About 95 per cent of diseases are covered by NHIS-Bono East NHIA Director

Mr. George Oppong Dankwah, Bono East Regional Director for the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) has commended the government and its health partners for increasing the number of diseases that could be captured by the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS).

Mr Dankwah hinted that the NHIS now covers over 95 per cent of diseases, such as child cancer to ensure ultimate health care to all people particularly the vulnerable in society.

Mr Dankwah disclosed this on Wednesday at the Mount Carmel Girls Senior High School in Techiman, during a blood donation exercise organised by the National Health Insurance Authority to commemorate its 20 years of operation in the area.

He said the blood donation exercise was purposeful to support the National Blood Bank with enough blood to help save people who could not afford blood at critical moments since blood was a major component needed timely in the health sector.

He noted that the scheme since its introduction in the region has worked efficiently over the
years to break the gap between the rich and the poor on health issues and at times go to the extent of feeding clients on admission at the health facilities.

Mr Dankwah emphasized that health insurance was in to support health delivery and was far better than the cash and carry system and therefore wished everybody get enroll to access timely and quality health care services

He commended students and staff of the Mount Carmel Girls Senior High School who voluntarily donated about 200 units of blood to the National Blood Bank through the Holy Family Hospital in Techiman.

Mr Samuel Afful Public Relations Officer (PRO) for the Blood Bank at Holy Family Hospital in Techiman lauded the initiative as it would go a long way to support the bank and save more lives in the area.

According to Mr. Afful, the exercise gave donors a chance to donate and would also help them know their blood groups and encourage them to continue donating to the bank.

Miss Michelle Ababio, a third-year student at the school, expressed j
oy for donating her blood to save someone’s life and hoped more of such exercises would be organised to always fill the blood bank with more blood in saving people from unfortunate deaths.

Source: Ghana News Agency

A total of 175 students get scholarships from Perseus Mining

More than 175 undergraduate students have received scholarship from Perseus Mining Ghana Limited (PMGL) to continue their education at the tertiary level.

The scholarship, which forms part of the corporate social responsibility of the company was to help reduce parents and guardians’ financial burden improve education in their catchment communities.

The beneficiary communities include: Ayanfuri, Abena-Abena, Fobinso, Gyaman and Nkonya in Upper Denkyira West District and Wassa enclave.

In a brief ceremony to award the scholarship, Mr Daniel Egya Mensah, the General Manager of PMGL affirmed the company’s commitment to enhancing educational and social development of inhabitants of its catchment communities to increase their economic growth and development

The company and some selected committee members have instituted the Edikan Trust Fund as a mechanism to promote sustainable development in the catchment area during the life of the mine and beyond.

That was the reason PMGL contributes an amount of US$ 300
,000.00 into the Edikan Trust Fund annually to fund educational and other development projects within the catchment communities.

In total, an amount of GHS 278,279.00 was spent to provide bursaries to 175 beneficiaries summing up to a total GHC GHS 1,091,809.02.00 spent on 630 students enrolled on the scheme since its inception in 2017.

The General Manager advised the beneficiaries to put their all into their studies to encourage them to support other students for a long-term growth in catchment area.

Mr Mensah advised the beneficiaries to study diligently to meet the company’s expectation for their level of education to develop into responsible adults in the future.

Ehunabobrim Prah Agyensaim VI, the Board Chair of PMGL stated that PMGL’s contribution to the development of their catchment communities could not be underestimated.

He urged the beneficiaries to put in a lot of study time to rise to the position of prominent employees at the company and in other organisations.

‘If you put a lot of effort i
nto your studies, you might end up as managing director of Perseus Mining Ghana Limited,’ Ehunabobrim encouraged them.

