STMA worried over prevalence of open defecation in communities along seashores

The Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly (STMA) has expressed worry over the prevalence of open defecation in some communities, especially those along the seashore within the Metropolis.

Mr Abdul-Mumin Issah, the Metropolitan Chief Executive (MCE), said despite the Assembly’s efforts in tackling the menace, about 15 communities were still classified as open defecation prone.

He was speaking at the launch of ‘Operation clean your surroundings,’ a campaign to help address the growing deplorable environmental sanitation practices within the Metropolis, in Sekondi.

Mr Issah noted that in 2021, a total of 176 people were arrested for open defecation while 89 were arrested in 2022, and 40 at the end of the third quarter of 2023

According to him: ‘This year alone, 27 houses without toilets and 30 other sanitation-related nuisances have been prosecuted successfully, and the interventions initiated by the assembly, to a large extent, have helped to improve upon sanitation and hygiene in the Metropolis, but the
progress has been slower than anticipated’.

The MCE said: ‘It is sad to note that people are still openly defecating at seashore and bushes despite the numerous efforts to discourage the phenomena of open defecation within the Metropolis.’

Meanwhile, Mr Issah indicated that the STMA through a European Union funded Twin-Cities in Sustainable Partnership Project (TCSPP) was constructing 500 bio-digester toilets for households in coastal communities which would prioritize female-headed households, disabled and aged.

He said the Assembly was committed to providing the needed infrastructural support in these communities to help reduce the open defecation menace within the Metropolis.

‘I do not doubt that with the backing and total commitment from all stakeholders, we will succeed in this course,’ he added.

Touching on the campaign, Mr Issah said it was aimed at enforcing the Assembly’s environmental sanitation by-laws and encouraged citizens to take responsibility for their actions for a cleaner environment.

e explained that the campaign would raise awareness of cleanliness, hygiene, waste management, and environmental preservation through media campaigns and the deployment of a task force to ensure residents complied with the sanitation by-laws laws.

‘The campaign will educate, arrest, prosecute, name and shame sanitation-related offenders across the Metropolis because we ultimately aim to collectively change certain socio-cultural practices from the community members towards environmental sanitation,’ he noted.

The ‘Operation clean your surroundings’ campaign is a component of a three-year TCSPP, being implemented by the STMA, Palermo Municipality in Italy and, other partners and sought to address cleanliness within the environment to help promote healthy living conditions and enhance hygienic lifestyle among the people.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Let’s embrace new methodology for STEM Education

Mrs Olivia Opare, the Director of Science Education Unit, Ghana Education Service, has asked Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) teachers to embrace the new teaching methodology to whip up interest among pupils and students.

She described the ASEI-PDSI methodology as good, saying it ensured that every STEM education was A – Activity oriented, S – Student centered, E – Experimental, I – Improvised, and could thrive if it was well P – Planned, to ensure they D- Do, S- See and I – Improve on it.

Mrs Opare who was closing a three- day STEM workshop on Arduino Programming, organised by Experimento Ghana LBG in partnership with the Ghana Education Service (GES), therefore, urged the teachers to consider that methodology in teaching.

Arduino is an open-source electronic prototyping platform, which enables users to create interactive electronic objects.

It is innovative, user-friendly, easy to understand, and a great way to start learning more about electronics and robotics.

The training was
organised for 60 teachers selected from six districts in Greater Accra to enhance STEM teaching and learning in basic schools.

The workshop sponsored by Siemen Stiftung saw participants introduced to the Arduino software to enable them read inputs to explore natural phenomena and technological developments.

Mrs Opare speaking on the significance of technology and innovations, said STEM education had come to stay globally, adding ‘it is important that Ghanaians embrace it for change’.

She said STEM was not what one knew, but what one could do with the knowledge and expressed appreciation to Experimento Ghana LBG for providing the needed tools for the training.

Each participating school was given six Arduino programming starter kits to effectively give students the practical learning they require.

The Director of Science Education, receiving the starter kits, promised that all would be put to good use for positive outcomes.

The training would be scaled-up to other regions and districts to ensure others al
so benefited, she added.

Notse Prof Nii Nortey Owuo IV, the Chief of Osu, in a speech read on his behalf, said with digitalisation, the inclusion of programming, electronics, and engineering in the curriculum was not just a profound choice, but a strategic investment into the future.

‘Together, let us embrace this opportunity, not just as a workshop, but as a collective stride towards a brighter, more technologically advanced future for our Motherland,’ he said.

