Digitisation saved millions of cedis for Ghana- Dr Bawumia

Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia says digitization has saved the country millions of cedis.

He said for example, Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) had saved GHC480 million by eliminating 29,000 ghost pensioners, with the National Service Secretariat eliminating 44,000 ghost workers saving the country over GHC356 million.

Speaking at the launch of LEADing Justice, a strategic framework document of the Chief Justice on her vision for the Judiciary and Judicial Service of Ghana in Accra, Vice President Bawumia was elated that digitization was a key component of the vision of the Chief Justice, noting that Ghana had made major strides within short periods through digitization.

He said he was enthused with the new focus, dynamism, and energy that the Chief Justice had brought to the Judiciary after taking office last year.

‘It is my hope that today’s event will herald a new dawn in the history of our judicial system propelled by efficiency, excellence, knowledge, and integrity.’

He said for
example in the year 2014, only four (4) percent of the adult population had Tax Identification Numbers from independence to the year 2017.

‘When we digitalized and gave everyone a Ghana Card and made the decision to make the Ghana Card Tax Identification number, we increased the proportion of individuals with Tax ID, the number moved from four percent to 85 per cent just like that.

‘We have also seen through digitalization that you can deal with corruption. We have eliminated ghost workers at the Controller and Accountant General Office just by using the Ghana Cards because the ghost don’t have fingerprints.’

He said the image of the judiciary hinged on the fundamental pillars of law, ethics, asset management, due process and digitization, which were crucial advancement of the judicial system.

Vice President said having personally launched case tracking system under the criminal justice sector in the year 2018, he was elated to see the positive changes that the e- system had brought about in the administr
ation of justice.

He appealed to all Ghanaians to support the vision of the Chief Justice so that the judiciary would deliver on its goals, mandates, and targets to the benefits of the country.

‘As a government we shall continue to do more for the Judicial Service to ramp up the other parts of the E-Justice system of the court and beyond the High Courts in Accra.

‘We shall continue to invest in court infrastructure, residential accommodation for judges and magistrates and general re-tooling of the human resources of the institution to improve justice delivery. It is in our interest as a country to do so.’

Mr. Godfred Yeboah Dame, Minister of Justice and Attorney General, described the launch as novel because it was the first that the Chief Justice launched her aspiration for justice delivery in Ghana.

According to him the occasion offered a unique opportunity for ordinary citizens on behalf of whom justice emanated to have a fair barometer by which to assess the performance of the Chief Justice.

‘This i
s innovative and bold, and the Chief Justice is indeed bold and innovative,’ he added.

Mr Yaw Acheampong Boafo, President of Ghana Bar Association (GBA), said the Association had no doubt about the capacity of the Chief Justice to bring real leadership to the Judiciary.

He was optimistic that the Chief Justice’s vision would be more transformative and expanded to reach all.

Source: Ghana News Agency

December Polls: We will come after anyone who makes inciting comments-Henry Quartey

Mr Henry Quartey, Minister of the Interior, has cautioned the citizenry, especially social media commentators to desist from making inciting comments ahead of the December polls, or else the Police will come after them.

‘Your statements and actions should not incite the public. You are entitled to free speech, free association, free movement, but we must be guarded by our statements not to create fear and panic.’

‘This is not to victimize anybody but to follow the law to the latter. Social media commentators who find it very comfortable to threaten people and send all manner of statements to create fear and panic, we will look for you and let the court of competent jurisdiction take its course,’ he said.

Mr Quartey gave the caution on Monday when he paid a working visit to the Ghana Police Service Headquarters in Accra.

He commended the Police for their discipline, professionalism and visibility which had tremendously reduced Ghana’s crime rate.

The Minister said security agencies would not interfere in
the 2024 General Election but would ensure a free, fair and transparent process.

He said the Government would continue to retool the Police with the necessary accoutrement to discharge their duties professionally during the elections.

Mr Quartey said President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo remained committed to resourcing the Police through the provision of adequate personnel and logistics.

He said as of 2016, Police staff strength was around 33,213 but as of 2023, it had increased to 46,116.

Thus, the Police Service had witnessed an increase of about 12,903 in staff addition.

The Minister said over 2,500 personnel stationed in Accra and Kumasi had been trained in high-risk operations to respond to critical operational situations.

‘Today, the Police can boast of 1,854 vehicles and 3,954 motorbikes and since Ghana’s Independence, it is unprecedented that the Police Service now has helicopters.’

