XOOX, primeiro serviço de rede para pets (PNS) do mundo, chama a atenção com o seu lançamento

– Popular por seus desafios de conteúdos curtos, música para pets e aplicativo de kit de diagnóstico de doenças, etc.

– Serviço recém-criado com registro de identificação que usa os olhos dos pets

NOVA YORK, Nov. 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — XOOX, um aplicativo de serviço de rede para pets (PNS) com desafios de conteúdo curtos, foi lançado este mês, conquistando os donos de pets de todo o mundo. A XOOX deu início ao seu serviço com um anúncio na Times Square de Nova York, ressaltando seu foco exclusivo nos nossos companheiros de quatro patas.

A XOOX opera exclusivamente sob contas de pets por meio do registro de identificação de pets desenvolvido pelas equipes globais de pesquisa e IA da XOOX, incluindo especialistas veterinários de todo o mundo, utilizando técnicas inovadoras de identificação biométrica, como padrões das dobras das pálpebras e dos olhos. A equipe de pesquisa da XOOX disse: “Com o Pet ID, os pets são reconhecidos como usuários da conta na XOOX, permitindo que eles participem de várias atividades, como registro, seguro, gerenciamento da saúde e fazer amizades com outros pets”. “Para aprimorar a precisão do reconhecimento biométrico, adotamos um método superior ao da impressão do focinho e das varreduras da íris.”

Com a XOOX, os pets se tornam influenciadores com as suas identidades, aumentando a visibilidade ao compartilhar sua vida diária, interagir com os seguidores e participar de desafios de conteúdo curtos. Nas várias atividades eles ganham pontos que podem ser usados nos aplicativos conectados, na criação de avatar e compras de produtos. Os donos de pets, conhecidos como Petlers, gerenciam os documentos de identificação dos seus pets e os apoiam nas suas atividades. Esforçando-se para promover uma mudança positiva na atitude em relação aos pets, o XOOX também aceita pessoas que ainda não têm nenhum pet. Mas essas pessoas ainda não podem postar conteúdo. Peter Kim, consultor técnico da XOOX, disse: “A XOOX visa criar um espaço positivo onde as pessoas podem escapar da realidade complicada da vida e se conectarem com seus pets”. Kim acrescentou: “Com a XOOX os pets poderão criar mais memórias com seus Petlers, utilizando um enfoque em storyscaping e serviços exclusivos e informativos.”

O mundo do XOOX está cheio de conteúdo exclusivo para os pets. Seu aplicativo de música mais popular (XOOX M) permite que os Petlers selecionem músicas que atendam às preferências do seu pet. O aplicativo, criado através do desenvolvimento de conteúdo pelo Jo Studios, afiliado de conteúdo musical da XOOX (CEO: Woojin Cho), foi criado para os pets que esperam seus donos, e que conta com mais de 3.000 músicas. Os Petlers também podem criar e carregar suas próprias músicas, ganhando pontos por popularidade e que podem ser usados pelos seus pets. A XOOX M garante uma experiência auditiva ideal para os pets em um nível confortável de decibéis.

Além disso, um produto criado com o Push Pull System (CEO: Sungmyon Song) está sendo desenvolvido. Com a análise e utilização de técnicas profundas de aprendizagem, o produto poderá determinar se os pets realmente gostam de música e não ouvem simplesmente um ruído. O produto irá se sincronizar integralmente com câmeras e alto-falantes para pets e fazer recomendações personalizadas de músicas para os pets.

Os donos de pets devem ficar atentos para a promoção de lançamento do aplicativo. Em comemoração ao lançamento, a XOOX está distribuindo 10.000 kits de teste de urina gratuitos para assinantes de todo o mundo. Esses kits de teste fornecem uma maneira simples de detectar doenças através da urina dos animais, sendo ideais para pets de áreas com acesso limitado a cuidados veterinários, ajudando a manter o bem-estar dos pets tão queridos.

Além disso, com base no lançamento do aplicativo de kit para pets de diagnóstico de urina com a Medi Cloud, uma empresa global de análise genética baseada na tecnologia NGS, a XOOX também lançará aplicativos que conectam o DNA do pet ao MBTI.

Após a inscrição, 1 centavo será doado automaticamente à Fundação XOOX. Essas contribuições serão direcionadas a campanhas em todo o mundo com o objetivo de influenciar positivamente as legislações relacionadas aos pets. Com a XOOX capacitando os pets a terem um papel central no nosso mundo, estamos certos de que isso irá contribuir substancialmente para a criação de um ambiente mais favorável e adequado os pets.




Kristen Kim

Tel.: +1 (213) 944-2679

Email: press@xoox.pet

Foto deste comunicado disponível em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/1f092720-eaa2-478b-8bd4-99fa5c3fc51c

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8981896

XOOX, the world’s first pet networking service (PNS), creates buzz with its launch


XOOX leads the pet networking services arena with its innovative features, including short-form content challenges, dedicated music for pets, and revolutionary health management.

– Popular for its short-form content challenges, pet music, illness diagnosis kit app, etc.

– Providing a newly conceptualized service with ID registration using pets’ eyes

NEW YORK, Nov. 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — XOOX, a pet networking service (PNS) application featuring short-form content challenges, launched this month, winning over global pet owners. XOOX commenced its service with an advertisement in New York’s Times Square, underscoring its exclusive focus on our four-legged companions.