Ehunabobrim Prah Agyensaim who is also the Omanhen of Assin Owirenkyi Traditional Area, called on all to join hands to ensure the country’s youth became knowledgeable and attained greatness through scholarship programmes.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Traditional Leaders reject moves to mine in Muni-Pomadze Ramsar Site and Yenku Forest

Concerned Traditional Leaders in Effutu and Gomoa Akyempim have called on the Minerals Commission to rescind its decision to grant mining concessions in the Muni-Pomadze Ramsar Site and Yenku Forest Reserve in Winneba.

They indicated that if the decision were not revised, they would resist all attempts whatsoever to ensure the area was totally secured and protected for future generations.

They made the call at a press conference at Winneba to express their concerns over the issue and urged the Government to reconsider that agenda as announced by the Finance Minister in the 2024 Budget statement.

The Minister stated that permission had been granted to Green Metals Recourse Limited, a Mining Firm to undertake large scale mining in the Muni- Pomadze Ramsar Site and Yenku Forest Winneba which cover over 6.93 square kilometres.

But the conference, represented by leaders of the two Asafo groups, Youth, Adzebaafo, Fishermen and Fishmongers, Traditional Priests, Family Heads and other stakeholders in Winneba cal
led for the permit to be withdrawn quickly.

There was also a delegation from Gomoa Ajumako Traditional Council represented by Obrempong Nyanful Kampah XI, Paramount Chief of Gomoa Ajumako Traditional Area.

Neenyi Kojo Sei II, spokesperson of Effutu, who addressed the press conference stated that they would not sit unconcerned for the forest reserve, their farmlands and the Muni Lagoon together with other water bodies in Winneba be destroyed and further render their community uninhabitable.

‘We will not allow mining whatsoever to commence in the area to endanger the environment, destroy the topography of the area and drive wildlife away, destroying the source of livelihood for a number of people in Gomoa Akyempim and Effutu Traditional Areas who were dependent on the Lagoon resources.

‘We have a historical linkage to the Ramsar site which defines their identity and with regard we condemn and reject the said move by the government that permit issued to that effect must be revoked forth with,’ they stated.

According to them, several attempts have been made by the government to use the area for mining, but it was opposed by the traditional leaders and the entire people, hence, did not understand why Green Metal Resources Limited had been given permit to mine in the area.

‘We are saying that the sacredness and integrity of the Aboakyer Festival bequeathed to us by our ancestors some 500 years ago, would be affected because the area is where the two Asafo groups in Effutuman annually hunt for live Deer fir the festival,’ he stated.

The concerned Traditional Leaders indicated that Ghana was a signatory to Ramsar Convention to protect Ramsar Sites which are identified as important and Wetland, adding that the Muni Pomadze Ramsar Site was protected under the wetland Management Regulations 1999, LI-1659, which covers most part of the Coastal Winneba, the Pratu, Ntakorfa stream and the Muni Lagoon.

‘We the concern traditional leaders in Effutu and Gomoa Akyeampem Traditional area are saying, it is a bad move by the
government to give out the said area for mining.

‘We will not sit aloof for it to happen, because of its a historical site is our heritage, culture, environment and economic ties and we need to protect it,’ they stated.

Among the leaders at the conference were Neenyi Twerebo Onda II, Obatan Kweku Baiden, Neenyi Asaase Bonney and Nana Kweku Aiddo Vi, known in private life as Mr. Godwin Forson, Gyasehen of Gomoa Ajumako Traditional Area who represented Obrempong Krampah XI.

They all urged the government to quickly withdraw the said permit for peace to remain and the well-being of the people protected.

Source: Ghana News Agency

I’m not involved in campaigning for running mate position – Majority Leader

Mr Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, the Majority Leader in Parliament, says he is not involved in campaigning for the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) running mate position.

‘Mr Speaker, let me state that there is no contest for running mate and I’m not involved in campaigning for the running mate position, it should be loud and clear,’ he said.

Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu made the statement on Thursday, November 23 on the floor of Parliament in response to a statement from Mr Governs Kwame Agbodza, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Minority Chief Whip, that he (Mr Kyei-Mensah- Bonsu) was lobbying to be selected by the NPP as the party’s running mate for Election 2024.

