TTU praised for 70 years of quality education delivery

The Eastern Regional Minister, Mr. Seth Kwame Acheampong, has praised the management of the Takoradi Technical University for the audacious decision to adopt Education, which encapsulates teaching, research, community service, innovation, and industrialization.

He said the University should develop programmes in emerging fields such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and advanced manufacturing to prepare students for the jobs of the future and ensure that they were well-equipped to contribute to the global economy.

‘These are the things that will make ‘our TTU’ continuously visible and relevant, the Minister, an alumnus of the TTU said when he delivered the key notes address during the official launch of the 70th anniversary celebrations of the school.

It is under the theme: ’70 years of Societal Relevance; Projecting Excellences and Innovation in Technical and Vocational Education and Training.’

In addition to expanding its programmes offerings, TTU should also focus on increasing its research initiat
ives to drive innovation and contribute to national development, especially in environmental sustainability as such research areas attracted lots of grants from international organisations.

The University must also Invest in state-of-the-art facilities and equipment to support cutting-edge research in areas such as sustainable development, technology transfer, and entrepreneurship.

He noted, ‘As an alumnus, I am proud to see how far TTU has come in promoting inclusivity and providing support for students with disabilities. The establishment of the Disability Support Services Unit is a testament to the University’s commitment to ensuring that all students have equal opportunities to excel in their studies.’

He said the TTU must remain steadfast in upholding a strong commitment to excellence, ensuring that students received quality education that prepared them for success in their chosen careers; and promoting a culture of integrity, emphasizing ethical behaviour, honesty, and accountability among students,
faculty, and staff.

The University, originally established as a Technical Institute in 1954, had evolved over the years to become a Polytechnic in 1992 through a constitutional instrument and eventually a Technical University in 2016 through an act of Parliament with a rich history of providing quality technical education and practical training to students, which has helped in producing a skilled workforce that has contributed significantly to the development of Ghana.

He said since Its Polytechnic day till date, TTU has been at the forefront of promoting technological innovation and industrial growth with its graduates playing key roles in various industries such as oil and gas, manufacturing, construction, arts, hospitality, entrepreneurship, and telecommunications, contributing to the economic development of the country.

The Eastern Regional Minister said TTU had also been actively involved in community development projects, providing technical expertise and training to local communities to improve upon
their living standards and quality of life as well as a strong partnerships across the globe to promote research and development in various technical fields.

Additionally, community service must remain a core value with the Institution actively engaging the local community through projects, collaborations, and outreach initiatives.

Also, one of the conspicuous achievements of TTU, is the recognition of its alumni for their exceptional contributions in the world of work.

Mr. Acheampong added that the implementation of the Programmes Advisory Committee (PAC) systems where key players of industry work directly with various Academic Departments of the University, to provide critical advice on improving curricular, modern industrial practices and procedures and identifying appropriate inputs and logistics to improve teaching and learning that fits contemporary needs of industry was laudable.

He encouraged the TTU to continue to work tirelessly to promote hands-on learning through practical training and interns
hips, allowing students to apply their knowledge in real-world settings. This practical experience is invaluable in helping students develop the problem-solving and critical thinking skills needed to succeed in today’s dynamic and fast-paced work environment.

He urged all stakeholders of the University to do everything within their power to ensure that in the next 70 years, TTU would remain a leading institution for technical and vocational education in Ghana and beyond.

Mrs. Felicia Okai, the Western Regional Director of Education, who read the Minister of Education’s speech, alluded to the valuable contributions the university had made in the provisions of Technical and vocational education and training.

‘ For a period of seven decades, the institution has nurtured countless minds by empowering them with knowledge, skills, and fashioned characters as encapsulate in your motto: ‘Adwen, Akoma, na nsa mma mpuntu’ and the 70th anniversary of TTU, should serve as a pivotal moments in the mandate of providing
education as we confront the challenges and opportunities by technological advancement and globalization.’

She urged the University to strive to open opportunities to more students and expand the offer beyond the speech and hearing impaired.

The Director called on the alumni to contribute their quota to add to the efforts of the government in the provision of infrastructure to create an enabling environment for the use of the university.

The Western Regional Minister, Kwabena Okyere Darko-Mensah, congratulated the University for the milestone and pledged the Regional Coordinating support to the University to create critical mindset with abilities to solve societal problems.

The 70th anniversary celebrations would have activities in Health, Sanitation, Sports, community services and engagement with industry leads among others.