XOOX operates uniquely under pet accounts through Pet ID registration devised by XOOX’s global research and AI teams, including veterinary experts worldwide, utilizing innovative biometric identification techniques such as eyelid patterns and eye wrinkles. XOOX’s research team stated, “Through Pet ID, pets are recognized as account users on XOOX, allowing them to engage in various activities such as pet registration, insurance, health management, and making friends,” adding, “To enhance the accuracy of biometric recognition, we adopted a method that is a step up from nose prints and iris scans.”

In XOOX, pets become influencers through their IDs, boosting visibility by sharing their daily lives, engaging with followers, and participating in short-form content challenges. They earn points for various activities, usable in connected apps, for creating avatars, and for product purchases. Pet owners, known as Petlers, manage their pets’ IDs and support them in their activities. Striving to foster a positive shift in attitudes toward pets, XOOX welcomes individuals who currently do not own pets to also join. However, posting content is not a feature available to them at this time. Peter Kim, Technical Advisor at XOOX, said, “XOOX aims to create a positive space where modern individuals can escape from complicated reality and connect with their pets.” Kim added, “XOOX will allow pets to create more memories with their Petlers by utilizing a storyscaping approach and unique and informative services.”

The world of XOOX is full of exclusive content for pets. Its most popular music app (XOOX M) lets Petlers to select music that suits the pet’s preferences. The app, created through content development by XOOX’s music content affiliate Jo studios (CEO: Woojin Cho), is designed for pets waiting for their owners and currently hosts over 3,000 songs. Petlers can also create and upload their own music, earning points for popularity, which can be spent by their pets. XOOX M ensures a pet-friendly listening experience at a comfortable decibel level.

Additionally, a product developed with Push Pull System (CEO: Sungmyon Song) is in the works. By analyzing and utilizing deep learning techniques, it will determine whether pets truly enjoy music and do not perceive it as noise. The product will seamlessly sync with pet cameras and speakers, offering personalized music recommendations for your pets.

As a pet owner, it is worth paying attention to the app’s current launch promotion. In celebration of the launch, XOOX is giving away 10,000 free urine test kits to account holders worldwide. These test kits provide a simple way to detect illnesses through animal urine, making them ideal for pets in areas with limited access to veterinary care, helping to maintain the well-being of your beloved pets.

Furthermore, based on the launch of the pet urine diagnostic kit app with Medi Cloud, a global genetic analysis company based on NGS technology, XOOX will also launch applications that link pet DNA and MBTI.

Upon registration, 1 cent is automatically donated to the XOOX Foundation. These contributions will be directed towards campaigns across the globe aiming to positively influence pet-related legislation. With XOOX empowering pets to play a central role in our world, there is a strong belief that it will significantly contribute to creating a more supportive and pet-friendly environment.




Kristen Kim

Tel.: +1 (213) 944-2679

Email: press@xoox.pet

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/1f092720-eaa2-478b-8bd4-99fa5c3fc51c

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8981332

XOOX, le premier réseau social pour animaux de compagnie au monde, crée le buzz avec son lancement

– Connu pour ses défis sous forme de contenu court, ses musiques pour animaux de compagnie, son application pour kits de diagnostic de maladies, etc.

– Offre un tout nouveau service d’identification par reconnaissance des yeux des animaux

NEW YORK, 21 nov. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — XOOX, une application de réseautage pour animaux de compagnie (pet networking service, PNS) proposant des défis sous forme de contenus courts qui vient d’être lancée ce mois, et séduit déjà les propriétaires d’animaux du monde entier. Pour son lancement, XOOX s’est offert une publicité à Times Square à New York, pour présenter son approche exclusive axée sur nos compagnons à quatre pattes.

XOOX propose exclusivement des comptes pour animaux de compagnie grâce à Pet ID, un système d’identification des animaux. Conçu par les équipes internationales axées sur la recherche et l’IA de XOOX comprenant des experts vétérinaires du monde entier, il emploie des techniques d’identification biométrique innovantes basées sur des données telles que la forme des paupières et les plis autour des yeux. L’équipe de recherche de XOOX déclare : « Grâce à Pet ID, les animaux de compagnie sont reconnus comme des utilisateurs de comptes sur XOOX, ce qui permet d’accéder à diverses activités telles que l’enregistrement d’un animal, la souscription d’une assurance, la prise en charge de l’état de santé, et permet aussi de se faire des amis. Afin d’améliorer la précision de la reconnaissance biométrique, nous avons opté pour une méthode qui constitue une avancée majeure par rapport aux empreintes nasales et aux scans de l’iris. »

Avec XOOX, les animaux deviennent de véritables influenceurs grâce à leur identifiant, augmentent leur visibilité en partageant leur quotidien, interagissent avec leurs abonnés et participent à des défis sous forme de contenus courts. Ils remportent des points pour différentes activités, qu’ils peuvent utiliser avec des applications connectées pour créer des avatars et acheter des produits. Les propriétaires d’animaux, ou « Petlers », gèrent les identifiants de leurs animaux et les aident à réaliser leurs activités. Soucieux d’encourager un changement d’attitude positif envers les animaux, XOOX invite également les personnes qui ne sont pas actuellement propriétaires d’animaux de compagnie à rejoindre le réseau. Cependant, ils ne sont pas encore actuellement autorisés à publier du contenu. Peter Kim, conseiller technique chez XOOX, déclare : « XOOX cherche à créer un espace positif afin de permettre aux personnes d’échapper à la dure réalité du monde actuel et de créer des liens avec leurs animaux de compagnie. » Kim ajoute : « XOOX permet aux animaux de créer des souvenirs avec leurs Petlers grâce à l’approche du « storyscaping », une expérience de récit immersive, et à des services uniques et informatifs. »

