Édition 2024 du Forum sur les Minéraux du Futur : Ma’aden jouera un rôle clé dans les débats relatifs aux enjeux de l’industrie minière

RIYAD, Arabie Saoudite, 14 nov. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le Forum sur les Minéraux du Futur (ci-après « FMF ») a annoncé aujourd’hui que Ma’aden serait à nouveau et pour la troisième année de suite partenaire fondateur de l’événement. Ma’aden, la plus importante société d’exploitation des ressources naturelles pour produits divers du Moyen-Orient, jouera à nouveau un rôle clé dans les débats visant à façonner l’industrie minière internationale à l’occasion de l’édition 2024 du FMF en janvier prochain.

Cet événement sera dédié à la création de chaînes de valeur minières résilientes et responsables dans la super région riche en ressources minérales qui s’étend de l’Afrique à l’Asie occidentale et centrale. Le FMF 2024 réunira des chefs de gouvernement, des dirigeants de compagnies minières, des investisseurs et d’autres parties prenantes dans le but de stimuler à la fois les partenariats et la croissance pour l’avènement d’un secteur durable et la consolidation des chaînes d’approvisionnement mondiales en minerais.

L’année dernière, Ma’aden avait annoncé lors du FMF une série de nouvelles importantes, et notamment la création d’une coentreprise de vaste envergure avec PIF et Manara Minerals pour appuyer les chaînes d’approvisionnement mondiales en minerais essentielles à la transition énergétique. Ma’aden avait également annoncé la passation d’accords de taille avec les géants de l’industrie minière internationale, à savoir Ivanhoe Electric et Barrick Gold Corporation, accompagnant ainsi le développement du secteur minier du royaume saoudien.

Le Forum joue un rôle majeur dans le soutien aux investissements et aux partenariats, en Arabie Saoudite et dans le monde entier.

Les nouvelles initiatives passionnantes qui feront l’objet de débats lors du FMF 2024 comprennent notamment l’augmentation de la capacité des ressources humaines et des talents dans la région grâce à des centres éducatifs, l’élaboration de normes de durabilité conformes aux exigences des pays hôtes et permettant d’entretenir la confiance de la population, ou encore la création régionale d’un pôle de métaux verts au moyen de technologies modernes, et le développement de centres de traitement.

Le FMF a connu un succès retentissant en 2023, rassemblant plus de 9 000 visiteurs sur site et plus de 13 000 participants en ligne. Axée sur des solutions de réponse concrètes aux enjeux de l’industrie minière, l’édition 2024 devrait conquérir un auditoire encore plus large.

Cette nouvelle édition du FMF, sous mécénat du Gardien des deux Saintes Mosquées, Sa Majesté le Roi Salman ben Abdelaziz d’Arabie Saoudite, se tiendra à Riyad du 9 au 11 janvier 2024, au Centre international de conférences du Roi Abdelaziz.

Pour en savoir plus sur le FMF 2024 et vous inscrire à l’événement, veuillez consulter le site https://www.futuremineralsforum.com/registration/.

Omar Shereen
TÉLÉPHONE : +966506630489
E-mail : omar.shereen@fleishman.com

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000899402

Ma’aden com um papel fundamental na abordagem dos desafios do setor, no Future Minerals Forum 2024

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Nov. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Future Minerals Forum (FMF) anunciou hoje que a Ma’aden irá regressar como Parceira Fundadora do evento pelo terceiro ano consecutivo. A Ma’aden, a maior empresa de recursos naturais multi-commodities do Médio Oriente, voltará a desempenhar um papel central nos debates que moldam o setor global dos minerais durante o FMF 2024, em janeiro.

Este evento centrar-se-á na criação de cadeias de valor mineral resilientes e responsáveis na super-região de África, Ásia Ocidental e Central, rica em recursos minerais. O FMF 2024 irá reunir líderes governamentais, executivos do setor mineiro, investidores e outras partes interessadas para impulsionar a parceria e o crescimento, contribuindo para um setor sustentável e reforçando as cadeias de abastecimento de minerais a nível mundial.