‘Pilots were sent to South Africa to be trained and a hanger has also been built to house the aircraft,’ he said

He said the Government had provided adequate arms and ammunition, including bodily armored personnel carriers to combat crime in the country.

Also, 320 and 504 housing units at Tesano and Kwabenya respectively were commissioned for the Police.

Mr Quartey lauded Mr Ambrose Dery, former Minister of the Interior for the good work done.

‘I have not come to stop whatever has been done but to continue from where he left off, to identify where we need to improve and be innovative together with the POMAB and Police Council.’

Dr George Akuffo Dampare, Inspector General of Police (IGP), said it was humbling to receive the Minster and congratulated him on his appointment as the sector minister.

He assured him of their unflinching support to ensure that Ghana remained peaceful.

Dr Dampare thanked the President for the support extended to the Police Service since taking over the helm of affairs and changing the dynamics of the Police.

He also thanked Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia and Mr Abrose Dery for thei
r commitment and support to the Police Council.

The IGP commended Police personnel for their sacrifices and thanked Ghanaians for their understanding, unflinching support and constructive criticism.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Dormaa branch of GPRTU maintains old transport fares

The Dormaa branch of the Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU) says it will maintain its old fares until the union receives a directive from the national headquarters on any increment.

‘We are law-abiding and we don’t want to flout the law,’ Nana Asamoah Yeboah, the Dormaa Central branch Chairman of the GPRTU, told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in an interview at Dormaa-Ahenkro in the Brong Ahafo Region on Tuesday.

He explained that in the instances of transport fare increment, the local branch often held meetings with stakeholders, including drivers, passengers and the Municipal Assembly to determine the new fares.

Nana Yeboah, therefore, advised commercial drivers in the area to refrain from charging unapproved fares to avoid misunderstandings with passengers.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Africa, Ghana did not witness total solar eclipse due to geographical location- Research Scientist

Dr. Naomi Asabre Frimpong, a Research Scientist at the Ghana Space Science and Technology Institute of the Ghana Atomic Energy, says the country and the rest of Africa did not witness the total solar eclipse due to its geographical location.

A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun at just the right distance and time to obscure the Sun’s image for viewers on Earth.

Dr. Asabre Frimpong told the Ghana News Agency that, ‘If your geographical location aligns with the path of the moon during its eclipse of the Sun, you will be fortunate to witness it, akin to those in the US and Canada.’

She said scientists used formulas and models to predict areas likely to witness eclipses and that interested individuals could find future eclipse dates on websites like https://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/list.html.

Reflecting on a past eclipse, Dr. Asabre Frimpong mentioned that a total eclipse was observed in Ghana and parts of West and North Africa, Turkey, and Central Asia on March 29, 200

This event lasted approximately 247 seconds, covering an area of about 114 miles.

During the occurrence, Mr John Agyekum Kufuor was the President of Ghana.

Notably, he was only nine years old when a total eclipse took place in 1947.

The total eclipse made an initial appearance along Mexico’s Pacific Coast at approximately 11:07 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time, before journeying across the United States, spanning from Texas to Maine, and eventually extending into Canada.

NASA estimated that around 31.6 million individuals resided within the path of totality, where the moon completely obscured the Sun.

The path was anticipated to be between 108 and 122 miles wide. Additionally, an additional 150 million people live within 200 miles of the path of the totality.

Millions of people in North America were within the path of totality, experiencing the awe-inspiring moment when the moon completely obscured the Sun.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Henry Fitz, two others charged for sexual extortion

Henry Amponsah a.k.a as Henry Fitz and two others have been charged for conspiracy to commit crime, namely non-consensual sharing of intimate images, of Ms Serwaa Amihere, a Media Personality.

Other accused persons are Edem Saviour Ketti, a filmmaker and Candylove Kwakyewaa Ababio, a trader.

They were also charged with two counts of sexual extortion contrary to section 66(1) of Cyber Security Act, 2020 (Act 1038).

Brief facts filed at an Accra Circuit Court indicated that the complainant was Ms Amihere. Ketti, resides at Adjiringanor and Ababio also resides at Achimota Kingsby in Accra.

According to the facts sheets, Henry Fitz is at large.

It said on December 3, 2023, the Complainant’s make-up artist – Colleen Nhyira Afful-Sam called to inform her that someone had texted her demanding an amount of GHS5,000 with the pretext that he had the complainant’s nude pictures.

It said that the said amount should be sent to an MTN mobile money account number – 0558247205, which bore the name Edem Saviour Ketti.