L’univers XOOX regorge de contenu exclusif destiné aux animaux de compagnie. Grâce à son application musicale très populaire (XOOX M), les Petlers peuvent sélectionner la musique préférée de leur animal. L’application, créée grâce au développement de contenu par Jo Studios, filiale de contenu musical de XOOX (PDG : Woojin Cho), est conçue pour les animaux lorsqu’ils attendent le retour de leurs propriétaires, et héberge actuellement plus de 3 000 chansons. Les Petlers peuvent également créer et télécharger leur propre musique, ce qui leur permet de gagner des points de popularité qu’ils peuvent ensuite dépenser pour leurs animaux de compagnie. XOOX M garantit une expérience d’écoute adaptée aux animaux à un niveau de décibels confortable.

De plus, un produit développé avec Push Pull System (PDG : Sungmyon Song) est en cours d’élaboration. Grâce à des analyses et à l’utilisation de techniques d’apprentissage profond, nous déterminerons si les animaux apprécient réellement la musique et ne la perçoivent pas comme un simple bruit. Le produit se synchronisera sans effort avec les caméras et haut-parleurs destinés aux animaux de compagnie, et proposera des recommandations musicales personnalisées pour vos animaux.

Si vous êtes propriétaire d’un animal de compagnie, la promotion de lancement de l’application pourrait vous intéresser. Pour fêter ce lancement, XOOX offre 10 000 kits de tests urinaires gratuits aux titulaires de comptes à travers le monde. Ces kits de tests constituent un moyen simple de détecter certaines maladies grâce à l’urine chez les animaux, ce qui les rend idéaux dans les zones où l’accès aux soins vétérinaires est limité, et permet de préserver le bien-être de nos adorables compagnons à quatre pattes.

En outre, suite au lancement de l’application de kits de diagnostics urinaires pour animaux de compagnie avec Medi Cloud, une société internationale spécialisée dans les analyses génétiques basées sur la technologie de séquençage nouvelle génération (NGS), XOOX lancera également des applications permettant de relier l’ADN des animaux de compagnie et leur type de personnalité en fonction de l’indicateur MBTI.

Lors de l’inscription, 1 centime est automatiquement reversé à la Fondation XOOX. Ces contributions seront reversées à diverses campagnes à travers le monde qui visent à influencer positivement les lois relatives aux droits des animaux. Grâce à XOOX, les animaux de compagnie peuvent désormais jouer un rôle central dans le monde actuel, et nous sommes convaincus que cela contribuera grandement à créer des environnements plus favorables et plus respectueux pour les animaux.

Personne à contacter :



Kristen Kim

Tél. : +1 (213) 944-2679

Email: press@xoox.pet

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible à l’adresse suivante : https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/1f092720-eaa2-478b-8bd4-99fa5c3fc51c

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8981896

International Center for Genetic Disease, Mass General Brigham launches a global Clinical Genomic Medicine and Genetic Counseling training program in United Arab Emirates

Collaboration between the International Center for Genetic Disease and the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi, advances state-of-the-art precision medicine approaches and techniques, tailoring prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases for the Emirati population. This collaboration encompasses three strategic pillars: clinical and translational research, capacity building and technology transfer, and commercialization.

Boston, MA, Nov. 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Genomic medicine, also known as precision medicine, offers transformative opportunities to reshape health care and public health from a ‘one size fits all’ approach to one utilizing an individual’s genetic profile, informing their personalized care pathway from prevention and diagnosis, to treatment of diseases and the development of novel and more effective drugs. To help further genomic medicine’s global promise, the International Center for Genetic Disease (iCGD) at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (a founding member of the Mass General Brigham system) and Harvard Medical School, is launching a six-month nationwide program to train 100 physicians across the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in clinical genomic medicine and genetic counseling. This training program is implemented in collaboration with the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi and Khalifa University of Science and Technology. The comprehensive partnership between iCGD, Mass General Brigham, and the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi will help advance life sciences and health care outcomes across the globe while leveraging the advanced genomics capabilities of the Emirate.

With an emphasis on screening, diagnosis, and treatment of a wide spectrum of genetic conditions, clinicians will become deft with the necessary knowledge and skills to address genetic and genomic challenges in a clinical setting. Additionally, the program ensures the successful execution of the Emirati Genome Program, bringing precision medicine to the forefront of public health policy formulation and implementation across the UAE.

“We are delighted to collaborate with the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi to launch this transformative training program,” said Alireza Haghighi, MD, DPhil, FACMG, Founding Director of the International Center for Genetic Disease. “As one of the largest and most comprehensive genomics educational programs worldwide, the primary goal is to enhance the knowledge and expertise of Emirati physicians. This initiative is designed to integrate genetics and genomics into patient care effectively, underscoring our dedication to enhancing genomic medicine worldwide. Our comprehensive partnership with the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi not only aims to advance life sciences but also to improve the well-being of the UAE population.”

Delivered by globally recognized Harvard-affiliated experts within the Mass General Brigham system and elsewhere, the program will enhance the knowledge and expertise of Emirati physicians, who will then be able to further incorporate the latest innovations in genomic medicine and genetic counseling into the clinical care of patients. The iCGD designed the program to specifically address the public health needs of the UAE.