No FMF do ano passado, a Ma’aden fez uma série de anúncios significativos, incluindo o de uma importante joint-venture com o PIF, a Manara Minerals, que apoia as cadeias de abastecimento de minerais a nível mundial, as quais são essenciais para a transição energética. A Ma’aden anunciou igualmente acordos de destaque com os líderes mineiros mundiais Ivanhoe Electric e Barrick Gold Corporation, que contribuem para impulsionar o desenvolvimento do setor mineiro do Reino.

O Fórum desempenha um papel fundamental no apoio ao investimento e às parcerias, na Arábia Saudita e a nível mundial.

As novas e excitantes iniciativas que serão discutidas no FMF 2024 incluem o aumento da capacidade dos recursos humanos e do talento na região através de centros de excelência; o desenvolvimento de normas de sustentabilidade que satisfaçam os requisitos dos países anfitriões e mantenham a confiança da sociedade; e a criação de um centro de metais verdes na super-região através da utilização de tecnologias modernas e do desenvolvimento de centros de processamento.

O FMF 2023 foi um sucesso retumbante, com mais de 9000 participantes presenciais e mais de 13 000 participantes remotos. Espera-se que o FMF 2024 tenha um alcance ainda mais alargado, centrando-se em soluções práticas para os desafios que o setor mineiro e mineral enfrenta.

O FMF 2024 realizar-se-á sob o patrocínio do Guardião das Duas Mesquitas Sagradas, o Rei Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, no Centro Internacional de Convenções Rei Abdulaziz, em Riade, de 9 a 11 de janeiro de 2024.

Para saber mais sobre o FMF 2024 e para se inscrever no evento, visite https://www.futuremineralsforum.com/registration/.

Omar Shereen
N.º DE TELEFONE: +966506630489
E-mail: omar.shereen@fleishman.com

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000899402

AI-Media Introduz Tecnologia de Ponta de Legendagem no Global Media Congress

ABU DHABI, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Nov. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Global Media Congress irá repetir o seu sucesso de 2022 em Abu Dhabi, nos Emirados Árabes Unidos, entre 14 e 16 de novembro de 2023. Este ano, a AI-Media será a principal fornecedora de legendas e traduções ao vivo, com suas soluções avançadas que irão aprimorar a experiência do evento ao vivo.

No mundo de hoje, eventos como o Global Media Congress são uma plataforma valiosa para que os profissionais da mídia possam se conectar, descobrir tendências e colaborar. Uma audiência internacional é fundamental para que o conteúdo atinja um público diversificado e a tecnologia da AI-Media está tornando isso mais viável do que nunca.

James, Diretor de Vendas da AI-Media, comentou sobre a evento:

“Estou muito feliz em ver as soluções inovadoras de legendagem e tradução da AI-Media no centro das atenções no Congresso Global de Mídia. Além de ser uma divisora de águas a nossa tecnologia cria pontes, permitindo que diversos públicos se conectem e participem totalmente de uma conversa global. Temos orgulho de contribuir para tornar eventos como este mais acessíveis, inclusivos e conectados internacionalmente.”

Recursos da Solução Inovadora da AI-Media:

  • Tradução Remota para 5 Idiomas da ONU: A tecnologia da AI-Media pode traduzir facilmente conteúdo do inglês para cinco idiomas das Nações Unidas: Árabe, francês, russo, chinês e espanhol. Essa capacidade elimina as barreiras linguísticas e promove a inclusão.
  • Tradução de Áudio na Mesma Transmissão: Além da tradução de texto, a AI-Media oferece tradução de áudio em tempo real, permitindo que os participantes ouçam o conteúdo no seu idioma preferido, aumentando o engajamento.
  • Acesso a Todos: Os participantes no local podem acessar o conteúdo traduzido ao vivo nos seus próprios smartphones ou dispositivos web por meio do aplicativo do evento. Esta solução simples torna os eventos mais acessíveis e envolventes para todos os participantes.

