and Naku rushed to the scene with a club and a long hard leather whip respectively and subjected the deceased to severe beatings.

The prosecution said Appiah made a phone call to Joseph Arthur through someone and informed him about the arrest of the deceased.

Joseph Arthur rushed to the scene barefooted with canes and joined Appiah, Shadow, Naku and Aggrey in beating the deceased allegedly.

The prosecution said Evans Naku allegedly used a cutlass he took from suspect Ekow Shadow to strip the deceased naked for others to lash him at the back with various objects they were

According to the prosecution, Christian Acquah and Anthony Cudjoe (at large) Iater joined the five and they continued beating the deceased.

The accused persons placed the deceased in supine position and Joseph Arthur stepped on his chest several times allegedly.

The deceased was later dragged to a roadside where Shadow, Appiah, Aggrey and Evans Naku held him, and Joseph Arthur allegedly used cutlass to shave part of the hairs on the deceased’s head.

The deceased became unconscious, and they dragged him back and left him in front of the factory after which they all ran away from the scene, the court heard.

The prosecution said the deceased’s body was conveyed to Efia Nkwanta Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

It said through intelligence, Benjamin Appiah was arrested at Bakado after he went into hiding following the act.

Athur and Christian Acquah were also arrested.

The prosecution said investigation was still underway.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Let’s restore land for multiple benefits, achieve SDGs – EPA

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has underscored the urgent need for the restoration of the environment, particularly land, for multiple benefits to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Dr Asher Nkegbe, the Upper East Regional Director of the EPA, said land had been identified as a cross-cutting issue relating to climate change, biodiversity conservation and desertification control, which all countries were striving to achieve.

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency on this year’s World Environment Day, Dr Nkegbe expressed worry at the continuous destruction and degradation of the environment, particularly land and called for collective action to reverse the trend.

This year’s World Environment Day was held on the theme: ‘Land restoration, desertification and drought resilience,’ with the slogan ‘Our land, our future.’

He said human activities such as deforestation, bush burning, unsustainable farming practices, unregulated mining activities among others, co
ntinued to destroy the environment and deepen the pervasive impact of climate change regarding flood, drought, and desertification.

Dr Nkegbe who is also the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) National Focal Point, said reversing degraded lands would contribute to ensuring food security, climate resilience and improvement of livelihoods of vulnerable communities.

It would also enhance efforts towards attaining the SDGs especially goals, one, two, five, six, 13 and 15, which placed emphasis on attaining no poverty, zero, gender equality, clean water and sanitation, climate action, and life on land respectively by 2030.

The government through its various ministries, departments and agencies had over the years implemented several interventions including the Ghana Environment Project, Sustainable Land and Water Management Project (SLWMP), and Adaptation Fund, aimed at addressing the environmental challenges and improving livelihoods.

Currently, the Ministry of Environment, Science and
Technology (MESTI) and the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources through the EPA, the Department of Agriculture, Water Resources Commission among others, were implementing the Ghana Landscape Restoration and Small-Scale Mining Project (GLRSSMP),

This is a six-year government of Ghana and World Bank project building on lessons, experiences, and successes from implementing the SLWMP

The project geographically targets 12 districts in the Northern Savannah Zone including ecological zones within the Guinea Savannah, Sudan Savannah, and the upper portions of the

Transitional ecological zone, as well as Cocoa Forest Landscape in parts of the Forest ecological zone and the Pra River Basin.

It was aimed at strengthening Ghana’s natural resources management, restoring degraded forest and landscapes, formalising, and regulating small-scale mining to increase their benefits to communities in Northern Savannah and Cocoa Forest Zones.

Dr Nkegbe said under the project, farmers and communities had been empowered to ma
nage natural resources including water bodies, restore degraded lands, forests and improve sustainable agriculture practices.

He mentioned interventions such as agroforestry, riparian restoration, construction of dugouts and weirs, woodlot, earth bonding, composting, stone bonding among others, that were impacting significantly in rural communities, adding that about 467,305 hectares of land were under restoration in the Savannah ecological zone.

