El-Kana Ministries International changes its name

The leadership of El-Kana Ministries International in Tema Community Three has unveiled and renamed the ministry as Greater Grace Impact Ministries (GGIM).

Apostle Ernest Adeti, the General Overseer of the church, said at a ceremony to unveil the new name that, the church’s new identity would impact the grace of God on the next generation to know and fear God and serve him with their hearts, souls, and resources.

Apostle Adeti said looking at the pace at which the world is evolving and changing, if the new generation was not brought up in a Godly manner, the world would be chaotic and full of sin. 

He said the core mandate of churches was to impact the new generation through the fear of the Lord, the essence of his resurrection, and the power Christ gave to Christians.

‘The name is a demonstration of Christ in the church, calling out the apostles and faithful followers and giving them power over unclean spirits, casting demons, and pouring out the great grace and power of God that dwells in them,’ he adde

Apostle Adeti said Christians should note that Christ died for their sins and took away their old lives; therefore, their attitudes, characters, and behaviours must reflect Christ.

He said that as a country, it was important for the citizens to be Christ-centered in all their endeavours, showing diligence, transparency, and accountability, whether in the political field, church, workplace, or even with their families and society.

He cautioned Christians against judging and condemning unbelievers, but rather preaching the undiluted gospel and encouraging others to believe in God and receive salvation.

He urged Christians not to lose faith, saying, ‘As humans, we may offend each other or even the one who created us, but that does not mean you should lose faith in God, your first love, or forget about his love; rather, we should hold on to our faith because every step we take in the world will be full of trials and tests.’

Apostle Adeti, touching on the ongoing challenge of the Ghanaian Proper Human Sexu
al Rights and Family Bill, popularly known as the anti-gay bill, said Christian values should be upheld highly as God does not encourage same-sex relationships or marriage, noting that what happened in biblical Sodom and Gomorrah was a clear depiction of God’s wrath if such a thing should happen in Ghana.

He urged President Akufo-Addo to assent to the bill passed by parliament, as failure to do so as a leader might put a curse on future generations and could also disrupt the peace in the country.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Wealthy Muslim urged to learn the ‘Zakat’ principles

Professor Abdul Rahman Ahmad, Lecturer at the School of Engineering at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), has urged wealthy Muslims to learn and understand the principles of ‘Zakat’.

He said Muslims, who were in the position to help others financially, needed to be enlightened on the various approaches and techniques guiding the ‘Zakat’, to enable them give in accordance with the Islamic jurisprudence.

According to him, most wealthy Muslims did not have the fair idea on how ‘Zakat’ should be shared, and there was therefore, the need to enlighten them.

‘Zakat’ is an Islamic finance term referring to the obligation that an individual has to donate a certain proportion of his wealth each year to charitable causes.

It is also mandatory for all Muslims in most countries and is considered to be a form of worship.

Prof. Ahmad, who is also the Imam of the KNUST Muslim community, was addressing Members of the Muslims Professionals Association (MPA) on its annual ‘Iftar’ gathering in K
umasi at the weekend.

‘Iftar’ is a meal taken by Muslims at sundown to break the daily fast during Ramadan.

The annual MPA’s ‘Iftar’ sought to reconnect members to share ideas and account to members on their contributions for various projects in the course of the year.

It was also to discuss how members could contribute significantly towards the implementation of development projects that would help the needy and poor Muslims.

Prof. Ahmad who spoke on the topic ‘A successful life vrs pleasant life’, said as Muslims, there was the need for them to acquire wealth through genuine businesses so that ‘Allah would accept the Zakat and reward the believer.’

He said the innate desire to acquire wealth was necessary but should, however, be acquired in the right way devoid of cheating, lotto staking and other forms of money rituals.

Prof. Ahmad pointed out that as Muslims, they had to surrender their wealth for the cause of Allah in order to receive ‘ Baraka’.

Dr. Abdul Samad Muntaka, President of the Associatio
n, said the Association had grown from strength to strength since 2001 and had been able to initiate some projects in various communities across Ghana.

Some of these projects are classrooms blocks (madrasa), mechanized boreholes, free classes for school going children in Muslim communities and currently, building a clinic at Antoa in the Ashanti Regon.

He said members of the Association had been able to build stronger bond amongst themselves and expressed the hope that the friendship would continue to foster further development.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Iftar: Political leaders asked to avoid actions that can plunge Ghana into conflicts

The Right Reverend Daniel Slyvanus Mensah Torto, the Bishop of the Accra Diocese of the Anglican Church, has made a clarion call to all political leaders to refrain from actions and utterances that can plunge the nation into conflicts in this year’s elections.