Expansão do Alcance e Aumento da Satisfação:

A tecnologia de legendagem e tradução da AI-Media vai além da conveniência, pois amplia o alcance dos eventos e transmissões. A oferta de conteúdo multilíngue e de tradução em tempo real pode aumentar significativamente o alcance global e os níveis de satisfação, criando experiências mais imersivas para todos.

As soluções de legendagem e tradução LEXI da AI-Media estão na vanguarda e tornam eventos como o Global Media Congress mais acessíveis, inclusivos e conectados globalmente. Ao superar as barreiras linguísticas, a AI-Media facilita o intercâmbio cultural e o conhecimento compartilhado.

Para mais informações sobre como a AI-Media pode aprimorar o seu próximo evento ou transmissão com conteúdo inclusivo e multilíngue, visite AI-MEDIA.TV

Sobre a AI-Media
Fundada na Austrália em 2003, a empresa de tecnologia AI-Media é líder global de soluções de legendagem, transcrição e tradução ao vivo e gravadas. A empresa ajuda as principais emissoras, empresas e agências governamentais do mundo a garantir alta precisão, segurança e custo-benefício por meio da sua solução de legendagem automática LEXI com tecnologia de IA. As legendas LEXI são entregues a milhões de telas em todo o mundo através da gama de codificadores de legendas da AI-Media e sua iCap Cloud Network – a maior e mais segura rede de entrega de legendas do mundo. A AI-Media entrega mais de 8 milhões de minutos de mídia ao vivo e gravada mensalmente em todo o mundo. A AI-Media é negociada na Bolsa de Valores da Austrália (ASX: AIM). Para mais informação, visite AI-Media.tv.

Foto deste comunicado disponível em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/156e404f-5cc8-4ddc-8f1a-ffac86ebdb33

Contato com a Mídia: 
Fiona Habben 
Gerente Sênior de Marketing – Global 

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8979115

AI-Media va présenter sa technologie de sous-titrage de pointe au Congrès mondial des médias

ABU DHABI, Émirats Arabes Unis, 14 nov. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le Congrès mondial des médias devrait avoir lieu à Abu Dhabi, aux Émirats arabes unis, du 14 au 16 novembre 2023, suite au succès de l’édition 2022. Cette année, AI-Media jouera un rôle central en tant que fournisseur de sous-titrage et de traduction en temps réel, avec ses solutions avancées visant à améliorer l’expérience lors d’événements en direct.

Dans le monde actuel, des événements tels que le Congrès mondial des médias constituent une plateforme inestimable qui permet aux professionnels des médias de se rencontrer, de découvrir les tendances et de collaborer les uns avec les autres. Il est indispensable de s’assurer que le contenu touche un public diversifié et international, et la technologie d’AI-Media nous rapproche plus que jamais de cet objectif.

James Ward, Directeur des ventes d’AI-Media, à propos de l’événement :

« Je suis ravi que les solutions innovantes de sous-titrage et de traduction d’AI-Media occupent le devant de la scène lors du Congrès mondial des médias. Notre technologie n’est pas seulement révolutionnaire ; elle crée aussi un pont qui permet à divers publics d’entrer en contact naturellement et de prendre part à des conversations avec des acteurs du monde entier. Nous sommes fiers de contribuer à ce que des événements comme celui-ci soient plus accessibles, inclusifs et connectés sur le plan international. »

La solution innovante d’AI-Media comprend :

  • La traduction à distance vers 5 langues de l’ONU : La technologie d’AI-Media peut traduire facilement du contenu de l’anglais vers cinq langues des Nations Unies : L’arabe, le français, le russe, le chinois et l’espagnol. Cette aptitude permet d’éliminer le problème de la barrière de la langue et favorise l’inclusivité.
  • La traduction audio sur le même canal de diffusion : En plus de la traduction de texte, AI-Media propose une traduction audio simultanée, afin que les participants puissent écouter le contenu dans leur langue préférée et se sentir ainsi plus impliqués.
  • L’accessibilité pour tous : Les participants sur place peuvent accéder au contenu traduit en direct depuis leurs smartphones ou périphériques connectés via l’application de l’événement. Cette solution simple rend les événements plus accessibles et plus captivants pour tous les participants.