Source: Ghana News Agency

GOSANET Foundation embarking on critical malaria prevention in Adaklu district

Mr. Samuel Yao Atidzah, Executive Director of GOSANET Foundation, a health NGO working in the Adaklu district has said his organization was embarking on critical malaria prevention and immunization outreach in the Adaklu district.

He said these endeavors were not just tasks on a checklist but opportunities to help safeguard the health and well-being of the people in the district, especially the vulnerable.

Mr. Atidzah stated this at a one-day training workshop organised by GOSANET Foundation for Assembly-members, chiefs, opinion leaders and community-based health volunteers drawn from selected communities in the Adaklu district on malaria prevention.

He said in this regard they would continue to give intensive training to the volunteers who would serve as ‘frontline warriors in the fight against malaria and promotion of immunization.

‘These individuals will be equipped with the requisite knowledge, skills and resources necessary to educate, advocate and intervene effectively within our communities,’ he st

The Executive Director noted that through collaborative dialogue and shared vision they would forge alliances that amplify their impact and foster a culture of health consciousness.

He hoped through that collaboration they would work to ensure 100 percent availability of safe and efficacious vaccines and improve governance and management functions at all levels of the health sector.

It would also strengthen supervision, disease surveillance, monitoring and evaluation at all levels and improve sustainable financing for Universal Healthcare, he said.

Mr. Robert Dedi, Adaklu District Disease Control Officer said malaria cases in the district increased from 24.8 per cent in 2022 to 29.3 per cent in 2023.

He continued that 2776 children under five years tested positive to malaria representing 39.5 percent of OPD cases and 127 pregnant women tested positive to the disease representing 12.3 of OPD cases in the district in 2023.

Mr. Matthew Adam Ayamba, Adaklu District Director of Health said malaria was
among the top three OPD cases in the district and urged all stakeholders to join hands to eliminate it.

He said malaria could affect the brain of children and called for concerted effort to prevent them from mosquito bites.

He urged men to support their pregnant wives to attend ante and post-natal clinics and ensured that their babies were immunized.

During an open forum, the volunteers appealed for torch lights, raincoats, and wellington boots to enable them to work effectively and efficiently during the rainy season.

Source: Ghana News Agency

WOM urges vulnerable groups in Talensi to enroll onto NHIS

The Widows and Orphans Movement (WOM), a gender focused non-governmental organisation, has urged vulnerable people particularly widows, orphans, and disadvantaged groups to enroll onto the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS).

That, it said, would help reduce the financial burden on them in accessing health care in the country.

The organization made the call when it sensitised women leaders and Assembly members at Pusu-Namongo in the Talensi District of the Upper East Region on the benefits package of the NHIS.

Organised, in partnership with ActionAid Ghana, the sensitisation aimed at equipping the participants with requisite knowledge about NHIS coverage to guide them in accessing health care while empowering them to take advantage of the exemptions on the NHIS for vulnerable persons in their communities.

Ms Nancy Awinbisa Amiziah, Project Officer at WOM, noted that even though there were exemptions on the NHIS for some vulnerable categories of persons, including persons with disabilities, indigenes,
and persons over 70 years old, for lack of knowledge, these people were not taking advantage of such benefits.

‘While we encourage our women and other vulnerable groups to enroll on the scheme, what we also seek to achieve at the end of the day at this sensitisation is to enlighten our women to access the services the NHIS provides, especially the exemptions,’ she stated.

‘Some of them have vulnerable children who, by the policy, are exempted from paying processing fees for acquiring the NHIS membership cards, but they still pay full amounts to be enrolled in the scheme, and the reason is simply that, they are not aware’. She added.

She emphasised that the leaders, having been sensitised, were expected to in turn educate their members in their respective communities to be abreast with the NHIS coverage to effectively access health care services.

Mr Mumin Muttalib, Assistant Public Relations Officer, Talensi/Nabdam Districts of National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA), indicated that the Authority was fu
lly aware of the problems associated with the NHIS as some card bearers complained of not enjoying the full services covered by the NHIS at the facility level and was therefore strategising measures to curb the menace.

While encouraging the women to enroll in the scheme and renew their membership cards annually, he urged them to report cases where they are made to pay for services covered by the NHIS to the nearest NHIA offices for assistance.

