MDC Visual Case Study Reveals that by 2027 There will be 100 million VR and AR Gamers

More than Half the Gaming Population is Drawn to First-Person Shooters as the Top Gaming Genre in 2023

Mapping the Worlds Most Popular Video-Games
Top Video Game Trends and Favourites 2023

LONDON, Nov. 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A landmark visual case study released by MDC (Minimum Deposit Casinos) has revealed that the global gaming industry is booming, with millions of people around the world plunging into the virtual realm to enjoy their all-time favourite games. In 2023, there were 98 million people using virtual reality (VR) and 23 million using augmented reality (AR). By 2027, both AR and VR are expected to surpass 100 million users worldwide.

iGaming resource portal MDC in collaboration with NowSourcing, a renowned design agency, did the research and created an immersive visual case study, mapping out the most favoured video games in the United States and across the globe as of 2023.

Key Findings:

  • The most popular video game genres are first-person shooters, action adventures, simulations, multiplayer online battle arenas (MOBAs), and sports games.
  • Video game preferences vary by country, e.g., France loves Pokémon Legends: Arceus, China prefers Honor of Kings.
  • Emerging trends in the gaming industry include AR and VR gaming, fitness gaming, and casino gaming.

The gaming industry has reached a golden age – where futuristic cutting-edge technology emulates a universe unlike any other. These are realistic, pioneering, and super engaging games, unlike anything seen before. But what types of games are trending and what are the most popular among players?

The MDC case study infographic found, that first-person shooters (FPS) are the most popular video game genre, followed by action adventures, simulations, MOBAs, and sports games. At least 66%, aged 16 to 24, are engaging in FPS games.

The most popular video games in 2023 also vary from country to country.

France enjoys Pokémon Legends: Arceus, China prefers Honor of Kings, and other countries have their favourites, like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Germany), Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (United Kingdom), Madden NFL (United States), Pikmin 4 (Japan), God of War Ragnarök (Russia), Remnant II (Canada), and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Australia).

The gaming industry is also constantly evolving, with new trends emerging all the time. Some of the most leading trends include AR and VR, fitness, and casino gaming.

AR and VR Gaming

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) games have taken the world by storm. AR games overlay digital information onto the real world, while VR games transport players to completely immersive virtual worlds.

In 2023, there were 98 million people using VR and 23 million using AR. By 2027, both AR and VR are expected to surpass 100 million users worldwide.

Some of the most played AR and VR games on Steam include War Thunder, Phasmophobia, and VR Chat.

The VR fitness market is also expected to grow 40% between 2023 and 2029.

Casino Gaming

Online casino entertainment is just as sought after around the world. In 2023, there were 4,792 online gaming businesses located globally – a 29.25% growth rate since 2018. Some of the top casino games include Coin Master, Bingo Blitz, and Jackpot Party Casino Slots.

With so many different types of games and platforms to choose from, the global gaming industry has never looked brighter.

Learn more about the trendiest games around the world on MDC:

About MDC

MDC ( is your ultimate resource portal for accurate and up-to-date information on the best online casinos and games worldwide. Led by a team of online casino experts, MDC is committed to providing valuable insights and promoting responsible online gaming practices for users globally.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at:


Email Address:

Twitter/X: @MinDeposCasino

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000897481

MDC Visual Case Study Reveals that by 2027 There will be 100 million VR and AR Gamers

More than Half the Gaming Population is Drawn to First-Person Shooters as the Top Gaming Genre in 2023

Mapping the Worlds Most Popular Video-Games
Top Video Game Trends and Favourites 2023

LONDON, Nov. 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A landmark visual case study released by MDC (Minimum Deposit Casinos) has revealed that the global gaming industry is booming, with millions of people around the world plunging into the virtual realm to enjoy their all-time favourite games. In 2023, there were 98 million people using virtual reality (VR) and 23 million using augmented reality (AR). By 2027, both AR and VR are expected to surpass 100 million users worldwide.

iGaming resource portal MDC in collaboration with NowSourcing, a renowned design agency, did the research and created an immersive visual case study, mapping out the most favoured video games in the United States and across the globe as of 2023.

Key Findings:

  • The most popular video game genres are first-person shooters, action adventures, simulations, multiplayer online battle arenas (MOBAs), and sports games.
  • Video game preferences vary by country, e.g., France loves Pokémon Legends: Arceus, China prefers Honor of Kings.
  • Emerging trends in the gaming industry include AR and VR gaming, fitness gaming, and casino gaming.

The gaming industry has reached a golden age – where futuristic cutting-edge technology emulates a universe unlike any other. These are realistic, pioneering, and super engaging games, unlike anything seen before. But what types of games are trending and what are the most popular among players?