Mr Agbodza, in contribution to the debate on the 2024 Budget Statement, suggested that the Majority Leader, also the Leader of Government Business of the House, was allegedly actively lobbying to be selected as the running mate for Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, the NPP’s Flagbearer in the upcoming 2024 general elections.

However, Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu refuted the c
laim and urged members of the Minority Caucus ‘not to engage in conjectures and focus on the debate of the 2024 Budget Statement.’

Meanwhile, Mr Haruna Iddrisu, a former Minority Leader, had earlier this week advised Mr Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu to focus on his critical oversight responsibilities as the leader of Government Business in Parliament rather than engaging in a campaign for the position of running mate to the NPP flagbearer.

The motion on the debate on the Budget Statement was moved by Mr Ken Ofori-Atta, the Minister for Finance on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, and was seconded by Mr Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, the Minister for Information.

The 2024 Budget Statement and Economic Policy of the Government was presented to Parliament on Wednesday, November 21 by Mr Ofori-Atta.

The Budget Statement outlines the government’s financial plan for the upcoming fiscal year. It details revenue projections, proposed expenditures and economic policy direction.

After its presentation, the budget undergoes thorough scrutiny
and debate in Parliament. Members of Parliament analyse and discuss the proposed allocations, ensuring accountability and transparency in financial matters.

Source: Ghana News Agency

RMG Ghana donates towards 2023 Farmers Day Celebrations

RMG Ghana, a leading partner in the agricultural sector has donated products and cash worth GHC50,000 to the ministry of food and agriculture (MOFA) ahead of the 39th Farmers Day Celebrations.

The items donated included fertilizers, agro-chemicals, seeds, out growers, formulation pest, cotton ginneries and Knapsack sprayers.

Mr Juan Barral, Controller of Operations, RMG Ghana Executive Committee, who presented the cheque and items emphasised that the donation reflected the organisation’s commitment to the advancement of agriculture and the well-being of farmers.

He said RMG was committed towards the empowerment of farmers and would continue to contribute towards achieving this purpose.

He said ‘to sustain an ever-growing population in Ghana, we firmly believe that empowering farmers by enhancing their productivity and resilience is the most effective approach to ensuring food security.’

He said the presentation was to honour farmers and applaud the long-lasting relations with the Ministry.

He encourage
d other agri-business institutions to also support Ghanaian farmers to enhance productivity to reduce economic crisis or burdens.

He advised farmers to check for good fertilizers and get good expertise or assistance when applying chemicals.

He said RMG was working hard to reduce the cost of crop chemicals to increase farmer income.

Mr Yaw Frimpong Addo, the Deputy Minister of MOFA, who received the donation commended the gesture and advocated for sustained collaboration between the two organisations.

He appealed for other institutions to support the Ministry to work-hand-in -hand for economic growth.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Wenchi Traditional Council endorses Kojo Frempong’s bid for parliament

The Wenchi Traditional Council in the Bono Region has lauded the exceptional contributions of Mr. Kojo Frempong, one of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) parliamentary aspirants in the Wenchi constituency, and advised the NPP delegates to vote for him in the party’s impending parliamentary primary.

Osagyefo Ampem Anye Amoampong Tabrako III, the President of the Council and Paramount Chief of the Traditional Area said the council was strongly behind and had endorsed the aspirants because of his passion for development and his support to helping to improve the socio-economic livelihoods of the people.

The NPP vetting committee has cleared Mr Frempong, a renowned Journalist and two other aspirants, including Mr Alfred Ofori-Annye, the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of the Produce Buying Company and Mr Albert Ameyaw, the 2020 parliamentary candidate of the NPP in the constituency to contest the primaries.

Osagyefo Tabrako III, gave the advice when Mr Frempong paid a courtesy call to introduce himself to the counc
il at Wenchi, one of the political strongholds of the NPP in the Bono Region.