“We are dedicated to enhancing patient care, preventing disease, and promoting the widespread adoption of genomic medicine, both locally and globally,” said Robert S.D. Higgins, MD, MSHA, President of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Executive Vice President at Mass General Brigham. “Our International Center for Genetic Disease provides an ideal platform to realize these objectives. This transformative training program aims to cultivate a professional workforce in the UAE at the forefront of genomic research and clinical applications.”

The inaugural ceremony, held in Abu Dhabi, UAE, on October 30th, was attended by prominent Emirati officials, including His Excellency Mansoor Ibrahim Al Mansoori, Chairman of the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi; Her Excellency Dr. Noura Al Ghaithi, Undersecretary at the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi; Professor Sir John O’Reilly, President of Khalifa University; and His Excellency Homaid Al Shimmari, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Khalifa University.

“This program comes as a continuation of our collaboration with the International Center for Genetic Disease (iCGD) and Harvard Medical School which started earlier this year, providing the world with genomic solutions that address international health challenges and needs,” said Her Excellency Dr. Noura Al Ghaithi, Undersecretary at the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi. “This comes in line with the Department of Health’s efforts to unlock opportunities for local talents and ensure the sustainability of our healthcare sector. These continuous strides further cement Abu Dhabi’s position as a leading destination for healthcare.”

“We are delighted to join with our partners to launch the Clinical Genomics and Genetic Counseling course in the realm of healthcare at Khalifa University,” said Professor Sir John O’Reilly, President of Khalifa University. “Developments in this area represent a tremendous leap towards empowering individuals with a profound understanding of their own genetic tapestry.”

Advances in genomics, clinical diagnostic methods and therapies are now fueling healthcare. By integrating clinical data and genetic information, healthcare providers can improve population screening, diagnosis, prognosis, risk management, and in some cases, offer new and innovative targeted therapy for conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, hemoglobinopathies, lipid disorders, diabetes, cancer, among many other clinically complex morbidities.

About the International Center for Genetic Disease (iCGD)
The International Center for Genetic Disease (iCGD) at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School is dedicated to enhancing genomic medicine worldwide, focusing on the analysis of populations from various parts of the world for genetic research into human health and disease, with the ultimate goal of improving public health. iCGD serves as a nexus, bringing together unparalleled knowledge and expertise, as well as unmatched dedication to multidisciplinary research, cutting-edge technology, and innovative methods to bridge gaps in knowledge and practice in the realm of genomic medicine. iCGD forms partnerships with government, academic institutions, and industry, focusing on translational and clinical research, capacity building, and technology transfer, with the aim of enhancing access to genomic medicine for everyone, not just the affluent or the fortunate. For more information, please visit https://icgd.bwh.harvard.edu/

About Mass General Brigham
Mass General Brigham is an integrated academic health care system, uniting great minds to solve the hardest problems in medicine for our communities and the world. Mass General Brigham connects a full continuum of care across a system of academic medical centers, community and specialty hospitals, a health insurance plan, physician networks, community health centers, home care, and long-term care services. Mass General Brigham is a nonprofit organization committed to patient care, research, teaching, and service to the community. In addition, Mass General Brigham is one of the nation’s leading biomedical research organizations with several Harvard Medical School teaching hospitals. For more information, please visit massgeneralbrigham.org.

Noah Brown
Mass General Brigham

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8982699

RSPO Celebrates 20 Years of Impact and Reaffirms the Power of Partnerships for the Next 20

Collective action and innovative practices sowed within the industry are reaping results, with RSPO global certification, membership, production and consumption volumes steadily on the rise, alongside greater environmental stewardship

Opening Speech

RSPO Chief Executive Officer delivering the opening speech at RSPO RT2023

JAKARTA, Indonesia, Nov. 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil marked a special milestone at its Annual Roundtable conference (RT2023), themed “Partners for the Next 20”, to reflect on nearly two decades of impact made possible through the collaborative efforts of RSPO’s Members and partners. RT2023 presented an opportunity to take unified action on the core challenges facing the sustainable palm oil industry, including mitigating climate change, increasing uptake of certified sustainable palm oil (CSPO), protecting labour rights, and facilitating greater smallholder inclusion in green supply chains through compliance with emerging international regulations.

For nearly twenty years, the RSPO has facilitated global change to make the production and consumption of palm oil sustainable. Starting from 200 members from 16 countries in 2004, RSPO now counts more than 5,700 members in over 100 countries and territories spanning the globe.

In his opening remarks, RSPO CEO Joseph D’Cruz said, “Through nearly two decades of voluntary action, RSPO Members have banded together to raise the bars of sustainability within the industry. The impact we have collectively achieved is increasingly being acknowledged by stakeholders outside our industry, and we are seeing a definite shift in the sustainable palm oil narrative in our favour. As a global partnership to make palm oil sustainable, we must ride this trajectory and continue to evolve and pursue new territory. There is room now for us to move beyond a standard and certification system and develop tools that would enable the industry to demonstrate sustainability in the way that markets, regulators and customers demand today.”

Opening Speech

RSPO Chief Executive Officer delivering the opening speech at RSPO RT2023

RSPO’s key achievements over the last two decades were highlighted, including the increase in global certified area from just 125,000 hectares in 2008 to 4.9 million hectares across 23 countries in 2023. Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) supply reached a new milestone at 15.4 million metric tonnes, while RSPO Trademark licences have increased significantly to more than 1,600 licences in over 100 countries and territories, with growth seen in China, Japan and Southeast Asia, signalling significant opportunities in these markets. The RSPO Smallholder Support Fund (RSSF) has provided US$4.2 million in funding to support 44,203 farmers in 12 countries since 2013. Accounting for 40% of total palm oil production output in key producing countries, smallholders featured strongly at RT2023, focused on opportunities and pathways to facilitate greater inclusion in green supply chains through compliance with emerging international regulations.

