Lebanese Foreign Minister Reaffirms Suport for Morocco’s Sovereignty, Territorial Integrity

Lebanon’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants, Abdallah Bou Habib, has highlighted the deep-rooted and long-standing ties of brotherhood uniting his country with the Kingdom of Morocco and its people, reaffirming Lebanon’s constant stance in favour of the Kingdom’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

In a statement issued on Sunday, Bou Habib said that Lebanon wished to emphasize the deep-rooted, long-standing ties of brotherhood that unite it with the brotherly Kingdom of Morocco and its honourable people.

Reaffirming Lebanon’s constant position in favour of the Kingdom’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, the Minister expressed his country’s rejection of any threat to Morocco’s security.

This statement follows a telephone call from the Kingdom of Morocco’s ambassador to Lebanon, during which the two parties mentioned a conference held in Beirut and marked by positions hostile to the Kingdom, the Minister said, affirming ‘Lebanon’s condemnation of any position and statement undermining the Ki
ngdom of Morocco and threatening its stability and territorial integrity.’

He stressed that Lebanon ‘praises the fraternal relations with Morocco and always aspires to strengthen cooperation between the two brotherly countries in all fields.’

Source: Ghana News Agency

Catholic Bishops and Priests urged to pay attention to the underprivileged

The Most Reverend Mathew Gyamfi, President of the Catholic Bishops Conference, has called on the bishops and priests in the church to pay particular attention to both physical and spiritual needs of the underprivileged persons in society.

This, according to him, would help bring such people closer to their savior Jesus Christ.

Delivering the homily at the episcopal ordination of Most Rev. John Yaw Opoku-Agyeman as the new Bishop for the Konongo-Mampong Diocese of the church at Asante Mampong, he said bishops and priest must be ready to work with and embrace all kinds of people as Jesus Christ did in his episcopal ministry.

Most Rev. Gyamfi explained that the church of God embodied distinct kinds of people and they should be welcomed and worked with by the leaders of church.

‘This is one of the ways in which such people would receive the blessings of God and enter His salvation.’

He reminded the new Bishop of the task God had bestowed on him and said it had a lot of responsibilities.

He could achieve muc
h when he operated an open administration, Most Rec Gyamfi advised.

He also entreated Bishop Opoku-Agyemang to let the welfare of his priests be of much concern to him and urged the clergy, the religious, and the lay faithful to support the new Bishop to be a successful shepherd.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Agortime Kente Festival re-emerges from COVID-19

Ghana’s only festival dedicated to celebrating the Kente, a traditional woven fabric of African identity, has reemerged following a five-year break induced by the coronavirus pandemic.

The Kente Festival of the People of Kpetoe in the Volta Region’s Agortime-Ziope District was last held in 2019 before being suspended over the global pandemic.

Known originators of the renowned fabric and a major production hub, the people of Kpetoe consider the annual festival instituted in 1995 a symbol of unity, and also a platform to showcase their wealth of industry to the world.

Nene Akoto Sah VI, Chief Warlord, said at the launch of the popular festival in Ho on Saturday, that the reemergence deserved patronage and support, especially as the area looked to enhance its outlook as the main production hub for the fabric.

‘The patterns reveal a wealth of information about our history, cultural practices, philosophy and belief and it is important to participate and witness. Let us unite and welcome the tradition that exem
plifies our peace and unity,’ the traditional ruler said.

This year’s festival is on the theme: ‘Repositioning the Kente Heritage for Inclusive Development.’

Several traditional rulers from the area were present and the unique textile was worn by all in a prelude to the weeklong festival scheduled for the month of August.

The festival is always drenched in the fabric’s countless designs and colours, and stakeholders hope to use the event to draw cooperation towards retaining the competitiveness of the industry in the area amidst heightened competition from foreign mass production.

Mr. Elvis Ativoe, a leading member of the planning committee, said low tourist traffic affected the promotion as a production enclave, and that it was important to harness the festival for the rejuvenation of identity.

He said master weavers should work together on enhancing the appeal of the fabric taking into consideration market demands, and called for a ‘shift’ from the solely traditional and cultural outlook for the cloth
to one of modern design trends and client preferences.

Mr. Charles Agbeve, Member of Parliament for the area, said marketing and other sectors of industry were identified as lacking and promised needed training and support, particularly to the youth.

Mr Divine Bosson, Municipal Chief Executive for Ho, who graced the launch, said the festival’s theme spoke to the collective responsibility of ensuring the unique heritage was shared by all.

He said the celebration should spurn the industry to contribute to the economic viability of the Volta Region and the nation at large and remain a provider of employable skills for several youth.

The launch was chaired by Mr. Cephas Afenuvor, a local entrepreneur, who said the business community in the area would support the industry through promotions, especially within the hospitality industry.

