‫أور (OR) تعتمد على سجلها الحافل في مجال ابتكار مواد التشحيم PTT للتوسع في الأسواق الدولية من خلال الاستفادة من شبكة التوزيع الراسخة لديها والشراكة الاستراتيجية

بانكوك، تايلاند – 23 نوفمبر 2023, Media OutReach– في ضوء سوق مواد التشحيم العالمية المتطورة باستمرار، واصلت شركة النفط والتجزئة الرائدة في تايلاند بي تي تي أويل آند ريتيل بيزنس بي إل سي (PTT Oil and Retail Business Plc.) (أور- OR) الاحتفاظ بحضورها القوي وسمعتها المتميزة باعتبارها العلامة التجارية الأولى لزيوت التشحيم في تايلاند مع انتشار عالمي متزايد على مر السنين. من خلال التشغيل المتكامل لزيوت التشحيم تحت العلامة التجارية PTT Lubricants، تقدم أور (OR) خط إنتاج متنوع يلبي احتياجات مختلف الصناعات من مواد التشحيم المصممة لمحركات البنزين والديزل، والدراجات النارية، والشاحنات، والآلات البحرية والسمكية، والآلات الزراعية والصناعية.

زيوت التشحيم بي تي تي (PTT Lubricants)

على مدار 30 عامًا، واصلت أور (OR) توسيع عروضها لزيوت التشحيم الصناعية محليًا ودوليًا من خلال عمليات الاستحواذ أو الشراكات التجارية. منذ دخولها لأول مرة إلى السوق الخارجية في عام 2004، يتم تصدير منتجات PTT Lubricants الآن إلى أكثر من 40 دولة حول العالم، تغطي آسيا وأوقيانوسيا وأفريقيا وأوروبا. واعتبارًا من 31 ديسمبر 2022، باعت أور (OR) منتجات تشحيم لأكثر من 700 تاجر جملة وعميل في مجال الصناعة.

تقوم شركة أور (OR) أيضًا ببيع منتجات التشحيم وتوفير خدمات الصيانة المجدولة، والتي تغطي تغيير قطع غيار المحرك ومنتجات PTT Lubricants لسائقي السيارات من خلال شبكة مراكز خدمة فيت أوتو (FIT Auto). واعتبارًا من أكتوبر 2023، قامت شركة أور (OR) بتسجيل 94 فرعًا من فيت أوتو في تايلاند، و5 فروع في كمبوديا ولاوس.

تعد العلامة التجارية PTT Lubricants من الداعمين الدائمين لرياضة السيارات من خلال سلسلة من برامج الرعاية في مشاهد سباقات السيارات والدراجات النارية المحلية والدولية، بما في ذلك سباق سيارات تايلاند (Racing Car Thailand)، أور بريك سوبربايك (OR BRIC Superbike)، وموتو جي بي (MotoGP)، وجي تي وورلد تشالينج آسيا (GT World Challenge Asia)، بالإضافة إلى العديد من سلاسل الجائزة الكبرى الدولية.

تواصل أور (OR) تحسين وابتكار تركيبات مواد التشحيم لتلبية الطلب المتطور في السوق، وتوقعات الاستدامة العالمية الحالية، والتحول المستمر إلى التنقل الإلكتروني. في عام 2020، أصبحت شركة أور (OR) أول مورد لمواد التشحيم في تايلاند يقدم منتجات تتوافق مع أحدث معايير API وSP وILSAC GF-6A مع إطلاق تقنية “إيفوتك EVOTEC” لحماية المحرك في مواد التشحيم برفورما PERFORMA” لمحركات البنزين.

في عام 2022، تعاونت أور (OR) مع كي آي شوجر جروب (KI Sugar Group) لأول مرة لتحسين تركيبات مواد التشحيم لتلبية الاحتياجات المحددة لمنتجي السكر الصناعي بشكل أفضل. وفي العام نفسه، أظهر إطلاق PTT Lubricants EV Fuild، أول مواد تشحيم متخصصة للسيارات الكهربائية من قبل العلامة التجارية، مساعي شركة أور (OR) لأخذ زمام المبادرة في التحول المستمر إلى السيارات الكهربائية.

لتعزيز قدرتها على إدارة سلسلة التوريد بشكل أكبر، افتتحت أور (OR) مركزًا آليًا لتوزيع زيوت التشحيم في عام 2022 مع نظام تخزين واسترجاع آلي لتوزيع ما يصل إلى 260,000,000 لتر من المنتجات سنويًا واستيعاب نموها الكبير على الصعيدين المحلي والدولي.

