FG committed to infrastructure development through PPP – ICRC boss

Mr Michael Ohiani, Director-General, Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission (ICRC), says the Federal Government remains committed to infrastructure development through Public-Private Partnership (PPP).

Ohiani said this at the Second Quarter 2024 Public-Private Partnership Units Consultative Forum(3PUCF) Meeting in Abuja on Friday.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the forum provides a platform for PPP departments in Ministries Departments and Agencies(MDAs) and stakeholders to share ideas, success stories, and challenges on their PPP projects to drive economic growth in Nigeria.

The meeting was hosted by the Federal Road and Maintenance Agency (FERMA).

Ohiani said that within the second quarter, the commission successfully issued Outline and Full Business Case Compliance Certificates in respect of key PPP projects from several MDAs.

He said between April and June 2024, the commission issued 14 Outline Business Case (OBC) Compliance Certificates and two Full Business Case (FBC) Compli
ance Certificates.

Ohiani said the commission would continue to issue OBC and FBC certificates as the need arises.

He said some projects which had been issued OBC Compliance Certificates in the second quarter included the Infrastructure Development of Residential Buildings at the Federal School of Forestry, Jos.

Ohiani said others were the Design and Development of eight Hostel accommodations at the University of Lagos, Campus, Akoko.

‘Others are the development of 240 Housing Units of two and three Bedroom Bungalows at Nigerian Airspace Management Agency’s land located at Jaba, Kano State.

‘The Operation and Management of Kashimbila Integrated Cargo/Agro-Allied Airport, Taraba, and Implementation of the Nigerian National Patronage Cash Reward Programme.

‘Also, the Implementation of Metal and Mineral Operational Audit and Export Certification programme, and the Implementation and Development of the Electronic Enforcement and Penalty Management (eTraffika).’

Ohiani said FBC Compliance Certificates were
issued for the following projects which included the Implementation and Development of the Electronic Enforcement and Penalty Management (eTraffika).

‘Also the Renovation and Upgrading of School of Nursing Student Hostel, University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan, Oyo State.’

He said the commission had also continued to monitor PPP projects which were at the implementation stage.

‘Just last week, our staff and the relevant officers of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security visited 17 silo complexes across the Federation.’

Ohiani reiterated the commission’s commitment to continue to build PPP capacity across MDAs and PPP practitioners through its training arm- the Nigeria Institute of Infrastructure and Public-Private Partnership.

He urged the members of the forum to take advantage of the opportunities the training institute provided.

‘We also invite you to take advantage of the MBA in PPP and PhD in Management (PPP option) programmes which are being run in collaboration with the Malaysia
University of Science and Technology.’

Ohiani expressed his appreciation to members of the forum for their continued valued contributions to its sustenance and overall success.

‘I, therefore, encourage us all to continue to advance with the various projects across our MDAs up to implementation and possible hand-back, as these will have a direct positive bearing on the wellbeing of Nigerians.

‘ I encourage us to sustain the shared vision of a prosperous and infrastructure-sufficient country for the coming generations.’

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Ghanaian security personnel trained to mitigate electoral violence, promote peace and security

Selected security personnel in Ghana have completed an intensive course aimed at mitigating electoral violence and promoting peace and security before, during and after the 2024 Presidential and Parliamentary elections.

The security personnel, drawn from the Police, Military, Customs, Prisons, Immigration and Fire Service, underwent the two-week comprehensive course on Electoral Violence and Security (EVS).

The course, organised by the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), in collaboration with the German Foreign Ministry, forms part of efforts to safeguard the electoral process and to ensure peace and security.

The EVS course is designed to address electoral violence in West Africa by equipping law enforcement agencies with effective prevention, management, and response strategies.

It aims to enhance the capacity of government security services across West Africa to safeguard electoral processes and ensure free, fair, and peaceful elections.

The course is part of a broader stra
tegy to reinforce democratic processes and stability in Ghana and the West African sub-region.