Une portée plus importante et une meilleure satisfaction :

La technologie de sous-titrage et de traduction d’AI-Media n’est pas seulement pratique ; elle permet d’élargir la portée des événements et du contenu diffusé. Proposer du contenu multilingue et une traduction simultanée peut augmenter considérablement la portée internationale et les niveaux de satisfaction, en créant des expériences plus immersives pour chacun.

Les solutions de sous-titrage et de traduction LEXI d’AI-Media sont à l’avant-garde d’événements plus accessibles, inclusifs et connectés sur le plan international, comme c’est le cas avec le Congrès mondial des médias. En surmontant la barrière de la langue, AI-Media facilite les échanges culturels et le partage des connaissances.

Pour savoir comment AI-Media peut améliorer votre prochain événement ou diffusion de contenu inclusif et multilingue, rendez-vous sur AI-MEDIA.TV

À propos d’AI-Media
Fondée en Australie en 2003, la société spécialisée dans les technologies AI-Media est un leader mondial en matière de solutions de sous-titrage, de transcription et de traduction en temps réel et enregistrés. La société permet aux principaux diffuseurs, entreprises et entités gouvernementales dans le monde entier d’offrir des sous-titres ultra-précis, sécurisés et rentables via LEXI, sa solution de sous-titrage automatique , alimentée par l’IA. Les sous-titres LEXI sont diffusés sur des millions d’écrans partout dans le monde via les divers encodeurs de sous-titres d’AI-Media et iCap Cloud, le réseau de diffusion de sous-titres le plus vaste et le plus sécurisé au monde. À l’échelle mondiale, AI-Media diffuse chaque mois plus de 8 millions de minutes de contenu média en temps réel et enregistré. AI-Media est coté à la Bourse australienne (ASX:AIM). Pour obtenir de plus amples informations, rendez-vous sur AI-Media.tv.

Une photo accompagnant cette annonce est disponible à l’adresse suivante : https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/156e404f-5cc8-4ddc-8f1a-ffac86ebdb33

Contact auprès des médias : 
Fiona Habben 
Directrice principale du marketing – Monde 

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8979115

New Report From ApplyBoard Highlights Need For Alignment Across International Education Sector

ApplyBoard’s third annual trends report uncovers the top trends in international education for 2024 and beyond

Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, Nov. 14, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ApplyBoard, the leading international student mobility technology platform, has released its third annual trends report, intended to help stakeholders in international education navigate the increasingly competitive sector landscape. The report, Alignment for Student and Institution Success: Top Trends in International Education for 2024 and Beyond, leverages extensive industry data, proprietary ApplyBoard intelligence, exclusive surveys, and candid student interviews to uncover the trends most likely to impact student mobility in the coming years.

Demand for international education is at an all-time high. In each of Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, student visa applications rose by at least 23% in 2022, and numbers continued to rise through 2023. With so many students going abroad, the report argues that it is essential that governments, institutions, and businesses align programs, policies, and priorities to develop more pathways for prosperity for all stakeholders. For example, institutions can better ensure student success by working with businesses to identify workforce needs and designing programs that train students capable of filling them.

“More than ever, alignment is needed across the international education sector to ensure the success of students and institutions alike,” says Meti Basiri, Co-Founder and CEO of ApplyBoard. “When governments, institutions, and businesses work collectively in pursuit of common goals, students receive a better educational experience and are better positioned to succeed during and after their studies. At ApplyBoard, we’re committed to working with our partners to bring this standard to life.”