أخذت منتجات PTT Lubricants تتوسع دوليًا بدءًا من دول كمبوديا ولاوس وميانمار وفيتنام (CLMV) المجاورة. تعتبر ميانمار ولاوس وكمبوديا وفيتنام من الأسواق الاستراتيجية مع تزايد الطلب على منتجات زيوت التشحيم وسلوك الاستهلاك المماثل لذلك الموجود في تايلاند. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، شهدت هذه البلدان زيادة تدريجية في عدد المركبات على الطرق والتصنيع السريع كوجهات جاذبة للاستثمار الأجنبي، مما يمثل فرصة قوية لشركة أور (OR) لتنمية سوق منتجات زيوت التشحيم الخاصة بها.

بفضل العمليات الراسخة لمحطة بي تي تي (PTT Station) وكافيه أمازون (Café Amazon) في لاوس وكمبوديا، سرعان ما أصبحت أور (OR) علامة تجارية مألوفة للمستهلكين، مما يسهل مبيعات وتسويق منتجات زيوت التشحيم الخاصة بـ PTT إلى قاعدة أوسع من المستهلكين. استخدمت OR استراتيجيات المبيعات مثل الأنشطة الترويجية للوكلاء والعملاء بالإضافة إلى أنشطة التسويق الخاصة عبر القنوات المتصلة الإنترنت وغير المتصلة بالإنترنت.

في ميانمار، تتوفر منتجات PTT Lubricants منذ أكثر من 18 عامًا وهي حاليًا الشركة الثانية من حيث الريادة في السوق. تعاونت شركة OR مع الموزعين المحليين في تنفيذ استراتيجيات توسيع السوق، مثل تطوير المنتجات التي تلبي الاحتياجات المحددة في السوق، وتوفير الدعم التسويقي من خلال الإعلان عن المنتجات عبر قنوات متنوعة، سواء عبر الإنترنت أو دون اتصال بالإنترنت، بالإضافة إلى تنظيم دورات تدريبية لتوفير المبيعات والمعرفة الفنية للموزعين.

بفضل منطقتها البحرية الجغرافية ذات الخط الساحلي الطويل والتصنيع سريع الخطى، تنعم فيتنام بفرصة لتداول منتجات PTT Lubricants باعتبارها الدولة التي تحتل المرتبة الرابعة من حيث حجم استهلاك منتجات التشحيم في رابطة بلدان جنوب شرق آسيا، بعد إندونيسيا وتايلاند وسنغافورة. تتمتع أعمال PTT Lubricants في فيتنام بنمو مستمر مع الموزعين عبر المدن الكبرى مثل هانوي، وهو تشي مينه، ودا نانغ، حيث تمتلك اختراقًا واسع النطاق للسوق في قطاع الشوارع الرئيسية الذي يشمل مستخدمي السيارات والشاحنات والدراجات النارية، فضلاً عن القطاعات الصناعية وقطاعات آلات صيد الأسماك.

وتمثل إندونيسيا والفلبين أسواق جنوب شرق آسيا الأخرى التي تقدم إمكانات قوية لمنتجات PTT Lubricants. دخلت PTT Lubricants السوق الإندونيسية منذ عام 2016، بدءًا من بيع منتجات الدراجات النارية والسيارات من خلال الجراجات والوكلاء في جاكرتا، وتوسعت الآن عبر المدن الرئيسية بما في ذلك جاوة، وكليمنتان، وسومطرة، وسولاوسي، مع نمو حجم المبيعات بشكل كبير عامًا بعد عام. كما أن الأنشطة ,الحملات التسويقية واسعة النطاق عبر القنوات المتصلة بالإنترنت وغير المتصلة بالإنترنت، والتي تشمل منصات التواصل الاجتماعي، وشركة او او اتش الإعلانية (OOH)، وبرنامج الرعاية بالإضافة إلى منصات التجارة الإلكترونية القوية عبر الإنترنت، دفعت أيضًا PTT Lubricants إلى تحقيق نجاح ملحوظ بخطى سريعة في إندونيسيا. وقد دخلت أور (OR) أيضًا في القطاعات الصناعية ذات إمكانات النمو العالية مثل صناعات تعدين الفحم ومصانع السكر.