He called on stakeholders to help in community and national efforts to restore degraded lands, to avert climate change impacts, particularly by adopting natural regeneration approaches as viable land restoration mechanisms to improve the benefits of land.

Source: Ghana News Agency

GAF cautions against calls for attacks on soldiers

The Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) has cautioned the public against calls on social media to attack security personnel, particularly soldiers.

‘We strongly, wish to caution the public against such utterances. It is instructive to note that such calls are not only unlawful but also pose a significant threat to the security and stability of our nation,’ a press statement signed by Brigadier General Eric Aggrey-Quashie, Director General, Department of Public Relations, GAF, said.

The Armed Forces said it strongly condemned any form of incitement or encouragement of violence against military personnel.

‘In a situation where a soldier misconducts him/herself, the soldier should be reported to the nearest police station or military barracks for the appropriate disciplinary action to be taken,’ it said, adding that soldiers, like any person, had the right to self-defense when faced with imminent threats or attacks that posed danger to their lives or that of others.

The statement said in situations where soldiers were
confronted with immediate threats or acts of violence, they could use necessary and proportionate force to protect themselves and others.

‘It must be noted that the outcome of such avoidable confrontations may be unpleasant and dire. It is against this premise that GAF wishes to remind and caution the public that assaulting or attacking soldiers is a grave offense punishable by law. It implores all citizens to respect, cooperate and support our soldiers and to refrain from engaging in acts of violence or incitement against them.’

The Armed Forces reiterated its commitment to upholding the values of professionalism, integrity, and service to the nation and pledged its continuous cooperation with sister security agencies to protect and defend Ghana’s interests while respecting the rights and dignity of all citizens.

It said it operated an open-door policy and encouraged the public to channel their concerns or grievances through its Department of Public Relations.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Maternal, child health record book, sensitisation material, launched to provide accurate data

The Birth and Deaths Registry (BDR) in collaboration with the Ghana Health Service (GHS), has developed a revised Maternal and Child Health Record Booklet, aimed at registering newborn babies and acquiring accurate data.

The record book was developed with support from the World Bank, and it was in compliance with implementation of the Births and Deaths Act 2020.

Sections 16 and 20 of the Act mandate timely registration of births and deaths in all districts across the country.

Handing over the record book and launching the sensitisation materials, Ms Henrietta Lamptey, Acting Registrar, Births and Deaths registry, said the newly developed record book would serve

as a vital tool in enhancing the registration of births, emphasising inclusivity and legal identification of every child born in Ghana.

Ms Lamptey noted that registration of births and deaths was of utmost importance, though often overlooked but essential for effective policymaking and decision-making.

‘By simplifying the registration process and
facilitating the issuance of Ghana card numbers, we aim to ensure that every child is registered promptly after birth,’ she stated.

The Registry has further developed sensitization materials for public education to raise awareness about the critical role individuals play in birth and deaths registration, an initiative that would be ongoing with immediate effect throughout the year and beyond.

‘She said the milestone was a testament to our commitment to improving birth and death registration practices in Ghana and ensuring that every citizen is recognized and accounted for,’ she added.

Dr Chris Opoku Fofie, Deputy Director, Reproductive and Child Health, GHS, Family Health Division who received the record Books said the development of the book was an important step and would allow an effective and smooth process in registering newborns and having a certificate at every facility.

He expressed optimism that the initiative would help in the identification for all people living in Ghana and a good step in the
attainment of the Sustainable Development Goal 16.9 by 2030.

Mr Vincent Ekow Assafuah, Deputy Minister of Local Government Decentralisation and Rural Development indicated that having accurate data would ensure proper and adequate data that would help in policy formulation in the country.

He said with the digitisation agenda in addition to the births and deaths records initiative, the country would have a robust digital system in the next few years.