Key findings from this year’s report include:


  • Major English-speaking destination countries face increased competition from non-Anglophone destination markets entering 2024.
  • Aging destination markets need skilled workers in areas like health and STEM, but institutions need to better align student inflows with these job market needs in order to both fill these roles and ensure student success. 
    • Job demand in health care is expected to grow by at least 13% by 2031 in both Canada and the US. Aging populations require increased health care services, and international students will be critical for filling the gaps.
    • Destination markets will face significant skills shortages in STEM in the coming years, but lack of knowledge and mentorship regarding these fields mean international students are not well positioned to address these shortages.
  • Replacing retirees will require alignment on stay-and-work messaging: 48% of students interested in studying in North America and the UK are looking for a clear path to permanent residency post-degree.
  • Housing shortages, upcoming elections and new government policies will all shape student sentiment in the years to come.
  • Student diversity is needed to ensure the long-term health of the international education sector. Nigeria, the Philippines, and Colombia are three countries where strategic recruitment efforts could pay dividends for institutions.


Uncover these insights and more by reading ApplyBoard’s Trends Report online here.

About ApplyBoard
ApplyBoard empowers students around the world to access the best education by simplifying the study abroad search, application, and acceptance process to more than 1,750 institutions across Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Ireland. ApplyBoard, headquartered in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, has helped more than 600,000 students from more than 125 countries along their educational journeys since 2015. To learn more, visit: www.applyboard.com

Brooke Kelly

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8979086

Rwanda’s Foreign Ministry lauds Tinubu, says TAC scheme, noble

Rwanda’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation has lauded President Bola Tinubu on the Nigerian Technical Aid Corps (TAC) scheme, describing it as a noble platform for the promotion of Pan-Africanism.

This is contained in a statement issued by Mr Nkem Anyata-Lafia, the Special Assistant on Media and Publicity to Dr Yusuf Yakub, the Director-General (DG) of Technical Aid Corps in Africa (DTAC).

Anyata-Lafia quoted the Rwanda’s Minister of State, Mr James Kabarebe, as lauding Tinubu in Kigali when the ministry received the delegation of DTAC led by Yakub.

It would be recalled that the DTAC boss and some senior staff had embarked on a four-day Administrative, Monitoring and Evaluation exercise in four countries in East Africa.

While on the administrative tour, the team will monitor the TAC volunteers in Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania and Seychelles.

Kabarebe commended Tinubu’s administration, noting that he action was a big brother approach.

He extolled Tinubu’s gesture for continuing to advance the course of development through technology transfer, skills acquisition and scholarship for African people.

The minister said that although Nigeria, like other nations of the world with its own challenges, is commitment to the leadership and development of Africa and some parts of the globe through soft-power diplomacy remained laudable and worthy of emulation.

According to him, Nigeria has continued to use its huge population, size and early advancement in matters of education to benefit all parts of Africa.

The minister reminisced the positive inspiration projected by writers such as, Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka and Cyprian Ekwensi, among many others.

Kabarebe said, “These were not only an instrument of soft power that sold Nigeria to the world, but was all that Nigeria needed to stamp its authority as a global super player in world affairs.

Furthermore, he highlighted the huge gap that existed between other countries of Africa and their goals, adding that TAC deserves Africa’s support.

The minister promised that the ministry would leverage on the existing cordial relations between Rwanda and Nigeria to strengthen their co-operation through the scheme.

Speaking earlier, Yakub said that the delegation were in Rwanda to monitor, evaluate and as well to review the activities of the TAC volunteer scheme in its recipient countries and among the volunteers.

He added that the visit was also aimed at providing him the opportunity to meet and familiarise with State officials and other stakeholders in the TAC scheme across parts of Africa after been appointed to head the agency by Tinubu.

The DTAC delegation also met with the Minister of State for Education, Ms Claudette Irere, Nigeria’s High Commissioner in Kigali, Amb. Suleiman Sani and the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Finance), University of Rwanda, Ms Francoise Kayitore.

They also visited the remaining volunteer of the TAC scheme at the University of Rwanda, Dr Nasiru Sani, a Health Information and Community Medicine expert, among others.

