KFSH&RC Jeddah sedia a 10ª Conferência Internacional de Enfermagem, reunindo renomados especialistas globais

– Credenciamento Honorário do Programa de Residência em Enfermagem

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Nov. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A 10ª Conferência Internacional de Enfermagem teve início esta manhã em Jeddah, com o tema “Enfermeiros: Como Catalisadores, Navegadores e Inovadores em Saúde”. Organizada pelo King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC), a conferência visa criar uma plataforma unificada para os profissionais de saúde compartilharem ideias e experiências. Também se concentra na transformação da prestação de cuidados de saúde, no avanço da profissão de enfermagem e no fortalecimento da importância do hospital como líder global nas práticas de enfermagem.

Marcando sua primeira edição após a era da pandemia de COVID-19, a conferência deste ano, com duração de três dias, apresenta uma programação de 14 sessões de palestras, 40 sessões simultâneas, 10 workshops detalhados e 55 apresentações simultâneas. A conferência prevê a presença de cerca de 650 pessoas.

Durante a conferência hoje, o Programa de Residência de Enfermagem do King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center de Jeddah foi credenciado pelo American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), alcançando o status de honra. Esta acreditação distingue o hospital como a primeira e única instituição de saúde fora dos Estados Unidos a ser reconhecida com este nível de excelência pelo ANCC.

O objetivo do Programa de Residência em Enfermagem credenciado é fornecer aos recém-formados em enfermagem conhecimentos essenciais e experiência prática. Esta iniciativa foi criada para garantir que os enfermeiros estejam bem preparados para oferecer atendimento de primeira linha ao paciente e manter os mais altos padrões de excelência em saúde.

O KFSH&RC passou a fazer parte da estimada Sociedade Internacional de Honra de Enfermagem ‘Sigma Theta Tau’. Esse feito, inédito para qualquer instituição de saúde não acadêmica fora dos Estados Unidos, destaca o papel do hospital como pioneiro nas práticas de enfermagem, não apenas no Oriente Médio, mas no cenário global.

Ao entrar para a Sociedade a equipe da KFSH&RC tem acesso a uma extensa coleção de recursos científicos e práticas de enfermagem de classe mundial das principais instituições de saúde do mundo. Esse acesso é fundamental para elevar o padrão dos cuidados de enfermagem, promover os resultados dos cuidados de saúde e melhorar a experiência geral do paciente.

Além disso, o hospital poderá compartilhar seu conhecimento e práticas de mais de quatro décadas nos campos da enfermagem e da saúde com mais de 600 instituições de saúde e uma rede de mais de 100.000 associados em todo o mundo. Esses associados fazem parte de uma associação comprometida com o avanço do conhecimento, educação e aprendizagem, e serviço de enfermagem, promovendo comunidades de prática, educação e pesquisa.

Comemorando seu 20º ano, a conferência deve explorar temas centrais no setor de enfermagem. O ponto principal da agenda é o papel integral da enfermagem no alcance dos ambiciosos objetivos da Saudi Vision 2030 (Visão Saudita). O evento também se aprofundará no futuro dos cuidados de saúde, particularmente como a tecnologia e a inovação estão mudando todo o cenário. As discussões se estenderão à sustentabilidade dos serviços de saúde, juntamente com insights estratégicos sobre o recrutamento e a retenção de enfermeiros. Além disso, a conferência destacará os mais recentes avanços na pesquisa em enfermagem e o papel essencial das práticas baseadas em evidências na saúde moderna.

O King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre é conhecido mundialmente pelos seus serviços de saúde especializados e de enfermaria avançada. Ele recebeu a prestigiada acreditação Magnet pela terceira vez consecutiva, um testemunho da sua excelência em enfermagem. Esta acreditação do American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) é considerada o padrão ouro global em enfermagem. É uma honra reservada para hospitais de elite que fornecem serviços de enfermagem excepcionais, atendimento de alta qualidade ao paciente, práticas inovadoras e resultados médicos notáveis. Esse reconhecimento é altamente seletivo, com apenas cerca de 8% dos hospitais em todo o mundo alcançando esse status.

