HIV/AIDS: Ghanaian youth encouraged to embrace self-testing

The Ghana HIV and AIDS Network (GHANET), a non-governmental organisation, has advised Ghanaian youth to embrace self-testing to help minimise the spread and effects of the infection.

It said many people in Ghana were still living with the virus without knowing their status, which was dangerous.

The Organisation, therefore, called on Ghanaians to take advantage of the national self-testing programme to know their status and seek the required treatment to stay healthy and contribute to the country’s development.

Mr Patrick Anamoo, the National Public Relations Officer of GHANET, gave the advice on behalf of Mr Ernest Amoabeng Ortsin, the National President of GHANET, at the commemoration of the World AIDS Day at Bolgatanga in the Upper East Region.

The event was organised by GHANET and the Network of Persons Living with HIV (NAP+), in collaboration with the Ghana Health Service, attended by some students and the public.

As part of the activities to mark the day, a health walk was held to create awareness
about HIV/AIDS, the need to get tested and avoid stigmatising persons living with the infection and encourage people to protect themselves against the virus by using condoms.

Free HIV testing kits were also given to some members of the public.

The participants held placards with inscriptions like: ‘Treatment for HIV is free, don’t Lose Guard’, ‘Test yourself, know your Status’, ‘Don’t be Naive, HIV is still real’, ’72 per cent of Persons Living with HIV in Ghana know their Status, what about you?’, ‘Don’t Assume…use Condom if you are not Sure.’

Mr Anamoo explained that achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on health would not be realised if many people did not know their HIV status.

‘The National AIDS/STI Control Programme (NACP) has expressed confidence that the multiplication of HIVST testing options will help the country to achieve the first 95 of the 95-95-95 UNAIDS targets,’ he said.

‘Currently, only about 72 per cent of the estimated 354,000 persons living with HIV in Ghana know their
status. This means that about 100,000 PLHIV are not aware of their status and may be spreading the virus unknowingly.’

Mr Majeed Sulemana, the Upper East Regional HIV/AIDS Coordinator, Ghana Health Service, revealed that the prevalent rate of HIV infections in the region was 1.9 per cent in 2021, which he described as worrying.

‘There is cause for worry in the sense that new HIV infections among the adolescents, who are the productive force of the future, have actually increased across the country, it is not even the late adolescents, it is the early adolescents aged 10 to 14,’ he said.

He attributed the cause to decline in education on HIV/AIDS, making people to believe that the virus had been defeated and encouraged Ghanaians, especially the youth, to use condoms to ensure dual protection against STIs and unplanned pregnancy.

Ms Comfort Ayamga, the President of NAP+, said stigmatisation was a major barriers preventing the public and people living with HIV from visiting the health facilities for testing
and treatment, and called for increased education to fight the challenge.

Pe Aluah Thomas Asang-chera, the Upper East Regional Chairman of GHANET, said more needed to be done to protect the youth against HIV and other chronic diseases so they could help build a sustainable economy.

Source: Ghana News Agency

ECOWAS Court Launches Workshop on Risk Management

The ECOWAS Court of Justice on Monday 27th November 2023 commenced a workshop aimed at reviewing its risk management strategies and developing a comprehensive risk register for 2024 under the theme ‘Risks Register Training and Preparation of the 2024 Risks Register.’

The objective of the workshop is to equip Judges, Directors, Heads of Divisions/Units, and other relevant members with the requisite knowledge and skills to effectively implement robust risk management strategies.

In his opening remarks, President of the Court, Hon. Justice Edward Amoako Asante, emphasised the workshop’s objective of developing and adopting Risk Register for the ECOWAS Court of Justice. He underscored the importance of empowering heads of division and unit with the necessary expertise to identify and address potential risks associated with their duties.

Justice Asante urged participants to actively engage with the experts’ guidance on the development and management of a risk register, recognizing its significance as an essent
ial tool for proactive management.

Dr. Alfred Braimah, former Auditor General of the Institutions of the Community and Lead Consultant, reminded participants of the pervasiveness of risks, emphasising their inherent presence in everyday life.