The facts explained further that, on April 2, 2024, another MTN number -0555252660 called and demanded an amount of GHS20.000.00 to be sent within a minute, or else he would post the nude videos of the complainant.

‘Though he succeeded in taking the ransom, he still went ahead and posted the nude pictures of the complainant on social media handles,’ it added.

It said on April 3, 2024, the complainant filed a complaint with the Police, and upon surveillance mounted, Edem was arrested at his hideout at Dzorwulu.

It also said that during the investigation, he admitted to using his Ghana Card to register the MTN mobile money account number 0558247205, which he handed to Ababio, who then gave the same number to Henry Fitz, and that he had been using the number till date in the design to sexually exploit the complainant and circulate her intimate images on social media handles and networks.

According to the brief, the case is still under investigation whilst efforts are underway to apprehend Henry Fitz.

e: Ghana News Agency

Bank of Ghana Governor denies ever describing NDC Minority as hooligans

Dr Ernest Addison, Governor, Bank of Ghana, has denied an alleged report by an international media that he described the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Parliamentary Minority Caucus as hooligans during their #OccupyBoG protest march.

The Minority held the #OccupyBoG protest march in Accra on October 5, 2023, to back their demand for the immediate resignation of the Governor and his two deputies for their mismanagement of the Central Bank.

However, speaking at the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of Parliament public hearing on Monday, Dr Addison said the use of the word ‘hooliganism’ was an interpretation by the international media house and not an accurate representation of his words.

‘This is what I am coming to say that those who know me and know my character…you have not heard a single word of a recorded message with me describing Parliamentarians in that manner,’ he stated.

‘This was a foreign journalist’s description of the conversation we had and I disowned it.’

Source: Ghana News Agency

Professor Chris Gordon appointed Earth Commission Ambassador

The former Director of the Institute for Environment and Sanitation Studies (IESS), University of Ghana, Professor Christopher Gordon, has been appointed as an Ambassador of the second phase of the Earth Commission (EC), Future Earth.

His appointment raises the profile of the University of Ghana as a contributing world-class scientist to global debates on the future of the planet.

An official statement copied to the GNA said: ‘Prof. Gordon’s appointment will continue till the end of phase two of the Earth Commission in three years.’

Currently, six former Commissioners have moved to the Ambassador role and may participate in working group meetings and as co-authors in phase two.

The statement quoted Prof Gordon In a brief engagement with the news team at UG’s Public Affairs Directorate, describing his appointment as a testament to the recognition of his contributions towards planetary futures.

The Earth Commission is hosted by Future Earth, the world’s largest network of sustainability scientists and is t
he scientific cornerstone of the Global Commons Alliance.

The second assessment of the Earth Commission will build on, update, and advance the safe and just Earth system boundaries, transformation, and translation synthesis from the first phase of the Earth Commission.

The statement said its primary focus would be on scientific assessment and synthesis. A secondary aim is to stimulate the broader research community to advance key areas, for example, to develop knowledge around tipping points and the social dimensions of possible futures, particularly justice of boundaries, translation, and transformation.

Prof Gordon stated that ‘one of the things that the Earth Commission is focusing on is the whole issue of a safe and just planet because there is no equity and limited justice in access to natural capital, leading to an increasing gap between rich and poor nations and at the country level, the rich are getting richer and the poor are suffering more.’

Prof Gordon was a member of the first Earth Commission
as a Commissioner when it started in 2019 and co-lead for the Working Group on Freshwater and Nutrients. In the second phase of the EC, he is very pleased to be retained as an Ambassador and to be part of this group of high-level cutting-edge scientists.

Prof. Gordon described his responsibilities in the ambassadorial position as ‘spreading information about the Earth Commission through conferences and panels, as well as continuing his research in areas of interest like freshwater and environmental pollutants.’

Referring to his research, he indicated that environmental pollution in Ghana was impacting people’s health, with substances like persistent organic pollutants, heavy metals and microplastics detected in water bodies all of which are associated with human health issues such as sterility and birth defects,

Prof. Gordon emphasised the significant risks facing Ghana from the three Grand Challenges of Climate Change, Biodiversity Loss and Pollution which needed to be addressed with urgency to avoid erod
ing the country’s development gains.

As a scientist, he is to provide the evidence base to decision-makers for policy formulation and to advocate for the care of our environment in Ghana.

Prof. Chris Gordon has played an active role in biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management initiatives, particularly in water, coastal wetland, and catchment basin issues at international and national levels.