He said the chiefs of the area had been watching the aspirant from afar, noticed, acknowledged and appreciated his contributions to the holistic development of the area, and also to better the lives of the needy and vulnerable people too.

Osagyefo Tabrako II noted though chiefs were not to engage in active partisan politics, the council was ready to support development-oriented politicians and individuals bent to bring the development of Wenchi to the next level.

He, therefore, entreated the aspirant to endeavour to fulfil his campaign promises, and asked the NPP delegates in the constituency to consider the aspirant’s proven track record and endorse him overwhelmingly in the supreme interest of the chiefs and people of the area and the NPP in general.

Mr Frempong said he was highly elated and promised to recapture the parliamentary seat for the NPP in Election 2024, only if the delegates gave him the chance to lead the party in
the constituency.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Public relations practitioners must let truth, integrity and confidence be their hallmark

The Institute of Public Relations (IPR) Ghana has held a legend night in Accra with a call on Public Relations practitioners to let truth, integrity and confidence be their hallmark to help their organisations to thrive.

The legend night was on the theme: ‘Legacy Builders, Shaping PR Excellence for The Future,’ and brought together seasoned professionals, emerging talents and industry enthusiasts.

It was an evening of recognition, knowledge sharing, and networking.

The event, which was designed as a guided conversation had panel members like Dr Toni Kwesi Aubynn, Chairman of the Board of Directors – ARB Apex Bank, Madam Vicky Wireko-Andoh, a Fellow of the IPR, and Madam Elain Sam, former President and a Fellow of IPR.

Madam Wireko-Andoh said Public Relations (PR) practitioners should have plans, strategies and confidence because organisational and departmental heads depended on them for briefing on what was happening in the public space.

Dr Aubynn on his part said apart from practitioners being truthful
and confidence they must have their personal brand.

‘You cannot be in an organisation for which you are the brand manager in a way without branding yourself. Make yourself relevant, make yourself the let go person and let people see that you are the PR Director, manager or the chairman of the company, so when you speak people would listen,’ he stated.

Dr Aubynn said: ‘We say the truth that would add to our organisation’s brand; that is the work we do. When you go to funeral, they say he or she gave two million old cedis instead of 200 Ghana cedis; in this way they have added some branding.’

He said PR officers should not be there to be seen as adding up to the numbers but should endeavour to make a mark by coming up with major ideas that would help promote the work of their organisations.

Mr Mawuko Afadzinu, the President of the Institute of Public Relations urged PR practitioners to always deliver on their mandate by ensuring that they contributed to the important value drivers in their organisations, so
ciety and every place they may find themselves.

He said using data to get deeper understanding of situations was possible to come out with concepts, theories and paradigm to bring about excellence, which results would be there for everybody to benefit.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Hundreds flee Nkwanta over communal conflict

Hundreds of people have fled Nkwanta township to other destinations resulting from mass gun-shot disturbance that rocked the municipality on Monday.

Some have sought refuge in other districts and safer havens with many moving to the national capital and elsewhere for safety.

Mr Joshua Makubu, the Oti Regional Minister, indicated to the media after a high-powered security meeting Wednesday, recommended humanitarian relief for people displaced in the disturbance.

He said after assessing the situation and strategies to deploy in the face of the 1700-0600-hour curfew imposed on the area by the Interior Ministry on Tuesday, relief is of prime essence.

He said the situation is calm but appealed to all to lay down arms and give peace a chance as reinforced security roams the streets of the town.

Meanwhile, the Monday shoot-out incident left behind conflicting figures of deaths, while the Mr Makubu confirmed a total of eight people shot dead, other sources claim the number as 13 or more.

GNA intel suggest that
the St Joseph Catholic and Nkwanta South Municipal Hospitals are sited on Adele land and therefore Akyode people, who conflict with the Adele and Challa tribes would prevent their dead or injured people being sent to these facilities, which is fanning the different figures of people killed.

