eXp Luxury Ultrapassa 1.100 Membros, Impulsionando o Crescimento Global

Empresa Pretende Fazer Lançamentos Adicionais no Primeiro Trimestre de 2024

BELLINGHAM, Wash., Nov. 22, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A eXp Realty®, “the most agent-centric real estate brokerage on the planet™” e a principal subsidiária da eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), anunciou hoje que o eXp Luxury, seu programa imobiliário de luxo com visão de futuro, ultrapassou 1.100 membros nos Estados Unidos, Porto Rico e Canadá, e a previsão de lançamento em outros países no primeiro trimestre de 2024.

A eXp Luxury utiliza os recursos exclusivos e a tecnologia inovadora da eXp Realty. O programa foi lançado nos EUA em outubro de 2022 e rapidamente conquistou 700 membros em menos de um ano. O lançamento no Canadá ocorreu em setembro de 2023 e em Porto Rico este mês. O programa deve ser lançado no Reino Unido, África do Sul, Portugal, Austrália e Nova Zelândia no primeiro trimestre de 2024.

“O forte desejo dos nossos agentes de poderem acessar a exclusiva comunidade eXp Luxury, seus recursos e suporte de categoria internacional tem sido fundamental para impulsionar sua expansão global”, disse Michael Valdes, Diretor de Crescimento da eXp Realty. “Com mais de 1.100 membros atualmente a bordo, nossa presença global continua a crescer. Estamos orgulhosos do rápido crescimento do eXp Luxury e estamos prontos para oferecer a oportunidade para que mais agentes possam fazer parte da nossa comunidade de experts, à medida que levamos o futuro dos imóveis de luxo a mercados novos e empolgantes.”

Para mais informação sobre o programa eXp Luxury, visite expluxury.com.

Sobre a eXp World Holdings, Inc.
A eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) é a holding da eXp Realty®, Virbela e SUCCESS® Enterprises.

A eXp Realty é a maior empresa imobiliária independente do mundo, com mais de 89.000 agentes nos Estados Unidos, Canadá, Reino Unido, Austrália, África do Sul, Índia, México, Portugal, França, Porto Rico, Brasil, Itália, Hong Kong, Colômbia, Espanha, Israel, Panamá, Alemanha, República Dominicana, Grécia, Nova Zelândia, Chile, Polônia e Dubai além de continuar a crescer em todo o mundo. Como uma empresa de capital aberto, a eXp World Holdings oferece aos profissionais do setor imobiliário a oportunidade única de ganhar prêmios de capital por metas de produção e contribuições para o crescimento geral da Empresa. A eXp World Holdings e suas empresas oferecem um conjunto completo de soluções tecnológicas de corretagem e imobiliária, incluindo seu inovador modelo de corretagem residencial e comercial, serviços profissionais, ferramentas colaborativas e desenvolvimento pessoal. A corretora na nuvem tem por base a Virbela, uma plataforma 3D imersiva profundamente social e colaborativa, que permite que os agentes sejam mais conectados e produtivos. A SUCCESS® Enterprises, ancorada pela revista SUCCESS® e seus ativos de mídia, foi fundada em 1897 e é uma marca e publicação líder em desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional.

Para mais informação, visite https://expworldholdings.com.

Declaração de Previsão

As declarações de previsão contidas neste documento, podem incluir expectativas futuras ou outras declarações de previsão que têm por base a atual opinião e suposições da administração que envolvem riscos e incertezas conhecidos e desconhecidos que podem fazer com que os resultados reais sejam substancialmente diferentes dos resultados previstos. Essas declarações incluem, mas não estão limitadas a, declarações sobre o crescimento contínuo da nossa base de agentes e corretores; expansão dos nossos negócios de corretagem de imóveis residenciais em mercados estrangeiros; crescimento da receita; e desempenho financeiro. As declarações de previsão são válidas apenas a partir da presente data, e a Empresa não tem nenhuma obrigação de atualizar ou revisar tais declarações. Tais declarações não são garantias de desempenho futuro. Fatores importantes que podem fazer com que os resultados reais sejam material e adversamente diferentes dos expressos nas declarações de previsão incluem, mudanças nos negócios ou outras condições de mercado; dificuldade de manter o crescimento das despesas em níveis modestos e, ao mesmo tempo, de aumentar a receita; e outros riscos detalhados ocasionalmente nos registros da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários da Empresa, incluindo, mas não se limitando ao Relatório Trimestral protocolado mais recentemente no Formulário 10-Q e no Relatório Anual no Formulário 10-K.