Mr Yaw Osafo Marfo, Senior Presidential Advisor, acknowledged the importance of the initiative, which contained essential information to promote and maintain the health of children and their families as well as cater for notification of births and foetal deaths to effectively capture such data for national planning and socio-economic development.

He commended the Registry for its admirable performance over the last couple of years.

About 1,200,000 copies of the newly revised booklet would become the new standard that would continue to be produced to serve the
original intended purposes of pre- and post-natal documentations as well as provide for the notification of births and foetal deaths in the country.

Madam Felicia Dapaah, Chief Director, Office of the Head of Local Government Service, recognised the importance of data in the development of the country, acknowledging the varied

results of data collection in the country over the years, hence the importance of the revised record book to help acquire accurate data.

Madam Dapaah expressed the readiness of the local government service for effective collaboration and the acquisition of accurate data needed for the development of the country.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Green Ghana Day: Israeli Embassy plants more than 1000 trees in ‘Jerusalem Forest’

The Israeli Embassy in Accra has planted 1,111seedlings to support Ghana’s effort at attaining a greener and sustainable environment.

The seedlings were planted on two and half acres of land situated in the Chipa Forest Reserve in the Shai-Osudoku district of the Greater Accra region.

The part of the Reserve where the planting is named after Israel’s capital city, Jerusalem.

The five main trees planted were Baobab, Ofram, Mahogany, Cassia, and Rain trees.

The exercise took place on Monday, June 10 and was done with support of the Forestry Commission.

It formed part of the Embassy’s contribution to the Green Ghana Day event instituted in 2021 and celebrated every year to restore Ghana’s forest cover.

It was also intended to support the fight against climate change, raise awareness about caring for the environment and get people to commit to take diligent care of the environment.

Additionally, it was to promote a greener, cleaner, healthier and a beautiful Ghana.

Speaking at a short ceremony before the
commencement of the planting, Aviel Avraham, Deputy Head of Missions, Israeli Embassy, who read a speech on behalf of Madam Shlomit Sufa, Israeli Ambassador to Ghana, said the tree planting initiative was a testament of Israel’s long-standing agenda of protecting the environment.

He noted that Israel as a desert country with limited resources had had its fair share of environmental challenges but had been able to address the issue through innovation, technology, and a spirit of resilience.

He said that the country implemented robust policies for afforestation and reforestation where millions of trees were planted across the country.

Mr Avraham said the initiative, which was led by the Jewish National Fund transformed the arid landscapes into thriving ecosystems.

He noted that with such an experience, Israel was ready to support and promote Ghana’s efforts to create a safe and sustainable environment.

He said the Embassy would empower local communities and foster sustainable practices that would benefit f
uture generations.

Madam Winifred Ohene Wiafe, Tema and Ada Forests District Manager, Forestry Commission, commended the Embassy for the initiative.

Mr Fred Offei, District Chief Executive, Shai-Osudoku, said the District recognised that the health of the environment was linked to the well-being of the people, therefore, it would protect the trees and ensure their survival.

The Israeli Embassy was also supported by the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation, Department of Parks and Gardens, Ghana Garden and Flower Movement, Israel Ghana Friendship Association and` Israeli Community in Ghana,

Source: Ghana News Agency

Students urged to participate in environmental protection initiatives

The Wassa Amenfi Central District Directorate of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) in the Western Region has urged students to actively participate in activities that will help conserve and protect the environment from destruction.

Mr Anthony Kelvin Amoo, the Wassa Amenfi Central District Director of the NCCE, who made the call said as future leaders, the 1992 Constitution mandated them as citizens to lead the charge to safeguard the environment through various initiatives to make it conducive for both human and animal lives.

He said this when the Wassa Amenfi Central District Assembly in collaboration with the NCCE engaged students from five schools within the district to sensitise them on the need to collectively protect the environment.

The engagement, which was held to mark this year’s World Environment Day, was on the theme: ‘Our environment, our health’ with the sub-theme: ‘Our land, Our future.’