He also appealed to all religious leaders to champion religious tolerance amongst their followers to maintain the peaceful co-existence among the different religious faiths in the country.

Rt. Rev. Mensah Torto gave the admonition during the Annual National Iftar ceremony observed at the Jubilee House, the seat of government, Accra, Monday evening.

The theme for this year’s Jubilee House Iftar was: ‘Upholding the Virtues of Gratitude, Generosity, Peace and Unity Beyond Ramadan’.

This year’s Iftar observation at the Jubilee House marked the seventh edition since its inception in 2017 by President Akufo-Addo.

The Anglican Bishop acknowledged the enormous role the National Chief Imam, Sheikh Dr Osman Nuhu Sharubutu, had played, over the years to foste
r peace and religious tolerance between Muslims and other religious faiths in Ghana.

He also commended Vice President Bawumia for showing respect to all religious leaders in his public engagements and entreated him to continue fostering peace, unity and tolerance among Ghanaians.

Sheikh Aremeyaw Shaibu, the Spokesperson of the National Chief Imam, said Ramadan represented a unique space of time for muslims to rededicate themselves to the virtues of Allah and show gratitude to Him for His manifold blessings.

The month of Ramadan, he said, was also a period to show thankfulness to God for the gift of life, as well as to exhibit generosity, piety, justice, godly consciousness and humility in their dealings with God and fellow man.

Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Flagbearer, thanked the guests and all the participants for joining him and the National Chief Imam to celebrate Iftar at the seat of government.

‘I’m privilege to welcome eminent Imams, the Clergy, the Diplomatic C
ommunity, members of the Council of State, Chief of Staff, Ministers of State, Members of Parliament and both Muslims and Christians to the Jubilee House, the seat of government, for the Annual National Iftar observation,’ he said.

The Vice President said the Akufo-Addo-led government had been championing inclusivity in its policy interventions in order not to leave anyone behind in terms of development initiatives.

Therefore, policies like the Free SHS, Free TVET, 1 District-1 Dam, 1 Constituency-1 Ambulance, 1 Student-1 Laptop were rolled out by the Government to make sure that everyone benefited from the national cake, he added.

The Vice President said the government established the Zongo Development Fund to support the infrastructure development of the Zongos.

The Fund had since implemented over 250 projects, including classroom blocks, libraries, mechanised boreholes and astro turfs to improve the living conditions of residents in Zongo communities, Dr Bawumia stated.

Since its historic institution
in 2017 by the government, the Annual National Iftar at the Jubilee House has become a platform where not only do leadership and members of the Muslim Community in Ghana, including the Diplomatic Corps, congregate to observe one of the most important elements of Ramadan, but it has also become a shared platform where Christians, including the Clergy, join the Imams and the Muslim Community to participate in the Iftar.

During the ceremony, muslims were admonished to continue to uphold the virtues of Ramadan such as love, generosity, gratitude and forgiveness beyond the holy month of Ramadan.

Prayers were said for the people of Ghana, as well as for the continuous peace and prosperity of the nation.

Source: Ghana News Agency

UCC Level 300 Student Donates Streetlights to SRC

Mr. Benjamin Essien-Davis, a level 300 student of the University of Cape Coast (UCC), has donated ten pieces of ultra-modern streetlights to the Students Representative Council (SRC) to help improve nightlife and security on campus as students prepare for their end-of-semester examination.

The donation is to make campus life easier and better to create a conducive environment for teaching and learning.

At a short ceremony to present the lights at UCC, Mr Essien- Davies said it was in fulfilment of a pledge he made at the SRC General Assembly (GA) to assist its ‘Operation Light Up Campus and Diaspora’ for effective and efficient studies.

It formed part of the measures lined up by the SRC to resolve security issues on campus and improve on-campus nightlife.

‘Walking around campus at night is very dangerous due to poor street-lighting systems, and most importantly at this time of the semester when we sit for our end-of-semester examination,’ Mr. Essien- Davies said.

He explained that many of the students us
e the academic facilities on campus at night, but commuting back to their hostels and halls of residence at night was a challenge due to the lack of street-lighting.

Thus, the urgent need to make an effort to light up the campus for students safety and security, he added.

He applauded the Management of the University for the stringent measures implemented to improve security on campus which had created a peaceful environment for academic excellence.

‘Management of the University has deployed the University Security to patrol campus day and night, while University Police Command and the community Watchdog team, are all around to ensure a safe environment.’