Contato de Relações com a Mídia:
eXp World Holdings, Inc.

Contato de Relações com Investidores:
Denise Garcia

Foto deste comunicado disponível em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/3de7127b-a405-434a-b5a5-81e17d7be12d

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8983925

eXp Luxury franchit la barre des 1 100 membres et accélère sa croissance mondiale

L’entreprise prévoit le lancement sur d’autres marchés mondiaux d’ici le premier trimestre 2024

BELLINGHAM, Washington, 22 nov. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty®, « Le cabinet de courtage le plus axé sur les agents de la planète™ » et la filiale principale d’eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq : EXPI), a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’eXp Luxury, son programme immobilier de luxe avant-gardiste, avait dépassé les 1 100 membres à travers les États-Unis, Porto Rico et le Canada, et qu’il devrait être lancé dans d’autres pays d’ici le premier trimestre 2024.

eXp Luxury tire parti des ressources exclusives et de la technologie innovante d’eXp Realty. Lancé pour la première fois aux États-Unis en octobre 2022, il a rapidement atteint les 700 membres en moins d’un an. Son lancement au Canada suivra en septembre 2023 et à Porto Rico ce mois-ci. Le programme devrait englober le Royaume-Uni, l’Afrique du Sud, le Portugal, l’Australie et la Nouvelle-Zélande d’ici le premier trimestre 2024.

« La volonté affirmée de nos agents d’accéder à la communauté exclusive d’eXp Luxury, à ses ressources de classe mondiale et à son soutien s’est révélée déterminante dans l’expansion mondiale du programme », a déclaré Michael Valdes, directeur de la croissance d’eXp Realty. « Avec plus de 1 100 membres actuellement à bord, notre présence mondiale ne cesse de croître. Nous sommes fiers de la croissance rapide d’eXp Luxury et avons grand-hâte d’offrir à d’autres agents la possibilité de rejoindre notre communauté d’experts, alors que nous apportons l’avenir de l’immobilier de luxe à de nouveaux marchés passionnants ».

Pour en savoir plus sur le programme eXp Luxury, consultez le site expluxury.com.

À propos d’eXp World Holdings, Inc.
eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq : EXPI) est la société holding des entreprises eXp Realty®, Virbela et SUCCESS® Enterprises.

Plus grande société immobilière indépendante au monde, eXp Realty recense plus de 89 000 agents aux États-Unis, au Canada, au Royaume-Uni, en Australie, en Afrique du Sud, en Inde, au Mexique, au Portugal, en France, à Porto Rico, au Brésil, en Italie, à Hong Kong, en Colombie, en Espagne, en Israël, au Panama, en Allemagne, en République dominicaine, en Grèce, en Nouvelle-Zélande, au Chili, en Pologne et à Dubaï, et continue de se développer à l’échelle internationale. Cotée en Bourse, la société eXp World Holdings offre aux professionnels de l’immobilier l’opportunité unique de se voir attribuer des actions pour récompenser les objectifs de production et leurs contributions à la croissance globale de l’entreprise. eXp World Holdings et ses entités proposent une gamme complète de solutions technologiques de courtage et d’immobilier, notamment un modèle innovant de courtage résidentiel et commercial, des services aux entreprises, des outils de collaboration et du développement personnel. La société de courtage basée sur le cloud est alimentée par Virbela, une plateforme 3D immersive profondément sociale et collaborative qui permet aux agents d’être plus connectés et plus productifs. Ancrée dans le paysage grâce à la notoriété du magazine SUCCESS® et de ses activités média connexes, SUCCESS® Enterprises, créée en 1897, se place en chef de file en tant que marque de développement personnel et professionnel et de publication.

Pour plus d’informations, consultez https://expworldholdings.com.