The MDC case study infographic found, that first-person shooters (FPS) are the most popular video game genre, followed by action adventures, simulations, MOBAs, and sports games. At least 66%, aged 16 to 24, are engaging in FPS games.

The most popular video games in 2023 also vary from country to country.

France enjoys Pokémon Legends: Arceus, China prefers Honor of Kings, and other countries have their favourites, like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Germany), Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (United Kingdom), Madden NFL (United States), Pikmin 4 (Japan), God of War Ragnarök (Russia), Remnant II (Canada), and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Australia).

The gaming industry is also constantly evolving, with new trends emerging all the time. Some of the most leading trends include AR and VR, fitness, and casino gaming.

AR and VR Gaming

Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) games have taken the world by storm. AR games overlay digital information onto the real world, while VR games transport players to completely immersive virtual worlds.

In 2023, there were 98 million people using VR and 23 million using AR. By 2027, both AR and VR are expected to surpass 100 million users worldwide.

Some of the most played AR and VR games on Steam include War Thunder, Phasmophobia, and VR Chat.

The VR fitness market is also expected to grow 40% between 2023 and 2029.

Casino Gaming

Online casino entertainment is just as sought after around the world. In 2023, there were 4,792 online gaming businesses located globally – a 29.25% growth rate since 2018. Some of the top casino games include Coin Master, Bingo Blitz, and Jackpot Party Casino Slots.

With so many different types of games and platforms to choose from, the global gaming industry has never looked brighter.

Learn more about the trendiest games around the world on MDC:

About MDC

MDC ( is your ultimate resource portal for accurate and up-to-date information on the best online casinos and games worldwide. Led by a team of online casino experts, MDC is committed to providing valuable insights and promoting responsible online gaming practices for users globally.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at:


Email Address:

Twitter/X: @MinDeposCasino

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000897481

Fortrea Conclui Expansão das Soluções de Farmacologia Clínica Seguindo Investimentos Direcionados às suas Quatro Unidades de Pesquisa Clínica nos EUA e Reino Unido

A produção de cGMP adiciona velocidade e agilidade nos locais das farmácias, aumenta a capacidade, aprimora capacidades terapêuticas flexíveis e melhora a experiência dos voluntários do estudo

DURHAM, N.C., Nov. 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) (a “Empresa”), uma organização líder global de pesquisa por contrato (CRO), anunciou hoje que concluiu um trabalho de vários anos de expansão das suas soluções e capacidade de farmacologia clínica, que agora estão totalmente disponíveis para os clientes. A expansão inclui uma instalação de última geração de 100.000 pés quadrados em Leeds, Reino Unido, bem como aproximadamente 20.000 pés quadrados de espaço novo ou renovado, aumento da capacidade e recursos das suas unidades de pesquisa clínica (CRUs) em Dallas, Texas; Daytona, Flórida; e Madison, Wisconsin.

“A crescente complexidade dos estudos de farmacologia clínica exige infraestrutura, experiência e conhecimento adequados para proteger a segurança dos participantes do estudo e a integridade dos dados criticamente importantes”, disse Oren Cohen, M.D., presidente de Farmacologia Clínica e diretor médico da Fortrea. “Nossa plataforma de serviços integrados inclui a melhor infraestrutura da categoria e profissionais experientes totalmente dedicados à farmacologia clínica, incluindo médicos, enfermeiros, cientistas clínicos, CRAS e farmacocinéticos. Os investimentos que fizemos foram focados nas necessidades que os clientes têm de recursos e capacidade para avaliar com precisão os primeiros candidatos ao pipeline e acelerar aqueles com promessa de desenvolvimento em fase posterior e, finalmente, para os pacientes que precisam deles.”

As melhorias nas instalações após a expansão concluída incluem o novo CRU da Fortrea em Leeds, bem como salas construídas especificamente em Madison e Daytona, projetadas para flexibilidade na execução de estudos clínicos complexos na fase inicial. Melhorias nos espaços recreativos, de vida e de “trabalho em casa” nas CRUs foram construídas na Fortrea para aprimorar a experiência dos voluntários que participam de pesquisas nos locais.

A expansão das instalações de serviços de farmácia de desenvolvimento clínico inicial da Fortrea inclui novas farmácias cGMP de última geração nas CRUs de Leeds e Daytona. Todas as CRUs da Fortrea agora terão farmácias cGMP. Isso permite a fabricação no local de medicamentos estéreis e não estéreis. O design das suas instalações compatíveis com GMP proporciona o manuseio e a entrega segura de medicamentos de qualidade GMP que atendam as demandas exclusivas dos estudos de farmacologia clínica, com foco na eficiência e flexibilidade com o nível de controles esperado pelas autoridades reguladoras e patrocinadores.