In appreciation, Mr. Vincent Kojo Siabi, the UCC SRC President, commended Mr Essien-Davies who is also the Leader of the ‘BenEssien Movement’ for the kind gesture and assured that the light would be urgently fixed to achieve its intended purpose.

Mr. Siabi urged benevolent individuals and organisations to emulate the generosity exhibited by Mr Essien -D
avies and support the SRC in its quest to improve security and nightlife on the UCC campus.

Source: Ghana News Agency

LCIC develops bean variety free of gas, flatulence

The Legacy Crop Improvement Centre (LCIC) in the Eastern Region has made a significant breakthrough in bean production by developing a new bean variety known as Zamzam cowpea.

This has an excellent taste and does not produce any acidic gas, making it a great choice for those who are concerned about flatulence.

Mr Stephen Boadi, the Asene Manso-Akroso District Director for Agriculture, Ministry of Food and Agriculture in the Region, said there were many types of beans that could cause gas to build up in one’s stomach when consumed.

However, LCIC’s latest high-quality beans had proven to be gas-free.

Mr Boadi was speaking in an interview with the Ghana News Agency at Otareso near Adawso in the Akuapem North Municipality on the sidelines of LCIC’s engagement with the regional agriculture officials from the 33 district and municipal assemblies.

‘Most beans that are consumed make you feel extremely uncomfortable due to the gases in them that one will be releasing when it comes,’ he said.

‘When I asked the ma
nagement of LCIC why their beans don’t cause flatulence and any digestion difficulties, they informed me that the acidic content that contains the gas responsible for causing flatulence has been removed from the beans.’

Mr Boadi appealed to the Government and the Ministry of Food and Agriculture to support the local seed production company since it could tackle food insecurity and ensure a sustainable food supply.

He stressed the superiority of the company’s maize seeds, highlighting their early maturity, high pest and drought resistance, and higher yields compared to foreign varieties.

Supporting the company’s activities would help it to outperform foreign importers, which could stabilise the cedi by reducing excessive imports.

Ms Tharzia Numako Akwetey, the New Juaben South Municipal Director of Agriculture, said farmers in the area had shown keen interest in LCIC maize seeds.

She pointed out the urgent need for government collaboration with the company to harness the power of its hybrid seeds to enhan
ce productivity in the agriculture sector, especially for the planting for food and jobs initiative.

‘According to farmers in my municipality, maize seed from the Legacy Crop Improvement Centre can withstand any weather. After harvesting its yields are higher than those of the foreign seeds,’ she said.

LCIC is a private seed company and consulting firm specialising in the production and commercial seed distribution of basic vegetables, cowpeas, soybeans, and maize.

It currently operates a 200-acre farm equipped with state-of-the-art irrigation system to cultivate high-quality seeds.

In addition, the company boasts a remarkable 50-tonne seed gene bank and a high-tech cold storage facility.

These cutting-edge resources allow it to store seeds in vast quantities, ensuring their long-term preservation without any risk of deterioration.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ghana’s 4×100 men’s relay team qualifies for Paris Olympics

Ghana’s 4×100 men’s relay team has qualified for the Paris Olympics, scheduled to take place from July 26 to August 11, 2024.

Their qualification comes as a result of the team’s remarkable outing at the just-ended 13th African Games held in Accra, where they placed second in the men’s 4×100 finals.

Ghana’s quartet, namely Benjamin Azamati, Joe Paul Amoah, Edwin Gadayi, and Solomon Hammond, clocked an impressive time of 38.43s to win the silver medal.

This finish at the African Games has seen Ghana ranked the 15th best quartet in the world, which automatically secures a spot for them at the Paris Olympics.

This would be the second consecutive Olympic qualification for Ghana’s 4×100 men’s relay team, having featured at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Ghana’s 4×100 men’s relay team, who hold the African Games record (38.30s) are the first to qualify from Ghana for the upcoming Paris Olympics.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Affluent African investors to feature at the Caribbean Investment Gateway Summit

Basseterre, April 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Investment Gateway Summit taking place in St. Kitts and Nevis, presents an exclusive opportunity for African high-net-worth individuals (HWNIs) to have a unique experience to ‘connect, celebrate and collaborate’ with like-minded global investors from 11 to 15 May.

Among those confirmed to attend are renowned leaders representing leading sectors in Africa. Notable figures from industries such as telecommunications, finance, energy, and agriculture have registered to participate in this exclusive event.

This remarkable five-day event will offer individuals the chance to gather for networking and interaction with industry leaders, featuring lively workshops, engaging panel discussions, cultural exhibitions, and a firsthand experience of the vibrant spirit of St. Kitts and Nevis.