Beginning August 4, highlights of the festival would include a weaving competition, a reenactment of the ancestral migration, and special events for women and children.

The com
munity exists beyond the nation’s boundaries into the Republic of Togo, and activities would be spread across the two countries.

The grand durbar is slated for Saturday, August 11 at the GRA Park in Kpetoe.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ghana Audit Service commissions new regional office building in Eastern Region

The Ghana Audit Service has commissioned an Eastern Regional office complex building which was awarded on contract in 2022 with funding from KFW, a German Development Bank.

The Ghana Audit Service is poised for providing permanent structures for the regions and districts to address the Service’s office accommodation challenges.

The Eastern Regional new office includes a reception area, executive offices, general offices, workshop rooms, archives, a washroom, storage, a server room, a kitchen, a guard room, and ancillaries.

A speech read on behalf of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo-Addo by Mr. Seth Kwame Acheampong, Eastern Regional Minister at the commissioning ceremony in Koforidua, said the infrastructural development project would strengthen the regional and district structures of the Audit Service, and enhance the execution of its constitutional mandate.

The Ghana Audit Service is an independent government agency that oversees auditing the accounts of the government, regions, and the activities of t
he government’s Ministries, Departments, Agencies, and Companies.

According to the Minister, the President had since 2017, ensured that the office of the Auditor-General had been adequately resourced for a consistent and efficient delivery of the mandate of the Auditor- General.

This had enabled the Service to commit funds from the Government of Ghana’s budget to complete projects that were started by the Audit Service as far back as 2012, and were abandoned at various stages across the country, he said.

Notable among these projects are the four-storey regional office in Kumasi, the three-storey regional office in Tamale, as well as district offices in Agona Swedru and Winneba, both in the Central Region, Tumu in the Upper East Region, and Kete Krachi in Oti Region.

He said the district offices had not only been completed by the Government but were currently being used by the staff of the Service.

‘May this office serve its purpose diligently and contribute to the enhancement of public financial manageme
nt in our country,’ he said.

Mr. Daniel Krull, German Ambassador to Ghana, said the infrastructural development was part of the bilateral cooperation between Ghana and Germany, and aimed to contribute to fostering transparency and the accounts of public institutions in Ghana at all levels to promote good governance.

He assured that with Ghana’s continuous cooperation with the German Government, and that it would support the ‘Government goes solar programme,’ earmarked by the Koforidua Technical University (KTU) with funds to put up solar power at the campus.

Mr. Johnson Akuamoah Asiedu, Auditor-General of the Ghana Audit Service, thanked the German Government and the Ghana Government for embarking on the project which would help curb the menace of corruption.

The tape-cutting ceremony was performed by Mr. Krull, together with Daasebre Nana Kwaku Boateng III, Paramount Chief of the New Juaben Traditional Area, and the Eastern Regional Minister.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Kassena-Nankana Municipal NCCE holds Inter-Party Dialogue Committee meeting

The Kassena-Nankana Municipal National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) has held an Inter-party Dialogue Committee (IPDC) meeting with various political parties and stakeholders.

Deliberations at the meeting centred on ways to ensure peace in the district before, during and after the December 2024 general elections.

In attendance were various political parties in the district, religious groups, traditional authorities, youth groups, market women, and disability associations, among others.

Speaking at the meeting, Madam Felicia Ajongba Kassena-Nankana Municipal Director of the NCCE said the engagement was to bring all stakeholders to brainstorm solutions to electoral violence in the area as part of preparation towards the general elections.

It was a platform for stakeholders, particularly the political parties, to make their views and concerns known before, during and after the 2024 general elections to ensure peace and social cohesion.

She said the Committee further wanted to create an opportunity t
o have a collective and meaningful discussions on strategies to strengthen vigilance against external forces, particularly the violent extremists.

She said the Committee would serves as a ‘buffer zone in the constituency to tide the unnecessary suspicion and anxiety among political parties.

‘It is a unifying body that can promote peace and solve conflicts before, during and after elections.’

She said the Committee would continue to carry out its mandate, including mediation and resolution of petty conflicts.

‘This entails the monitoring of electoral rules and regulations, promoting peaceful security situations and identifying issues that have the potential to trigger electoral conflict in the district,’ she said.

The IPDC is also to help monitor and report cases of breach of rules and regulations relating to the conduct of the elections and the maintenance of public order, she added

Madam Ajongba called on all political parties to conduct issue based campaign, promote and strengthen mutual respect.

erend Father Robert Afayor, Chaplain of St John Bosco College of Education, Navrongo, was elected as the chairman of the Committee.

He called on all committee members to ensure that the peace in the district was maintained.

Source: Ghana News Agency

EC Ofaakor Violence: Accused remanded by Court

Usman Haruna, accused of stabbing another person at the Electoral Commission’s (EC) office at Ofaakor in the Awutu Senya East constituency, has been remanded by the Court on Thursday, June 6, 2024.

