Markaz-Al-Bishara fetes 1,500 children in Northern Region

By Solomon Gumah, GNA

Zagyuri (N/R), Dec 23, GNA – The management of Markaz-Al-Bishara Child Development Programme, (MABCDP), a local NGO, has organised separate Christmas parties for about 1,500 children in the Northern region to put smiles on their faces.

The children were treated to music, food, and assorted beverages, and engaged in various fun games including egg race, sack race, dancing round the chair, and fill in the bottle race.

The event, held separately at school clusters in the Kumbungu District, Sagnarigu and Gushegu Municipalities in the Northern Region, was in partnership with Children Believe, as part of its activities to mark the end of the 2023 fiscal year.

Mr Joshua Sayibu, Programme Manager, MABCDP, speaking at the party at the Zagyuri Anglican School in the Sagnarigu Municipality, said it was an annual event, which sought to educate the children on the essence of Christmas celebration and how they could conduct themselves during the festive season.

Mr Sayibu said it was fur
ther to afford children the opportunity to have fun and entertain themselves to remain healthy.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Sanitation Minister launches climate change mitigation project

Dr Freda Prempeh, Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources, has launched Ghana’s Transformative Pilot Project aimed at solving the many environmental and climate change related challenges in Accra.

The initiative on the theme: ‘Harnessing GHG Mitigation opportunities in the Solid Waste Management Sector,’ was the first of its kind by the Ministry to strengthen collaboration between key sectors of ministries to mitigate the effects of climate change adaptation into development processes.

The Transformative Pilot Project would also support national development priorities and capacities to plan towards the achievement of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions and implementation of low carbon solution.

The occasion brought together stakeholders drawn from the Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies (MMDAs), Environmental Protection Agency, the Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation, civil society organisation.

Dr Prempeh, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, said t
he initiative was a bold step towards altering how to manage waste and contribute to global climate goals.

She said the pivotal aspect of the project was the establishment of the Inter-Ministerial Sanitation Coordination Committee to enhance collaboration and effective coordination across ministries in the country.

The Minister said the project hinged on substantial backing from the stakeholders and expressed government appreciation to its development partners for their effort in supporting to strengthen and build capacities of local institutions.

‘The launch of the project signifies a new era for the sanitation and water sector in Ghana in line with the Ghana WASH Sector Development programme that hinges on partnership,’ she stated.

Mr Harold Esseku of the World Bank, on behalf of the stakeholders, gave an assurance of a continuous support to the WASH activities in Ghana.

He expressed happiness of the Canadian government’s support to the pilot project.

Dr Eugene Appiah Effah, Domestic Technical C
oordinator, said the project was necessary to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of policy decisions and to achieve the ambitious national development target, reduce GHG emissions.

‘With the strong dynamic Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system, the MMDA’s can periodically implement most efficient and effective policies to achieve climate target in their communities,’ he stated.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Nana Kobena Nketsiah V advises Bissue to be resilient

Nana Kobina Nketsia IV, the Paramount Chief of the Essikado Traditional Area has advised Mr Charles Bissue to remain resilient and focus on the greater vision ahead of him irrespective of any potential challenges.

He also encouraged him to choose savory against mudslinging words to win admiration and more hope and confidence from the electorate of the Constituency.

‘Be ready for name-calling, insults, and wild allegations. But be humble and don’t listen to naysayers…

‘A lot of people don’t know we spoke to you to resign and allow investigation into the issues surrounding activities of the inter-ministerial committee on mining.

‘It’s been six years, and nothing has been found against you so far. I will be hurt and disappointed if you insult your other contenders in the race,’ Nana Kobena Nketsiah V, added when Mr Charles Bissue took the opportunity to introduce himself and present to the Omanhene his nomination form to contest the Essikado-Ketan seat.

Mr Bissue faced allegations in a 2019 documentar
y by Anas Aremeyaw Anas, accusing him of taking money to facilitate an unlicensed mining company’s clearance.