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8986010

L’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal de Djeddah accueille la 10e Conférence internationale sur les soins infirmiers, rassemblant des experts et des spécialistes renommés du monde entier

– Annonce relative à la distinction honorifique du programme de résidence en soins infirmiers

RIYAD, Arabie saoudite, 28 nov. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — La 10e Conférence internationale sur les soins infirmiers s’est ouverte ce lundi à Djeddah, sur le thème « Infirmiers et infirmières : catalyseurs, navigateurs et innovateurs en santé ». Organisée à l’initiative de l’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal (ci-après « KFSH&RC »), cette conférence vise à établir une plateforme commune aux professionnels de la santé, destinée au partage de leurs idées et de leurs expériences. Le programme met également en avant les évolutions du secteur de la santé, la promotion du métier infirmier, et souligne le profond leadership de l’hôpital en matière de pratiques infirmières.

Cette année, l’événement qui voit le jour à la sortie de la pandémie de COVID-19, s’étend sur trois jours. Le programme prévoit 14 sessions plénières, 40 séances parallèles, 10 ateliers intensifs, ainsi que 55 présentations simultanées. Près de 650 visiteurs sont attendus.

Le programme de résidence en soins infirmiers de l’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal de Djeddah a obtenu un agrément au titre honorifique de l’organisme américain de certification de conseil infirmier, l’American Nurses Credentialing Center, ou ANCC. Cette distinction a fait l’objet d’un communiqué de presse publié le 27 novembre 2023. Il s’agit d’une grande première pour l’hôpital qui devient la seule institution de santé non-américaine reconnue à ce niveau d’excellence par l’autorité compétente.

L’objectif du programme de résidence en soins infirmiers désormais certifié consiste à fournir aux infirmiers et infirmières jeunes diplômés un ensemble de connaissances fondamentales et d’expérience pratique. Cette initiative est conçue pour bien les préparer à délivrer des prestations de qualité supérieure à leurs futurs patients, dans le respect des plus strictes normes d’excellence en matière de soins de santé.

Le KFSH&RC a été intronisé au sein de la prestigieuse « Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing », la deuxième plus grande organisation infirmière au monde. Cette adhésion, inédite pour une institution de santé non académique et non-américaine, souligne le rôle pionnier de l’hôpital dans les pratiques infirmières, au Moyen-Orient mais aussi au niveau international.

Par ailleurs, cette adhésion procure au personnel du KFSH&RC l’accès à un vaste inventaire de ressources scientifiques et de pratiques infirmières de premier plan, à l’origine des principales institutions de santé du monde entier, essentiel au relèvement du niveau des soins infirmiers, à la progression des avancées sanitaires, et à l’amélioration de l’expérience globale du patient.

De plus, par cette adhésion, l’hôpital est en mesure de partager à la fois son expertise et ses pratiques de plus de quarante ans en matière de soins infirmiers et en santé, avec à son actif un réseau composé de plus de 600 établissements de santé et de plus de 100 000 membres dans le monde entier. Ces membres font partie d’une association engagée en faveur de l’avancée des connaissances, de l’éducation, de l’apprentissage et du métier infirmier, favorisée par la formation de communautés de pratique, d’éducation et de recherche.

À l’occasion de son 20e anniversaire, la conférence s’apprête à explorer des thèmes essentiels du secteur infirmier. En tête de l’ordre du jour figure le rôle clé des soins infirmiers dans la réalisation des objectifs ambitieux du projet « Saudi Vision 2030 ». L’événement abordera en profondeur l’avenir des soins de santé, et plus particulièrement la remodélisation de son périmètre, induite par la technologie et l’innovation. Les débats porteront sur la durabilité des services de santé, mais aussi sur les perspectives stratégiques de recrutement et de rétention du personnel infirmier. Enfin, la conférence mettra en lumière les dernières avancées dans la recherche infirmière et le rôle crucial des pratiques éprouvées des soins de santé modernes.

L’hôpital spécialisé et centre de recherche King Faisal se distingue mondialement par ses services de santé spécialisés et avancés en soins infirmiers. Il a notamment obtenu la prestigieuse accréditation Magnet pour la troisième fois consécutive, ce qui témoigne de son excellence en la matière. Cet agrément délivré par l’American Nurses Credentialing Center évoqué plus haut symbolise la norme mondiale en matière de soins infirmiers. Cet honneur réservé à l’élite des établissements hospitaliers récompense des services infirmiers exceptionnels, des soins de qualité supérieure, des pratiques novatrices et des résultats médicaux remarquables. Cette reconnaissance est sujette à un haut niveau de sélectivité. Seuls près de 8 % des hôpitaux du monde bénéficient d’un tel statut.