Mr. Babatunde Oladipo, a consultant, highlighted the emergence of new risks, acknowledging that while participants may be familiar with some, they may be unprepared for new ones. He defined Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) as the art of proactively avoiding or mitigating risks before they materialise, enabling smarter decision-making.

Participants are expected to define risks from their respective departments and submit solutions to mitigate their consequences and optimise the objectives of the Court.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Africa Relief and Community Development restores sight to 200 Ghanaians

Mr Abdel Wahab Shawky, the Director, Africa Relief and Community Development, Ghana, has presented a cheque for $12,000.00 to Save the Nation’s Sight in Accra to facilitate the eye surgery of 200 Ghanaians from November to December, 2023.

The clinic has, so far, performed 71 eye operations free of charge for needy Ghanaians (38 females and 33 males).

Mr Shawky noted that the Africa Relief and Community Development currently operates in 23 countries in Africa, providing comprehensive relief and development aid to people in the areas of health and education, among others.

He cited the organisation’s support to victims of the Akosombo Dam Spillage, adding that it was working towards constructing water wells in the affected communities.

Dr Thomas Tontie Baah, the Director of Save the Nation’s Sight, who received the cheque, expressed gratitude to the organisation for saving the sight of the patients, most of whom suffered from cataract.

He said cataract blindness could be reversed with a simple straight for
ward surgical procedure, but unfortunately ‘there are thousands who are needlessly blind from cataract in Ghana.’

‘One would wonder why these patients, many of whom had the National Health Insurance Card, are not getting the operation needed to restore their vision?’

Dr Baah said he was not begrudging the Government and or the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) for not paying realistic tariffs for cataract surgery.

‘We all know the problem. The premium for the National Health Insurance Scheme is very low. It has probably not been reviewed for a very long time.’

He said some NGOs recognised the problem and were assisting some clinics in kind or cash to operate on the extremely poor.

‘If you know a relative or anyone who needs cataract surgery, please refer him or her to Save the Nation’s Sight Clinic for help.’

Dr Louisa Ademki Matey, the Ayawaso West Wuogon Municipal Health Director, commended Save the Nation’s Sight Clinic for its role in restoring the sight of the people.

Dr Afeke Honametor,
the Head of the Eye Unit, Save the Nation’s Clinic, assured the Africa Relief and Community Development that its donation would be put to good use.

Professor Roger Kanton, a former Chief Research Scientist, Council for Industrial and Scientific Research -Savanna Agricultural Research Institute, appealed to Ghanaians to support investment in the health sector; saying: ‘No donation is too small’.

Dr John Williams, a former Director of Dodowa Health Centre, who chaired the function, hailed Dr Baah and his team for the tremendous progress they were making in the health sector.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Sogakope SHS wins African Peer Review Mechanism ‘What Do You Know?’ Quiz

The Sogakope Senior High School (SHS) has won the African Peer Review Mechanism ‘What Do You Know?’ Quiz after beating three other schools in a competitive contest.

In the three-round contest, Sogakope SHS excited the audiences at the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation studio with their end-to-end answers that got them 33 points, leaving PRESEC Legon, with 25 points, Winneba SHS with 11 points and Aburi Girls, eight points.

The competition was in commemoration of the 20th Anniversary celebration of the African Peer Review Mechanism in promoting democracy and good governance.

An amount of GhS 5, 000, was given the winner as a cash prize, GhS 3, 000 went to the 1st Runner up, GhS 2, 000 was given to the 2nd Runner up and GhS1000 went to the 3rd Runner up. All schools were awarded certificates.

Miss Ahorsu Juliet Norfeli, a second year student and one of the contestants for the Sogakope SHS, said, she was elated to have participated.

‘It has given me some inspiration to work with institutions and deepen our de
mocracy and good governance to make our country better in the future,’ she said.

Key concepts that came up during the competition were the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), NEPAD, African Agenda 2063, Sustainable Development Goals that must be attained by 2030 and other governance architecture and frameworks.

The APRM was established in 2003 by the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) Head of State and Government Implementation Committee as an instrument for AU Member States to voluntarily self-monitor their governance performance.