However, in July 2019, the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service exonerated Mr Bissue, stating that the documentary did not accurately reflect the interactions between Bissue and the company involved.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Two friends convicted for motorbike theft

Two friends, who conspired and stole a?neighbour’s motorbike worth GH?15,000 at Wassa Bekwai in the Wassa Amenfi West Municipality?have been convicted by the Tarkwa circuit court.?

The accused persons,?Richard Mensah, 22, a musician?and?Phillip Awusah, 23, a welder, were charged with conspiracy to commit crime and stealing, both?pleaded guilty to the offence.?

The court, presided over by Mrs Hathia Ama Manu, sentenced Mensah and Awusah?to eight years imprisonment each with hard labour.?

Prosecuting, Police Superintendent of Police Juliana Essel-Dadzie said the complainant, Desmond Nyame, was a motor rider, residing at Wassa Bekwai, while the convicts reside at New Takoradi and Wassa Japa respectively.?

She said during the first week of December, this year, Mensah called Awusah on the phone and informed him that he needed a job that would fetch him money.?

After a while, Awusah, asked Mensah to come over to Wassa Japa, so they would all engage in small scale mining and he agreed, but after he stayed
with Awusah for a week, Mensah left to Wassa Bekwai to visit another friend named Emma, who was living in the same house with Nyame, the prosecutor said.?

She said on December 8, Awusah visited Mensah at Wassa Bekwai and they hatched a plan to steal Nyame’s unregistered Haojin motorbike which was then parked in the compound.?

Prosecution said Mensah and Awusah intentionally hired Nyame and told him they wanted to buy a mattress at Bawdia, so he should transport them on his motorbike for a fee, but on arrival the convict’s convinced the complainant to release his motorbike to Awusah to enable him withdraw money from a mobile money merchant.?

Nyame refused initially but upon a second thought he agreed to release the motorbike to Awusah because Mensah was resident in their house.?

Superintendent Essel-Dadzie said after hours there was no sign of Awusah, and Mensah who was with Nyame bolted but he (complainant) raised the alarm and Mensah was nabbed by a Good Samaritan, and he was handed over to the polic

At the police station, Mensah was directed to contact Awusah on phone to know his where about, and he told Mensah that, ‘l am on my way to Takoradi with the motorbike so board a vehicle and come over.’

Prosecution said the Police then alerted their colleagues on duty at the Bokro police barrier, and Awusah on arrival was arrested with the motorbike and handed over to the Bawdia Police.?

During interrogation, Superintendent Essel-Dadzie said Mensah and Awusah alleged they agreed to commit the offence, but they only wanted to use the motorbike for their personal errands and not to offer it for sale.?
Source: Ghana News Agency

Centralised information system inimical to Ghana’s development – says GJA

The Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) says the centralised information system adopted by some public service organisations is not the best for the nation’s growth.

It defeats the purpose for advancing unrestricted information flow to keep the people at the grassroots level informed on development issues, particularly under Ghana’s decentralisation concept.

Mr Albert Dwumfour, the GJA President, observed that ‘journalists in the districts and regions are often referred to Accra, the capital city, when they go for information from many public service organisations,’ and said that must change.

Addressing members of the Association, some captains of industry and government officials at a dinner, in Accra, he decried the cumbersome nature of accessing information from those organisations.

Mr Dwumfour said the Ministry of Information (MoI) should urgently address the issue since there could be no meaningful development in a society characterised by an information vacuum.

‘Ghana’s decentralisation programme
aimed at promoting development and democracy at the grassroots level will fail if information is so centralised,’ the GJA cautioned.

The objective of the GJA Dinner Night is to facilitate the building of good rapport between members of the Association and other professionals, public officials, businesses, the private sector and members of the Diplomatic Corps.

It allows for casual discussions and the sharing of views on many subjects.

‘As development partners, we convene at important gatherings like this to share ideas and present suggestions, aiming to commence the New Year with fresh inspiration.