Ms Ivy Boatemaa Danso, the Coordinator of Experimento Ghana LBG, called for more support to enable them enhance STEM education in the country.

Experimento Ghana LBG is a non- governmental organisation that identifies STEM related courses and trains teachers with experience in Science and IT to enable them solve problems in their schools and homes to make life easy.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Proper reinsurance arrangements guarantee payments of cross-border accident claims – NIC

Mr Michael Kofi Andoh, Acting Commissioner, National Insurance Commission (NIC), has urged motor underwriting companies within the ECOWAS Brown Card Insurance Scheme to ensure prompt payments of cross-border accident claims.

He said proper reinsurance arrangements were essential to sustaining the successes chalked and guaranteeing timely settlements as socioe-conomic activities continued to increase.

Mr Andoh said this at the 39th General Assembly Ordinary Session of the Council of Bureaux of the ECOWAS Brown Card Insurance Scheme where cross-border insurers and other stakeholders deliberated on how to ensure movements of people, goods and services within a reliable insurance framework.

The ECOWAS Brown Card is a third party motor insurance across the sub- region. The essence is to promote vehicular movement within the sub-region without worrying about the risks of having huge liabilities. These liabilities are transferred to the insurance companies through the ECOWAS Brown Card.

The Acting Commissioner,
in his address, said there had been significant progress in the financing of cross-border accident claims, especially with the advent of automatic Brown Card issuance which had proven to be more efficient.

Having said that, he said all delays sometimes experienced during transactions and compensations ought to be taken off.

‘We call upon the motor underwriting companies to honor their obligations with the same zeal, irrespective of where the claim originates. Discrimination has no place in our operation, and we must always uphold the tenets of equity and fairness,’ Mr Andoh said.

Mr Henry Bukari, Chairman, Ghana National Bureau, said the ECOWAS Brown Card Insurance Scheme had become the hallmark of regional integration, facilitating seamless trade and movement within West Africa.

‘The function of a national bureau is basically to coordinate claims that emanate from our free movement within the sub-region. If a vehicle from Burkina Faso is involved in an accident in Ghana, the Ghana Bureau will work on the
ir issues from police report, to hospital to the claims itself,’ he said.

Madam Mavis Boadi Nkansah, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, who represented Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey, the sector Minister, urged the National Bureau to explore all avenues available to sensitise communities on the advantages of obtaining and utilising the Brown Card.

She said though the scheme had faced challenges like default in the acquisition of the certificate, delays in the settlement of claims, inadequate finding for the national bureau and lack of public education and awareness at some points, it had chalked successes.

‘I am certain that many community citizens know the free movement protocol and upon the successful implementation, the Foreign Affairs Ministry continues to liaise with the Ghana Bureau of the ECOWAS Brown Card Insurance Scheme to embark on a sensitisation campaign to raise awareness to use the Brown Card,’ Madam Nkansah said.

Mr Winfred Kofi Dodzi, Secretary General, ECOWAS Brown C
ard Insurance Scheme, said: ‘The claims payment is very efficient and the moment there’s an accident, the issuing bureau and handling bureau agree on the transaction process and payment is promptly paid. We issue a cheque without any hindrance.’

Source: Ghana News Agency

My ‘No Masked Promises’ campaign is a transformative journey to accountable leadership – Dr Sam Ankrah

Dr Sam Ankrah, an Independent Presidential Aspirant, who recently launched his campaign on social media with ‘No Masked Promises’ tag, has shrugged off suggestions that he is claiming to be the originator of the ‘Man in the Mask’ campaign.

He said he never claimed to be the ‘Man in the Mask’ and asked the person(s) accusing him of such to retract the defamatory statement.

‘On this note, I urge the person(s) to retract with immediate effect the defamatory press

release, which is circulating all over the world,’ he said.

In a statement issued on Friday and copied to the Ghana News Agency, the Presidential Hopeful explained that the use of the slogan ‘NoMaskedPromises’ was to expose the political gimmicks and falsehoods aimed at deceiving the Ghanaian citizenry for votes at the polls.

The statement, signed by Dr Candace Baker, Head of Communications, Office of the Independent Presidential Candidate, said the symbolic depiction of the ‘unmasking’ represented a rejection of the historical narrative of veiled
intentions in past and present governments.

It was also a representation of the need to unveil the true faces of leaders and political

hopefuls alike to hold them accountable for their commitments.

Dr Ankrah stated that, the intellectual property-the mask used in the campaign, was a stock image generated by artificial intelligence and available in the public domain.