Madam Beatrice Saah, leader of the Wakii Titeltaba women’s group, said the workshop had exposed her to so many things of which she was unaware of as a member, and added, ‘I will make sure everything learned here is relayed to my group members. ‘

Mr Apana Atubila, Assembly Member, Baare Electoral Area, thanked the organisation for the enlightenment and pledged to support vulnerable people in his community to enroll onto the scheme.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Men experiencing erectile dysfunction need psychological help

The Reverend Albright Banibensu, a Consultant Counselling professional and the immediate past National Vice President of the Ghana Psychological Association, has asked men experiencing Erectile Dysfunction (ED) to seek psychological help.

He told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) that although some ED conditions were medical, the majority of the cases were psychological and advised men with the condition not to shy away from counselling and clinical psychologists to avoid abusing drugs.

Erectile Dysfunction according to John Hopkins Medicine is a persistent inability to achieve or maintain penile erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance.

Controllable risk factors are overweight, lack of exercise, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and smoking.

Rev. Banibensu said in Ghana, erectile dysfunction was highly triggered by increased stress, and misinformation on sexuality causing performance anxiety.

‘Economic pressures, workload, long travel distance to work, housing problems and noise pollution,
all expose men to ED. There is so much noise in the environment, which makes it difficult for men to focus or concentrate during sex,’ he said.

Rev. Banibensu said that among most Ghanaian couples, ED was the third cause of marital problems, leading to divorce in some cases.

He said misinformation on sex and advertorials on aphrodisiacs in the media was a major concern and urged men to be circumspect about their sexuality.

Dr Kelvin Owusu, a Wellness Consultant Doctor at Violet’s Medical Center, a Private Health facility in Accra, said the uncontrolled and continued use of alcoholic and non-alcoholic aphrodisiacs in the form of bitters, dried herbs and pills may worsen erectile dysfunction conditions.

He said the composition of those aphrodisiacs could also predispose men to health complications like kidney and liver dysfunction or failure.

‘When it comes to sex, the best aphrodisiac is exercise and healthy living, your sexual performance is dependent on your heart health, if your heart is healthy, your
sexual performance will improve naturally; taking medication to last long during sex puts pressure on the heart and can lead to death while in the act,’ he said.

Dr Owusu said ED was also the body’s way of signalling men to check and improve their health, eat well, exercise regularly and get enough rest, adding ‘Your sexual performance is part of your holistic health; once you are healthy, your waist will do the job’.

He said everyone at some point in life would experience ED depending on what they were going through, and that research had also shown that penetrative sex would only last from three to six minutes.

The International Index on Erectile Function (IIEF) says in 1995, there were over 152 million men worldwide, who experienced ED and projects that by 2025, approximately 322 million men will have ED, an increase of nearly 170 million with Africa largely affected.

Dr Owusu said Non-Communicable Diseases like hypertension and diabetes expose men to ED due to complications or poor treatment of the di
seases, explaining that ‘hypertension will cause ED, the treatment of hypertension may cause ED, but ED caused by the medication can be corrected.’

Selling sex enhancers is a growing business for many, especially drinking bar operators and herbalists.

Some individuals also prepare their own concoctions.

Kwame Amanfo, a public servant, told the Ghana News Agency he had his own mixtures to enhance sexual pleasure.

‘… not the ones advertised on the market, I have herbs, I prepare by myself with alcohol and it is very effective,’ he said.

A commercial driver, Master Karkari, said ‘There is this medicine I take, it’s from China, the medicine is super when you take it, you can have sex with women till the next day and you will still be hard.’

Mr Kingsley Boamah, a pharmacist at A Blacks Pharmacy, Ablekuma, said in Ghanaian society, the social expectation that a man had to be strong in bed-and last longer during sex-had landed many in health crises.

‘Some men take the drugs to increase the size of their manho
od, most of the men, who buy aphrodisiacs here tell me how they feel disgraced when unable to perform well in bed,’ Mr. Boamah said.

Dr Kenneth Klufio, a Specialist Urologist at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH), said his facility recorded many cases of priapism among men who used aphrodisiac.

Priapism is a painful erection that lasts for several hours when blood remains in the penis and can not drain.

He said five to eight men reported with ED daily during consultations and encouraged men, who experience ED to report to the hospital because there was help available to manage the condition.

