President lauds GAF’s dedication to democratic governance

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has praised the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) for remaining resolute in supporting and defending the country’s democracy.

‘I commend the continuing dedication of our armed forces to upholding constitutional rule in our country,’ he said.

Addressing the 2023 Graduation Parade of the Ghana Military Academy, in Accra, the President said the military had demonstrated professionalism over the years, urging the officers and men of the GAF to be focused on their core duties.

The conduct of the GAF amid the growing incidence of military interventions in the governance of most countries in sub-Saharan Africa, was laudable, he noted.

‘In helping to maintain peace and security, our men and women in uniform are exposed to the negative effects of wars and undemocratic changes of government.’

A total of 292 officer cadets graduated from the Academy during the ceremony.

They comprised 217 males and 75 females.

President Nana Akufo-Addo said the Government and people acknowledged the
sacrifices and efforts the GAF had made in maintaining peace and security domestically and internationally.

Since 1960, the country has remained dedicated and committed to the cause of peace either under the banners of the United Nations (UN), African Union (AU) or the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

‘Today, Ghana is ranked ninth as the largest troop contributing country by the UN in peace support operations.

‘Globally, the country is involved in 15 peacekeeping missions with the deployed strength of 2, 500 military personnel,’ the President noted.

He said it was encouraging that the country’s deployment had been accompanied by gender parity – making the GAF the standard bearer in deployment of female personnel in respect of foreign troops across missions.

In respect of foreign troops, Ghana has deployed 19 per cent females, exceeding the UN’s target of nine per cent, as well as 23.3 per cent for staff officers and military observers, exceeding the UN’s target of 14.21 per cent.

ident Nana Akufo-Addo always urged the graduating cadet officers to be disciplined and committed to protecting the territorial integrity of the country.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Drivers and Traders in Techiman express dissatisfaction on the 2024 Budget

Drivers and Traders at the Techiman central business area have expressed disappointment in the 2024 budget provisions since it did not meet the provision of the basic needs of the people.

Some Drivers of the transport unions such as the Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU), Private Road Transport Association (PROTOA) and traders in the central business area express worry on high cost of life due to high taxations on goods and services.

The people in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in Techiman noted that government in the budge did not consider the bad road network leading to the rural communities, high cost of petroleum and spare parts for vehicles adding that cost of travelling to remote communities for goods and services to be transported to urban centers has worsen.

Mr Ken Ofori- Atta Minister of Finance presented the 2024 Budget yesterday under the theme:’ Pursuing Growth and Development within a stable macroeconomic Environment’.

Mr Samuel Asante Boateng, a driver bemoaned over t
he high cost of food stuff because all the items got rotten at the farms due to farmer’s inability to transport them to the town for sale because of bad road and cost of transportation.

Mr Boateng explained that the major problem contributing to this factor is the poor road network, as vehicle owners refused to ply on such roads, but the few drivers’ transport owners who decide to transport the goods on such roads come with high charges which farmers could not afford.

Mr. Boateng in his view urged the government to have a second look at the issue of such nature and consider developing the road network in the farming communities.

Mr Issah Mahamed, a 43-year-old local manufacture of sandals seller called on government to provide funds that would soften the local economy as things were getting bad and lamented that since morning, he has not sold any of his product but has to feed the family.

Miss Patience Amponsah, bread seller said she sold only two loafs of bread for the past two day because people do not
have money to purchase.

Miss Amponsah commended government for the reduction of taxes on the local made sanitary pads, as it would go a long way to support young women who could not afford to buy sanitary pads ever month.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ghana Standards Authority to establish modern Test Laboratory in Tamale

Ghana Standards Authority (GSA) has said it is working to establish a modern Test Laboratory in Tamale for effective operations of businesses in the northern sector.

Professor Alex Dodoo, Director-General GSA said the modern Test Laboratory was expected to help industries from the northern sector to test their products to ensure that they conformed to the country’s standards and also for exports.

Professor Dodoo said this in an interview with Ghana News Agency.

He said the establishment of the Test Laboratory in Tamale would be the first of its kind in the northern sector to promote growth of industries and improve the economy of the area.

He said it would also provide the necessary assurance that goods and services were of acceptable quality and to also enhance sustainable development.

He said it would reduce the delays associated with products sent to the GSA Head Office in Accra for testing.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Second phase of Tema Port expansion project commences

The second phase of the Tema Port expansion project under Meridian Ports Services (MPS) has commenced and is expected to be completed in 2025.