He said the ‘No Masked Promises” campaign was not an attempt to infringe on any intellectual property rights, but rather a call for transparency and accountability in leadership, a principle all political movements should proudly stand united in.

That, he said ought to be built on a commitment to reshape the political landscape for the betterment of Ghana.

‘As we enter the 2024 political season, the ‘No Masked Promises’ campaign extends an

invitation to all citizens and political stakeholders to engage in open and honest dialogue, and to unite under the philosophy of ‘No Masked Promises’,’ the statement said.

‘Together, we must work towar
ds reshaping the political landscape for a future where leaders are unafraid to show their true faces and subsequently deliver on their commitments,’ the statement added.

Dr Ankrah urged the youth to learn more about his policies and how he intended to end the economic hardship, endemic and pervasive corruption, social inequalities, and lack of rule of law, as well as how to ensure stability in Ghana.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Qingdao’s Sister-city Reading Party Held in Richmond, Canada

the Sister-city Reading Party was held at the ‘Corner of Chinese Culture-Nishan House’ in Canada’s Richmond, a sister city of Qingdao. This event was hosted by the Information Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Government and co-organized by Beijing Xufang International Digital Culture Media Co., Ltd. and the Canada-China Youth Culture and Arts Exchange Promotion Association.

This year marks the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the sister city relationship between Qingdao and Richmond. To further enhance friendship and mutual trust between the two cities, Qingdao will host a series of cultural exchange activities in Richmond, with the aim to provide a deeper and comprehensive understanding of Qingdao for the citizens in the sister city across the ocean. The Sister-city Reading Party is a part of the cultural exchange activities.

Mr. Brain, a photography enthusiast who participated in the event, was deeply impressed by Qingdao, a modern metropolis known for its high aesthetic value, pleasant a
tmosphere, and suitability for living, working, and leisure. He mentioned, ‘I heard that Qingdao is building itself as a leading modern industrial city, a pioneering modern marine city, an internationalized innovative city, an international gateway hub city, a high-quality bay area city suitable for living, working, and leisure, as well as a model city for modern governance. I hope to visit Qingdao in 2024 and personally experience its charm.’

Ms. May, who had previously visited Beijing and Qingdao, said, ‘In 2008, I had the opportunity to visit both host cities of the Beijing Summer Olympic Games. Beautiful Qingdao left me with wonderful memories. This event made me realize that Qingdao has undergone tremendous changes in the past 15 years. Given the chance, I would definitely love to visit Qingdao again.’

Since the establishment of friendly cooperative relations between Qingdao and Richmond in 2008, the two cities have engaged in frequent exchanges and cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, tourism,
sports, culture, and youth, and have achieved fruitful results.

Source: Ghana News Agency

NORAD funds local NGOs to map out, document landing beaches

Four Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), have begun the mapping and legal documentation of landing beaches across the coastal regions of Ghana.

As part of the three-year Sustainable Oceans Project, the NGOs – Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF), Friends of the Nation, Hen Mpoano and Central and Western Fishmongers Improvement Association (CEWEFIA)- are assisting in facilitating the process in 292 landing beaches across the Western, Central, Volta and Greater-Accra Regions.

Justice Camillus Mensah, Project Manager of Hen Mpoano, disclosed this at a Regional Socialisation Workshop on Fish Landing Site Mapping and Documentation held in Accra on Thursday.

He said the project was to help identify and safeguard the land tenure and ownership rights of fisher folks to the various landing beaches.

This would protect them against threats from developers within the tourism and real estate industry thus sustaining their livelihoods as fisherman
, fish mongers and processors who form a vital part of the ocean economy.

‘We are having a lot of competition from other uses. For example, we have a lot of hospitality industries like hotels springing up along the coast. We have others like industrial infrastructure also springing up every now and then, so it is very important that, at this point, looking at the fisheries sustainability, we will also look at our landing sites and the livelihood support of the people who are involved, that is, the fisher folks,’ he said

Mr. Mensah, in a presentation, stated how the project had already completed the mapping of 118 landing sites along the coast of some fishing communities within the Central Region, Ada in the Greater-Accra Region and Tsatsukope in the Volta Region.

Ghana is rapidly losing its beaches due to intense competition for coastal land use, which is creating conflicts between fishing communities and some tourism industry players like hoteliers and real estate developers.

Mr Mensah said that key stak
eholders like the Lands Commission and the communities were actively involved in the mapping and documentation process.

‘We are working with the communities to establish all the protocols for this whole process so right from the beginning; it is going to be participatory; the indenture and the lease agreement everything must stem from the community. It is going to be driven by the community. We are only going to support the entire process,’ he said.

Osei-Akoto Nyantakyi, the Programmes Manager for EJF, said the programme was designed to also train 5000 artisanal fishers to build their capacities in fisheries management across four coastal regions.

He also mentioned initiatives to enhance the abilities of fifty experts in security and law to better manage and uphold regulations related to the fishing sector.

‘On this project, we seek to influence national policy implementation and enforcement of fisheries laws… we will build the capacities of our officers in the navy, with our marine police.

Also, those i
n the legal areas, especially judges and prosecutors, often do not converse with the issues. We will look at supporting issues to be able to give us good outcomes,’ he stated

Mr Nyantakyi said the outcome of the mapping and documentation initiative would address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which deal with hunger, climate change, equality, sustainable jobs, among others.

‘The Sustainable Oceans Project addresses a number of SDGS. Number one to reduce poverty, SDG two which is to reduce hunger, SDG three which is to ensure everybody is in good health,’ he said.

He added that the project would improve the income resilience of fishing communities, mitigate climate and human-induced threats, and enhance opportunities for value addition along fisheries supply chains and enterprise development.

Kofi Amartey, a clam collector who participated in the workshop said the project was important because it secured the interest of fishers like him and promoted peace between the fishing communities and coasta
l developers.

‘When this project is implemented well, it will help all of us. We are not fighting anybody, they should also understand that we are an essential part of the community so when the coastal lands are given out for different developments, they must allocate a place for the fishermen to land whenever they come from their expeditions,’ he said.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Chamber of Telecommunications calls for tax holiday for manufacturers of devices

The Ghana Chamber of Telecommunications has called for a tax holiday for manufacturers of telecom devices.

The Chamber said that move would not only result in more people acquiring smart devices, but also contribute to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country from the usage of internet.

Speaking via zoom at the launch of the 2022 Mobile Industry Transparency Initiative Report in Accra, Dr Kenneth Ashigbey, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Ghana Chamber of Telecommunications, said granting tax exemptions was critical to supporting the telecommunications industry to be able to get more people to acquire smart phones and use internet.

He said considering the fact that the industry was foundational to ensuring real growth and getting Ghana out of the financial crisis, getting people to use mobile internet would significantly impact the country’s GDP.

‘The more people use smart mobile devices, the more it contributes to the growth of our GDP,’ he said.

Dr Ashigbey said telecommunication companies
paid in excess of GHC6.07 billion in taxes, and other remittances to the government and allied agencies.

He, therefore, urged the government to see the sector as a cash cow rather than the work horse that would drive other businesses up, and support it to raise the needed revenue.

The Mobile Industry Transparency Initiative Report looks at the Chamber’s contribution to the country as well as its importance to the industry.

Source: Ghana News Agency

CAF Champions League: Ghana’s Medeama SC ready for epic showdown against Al Ahly

Augustine Evans Adotey Head Coach of Medeama SC says the Ghanaian club is ready and poised for the epic showdown against Egypt and Africa’s giants Al Ahly in the CAF Champions League on Saturday at the Al Salam Stadium in Cairo.

First-timers Medeama SC would seek to cause a major upset when they play away to the reigning champions Al Ahly in the first leg before squaring them up on Friday, December 1 for the return fixture.

Coach Adotey, who spearheaded Medeama’s qualification to the group stage for the first time said his team was adequately prepared for the game and eye positive results in Egypt.

‘The boys are ready and hungry for victory. I believe in God, and with God all things are possible. I want Ghanaians to believe in us, we are well prepared to steal the show. The fans should support us and at the end of the game, we will come home with positive results,’ he said.

He admitted that, though the Egyptian club is one of the giants in inter-club continental competitions, Medeama SC can match and bea
t the defending champions. ‘I respect my opponent, and they also have the experience in Africa but they won’t ride over us. It won’t happen. We can beat Al Hilal, we just need to vary our strategy and win. By the close of the day, you’ll see underdogs Medeama beating Al Ahly.’

The coach described the game as a ‘David and Goliath’ affair and as underdogs against Al Ahly, his team was prepared to steal the show.

He said, ‘I see this game as a David and Goliath affair. If I’m David, then I have to prepare enough to come against Goliath as it happened in the Bible.

‘We are underdogs and I know in football, anything can happen, but the technical team has mapped up a strategy that will prevent the opponent to come attacking. I know them to be a team that starts attack from the back and also used to press and defend. All I need is to psyche my players and you will see a different Medeama fighting Al Ahly for victory.’