‘ED affects the quality of life, a person’s happiness… seek help,’ Dr Klufio said.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Gomoa Central MP launches ‘Queens of Naana Eyiah’ to propagate her work

Mrs Naana Eyiah Quansah, the Member of Parliament (MP) for Gomoa Central, has launched a group christened: ‘Queens of Naana Eyiah’ at Osamkrom in the Gomoa Central Constituency of the Central Region.

The group is to propagate the good works by the MP to the electorates to enable them to make a better judgment and give her a third chance in the December elections as the Member of Parliament for the area.

Mrs Eyiah Quansah urged her political opponents to be truthful in their campaigns and not engage in misinforming the electorates to win votes.

She said: ‘I have no power to give orders to the head of NHIS not to offer services to the people who may need them as is being peddled by some political opponents.’

The MP urged the Gomoa Central constituents to ignore those propaganda as they were just desperate attempts to win votes.

Mrs Eyiah Quansah, also the Deputy Interior Minister, urged the chiefs and leaders to support the party to win the 2024 elections and ‘break the eight.’

She called for a united fro
nt for the party to help win more supporters for her and Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, the NPP presidential candidate, to continue the comprehensive construction of roads and educational infrastructure for better living standards.

Ms Charlotte Adjoa Antwi, the Central Regional Women’s Organiser of the New Patriotic Party, said the Government, led by President Akufo-Addo, had done extremely well in all sectors of the economy.

She called on the ‘Queens of Naana Eyiah’ to intensify their campaign to churches, lorry stations, markets, mosques, pubs, chop bars, and house-to- house to preach the good news about the MP and Dr Bawumia.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Otumfuo advocates more resources for NCCE to deliver on mandate

The Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, has called for the commitment of more resources to the operations of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) to enable it deliver on its mandate.

He said the Commission, which is a creation of the the 1992 Constitution, played a critical role in shaping the behaviour of Ghanaians towards nationalism and needed adequate funding to reach out to the masses.

He made the observation when a team of officials from the NCCE paid a courtesy call on him at the Manhyia Palace ahead of the launch of this year’s Constitution Week in Kumasi.

The delegation led by the Chairman of the Commission, Madam Kathleen Addy, was at the Palace to seek the blessings of the Occupant of the Golden Stool before going ahead with the launch.

‘Together We Can Build Ghana So Let’s Get Involved,’ is the theme chosen for this year’s celebration.

The King said he was aware of the limited resources available to the Commission and charged the leadership to consider seeking support from corpora
te Ghana to augment whatever they received from the government.

He spoke about how civic education used to be part of the curriculum in basic schools which taught children their civic responsibilities, and urged the commission to engage the Ghana Education Service to restore civic education in the curriculum.

Teaching the kids their civic responsibilities at that level, he noted, would reflect in the behaviour of the society to make the work of the NCCE much easier.

‘It is unfortunate that people in recent years are exhibiting behaviours that are inimical to society thinking they are within their rights forgetting that the general good of the population could not be compromised for their sake,’ the Asantehene bemoaned.

He underscored the importance of making the Constitution available to Ghanaians, saying that most citizens were not even aware of the contents of that important document.

He said much as the Commission did not have enough funds to print copies for the masses, they should find means to make
them available to at least teachers so they could empower students to be responsible citizens.

Madam Addy used the occasion to applaud the King for 25 years of visionary leadership which had impacted thousands of lives even beyond Asanteman.

She said the Commission was proud of the King for his sterling leadership and wished him well as he marked his 25th anniversary on the throne.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Institute of Solid State Physics to mark 50 years since invention of Bulgarian Copper Bromide Vapour Laser

The Institute of Solid State Physics (ISSP) will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the invention of the copper bromide vapour laser (CuBr laser) on April 24 at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS).

The programme of the event will include presentations by the scientists involved in the creation of the prototype, on the application of the copper bromide vapour laser, on the development and prospects of laser technologies. There will also be an exhibition presenting both the entire cycle of physical research and development, as well as exhibits of lasers manufactured currently.

For 50 years now, the Bulgarian copper bromide vapour laser has been used in medicine, astronomy, the study of the atmosphere and the sea, said in a BTA interview the creator of the invention, Academician Nikola Sabotinov.

Sabotinov specialized in radiophysics and electronics at Sofia University and has worked in the field of quantum radiophysics, and more specifically in the physics of metal vapour lasers. He was the president of t
he Bulgarian Academy of Sciences from 2008 to 2012.