The DTAC team comprised Yakub, the Director of Programmes, Amb. Mohammed Mohammed, acting Director, Finance and Accounts, Mr Idris Saidu and Mrs Rahila Ayuba-Kaura, acting Director, Monitoring and Evaluation.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

CAC secures SON’s quality service certificate

The Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) has secured the Standard Organisation of Nigeria (SON) ISO 9001:2015 recertification for another three-years.

The certificate is in recognition of the excellent services being rendered by the CAC, the Deputy Director, Budget, Planning, Research, and Statistics, Uzoma Oji, said on Tuesday in Abuja.

Oji who presented the certificate to the Registrar-General of CAC, Hussaini Magaji, said it would expire on July 29, 2026, and urged the commission not to derail in providing efficient services to the public.

He said: ”the milestone achievement follows the re-certification audit of the Commission’s Quality Management System (QMS) by the Standard Organisation of Nigeria (SON) in July.

“The certification is an attestation by the SON that the quality of services rendered by the Commission to her esteemed customers is in conformity with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 Standard.”

Receiving the certificate, the CAC’s Registrar-General thanked SON for the recognition and commended staff of the commission for their hard work and delivery of excellent services to customers.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Ex-international Oguche seeks development of basketball at grassroots

The Initiator of Sam Oguche basketball tournament, Sam Oguche has promised to leave no stone unturned to ensure more growth and development of basketball in the country.

Oguche spoke to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on the sidelines of the 2023 Sam Oguche/Bullet Energy Drink Invitational Tournament in Abuja.

He said that the goal of the tournament was to identify and develop more talents at the grassroots.

NAN reports that the tournament which dunked off at the magnificent Mo Basketball Arena in Abuja on Nov.13 is expected to end on Nov. 17.

According to him, “This is what we do every year. I had this same edition in Lagos last year but this year we decided to come to Abuja.

“We are just coming back to give back to the youth through basketball.

“This is the third edition and so far we have eight elite teams from outside and within Abuja,” he said.

The former Nigeria Basketball International stressed that he was passionate about the growth and development of Basketball at the grassroots in the country.

“What keeps me going is the passion. Not just me, but I and many others who have been supporting the growth of basketball in Nigeria and beyond.

“I am impressed about the progress made so far as I have seen some of the kids who attended this tournament playing in the league team.

“For me, this is really good and it means that they are growing and the game is growing in the country as well,” he said.

He urged basketball stakeholders in the country not to relent in their effort to develop basketball in the country, noting that the future had a lot of goodies for the game.

Oguche, however, urged the Nigeria Basketball Federation (NBBF) to be more deliberate in developing the sports at the grassroots.

“Honestly my take and how I feel for the growth of basketball in the country is that we can do better.

“There are a lot of things we are lacking ranging from facilities to grassroots initiatives and I think we can do better.

“The future is bright for Nigerian basketball because there are a lot of guys from the diaspora that come back and do what we do.

“I also think keeping league consistency by the Nigeria Basketball Federation can actually make basketball do better,” he said.

NAN reports that results of matches played on Monday saw FCT Hard Rockers beat Bulldogs 80-75 in a pulsating opening game.

Also, 313 Warrior defeated Defenders Basketball team 78-70, while Mark Town Flyers out-dunked Plateau Peaks 79-66.

The winners of the tournament are expected to smile home with N1 million, while the runners up will pocket N500,000.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Wike inaugurates task force on issuance of C of O, land use contravention

The Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Mr Nyesom Wike, has inaugurated a Task Force on the issuance of Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) for mass housing and the recovery of land use contravention fees.

Wike explained while inaugurating the task force in Abuja on Tuesday that the measure was to ensure that each of the houses in mass housing estates has its own C of O and pay for it.

He lamented that virtually all the residential areas have been turned to commercial, adding, “something must be done about it.”

He said that those who contravened the Land Use Act must be recertified and pay the appropriate penalties.