Independent Smallholders

Group photo of Independent Smallholders with their certificates

Charting new territory, RSPO’s Certification, Trade and Traceability System (CTTS), launched recently in October 2023 with the formation of the tripartite consortium of global agri-tech experts, exemplifies how the organisation is advancing and digitising its tracking and traceability systems into an end-to-end digital infrastructure. This is rooted by best-in-class solutions that will be able to meet current demands and anticipate the future needs of a sector that is rapidly evolving to meet tightening global regulations, starting with the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), and is actively engaging with the European Commission for knowledge-sharing on this topic with all relevant parties.

Excellence Awards

Winners of the Excellence Awards from left to right: DSN Group, Bumitama Agri Ltd, Musim Mas, Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, WWF International

Anne Rosenbarger and José Roberto Montenegro, Co-Chairs of the RSPO Board of Governors, together called for the successes of the past 20 years to be leveraged and scaled further through collective action and innovative approaches. “RSPO is strategically evolving to meet current and forthcoming challenges, including shifting regulatory and market expectations, by improving the auditability and implementability of our current standards and Assurance systems in order to be ready to connect to the broader industry’s sustainability platforms,” said Anne Rosenbarger. Following a comprehensive and highly consultative review of its current 2018 RSPO Principles and Criteria and 2019 RSPO Independent Smallholder Standard, a technical revision process is underway to produce a revised set of standards in 2024.

Opening performance

Opening performance at the RSPO RT2023 opening ceremony

The conference also featured the RSPO Excellence Awards, which saw fifteen of its Members nominated for their outstanding contributions to sustainable palm oil. The winners were DSN Group for Innovation; Bumitama Agri Ltd. for Conservation Leadership; Musim Mas for Smallholder Impact; Cheyenne Mountain Zoo for Communicating for Good, and WWF International for Shared Responsibility. Learn more about the winners, nominees and their award-worthy initiatives here.

About RSPO:
The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) is a global partnership to make palm oil sustainable. Formed in 2004, the RSPO is a multi-stakeholder non-profit organisation that unites members from across the palm oil value chain, including oil palm producers, palm oil processors and traders, consumer goods manufacturers, retailers, banks, and investors, environmental or nature conservation non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and social or developmental NGOs. As a partnership for progress and positive impact, the RSPO facilitates global change to make the production and consumption of palm oil sustainable. To inspire change, we communicate the environmental and social benefits. To make progress, we catalyse collaboration. To provide assurance, we set the standards of certification. The RSPO is registered as an international association in Zurich, Switzerland, with main offices in Malaysia and Indonesia, and offices in China, Colombia, Netherlands, United Kingdom, and the United States. For further information, kindly contact: media@rspo.org

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:






For further information, kindly contact:

Kimasha Williams
Communications Manager Europe

Stephanie Ambrose
Communications Manager APAC

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8983091

International Center for Genetic Disease, Mass General Brigham launches a global Clinical Genomic Medicine and Genetic Counseling training program in United Arab Emirates

Collaboration between the International Center for Genetic Disease and the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi, advances state-of-the-art precision medicine approaches and techniques, tailoring prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases for the Emirati population. This collaboration encompasses three strategic pillars: clinical and translational research, capacity building and technology transfer, and commercialization.

Boston, MA, Nov. 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Genomic medicine, also known as precision medicine, offers transformative opportunities to reshape health care and public health from a ‘one size fits all’ approach to one utilizing an individual’s genetic profile, informing their personalized care pathway from prevention and diagnosis, to treatment of diseases and the development of novel and more effective drugs. To help further genomic medicine’s global promise, the International Center for Genetic Disease (iCGD) at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (a founding member of the Mass General Brigham system) and Harvard Medical School, is launching a six-month nationwide program to train 100 physicians across the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in clinical genomic medicine and genetic counseling. This training program is implemented in collaboration with the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi and Khalifa University of Science and Technology. The comprehensive partnership between iCGD, Mass General Brigham, and the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi will help advance life sciences and health care outcomes across the globe while leveraging the advanced genomics capabilities of the Emirate.

With an emphasis on screening, diagnosis, and treatment of a wide spectrum of genetic conditions, clinicians will become deft with the necessary knowledge and skills to address genetic and genomic challenges in a clinical setting. Additionally, the program ensures the successful execution of the Emirati Genome Program, bringing precision medicine to the forefront of public health policy formulation and implementation across the UAE.

“We are delighted to collaborate with the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi to launch this transformative training program,” said Alireza Haghighi, MD, DPhil, FACMG, Founding Director of the International Center for Genetic Disease. “As one of the largest and most comprehensive genomics educational programs worldwide, the primary goal is to enhance the knowledge and expertise of Emirati physicians. This initiative is designed to integrate genetics and genomics into patient care effectively, underscoring our dedication to enhancing genomic medicine worldwide. Our comprehensive partnership with the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi not only aims to advance life sciences but also to improve the well-being of the UAE population.”

Delivered by globally recognized Harvard-affiliated experts within the Mass General Brigham system and elsewhere, the program will enhance the knowledge and expertise of Emirati physicians, who will then be able to further incorporate the latest innovations in genomic medicine and genetic counseling into the clinical care of patients. The iCGD designed the program to specifically address the public health needs of the UAE.

“We are dedicated to enhancing patient care, preventing disease, and promoting the widespread adoption of genomic medicine, both locally and globally,” said Robert S.D. Higgins, MD, MSHA, President of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Executive Vice President at Mass General Brigham. “Our International Center for Genetic Disease provides an ideal platform to realize these objectives. This transformative training program aims to cultivate a professional workforce in the UAE at the forefront of genomic research and clinical applications.”

The inaugural ceremony, held in Abu Dhabi, UAE, on October 30th, was attended by prominent Emirati officials, including His Excellency Mansoor Ibrahim Al Mansoori, Chairman of the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi; Her Excellency Dr. Noura Al Ghaithi, Undersecretary at the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi; Professor Sir John O’Reilly, President of Khalifa University; and His Excellency Homaid Al Shimmari, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Khalifa University.

“This program comes as a continuation of our collaboration with the International Center for Genetic Disease (iCGD) and Harvard Medical School which started earlier this year, providing the world with genomic solutions that address international health challenges and needs,” said Her Excellency Dr. Noura Al Ghaithi, Undersecretary at the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi. “This comes in line with the Department of Health’s efforts to unlock opportunities for local talents and ensure the sustainability of our healthcare sector. These continuous strides further cement Abu Dhabi’s position as a leading destination for healthcare.”

“We are delighted to join with our partners to launch the Clinical Genomics and Genetic Counseling course in the realm of healthcare at Khalifa University,” said Professor Sir John O’Reilly, President of Khalifa University. “Developments in this area represent a tremendous leap towards empowering individuals with a profound understanding of their own genetic tapestry.”

Advances in genomics, clinical diagnostic methods and therapies are now fueling healthcare. By integrating clinical data and genetic information, healthcare providers can improve population screening, diagnosis, prognosis, risk management, and in some cases, offer new and innovative targeted therapy for conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, hemoglobinopathies, lipid disorders, diabetes, cancer, among many other clinically complex morbidities.

About the International Center for Genetic Disease (iCGD)
The International Center for Genetic Disease (iCGD) at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School is dedicated to enhancing genomic medicine worldwide, focusing on the analysis of populations from various parts of the world for genetic research into human health and disease, with the ultimate goal of improving public health. iCGD serves as a nexus, bringing together unparalleled knowledge and expertise, as well as unmatched dedication to multidisciplinary research, cutting-edge technology, and innovative methods to bridge gaps in knowledge and practice in the realm of genomic medicine. iCGD forms partnerships with government, academic institutions, and industry, focusing on translational and clinical research, capacity building, and technology transfer, with the aim of enhancing access to genomic medicine for everyone, not just the affluent or the fortunate. For more information, please visit https://icgd.bwh.harvard.edu/

About Mass General Brigham
Mass General Brigham is an integrated academic health care system, uniting great minds to solve the hardest problems in medicine for our communities and the world. Mass General Brigham connects a full continuum of care across a system of academic medical centers, community and specialty hospitals, a health insurance plan, physician networks, community health centers, home care, and long-term care services. Mass General Brigham is a nonprofit organization committed to patient care, research, teaching, and service to the community. In addition, Mass General Brigham is one of the nation’s leading biomedical research organizations with several Harvard Medical School teaching hospitals. For more information, please visit massgeneralbrigham.org.

Noah Brown
Mass General Brigham

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8982696

BPKH Selects WadzPay’s Unique Blockchain-Based Pilgrim Program to Create Cashless Journey for Indonesia’s Hajj and Umrah Pilgrims

Signs Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with WadzPay to onboard world’s first cross-border private blockchain tokenization solution

23.11.17 BPKH HD

Signs Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with WadzPay to onboard world’s first cross-border private blockchain tokenization solution

PADANG, Indonesia, Nov. 20, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WadzPay, a leading innovator in blockchain based payments technology, is proud to announce its strategic partnership with BPKH (Badan Pengelolaan Keuangan Haji), responsible for managing Hajj finances in Indonesia. This collaboration enables cashless digital payment solutions for Indonesian pilgrims undertaking the sacred Hajj and Umrah journeys to Saudi Arabia.

BPKH performs Hajj Financial Management based on sharia principles, prudential principles, benefits, non-profit, transparency and accountability.

“We’re proud to join hands with BPKH in this transformative partnership. Combined with BPKH’s vision and WadzPay’s blockchain-based Pilgrim Program for payments, we aim to empower pilgrims, streamline transactions, and enrich their journeys,” said Anish Jain, Founder and Group CEO at WadzPay.

WadzPay shall serve as the overall program manager while BPKH plans an immediate pilot project through one of their member banks, aiming to make e-wallets accessible to the majority of pilgrims for the 2024 Hajj season.

WadzPay’s Private blockchain-based Pilgrim Payment Program is a game changer and world’s first cross border cashless Hajj and Umrah solution offering ease of operations for issuance institutions, pilgrims as well as merchants. The SaaS based platform can be easily leveraged by multiple issuer institutions in any country to link with the merchants in Saudi Arabia allowing pilgrims to top-up their e-wallets in the home country and spend like a “local” during the actual pilgrimage.

With this partnership, Indonesian banks will become early adopters of WadzPay’ s future-ready offering.

“We’re thrilled to modernize Hajj and Umrah finances, enhancing welfare and pilgrim satisfaction. This partnership shall drive transparency and financial inclusivity,” said Muhammad Thabrani Nuril Anwar, Head of BPKH Collection Division.

About WadzPay

WadzPay was founded in 2018 in Singapore with a commitment to drive financial inclusion and revolutionise the virtual asset landscape.  It is a leading global blockchain-based payments technology provider. The company’s innovative platform available as a SaaS offering provides secure, efficient, and transparent payment solutions, catering to businesses (B2B) and consumers (B2B2C). WadzPay works with large international payment companies, banks, and fintech’s to enable virtual asset-based transaction processing, custody, and settlement. It operates across geographies spanning Asia Pacific, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and the Americas.

For more information, visit www.wadzpay.com

About BPKH

Badan Pengelolaan Keuangan Haji (BPKH) is an institution established according to the Republic of Indonesia Presidential Regulation Number 110 of 2017 concerning the Hajj Fund Management Agency. This agency oversees the finances of the Hajj in Indonesia. Hajj Finance encompasses all the rights and obligations of the government that have monetary value related to the organization of the Hajj pilgrimage. It also includes all assets, whether in the form of money or goods that can be valued monetarily, resulting from the execution of these rights and obligations. These financial resources stem from Hajj pilgrims and other legitimate sources.

For more information, visit www.bpkh.go.id

For media related queries please contact –

Arijit Das

PR and Communications Manager


+91 9654930523

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8982905

OR builds on its track record of PTT lubricants innovation to grow in international markets by leveraging its well-established distribution network and strategic partnership

BANGKOK, THAILAND – Media OutReach – 21 November 2023 – In light of ever-evolving global lubricants market, Thailand’s leading oil and retail company PTT Oil and Retail Business Plc. (OR) has continued to retain its robust presence and reputation for excellence as Thailand’s no. 1 lubricants brand with growing international penetration over the years. With integrated lubricant operation under the PTT Lubricants trademark, OR offers a diverse product line catering to various industries with lubricants designed for gasoline and diesel engines, motorcycles, trucks, marine and fishery machinery, and agricultural and industrial machinery.

PTT Lubricants

Over 30 years, OR has continued to expand its industrial lubricant offerings domestically and internationally through business acquisitions or partnerships. Since its first entrance to foreign market in 2004, PTT Lubricants products have now been exported to more than 40 countries around the world, covering Asia, Oceania, Africa and Europe. As of December 31, 2022, OR sold lubricant products to over 700 wholesale and industrial customers.

OR also sells lubricant products and provides scheduled maintenance services, which covers changing of engine spare parts and PTT Lubricants products for motorists through FIT Auto service center network. As of October, 2023, OR registered 94 branches of FIT Auto in Thailand, and 5 branches in Cambodia and Laos.

PTT Lubricants is an avid, long-standing endorser of motorsport with a series of sponsorship program in local and international auto and motorcycle racing scenes, including Racing Car Thailand, OR BRIC Superbike, MotoGP, GT World Challenge Asia as well as several international Grand Prix series.

OR has constantly improved and innovated lubricants formulations to meet evolving market demand and current global sustainability expectations and ongoing transformation to e-mobility. In 2020, OR became the first lubricant supplier in Thailand to offer products that comply with the latest API, SP, and ILSAC GF-6A standards with the launch of the EVOTEC technology for engine protection in its PERFORMA lubricants for gasoline engines.

In 2022, OR collaborated with KI Sugar Group for the first time to improve lubricants formulations to better meet specific needs of industrial sugar producers. In the same year, the launch of PTT Lubricants EV Fuild, the brand’s first specialized lubricants for electric vehicles (EV), demonstrated OR’s endeavor to take lead on the ongoing transition to EV.

To further enhance its caliber for supply chain management, OR opened an Automated Lubricants Distribution Center in 2022 with automated storage and retrieval system to distribute up to 260,000,000 liters of products per year and accommodate its significant domestic and international growth.

PTT Lubricants products embarked on its international expansion starting with neighboring CLMV countries (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam). Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam strategic markets with growing demand for lubricants products and consumption behavior similar to that in Thailand. In addition, these countries have seen gradual increase in the number of vehicles on-road and rapid industrialization as attractive foreign investment destinations, which represent strong opportunity for OR to grow its lubricants products market.

With well-established operations of PTT Station and Café Amazon in Laos and Cambodia, OR has quickly become a familiar brand to consumers, facilitating sales and marketing of PTT Lubricants products to wider consumer base. OR has utilized both sales strategies such as promotional activities for dealers and customers as well as special marketing activities across online and offline channels.

In Myanmar, PTT Lubricants products have been available for more than 18 years and is currently number 2 market leader. OR has collaborated with local distributors in implementing strategies for market expansion, such as developing products that meet specific market needs, providing marketing support with product advertisement across various channels, both online and offline, as well as organizing training sessions to provide sales and technical knowledge for distributors.

With its geographic sea territory of long coastal line and fast-paced industrialization, Vietnam is blessed with opportunity for PTT Lubricants as the country with 4th highest consumption volume of lubricant products in ASEAN, after Indonesia, Thailand, and Singapore. PTT Lubricants business in Vietnam has enjoyed a constant growth with distributors across major cities like Ha Noi, Ho Chi Minh, Da Nang, possessing wide-coverage market penetration in high-street segment encompassing car, truck and motorcycle users, as well as industrial and fishery machinery segments.

Other Southeast Asian markets that present strong potential for PTT Lubricants are Indonesia and the Philippines. PTT Lubricants has entered Indonesian market since 2016, starting with selling products for motorcycle and automotive through garages and dealers in Jakarta and now expanded across major cities including Java, Kalimantan, Sumatra, Selawesi, with sales volume significantly growing year after year. Extensive marketing campaigns and activities across online and offline channels encompassing social media platforms, OOH media, sponsorship program as well as strong online e-Commerce platforms have also driven PTT Lubricants to rapidly achieve a remarkable success in Indonesia. OR has also ventured into industrial sectors with high growth potential like coal mining and sugar mill industries.

With extensive volume of private and public transportation in the country, the Philippines is a significant market with high demand for clear oils and lubricants. To thrive against fierce competition in the market that goes in line with high demand, PTT Lubricants has introduced a series of supporting marketing programs such as online campaigns to promote brand and products, influencer engagement for product reviews on social media, expand online distribution through major e-Commerce platforms, as well as roadshow activities at dealer shops and garages to reach wider consumer base.

Beyond Southeast Asia, Taiwan is another key market for PTT Lubricants with over 14 years of presence focusing on products for gasoline vehicles and motorcycles. With extensive marketing and promotional activities and motorsport sponsorship program launched throughout the years, PTT Lubricants has continued to gain consumer trust as a preferred lubricants brand among general motorists, drivers of leading European car brands like Mercedes Benz, Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche, as well as riders of the same big bike models used in racing circuits.

PTT Lubricants has also expanded into Malaysia, Singapore, and other Asian countries like China, etc., with increasing market presence and consumer preference driven by e-commerce platform, integrated marketing channels as well as consumer engagement activities and event sponsorship programs.

OR is also looking for opportunities to expand its PTT Lubricants market to countries around the world with high demand, both in South Asia like Sri Lanka Bangladesh, and Africa, such as Morocco, Ethiopia and Tanzania.

Looking forward to being a key player in shaping the future of mobility, OR will continue to adopt various strategies in order to strengthen PTT Lubricants market position and expand global reach with diverse product portfolio to cater to a wide range of industries and customer segments.

Media Contact:

Manita Olarnrat

Senior Account Manager at Ogilvy PR Thailand


No plans to sell Speaker’s residence-Lands Commission

The Lands Commission has debunked suggestions by the Speaker of Parliament, Mr Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, that his official residence at Cantonments in Accra is being sold to a private developer.

The Speaker, on Monday, November 20, while speaking at the Speaker’s breakfast forum to mark 30 years of Parliamentary democracy in Accra, alleged that his official residence in Cantonment was almost sold to a private developer.

However, in a statement issued by Mr Benjamin Arthur, the Acting Executive Secretary of the Lands Commission in response to the Speaker’s allegation, said at no point in time was the said property sold to a private developer by the Lands Commission and that it was unaware of any purported sale of the residence.

According to the Commission, the land in question was acquired in 1920 by a Certificate of Title, dated 7th June, 1920 for Government services and that since 2003, the land had been used as the official residence of the Speaker of Parliament.

It said by an application dated 15
th November, 2022, and numbered PS/LS/002/12/22, Parliamentary Service applied for a Certificate of Allocation to regularise the occupation of the land, which measured approximately 1.66 acres.

At its sixty-fourth (64th) Regular Meeting held on 22nd December, 2022, the Regional Lands Commission approved the application, after all statutory processes, including planning approval from the La Dadekotopon Municipal Assembly.

The Commission said on 14th February, 2023, it made an offer of allocation to the Parliamentary Service.

It said the Service accepted the offer, and after paying the requisite fees, a Certificate of Allocation, dated 28th April, 2023, was issued to it, stressing it was unaware of any purported sale of same.

The Commission reiterated its commitment to the prudent and efficient management of public lands in the national interest.

It said it would continue to promote effective land administration anchored on the highest standards of integrity, transparency and candour.

Source: Ghana News

NMC gives Onua FM Friday retraction deadline over ‘inciteful’ broadcast

The National Media Commission (NMC) says it will take final action against Accra-based Onua FM if the media outlet fails to take responsibility over broadcast the Commission deems ‘inciteful’.

The Commission last week issued what it termed as ‘final caution’ to Onua FM to retract and apologise for ‘directly insulting’ the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) and other Commanders of the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF).

The NMC also directed the station to apologise to the Ghanaian public for the use of vulgar language and asked the management to put measures in place to ‘stop the dangerous behaviour of the station’.

In a letter dated November 21, 2023, and addressed to the Board Secretary of Onua TV/Onua FM , the NMC said it would take action against the station if it failed to comply with its orders by Friday, November 24, 2023.

‘We consider your letter a red-herring strategy to avoid taking responsibility for your actions. Yet, we are prepared to extend our deadline to Friday, November 24, 2023, after which we may
act without any further reference to you,’ the letter signed by Mr George Sarpong, Executive Secretary, NMC, said.

The Commission explained that it had the power ‘to take all appropriate measures’ and that mediation and settlement constituted an ‘inexhaustive list of tools’ the Commission may use to achieve its object.

‘Ordinarily, we would not say more beyond this. However, since this is the second time you have willfully submitted yourselves to a misreading of the law, we feel obliged to point out to you that the law could not have intended that when we are faced with a broadcaster inciting mutiny within the Armed Forces as you are doing, we should be constrained by complaints settlement procedures,’ it said.

In December 2021, the Commission cautioned the station over what it deemed as ‘unprofessional and inciteful’ broadcast.

The NMC, in a statement issued by Mr George Sarpong, the Executive Secretary, to management of the FM station, said it was concerned about a particular broadcast by the station in
, which ‘Captain Smart called for insurrection against the State of Ghana and its institutions.’

That, it said, ‘by all standards, crossed the line of robust and critical broadcasting and transformed the radio station into a megaphone of war.’

Source: Ghana News Agency