He was a former Vice-President of Wetlands International as well as VP of the International Society of Limnology (SIL). He served as a member of the World Adaptation Science Program of UNEP and its Foresight Panel.

Currently, he is part of the Centre of Excellence on Climate and Development of the African Research Universities Alliance; and on the Management Board of the United Nations University Institute of Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA); as well as the Expert Advisory Group of the UK Global Centre on Biodiversity for Climate (GCBC).

He is also the Strategic Country Advisor for the Climate Develop
ment and Knowledge Network (CDKN) and a Member of the Order of the Volta, awarded for his service to Ghana in Research and Development.

Source: Ghana News Agency

President Akufo-Addo terminates appointment of SSNIT Director-General

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has terminated the appointment of the Director-General of the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT), Dr John Ofori-Tenkorang.

A statement issued by the Office of the President and signed by Nana Bediatuo Asante, Secretary to the President, directed Dr Ofori-Tenkorang to hand over to Mr Kofi Bosompem Osafo-Maafo, the Deputy Director-General for Investments, SSNIT,

‘Reference is made to your appointment letter dated July 01, 2019, issued by the Public Services Commission.

‘In accordance with paragraph Eight of the said appointment letter, I regret to inform you that the President has terminated your appointment effective April 15, 2024, with three months’ salary in lieu of notice,’ the statement said.

According to the statement, to enable a smooth transition, Dr Ofori-Tenkorang should ‘kindly hand over and cease to act as the Director-General of the SSNIT no later than close of business on Monday, April 15, 2024,’

It also asked him to collect any termina
l benefits to which he was entitled.

‘The President thanks you for your service to the nation and extends his best wishes,’ the statement noted.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Religious groups urged to prioritize peace messages on their pulpits

Faith-based organizations and religious groups have been urged to prioritize peace messages in their sermons ahead of the 2024 general elections in the country.

They should preach peace and encourage their members and followers to adhere to peaceful relationships and harmonious living in their communities to help sustain the country’s peace and unity.

Mr Christopher Owusu Marfo, a Ghanaian peace advocate, who made the call, said every citizen owed it as a duty to preach peace ahead of the December general elections.

Mr Marfo, who is currently on a peace campaign tour in the Ashanti region, was speaking at a meeting with members of the Bompata Area of the Church of Pentecost in Kumasi.

He said it was the collective responsibility of Christians and other religious organizations to actively take part in the peace building campaigns to help sustain the peace and stability of the nation.

Mr Marfo pointed out that Ghana was the only place for Ghanaians and there was the need for every citizen to work to always
protect the state.

There is the need for the citizens to avoid filthy talks, lies, insinuations and verbal attacks that could spark conflict among the people.

He said it was only an act of vigilance that could help prevent potential triggers of violence in communities.

Mr Marfo stressed the need for political activists to desist from the use of vulgar and insulting language on their opponents, saying that could create violent situations in the communities.

Apostle Victor Asamoah, Bompata Area Head of the Church of Pentecost, commended the peace advocate for the initiative and prayed for God’s guidance and protection as he continued with his peaceful campaigns across the country.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Akatsi South: GES introduces vacation classes for BECE candidates

Management of the Akatsi South Education Directorate has directed all Headteachers and Subject teachers to organise vacation classes for Basic Education Certificate Education (BECE) candidates within the Municipality.

The exercise is one of the intervention strategies the management has put in place to fix the loss of contact hours during the recent strike action by teachers as well as preparing the candidates for the upcoming BECE, scheduled to start on Monday, July 8.

A statement signed by Mr Karim Ayaana Umar, the Akatsi Municipal Director of Education, said the intervention strategy would also help address the continuous fall in the performance of students.

The statement reminded parents and candidates that this year’s examinations would start in July and not August as in previous years.

‘It must also be noted that this is the first BECE to be taken by candidates since the introduction of the new Standards-Based Curriculum (SBC) for the Primary and Junior High Schools.’

Headteachers have also been in
structed to engage parents and School Management Committees (SMC) to discuss any stipend needed for the teachers.

The statement also explained that no student should be discriminated against in benefitting from vacation classes because the stakes were very high for management, headteachers, teachers, candidates, and parents.

Management also pledged to monitor closely the organisation of the exercise in the various schools to ensure that no child was left behind.

‘It is the hope of management that all teachers would put their shoulders to the wheel and help reverse the continuous drop in the performance of our candidates,’ it added.

The exercise is slated to commence on Monday, April 15, and end on Friday, May 3.

Source: Ghana News Agency