It is voluntary arrangement amongst African States to assess and review governance at Head of State peer level to promote political stability, integration, economic growth and sustainable development.

In commemorating the anniversary, Madam Winifred Akoto-Sampong, Acting Executive Secretary, National African Peer Review Mechanism Governing Council (NAPRM -GC), said Ghana chose to celebrate the 20 years with the young ones.

She said: ‘We have realised that the y
outh should be involved governance because for most of us, governance revolves around our Heads of States and political players at the national level and not the people.’

‘We tend to forget that we are part of Governance and, therefore, the young ones should be reoriented to understand that. And so as we sit in our homes to criticize the President, which we call the government, we are criticizing ourselves,’ Madam Akoto-Sampong said.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Second in Command at Sakumono District Police granted bail

The Gbetsile Circuit Court has granted bail in the sum of GHS200,000.00 to Assistant Superintendent of Police Nasiru Amadu and No. 51836 G/CPL Emmanuel Mintah with three sureties for unlawful possession of narcotic drugs purportedly for trafficking.

The case had been adjourned to December 20, 2023, for them to come back to court.

The court, presided over by Mrs. Eleanor Kakra Banes Botchway, said their plea for bail was considered because they were Police Officers and well known in the community.

Prosecuting Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Ernest Kuofie said the complainants were Police officers at Afienya District.

The accused person, Amadu, 48 years old, is currently the second in command at Sakumono District Police Headquarters with Mintah.

He said Mintah, aged 43, was working under him at the station as a service driver on November 19. The complainant was performing snap check duty when they picked up intelligence that a Nissan Navara vehicle with registration number GP 727 was loaded with
narcotic drugs from Ho towards Accra.

ASP Kuofie said that about 1915 hours the same day, the accused persons pulled up at the snap check point where they were intercepted. A search conducted in the vehicle revealed eight sacks containing 541 compressed parcels of substances believed to be narcotic drugs.

The prosecution said the investigation revealed that Mintah had a family relation named Oluman, a resident of Ashaiman Tulaku, who traded in narcotics.

The prosecution said that on November 19, Mintah was procured by the said Oluman to assist him in transporting a quantity of Indian hemp from Peki Tsibu in the Volta Region to Tulaku for a fee. Mintah then contacted Amadu about the deal, and he also contacted the said Oluman to agree on the terms of engagement.

He said upon striking a deal with Oluman, the accused persons drove vehicle No. GP 727 from Sakumono to a forest around Peki Tsibu, where they received the exhibits from a waiting Benz bus.

The prosecution said it was in the course of transporting
the illicit drugs that police picked up intelligence and arrested them.

It was detected that the incident on November 19, 2023, marked the second time the accused persons were engaged in such an illegal act.

The exhibits have been examined by the forensic crime laboratory, which is yet to submit a test report.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Chieftaincy Ministry, stakeholders round off discussions on religion policy

The Ministry of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs (MCRA) today rounded off stakeholder consultations on the proposed National Policy on Religion.

The engagements, which span two weeks, were done in all 16 regions with the last one happening concurrently today in the Greater Accra and Upper West Regions.

The National Policy on Religion is a draft document being put together by MCRA to serve as a guide to religious activities and address challenges that arise from the coexistence of different faiths and beliefs in society.

It will also provide a framework for the protection and promotion of the rights and freedoms of all religious groups and the prevention and resolution of conflicts that may arise from religious differences.

In a speech read on his behalf, Mr Stephen Asamoah Boateng, the Sector Minister, said the stakeholder consultations were crucial steps in the development of a comprehensive and inclusive policy that would promote religious harmony, diversity and tolerance in the country.

He said it a
lso offered an opportunity for the Ministry to hear from the representatives of various religious communities, civil society organisations, academic institutions, media outlets, other relevant stakeholders and the public.

‘We want to listen to your views, concerns, suggestions, and recommendations on how to shape a policy that reflects the aspirations and values of our people,’ he said.

The Minister thanked the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Ghana Country Office, the National Development Planning Commission and Department for the Study of Religions, University of Ghana, Legon for providing diverse supports to make the consultations a success.