The schools engaged were Ko’ Blay Memorial Educational Centre, Oxford Preparatory Schoo
l, Manso Amenfi D/A Basic School, Roman Catholic Basic School, and Calvary Methodist Basic School.

Mr Amoo noted that human activities, especially illegal mining popularly known as ‘galamsey’ was rampant in the area, and that the menace contributed to the destruction of the country’s vegetative cover.

‘We are engaging the students to let them know the critical roles they can play to champion the campaign against activities like galamsey that continues to destroy our environment, giving rise to climate change issues,’ he stated.

Mr Robert Opuni Mensah, Wassa Amenfi Central District Environmental Health Officer, said illegal mining, deforestation, and indiscriminate disposal of waste among other human activities had dire consequences on the environment and the health of citizens.

He said protecting the environment from those activities was a shared responsibility, therefore, the students should join forces and lead awareness creation on the need to make the environment safe for all.

Mr Emmanuel Boateng, th
e Wassa Amenfi Central District Coordinating Director, said it was the duty of the students to take keen interest in promoting initiatives meant to conserve and protect the environment from degradation.

Officials from the District Assembly and the NCCE led the students to plant trees as part of the World Environment Day celebration.

Meanwhile, in another development, some selected students from Manso Amenfi Senior High School and Manso Amenfi Technical Institute, led by the NCCE, were invited to observe proceedings at a General Assembly meeting at the District Assembly.

It was to enable them to appreciate the work of the Assembly and the role they could play as citizens to contribute towards the development of their respective communities.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Fidelity Bank grabs two awards at GITTA

Fidelity Bank Ghana, the largest privately-owned Ghanaian bank, received two prestigious awards at the 13th Ghana Information Technology and TelcomAwards (GITTA).

Mr Julian Opuni, Managing Director, Fidelity Bank, was recognised as the Financial Inclusion Leader, while the Bank’s innovative WhatsApp Banking Assistant, Kukua, secured the Digital Chatbot Platform of the Year award.

The award for Financial Inclusion Leadership recognises Mr Opuni’s dedication to bringing banking services to the unbanked population in Ghana, a press release issued to the Ghana News Agency, Tuesday, said

Commenting on the award, the Managing Director highlighted Fidelity Bank’s numerous initiatives aimed at expanding financial inclusion.

‘This award is a testament to our relentless pursuit of bringing banking to the unbanked in Ghana,’ he said, and pointed to the Bank’s pioneering Smart Account, launched in 2013.

It requires minimal documentation and facilitates a five-minute account opening process.

He also emphasised the s
uccess of Fidelity Bank’s industry-leading agency banking network, the largest in the country with more than 6,000 active agents.

Mr Opuni again highlighted the Bank’s Interactive Voice Response (IVR) digital platform, which had reached over 500,000 individuals, and its digital reactivation programme that empowers remote-area customers to reactivate dormant accounts.

He announced the upcoming launch of a self-service digital loan product designed for the mass market, which further solidifies Fidelity Bank’s commitment to financial inclusion.

The recognition for Fidelity’s innovative WhatsApp Banking Assistant, Kukua, underscored the transformative power of chatbots in enhancing customer service within the financial services industry.

‘We’re delighted to receive this award for Kukua. Since launching in 2020, we have witnessed a dramatic shift in how our customers interact with the bank,’ Mr Opuni stated.

‘Over 200,000 users rely on Kukua as their trusted 24/7 customer care agent, offering them unparallele
d convenience and accessibility.

‘Kukua simplifies everyday banking tasks, allowing customers to open accounts instantly, pay bills, transfer funds between Fidelity accounts, and check current exchange rates, all through the familiar platform of WhatsApp…

‘We are constantly working to expand Kukua’s capabilities, ensuring it remains a valuable and trusted resource for our customers.’

Fidelity Bank’s impressive performance at the GITTA awards on Friday, June 7, adds to their leadership in both financial inclusion and customer service innovation.

Source: Ghana News Agency