Haruna, who allegedly committed the offence during a disturbance at the office is in Police custody.

He was ordered to reappear on June 19, 2024.

Police investigations are ongoing, whilst the case docket has been forwarded to the Office of the Attorney-General for study and advice.

In a related development, the Ghana Police Service has cautioned and subsequently granted police enquiry bail to three persons who were arrested with a Pump Action gun in the same constituency.

A police brief said the Pump Action gun together with four rounds of ammunition were found in a vehicle at the EC’s at Ofaakor in the Awutu Senya East constituency of the Central region.

It said suspect, Phyllis Naa Koryoo Okunor, had been cautioned on the offence of transfer of firearms without authority whilst suspects Abdulai Aziz and Mus
tapha Mohammed have been cautioned on the offence of possession of firearms without authority.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Protect ECG properties for reliable supply – Wute residents urged

Mr Samuel Diasempah, the Akatsi District Manager of the Electricity Company of Ghana Limited (ECG), has appealed to the public to protect ECG properties for an efficient and reliable supply.

He said community members must see the call as their responsibility to ensure they enjoy constant electricity supply.

Mr Diasempah made the appeal at Wute and Ahlihadzi communities within the Akatsi South Municipality as part of ECG’s ‘Community Stakeholder Engagement’ initiative.

He said the destruction of ECG properties in the various communities would lead to a stop in supply, resulting in poor commercial activities.

This, Mr Diasempah explained, must be avoided ‘because we are business partners. We need you and you need us.’

Mr Wisdom Akpablie, the Assembly member for Wute Electoral Area, who led the team to the communities, called on residents to seek redress on their electricity consumption issues in a peaceful manner.

He commended ECG and residents for discussing issues such as education on the legal instrume
nts backing the operations of ECG, billing and prompt payment of bills, fixing billing errors, faults reporting, and others.

The interactive session saw questions from community members on energy consumption and other electricity-related challenges.

Some community members, who participated in the meeting, expressed appreciation to ECG for the knowledge on issues they were not privy to.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Chieftaincy, land, farmer-herder issues major causes of localised conflicts – Peace Council

Chieftaincy, land and farmer-herder related issues have been identified as major causes of localised conflicts in some parts of the Upper East Region.

Many communities across the region continue to have unresolved land and chieftaincy issues and the emergence of herders posed significant challenges that threatened Ghana’s peace and stability.

Stakeholders at different fora at Bongo, Bawku West and Garu Districts indicated that the lack of clear succession plan for the chieftaincy institution, undocumented ownership of lands and interactions between farmers and herders continued to breed conflicts in some communities.

The situation is not only leading to loss of lives and property but is threatening the country’s peace, social cohesion and exposing the region to violent extremists.

The stakeholders included traditional and religious leaders, community opinion leaders, women and youth groups, among others.

The fora were organised by the Upper East Regional Peace Council as part of the ‘Enhancing Social Coh
esion and Social Contract through Empowering Women and Youth in Northern Ghana,’ project.

It is being rolled out in selected communities in the Bawku West, Garu and Bongo Districts in the Upper East Region.

The project is being funded by the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).

The project aims to equip the stakeholders with the conflict management and resolution skills such as mediation, negotiation and dialogue, among others to help address localised conflicts.

Mr Ali Anankpieng, the Executive Secretary of the Upper East Regional Peace Council, said engagement and dialogue were major mechanisms to preventing and resolving conflicts, especially at the local level.

He said conflicts had retarded development in so many communities and underscored the need for stakeholders to work together to address the challenges to enhance social cohesion for sustainable development.

‘From our interactions with the part
icipants you can clearly see that chieftaincy, land and farmer-herder conflicts continue to be serious in all the three districts and so we hope that through this project they will be empowered to use non-violent means to resolve their differences.

‘From our experience we have realised that when people engage or dialogue they get to understand and appreciate each other better,’ he said.

Pognaba Felicia Agampoka, a Divisional Queenmother of Feo in the Bongo District, noted during the conflicts it was mostly the women and children who suffered the brunt.

She expressed the hope that the project would not only help to promote social cohesion in the communities but would build their resilience against the potential spillover of violent extremism currently happening in neighbouring countries, particularly Burkina Faso in which Feo community was sharing borders with.

Naba Seidu Alagtaaba, the Chief of Namoo in the Bongo District, commended the Peace Council and its funding agencies for the initiative, adding ‘I
am particularly happy to have been part of this training because it has and would further sharpen my skills in conflict resolution and enable me do my work as a chief more professionally.’

Source: Ghana News Agency

Asato set to outdoor new Paramount Chief

The Asato Traditional Area in the Kadjebi District of the Oti Region is set to outdoor a new Paramount Chief (Osabarima) for the area.