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo laid the foundation stone for the commencement of the second phase of the project in Tema.

Mr. Mohammed Samara, the Chief Executive Officer of MPS, said the port expansion project was one of the most significant public-private partnerships in the history of Ghana, adding that the MPS was an embodiment of a collaboration between the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA) and a joint venture between APM Terminals and Africa Global Logistics.

He said the second phase of the project would be done in stages with the first section expected to be completed and operationalized by July 2024.

He added that the second phase would usher in a new era of enhanced capacity at Tema Port, as 15 additional gantry cranes had been commissioned while civil works of 270,000 square metres of the already existing one million square metres had comm

‘We are setting in motion a transformation that would ultimately alter Ghana’s standing in the maritime industry of Africa; Tema Port will stand shoulder to shoulder with the world’s renowned ports and compete favourably with the largest ports on the African continent,’ he said.

Mr. Samara expressed belief that the port’s upgrade, with its geographical advantage, would place Tema Port in a position to be the maritime hub for trade along the west coast of Africa.

He said, ‘Our new port facility will possess the capacity and efficiency to handle some of the large container vessels carrying over 18,000 TEUs (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units).’

He indicated that already the port was receiving large vessels, with the largest measuring about 366 metres long (about four football stadiums floating) and 51 metres wide and capable of carrying 15,000 TEUs, but that it was not the largest vessel to call on the coast of West Africa.

Mr. Michael Luguje, the Director-General of the GPHA, said the port expansion proj
ect was part of the GPHA’s master plan development to position Ghana’s ports as the hub for Africa.

Mr. Luguje stated that currently, the Tema Port and especially MPS Terminal 3 remained the best in West and Central Africa, adding that this was made possible through the partnership of the shareholders, of which GPHA was part.

He indicated that the collaboration with stakeholders such as shipping lines, customs, immigration, traders, the Ghana Navy, the Ghana Maritime Authority, and the Marine Police, among others, had made the investment worthwhile.

Mr. Kweku Ofori Asiamah, the Minister of Transport, said the construction of the road linking the Tema Port to the Tema Motorway would commence by the first quarter of 2024.

According to him, the ministry and stakeholders were currently going through the legal documentation for the commencement, giving assurance that the funds for the project were ready.

Source: Ghana News Agency

STAR Ghana Foundation holds validation workshop on local philanthropy strategy

The STAR Ghana Foundation (SGF), a non-governmental organization (NGO), has organized a validation workshop to collate stakeholders’ input to fine-tune its local philanthropy strategy.

The strategy, when finalized, would help to strengthen coordination and collaboration among philanthropic actors in Ghana to achieve measurable improvements in social change, community development and sustainable outcomes.

It is a five-year medium-term action plan that is anchored on four pillars; namely, promoting local philanthropy, SGF infrastructure for local philanthropy, partnership and coordination, and ecosystem-enhancing, knowledge and enabling environment.

Held in Takoradi, the workshop brought together about 50 representatives of NGOs and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) operating in the Western and Central regions to sought their views and recommendations to help complete the strategy.

Madam Eunice Agbenyadzi, the Head of Programmes at the SGF, speaking during the event, said as an organization that is a nati
onal centre for the promotion of active citizenship and local philanthropy, the strategy sought to reposition the SGF as a strategic ecosystem builder that would foster collaborations to promote local philanthropy in Ghana.

She said: ‘We have met here today with organizations that work closest with communities, and we believe that they would bring onboard experiences that would shape and enrich our strategy.’

She said CSOs and NGOs had over the years relied mainly on international donors for their various projects, and that it was time to adopt some strategies to whip up local people’s interests in philanthropic work for the common good of all.

Madam Agbenyadzi noted that: ‘Historically, CSOs and NGOs went into communities with money as a form of incentive to increase citizens participation, so the communities are used to receiving but now we are saying that they can be more than just recipients, and become contributors too.’

She indicated that the strategy was, therefore, developed to create an enabling
platform where local people could share their resources towards philanthropy and contribute to augmenting government’s efforts for national development.

Dr Emmanuel Kumi, Lead Consultant on the Local Philanthropy Strategy, explaining why the local people did not donate to CSOs and NGOs, said some people believed that such organizations misappropriated resources meant for specific projects.