Dr Wilfred Ochan, UNFPA Representative, also in a speech read on his behalf, said most people all over the world looked up to religious leaders for guidance, directions or inspiration, especially in their state of vulnerabilities and search for solutions.

He said religious leaders due to their large following, played crucial roles in shaping community attitud
es and spearheading reforms.

Dr Ochan said by working closely with institutions such as the MCRA, which dealt directly with the leaders of communities, UNFPA aimed at promoting partnerships and practices that respected human rights and safeguarded the health and well-being of individuals.

Dr Harry L. K Agbanu from the Department for the Study of Religions, University of Ghana and a consultant for the MCRA, said even though Ghana was a religiously pluralistic society, it was important to eschew religious differences and pursue peaceful co-existence.

‘Afterall, we are Ghanaians first before our religions come and so our religions should not divide us. If anything at all, religion should rather bring us together so, we can live as brothers and sisters in a peaceful country that we want for ourselves,’ he said.

He lauded stakeholders for their participation and enthusiasm throughout the consultations, adding that, such efforts indicated how Ghanaians prioritised peace and unity amongst themselves.

Dr Agbanu
said some of the issues that frequently emerged at the meetings had to do with religious noisemaking, intolerance, inter and intra religious tensions, rights of women and children, witchcraft accusations leading to injuries and sometimes death of innocent people.

He advised politicians and party sympathisers to desist from playing the ‘religious card’ ahead of the 2024 General Election.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Bulgaria Reports 41per cent Decrease in Illegal Migrants in October M/M

A total of 1,359 third-country nationals were detained in Bulgaria in October, which is 41 per cent fewer than in September 2023, the Interior Ministry reported on its website. Of the total number of detainees, 122 were caught on their way in, 134 on their way out and 1,103 inside the country.

A total of 17,056 third-country nationals were detained between January and October. Of these, 1,364 were inbounds and were arrested at the border, 1,751 were outbound, again caught at the border, and 13,941 were found to be staying illegally inside the country. Compared to the total number of illegal migrants in the same period of 2022, 14, 427 persons, an 18.2% increase is seen this year.

The majority of illegal migrants were citizens of Syria (50.9%), followed by Moroccans (15.9%) and citizens of Afghanistan (15.2%),.

In January-October 2023, the 13,941 illegal migrants found to be illegally staying in Bulgaria, were 35.1% more than in the same period of 2022. These are mainly citizens of Syria (49.9%), of Afghan
istan (33.9%) and Morocco (10.5%).

In late October, Interior Minister Kalin Stoyanov said that since the beginning of 2023, Bulgarian border authorities had prevented about 165,000 illegal entry attempts at the Bulgarian-Turkish border.

Source: Ghana News Agency

‘We must empower our youth for development’ – Paramount Chief of Avenor

Togbe Dorglo Anumah VI, President of the Avenor Traditional Council and Paramount Chief of Avenor Traditional Area has urged the public to empower the youth through capacity building.

He said the youth are the future leaders, who must be supported to aid in bringing more development and progress to the area.

Togbe Dorglo made the appeal on Saturday, at Akatsi during this year’s grand durbar of ‘Avenor Tutudoza’ which is celebrated by the people of Avenor.

He stated that there was a need to create a different kind of youth with the mentality to contribute to the progress of the Avenor State and country at large through positive re-orientation and empowerment.

‘I know much is going on by way of building the capacity of our youth. My message to them is that learning to work with all manner of people with respect and decorum will send them farther than their certificates.

‘A positive attitude can make your dreams come true,’ he added.

Togbe Dorglo urged individuals and business owners to establish business
es in the area which is the fastest-growing Municipality in Southern Volta.

He further explained that the area also has fertile land for Agriculture and agro-business ventures, which would offer the surest way out of poverty and ensure rapid economic development.

Togbe Dorglo also urged the public and the citizens of Avenor to help contribute toward the ongoing construction of an Ultra-Modern Palace and Cultural Centre at Avenorpeme for the progress of the Traditional Council.