The other is the alleged burial of the fallen tribesmen according to Islamic principles, which is deepening the conflicting speculatory numbers.

The National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO) is collaborating with sister offices and other stakeholders to assist in registering displaced persons beyond Nkwanta South for support.

Source: Ghana News Agency

GIS receives 30 vehicles for border control

The Ghana Immigration Service (GIS), has received 30 vehicles from the government through the Ministry of Interior for effective border control.

The fleet consists of 23 Toyota Land Cruisers GXR, three Toyota Land Cruisers Twin Turbo, one Toyota Land Cruiser VXS, one Toyota Tundra, and two Toyota Double Cabin Pick-ups.

Mr Ambrose Dery, Minister for the Interior, presented the cars to the Service in a short ceremony in Accra.

He said the cars would help the Service to manage the country’s borders effectively in the wake of insurgencies and insecurities in the West African sub-region.

He said the government was aware of these threats posed by undesirable elements at the various borders, especially at the Northern frontiers and was doing everything to curtail it.

The Minister said: ‘Government views the GIS as an integral part of the security architecture that can deal with the insecurities at the border, hence the donation of the cars.’

‘It is in this direction that we are gathered here today, to unveil
these vehicles to you for effective border management and security,’ he added.

Mr Kwame Asuah-Takyi, Comptroller General, GIS who took delivery of the vehicles on behalf of Service expressed his delight at the gesture by the government.

He said the additional vehicles would help meet the operational and administrative needs of the Service in protecting the borders and combating crimes in the country.

He indicated that the donation would enable the operational and administrative staff to embark on operations and assist commanders to effectively monitor personnel and to carry out border patrols effectively.

He announced that ‘The Service is already implementing a radical and ambitious reform to enhance operational effectiveness and visibilities in all sectors across the country.’

He, however, indicated that recent developments in Northern neighbouring countries calls for more logistical support to deal with threats bounds to erode the safety, peace, and security at Ghana’s borders, especially at the Northe
rn Frontiers.

Mr Ansuah-Takyi, therefore, called on private entities to also support the GIS with logistics.

‘I will enjoin all well-meaning individuals and corporate bodies to also lend a hand of support to the Service, for when the borders are secured, the country is safe,’ he added.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Youth urged to explore job opportunities in fisheries sector

Mr Moses Anim, Deputy Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development, has encouraged young people in Ghana to explore employment opportunities in the fisheries industry.

He noted that the fisheries value chain, from fisheries cultivation to their processing chains, offered many job prospects for young people.

‘The fisheries value chain is profitable. The youth should explore the sector; they can even cultivate fisheries as a side job.

‘With this, the youth can contribute to the country’s urge to improve the local cultivation and production of fisheries and help reduce the importation of fisheries,’ he said.

The Deputy Minister said made the remarks at a fisheries quiz event organised by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Feed the Future Ghana Fisheries Recovery Activity.

The event was held in commemoration of the 2023 World Fisheries Day and had four Senior High Schools (SHS) from the coastal regions of Ghana competing for the top prize in Accra.

St Augustine’s Senior Hig
h School emerged victorious in the competition, polling 36 points, followed by Accra Academy SHS with 34 points, Ahantaman Girls’ SHS with 33 points and Keta SHS with 27 points.

St Augustine’s SHS was presented with GHc 5,000 cash prize and a trophy. Accra Academy received GHc4,000, with Ahantaman SHS and Keta SHS receiving GHS 3,000 and GHS 2,000, respectively.

The event was held to increase the youth’s interest in the fisheries sector, highlight the important role the sector plays, and encourage public participation in protecting Ghana’s fisheries and marine resources.

World Fisheries Day is commemorated annually on November 21 to raise awareness about the critical role that fisheries play in providing food and livelihoods.

It is also a day to highlight the importance of fisheries, promote sustainable fishing practices, and acknowledge the important role of fisherfolk and fishing communities.

Source: Ghana News Agency