Sabotinov’s idea to create a low-temperature copper laser in Bulgaria was realized in 1974, when under his leadership at the Institute of Solid State Physics, a copper bromide vapour laser was put into operation, recognized as the invention of the year in 1979.

In order to improve its characteristics, a number of theoretical and experimental studies were conducted, and the effect of hydrogen was discovered. The CuBr laser has been patented in Bulgaria, France, USA, Great Britain, Germany, Japan and Australia. The obtained scientific results have been highly appreciated by the international scientific community and have found a place in world science and in university educational programmes, such as Oxford University in Great Britain and Ibaraki University in Japan, Sabotinov explained.

The CuBr laser began commercial development in Bulgaria. Today it is produced by the Bulgarian company Pulselight and by Norseld in Australia, and by Bison in the Republic
of Korea. It is used in medicine, in the precision material processing industry, in laser location and navigation, for laser displays, for seawater research, and for other research.

The CuBr laser is not only an example of good innovation practice, but is also a ray of hope, especially among young people, that ideas can become reality in Bulgaria, and inventions can be made at the level of highly developed in science and technology countries, noted ISSP at BAS.

Source: Ghana News Agency

GAF, KAIPTC sensitise Ada SHS students about women in peacekeeping

The Women Youth, Peace, and Security Institute (WYPSI) of the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), in partnership with the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF), has sensitised Ada Senior High School students on women in peacekeeping operations.

The sensitization programme, which is funded by the Elsie Initiative Fund of Canada, aligns with the Government of Ghana’s commitment to the Elsie Initiative for Women in Peace Operations, a global effort to empower women in peacekeeping roles.

The nationwide initiative aims at promoting opportunities for women in the military and increasing their participation in United Nations peacekeeping operations, with a focus on encouraging young women to consider careers in the GAF, particularly combat units, which offer strong leadership development opportunities for future deployments.

The campaign also seeks to challenge misconceptions by addressing stereotypes and providing accurate information about the diverse and fulfilling careers available to women in
the military.

Group Captain Theodora Agornyo, the Gender Policy Advisor to the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), educating the students on the work of the GAF, urged women to exploit opportunities in the forces to advance their careers, especially in the combat unit, and to climb to top positions.

Group Captain Agornyo told the Ghana News Agency that the goal of the programme was to get women to the decision-making level in peacekeeping operations, and that is only possible when one gets to the very top as a service commander or a commanding officer in the Ghana Armed Forces.

She continued that they were encouraging women to enter the combat unit because it was only in that unit that they could get to the very top?of the GAF.

The programme, which was launched in 2023, aimed to reach over 20,000 students across 85 senior high schools and selected universities across the 16 regions of Ghana.

The campaign, according to Captain Agornyo, has so far been to the Central, Eastern, Volta, and Oti Regions, while the G
reater Accra and Bono Regions commenced on April 15, 2024.

Ghana, she said, recognised the crucial role women play in achieving successful peace operations, as women peacekeepers often connect more effectively with local communities, particularly women and children, who are frequently the most impacted by conflict.

This national campaign builds on Ghana’s existing efforts to promote gender equality in the military, including the implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions calling for increased participation of women in peacekeeping missions.

Source: Ghana News Agency

TEWU OF TUC-Ghana elects first female national Chairperson?

The Teachers and Educational Workers’ Union, (TEWU), of Trade Union Congress (TUC)-Ghana, has made history with the election of Madam Salamatu Mahamah Braimah, as the first female national chairperson, after 65 years of existence of the union.

Madam Braimah, who was the Deputy Registrar at Accra Technical University, until her election, was the Union’s Second National Vice Chairperson.?

Mr King James Azortibah, the Chief Finance Officer of TEWU at TUC Ghana, got the nod as the new

General Secretary, taking over from Mr Mark Dankyira Korankye.?

The immediate past Deputy General Secretary, Mr Charles Kofi Osei, was re-elected for the same position.?

Madam Olivia Oparebia Obuobi was elected Second National Vice Chairperson, while Mr Ken Botchway was elected Second National Trustee.?

Mr Richmond Sakyi and Madam Fati Bintu Adamu were elected unopposed for the positions of First National Vice Chairman and First National Trustee, respectively.

The election took place at the 13th Quadrennial National Delegates
Conference of TEWU of TUC-Ghana, held at the Pentecost Convention Centre at Gomoa Fetteh near Kasoa in the Central Region.