The Tarkwa-based club is in Group D with the reigning champions Al Ahly, Algeria’s CR Belouiz
dad, and Tanzania’s Young Africans who finished second in the CAF Confederation Cup.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Women’s FA Cup R64: Police Ladies dare Immigration Ladies in crunch derby, Berry Ladies face Jonina Ladies

The draw for the Women’s FA Cup Round of 64 is set as security sides, Police Ladies and Immigration Ladies have a score to settle, this time not on the battle field but on the pitch.

It would be a top clash between the two sides who would be hoping to sail through to the Round of 32 stage with ease.

Premier League side, Police Ladies who finished runners-up in the Women’s FA Cup last season are confident of jetting off to a successful start this time round having caused a scare in the competition.

Immigration Ladies on the other hand, would fight to sweep all three points from their rivals despite being tagged as underdogs.

Elsewhere, Premier League newbies Jonina FC would also chase for a place in the next stage of the competition against Berry Ladies.

Berry Ladies were eliminated in the round of 32 stage last season after succumbing to a 2-0 defeat to Police Ladies.

In other fixtures, PearlPia Ladies would take on Northern Ladies whereas defending champions Ampem Darkoa Ladies would face Fosu Royal L

Herein the full fixtures

Upper East Region

Zorkor Liberty Ladies vrs Kunkua Ladies FC

Northern Ladies

Yoo Ladies vrs FC Young Queens

Kumbungu Ladies vrs FC Savannah

Pearlpia Ladies vrs Northern Ladies

Bolga All Stars Ladies vrs Tamale Super Ladies

Anfaani Ladies vrs Nasara Ladies

Upper West Region

Wa All Stars Ladies vrs Bagabaga Ladies

Real Crusaders vrs Kpongu Maidens

Brong Ahafo Region

Fosu Royal Ladies vrs Ampem Darkoa Ladies

Gyagba Ladies FC vrs Jaman Vision Ladies FC

Prisons Ladies vrs Ken Hammer Ladies

Ashanti Region

Dynamite Ladies draw a bye

Osei Tutu Ladies vrs Soccer Angel Ladies

Supreme Ladies vrs Nana Afia Kobi Ampem

Ashtown Ladies vrs Dreamz Ladies

Fabulous Ladies vrs Kumasi Sports Academy

Western Region

Hasaacas Ladies vrs Blacoe Soccer

Hassport Ladies vrs Immaculate Ladies

Wisdom Ladies Fc vrs Leona Ladies

Central Region

Kessewa Ladies vrs Socrates Maidens

Soccer Intellectuals vrs Sealions FC

Essiam Socrates vrs Ali Royal Ladies

Mfantsiman Royal Ladies vrs

Eastern Region

Valued Girls vrs Kotoku Rush Ladies

Volta Region

Rootz Sistaz FC vrs Ketu Ladies

Agave Glad Ladies vrs Dream Big Ladies

Greater Accra Region

Police Ladies vrs Immigration Ladies

Berry Ladies vrs Jonina Ladies

Blessed Ladies vrs Ideal Ladies

Fc Epiphany Warriors vrs Anlo Ladies

Army Ladies vrs GAR Ladies

Halifax Queens vrs Faith Ladies

Source: Ghana News Agency

Union Groups of Companies present 5,000 exercise books to deprived schools

The Union Groups of Companies, operators of the Sunyani-based Union FM, a local radio station, has presented 5,000 exercise books, to be distributed among deprived schools in the Bono Region.

Mrs Ruth Taeko, the General Manager, said the presentation forms part of the Union’s corporate social responsibility to improve education in the municipality.

‘Dr Augustine Opoku Agyemang, our Chief Executive Officer is highly interested in human development, changing lives and transforming the world and he is determined to remove barriers that impede education growth’, she stated.

Mrs Taeko expressed the hope that the exercise books would benefit the poor and vulnerable children in the deprived communities so as to inspire them to learn.

Receiving the books, Madam Justina Owusu-Banahene, the Bono Regional Minister expressed appreciation to the Union and promised to ensure that the education directorate sent and distributed the books accordingly.

She said the government required support from the private sector in p
roviding quality basic education and called on other companies, organisations and corporate bodies to also emulate, and support basic schools in the region with learning and teaching materials.

Mad Owusu-Banahene praised Dr Agyemang for his exceptional contributions towards enhancing quality education in the region, and expressed the optimism he would do more and help tackle pertinent challenges confronting the growth and development of education in the region.

Source: Ghana News Agency