The selection and confinement rites for the new Osabarima was done at Asato on Sunday, June 9, 2024.

The new Osabarima, known in private life as Kwabena Asante, a 54-year-old Sanitary Inspector, would soon be outdoored at a colourful ceremony at Asato.

He will be called Nana Osei Bonsu V, succeeding the late Nana Osei Bonsu IV, who passed away in 2010.

Per the Asato customs and traditions, when the Osabarima passed on it is the Adontenhene, who acts as the Paramount Chief before the Paramount Queenmother and the Asona Clan Head select one candidate from three, who have been selected and presented to them.

Engaging with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) during the rituals at Asato, Nana Serwaa Bonsu II, the Asato Traditional Area Paramount Queenmother, said after the demise of the former Paramount Chief, due process was followed and the current Paramount Chief was dully enstoole

However, the then Amankrado kicked against his enstoolment and then went ahead to select a different person and enstooled him as Osabarima.

The Paramount Queenmother said that brought misunderstandings and the rival Chief ‘took the case to court in Ho.’

She said when the Oti Region was created in 2018, the case was transferred to Dambai for adjudication.

Fortunately, on May 31, 2024, a verdict was passed and she has been given the authority to enstool a new Osabarima within 21 days.

Nana Serwaa Bonsu said that led to the selection of Mr Kwabena Asante, who was earlier enstooled as Osabarima of Asato Traditional Area and the melee erupted.

The Paramount Queenmother appealed for peace in the traditional area for progress.

Some participants present, who spoke to the GNA on condition of anonymity, expressed joy over the enstoolment of the Sanitary Inspector as their new Osabarima.

They sang ‘Osoro ye wo de, Asase so ye wo de, Ohene biara ntese wo di wo hene diwohene’ in hailing the new chief.

were Nana Kwesi Kram, Adontenhene, Nana Dr. Boakye Yiadom, Benkumhene, Nana Kwamina Ansah, Sanaahene, Nana Sarkodie, Akwamuhene, and Nana Osei Kwadwo, Regent, Asato Traditional Area, and Prof Christian Anthony Krueger, a native and retired Associate Professor of Department of Science Education, University of Cape Coast.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Human trafficking is a global scourge that affects all-Expertise France

Mr Alessandro Rabbiosi, Project Director, Expertise France, the French Agency for international technical expertise, has expressed concern about the growing menace of human trafficking, describing it as a ‘global scourge that affects all.’

He said the serious violation of human rights affecting millions of people, including children, women and men, required a collective effort from governments, international organisations and civil society to prevent, protect and prosecute.

Mr Rabbiosi was speaking at the inaugural ceremony of the Aflao Transitional Shelter, a renovated building to serve as a transit place where victims of human trafficking could be taken in, counseled and given a chance to rebuild their lives.

The inauguration marked the official closure of the five-year Regional Project to Support the Fight against Trafficking in Persons in Six Gulf of Guinea Countries (Togo, Benin, Ivory Coast, Guinea, Ghana and Nigeria) in strengthening their actions and capacities for a targeted and effective fight ag
ainst human trafficking.

The project implemented by Expertise France with funding from European Union (EU) and France was organised around four components: institutional and operational consolidation and preventive actions, law enforcement, victim protection and regional cooperation.

The Project Director appreciated the donor, and the Ghanaian national partners, among others, for their pivotal roles in the implementation of the project, noting, the transit shelter at Aflao would be strategic in the fight against human trafficking and hoped it would be followed by ‘many more actions and successes in the fight against human trafficking in Ghana.’

‘Child trafficking, sexual exploitation, labour exploitation, organ trade, domestic servitude, street begging, are unfortunately a reality. And Aflao being especially a border town is not spared by this reality more so as West Africa is characterised by a pattern of cross-border and circular trafficking.

Everyone’s commitment in the fight against human trafficking
is primordial.’

Madam Dakoa Newman, Minister of Gender, Children, and Social Protection (MoGCSP), expressed government’s profound gratitude to the international organisations for the project, which included the renovation of shelters and office to improve victim care.

She said the rescue of victims was a crucial component of a comprehensive strategy to fight human trafficking as ‘Ghana is known to be a source, transit and destination country for trafficking victims.’

Dr Afisah Zakariah, Chief Director for MoGCSP, said the inauguration marked a very significant moment as it would address the inadequate shelter challenge faced by government and law enforcement agencies, saying, currently, ‘there are only two government operated shelters for victims of human trafficking’ and even with that two, no shelter for male adult victims.

Madam Anna Lixi, Head of Governance and Security Sector, EU Delegation to Ghana said the EU was greatly concerned about human trafficking and appreciated the good results achieved by
the five-year project, adding that with the inauguration of Aflao Transitional Shelter, ‘we put at the centre of our interventions the protection of victims.’

Source: Ghana News Agency