‘The truth is that Ghanaian journalists have traversed many challenges in the line of duty, but through all these challenges, the good Lord has been so gracious to us by making it possible for us to gather, network, wine and dine,’ Mr Dwumfour stated.

While drawing attention to the issue of working conditions of journalists, the GJA President stressed the need for it to be taken seriously as it had the tendenc
y of affecting their performance.

‘Stakeholders must pay attention to the low level of remuneration of journalists across the country.

‘It must be emphasised that the performance of journalists is tied to their wellbeing and conditions of service.

The naked truth is that most media houses and individual journalists are financially handicapped to meet their critical training or self-development needs,’ he bemoaned.

Mr. Dwumfour lauded President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo as well as Mr Kojo Oppong-Nkrumah, the Information Minister, for the critical role they played in securing Ghana the hosting rights for next year’s Third African Media Convention.

The Convention brings together media experts, scholars, students, journalists, journalists’ unions and associations, editors, the public and private sector, including cooperating partners from around the African continent and beyond as well as representatives from the UNESCO and African Union Commission.

It is a moment of reflection by African media stakeholde
rs on the revolving trends that impede freedom of expression and freedom of the media, media viability and sustainability as well as the safety and security of journalists. Mr Oppong-Nkrumah said the Information Ministry was focused on working with the GJA to advance the interests of journalists.

Mr George Sarpong, of the National Media Commission (NMC), graced the occasion to enhance the solidarity between the Commission and the GJA.
Source: Ghana News Agency

PMMC plans to leverage AfCFTA to drive value addition in 2024

Precious Minerals Marketing Company Limited (PMMC) says it plans to leverage the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) to drive value addition moving forward into 2024.

?Nana Akwasi Awuah, Managing Director of PMMC, said what the Company had done this year was to invest in machinery to be able to produce sophisticated jewellery as part of measures to promote made-in-Ghana products.

The Managing Director was speaking at the Company’s 2023 Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols as part of activities to thank God for the year.

He said the investment in a 3D printer and software was to create designs, and prints, and use it to create sophisticated jewellery and improve on the finishing for the Ghanaian market.

He said the Company wanted to maximize the potential or benefit of the natural resources, adding that they were in talks with the Ghana Export Promotion Authority for assistance in that regard.

He said this year had been remarkable, which enabled them to be a key implementing agency for the g
overnment’s flagship gold for oil programme.?

‘Indeed, I am proud to say that PMMC has contributed to the success of the gold for oil programme, which success is being felt or is evident in the lives of the ordinary Ghanaian and they are proud to have been a key contributor to that success,’ he said.

The Managing Director said because of the Gold for Oil programme, the Company embarked on an expansion drive as well and currently had an operational office in Kumasi, another operational office in Tarkwa and one coming up in Bole to be fully operational by January 2024.?

He commended the Minister of Lands and Natural Resources and his Deputy for their immense support throughout the year?Nana Awuah also commended the Board, Management and Staff for their support in the operation and execution of their mandates.

‘We want to embark on social re-engineering, where Ghanaians will come to accept and take jewellery as a store of value,’ he added.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Parliament approves nominations of three Court of Appeal Judges to Supreme Court

Parliament Friday night unanimously approved the nominations of three Court of Appeal Judges to the Supreme Court.

They are Justices Henry Anthony Kwofie, Yaw Asare Darko, and Adjei Frimpong.

The three judges were nominated by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo on November 10, 2023, for approval by the House.

Mr Joseph Osei-Owusu, the First Deputy Speaker and Chairman of the Appointments Committee of Parliament, said the Committee, in the light of the provisions of Articles 128(4) of the 1992 Constitution and Standing Order 74 considered the three nominees as Justices of the Supreme Court.

Presenting his report to the House, he said they demonstrated knowledge and dexterity in the law and their areas of practice.

The Committee, therefore, recommended to the House by Consensus the adoption of its report and approval of the nominees for appointment to the Supreme Court.

Mr Governs Kwame Agbodza, the Minority Chief Whip, and a Member of the Appointments Committee, said he was happy with the appro
val of the judges because they showed competence in their various fields and expressed the hope that they would work to improve the justice delivery system.

The NDC Member of Parliament for Adaklu said he believed that the Supreme Court’s ruling that the birth certificate was not a proof of nationality was a miscarriage of Justice.

Mrs Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) MP for Ablekuma West, in her contributions to the Motion, said the justices must make recommendations to ensure the Law Reforms Commission became more effective.

Touching on the Supreme Court’s ruling on the birth certificate not being a proof of nationality, she said those who were not satisfied with the ruling must seek redress at the courts.

Mr Andrew Amoako Asiamah, the Second Deputy Speaker and Independent MP for Fomena, presiding, who put the question for the approval of the nominees, congratulated them on their elevation to the nation’s apex court.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Rt Rev. Dogbe urges Ghanaians to keep hope alive

Right Reverend Dr. Hilliard K. Dela Dogbe, Presiding Bishop of African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, has urged Ghanaians to keep hope alive rather than throwing their hands in despair.

He said the Christmas season must inspire Ghanaians to remain hopeful and resolute in their conviction that with God on their side, they could and shall surmount the current difficulties.

Rt Rev Dogbe, in a Christmas Message, said, ‘Individually and collectively, we must commit to playing our part to birth the future we hope for.’

Rt Rev Dogbe said Christmas reminded them of accountability and not only was it the commemoration of the birth of Christ as a baby in the manger, but more importantly Christmas was a solemn reminder of his anticipated return as a judge of the world; a time for accountability.?

‘This Christmas, each of us must remember that irrespective of the office we hold and the place we occupy within our social setup, we are all stewards entrusted with the breath of life, skills and capabilities, and r
esources of all kinds,’ he added.?

He reminded Ghanaians of God’s immense and unconditional love for humankind.

He said during this Christmas, ‘May we individually and collectively, commit to live as ethical leaders who place a high premium on accountability in every sphere of life in which we find ourselves.’

Rt Rev Dogbe said as they prepared to cross over to the new year 2024, it was his prayer that Ghanaians would pay heed to the call to actively demonstrate the God-kind of love in all our dealings, to stay positive and hopeful while working assiduously to actualize our hopes, and to be ethically upright and uphold accountability in every sphere of life.?

‘May we as citizens strive to uphold the virtues of hard work, honesty, patriotism, and unity,’ he added.

?He said in celebrating Christmas, ‘We are challenged to demonstrate this God-kind of love in our relationship with self, others and our world.’

He said as the country prepared to go to the polls again leaders on the political front neede
d to strive for peaceful coexistence and issue-based campaigns.

Christmas is also about hope as the birth of Christ represented enduring light breaking forth through the ensuing thick darkness.?

He said the year, which was ending steadily, had some challenges including the Domestic Debt Exchange Programme with its attendant ‘haircuts’ which virtually whittled away the entire life-savings of many, inflationary trends in the economy leading to a sharp rise in the prices of goods and services and the continued degradation of our environment through illegal mining.

Others are threats to the security of the nation as a result of the activities of terrorist groups in countries along the northern borders and the recent flooding of communities along the Volta Lake and River.?
Source: Ghana News Agency

NGO begins project to increase access to SRHR services in border communities

The Rural Initiatives for Self-Empowerment Ghana (RISE-Ghana), an advocacy Non-Governmental Organisation, has begun a project to advance access to sexual and reproductive health services among adolescents.

The one-year project, which will focus on border communities during emergencies, is dubbed: ‘advancing adolescent sexual reproductive health rights within Sahel and other emergencies in Upper East.’

It seeks to advocate and engage stakeholders to increase adolescent and children’s access to sexual and reproductive health services, nutrition, and safeguarding services particularly in emergencies

With funding support from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the intervention would identify, mobilise and empower influencers, gatekeepers, service providers and duty bearers in Bongo, Bawku West, and Kassena-Nankana West Districts to create protective environments for adolescents’ access to reproductive health services.

Speaking at Bongo, Ms Jaw-haratu Amadu, Head of Programmes, RISE-Ghana, expla
ined that border communities continued to experience consequences of spillover from the Sahel region where sexual reproductive needs of young people continued to be in dire situations in those border areas.

She said the project would work with relevant stakeholders known as ‘Community of Practice’ to plan and prioritize interventions to address the special needs of young people during emergencies including reproductive health, nutrition, and safeguarding issues.

Prior to the commencement of the project, Ms Amadu indicated that, a rapid needs assessment which was conducted to ascertain the various challenges facing adolescents, revealed that many adolescents lacked accurate information on sexual and reproductive health rights and services.

‘They lack information on how to take care of their menstrual needs, nutrition and the adults indicated the taste of adolescents has changed and they do not want indigenous foods, so we need to engage the adolescents to understand that the local foods are more nutritio
us than foreign foods,’ she added.

The Community of Practice which included the Ghana Health Service, Ghana Education Service, National Disaster Management Organisation, traditional leaders, adolescents, social welfare, community members among others were launched to work together to address the needs of adolescents.

Mr John Agana, an Accountant at Bongo District NADMO, noted that often, people linked disasters to only the physical destruction of properties, but disasters went beyond that to affect the emotional wellbeing of people.

He said the new intervention would contribute significantly to augmenting the work of NADMO to provide relief to people especially in the area of sexual and reproductive health and services to adolescents during disasters.

Pognaba Veronica Anaam, the Queen Mother for Namoo community, one of the border communities in the Bongo District lauded RISE-Ghana and UNICEF for the intervention and added that the effort would contribute to providing accurate sexual and reproductive h
ealth information to young people in the area and prevent them from indulging in risky behaviour.

She advocated for collective efforts from community stakeholders such as chiefs, assembly members and other opinion leaders to intensify education among young people in the community to help reduce teenage pregnancy, alcoholism, drug abuse among other vices.
Source: Ghana News Agency

Stratcomm Africa donates to communities affected by the Akosombo Dam spillage

Stratcomm Africa has supported Citi FM/Citi TV’s ‘OperationRebuild’ project in respect of communities affected by the spillage from the Akosombo Dam with GH?30,000.00.

The Company this year chose in place of its annual Praise Jam to make a Praise Offering into Citi FM/Citi TV’s ‘OperationRebuild’ project.

Mrs Sharon Anim, Stratcomm Africa’s Marketing Communication Manager presented the donation on behalf of the Company, at the Citi FM Office.

Citi FM/Citi TV’s OperationRebuild has been providing urgent and much-needed support for the affected communities.

Mrs Anim said, ‘By this contribution in support of the Citi FM Operation Rebuild, we honour and praise God and show love to our neighbours.? We take inspiration from the example of Jesus Christ in His Ministry.’?

Praise Jam, an annual praise, worship, and thanksgiving ministry organized by Stratcomm Africa for the past 18 years, has served as a platform for clients, partners, suppliers, family members, and the public to express gratitude to God fo
r the year’s blessings through songs, prayers, and the word.

Stratcomm Africa invites its stakeholders to join in supporting this important initiative by CITI FM/ Citi TV.?

Mr Bernard Avle, the General Manager of Citi TV/Citi FM expressed gratitude for Stratcomm Africa’s generous donation.

He said, ‘We are so grateful for this contribution. Citi FM has a long history of collaboration with Stratcomm Africa and is pleased to accept this donation for the benefit of the affected communities.’

Mr Avle said, ‘This donation supports our ongoing efforts to provide relief aids and rebuild places in the region, underscoring our commitment to supporting initiatives that directly impact our communities.’
Source: Ghana News Agency