Church Commissions multi-purpose building in Nabdam District

The Eastwood Anaba Ministries (EAM), a non-denominational organization in Bolgatanga, Upper East Region, has commissioned the first phase of a multi-purpose facility at Damolg-Tindongo in the Nabdam District.

The two-phase facility, known as ‘Gibeath Ha-Elohim’ which means the ‘Hill of God’ in the Hebrew language, was constructed for educational, Christian worship and development purposes.

The completed first phase of the facility comprised an 800-seater air-conditioned auditorium known as ‘Naab Naam Tent’, four syndicate rooms, a three-bedroom residential accommodation, a baptismal pond with changing rooms, outdoor event centre and two gazebos.

The phase two of the project, still under construction comprises of a 100-seater library complex, children’s playground, guest accommodation, administrative block, and a clinic facility, with both phases of the project positioned on 11-acre piece of land on a hill.

The ‘Naab Naam Tent’ was constructed on the farmland of the late Mr Pantia Kolog Naab, father of Rev
erend Eastwood Anaba, the President of EAM, whilst the adjoining edifices sat on other acquired pieces of land around the farmland.

Reverend Anaba and his wife, Reverend Mrs Rosemond Anaba, built the property in honour of their late parents, and a way to give back to the village which gave them life and opportunity to serve humankind.

Speaking at a ceremony to dedicate the facility to God, Reverend Anaba noted that some people had forgotten the significant contributions of their parents in their lives and said such people did not honour their parents.

‘Many of us have forgotten about our fathers and mothers. The Bible said honour thy father and thy mother. This is the first command with a promise,’ he said.

The renowned preacher of the gospel urged Christians to honour their parents despite all odds and give back to society as a form of appreciation.

He said the facility was opened to the District Assembly, Chiefs, the Regional Coordinating Council, the Ghana Police Service, and other stakeholders who ma
y wish to hold meetings or conferences in the district.

He said there would be storerooms for food and clothing for less privileged people in the community, and educational scholarship for needy children in the area, ‘The dream is so deep. It is the most important thing my wife and I can ever do in life.’

Reverend Anaba, also the Founder of Fountain Gate Chapel (FGC) and Senior Pastor of Desert Pastures, a branch of the FGC, said there was a seven-member Management Board in place to manage the facility.

He expressed gratitude to his stepmother, his brothers and sisters, his wife’s family members, the partners of EAM, members and leadership of the FGC, and friends worldwide for the support.

Pastor Mensa Otabil, the Founder and General Overseer of the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC), who dedicated the first phase of the project as the Special Guest of Honour, said some people abandoned their villages and never wanted to associate with them due to painful memories.

He said even though Reverend An
aba faced rejection, abandonment, poverty, and hunger and had painful memories, he never neglected his village, ‘For him to come back here, shows his true character.’

He described Reverend Anaba as ‘A man of remembrance, honour and gratitude. It is a heart that God delights in. It is that singular reason David was called the man after God’s heart, because he did not forget.’

Source: Ghana News Agency

Chief Priest, others commission Canteen and Bungalow for Basic school

Ngorgbea Kofi Davor, the Chief Priest of Afetorku Shrine at Dagbamate in the Akatsi South Municipality of the Volta region, has commissioned a new canteen and teachers’ bungalow for Dagbamate Basic school.

The well-furnished building, worth thousands of Ghana cedis, was aimed at developing, improving, and promoting education in the area.

Ngorgbea Davor, during this year’s Afetorku annual festival durbar held at the Dagbamate Shrine, stated that the projects were championed by the Dagbamate community to have an excellent educational environment for all school-going children.

‘Dagbamate community is very devoted to providing quality education to its children and in this regard, much effort is needed in every sector to make this a reality,’ he stated.

He disclosed that there was a need to see both students and teachers to provide a good and conducive teaching and learning environment.

The community was poised to construct a canteen and two additional teachers’ bungalows for the school.

Ngorgbea Davor state
d that the community was currently engaged in other infrastructural projects, which included an 11-seater toilet and fence wall for the Basic school.

‘Construction of Dagbamate Community Vocational Training Centre for girls in fashion design and hairdressing were also underway to mitigate unemployment among the youth in the area and all these projects are funded by Afetorku shrine.’

Mr Davor appealed to the government, philanthropists, individuals, and other stakeholders to assist them with the necessary equipment needed to run the facility.

He charged the government to as a matter of urgency, help construct Akatsi through Dagbamate to Avenorpeme roads which began about seven years ago but stalled.

Present at this year’s Afetorku Agbodzi durbar were Mr Martin Kofitsey Nyahe, the MCE for Akatsi South, Torgbui Klu Agudzemaga ll, Chief of Dagbamate, Torgbui Samlafo IV, Fiaga of Atsiame Traditional area, Torgbui Bei IV of Exi, Mama Adzorhlor all of Dagbamate, and others.