These African investors will have the invaluable opportunity to broaden their international networking connections as they join hundreds of global citizens, entrepreneurs, and business leaders from key regions such as America, Singapore, Hong Kong, the UAE, and China at the summit. This convergence of diverse perspectives and expertise promises to facilitate cross-border collaborations, foster strategic partnerships, and unlock new avenues for growth and investment on a global scale.

‘Connect, Celebrate, Collaborate’ with economic citizens 

This Summit marks a pioneering milestone as the first of its kind globally, attracting African HNWIs, proud local and economic citizens, global investors, C-Suite executives, entrepreneurs, real estate developers, prospective St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment (CBI) applicants, as well as local CBI Authorised Agents and International Marketing Agents.

Furthermore, each day of the Summit is designed for African investors to immerse themselves in discussions with the St. Kitts and Nevis Prime Minister, Honourable Dr. Terrance Drew, Government officials and explore the country’s attractions. The detailed agenda includes exhibits, interactive conferences and panel discussions.

African HNWIs can enquire about becoming exhibitors or sponsors of the Summit to connect with other African HNWIs with St. Kitts and Nevis citizenship, acquired through the CBI Programme. This will be a unique opportunity to create new partnerships via projects within the twin-federation and share visionary ideas.

St. Kitts and Nevis is prepared to welcome African HNWIs, entrepreneurs, highly talented Africans, prospective African CBI applicants and C-Suite African businesspeople to the country of possibilities and prosperity.


Secretary of St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Programme
Government of St. Kitts and Nevis
00 (1-869) 467-1474

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9081778

Economic citizens welcomed home to collaborate at the St Kitts and Nevis Investment Gateway Summit

Basseterre, April 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — St. Kitts and Nevis is gearing up to host their inaugural Investment Gateway Summit, which is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for its economic citizens to ‘connect, collaborate and celebrate’ with like-minded global investors. The Summit will take place from 11 to 15 May at the St. Kitts Marriot Resort, displaying world-class sustainable business and investment development practices in the twin-federation.

The St. Kitts and Nevis Investment Gateway Summit isn’t just about scripted speeches or glossy brochures—it’s about real conversations and tangible opportunities that global citizens can explore. The Summit also offers a range of opportunities to connect with industry leaders and fellow entrepreneurs.

With hundreds of attendees from countries spanning the globe, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Nigeria, Egypt, South Africa, Singapore, China, and more, the Summit promises unparalleled networking prospects.

Strategic Partnerships 

The 5-day long event will bring together economic citizens, policymakers, corporate leaders, business delegations, academia, and think tanks from across the globe to collectively explore business opportunities and forge new partnerships.

Local exhibitors and international sponsors will have a unique opportunity to showcase their businesses and promote their brands to this niche audience.

The Investment Gateway Summit is an opportunity for key stakeholders from businesspeople, economic citizens and governments to collaborate in sustainable development and connect for long-term collaborations. Participants will gain exclusive access to expertise and invaluable resources from reputable global leaders and investors.

The Summit will have interactive networking sessions, and panel discussions, including experiences around the twin-federation

Business Opportunities 

St. Kitts and Nevis is a prime business location in the Caribbean that offers eco-business practices and growth opportunities. Numerous factors make the twin-federation a favourable business environment, these include the country’s strategic location forming part of a gateway for international trade and investments.

Investment Gateway Summit Programme 

Each day the detailed agenda is packed with exciting events that will take place, such as an exclusive opportunity to celebrate with the Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis, Honourable Dr. Terrance Drew in a private Gala Dinner, alongside other economic citizens and special guests.

The Gala Dinner is strictly by invitation, as there are limited tickets available, this will be your opportunity to connect, celebrate and collaborate with economic citizens, share values and inspiration.

The Programme includes unique opportunities for its guests to explore the idyllic island through events such as the St. Kitts Scenic Railway, create a memorable cultural experience on the Frigate Bay Strip, and learn about one of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites, the historical Brimstone Fortress.

Partner with Us 

Interested in promoting your brand, business services, or exploring sponsorship opportunities? Please leave a comment here along with your inquiry in the contact form, and we will promptly respond with details on available packages.


Secretary of St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Programme
Government of St. Kitts and Nevis
00 (1-869) 467-1474

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9081850

Gundork primary school on the verge of collapse, pupils cry for help

Pupils and parents of the Gundork Primary School in the Nabdam District of the Upper East Region have called on the government, non-government organisations and philanthropists to support the school to prevent the building from collapse.

The school’s structure has developed large cracks on its walls and gables, with all its supporting front pillars, especially from classes one to three, destroyed, exposing the iron rods.