نظرًا للحجم الكبير لوسائل النقل الخاصة والعامة في البلاد، تعد الفلبين سوقًا مهمةً مع ارتفاع الطلب على الزيوت ومواد التشحيم الشفافة. ومن أجل الازدهار في مواجهة المنافسة الشرسة في السوق التي تتماشى مع ارتفاع الطلب، قدمت PTT Lubricants سلسلة من برامج التسويق الداعمة مثل الحملات عبر الإنترنت للترويج للعلامة التجارية والمنتجات، ومشاركة المؤثرين في مراجعات المنتجات على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، وتوسيع التوزيع عبر الإنترنت من خلال كبرى منصات التجارة الإلكترونية، بالإضافة إلى أنشطة العروض الترويجية في متاجر الوكلاء والجراجات للوصول إلى قاعدة أوسع من المستهلكين.

خارج جنوب شرق آسيا، تعد تايوان سوقًا رئيسيًا آخر لمنتجات PTT Lubricants مع أكثر من 14 عامًا من التواجد مع التركيز على منتجات المركبات التي تعمل بالبنزين والدراجات النارية. من خلال الأنشطة التسويقية والترويجية واسعة النطاق وبرنامج رعاية رياضة السيارات الذي تم إطلاقه على مر السنين، واصلت PTT Lubricants اكتساب ثقة المستهلك كعلامة تجارية مفضلة لزيوت التشحيم بين سائقي السيارات العامة وسائقي ماركات السيارات الأوروبية الرائدة مثل مرسيدس بنز، وفولكس فاجن، وأودي، وبورش، وكذلك بين راكبي نفس الموديلات الكبرى للدراجات المستخدمة في حلبات السباق.

توسعت PTT Lubricants أيضًا في ماليزيا وسنغافورة ودول آسيوية أخرى مثل الصين وغيرها، مع زيادة التواجد في السوق وتفضيل المستهلك مدفوعًا بمنصة التجارة الإلكترونية وقنوات التسويق المتكاملة بالإضافة إلى أنشطة مشاركة المستهلكين وبرامج رعاية الفعاليات.

تبحث OR أيضًا عن فرص لتوسيع سوق منتجات PTT Lubricants الخاصة بها إلى البلدان حول العالم التي يرتفع فيها الطلب، سواء في جنوب آسيا مثل سريلانكا وبنغلاديش، وإفريقيا مثل المغرب وإثيوبيا وتنزانيا.

نتطلع إلى أن نكون مساهمًا رئيسيًا في تشكيل مستقبل التنقل، وسوف نستمر في اعتماد استراتيجيات متنوعة من أجل تعزيز مكانة سوق منتجات PTT Lubricants وتوسيع نطاق الوصول العالمي من خلال مجموعة منتجات متنوعة لتلبية احتياجات مجموعة واسعة من الصناعات وقطاعات العملاء.

bioLytical Laboratories Inc. Donates Tests to Help Boost International Testing Access Ahead of International Testing Week

bioLytical Laboratories Inc., in partnership with NGO Coalition Plus, Leads the Charge to Promote the Importance of Rapid Testing during International Test Week with the Donation of Rapid Tests Worldwide

  • bioLytical, in partnership with NGO Coalition PLUS, has donated over 8,000 rapid tests across 25 countries and partner organizations
  • bioLytical is a Canadian company that develops and manufactures all its tests locally for worldwide distribution
  • bioLytical’s INSTI® platform of rapid tests is designed to detect a wide range of infectious diseases quickly and accurately
  • bioLytical’s quality system is MDSAP: ISO 13485 certified
  • Coalition PLUS is a global NGO, an international union of community-based associations that work to help fight HIV/AIDS and hepatitis

RICHMOND, British Columbia, Nov. 22, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — bioLytical Laboratories Inc. (“bioLytical”), a global leader in rapid in-vitro medical diagnostics and partner Coalition PLUS, a global NGO, announced that together, they have donated and distributed over 8,000 tests across 25 countries to help boost testing access worldwide.

International Testing Week, scheduled for November 22- 28 this year, helps raise awareness of the importance of accessible testing for individual and public health. As one of the vital tools to help connect people to care and to reduce the spread of onward infection, boosting access to testing is critical in the fight to end severe public health challenges such as HIV and hepatitis.

The pandemic has demonstrated the importance of equitable access to rapid and accurate diagnostic testing to curb the spread of infectious diseases. Timely and efficient testing not only saves lives but also assists in minimizing the societal and economic impact of outbreaks.

As part of our commitment and in support of International Testing Week, bioLytical and Coalition PLUS are proud to play a global role in increasing access to testing, reaffirming their dedication to ending some of the world’s most severe health challenges.

Robert Mackie, CEO, bioLytical, emphasizes the significance of International Testing Week and states, “International Testing Week serves as a global reminder of the critical role rapid testing plays in safeguarding public health. It is a time to raise awareness about the necessity of early detection, which ultimately contributes to the overall health of communities worldwide. We are proud to support this cause through test donations and to be part of the solution.”

By donating these tests, bioLytical and Coalition PLUS aim to address the disparities in healthcare access and testing capabilities worldwide. Increasing equitable access to testing helps empower healthcare providers with the tools to identify infection and provide care and treatment quickly.

Dr. Bintou Dembele, Vice Chair, Coalition PLUS, says, “Community testing for HIV and STIs helps find undiagnosed people often belonging to hard-to-reach populations. The International Testing Week aims at highlighting outreach interventions that are critical to addressing the remaining gaps to end the HIV epidemic.”

bioLytical Laboratories Inc. is an industry leader in manufacturing rapid in vitro diagnostic tests focusing on infectious diseases with a global mission to ensure every person has access to accurate and reliable tests to learn their status, faster.

Coalition PLUS is an international union of community-based associations in the fight against HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis created in 2008, operating in 52 countries and alongside some one hundred civil society organizations. They promote innovative methods adapted to the individuals facing the most discrimination in access to healthcare.

In addition to its commitment to International Testing Week, bioLytical continues to innovate and develop cutting-edge diagnostic solutions to meet the ever-evolving needs of the healthcare sector. bioLytical remains dedicated to fostering a healthier, safer, and more connected world through the innovation of rapid diagnostics. By distributing these tests to underserved areas, we hope to facilitate early detection, helping healthcare providers and governments better manage and mitigate the impact of these diseases.

bioLytical Laboratories Inc. is a privately-owned Canadian company focused on researching, developing, and commercializing rapid in-vitro medical diagnostics using its proprietary INSTI® technology platform and its lateral flow line, iStatis. bioLytical has won several local and industry awards, including B.C. Exporter of the Year in 2019. We have been named Lifesciences B.C.’s Growth Stage Med Tech Company of the Year and featured on B.C.’s Fastest-Growing Companies for seven years, including the Globe and Mail’s Fastest Growing Companies list in 2020. bioLytical moved to a significantly larger, state-of-the-art facility in Richmond, B.C., in 2020 to accommodate the extraordinary growth achieved through our team. Providing accurate results in one minute or less, the INSTI® range includes the INSTI® HIV-1/HIV-2 Antibody Test, INSTI® Multiplex HIV Syphilis Ab Test, INSTI® HIV Self Test, INSTI® Covid-19 Antibody Test, and the INSTI® HCV Antibody Test. bioLytical sells its products in Europe, North America, South America, Africa, and Asia. In 2022, bioLytical launched iStatis, its new lateral flow testing platform, to create additional access to testing worldwide.

By delivering accurate results in real-time, INSTI® and iStatis generate meaningful outcomes for medical professionals, patients, and public health organizations worldwide and is a key partner in tackling some of the world’s most severe healthcare challenges. Please visit www.istatis.com and www.insti.com, and www.biolytical.com for more information.

Media Contact
Stephanie Ritchie, Communications Specialist, bioLytical

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8983966

Lady Naa Yaa Nsarko eyes Miss Maliaka Crown

Ten finalist will battle for the ultimate at the coronation of Miss Malaika Ghana 2023, which comes off on Friday, November 24, at the Accra International Conference Centre.

One name, which stands out from the lot, is Lady Nana Yaa Nsarko who has maintained an admirable composure and shown remarkable progress and impeccable achievements throughout the show.

‘Lady’, as she is affectionately called, is noted to have won four of the six in-house tasks all the competitors were assigned frequently, including cultural, photoshoot, fun night, and fashion tasks, and would be looking forward to crowing this feat with the grand prize of cash, a car and a crown.

Nana Yaa Nsarko who aims to be a human rights lawyer says she would live up to expectation when she wins the competition.

Showstoppers including, Mr Drew, Sefa, Olive the Boy, Loli X Lola, Maya Blu and Banzy Banero are expected to perform on Friday night when the show kicks off at 8pm.

Lady Nana Yaa Nsarko had her basic education at St Peter’s Mission Scho
ol before proceeding to Aburi Girls’ Senior High School where she became the President of the Ghana United Nations Student and Youth Association.

She holds a Bachelor of Law (LLB) degree from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). During her time at KNUST, she participated in various legal forums, showcasing her prowess in women empowerment, negotiations, clinic and mooting and youth advocacy.

Yaa Nsarko has a special appreciation for diverse perspectives and believes in constructive dialogues. Outside academics, she is a Youth Counselor, a Digital content creator.

Recently, she was appointed Goodwill Ambassador for Women Empowerment in Ghana by the New York Base International Human Rights Commission (IHRC).

Global Peace, an initiative of ACCORD based in Durban, South Africa, once featured Nana Yaa Nsarko as a distinguished speaker at the Global Peace Summit on Youth, Peace and Security.

Global Peace initially had its maiden Intergenerational Dialogue launched in Accra in May 2019 by
Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana.

With exceptional talent, she hopes to combine legal knowledge, communication skills, and high school experiences to excel in her career and positively influence the lives of her peers and her community.

Nana Yaa seeks to embark on deepening awareness creation on HIV and promoting HIV self-testing as her project when she wins the crown. Her hobbies are cooking, dancing and taking pictures.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ghana to get 5G wireless data communication soon – Joe Anokye

Mr. Joe Anokye, Director General of the National Communications Authority (NCA) has said that plans are far underway for Ghana to hook on to the 5G wireless data communication for mobile carriers.

‘We have made sure that the spectrum required for five 5G is available, there are few policies that must be made as to exactly how spectrum will be made available.

It is very complicated, because of the way the market is, we don’t want to proceed and only one entity will have the capability of acquiring the 5G’, he told participants at the 12th R.P Baffour memorial lectures organized by the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi.

His topic was ‘KNUST, a history of remarkable growth in science and technology education, resilience and adaptability in the digital space’

Mr Anokye in an answer to a question as to when Ghana would be connected to the 5G services however, stated that, it was important for the NCA to beef up local internet services for majority of the people to access the
5G services.

‘We have to make sure Wi-Fi services at various places where people meet are provided, there is a fibre optic connection to central point to make your 5G come’, he stated.

He currently said all internet traffic in Ghana pass through the submarine cable landing, with 5.9 terabytes in total, but were very complicated.

‘Every now and then a submarine cable will go down and when it does, it takes time. You have to send a ship in.

So, one of the things NCA is doing is to license additional submarine providers to help address these anomalies,’ he said.

Touching on the KNUST technology infrastructure and communication evolution as well as the University in the liberalization era, he commended the institution for its resolve in advancing and catching up in technology advancement.

He pointed out that back in the early 1990’s before the era of liberalization, the KNUST faced numerous challenges in communication, and academically, struggle with outdated teaching materials, among others.

‘The journey
of KNUST over the past seven decades stands a testament to what vision, dedication, resilience, and corroborative spirit can achieve.

From its foundational years to alumni and success stories, the University had remained a beacon of knowledge in Ghana’s educational landscape,’ he stated.

Mr Anokye said the age dominated by disruptive technologies, the role of educational institutions, particularly those with the legacy was increasingly critical.

According to him, Technology was reshaping the way people thought, worked, and created, adding that, while these changes had brought opportunities, they also presented formidable challenges.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Two TEIN branches hold unity Walk in Sissala East

The Tumu College of Education and the Midwifery Training School have undertaken a joint walk in the spirit of unity of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC).

The walk of the tertiary branch of both schools numbering over 200 students started the walk as early as 5:30 am until 8:00 am when Mr Razak Majama Navri, the Sissala East Chairman of the NDC addressed them.

He said whilst they walked, they should comport themselves and stay away from trouble with other road users.

He advised them to use the opportunity to reflect on the harsh economic conditions of the country and stay well to vote in the coming year to ensure the NDC won power to rescue the country from the abject poverty.

Mr Navri advised them to take their academic work seriously as students and ensure they pass to become great future leaders of Ghana.

Mr Zuuri Benjamin the TEIN president of Tumu College of Education said the unity walk was meant to galvanise support towards voting out the NPP in 2024.

According to him the main aim
of the unity walk was to bring together TEIN members as well as NDC sympathizers on campus together to create unity among them and to create public awareness of their readiness to sacrifice and do everything legally possible to bring the NDC to power in 2024.

Source: Ghana News Agency

A total 112 to contest district level elections in Bia West District

A total of 112 aspirants have successfully filed their nominations to contest for the December 19, District Level Elections (DLEs) in the Bia West District of the Western North Region.

After close of nominations, 96 males and six females submitted their forms to contest in the 28 Electoral Areas within the District.

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA), Mr Akrofi Kubi, Bia West District Electoral Officer, said a total of 260 made up of 241 males and 19 females had also filed to contest as unit committee members.

He gave the assurance that his outfit was ready for the election as they did not encounter any challenge during the filing of nominations.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Kojo Frempong outlines vision, promises to revive defunct TOMACAN

Mr Kojo Frempong, a Parliamentary aspirant of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Wenchi constituency of the Bono region has outlined his vision for the constituency, and promised to revive the defunct Wenchi Tomato Processing Factory (TOMACAN).

The TOMACAN was known for the processing and packaging of vegetables such as tomatoes, okra, garden eggs, and others he said would create jobs for the youth in the area.

In the 60s the processing facility was the financial cornerstone of Wenchi and the surrounding communities, estimated to create direct employment to more than 1000 people, and indirect jobs to many tomato out-growers, however, it was shut down somewhere 1987 because of inadequate raw materials to feed the factory.

But during a courtesy call to introduce himself to the Wenchi Traditional Council in Wenchi, Mr Frempong said he had already engaged some investors to help revive the factory, saying discussions and agreements were progressing and looked brighter.

Additionally, Mr Frempong said he was
also working hard to the setting up of a fruit processing factory in the area, to process mango and cashew, saying all these could be achieved, only if the chiefs and people of the area supported his bid and vote for him in the NPP impending primaries and the Election 2024 to represent the constituents in parliament.

He advised farmers in the area to also form cooperatives so that he would lead them to access financial assistance to expand their farm work and engaged in commercial farming.

Mr Frempong indicated that as one of the second highest foreign income earners, he was in discussions with some foreign partners to invest in the tourism industry, noting that the municipality had a lot of tourist attraction sites and potentials that could be developed to create jobs and improve revenue as well.

He said he had also provided scholarship opportunities to many of the brilliant and needy students in the area to study at home and abroad and was ready to do more if the people endorse and vote for him.

Mr Frem
pong said the government was aware and would soon reshape the deplorable roads in the area, saying ‘our roads are on the priority list of cabinet and very soon Wenchi would have first class roads even before Election 2024’.

Osagyefo Ampem Anye Amoampong Tabrako III, the Paramount Chief of Wenchi Traditional Area lauded the contributions of the aspirant towards the holistic development of the Wenchi municipality.

He gave the assurance that the traditional council would rally solidly behind the aspirant not only to win the NPP primaries, but also the parliamentary seat, and asked him to remember and fulfil all his promises when given the chance to represent the people in parliament in the 2024 General Election.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Access Bank Ghana receives SSI Awards for commitment to sustainability

Access Bank Ghana has been adjudged the ‘Best Company in Promoting Sports development’ and ‘Project of the Year – Environment’ at the legacy edition of the Sustainability and Social Investment (SSI) Awards, held in Accra.

A statement issued by Access Bank Ghana, which was made available to the Ghana News Agency said this recognition highlights the Bank’s exceptional efforts in fostering grassroots sports and actively committing and participating in the government’s tree planting initiative for environmental sustainability.

The event, which was held under the chairmanship of Professor Douglas Boateng, an expert in Environmental, Social and Governance, was on the theme ‘Sustainability and the Economy, creating a Balanced Future for All’.

The statement said the Sustainability and Social Investment Awards seeks to create awareness, encourage companies, CSI/CSR foundations, NGO’s and other implementing agencies in delivering high impact CSI/CSR projects that align with Government’s focus on Sustainable Develop
ment Goals (SDGs).

Mr Olumide Olatunji, Managing Director of Access Bank Ghana, commenting on the awards, reiterated the Bank’s commitment to sustainable practices as it aligns with its strategic vision for Africa.

‘Our commitment to sustainability is evident in all facets of our operations,’ Mr Olumide noted.

‘From strict adherence to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles in our lending processes to impactful social investment projects, Access Bank remains dedicated to positively impacting lives and communities.

‘We have over the past two years supported the 48 clubs under the Division One League of The Ghana Football Association, in our bid to promote grassroots sports in Ghana.

‘In addition, the Bank has proven its commitment to greening Ghana by planting over 20,000 seedlings across the country and in locations where the Bank has presence.’

Mr Oluwaseun David-Akinde, the Head of Corporate Communications and Brands Management, Access Bank Ghana, further highlighted the Bank’s recent
campaign dubbed ‘A Sandal More for a Better Tomorrow,’ as a testament to the Bank’s commitment towards the SDGs.

‘This initiative directly contributes to reducing carbon emissions by transforming tire waste into eco-friendly school sandals for deprived children, supporting SDGs 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and 4 (Quality Education),’ Mr Oluwaseun said.

Access Bank Ghana’s consistent commitment to sustainability has garnered international and local recognition, including being named the Best CSR Bank in Ghana by Euromoney Awards, World Economic Magazine Awards, and Finance Derivative Awards in 2023.

These accolades reflect Access Bank Ghana’s continuous pursuit of excellence in sustainable practices and social impact, reinforcing its position as a leader in the banking industry.

Access Bank remains committed to ensuring that shareholders, customers, and staff enjoy a more-than-banking experience.

The Bank presently operates through over 700 branches and service outlets in 20 countries, incl
uding the UAE, UK, and France, and three representative offices in China, India, and Lebanon.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Delta Air Lines honoured as Most Outstanding US business in Ghana

Delta Air Lines has been awarded the most outstanding United States business in Ghana at the 2023 American Chamber of Commerce Ghana (AmCham) Thanksgiving Dinner and Awards.

This is in recognition of Delta’s tremendous commitment in Ghana and support towards the organisation and promotion of the 2023 US-Ghana Business Expo, a press release issued by Kingdom Concepts Consult, has said.

Expressing gratitude for the award, Eloina Baddoo, Sales Manager of Delta Air Lines – Ghana, Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire, said: ‘Delta is committed to Ghana and its people beyond just our flight operations in Accra as we are actively engaged in the community through several projects with our local partners including AmCham.’

She explained that this year marked 17 years of Delta operations in Ghana, hence such awards attested to the ‘hard work of the team in delivering continuous and exceptional travel experience to Ghanaians’.

The 2023 U.S. – Ghana Business Expo was the maiden edition under the theme; ‘Leveraging U.S. – Ghana Tr
ade Relation for Growth and Prosperity’.

The Expo had more than 800 participants attending and provided an overview of the current trade relations between the United States of America and Ghana, highlighting success stories.

It was also for identifying potential areas of growth, and outlining strategies for fostering stronger collaboration with integrated business-to-business meetings between Ghanaian and U.S. companies.

The Expo brought in a trade delegation from the US Department of Commerce led Global Diversity Export Initiative (GDEI) that comprised of 19 companies and six trade associations.

They included the National Black Chamber of Commerce, the National Business League, U.S. Black Chambers Inc., Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce, and the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development and the Organisation for Women in International Trade.

The GDEI delegation represented diverse communities and industries from across the United States with a focus on the information and communications t
echnology, consumer goods, and automotive sectors.

More than 40 companies featured in the Expo trade pavilion highlighting products and services of visiting U.S. companies and trade associations, American Chamber of Commerce member companies, and local companies from various industries.

Source: Ghana News Agency

CAF Champions League: Medeama arrives in Egypt ahead of Al Ahly clash

Ghana Premier League champions Medeama SC arrived in Cairo on Wednesday night ahead of their CAF Champions League group stage encounter against Egyptian powerhouse Al Ahly.

The match scheduled for the Al-Salam Stadium in Cairo on Saturday, would see Africa’s most successful club, Al Ahly, face Ghanaian debutants Medeama in Group D’s opener.

Patrick Akoto, Medeama SC Communications Director, stated in an interview that they had been received and treated very well since their arrival in Egypt.

He disclosed that the 23-man squad would have their first training session on Thursday evening as they continue preparations for Saturday’s clash.

‘There are no issues with regard to our arrival in Cairo, as we have been treated very well. Camp is cool, the atmosphere is very nice, and we are looking forward to facing the biggest club in Africa,’ he said.

Patrick Akoto also expressed his optimism about defeating Al Ahly, who are the defending champions of the CAF Champions League, having won it a record 11 times.

edeama would also compete against Young Africans of Tanzania and CD Belouizdad of Algeria in Group D of the CAF Champions League.

Source: Ghana News Agency