This year’s festival was on the theme
‘Love for One Another’ one of the cardinal principles of Togbi Afetorku.’

Some travelers in an engagement, told the GNA they remained thankful to the organisers for the big opportunity.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Intelligent Lady Academy launched

The Intelligent Lady brand has launched The Intelligent Lady Academy (ILA) in Ghana after a successful pilot programme in Lesotho.

The Academy, a revolutionary initiative, is aimed at equipping adolescent girls with essential leadership and entrepreneurship skills.

It also seeks to prepare the next generation of female leaders for success in an increasingly competitive and dynamic world.

The programme is designed for adolescent girls aged between 15 and 19 years in Senior High Schools.

It uses a comprehensive curriculum designed to cultivate leadership qualities and foster an entrepreneurial spirit among adolescent girls.

Through a combination of life skills-based training, hands-on projects, and mentorship, students are taught to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities necessary for leadership roles and entrepreneurial endeavours.

Ms Princess Sekyere Bih, Founder of ILA, said during the launch of the programme, ‘The Intelligent Lady is not just about imparting knowledg
e; it’s about nurturing a mindset of resilience, adaptability, and collaboration.

‘We believe that every adolescent and young woman has the potential to become a leader and entrepreneur, and our goal is to provide them with the tools and support to turn their aspirations into reality.’

She expressed gratitude to the headmistress and leadership of the Accra Girls School, where the programme was launched after some 36 girls were trained.

Maame Efua Arthur, Project Coordinator, ILA, said ‘With the launch of the Academy, we aim to empower adolescents to unleash their full potential, cultivate innovation, and make a positive impact in their communities and beyond.

‘At the ILA, we recognise the importance of equipping adolescents with the skills and mindset needed to thrive in today’s rapidly evolving landscape.’

The Academy is one of many initiatives by The Intelligent Lady brand.

In the past 5 years, through its network, it organised events, including Purpose and Plan, The Dialogue Series, and Entrepreneurs
hip workshops to empower women.

The curriculum at the ILA covers a wide range of topics, including the Power of Self-Image, Associations, Choices and Responsibilities, Communication and interpersonal skills, Entrepreneurship fundamentals, and Ethical decision-making, among others.

In addition to classroom learning, students are provided with the opportunity to engage with industry experts, successful entrepreneurs, and community leaders through guest lectures and internships.

Every December, members of the Network organise a Christmas soup kitchen event for prison inmates of James Camp Prison to share faith, hope, and love.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Enchi Government Hospital records four deliveries during Easter

The Enchi Government Hospital in the Aowin Municipality of the Western North Region recorded four births during Easter.

The babies (including a set of twins), delivered between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, comprised four females and a male.

On Good Friday, the set of twins; a male and female, were delivered, on Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday, three females were born.

A midwife on duty at the facility, Madam Nancy Yaa Anima, told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that out of the four births, three were delivered through caesarean section, including the twins, and one normal delivery.

She indicated that all the mothers and their babies were in good health.

‘Most of the attendees who visit the facility are anaemic, they should eat a healthy, balanced diet to help correct and prevent anaemia,’ she said.

‘Maintaining a balanced diet will give the little one inside the womb the best nutrients necessary for it to develop.’

All the mothers were grateful to God for seeing them through labour during the Easter peri

They advised other expectant mothers to constantly visit antenatal clinics to ensure they had safe deliveries.

At the Presbyterian Health Services in New Denkyeria, Madam Eunice Fobi, a midwife, said no birth was recorded throughout the Easter season and entreated pregnant women to quickly talk to their doctor or midwife when they needed help.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ghanaians urged to seek God’s direction to choose a credible leader

The Very Reverend Isaac Justice Arhin-Yorke, the Bishop’s Deputy of Wa-Bolgatanga Mission Diocese of the Methodist Church Ghana, has urged Ghanaians to seek God’s direction in the choices of credible leaders for Ghana during the December 2024 general election.

The Very Rev. Arhin-Yorke said this to mark the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ on the theme: ‘He is Risen’ as Christians across the world celebrate Easter.

He told the congregation: ‘Let us pray to God to help us choose credible leaders to lead the nation.’

He also encouraged Christians to conduct themselves during the election in a civil manner devoid of acts that could mar the peace the nation was enjoying.

‘We have to approach everything that has to do with elections with a deep sense of decorum.

The peace we have enjoyed over the years as a nation has come at an expense. Let us safeguard it’, he said.

The Bishop’s Deputy emphasised the need for Christians to pray for God’s grace to use the transforming power of the resurrection of Jesu
s Christ to impact lives in society positively.

He said they should not be comfortable when only a few people in society take advantage of the economic situation to better their lives at the expense of the majority.