Air Commodore David Akrong, Deputy Commandant, KAIPTC, applauded the participants for exhibiting great sense of devotion, intelligence and full participation in the course, sharing experiences on various modules.

‘In all these spheres of learning, it is satisfying to know that you were all exemplary in your contributions to the discourse which is intended to make our democracy even stronger,’ he said.

He urged the personnel to harness and draw the knowledge gained to effectively enhance their capacities to prevent or manage potential or perceived electoral violence situations before, during and after their Presidential and Parliamentary elections.

Air Cdre Akrong said the course was timely to equip Ghanaian security personnel to ensure the smooth and peaceful conduct of elections while upholding democratic values critical for the nation’s development and stability.

Ms Sivine Jansen, Deputy German Ambassador to
Ghana, said the German Government subscribed to free and fair elections as the cornerstone of democracy.

She said as part of efforts to ensuring that elections were conducted in a peaceful and secure environment, Germany supported the Election Violence and Security Course.

The Deputy Ambassador said apart from supporting the security services, journalists were being trained to ensure that they reported elections objectively and fairly in accordance with high moral and ethical standards devoid of sensationalism.

She said vigilance by security services was key in ensuring that the violenct incidents during the registration was curtailed as the general elections beckoned.

According to her, a holistic approach with an understanding of a law oriented and thoughtful process was needed in ensuring that there was a safe environment for all the citizenry to vote in free and fair elections.

Ms Jansen said the German Government, since 2002, had supported and partnered the KAIPTC to contribute to peace and security
in Ghana and the West African sub-region.

She noted that with funding from Germany, the KAIPTC had developed courses on Investigating Sexual and Gender-based Violence, Police Middle Management Course, and Women’s Leadership Development Programme, among others for security personnel from Ghana and other West African States.

ACP Osman Abdul-Razak, the Course Director, said modules for the course was strategically developed to prepare the security agencies to know how to manage and deal with perceived and actual security related violence.

ACP Abdul-Razak said the course was all-encompassing, dealing with how to handle the media, the public and political parties among others during elections.

‘It also gave Commanders who came for the course the opportunity to know the various practical measures that can be put in place to deal with all incidents on a case to case basis. Participants were sensitised on how to work as a team,’ he noted.

With support from the German Government, KAIPTC will replicate the course
in the middle and northern sectors of Ghana.

In Kumasi the course is scheduled to run from 10th June, 2024 and in Tamale from 17 to 21 June, 2024.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Detention of Awutu-Senya-East NDC parliamentary candidate will needlessly raise political temperature – Mahama

Former President John Dramani Mahama, Flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), says the police’s detention of Madam Phillis Naa Koryoo Okunor, the party’s parliamentary candidate for Awutu Senya East, will needlessly raise the political temperature in the country.

In a tweet, he said: ‘There is no justification for the decision by the Inspector General of Police, Dr George Dampare, on the orders of the National Security Advisor, Albert Kan Dapaah, to detain a Parliamentary Candidate for the Awutu Senya East Constituency in Police custody’.

‘This action, taken on the instructions of the National Security Secretariat, will needlessly raise the political temperature in the country and spark avoidable tension.’

Mr Mahama said the Police Service must not allow itself to be used to hang the peace and stability of the nation months before a crucial national election.

‘I call on the IGP, the Peace Council, the Government, and the People of Ghana to recognise that justice is not just a moral imperativ
e but a crucial prerequisite for maintaining peace and stability in a nation,’ he stated

‘We cannot allow the police service to be used to stifle opposition and intimidate innocent Ghanaians and political opponents in the run-up to the 2024 elections.’

Mr Mahama said clearly, the intention to detain the candidate after she had already been granted bail was an attempt to intimidate her in her quest to unseat Madam Hawa Koomson, the New Patriotic Party incumbent Member of Parliament for the Constituency and the Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture.

‘I urge the IGP to urgently reconsider his actions and release Naa Koryoo immediately for the sake of justice and the stability of our nation,’ he said.

He noted that it was high time the police fulfilled their duty to serve and protect all citizens, irrespective of their political affiliations. ‘#JusticeForNaaKoryoo; #FreeNaaKoryooNow’ he tweeted.

Source: Ghana News Agency

World Food Safety Day: FDA urges market women to observe food safety

As Ghana joined the rest of the world to mark 2024 World Food Safety Day, the Ashanti Regional office of the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) educated women at the Tafo market on food safety.

World Food Safety Day is celebrated across the globe annually on June 7 to raise awareness about the importance of food safety and to encourage actions that help prevent, detect, and manage foodborne risks.

‘Food Safety: Prepare for the Unexpected,’ which is the theme for the 2024 celebration underlines the importance of being prepared for food safety incidents, no matter how mild or severe they can be.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), one in 10 people worldwide fall ill from contaminated food each year with over 200 diseases being caused by contaminated food.

This year’s celebration will, therefore, draw attention to food safety incidents globally.

It is for this reason that the FDA in the Ashanti Region visited the Tafo market in collaboration with the Old Tafo Municipal Environmental Health Directo
rate, to sensitise the women on the importance of food safety in commemoration of the day.

The three different teams moved from shop to shop, stall to stall, and table to table to engage them on best practices in handling food to keep them safe for consumption.

With the aid of leaflets and posters containing simple messages on how to keep food safe, the teams encouraged the women to prioritise the safety of customers in their businesses.

As the team traversed the market to engage the women, the Public Relations Officer (PRO), FDA Ashanti, Mr. Daniel Geraldo also engaged them on the Information Centre in the market.

He told them to be conscious of how they stored food and other items meant for consumption to ensure their qualities were not compromised.

They should also ensure that goods are sold out before expiry while those expired disposed off immediately in collaborarion with environmental health officials.

Mr. Geraldo reminded the market women that as key players in the food supply chain, they had a
critical role to play in food safety and public health.

‘You have a duty not to expose food items and other products meant for human consumption to dust and flies in order not to put the health of your customers at risk,’ he implored them.

Ms. Linda Fowaa Owusu, Assistant Environmental Health Analyst, Old Tafo Municipal Assembly, commended the market women for their cooperation, and urged them to adhere to the messages shared with them in the interest of public safety.

‘Beyond this exercise, we always engage the market women when it comes to market sanitation, food safety and hygiene to ensure the safety of the public,’ she noted.

Source: Ghana News Agency

GIZ donates servers to FDA to support vaccine manufacturing

The German Development Cooperation (GIZ) on Friday presented four Integrated Regulatory Information Management System (IRIMS) servers to the Food and Drugs and Authority (FDA) to enhance its regulatory and administrative functions.

The IRIMS system servers are expected to digitalise FDA’s regulatory operations and lot release for vaccine manufacturing.

Mr. Wilhelm Hugo, Cluster Coordinator of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), who presented the severs, said it would also allow clients to submit and track applications online.

He said the donation was to support the National Vaccine Institute (NVI) to create an enabling environment for vaccine production in Ghana.

‘With this new management system and additional technical equipment, our Ghanaian partners can continue working towards their objective of turning Ghana into a pharmaceutical producer,’ he said.

Mr. Hugo said Ghana’s ambition to become one of Africa’s leading vaccine and pharmaceutical manufacturers would enhance bo
th the health security of the Ghanaian population and the economy.

He said the European Union (EU) and German Development Cooperation would continue to support and strengthen the institutional and technical capacities of the FDA.

‘This will help the FDA to meet the World Health Organization’s (WHO) standards which includes a pharmaceutical-microbiological laboratory and a Clean Room, where contamination from dust, airborne germs, aerosol particles and chemical vapours is prevented,’ he said.

Dr Delese Mimi Darko, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the FDA, said by November 2024, the FDA would have a Clean Room that met specified biosafety standards.

‘This effort underscores our commitment to building the critical infrastructure to regulate locally produced vaccines for the ECOWAS region,’ she said.

Dr Darko thanked GIZ for the support stating that Ghana would succeed in local vaccine manufacturing to improve the health status of the people of West Africa.

She said the vaccine manufacturing initiative woul
d create jobs, generate taxes and dividends and promote sustainable and balanced economic growth.

Source: Ghana News Agency

FDA urges public to promote food safety for healthy lives

Mr Zakaria Braimah, Northern Regional Head, Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), has urged the citizenry to promote food safety through good hygiene practices to ensure healthy lifestyle.

He said mostly, people fell ill due to food contamination as a result of unhygienic practices, especially from food sellers in the market.

He was speaking during World Food Safety Day, which was marked on June 7, in Tamale, and organised by the FDA.

It was on the theme: ‘Food Safety: Prepare for the Unexpected’.

The event was to draw attention to food safety incidents in the country and to also create awareness on the importance of food safety.

Mr Braimah said access to safe and nutritious food was key to sustaining life and promoting good health.

He advised members of the public to be conscious of food safety by checking labels for expiry dates and packages of the food they consumed.

He advised food vendors and consumers to always sell or buy food from clean environments only, and also avoid street food sold under unhygie
nic conditions.

Dr Ernest Bonah, Principal Regulatory Officer at FDA, called for dedicated efforts from policy-makers, food safety authorities, food business operators, farmers, and consumers to be conscious about their roles to promote food safety in the country.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ebenezer Senior High School, wins first edition of Thespians Second Cycle Drama Competition

The Ebenezer Senior High School, in the Greater Accra Region, has emerged winners of the first edition of Thespians Second Cycle Drama Competition for secondary and technical schools in the Greater Accra Region.

The school beat 13 other schools to win the competition organised by the Theatrical harmony production.

It was an exciting moment as the students left the audience thrilled with their passion and creativity in drama. All the 14 schools that competed showed extraordinary skills and talent bringing stories to life.

The Opportunities Industrialisation Technical Institute placed second while Presbyterian Senior High School, Adieso picked the third position.

The competition was aimed at bringing back storytelling and drama in Senior High Schools, as well as reviving the dying art of storytelling, promoting reading habits and improving social interactions.

The winners were awarded a trophy, while certificates for participation were given to all schools, and special prizes awarded to individuals who exc
elled in their performance.

Professor Awo Mana Asiedu, Acting Director, School of Performing Arts, University of Ghana, said it was necessary for students to develop interest in studying storytelling, understanding it and have the passion for it.

Mr Harry Ballard, Officer In-Charge of Arts and Culture, Ghana TVET Service, said the competition brought out the rich culture in the stories, which were the hallmark of the Ghanaian tradition and exposed the students to their cultural heritage as a people.

He appealed to the Ghana Education Service and the Ministry of Education to place more emphasis on culture and art, adding that organizing a programme like this would help the students know their culture and traditions.

The Thespians Second Cycle Drama Competition is a storytelling competition for Senior High School students that also sort to tap into the rock elements of storytelling like drama, folk songs, riddles and proverbs. During the competition, contesting schools perform their own storylines.

: Ghana News Agency

Vakpo Senior High Technical honours North Dayi DCE for generosity

The Board of Governors and Management of the Vakpo Senior High Technical School have honoured Mr Edmund Kudjo Attah, the North Dayi District Chief Executive (DCE) for his tremendous support to the school over the years.

The school’s citation to Mr Attah stated that the DCE never hesitated to lend a helping hand to the institution anytime his help was sought.

Ms Victoria Atsoribo, the Headmistress of the School, said the DCE had supported with cadet and sports kits as well as facilitated the construction of an ultra-modern kitchen for them.

She said the DCE also enabled the completion of boys’ dormitory, provided streetlights, embarked on routine reshaping of its roads, supplied them with numerous desks, dining hall tables and benches.

Ms Atsoribo said the school deemed it an honour to receive the support from the DCE to enhance effective teaching and learning.

She said the support was yielding their purposes and the school would remain grateful to him.

Mr Attah expressed gratitude to the Board and manag
ement of the school for their recognition, adding that it was a call on him to do more for all sectors of the district.

‘It seeks to motivate me to do more for humanity, especially the vulnerable, less privileged, youth and students as a whole,’ he added.

He assured them of his continuous support for the welfare and development of the school and asked them to support him to ‘respond to the general call for a worthy representation in Parliament.’

The DCE also presented an undisclosed amount of money to a student, Master Dzrege Stephen, who composed a song to eulogise him to enable him to develop his talent.

Mr Attah further promised to support the student throughout his education to the level he wished to reach.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Wiawso NPP Parliamentary Candidate donates dual desk to education directorate

Mr Festus Bumangama Agyapong, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Parliamentary candidate for Wiawso Constituency, in the Western North Region, has presented 500 pieces of dual desks to the Wiawso Education Directorate.

He also donated a new desktop computer with accessories to enhance teaching and learning.

The desks are to be distributed to selected needy schools within the municipality to help solve the furniture challenge, while the desktop computer would be used at the Education office for official assignments.

Mr Bumangama Agyapong, presenting the desks at a short ceremony, said it was in response to a request made by some head teachers during his campaign tour of the constituency.

He indicated that education in the area remained his top most priority and would do everything within his power to help improve on education within the Wiawso municipality.

‘As leaders we are to help solve problems and not to complain and that is exactly what am doing,’ he stressed.

He promised to provide computers to help im
prove the teaching and learning of information and communication at the basic school level.

The Parliamentary candidate urged the constituents to disregard the propaganda by his political opponents that all his social interventions Programmes were being sponsored by the Wiawso traditional council and that he was financially prepared to ensure the development of the Constituency.

He advised the beneficiary schools to take good care of the desks for future use.

Mr Abraham Fletcher, Wiawso Municipal Education Director, commended the Parliamentary candidate for responding to the plea of the head teachers since furniture played a critical role in teaching and learning.

Mr Clement Kofi Amoako, head teacher, Wiawso college demonstration school, on behalf of the beneficiary schools, also expressed gratitude to the Parliamentary candidate, saying the furniture had come at the right time.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Education is the cornerstone of community development – Director of Education

Mr Mac-Peter Dunatonu, the Adaklu District Director of Education, has reiterated the importance of education as the cornerstone for community development.

He said providing the needed resources to achieve this goal played a pivotal role in the shaping of education within communities.

Mr Dunatonu said this at a ceremony at Adaklu Waya when Mr Michael Kwashie Agede, a Philanthropist donated some items to the District Directorate of Education and Junior High School finalists in the area.

The items include two photocopier machines and 10 realms of A4 sheets for the Directorate and 1200 pieces of mathematical sets for the students.

He said in an era where digital resources were increasingly becoming important, having reliable photocopiers would allow teachers to provide students with essential learning materials, administer tests and facilitate administrative tasks.

He thanked the benefactor for his support, assuring that it was not only an investment in the current educational infrastructure, but also a prof
ound testament of support for the future of the youth of Adaklu.

The Director intimated that the mathematical sets would also help the students engage with math in ‘a hands-on’ manner and enhance their problem-solving skills.

He was full of praise for Mr Agede for his influencing support towards the educational needs of the district, adding ‘your support to pay half of the rent of the District Director of Education is worth emulating.’

Mr Dunatonu called on other individuals and organisations to emulate Mr Agede by donating in cash or kind to support the educational needs of the district.

Mr Agede, presenting the items, said they were his widow’s mite to boost education in the district and complement the National Democratic Congress’ vision of ‘building the Ghana that we wanted,’ of which education was no exception.

He expressed the donation would spur the students on to excel at the forthcoming Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE).

Mr Agede, who contested the last Adaklu Constituency NDC Parl
iamentary primary but lost, advised the BECE candidates to develop an effective study strategy to enable them to excel in the examination.

He mentioned some of the strategies as creating study schedules, taking notes, using memory devices, practicing active learning, joining effective study groups and studying enough past questions.

Source: Ghana News Agency