Wike explained that those given approval for residential buildings have converted to commercial structures, while those given for commercial also contravene by building residential houses.

“So, there must be a recertification and there must be penalties.

“The only way people can be deterred from doing this is to make sure that we discourage them and discouraging them means that if you want to build, you have a penalty to pay, and that penalty must be severe.

“In as much as we want to generate revenue, we also want to control the development of areas.

“Abuja has to go back to the original Master Plan. If there is need to have some amendment, it is the government that will do such amendment, it is not for the allottees to do so on their own,” he said.

The minister said that government agencies in charge of land administration in the FCT were part of the problem, adding that the agencies were included in the task force to solve the problem they created.

He said: “Part of the problem we are having is the agencies: development control is part of the problem; the land registry is part of the problem; Abuja Geographic Information System AGIS is part of the problem.

“That is why they are part of the task force to face the problem they have caused and solve the problem. No outsider will do it.

“So, you must be diligent. Of course, you know, I will monitor what you are doing, and this assignment will not last more than one month from today.

“Whatever fund you require, let us know, Zenith bank will provide you the fund, but I must approve the fund.

“You write to me, and I will tell Zenith Bank what I need.*

Wike directed the task force to open two dedicated bank accounts for the assignment, saying, “one for non-compliance with the land use act and the other for the C of O.”

He also asked the task force to include people who were given land by the Area Councils but without C of O, adding that those concerned should be asked to apply and be informed about the amount to pay.

Wike explained that Abuja depended on Internally Generated Revenue to execute projects in the FCT.

“I am not interested in who did not comply and I don’t want anybody to write to me that the task force came. All I need is results. I don’t want excuses,” he added.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the committee would be chaired by Mr Michael Chinda, Senior Special Assistant to Wike on Lands, Urban and Regional Planning.

The Executive Secretary, Federal Capital Development Authority, Mr Shehu Ahmad, would serve as the secretary.

Other members of the taskforce include the Director, Department of Development Control, Director, Department of Land Administration and the Director, Department of Surveying and Mapping.

Others are the Director, Department of Mass Housing, Director of AGIS, and Director, Department of Urban and Regional Planning.

Also included are two estate surveyors, Dr Emmanuel Mark and Mr Emma Okas.

Responding on behalf of the members, Chinda expressed the readiness of the task force team to get to work and promised not to disappoint the minister.

The chairman further promised to deliver on the task within a month.

He described C of O as an “indispensable requirement” for land ownership, adding that the land belongs to the government and the people using it must pay.

“We will not spare anyone that has contravene and we will do the needful

“I can assure you that we will do this job with precision, diligence and a high level of professionalism so that we will meet your expectation and possibly exceed.”

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Akeredolu: Ajulo commends Ondo elders for efforts to resolve political crisis

Mr Kayode Ajulo, a constitutional lawyer has commended the Ondo State elders for steps taken to resolve the political crisis in the state.

Ajulo, who is also the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Egalitarian Mission for Africa (EMA) said this in a statement on Tuesday in Abuja.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Ondo State has been facing a political crisis intensified by the absence of Gov. Rotimi Akeredolu and a contentious impeachment process involving the Deputy Lucky Aiyedatiwa.

He said the state eventually found solace in a pivotal meeting at the residence of Afenifere leader Pa Reuben Fasoranti on Nov. 13.

Ajulo said that the state`s elders and leaders forum converged to discuss peace and development amidst the current political turbulence.

Ajulo had earlier urged the state elders to intervene in the crisis that disrupted governance and fueled enmity among the political actors in the state.

He expressed optimism in Ondo State’s ability to independently address challenges, while applauding the elders for responding to the call, emphasising the critical nature of such a meeting.

Ajulo who said that collective efforts was required to forester a harmonious coexistence, urged the indigenes to join the cause initiated by the united front of Ondo elders.

NAN reports that the national leader of Afenifere, Pa Reuben Fasoranti, Monday held a meeting with some elders of the state to resolve the crisis between Akeredolu and his Deputy.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria