Arab and Muslim foreign ministers in China to press end to Gaza war

A delegation of Arab and Muslim foreign ministers, demanded on Monday an immediate de-escalation of the war in Gaza, during a trip to China, their first stop on a tour of capitals.

The delegation, which met top Chinese diplomat Wang Yi, includes ministers from the the Palestinian Authority, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and Indonesia. They will remain in Beijing until Tuesday.

The group said it will then travel on to other countries to press their case, but the next stop was not immediately clear.

Wang said China has always stood up for the rights and interests of Arab and Muslim countries.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning, said Beijing was ready to work closely, to bring about an end to the six-week war between Israel and the Hamas militant group, which rules the Gaza Strip.

Beijing has repeatedly called for a ceasefire, and continues to advocate for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The war erupted on October 7, with Hamas massacring some 1,200 people in southern Is
rael. An air and ground offensive by Israel has killed some 13,000 people in Gaza, according to the Hamas-run Health Ministry.

Speaking in the Chinese capital, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukri, accused Israel of ‘systematically’ obstructing aid deliveries to the Gaza Strip, according to his spokesman.

Egypt, which shares a border with Gaza, is doing everything it can to facilitate deliveries via the Rafah crossing, Shoukri’s spokesman said, adding that Israel why trying to ‘push’ desperate Palestinians out of Gaza and into Egypt.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Man who attempts to demolish Mosque gets paralyzed

Mr Sulleman Abubakar, a 40-year-old man has been paralyzed and unable to walk after he was trapped under a collapsed mosque for more than an hour.

The victim was pulling down the building with the aim of putting up his apartment on the land when the structure partially collapsed over him at Dambai, the Municipal Capital of Krachi East.

Information available to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) revealed that, the victim has sustained various degrees of injury after he was attacked by a swarm of bees beneath the trapped wall.

He was treated for the injuries at WoraWora Government Hospital and later referred to a traditional bone-seter at KpareKpare Electoral Area to help re-arrange his broken bones.

A visit by GNA to KpareKpare sighted the patient undergoing treatment.

Mr Abubakar told the GNA, the wall came down on him in the blink of an eye, for a moment, everything went dark as he panicked.

Many bone patients were undergoing treatment at the time of the GNA’s visit.

Mr Ibrahim Adams, the traditional bonese
tter explained to the GNA how years of practice and belief have enabled him to heal people’s broken hands, shoulders, feet and any other bones without any formal medical training.

‘It is a God-given ability for me, and by His grace alone, I’m able to cure many patients, who seek my services,’ he said.

Source: Ghana News Agency

SOCO Project: Engineer gives assurance of value for money projects

Alhaji Danladi Salifu, the Upper East Regional Zonal Engineer for the Gulf of Guinea, Northern Regions Social Cohesion (SOCO) Project, says the Office will not compromise on the quality of projects.

The projects are to be executed across the 15 Municipalities and Districts in the Region.

‘We are going to ensure that the right thing is done within the shortest possible time. That is why the office was given brand new pick-up vehicles for monitoring. We will always be at the sites. So, I can say for sure that there will be value for money,’ he assured.

Alhaji Salifu gave the assurance in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Fumbisi in the Builsa South District, after he witnessed the handing over of five project sites to contractors by Mr Daniel Kwame Gariba, Chief Executive of the area.

The projects included construction of a 1.8 metre culvert at Bachonsa Nyambisa, a three-unit classroom block each at Amaachaab and Gbedema, renovation of the Kanjaga Market stores and fencing of animals’ market
at Fumbisi, all estimated to cost GH?4.8 million.

The SOCO project is a multi-country US$450 million credit facility from the World Bank implemented in Ghana, Cote d’ Ivoire, Togo, and Benin.

It was launched in Bolgatanga in November 2022, by the Vice President, Alhaji Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, and would be implemented by the Ministry of Local Government, Decentralization and Rural Development, under the leadership of the Sector Minister, Mr Daniel Kwaku Botwe.

Out of the total credit facility, the Government of Ghana was allocated US$150 million for projects in 48 Districts and Municipalities in the Upper East, Savannah, North East, Upper West, Oti and Northern Regions.

Alhaji Salifu said about 25 percent of the money was transferred to the 15 Municipalities and Districts for the projects

‘We do not think money will be an issue. ‘It is about starting the projects and completing them at the right time to the benefit of the communities. The sector minister is so much interested in getting the projects executed
within the shortest possible time,’ the Zonal Engineer said.

Contrary to views by some members of the public that the projects would stall midway, just like other government projects over the years, Alhaji Salifu noted that ‘The SOCO project is different, monies have been transferred to the Assemblies. It is a special project dear to the Sector Minister.’

The Engineer said to ensure effective monitoring and supervision, the various Municipal and District Assemblies were directly involved in the project.

He explained: ‘We have a life docket that whatever is happening within the project; it is being monitored We have daily update of our activities. And because we have taken coordinates of all the sub-projects, you can be in Accra and see work done on any project.’

Alhaji Salifu said there were lots of community engagements and sensitizations for community members to be part of the project, and added, ‘That is why we are recruiting unskilled labour to be part of the project.

‘Going round the communities to
hand over the sites to Contractors for the projects, we are highly impressed so far with the show of commitments from the communities, Contractors, and the Assemblies.

‘For the Zonal Office, we are more than ready to monitor all the projects from start to finish within the six months’ time,’ the Engineer added.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Two teachers jailed six years each for forging Judicial Service receipt

Two teachers, who forged Judicial Service official receipts, have been sentenced to six years imprisonment each by an Accra Circuit Court.

Lordfred Heward Mills, the main architect of the crime was jailed in absentia while Lawrence Ansu Asante, the second accused person, was escorted by the Police to jail.

This was after the court presided over by Mrs Afia Owusua Appiah found them guilty on the charges of conspiracy to wit uttering of forged documents and uttering forged documents at the end of the trial.

The prosecution, led by Inspector Wisdom Alorwu, told the court that the complainant Eric Ansah Agyei, was a Pastor and a resident of Aburi.

It said Mills resided at Bubuashie and Asante, a resident of JamesTown, and that they were sureties in the case of Republic verses Jeffery Wilson Ofori, which was pending before Circuit Court four, then presided over by Mr Emmanuel Essandoh, now deceased.

The court heard that in June 2021, the complainant gave GHC3,500 to the accused persons, now convicts, to be p
aid on behalf of Jeffery Wilson Ofori, who was an accused person in a case.

The prosecution said the accused persons (convicts) then hatched a plan to forge an official Judicial Service receipt and failed to pay the money to the court.

It said the convicts then contacted one Boakye Boateng, who got them forged Judicial Service official receipts.

It said the convicts later submitted a Judicial Service official receipt with the number 19/0263336 dated June 11, 2021, with a face value of GHC3,500.

The prosecution said they then handed over the receipt to the prosecutor, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Rita Asaah.

On November 23, 2021, the prosecutor presented the said receipt to the court, but it was rejected, with the judge ordering for the arrest of the convicts.

They were consequently escorted to the community 18 Police Station where they were detained for further investigations.

The prosecution said Mills mentioned one Boakye Boateng now at large as the one who issued them with the receipts a
t a fee of GHC500. It said the remaining GHC3,000 was shared between the convicts. In their caution statements, the convicts admitted the offences before an independent witness.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Regulate illegal fishing – Fish processors tell government

Mrs Regina Solomon, the President, National Fish Processors Association, has appealed to government to regulate and sanction perpetrators of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing to prevent the collapse of the industry.

She said some fishermen illegally used light to attract and harvest fishes.

The President said others injected fishes with insulin in the absence of ice for preservation.

Mrs Solomon said those practices were destroying marine life and must be checked in time.

She made the appeal at the 2023 National Fish Festival held in Accra on Monday on the theme: ‘Developing Ghana’s Blue Economy for Sustainable Fisheries Management and National Development’.

Mrs Solomon said people were doing illegal fishing openly due to the absence of a punishment regime, saying ‘If there would be laws to punish illegal fishers, it will really help to sustainably manage the fisheries sector. If there are sanctions like seizing of canoes or outboard motors of illegal fishers for some period, it will at
least scare them off illegal activities.’

‘Because when these illegal things are done to the fishes, we take them to the market, and nobody wants to buy because everyone of course wants to buy good fish,’ she said.

Ghana in 2021 received a second yellow card from the EU after being identified as

a non-cooperating third party State in fighting IUU fishing.

The issuance followed the widespread of IUU fishing practices in the country, ineffective implementation of the management instruments developed, including weak enforcement of the revised laws leading to the prevalence of illegal fishing activities.

Mrs Mavis Hawa Koomson, the Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development, in a statement read on her behalf, said it was important that actors in the fishery value chain managed the sector sustainably to safeguard it, as a key element towards the attainment of the SDG 14 – life below water.

Speaking on the theme, she said blue economy helped to control climate change and provided livelihood to millions
of the public, hence, the theme reflected

commitment to ensure marine and coastal resources were managed in an efficient manner.

On the celebration of the festival, Mrs Koomson said it provided a platform for the Ministry to join the global fishery community to observe World Fisheries Day to sustainably mange fishery resources.

It was also to celebrate the hard work of actors in the fishery value chain who diligently worked to ensure citizens met their animal protein requirement.

The festival had activities like presentations from the Ministry, stakeholders, the fishery community, development partners, panel discussions, exhibition of fishes, music and dance, and cookery demonstrations.

Eno Ofori Atta, the Deputy Managing Director, Agricultural Development Bank,

who chaired the occasion, said the theme was a clarion call on all to ensure a sustainable use of the ocean to promote economic growth while preserving the health of the ecosystem.

She said there was the need for Ghana to take concrete steps to
improve its blue economy, hence assured the Ministry of her institution’s full support as it led the charge.

Mr Simon Agah, the Acting President, National Fisheries Association of Ghana, called for the challenges confronting the sustainable management of fisheries to be addressed because, fisheries was one of the pillars of the economy.

Among them was plastic pollution on the beaches, and fishing with light, illegal nets and chemicals that destroyed the environment and marine lives.

He also called for measures to be instituted to strictly regulate fishing to ensure that people voluntarily adhered to the regulations governing the sector.

Source: Ghana News Agency

NHIS staff urged to work hard to achieve 20 million clients target by December 2023-

District managers and staff of the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) have been tasked to work hard to meet the 20 million clients target by the end of December 2023.

Dr Mrs Yaa Pokuaa Baiden, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, NHIA said as part of increasing membership drive, the authority would be coming up with the ‘Ask My NHIS’ Application which would be easily downloaded by the public.

Dr Mrs Baiden said this at the NHIA-Greater Regional Blood donation exercise at Dome in Accra.

The NHIA embarked on blood donation exercise nationwide as part of the NHIA social corporate responsibility under the theme: ‘2D Blood Donation Exercise, 20 years of Care, One Pint at a time, Donate for Life.’

The blood donation formed part of the NHIA ‘s 20 years anniversary. Scores of residents also joined the exercise.

During blood donation exercise, various medical tests including sugar level and malaria tests were checked. Medical officers and Dieticians were on hand to refer people for further medical treatment.

r Mrs Baiden said the NHIA was paying service providers more promptly and in a transparent manner through constant engagement every month with its stakeholders.

According to Dr Mrs Baiden, one of the NHIA’s priorities was to ensure the National Health Insurance Scheme became one of the best insurance schemes in West Africa.

She appealed to people to donate blood periodically to save lives including pregnant women, patients on dailies, children who are anemic.

She said the NHIA was now going beyond money collection and payment of claims to saving lives through blood donation.

‘Note that you can donate every four months and you should know that when you donate you also get the blood card which entitles you to get blood anytime you need it.

If you frequently donate, it also gives you the opportunity to ask for blood for your family members.’

Mr Felix Tetteh, Blood Donor Recruiter, National Blood Service Ghana also recounted to the need for people to donate blood to save lives.

Mr Tetteh said donating bold
improved one’s lives, improved blood circulation and it also gives the body the opportunity to produce new cells.

According to him blood was also in shortage because the demand for blood was more than its supply.

Dr Obed Boamah, a Medical Doctor at the Community Hospital, Ashongman Estates said during the medical screening, they identified individuals with high blood pressure and high blood sugar levels.

According to Dr Boamah, most of these people were not aware of their conditions, adding some of them were given the necessary advice and referred for emergency care.

He advised adults to go for periodic medical checkups and take advantage of medical screening opportunities to check up their health.

‘Adults should eat a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight and get some regular exercises and adequate sleep or rest,’ he added.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Attacks on Electrochem lawless, must stop – Atta Akyea to Ada Youth

Mr Samuel Atta Akyea, the Chairman of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Mines and Energy, has described the attacks on Electrochem Ghana Limited as lawless and must stop.

The Member of Parliament for Abuakwa North said this on a fact-finding mission to the Company’s production site at Ada with members of the Committee.

The visit was to ascertain the cause of the attacks and learn at first hand, the operations of the Company.

The lawmaker admonished the youth of the area to stop the attacks to encourage investors to create jobs and open the place up for rapid development.

‘This country should not have people who want to undermine progress. It’s anti-progress to see a company that is giving interest free loans to its indigenes being attacked,’ he said.

The MP also called for perpetrators of the act to be brought to book.

He said Electrochem must be supported and not attacked, especially when the intent was to improve the lives of the youth through job creation, the ceding of some concessions of produ
ction to the youth and the creation of a ready market for them.

Mr Atta Akyea commended the Company for investing 88 million dollars in the Ada Songhor Salt Project.

Mr John Jinapor, a Ranking Member of the Committee, said Parliament’s mandate was to ensure that businesses that contributed to the country’s GDP growth thrived.

He said the Committee would ensure that the Company operated within a conducive and peaceful environment as well as within the framework of the law.

‘I want to encourage the Company to continue engaging the stakeholders to see how we can give them the needed support so, they can expand and create jobs for the youth,’ he said.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Collective front of chieftaincy needed to prevent further destruction of environment- Azongo

A Development Consultant has stressed the need for a collective front of the chieftaincy institution to help prevent the further destruction of the country’s environment, natural resources and water bodies.

Mr Nyaaba-Aweeba Azongo, a former consultant to the National House of Chiefs (NHC), said the wanton mass destruction of communities, forest reserves, dangerous chemical infected water bodies and the death of the country’s ecological system must engage traditional leadership priority.

‘The state of our water bodies, forest resources and the threat to the quality of life of our people in our communities bear eloquent testimony and weighty evidence than the usual political rhetoric of stemming the tide of illegal mining, and such other devastations, under the ruse of community mining.

‘I must emphasize that no infrastructural development can compensate for a nation when the very foundation of their life, wellbeing and sustenance as a people is under threat’, he told the Ghana News Agency in an interview i
n Kumasi.

Mr Azongo pointed out that the need for chieftaincy collective efforts to address some of these challenges were very crucial at this stage of the country’s situation.

‘They need to come together for an immediate declaration of traditional area state of emergency by the chiefs and people of all traditional areas to mobilize communal support to prevent further destruction of our environment, forest resources and water bodies’, he stated.

He said it was time the chieftaincy institution called for a review of the outlived colonial policy of appropriating community natural resources for central control and exploitation.

‘Secondly, they need to call for a review of the outlived colonial policy of appropriating community natural resources for central control and exploitation.

‘This age-long colonial policy of appropriating minerals and other natural resources of value from the communities for crown control is the root cause of the devastation of our forest resources and water bodies.

‘The politically
engineered concessions from Accra, side-stepping and clipping the wings of traditional leaders, whose primary mandate is to protect the forest and water bodies, not only as a communal resource heritage and sanctuaries of their gods, but also the life of the unborn generation, must stop’, he emphasized.

Mr Azongo pointed out that, it was worrying to hear that, Ghana is the Africa’s top gold producer and an oil producing country.

He asked ‘how can Ghana be said to be currently Africa’s top gold producer and an oil producing country, and yet poverty is widespread and further exacerbated by the debt burden and its taxing consequences on businesses, development, and the population, including pensioners.

How can one justify and celebrate this status when thousands of schools are under trees; 21st century major international and intra-regional roads are still in single lanes devouring breadwinning Ghanaians in horrific numbers on regular basis through head-on collisions and frightening unemployment situation in t
he country.

Mr Azongo pointed out that if the chiefs could not protect forest resources, rivers and water bodies and guarantee dividends of these resources to the people, the value of the chieftaincy institution would be questioned.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Attack on Maxwell Konadu: Nsoatreman FC calls for calm, justice

The Nsoatreman Football Club has called for calm after fans Sunday attacked its Coach, Maxwell Konadu and some players in their match-day 11 fixture against Bofoakwa Tano Football Club.

After the final whistle from Referee Robert Musey, some fans from the home team, Bofoakwa Tano, invaded the pitch and attacked the coach and players of Nsoatreman FC.

Coach Konadu was reportedly rushed to the Sunyani Regional Hospital for treatment after he was rescued.

Nsoatreman in a statement after the incident, condemned the ‘unprovoked’ attack and asked its supporters to remain calm as the police investigated the issue.

Meanwhile, the Ghana Football Association (GFA) has placed a temporary ban on Bofoakwa Tano from using the Sunyani Coronation Park as its home venue.

Source: Ghana News Agency

GFA bans Bofoakwa’s home venue after incident of hooliganism

The Executive Council of the Ghana Football Association (GFA) has, with immediate effect, placed a temporary ban on Bofoakwa Tano FC from using Sunyani Coronation Park as its home venue.

This comes after an unfortunate incident of hooliganism occurred during Bofoakwa’s match with Nsoatreman FC in a matchday 11 encounter.

The Coach of Nsoatreman FC, Maxwell Konadu, and some players were attacked after some home fans invaded the pitch.

A statement on GFA’s website said, ‘The decision is in accordance with the GFA Premier League Regulations Article 14(2) which states inter alia ‘the GFA may order the closure of any league centre where the safety of clubs, Match Officials or Spectators cannot be guaranteed.”

‘The Competitions Department is therefore advised to determine the venue for the Club’s subsequent home matches in accordance with Article 14(3) Premier League Regulations.

‘This order is however without prejudice to the determination of the case pending before the Disciplinary Committee who have been
charged to hear the case in accordance with the relevant Regulations.

‘The GFA notes the unacceptable conduct of the supporters of the home team, Bofoakwa Tano FC and condemns, without any reservations, the violations of the provisions of the GFA the Safety and Security Regulations and the Premier League Regulations which took place at the match.

‘The GFA Prosecutors have been tasked to study all the video evidence and the match reports and prefer appropriate Charges immediately and for the Disciplinary Committee to sit on this matter expeditiously.

‘The GFA demands that Bofoakwa Tano FC shall immediately assist the Regional Police to cause the arrest of the persons involved in this attack on the away team, and the holding of the match officials hostage, without fail, in accordance with the promise given by the clubs to the Inspector General of Police in our engagement with the leadership of the Ghana Police Service.

‘The Association has instructed the Competitions Department to fix the venues for the upc
oming home matches of Bofoakwa Tano FC, until the case is determined, with due regards to the distance to be travelled by the away teams (note that matches can be fixed at the home of the away team, if required).

The GFA also urged clubs to comply strictly with the Safety and Security Regulations and cautioned them that any harassment of Players, Team Officials, Match Officials, among others shall be strongly dealt with.

Source: Ghana News Agency