The windows and doors of the school have also been destroyed while the floor has deep potholes, exposing school children to danger.

The school has 385 pupils, comprising 187 boys and 198 girls.

Master Michael Yen, a Class Three pupil of the school, told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that he was always sitting in class with fear due to the deplorable nature of the building.

‘All the pillars are always shaking whenever there is a strong wind, and we feel uncomfortable sitting in the classroom because we are afraid it may collapse on us, and this is destructing our studies, so we want the gov
ernment to help renovate the school for us before something bad happens,’ he stated.

Mr Iddrisu Kabiru, the Assistant Headteacher of the school, noted that apart from the deplorable state of the building being a threat to the lives of both staff and pupils, the number of pupils also outweighed the capacity of the school, which was again mounting pressure on the building.

He said instead of a normal class size of about 30 pupils, class two had 60 pupils, class three had 95 pupils, class four had 75 pupils, class five had 59 pupils, class six had 61 pupils, and class one had the least with 35 pupils.

Mr Kabiru added that the only thing that was motivating the pupils was that the school was benefiting from the school feeding programme but added that the children had not been fed lately.

Mr Joseph Kologbon, a parent and resident of the community, said the fast deterioration of the structure could be attributed to shoddy work by the contractor.

‘In all indications, it is very clear that the contractor did sho
ddy work and must be held responsible if anything happens to anybody in that school because this school was built just in 2007 when our mud houses were already there, but look at it, it is even weaker than our mud houses,’ he stated.

Mr Isaac Wulug, the Assemblyman of the Zanlerigu-Dagliga Electoral Area, emphasized that there was a need for the Government to expedite action on the renovation of the school to avoid casualties and ensure the continuity of academic activities.

He added: ‘If we are by the assertion that these children are our future leaders then we must show them quality leadership by inculcating in them the mindset of improvement and this includes getting them a conducive environment to study.’

Aside from the trauma of sitting in such classrooms, some of the pupils also have no chairs to sit on and are compelled to sit on the bare floor with their books on their laps to write or lie on their bellies to write whenever they are given class exercise.

Madam Agnes Anamoo, the District Chief Exec
utive, said the school was really in a bad state, and while the assembly was considering the option of including it in the Gulf of Guinea Northern Regions Social Cohesion (SOCO) Project, other organisations could come in to help, given the urgent attention it deserved.

Source: Ghana News Agency

2024 BECE: Ketu South Education Directorate screens candidates’ eyes

The Ketu South Municipal Education Directorate has started screening the eyes of candidates writing the 2024 Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) in July.

The motive is to give treatment to those with eye conditions before they sit for their examination.

The exercise had already seen about 150 of the candidates from Aflao Central and East Circuits screened on Good Friday.

Those in Klikor Circuit are expected to have theirs on April 5, Agbozume Central and East, April 12, then later, Adafienu and Hatsukope Circuits.

The eye screening exercise for the candidates was being organised by the Municipal Education Directorate in collaboration with the Eye Clinic of the Ketu South Municipal Hospital, Aflao.

Mrs Linda Dey Kordorwu, officer in charge of special needs at the Directorate, in an interview with Ghana News Agency (GNA), said suspicions that candidates might be having visual problems led to the initiative.

‘I supervise candidates during their final examinations, and I see some of them struggli
ng. At times, I see them bringing the question papers so close to their eyes while others just stare among others. I, therefore, suspected that some of the challenges candidates face might not be examination fever but due to different visual problems.

Consequently, the Directorate liaised with the Eye Clinic of the Municipal Hospital and they, as part of their social corporate responsibility programmes, agreed to come and screen our children just for a token and refer them for possible treatment if necessary.’

Mrs Kordorwu said follow-up actions by the Ketu South Directorate would depend on the diagnosis and recommendations resulting from the exercise and, that could include a formal report to West African Examination Council to have fonts of examination papers enlarged for those who might need it.

Miss Fortune Agbevivina, an ophthalmic nurse and in charge of the outreach team, said some candidates were diagnosed with minor vision problems, including refractive errors (impairment in the ability to see in b
oth eyes – near and far), allergy and chalazion (swollen bump on the eyelid).

She noted there were others like glaucoma suspects, who would need to visit the hospital for further examination, saying that there were arrangements to link up with parents/guardians of those candidates identified with difficulty in reading and other minor problems, for treatment and correction prior to the start of the BECE.

Some of the candidates, who spoke to GNA, thanked the Directorate for the initiative while others said they suspected there could be something wrong with their vision thus, felt the need to subject themselves to the screening.

Source: Ghana News Agency