He urged CSOs and NGOs to prioritize their organizational accountability and ensure they effectively used resources for the purpose for which they were donated to help attract local people to contribute to philanthropic work.

Dr Kumi also called on authorities to institute robust legal and regulatory framework to check how CSOs and NGOs worked in terms of accountability to ensure judicious use of donations.

Mr Agyapah Buah, a participant and Team Leader Support for Community Mobilization Project/Programme (SCMPP), a CSO, speaking to the Ghana News Agency on the side-lines, commended the STAR Ghana Foundation for formula
ting the strategy, and said the document would guide and boost local philanthropy in the country.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Some Oguaa residents unhappy with budget silence on Airport and Harbour

Some residents in the Cape Coast (Oguaa) Metropolis have expressed disappointment about the silence of the 2024 budget on the government’s pledge to construct a cargo airport and harbour in the historic city.

The proposed Cargo Airport, with a focus on tourism and aviation excellence, aims to become Africa’s leading centre for large-scale aircraft repair and personnel training.

It would also facilitate rapid responses during emergencies.

This initiative aligns with the government’s economic transformation agenda to bolster intra-Africa trade through the African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCTA).

Reacting to the budget statement presented to Parliament by Mr. Ken Ofori-Atta, Minister of Finance on Wednesday, the aggrieved residents reminded the government to come clear on the promise because they were eagerly waiting for it.

In separate interviews through the Ghana News Agency on Thursday, the residents in a seemingly unanimous conviction recollected what they said were emphatic statement by the Vice P
resident, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia that the Party’s Second term in office will bring that promise to fruition.

However, following the budgetary blackout of the projects, the residents were surprised and skeptical about the government’s ability to deliver the bold promise before December 2024 as promised.

Vice President, Dr. Bawumia at the launch of the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) 2020 manifesto in Cape Coast, promised to construct a harbour and an airport in Cape Coast should Ghanaians renew their mandate to run the affairs of the country for the second term.

The NPP’s promise underscored the importance of an airport and harbour as critical in boosting tourism and fishing to accelerate development across the Region.

‘For the people of Cape Coast, I have good news for you, we are building a new harbour in Cape Coast and a new airport. It is very critical that we do that.

‘An airport makes a lot of sense in Cape Coast. It is a real tourist hub and between Greater Accra and Kumasi, you have a triangle that real
ly is a hub for economic activities, you can build railway lines between them, and it is a major growth pole if we put an airport here to drive infrastructural growth,’ he added.

Since then, government officials have reiterated their commitment to the project, assuring the people of Cape Coast that it will indeed materialize.

Speaking on behalf of a group of fishmongers at Anaafo fish market, Madam Grace Adobah expressed grave disappointment in the government for not commencing the construction of the facility after almost four years.

‘The government deceived us into voting for them in the 2020 election with those two projects that had failed to see the light of day,’ she stressed.

Mr. Foster Bentil Otabil, a taxi driver, said the facilities would necessitate the development of supporting infrastructure, such as improved roads and transportation networks, thereby enhancing the overall quality of life in rural areas.

Praying on the government to redeem its promise, he said, ‘the airport’s establishment is
expected to aid increased tourism, leading to the growth of the local tourism industry.’

Mr. Daniel Dadzie, an Electrical Engineer from Nkanfoa told the government to make its stand now on the feasibility of the two giant projects.

He indicated that the economy has had a nosedive for the government to cough up the huge amount to commence the projects; however, it was politically prudent to inform the public about the intention of the government.

‘The government urged on us to vote for them to deliver the two projects, but having done our bargain, the government is feet-dragging its part.

‘This is not politically good for this administration considering the fact that the party would come around to canvas for votes in the December 2024 election. They have to explain this with no ambiguity, else they would have themselves to blame in the 2024 election,’ Mr. Dadzie cautioned.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Chief Justice inaugurates new Apremdo Court

The Chief Justice of Ghana, Gertrude Sackey Torkonoo, has called on staff of the Judicial Service to make the courthouse welcoming and reassuring to bruised individuals.

She said, ‘the courthouse is comparable to hospitals, people come here because they are in dire need of care, be it emotional, psychological and social…ours it to sooth their pain and not to bruise their wounds with unwanted behaviours.’

Justice Torkonoo said this when she opened the new court built for the Effia Kwesimintsim Municipal Assembly at Apremdo, as part of activities marking the new legal year.

The Apremdo Court is also part of President Akufo Addo’s promise to establish 100 new courthouses to bring the wheels of Justice closer to Ghanaians.

The Chief Justice said the Court and for that matter laws, were tools and assets that ensured order, direction and justice satisfaction to spur prosperity, development.

It further encouraged the Service to work in accordance with all ethical codes of conduct, she said.

Chief Justice Tork
onoo said, ‘as public officers, we are paid for the work we do, and it is high time we advance honest, fair and transparent justice system devoid of extortion of monies from clients to retain confidence in the justice system of the country.’

She spoke about the Sustainable Development Goals 10 and 16, which talked about equality, peace and justice, lauding the President for the initiative.

She urged Ghanaians to carefully follow up on their cases, and request to ask judges questions for better understanding during trial of their cases.

The Western Regional Minister, Kwabena Okyere Darko-Mensah, said the courthouse was the last hope of any common man desiring justice.

It was also a critical tool to entrenching democracy, law, order and development, he said.

The minister said the government was committed to the rule of law through improved access to justice and encouraged users of the new court to help maintain the facility.

The Divisional Chief of Apremdo, Nana Egya Kwamena XI, stated that the creation o
f the EKMA courts had decentralised and enhanced the administration of justice in the municipality.

Nana Kwamena XI said as a certified Alternative Dispute Resolution practitioner, he promptly responded to the Assembly’s request to provide land for the court complex, saying, historically, ‘Apremdo has consistently provided land for various development initiatives.’

He mentioned some beneficiary facilities such as the military barracks, Airforce barracks, Fire Service station, markets, and clinics now the courthouse, which was expected to deliver free and fair justice without fear or favor.

He said all these lands had been given in good faith for the development of Ghana, arguing that, apart from Burma Camp, Apremdo was the only community in the country that had released lands to the Government of Ghana to establish two military barracks being the Air force and 2BN army barracks.

Nana Kwamena said since their grandfathers released these lands to the Government to protect the air space and land territories
of Ghana, with the understanding that compensation would be paid to the stool, successive governments had not paid the due reparation for both lands.

‘This has often created tension between the families and the military units for land encroachment among many others.’

He said, as much as Apremdo was giving lands to promote the administration of Justice to the people of Ghana, they hoped the Judicial service would be responsive to hear cases in time as ‘Justice delayed is Justice denied.’

Nana Kwamena said Ghana had made progress with Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) backed by an Act of Parliament and encouraged the public and the courts to make use of it in handling smaller cases.

‘It is indisputable that ADR has demonstrated its efficacy in terms of expediency, cost-effectiveness, and reduced burden, in contrast to the formal adversarial structure of the traditional court system,’ Nana Kwamena added.

He appealed to the Chief Justice to ensure that processes for complaints against unprofessional acts
of some judicial staff were made easier to ensure discipline.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Nsawam to host 2023 National Bushfire prevention campaign launch

The National Stakeholders Planning Committee of the 2023-2024 National Bushfire Prevention Campaign, has selected Nsawam in the Eastern Region as the venue for the national launch on November 23rd.

The event under the auspices of the Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS), is on the theme: ‘Sixty years of GNFS existence: Bushfire prevention is key to sustaining our natural resources and food safety.’

The Committee at an emergency meeting in Accra, attributed the change of venue from Odumase Krobo to Nsawam, to operational challenges, ground work hiccups, and other mobilisation issues.

GNFS Deputy Chief Fire Officer (DCFO) James Owusu-Agyei, who is also the chairman of the committee, told the Ghana News Agency in an interview after the emergency meeting, that the change of venue from Odumase Krobo to Nsawam was due to an operational hiccup encountered during the preparation.

DCFO Owusu-Agyei, who is also GNFS Director of Rural Fires, apologised to traditional leaders, school authorities, and all other stakeho
lders in Odumase Krobo for the change of venue but assured that after the national launch on November 23rd at Nsawam, a special event would later be organised in Odumase Krobo.

He said the planning committee had started vigorous groundwork at Nsawam, involving stakeholders in Nsawam, including traditional and religious leaders, heads of educational institutions, social clubs, farmers, and other strategic parties, for their total support and cooperation in hosting the event.

DCFO Owusu-Agyei reiterated that agriculture remained the largest employer of the country’s population; ‘for that matter, all must be done to save the forests and vegetative cover that support agriculture and other economic activities.’

He said the agricultural sector served as a national treasure that must be protected through vigorous and sustained anti-bushfire education, stressing that ‘We are appealing to all Ghanaians to join us in our fight against illegal fires.’

Traditional leaders must safeguard their territory from bushfires

He emphasised the need to strengthen fire prevention volunteerism among the youth.

DCFO Owusu-Agyei also entreated traditional rulers and the clergy to support pthe campaign to educate the public on the need to protect the nation’s land and natural resources as sacred assets.

He emphasised that the service would require the following items: Wellington and Combat Boots, Fire Beaters, Cutlasses, Nose Guards, Motor Bikes and Bicycles, Torchlights, Dungarees, Megaphones, and Whistles to fight against bushfires.

‘GNFS doors are open wide for support,’ added DCFO Owusu-Agyei. You can give at any of the GNFS’s national, regional, or district offices, or you can call, and we will pick up the things. Cheques should be made payable to the Ghana National Fire Service.’

He said both state and private entities must view the fight as a corporate social responsibility initiative, citing bushfires as ‘not only destroying the habitation, but our very survival is at stake.’

As part of the nationwide launch, the GNFS Re
gional Commands would conduct and use community radio shows, community durbars, volunteer and peer education, and door-to-door communications to emphasise the importance of putting out bushfires.

He said the launch would proceed a series of activities, including a float, football gala, an inter-second cycle quiz, and climaxed on November 23rd at Nsawam.

As part of the national launch, the GNFS Regional Commands would also embark on and use community radio programmes, community durbars, volunteer and peer education, and door-to-door messages to drum home the need to stop bushfires.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Court remands dispatch rider over alleged iPhone robbery

A 23-year-old dispatch rider, who allegedly robbed a student of her iPhones valued GH?2, 100, has been remanded by an Accra Circuit Court.

Lord Mensah is said to have used force and threat of harm on the student to steal the said phones.

Charged with conspiracy to commit crime and robbery, Mensah pleaded not guilty.

He has been remanded by the Court presided over by Mr Isaac Addo to reappear on November 27, 2023.

Meanwhile his accomplices, Nana, Black, Emma and Malouda are currently at large.

The facts as presented by Police Chief Inspector Jonas Lawer are that the complainant, Ria Ruth Effe Arthur, is a student and resided at South La Estate while the accused person was a resident of Agbogbloshie, Accra.

The prosecution said on November 7, 2023, the accused person and two others were on a motor bike. Another two who were also on a different motor bike.

The riders went to La and on saw the complainant at a cosmetics shop at Sergeant Adjetey-La. Two of the robbers armed with a jack knife attacked the c
omplainant with threat of harm if she failed to hand over her mobile phones to them.

It said the complainant, upon the fears of being harmed by the robbers, who were apparently armed and intended to carry out their threats, surrendered her iPhone 6s valued GH?1,200.00 and iPhone 5 valued GH?900.00 to them. One had pulled out a jack knife.

The prosecution said having succeeded in their mission, two of the robbers now at large, jumped on the accused person’s motorbike and sped off with them.

It said the complainant raised the alarm where witnesses gave them a hot chase and succeeded in pushing them on the ground.

The prosecution said Nana and Black escaped with the phone but the accused, Mensah, was captured and handed over to the Police.

It said during investigations, a relative of the accused person retrieved the cell phones from Agbogbloshie, a locality in Accra and handed them over to the Police.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Sefwi-Wiawso traditional council lifts ban on funerals

The Sefwi-Wiawso traditional council in the Western North Region has lifted a ban placed on the holding of funerals due to the celebration of this year’s Elluo Festival in the area.

The ban took effect from October 19 to pave way for the commencement of the 2023 Elluo festival which officially ended on Thursday, November 16.

A statement signed by Nana Elluo Panyin III, the Gyedomhene of the Council and Secretary to the central planning committee for the festival, and copied to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) said ‘The ban on funerals placed by Sefwi-Wiawso traditional council as a result of the 2023 Elluo festival, has been lifted hence funeral rites can go ahead in any part of the Sefwi-Wiawso traditional area.’

Nana Panyin III on behalf of the central planning committee, commended sponsors of the festival for their support and the President of Ghana for gracing the grand durbar.

He expressed appreciation to residents for adhering strictly to the directive throughout the stipulated period.

Source: Ghana
News Agency