The new National Officers of TEWU of TUC-Ghana, took their oath of office, administered by Mr Joshua Ansah, the Deputy TUC Secretary General, who charged them to uphold the trust and confidence reposed in them by the members.?

Mr Ansah entreated the TEWU members to rally behind the new leaders so that together they could achieve the desired goals of the union for the next quadrennial and beyond.

In an acceptance speech on behalf of her colleagues, Madam Braimah said TEWU of TUC-Ghana was poised to position itself for rapid transformation aimed at securing enhanced working conditions for members.?

Madam Braimah promised that the leadership would work towards inclusivity, improvement in the union’s visibility through innovative programmes and projects to help sustain a vibrant union.?

Mr King James Azortibah, the newly elected General Secretary, said the new leadership was ready to con
structively engage with the social partners.

He cautioned the social partners, especially the employers, not to come to the negotiation table, adopting the business as usual approach with the new TEWU national officers.

He indicated that the new leadership of TEWU at TUC-Ghana would not? entertain any deliberate delay tactics from the employers during negotiations on the demands of members.

Both Madam Braimah and Mr Azortibah urged the various political party leaders and their supporters to think of national peace and stability as they go about their political campaigns.?

They stressed that workers need a peaceful environment to continue contributing their quota to the national development efforts.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Three communities in Ajumako District declared open defecation free

The Central Regional Environmental Health Office has declared and certified three rural communities in the Ajumako-Enyan-Essiam District as open defecation free (ODF).

Enyan Obontser, Enyan Onyaadze and Ajumako Nyankomase, all large communities with a population of more than 400 people each, passed a strict sanitation assessment by the regional environmental health team and their partners on a visit to the communities.

As required, it was observed that nearly every household in each community had a toilet built by themselves with support from the District Assembly, and exceptionally clean surroundings.

The status was achieved through a sustained community-led sanitation drive over the past three years with clear indicators and timelines.

Supported by World Vision and UNICEF, the trip to the communities also offered an advocacy and learning opportunity to Ms Adwoa Gyakoa Appiah-Kubi, the Child Sanitation Diplomat, who experienced rural sanitation at first hand.

Mr William Freeman Goku, Regional Environmen
tal Health Officer, who was elated with the development, commended the communities and the Assembly for the milestone.

He said the entire region could soon become open defecation free and free of sanitation related illnesses if all big communities were able to achieve the ODF status.

It was his case that ensuring excellent hygiene would promote tourism in the smaller communities.

‘Almost every part of the region has a tourism potential site and so if we tackle those aspects of the challenges, we are promoting tourism indirectly,’ Mr Goku explained.

Rev Ransford Emmanuel Kwesi Nyarko, the District Chief Executive (DCE), described sanitation as critical to healthy minds and noted that it was one of his major priorities.

He admitted that it was difficult to achieve the ODF status due to the large population and applauded the district’s environmental health team for their efforts.

He noted that the district had churned out about 30 ODF small communities in the past but it was time to go into the bigger comm

Rev Nyarko noted that through the support of agencies like UNICEF, they had established a sanitation fund to provide education and financial support for various communities towards achieving total hygiene.

‘There are a lot more communities in Ajumako that we are still working on and we are hopeful that by the end of my tenure, we should have made quite a remarkable improvement as far as sanitation is concerned,’ he noted.

He appealed to the media to support the campaign for total hygiene in various communities, and particularly against open defecation.

The Child Sanitation Diplomat, Ms Appiah-Kubi, expressed satisfaction with the level of sanitation in the rural communities and described their efforts as ‘encouraging.’

She, however, observed that the communities were using improvised waste bins and appealed to all stakeholders to go to their aid with proper waste bins.

She urged communities to take action on their own with their little resources to promote sanitation and not depend on the gover

‘There is the need to educate children on proper sanitation and also encourage them to go to school because they are the future,’ she added.

Nana Kofi Donkor, Tufohen of Enyan Obontser, indicated that they had made progress due to the education offered to them.

‘We only had one public toilet but now everyone has a toilet at home,’ he said, qnd made an appeal for waste bins to enable them maintain a cleaner environment.

Nana Ama Sekyiwaa II, Queen Mother of Ajumako Nyankomase, explaining the sanitation routine of the community, said they undertook clean-up exercises regularly.

She said she was leading by example by partaking in all clean-up exercises and urged all other communities to emulate them.

She assured of a sustained effort to keep the community hygienic at all times.

Source: Ghana News Agency