Déclaration de non-responsabilité

Les déclarations contenues dans le présent document peuvent inclure des déclarations concernant des attentes futures et d’autres énoncés prospectifs qui se fondent sur les opinions et les hypothèses actuelles de la direction et impliquent des risques et incertitudes identifiés et non identifiés, susceptibles d’entraîner une divergence significative des résultats, de la performance ou encore des événements réels par rapport à ceux qui sont exprimés ou sous-entendus dans les déclarations en question. Ces énoncés comprennent, sans s’y limiter, des déclarations sur la croissance continue de notre base d’agents et de courtiers, l’expansion de nos activités de courtage immobilier résidentiel sur les marchés étrangers, la croissance du chiffre d’affaires et les performances financières. Ces énoncés prospectifs ne sont valides qu’à la date du présent document, et la société n’est pas tenue de les réviser ou de les mettre à jour. De telles déclarations ne constituent pas des garanties de la performance future. Parmi les facteurs importants susceptibles d’entraîner une divergence significative et négative entre les résultats effectifs et ceux exprimés dans les déclarations prospectives, citons notamment l’évolution des conditions commerciales ou d’autres conditions de marché, la difficulté de maintenir la croissance des dépenses à des niveaux modérés tout en augmentant les revenus, ainsi que d’autres risques détaillés de temps à autre dans les documents déposés par la société auprès de la Securities and Exchange Commission, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, le dernier rapport trimestriel et annuel soumis respectivement sur formulaire 10-Q et le rapport annuel sur formulaire 10-K.

Contact relations avec les médias :
eXp World Holdings, Inc.

Contact relations investisseurs :
Denise Garcia

Une image accompagnant cette annonce est disponible à l’adresse suivante https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/3de7127b-a405-434a-b5a5-81e17d7be12d

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8983925

Pixalate Launches “Made For Advertising” (MFA) Detection and Blocking Technology for Websites, Connected TV & Mobile Apps

New feature delivers continuous monitoring and rating of 100+ million web domains, CTV and mobile apps assigning a high, medium, or low MFA risk assessment

London, UK, Nov. 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Pixalate, the global market-leading ad fraud protection, privacy, and compliance analytics platform, today announced the launch of  “Made for Advertising” (MFA) technology to detect and block MFA websites, CTV and mobile apps. Pixalate’s MFA solution rates websites, CTV and mobile apps with a high, medium, or low MFA risk; this new feature is available in Beta across the Pixalate product suite.

Pixalate’s MFA detection technology models historical open programmatic transaction data across all apps, pages and URLs; an October 2023 MFA Pixalate assessment deemed over 15K MFA websites and apps high risk. MFA websites and apps can feature intrusive advertising techniques like pop-up ads, auto-play videos, or ads restricting access to content, often resulting in a poor advertising-to-attention ratio.

With the release of this new feature, Pixalate addresses the nuances of MFA in CTV and mobile apps by incorporating metrics beyond ad refresh and ad density to include the age of the app, invalid traffic (IVT) rates, user ratings, and popularity rankings. Pixalate uses statistical techniques such as Univariate/Multivariate Descriptive and Gaussian curve analysis to assign high, medium, or low MFA risk to websites, CTV, and mobile apps.

Pixalate’s MFA risk assessment technology uses the following data points, enabling ad buyers to adjust their MFA risk threshold:

Connected TV App MFA Risk Definition and Criteria  

  • MFA Risk: Pixalate’s assessment of the risk (High, Medium or Low) of the CTV app being deemed MFA
    • Ad Refresh Rate: Number of ad impressions observed per device, per hour
    • Age:  Age of the app on the App Store
    • IVT: IVT% of the App across regions
    • Popularity Score: Pixalate’s popularity score for the app
    • Reviews: Number of Reviews

Mobile App MFA Risk Definition and Criteria 

  • MFA Risk: Pixalate’s assessment of the risk (High, Medium or Low) of the mobile app being deemed MFA
    • Ad Refresh Rate: Number of ad impressions observed per device per hour
    • Age:  Age of the app on the App Store
    • IVT: IVT% of the app across regions
    • Popularity: Pixalate’s popularity score for the app
    • Reviews: Number of Reviews

Website MFA Risk Definition and Criteria

  • MFA Risk: Pixalate’s assessment of the risk (High, Med or Low) of the website being deemed MFA
    • Ad Density Rate: Number of ad placements observed per device, per minute
    • Ad Refresh Rate: Number of ad impressions observed per device, per minute
    • Paid Traffic Rate: Volume of traffic sourced via paid (ad) sources
    • Social Traffic Rate: Volume of traffic sourced via social media

Examples of Made for Advertising in Websites, CTV and Mobile Apps: 

MFA Mobile App Example: MFA observed by Pixalate in mobile app shows ads blocking the apps’ content, promoting unqualified clicks from users therefore impeding the implied app functionality.

MFA CTV App Example: Pixalate observed a MFA CTV app presenting small thumbnail-sized video ads instead of full-screen ads. The videos run back-to-back, muted, and constantly in a corner of the screen overlaid on the intended CTV content.

MFA Website Example: The example MFA website met Pixalate’s criteria for MFA based on the number of ad placements, ad refresh rate, and traffic source types.

MFA Detection and Real-time Blocking:

  • MFA Blocking Technology: Distinct Data Feeds for MFA mobile apps, CTV apps, and websites
    • Segmented by medium- and high-risk
    • Available via API or FTP for high performance and low latency
  • MFA Risk Assessment in the Media Ratings Terminal: Pixalate’s ad supply chain intelligence tool, the Media Ratings Terminal (MRT), now includes MFA risk assessments
  • MFA Reports in Analytics Dashboard: Pixalate’s post-bid analytics dashboard will provide clients insight into the impact of MFA websites and apps on their first-party traffic
  • MFA insights via APIs: The Enrichment API within Pixalate’s self-service Ad Trust and Safety API suite now includes MFA insights associated with the websites, mobile and CTV apps. Insights include the overall MFA Risk rating and the details impacting MFA risk such as Ad Density, Ad Refresh Rate, App Age, Paid Traffic, etc.

Visit Pixalate’s blog to learn more about Pixalate’s MFA capabilities.

About Pixalate

Pixalate is a global market-leading ad fraud protection, privacy, and compliance analytics platform. Pixalate works 24/7 to guard your reputation and grow your media value by offering the only system of coordinated solutions across display, app, video, and CTV for the detection and elimination of ad fraud. Pixalate is an MRC-accredited service for the detection and filtration of sophisticated invalid traffic (SIVT) across desktop and mobile web, mobile in-app, and CTV advertising.


The content of this press release, and Pixalate’s Made for Advertising Risk solutions (the “Services“) reflect Pixalate’s opinions with respect to factors that Pixalate believes can be useful to the digital media industry. Any data shared in this press release and/or the Services is grounded in Pixalate’s proprietary technology and analytics, which Pixalate is continuously evaluating and updating. Pixalate’s opinions are just that, opinions, which means that they are neither facts nor guarantees. Pixalate is sharing this data not to impugn the standing or reputation of any entity, person, website, or app, but, instead, to report findings and trends pertaining to programmatic advertising activity in the time period studied.


Emily Rollman
Pixalate Inc.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8983391

eXp Luxury Soars Past 1,100 Members, Fueling Global Growth

Company Expects Additional Global Markets to Launch by Q1 2024

eXp Luxury Soars Past 1,100 Members, Fueling Global Growth

Company Expects Additional Global Markets to Launch by Q1 2024

BELLINGHAM, Wash., Nov. 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty®, “the most agent-centric real estate brokerage on the planet™” and the core subsidiary of eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), today announced eXp Luxury, its forward-thinking luxury real estate program, has surpassed 1,100 members throughout the United States, Puerto Rico and Canada, with additional countries expected to launch by the first quarter of 2024.

eXp Luxury leverages eXp Realty’s exclusive resources and innovative technology. It first launched in the U.S. in October 2022, quickly growing to 700 members in less than a year. The Canadian launch followed in September 2023 and Puerto Rico this month. The program is expected to expand into the United Kingdom, South Africa, Portugal, Australia and New Zealand by the first quarter of 2024.

“Our agents’ strong desire to access the exclusive eXp Luxury community, its world-class resources and support has been instrumental in driving its global expansion,” stated Michael Valdes, Chief Growth Officer of eXp Realty. “With over 1,100 members currently on board, our global presence continues to grow. We take pride in the rapid growth of eXp Luxury and eagerly anticipate offering more agents the opportunity to join our expert community, as we bring the future of luxury real estate to new, exciting markets.”

For more about the eXp Luxury program, visit expluxury.com.

About eXp World Holdings, Inc.
eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) is the holding company for eXp Realty®, Virbela and SUCCESS® Enterprises.

eXp Realty is the largest independent real estate company in the world with more than 89,000 agents in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, India, Mexico, Portugal, France, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Italy, Hong Kong, Colombia, Spain, Israel, Panama, Germany, Dominican Republic, Greece, New Zealand, Chile, Poland and Dubai and continues to scale internationally. As a publicly traded company, eXp World Holdings provides real estate professionals the unique opportunity to earn equity awards for production goals and contributions to overall Company growth. eXp World Holdings and its businesses offer a full suite of brokerage and real estate tech solutions, including its innovative residential and commercial brokerage model, professional services, collaborative tools and personal development. The cloud-based brokerage is powered by Virbela, an immersive 3D platform that is deeply social and collaborative, enabling agents to be more connected and productive. SUCCESS® Enterprises, anchored by SUCCESS® magazine and its related media properties, was established in 1897 and is a leading personal and professional development brand and publication.

For more information, visit https://expworldholdings.com.

Safe Harbor Statement

The statements contained herein may include statements of future expectations and other forward-looking statements that are based on management’s current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. These statements include, but are not limited to, statements about the continued growth of our agent and broker base; expansion of our residential real estate brokerage business into foreign markets; revenue growth; and financial performance. Such forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof, and the Company undertakes no obligation to revise or update them. Such statements are not guarantees of future performance. Important factors that may cause actual results to differ materially and adversely from those expressed in forward-looking statements include changes in business or other market conditions; the difficulty of keeping expense growth at modest levels while increasing revenues; and other risks detailed from time to time in the Company’s Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including but not limited to the most recently filed Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and Annual Report on Form 10-K.

Media Relations Contact:
eXp World Holdings, Inc.

Investor Relations Contact:
Denise Garcia

An image accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/3de7127b-a405-434a-b5a5-81e17d7be12d

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8983238

Mahama Ayariga petitions Parliament on behalf of Aggrieved Customers of Defunct Gold Coast Fund Management

Mr Mahama Ayariga, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament (MP) for Bawku Central, has petitioned Parliament on behalf of individual Ghanaian citizens numbering over 61,000 customers of Black shield Capital Limited, hitherto known as Gold Coast Fund Management (GCFM).

The GCFM was owned by Dr Papa Kwesi Nduom.

The petition indicated that the individuals were members of an organisation known as Aggrieved Customers of Defunct Gold Coast Fund Management.

The petition, therefore, prays that Parliament should investigate and establish what has accounted for the Government failure to pay the customers of the defunct Gold Coast Fund Management.

It urged the House to compel the Government to pay the customers of the defunct Gold Coast Fund Management their investments in the fund since Parliament approved the budget request by Government.

It said the Gold Coast Fund Management was a duly registered and accredited fund management company regulated by the Securities Exchange Commission of Ghan

It noted that the funds of the petitioners valued at about GHS5 billion was locked up in the defunct Gold Coast Fund Management following the decision of the Government of Ghana through the Ministry of Finance to carry out a financial sector cleanup exercise initiated in 2018.

The petition said following the financial sector cleanup exercise the petitioners successfully submitted and validated their claims through Price Waterhouse and Coppers (PWC).

It said the Regulator (SEC) budgeted an amount of Eight Billion Ghana Cedis (GHS8 billion) for total payment of the claims of customers of all the 47 defunct fund management companies

It said the House approved finds for the Financial Sector Cleanup Exercise and the Minister of Finance publicly reported that he had completed the exercise and has expended GHS25 billion in this regard.

It said Government’s accounting showed that this sum included the GHS8.6 billion meant to pay claims of investors in the 47 defunct fund management companies including Gold Co
ast Fund Management.

The petition said unfortunately, individual members of the petitioners’ association whose investment exceeded GHS50,000.00 had not been paid the remainder of their money because the Government paid only GHS50,000.00 to everyone owed in 2020.

‘Many members of the petitioners’ association had gone on pension and invested all their retirement benefits in the fund and have consequently been rendered destitute and many have died not being able to afford critically needed medical care,’ it stated.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Afigya-Kwabre North MP supports schools with computers

Mr Collins Adomako Mensah, Member of Parliament for Afigya-Kwabre North, has donated quantities of computers and their accessories to some basic schools in the constituency.

The beneficiary schools are at Ahenkro, Boaman and Denase communities.

The computers are to support the efforts by the government to strengthen and enhance the teaching and learning of ICT in basic schools.

Mr Adomako Mensah, speaking at a short ceremony to present the computers at Ahenkro, said it was important for every Ghanaian child to be equipped with skills in ICT to be able to fit well in the technological age.

He said advancement in technology required that children were introduced to basic skills in ICT to propel them well for the future and called on the school authorities to ensure that the children were properly trained in computer skills not only for their exams, but also for their future lives.

Mr Adomako Mensah said so far about 350 desktop and laptop computers had been donated to schools across the constituency to he
lp promote ICT education in the area.

Nana Ahenkro Osei II, chief of Ahenkro, who received the items on behalf of the schools, thanked the MP and the government for the gesture.

He said children at basic schools in rural communities needed to be equipped with ICT skills to be able to compete with their peers in urban communities.

Nana Ahenkro Osei appealed to the government to help complete abandoned educational projects at the St. Michaels’ senior high school in the community.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Stop Politicisation of District-Level Elections – Former DCE nominee

Mr Goodman Paul Agbesi Ayrah, a former District Chief Executive (DCE) nominee for Akatsi North, has decried the rate at which party politics was creeping into the District Level elections.

He said care must be taken ‘not to create unamenable cracks within the core of the fiber of our society which will be beyond repairs.’

Mr Ayrah, a former assembly member and a human rights activist, made the call in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) ahead of the upcoming December 19 exercise.

‘It is worrying as one can observe glaringly, the frantic efforts being made by some political parties in getting their members or sympathisers elected.’

He indicated that it was not for nothing that the constitution abhorred the politicisation of the local-level elections.

‘The District Assembly concept is the most basic core and fundamental structure of our democratic architecture, and so it must be kept politically neutral as the framers of the 1992 posit to attract the necessary community cohesion and local develo
pment to take place,’ he said.

Mr Ayrah argued that the canker remained a common knowledge that some, ‘if not all political players, such as MPs and party executives, sponsor these aspirants during their contest.’

‘Of late, many aspirants even design their campaign flyers and posters using their party colours to influence other party members to vote for them.’

The act, he said, is gradually creating a state of lawlessness and self-will with no respect for the Constitution.

‘Even now, some politicians have started organising intra-party primaries for aspirants deemed to belong to the same political party to get one formidable candidate to contest the supposed opposition candidate in blatant disregard for Local Governance Act 2016, as amended Act 936, section 8 clause 1, 2, 3 and 4.’

Mr Ayrah further attributed the practice to the view that political parties intentionally engage in the move to hold majority support to influence decisions on sensitive matters in the assembly, such as wielding the power to c
onfirm or reject DCE nominees, and others.

‘It is constructive and useful to speak against the phenomenon if we love our democracy to grow to benefit all of us.’

He, therefore, called on Corporate Social Organisations (CSOs), NGOs, Democratic Institutions, the Media, religious bodies, and individuals to rise to speak against the act.

‘Let us allow the Constitution to function. We cannot pretend all is well. Competence of a candidate must be the choice over political sycophancy,’ he added.

Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the various Metropolises, Municipalities, and Districts would go to the polls to elect Assembly and Unit Committee Members on December 19 this year in fulfilment of the 1992 constitution.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Nana Soglo Alloh calls for constitutional amendment ahead of election 2024

Nana Soglo Alloh IV, Otekple of Likpe and President of the Likpe Traditional Council, has called on the government to amend the 1992 Constitution ahead of the 2024 general election.

He said Article 95 clause 1 and Article 100 clause 1, contradicted each other.

Nana Alloh, speaking at Ve-Golokuati during the silver jubilee of the Ve Lukusi Dodoleglimeza of the people of the Ve Traditional Area, said the amendment should allow the Chief Justice to be given the responsibility of swearing in the Members of Parliament (MPs) before they elected the Speaker.

He said, ‘Article 95 clause 1 says there shall be a Speaker of Parliament, who shall be elected by the members of Parliament from among persons, who are members of Parliament or who are qualified to be elected as members of Parliament.’

Nana Alloh said Article 100 clause 1 of the same Constitution stated that before a Member of Parliament takes his seat in Parliament he must be sworn in by the Speaker of the same Parliament.

‘Article 100 means that after t
he Speaker has been elected by the MPs he then swears in the MPs. Under the Constitution, the first duty of an MP in a new Parliament is to elect the Speaker.’

How can he perform that duty if he himself has not been sworn in?, Nana Alloh quizzed.

He also said much had been written about the roles that Churches and governments played in the development of society, particularly in the field of education and medical support but very little credit had been given to the traditional rulers and authorities.