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8986010

Building Climate Resilience Via Investment Migration to Secure a Sustainable Future

LONDON, Nov. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Henley & Partners has seen a significant uptick in interest from both private clients and governments in investment migration programs as an effective mechanism to improve their resilience to the impacts of climate change and mitigate other sustainability risks. Besides phasing out fossil fuels, the other two core themes for the upcoming UNFCCC COP28 conference in Dubai, UAE, are building climate-resilient societies and investing in climate solutions. In its inaugural Henley Wealth and Sustainability Report published today, the international residence and citizenship advisory firm highlights how investment migration can assist in addressing both these significant global challenges.

The innovative study analyzes over 150 data points across five key sustainability and wealth parameters including population density and CO2 emissions per capita, achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and unique wealth tier and wealth per capita data from global wealth intelligence firm New World Wealth. The report focuses on G7 nations, BRICS member states, including the six new countries that will join the bloc in January 2024 (Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE), and a selection of 19 countries that host investment migration programs, which enable investors to acquire residence or citizenship in return for making a significant contribution to the economy.

The G7 brings together seven of the world’s most advanced industrial economies in the Global North, while the new BRICS plus Six configuration represents major emerging economies in the Global South. As Dr. Juerg Steffen, CEO of Henley & Partners, points out in the report, both groupings represent a significant share of the global economy and population, and both aim to tackle pervasive global issues such as climate change. “Investment migration can provide much-needed foreign direct investment to help meet our sustainability challenges. Several countries are already channeling program inflows into projects to boost their countries’ climate resilience for the benefit of their citizens. Grenada, for instance, has strengthened its resilience against natural disasters by offering investors citizenship in exchange for a contribution to the country’s National Transformation Fund, which supports a range of industries including alternative energy. A non-refundable contribution to Antigua and Barbuda’s National Development Fund is another example of how a country is driving its transition to renewable energy through citizenship by investment.”

Prof. Trevor Williams, former Chief Economist at Lloyds Bank Commercial banking, says the Henley Wealth and Sustainability Report can assist those looking for opportunities, either private or public, to invest in sustainability projects and other carbon-reducing initiatives. “The framing allows those seeking areas where climate change is less threatening, where adaptation is occurring fastest, and as a result where threats to sustainability are lowest to locate to achieve that goal. Through this approach, these individuals are also able to see which countries allow investors to acquire residence status through various programs, and where the opportunities for mitigation and adaptation will offer the highest returns on investment. It also shows where the best investment options are for funds that are seeking returns through sustainability and green and carbon-reducing projects and investment activities.”

Commenting in the report, Dr. Areef Suleman, Director of Economic Research and Statistics at the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Institute, says the analysis provides a data-driven perspective on how residence and citizenship by investment programs can be leveraged to enhance investment resilience and sustainability. “Investment migration countries consistently performed better than G7 and BRICS plus Six countries in key areas such as environmental responsibility, infrastructure reliability, healthcare and education quality, economic growth, and wealth accumulation. These insights underscore the wisdom investment migration offers high-net-worth individuals in securing a sustainable future for them and their progeny. In an ever-changing world, data and evidence-based decision-making provide the right compass for investors and families seeking a path to economic prosperity and sustainability.”

Read Full Press Release and the Henley Wealth and Sustainability Report.

Media Contact

Sarah Nicklin
Group Head of PR
Mobile: +27 72 464 8965

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000901070

Résilience climatique en hausse via la migration d’investissement pour un avenir durable

LONDRES, 28 nov. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Henley & Partners observe un intérêt nettement plus marqué de sa clientèle publique et privée pour les programmes de migration d’investissement au titre de mécanismes privilégiés visant le renforcement de leur résilience aux effets du changement climatique et l’atténuation d’autres risques en lien avec la durabilité. Outre l’élimination progressive des combustibles fossiles, les deux autres thèmes principaux de la prochaine conférence de Dubaï sur les changements climatiques réunie aux Émirats arabes unis par la CCNUCC, ou COP 28, sont la construction de sociétés résilientes au climat et l’investissement ciblant les solutions climatiques. Dans son premier Rapport sur la richesse et la durabilité  publié ce jour, le cabinet international de conseil en résidence et citoyenneté Henley & Partners démontre comment la migration d’investissement participe à relever ces deux enjeux mondiaux majeurs.

La nouvelle étude sur la richesse du cabinet spécialisé en renseignement patrimonial mondial NewWorld Wealth passe au crible plus de 150 paramètres, déclinés à travers cinq critères clés de durabilité et de richesse, à savoir la densité de la population, les émissions de CO2 par habitant, la réalisation des objectifs de développement durable (ou ODD) de l’ONU, les données exclusives sur les seuils de richesse, et la richesse par habitant. Le rapport vise les pays membres du G7 et ceux des BRICS, y compris les six nouveaux pays qui rejoignent ce bloc dès janvier 2024, à savoir l’Arabie saoudite, l’Argentine, l’Égypte, les Émirats arabes unis, l’Éthiopie et l’Iran, mais aussi une sélection de 19 pays accueillant des programmes de migration d’investissement permettant l’acquisition d’une résidence ou d’une citoyenneté aux investisseurs en échange d’une substantielle contribution à l’économie.

Le G7 rassemble sept des économies industrielles les plus avancées de la partie septentrionale du monde, tandis que la nouvelle configuration BRICS représente les grandes économies émergentes de la partie méridionale. Comme le souligne le Dr Juerg Steffen, PDG d’Henley & Partners dans le rapport, ces deux regroupements comptent massivement sur l’économie et la population mondiales. Tous deux visent à aborder des problématiques mondiales généralisées, comme le changement climatique. « La migration d’investissement peut apporter les investissements directs étrangers nécessaires pour relever nos défis en matière de durabilité. Plusieurs pays canalisent déjà les entrées de fonds vers des projets axés sur le renforcement de la résilience climatique de leurs pays au bénéfice de leurs citoyens. Ainsi, la Grenade a pu renforcer sa résilience face aux catastrophes naturelles en proposant un programme de citoyenneté aux investisseurs en échange d’une contribution au Fonds national de transformation du pays, qui soutient différentes industries, et notamment celle de l’énergie alternative. Un autre exemple de pilotage de la transition vers les énergies renouvelables au moyen de programmes de citoyenneté : une contribution non remboursable au Fonds de développement national d’Antigua-et-Barbuda ».

Le professeur Trevor Williams, ancien économiste en chef de la banque commerciale Lloyds, estime que le Rapport sur la richesse et la durabilité publié par Henley peut se montrer utile à ceux qui recherchent des opportunités publiques ou privées d’investissement dans des projets de durabilité ou d’autres initiatives de décarbonation. « La structuration permet à ceux qui se trouvent en recherche de zones où le changement climatique est moins menaçant, où les politiques d’adaptation arrivent le plus vite et par conséquent, où les menaces envers la durabilité sont les plus faibles, de s’y retrouver pour y parvenir » déclare-t-il avant de poursuivre : « L’approche leur permet également d’identifier les pays proposant différents programmes de résidence aux investisseurs, et où les opportunités de mitigation et d’adaptation vont générer les meilleurs retours sur investissement. Elle pointe également les meilleures options d’investissement pour les fonds qui recherchent des rendements à l’origine de projets et activités d’investissement axés sur la durabilité, les initiatives vertes ou la réduction des émissions de carbone ».

Dans ses commentaires sur le rapport, le Dr Areef Suleman, directeur de la recherche économique et des statistiques à la Banque islamique de développement (ou BID) fait état d’une analyse qui procure une perspective axée sur les données sur la manière dont les programmes de résidence et de citoyenneté par investissement peuvent être exploités pour renforcer la résilience et la durabilité des investissements. « De manière constante, les pays de migration d’investissement ont enregistré de meilleures performances que les pays du G7 et du nouveau BRICS dans des domaines clés tels que la responsabilité environnementale, la fiabilité des infrastructures, la qualité des soins de santé et de l’éducation, la croissance économique et l’accumulation de richesses » observe-t-il. Et de conclure : « Ces informations soulignent le bon sens de la migration d’investissement pour les individus les plus fortunés en quête d’un avenir durable pour eux-mêmes et leurs descendants. Dans un monde en constante mutation, la prise de décisions basée sur les données et les preuves constitue une bonne orientation pour les investisseurs et les familles qui cherchent une voie vers la prospérité économique et la durabilité ».

Consulter le communiqué de presse complet et le rapport sur la richesse et la durabilité.

Contact média

Sarah Nicklin
Responsable du service de relations publiques du groupe
Téléphone : +27 72 464 8965

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000901215

Construindo a Resiliência Climática Com Migração por Investimento para Garantir um Futuro Sustentável

LONDRES, Nov. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Henley & Partners viu um aumento significativo no interesse tanto de clientes particulares quanto de governos em programas de migração por investimentos como um mecanismo eficaz para melhorar sua resiliência aos impactos da mudança climática e mitigar outros riscos de sustentabilidade. Além da eliminação progressiva de combustíveis fósseis, os outros dois temas centrais para a próxima conferência UNFCCC COP28 em Dubai, nos EAU, são construir sociedades resistentes às alterações climáticas e investir em soluções climáticas. Em seu primeiro Relatório de Riqueza e Sustentabilidade da Henley publicado hoje, a residência internacional e empresa de assessoria em cidadania destaca como a migração por investimento pode ajudar a abordar ambos desafios globais significativos.

O estudo inovador analisa mais de 150 pontos de dados ao longo de cinco parâmetros-chave de sustentabilidade e riqueza, incluindo a densidade populacional e emissões de CO2 per capita, a conquista de Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável das Nações Unidas (SDGs) e dados únicos de riqueza por classe e riqueza per capita da empresa de inteligência global em riqueza, New World Wealth. O relatório foca em nações G7, estados membros do BRICS, incluindo os seis novos países que se unirão ao bloco em janeiro de 2024 (Argentina, Egito, Etiópia, Irã, Arábia Saudita e os EAU), e uma seleção de 19 países que sediam programas de migração por investimento, permitindo aos investidores adquirir residência ou cidadania em retorno por realizar uma contribuição significativa para a economia.

O G7 reúne sete das economias industriais mais avançadas do mundo no hemisfério norte, e a nova configuração BRICS-plus-six (“BRICS mais seis”) representa as principais economias emergentes no hemisfério sul. De acordo com o Dr. Juerg Steffen, CEO da Henley & Partners, ressalta no relatório, ambos os grupos representam uma porção significativa da economia e população global, e eles têm como objetivo resolver problemas globais abrangentes, como a mudança climática. “A migração por investimento pode garantir investimento direto estrangeiro indispensável para ajudar a atender nossas mudanças de sustentabilidade. Vários países já estão canalizando influxos de programas em projetos para promover a resiliência climática de seus países em benefício de seus cidadãos. Granada, por exemplo, tem fortalecido sua resistência contra desastres naturais oferecendo a investidores a cidadania em troca por uma contribuição ao Fundo de Transformação Nacional do país, que apoia diversas indústrias, incluindo a de energias alternativas. Uma contribuição não reembolsável para o Fundo de Desenvolvimento Nacional de Antígua e Barbuda é outro exemplo de como um país está direcionando a sua transição para energias renováveis através da cidadania por investimento.”

O Prof. Trevor Williams, ex-Economista Chefe na Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking, diz que o Relatório de Riqueza e Sustentabilidade da Henley pode ajudar aqueles buscando oportunidades, tanto particulares quanto públicas, para investir em projetos de sustentabilidade e outras iniciativas redutoras das emissões de carbono. “O enquadramento permite àqueles buscando áreas onde a mudança climática seja menos ameaçadora, onde a adaptação esteja ocorrendo mais rápido, e, como um resultado, onde as ameaças à sustentabilidade sejam menores para se localizar, a atingir esse objetivo. Através desta abordagem, esses indivíduos também são capazes de ver quais países permitem que os investidores adquiram o status de residência por meio de vários programas, e onde as oportunidades para mitigação e adaptação oferecerão os maiores retornos sobre o investimento. Ela também mostra onde as melhores opções de investimento estão, para fundos que estão buscando retornos através de projetos e atividades de investimento de sustentabilidade, verdes e redutores de carbono.”

Comentando no relatório, o Dr. Areef Suleman, Diretor de Pesquisa Econômica e Estatística no Islamic Development Bank Institute (IsDB), comenta que a análise oferece uma perspectiva baseada em dados sobre como a residência e a cidadania por programas de investimento podem ser elevadas para aprimorar a resiliência de investimentos e a sustentabilidade. “Países de migração por investimento consistentemente tiveram melhor desempenho que países do G7 e do BRICS-plus-six em áreas-chave, como responsabilidade ambiental, confiabilidade da infraestrutura, qualidade da saúde e da educação, crescimento econômico e acúmulo de riqueza. Estes insights ressaltam a sabedoria que a migração por investimento oferece a pessoas de alto patrimônio líquido para garantir um futuro sustentável para elas e seus descendentes. Em um mundo em constante transformação, a tomada de decisões com base em dados e evidências fornece a bússola certa para investidores e famílias buscando um caminho para a prosperidade e sustentabilidade econômicas.”

Leia o comunicado de imprensa completo e o Relatório de Riqueza e Sustentabilidade da Henley.

Contato com a Imprensa

Sarah Nicklin
Chefe de Grupo de RP
Celular: +27 72 464 8965

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000901215

ATC Ghana supports flood victims in North Tongu

The American Tower Corporation Ghana, (ATC Ghana) the largest independent owner and operator of shared wireless infrastructure in the country has donated relief items to flood victims in the North Tongu District.

The items were bags of sachet water, packs of sanitary towels, tins of Milo and Milk, detergents, cartons of tomato paste, cooking oil and toiletries among other essentials.

Mrs Letitia Attafuah, the Head of Human Resources for the company led the delegation to make the donations on behalf of Mr Ashutosh Singh, their Chief Executive Officer.

She stated that their donation was to sympathise and showcase their unwavering support for the displaced persons.

She indicated that the plight of the flood victims was a tough one and needed more support from individuals, organisations and government to resolve the situation.

Mrs Attafuah gave the assurance that her company would continue to offer more support to the flood victims to ensure a comprehensive solution to their plight whenever necessary.

ega Patamia Dzekley VII, the Paramount Chief of Battor, who received the items, expressed gratitude on behalf of the victims, and assured that the items would be distributed fairly among the displaced persons.

Togbega Dzekley however appealed to other individuals and organisations to emulate the gesture and also support the flood victims.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Strategic Security Systems responds to allegation of malfeasance against company

1. The Board and Management of Strategic Security Systems International Limited (formerly known informally as ‘3SIL’) has taken note of certain publications in sections of the media, notably the Herald newspaper and on its online platform (theheraldghana.com) alleging certain malfeasances against our company, which we deem worthy of adequate response.

2. The report, first published on 22nd November, 2023, alleges in substance a number of false narratives against our company, for which we are obligated to respond in order to set the records straight as it relates to public discussions.

3. In the first place, the publication makes reference to a so-called upheaval by the workers of COCOBOD over its Management’s consideration to award a contract for the supply of solar torch lights to our company. It is worthy to note that the publication neither makes any reference to actual sources from COCOBOD nor does it name any staff or member of the Board or Management of COCOBOD that has openly expressed opposition to
any of its Management’s considerations. All that the story does is to jumble up a cacophony of fictionalized narratives by nameless and faceless persons mixed with heated adjectives, just to excite public sentiments against our company.

4. We wish to place on record that this so-called ‘upheaval’ at COCOBOD is false and fabricated. COCOBOD is an entity of State and speaks through its Management or Board. To date, no member of COCOBOD’s Management or its Board or even any named member of its staff has openly voiced any opposition to any issue at all before COCOBOD as it relates to our company. Our company, over the years, has maintained a working relationship with COCOBOD and will in the future continue to maintain good working relationships with all our customers and work partners.

5. The publication also makes certain representations that we somehow ’employ every tactic in the books to have our way’ with COCOBOD. It is difficult to fathom the exact breadth of the expression used in the publication yet it i
s clear that the publishers of the story seek to insinuate accusations of unpleasant business practices against our company in the mind of the ordinary reader of the story. Such an accusation could not be further from the truth.

6. Strategic Security Systems is a law-abiding company and like all other companies seeks to offer its services to any customer on the market. The company follows all laid-down procurement laws and practices in obtaining contracts from Government. Over the years, the company has participated in several public sector Tenders, and in that respect, won a few and lost many of these Tenders. As an example, Tenders that have been awarded to our company includes the referenced solar street lights contract that our company is currently executing for COCOBOD after several years of delay and a lawsuit that was eventually settled in Court and entered as Judgment in our favour. As a matter of record, our company was awarded that contract after the initial awardee of the open competitive Tender p
rocess failed to execute the contract, leaving COCOBOD with no other option than to award it to our company, which came second in the scoring for that particular open Tender. It is therefore a flight of fancy for any journalist or hidden faces behind these false publications to insinuate that we were employing certain tactics to win contracts.

7. With respect to the solar street lights contract, COCOBOD itself has acknowledged its role in the delay of the execution of the contract and on 13th April, 2018, is on record as having apologized to our company for that mishap and others, after its former Management failed to clear for several years the items imported for installation and racked up huge costs on demurrage at the ports. Our lawsuit to compel COCOBOD to abide by the terms of that contract is what occasioned the current Management to seek out a settlement of the lawsuit which has eventually led to the ongoing execution of the contract for which our company is on schedule to deliver.

8. With respect to
the solar torch light contract referenced in the publication, any worthy journalist would find from the available records at the Public Procurement Authority (PPA) that our company was awarded a similar contract in the past based on pure merit, our company’s exclusive access to certain specifications required, and the urgency of the supply. Our execution of that previous contract met with the praise and satisfaction of not just COCOBOD but more importantly, the farmers, for whom COCOBOD exists to serve. For the uninitiated mind, mostly sitting in Accra and other urban areas enjoying the luxury of electric power supply, it is easy to assume that the name of the product (‘solar torch light’) is akin to an ordinary torch light with a panel. The publication by the Herald newspaper intentionally omitted to state the particular high-end specifications and attributes of this specialized product, when the facts are that this is a specialized item that gives the farmers in the rural communities, most of whom are not c
onnected to the national electricity grid, high visibility and functionality at night time. The multipurpose use of this specialized product provides the farmers with several benefits that transform their lives and that of their families at night time including assisting their wards to study at night, enabling them to charge their mobile devices and even allowing them to attend nature’s call at any hour after sunset without risking death from encounters with wild creatures such as poisonous snakes and scorpions.

9. COCOBOD itself is aware of the benefits to the ordinary farmer of these items and given its popularity in the past, and the demand by the farmers for the supply of more of these products to them, COCOBOD in its wisdom has sought to meet them at the point of their needs, as it should do. The general public would recall that on 10th May, 2019, the members of the Ghana Cocoa, Coffee and Sheanut Farmers Association met the President at the Jubilee House and made a specific request to the President for
these very solar lighting equipment, to which the President instructed the CEO of COCOBOD and the Minister of Agriculture to ensure that they assisted the farmers with their request. This information is already in the public domain and easily verifiable. Any running publication therefore that COCOBOD’s Management or Board is against the supply of this product is fiction.

10. Further, the allegations contained in the publications as to the cost price of the items are completely false and the available records at the PPA which approved the procurement of that contract would have debunked that assertion if the Herald newspaper and other media outlets that republished these false stories had bothered to undertake their duties well and professionally.

11. The attempts by the Herald newspaper and its associates to rope our company into murky politics by its assertions that our company has dealings with the two leading political parties in Ghana is also misplaced and misconceived, and is a mischief that we would e
ntreat the general public to disregard. There is no doubt that since the coming into force of the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana and indeed since the establishment of our company, there have been only two political parties that have obtained the mandate of the people of Ghana to govern the country. Indeed, as a company, COCOBOD is one of many customers that we have and we have executed contracts for and on behalf of many other companies or agencies, both in the public and private sectors. We deem it as a mark of our unique professionalism, competence and expertise in the various fields in which we run our businesses that we have been successful and thrived in these fields no matter the political party in power.

12. These successes have not happened by accident or by dealings with political parties as falsely alleged by the publications, but have been attained by hard work, innovation, competitiveness and tenacity of purpose, which are values that have underpinned the administration and growth of
our company and its affiliates. We take every pride in these strides. Indeed, just as we have made achievements, so have we suffered setbacks in the course of our business life. There have been occasions where we have won Tenders that were subsequently taken from us for no justifiable reasons, other occasions where we have been awarded contracts for which we were subsequently forced to share those contracts with other companies by Government agencies, other occasions when we have completely executed contracts and were either never paid or were paid so late that all profits were swallowed by bank charges and interests leading to financial losses for our business, and even on other occasions where we have spent significant sums to participate in Government Tenders for which a winner has never been announced. If the allegations in the media were therefore worthy of any truth, our so-called dealings with the leading political parties ought to have completely insulated or protected our company and its affiliates f
rom the occurrence of these massive financial setbacks. That has simply not been the case. The substance contained in the publications by the Herald newspaper and other outlets are therefore false and should be disregarded by the general public.

13. By this Press Release, we wish to entreat all journalists to raise and maintain the high standards expected of them by the general public, as the fourth estate of the realm. We further wish to entreat all political actors, activists and other commentators to appraise themselves of facts before commenting on any illadvised and non-researched rumours parading as news stories in sections of the media, to avoid embarrassment to themselves and potential voter disgruntlements against them.

14. As a company, we jealously guard our reputation and business orientations, and in the future we shall not hesitate to seek legal redress against any outlet that publishes false, misleading and defamatory stories about our company or any of our affiliates.

15. We hope and trust
that this Press Release would set the records straight concerning the aforementioned publications and provide the much-needed circumspection in discussions concerning the matters aforementioned.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Court remands 19-year-old man for threatening his mother

The Gbetsile Circuit Court has remanded Joshua Narh, a 19-year-old, unemployed, in custody for threatening his mother, Doris Narh, a 44-year-old, with a knife and with words to wit, ‘I will stab you for preventing me from entering the room.’

The court, presided over by Mrs. Eleanor Kakra Banes Botchway, remanded the accused to reappear on December 12, 2023.

Prosecuting Inspector Maxwell Ayeh told the court that the complainant, Doris, is a trader who resides in Afienya-Zugbanyatey, whereas the accused, Joshua, is the son of the complainant.

The accused is a resident of the same address as the complainant but has a separate room.

The prosecution told the court that on Sunday, November 12, 2023, while Doris was in her shop, she had information that the accused person was causing damage to her locked room in an attempt to enter, and when she rushed to the scene, she met Joshua in the act.

Inspector Ayeh said the complainant attempted to stop him, but the accused struggled with her and, in the process, push
ed her on the ground. Joshua further pounced on the complainant while she was on the ground.

The prosecution said Joshua pulled a knife from his attire and threatened to stab Doris if she dared prevent him from entering the room.

The complainant’s daughter, who is a witness in the case, shouted, which attracted their neighbours who rescued the complainant.

Subsequently, a complaint was lodged, leading to the arrest of Joshua, who, after investigation, was charged with the offence and arraigned before the court to stand trial.

Source: Ghana News Agency

CAFIC Delegation Visits Golden Star Wassa Limited

Some Representatives of China-Africa Fund for Industrial Cooperation (CAFIC) have paid a courtesy visit to Golden Star Wassa Limited.

The CAFIC,?the second largest shareholder of Golden Star Resources?aimed at supporting projects that could promote China-Africa Cooperation, improve the well-being of African people, and facilitate Chinese and African economic development.

Since the inception of the CAFIC, it had invested and contributed actively to other projects of different sectors and explored new ways to expand China-Africa industrialization.

A release copied the Ghana News Agency said delegation headed by Wang Yang ahead of their visit to Golden Star also paid a courtesy visit to the Chinese Embassy in Accra where they held discussions with the Commercial Councilor.

Received by the Wassa management team of Golden Star led by Mr. Kevin Zhiyong Chen, the team toured the operational areas of Golden Star Wassa including the Underground Areas, Paste Back Fill Plant, Processing Plant and Tailing Storage Fa

They also visited the host communities and inspected the Golden Star Wassa CSR Projects and Programmes including the Award-Winning Golden Star Oil Palm Plantation.

Mr. Wang Yang, was thus, impressed by the progress of the Golden Star since it acquired support from Chifeng Gold and pledged CAFIC’s support to ensure the vision of Chifeng was realized with its overseas acquisitions.

He said: ‘ we are optimistic about the economic outlook in Africa and hope to strengthen our relationship with Chifeng Gold to tap in the potential of Wassa mine and contribute more to its development’.

Mr Kevin Zhiyong Chen expressed gratitude to the CAFIC team for visiting the site and how their operations were contributing positively towards the environmental, social, and economic fortunes in Africa.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Accra Golden Lions Club promotes fitness through health walk

Members of the Accra Golden Lions Clubs have engaged in some physical activities to stay fit.

The walk, dubbed, ‘8km Diabetes Walkathon’ aimed at raising awareness of the dangers associated with diabetes and the role keeping fit played to help stay away from attaining such a disease.

The walk which started at exactly 06.30 hours from the Ayi Mensah Police Station through to Peduase Lodge was also attended by the Accra Spintex Road Lions Club, Tema Greenwich Lions Club, Accra Harmony Lions Club, Accra Metro Lions Club and the Accra Labone Leo Club.

Mr Alfred Kwame Avorka, the Club President, said as part of their social responsibilities to contribute to nation building, the T-shirts sold for the walk would be put together as part of the fundraising efforts to support the Korle Bu Diabetes Research and Management Centre at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital.

He said diabetes was a global disease found in every part of the world with an estimated 463 million adults across the world living with it.

The Club Pre
sident added that according to research, in Ghana, there were about 2.4 million people living with diabetes, and approximately 7.5 adults had Type-2 diabetes.

He encouraged Ghanaians, as part of their means to stay away from diabetes, to exercise for about 30 minutes a day before embarking on any other activity.

Source: Ghana News Agency