He said as a nation, they should follow the principles of Jesus Christ by ensuring that all people and communities had a fair share of the national cake without discrimination as Christ gave ‘Himself to a ministry of helpfulness to all.’

The Very Rev. Arhin-Yorke reminded the congregation to have confidence in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as all true believers would have eternal life in the Lord.

‘Be rest assured that your toil in the Lord will not be in vain. The resurrection should let you know that there are bright prospects for all of us.

We shall also rise from the dead and defeat death one day. So, serve God faithfully’, he said.

He reminded them of the biblical teaching in John 3:16 which says: ‘For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son that whosoever
believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.’

The Very Rev. Arhin-Yorke, therefore, urged the people to adopt innovative and proactive ways to preach the gospel to the world for all to share in the resurrection power and grace of Jesus Christ.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Material possession does not determine one’s value of life – Rev. Achana

Reverend Monica A. Achana, a Reverend Minister of the Methodist Church of Ghana in Wa, says a person’s value of life is not dependent on his or her material possessions or the number of years spent on earth.

She said some people, for that matter Christians, thought that the amount of material possessions they had determined the value of their life and, thus, struggled at all costs to get rich at the expense of the pursuit of eternal life and ended up frustrated and in serious agony.

Rev. Achana said this in sermon in Wa at the weekend to mark the celebration of Easter in commemoration of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

She said a person’s value of life depended on one’s impact on society and mankind during his or her passage through the earth as Jesus Christ did during His short stay on earth.

‘Jesus Christ according to the scripture lived for 33 years but his short life on earth brought mankind deliverance, salvation, reconciliation, restoration of the broken relationship between man
and God in the Garden of Eden and many more,’ she observed.

She explained that Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead so that man could have life and that Christians all over the world celebrated the risen Lord because of the benefits of life gained through his death.

Rev. Achana reminded Christians of the admonishment of the Lord Jesus Christ to all men to labour for things that have eternal value as that is the only way their labour and life will have value and meaning.

The Rev. Minister said Jesus Christ had accomplished every assignment for mankind to enjoy the life that they had to live on earth.

She prayed for continued grace from God for all to walk in righteousness and the light of the world since Jesus is light so that ‘people who are living in darkness can be part of this sacrifice of this benefits that the Lord has made for you and I.’

She appealed to Ghanaians to pray without seizing to ensure that the December elections became peaceful.

She said Ghana was one and that all those seeking po
litical power must let peace be their utmost priority to protect life and property.

‘Our politicians should be more interested in safeguarding the peace of the country because some of them have valuable properties and businesses that must be protected,’ she said.

Source: Ghana News Agency

GSA, FORIG to test and certify Imported, Local furniture products

The Ghana Standards Authority and the Forestry Research Institute of Ghana under the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR-FORIG) are to begin testing and certification of all imported and locally manufactured furniture products before they are sold on the Ghanaian market.

Speaking at a workshop for stakeholders in the wood and furniture industry, the Director-General of the GSA, Prof Alex Dodoo, said the move had become necessary because of the negative health implications of poorly manufactured furniture products.

Many, the Director-General noted take the safety or quality of furniture they use for granted, contending that many people, from medical doctors, administrators, politicians and journalists, especially, have work-related injuries caused by furniture that they are unaware of.

‘If your furniture is not good, you are every day practising to have bone problems, back problems, spinal problems and a lot more and yet we have all taken it for granted that the furniture we use whether loc
ally manufactured or imported is safe,’ he said.

The workshop was organized jointly by the two agencies on the Testing and Certification of Wood and Furniture products in the country

He said Ghana had the most modern internationally accredited wood and furniture testing centre in Africa, adding that the centre was ready to offer services for furniture testing.

According to Prof Dodoo, the quality of furniture is one of the most important things to be cherished since everyone uses it.

The Ghana Standards Authority is the National Statutory Body responsible for the management of the nation’s quality infrastructure.

He said the Inspectorate division of the GSA was mandated to ensure that all imported furniture met national standards, adding the GSA would also ensure that all locally manufactured furniture was certified to a standard.

Director of CSIR-FORIG, Prof Daniel Ofori said the role of CSIR-FORIG was to undertake demand-driven research, build capacity and promote the application of technologies for s
ustainable management of forest resources for the benefit of society.

He said to achieve its vision, CSIR-FORIG undertakes six research programmes, which include the wood industry and utilization.

The programme, he noted, sought to develop technologies for efficient processing and utilization of wood and non-wood forest products as a means of reducing waste as well as wood exploitation.

With experts in Wood Science/Wood technologies, the programme has the expertise and experience in testing wood and wood products.

Currently, the Centre tests plastic and wood chairs and tables for their durability, stability and strength. These tests determine the lifespan of the products and their ability to perform the functions for which they are designed.

He said these tests conducted on chairs and tables ensured that health and safety, durability and strength requirements were met for customer satisfaction.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ellembelle MP donates assorted food items to Muslim community

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Ellembelle, Mr Emmanuel Armah-Kofi Buah has presented assorted food items to the Muslim Community in Ellembelle as they go through the holy month of Ramadan.

The items were 100 bags of rice to Muslims at Kamgbunli and its environs and additional 100 bags of rice to other Muslims in other parts of the district and some bags of sugar.

Making the donation at Kamgbunli, Mr Kofi Buah said each mosque in the district would get its share of the food items for distribution to each Muslim faithful.

Mr Kofi Buah reminded the Muslim Community to pray to Allah for peace to prevail in Ghana, especially as the nation goes to the polls in December 2024.

The MP reiterated his avowed commitment to support the Muslim Community for their daily prayers for the nation and religious tolerance in the country.

District Chief Imam for Ellembelle, Mr Kwasi Buah who received the donation on behalf of the Muslim Community, thanked the MP for the gesture.

He said Ghana was a religious nation where
God is the center of national affairs and asked Ghanaians to show reverence to Allah.

The Odikro of Kamgbunli, Mr Abeka Mussah said those who wanted to practice homosexuality and lesbianism should remember the punishment God meted out on those who practiced these anti-social acts in times of old.

He said the donation of food items by the MP was timely and would help them in this month of fasting and prayers.

Mr Mussah reminded Ghanaians to vote for leaders who have the welfare of the people at heart.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ashanti West ECG commissions transformer injections to improve power supply

The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) has commissioned 15 transformer injections in the Ashanti West Region as part of efforts to improve power supply to customers in the region.

The completion of the project comes after the company identified some 630 transformers that were reaching full capacity across the country of which 46 of them were in the Ashanti West region.

The company has also intensified day and night transformer inspections to check the integrity of existing transformers and pick load readings as part of efforts to improve power supply in the region.

The commissioned transformers which included upgrading of some lines and transformers that had reached full capacity, are located in towns across the Ahinsan, Abuakwa, Bibiani, Suame and Offinso districts of the Ashanti West region.

Mr Maxwell Dapaah, General Manager, Ashanti West Region, told the Ghana News Agency, after inspecting the transformers that, the mission of the company was to provide quality, reliable and safe electricity supply se
rvices to support the socio-economic development and growth of Ghana.

He said the management decision to complete the projects was to provide convenience for its customers.

He said prior to the completion of the projects, the transformers at those locations were reaching full capacity which resulted in localized outages like low voltage, phase offs, among others.

‘Every transformer has a capacity of electricity it can carry, so if the capacity is 200 KVA, the electricity should not exceed that capacity.

Once we identified transformers reaching full capacity, we upgraded from 200 KVA to 315 KVA and in some locations, 500 KVA transformers were commissioned to take care of the increasing demand’, he stated.

Mr Dapaah said the project had several benefits, some of which were reduction of system losses, improve reliability and stable power supply within the enclave to enhance customer satisfaction as well as operation efficiency and flexibility since the company could now meet the growing demand of customers
within the area.

Mr Emmanuel Osei Amoako, the Regional Engineer, underscored the importance of the completion of the projects and said it was in the right direction in providing reliable and quality power supply to attract and sustain businesses in the region.

He said ECG was also embarking on other projects in the region to enhance service delivery and provide convenience for customers.

‘We are constructing a sub-station at Agogo. We are also upgrading other transformers and distribution lines that we have identified to be reaching full capacity to augment power supply in the region,’ Mr Amoako stated.

He urged the public to desist from unlawful entry into the network of ECG and illegal power connections.

Source: Ghana News Agency

GPC Women’s Ministry donates to Effia Nkwanta Children’s Ward

The Assemblies of God-Glory and Power Centre, Women’s Ministry at Kweikuma, in the Sekondi-Takoradi has donated assorted items to the Effia Nkwanta Regional Hospital Children’s Ward.

The items included soaps, wipes, toilet rolls, diapers, baby powder, detergent, and fruits among other things.

The donation was done as part of the church’s 2024 mission, on the theme ‘Send the light for growth and expansion’.

Madam Cynthia Tettey, the President of the Ministry said, it was a great joy to extend love to the children and that, the month also demanded that they showed love to one another just as God showed love to the world by sacrificing His only son.

Madam Beatrice Agbeshie, the General Secretary of the Ministry expressed great excitement and prayed that the items would be put to good use.

Madam Docia Lamptey, the Vice-President was happy seeing the children being given the needed attention and care.

‘I am happy we are able to show love to these little ones and I’m hopeful this gesture will continue,’ she s

Other members of the Ministry also expressed joy, adding that Easter was all about showing and extending love to people, especially the sick and needy.

Source: Ghana News Agency