Nana Alloh said what had not been documented and which had been largely ignored was the role that traditional rulers played in all stages of social and educational development.

He said the chieftaincy institution had undergone tremendous transformation over the years and had been able to maintain its core values and at the same time cope with modernity.

Nana Alloh said the chieftaincy institution had faced competition from the Churches and the politicians to win the soul of the people and continued to face c

He said the Institution had become more responsive to the development aspirations of their people and also provided the glue that guaranteed the cohesion of their people.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Group wants Ghana saved from NPP/NDC

A group has asked Ghanaians to join forces and vote for a new political party to save the country from the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and National Democratic Congress (NDC).

The group, calling itself the ‘Sabbath Day Society of Almighty’ based in the Western Region, said it was time for the citizenry to embrace new political ideologies and give a chance to new political parties other than the NPP and NDC to help move the country forward.

Mr Fiifi Brew, a leader of the group, said this during a press conference, at Effiakuma in the Effia-Kwesimintsim Municipality of the Western Region.

He said: ‘The time has come for us to not allow those two parties to rule our beloved country again because they are unpatriotic, undedicated, selfish and above all greedy.’

According to him, the two main political parties had nothing meaningful to offer Ghanaians, and that, they should reject them in next general elections.

‘Ghanaians ought to stand up for themselves and strive for a better Ghana for future generations as
these political leaders are only concerned about themselves and families leaving the ordinary Ghanaian vulnerable,’ he said.

Mr Brew added that: ‘Indeed Ghana is on the verge of collapse, and it has started spiritually and is going to manifest physically in the near future if we allow NPP and NDC and their allies to continue to rule us.’

He called the Ghanaian electorates to massively vote against the two parties in the 2024 general elections and allow a new set of people to steer the affairs of the country for improved national development.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Shape your attitudes by the social context you operate – Oppong-Fosu urges leaders

Mr Akwasi Oppong-Fosu, a former Minister of State has reiterated that the values, attitudes, and behaviors of leaders are shaped by the broader social context in which they operate.

This he said is an attribute to the statement that ‘Leaders are a reflection of their society,’ capturing the essence of the intricate connection between leaders and the societies they lead.

He said this understanding underscores the crucial role of cultivating a better society as a prerequisite for witnessing better leadership.

Mr Oppong-Fosu was speaking at the First Senate Conference organized by the University Students Association of Ghana (USAG) in Accra.

The Senate is an esteemed body within USAG that comprises elected representatives from different university campuses who convene to deliberate on pertinent matters affecting Ghanaian students ranging from educational policies to socio-economic issues.

The conference was on the theme: ‘Guiding the Solidarity of Student Leaders: The Fortress to Academic Development.’

revealed that to contribute to the creation of a better society, we must embark on a multifaceted journey that encompasses both personal transformation and active engagement.

The former Minister said embodying the qualities we seek in our leaders – honesty, integrity, compassion, and a commitment to service was a fundamental step in this journey.

‘By conducting ourselves with these values, we set a positive example for others and foster a more ethical and responsible society’.

He said active citizenship played an equally significant role in shaping a better society, adding that, this entails actively participating in civic activities, staying informed about local and global issues, and holding our leaders accountable.

‘By actively participating in shaping our communities, we can contribute to the creation of a more just and equitable society, ‘he added.

Mr Oppong-Fosu noted that education plays a pivotal role in cultivating the qualities necessary for effective leadership, and ‘In addition to acquiring k
nowledge, education should focus on developing emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and moral character.’

These qualities he said are essential for leaders to effectively navigate the complexities of society, make informed decisions, and inspire others.

‘As we aspire to leadership positions, it is crucial to examine our motivations and purpose’.

The former Minister of State also posted a question as to whether ‘leaders are seeking leadership for self-serving reasons – power, privilege, and possessions – or are driven by a genuine desire to make a positive contribution to society’.

He said true leadership is rooted in a commitment to service and a dedication to the common good and ultimately, our legacy as leaders is not defined by our power, status, or possessions; it is shaped by our character, our integrity, and our impact on the world around us.

‘By embracing the values that foster a better society and striving for transformational leadership, we can leave a lasting positive mark on the world.

USAG was founded in 2001 and serves as a unifying body representing the collective interest of students across the various universities in Ghana.

It is committed to fostering academic excellence, leadership development and promoting a conducive environment for learning and growth.

Source: Ghana News Agency