‘We worked with all well-meaning people regardless of their background since the Traditional Council believed in friendship and progression, so we are determined to widely cultivate friends without recourse to political sentiment.’

Togbe Dorglo used the opportunity to commiserate with displaced flood victims at Mepe and other areas in the region due to the Akosombo and Kpone Dams spillage.

The colourful fourth Avenor Tutudoza celebration was graced by high-profile dignitaries including Mr John Dramani Mahama, flagbearer of National
Democratic Congress, Chiefs from Avenor and other Traditional Areas, Heads of Institutions, political party representatives, and others.

It was on the theme’ Empowering the Youth of Avenor for holistic Community Development and Transformation.’

Source: Ghana News Agency

Dubawa holds fact-checking workshop for non-urban based journalists

Dubawa, a fact-checking and verification Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), has held a two-day training to equip non-urban based journalists in the Bono, Ahafo and Bono East regions with skills to identify and address information disorder.

The workshop was to build the capacity of the participants with knowledge and the requisite tools to determine misinformation, disinformation and mal-information, to guard against inappropriate content and temptations of spreading and publishing falsehood.

Twenty journalists attended the training in Sunyani, which was supported by the United States (US) Embassy.

Speaking on the topic: ‘The ABC of Information Disorder,’ Madam Caroline Anipah, the Dubawa Team Lead, implored media houses to adopt smart ways of debunking false information to effectively address information disorder.

Information disorder, she said, had led to misinterpretation, confusion and chaos characterising the information space.

She appealed to individuals, organisations and nations to be alert to
the realities of the spread of information that could harm them.

‘As journalists in the midst of all these nuances, our foremost thought or intent must be to the interest of the public,’ Madam Anipah said.

She advised the journalists to be alert and cautious about impostor content, which occurred when a particular information was attributed to the image of an influential and credible personality, as well as manipulated or fabricated contents or videos.

Both misinformation and disinformation were disorders that took away public trust and could lead to apathy and trust of a news source.

Madam Anipah said some creators of information disorder, particularly disinformation, including originators, amplifiers and opportunists, were mostly motivated by foreign and political influence.

She encouraged participants to design approaches to fight false information and harmful content by fact checking, verifying whether the URL of a particular website was authentic, as well as the source of the information.

Ghana News Agency

Flood victims in South Tongu and Anloga districts receive support from GWCL

The Volta Regional Directorate of the Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) in collaboration with its Head Office has donated relief items to flood victims of the Akosombo Dam spillage in South Tongu and Anloga districts of the Volta Region.

The Company presented 1,000 bags of sachet water and 50 packs of bottled water to each of the districts to help the victims have access to quality drinking water to remain healthy.

The items were received by the District Chief Executives of the two districts on behalf of the affected persons, for onward distribution to the victims.

Mr Francis Lamptey, Volta Regional Chief Manager of the Company, who presented the items said the gesture formed part of the Company’s corporate social responsibility.

He disclosed to the Ghana News Agency that the items were produced by a subsidiary of the Ghana Water Company Limited called G-WATER and that they were of high quality.

Mr Lamptey said the victims were their customers and it was the customers that kept them in business, so it
was important that the Company empathize with them and support them to alleviate their pain.

‘We are in business because of customers, so when our customers are suffering, we have to support them, because we survive as a Company because of our customers,’ he said.

He disclosed that to be sure that water delivered to the customers in the affected districts was not contaminated, the Company took samples from those districts and conducted a quality test.

The Director said the test result was positive and there was no contamination as no pathogen was found in the water but was quick to add that the Company would continue the testing.

Mr Seth Kwasi Agbi, South Tongu District Chief Executive expressed appreciation to the Company for the gesture.

He said about 30 communities were affected within the area and that the donation would go a long way to alleviate the plight of the victims.

Mr Seth Yormewu, the District Chief Executive for Anloga also thanked GWCL for coming to the aid of the affected persons as wat
er was an important commodity in the life of human beings.

The DCE disclosed that a team from the Head Office of the GWCL led by the District Director of the Company were in the district to do assessment regarding the water that the people were drinking.

Source: Ghana News Agency