Os aprimoramentos na ciência e na tecnologia incluem a adição de programas habilitados para inteligência artificial que otimizam a utilização do espaço do leito e o agendamento clínico, e a aplicação de modos de falha e análise de efeitos para reduzir o risco de execução do estudo antes do início do estudo. Após investimentos em sistemas de coleta de dados, todos os dados do estudo de farmacologia clínica coletados nas CRUs da Fortrea são inseridos diretamente em um sistema digital de captura de dados à beira do leito, que também pode ser usado como uma solução eficiente de captura eletrônica de dados.

“Acredito que as primeiras soluções de desenvolvimento clínico da Fortrea venham a estabelecer um novo padrão do que a indústria de pesquisa deve esperar dos seus parceiros”, disse o Dr. Cohen. “Estou muito orgulhoso desta equipe e sei que eles também se beneficiarão das mudanças que fizemos. Assim como eles se inspiram na nossa missão de acelerar a oferta de tratamentos que mudam a vida dos pacientes, também me inspiro da dedicação diária deles, à medida que oferecemos soluções para nossos clientes.”

Sobre a Fortrea

A Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE) é fornecedora líder global de soluções para o desenvolvimento clínico e acesso ao paciente para a indústria de ciências da vida. Fazemos parcerias com grandes e emergentes empresas biofarmacêuticas, de dispositivos médicos e de diagnóstico para impulsionar a inovação na saúde que acelera terapias que mudam a vida dos pacientes que precisam delas. A Fortrea fornece gerenciamento de testes clínicos de fase I-IV, farmacologia clínica, soluções de testes com tecnologia diferenciada e serviços pós-aprovação.

As soluções da Fortrea utilizam suas três décadas de experiência abrangendo mais de 20 áreas terapêuticas, sua dedicação ao rigor científico, insights excepcionais e uma forte rede de pesquisadores. Nossa equipe talentosa e diversificada de mais de 19.000 pessoas que trabalham em mais de 90 países é dimensionada para fornecer soluções focadas e ágeis para clientes de todo o mundo.

Saiba mais sobre como a Fortrea está se tornando uma força transformadora de pipeline para paciente na e siga-nos no LinkedIn e X (antigo Twitter) @Fortrea.

Advertência a Respeito de Declarações de Previsão

Algumas das declarações neste comunicado de imprensa, particularmente aquelas relacionadas aos benefícios financeiros e outros benefícios previstos, incluindo, mas não se limitando a, se os investimentos em unidades de pesquisa clínica nos EUA e no Reino Unido irão aumentar a capacidade, aprimorar as capacidades terapêuticas, aumentar a experiência dos voluntários do estudo, acelerar o desenvolvimento de testes de fase posterior e aprimorar a integridade dos dados, e se a adição de programas habilitados para inteligência artificial irá otimizar a utilização do espaço do leito e o agendamento clínico, são declarações de previsão na acepção da Lei de Reforma de Litígios de Títulos Privados dos EUA de 1995. Essas declarações de previsão envolvem riscos e incertezas, muitos dos quais estão fora do controle da Empresa. Os resultados reais podem ser substancialmente diferentes das expectativas expressas ou implícitas nas declarações de previsão se uma ou mais das suposições ou expectativas subjacentes forem imprecisas ou não forem realizadas. Importantes fatores que podem fazer com que nossos resultados reais sejam substancialmente diferentes de tais expectativas são detalhados na declaração de registro da Fortrea no Formulário 10 protocolado inicialmente no SEC no dia 15 de maio de 2023 (emendado e posteriormente suplementado), relatório trimestral da Fortrea no Formulário 10-Q protocolado no SEC no dia 14 de agosto de 2023, e em outros documentos da Fortrea protocolados no SEC. As declarações de previsão tomam por base convicções e suposições atuais da gerência e estão sujeitas a riscos, incertezas e mudanças nas circunstâncias. A Fortrea não é responsável pela atualização de tais declarações, e tais declarações são válidas somente até a presente data.

Contatos da Fortrea:

Fortrea para Mídia: Zaranek – 919-943-5422,
Fortrea para a Mídia: Dillon – 646-818-9115,
Fortrea para Investidores: Hima Inguva – 877-495-0816,

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8972039

Fortrea achève l’agrandissement de ses solutions de pharmacologie clinique à la suite d’investissements ciblés au sein de ses quatre unités de recherche clinique aux États-Unis et au Royaume-Uni

Amélioration de la vitesse et de la flexibilité de production de produits répondant aux cGMP dans les pharmacies des centres, accroissement de la capacité, amélioration des aptitudes thérapeutiques flexibles et amélioration de l’expérience des volontaires participant aux études

DURHAM, Caroline du Nord, 03 nov. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fortrea (Nasdaq : FTRE) (la « Société »), une société de recherche sous contrat (contract research organization, CRO) internationale de premier plan, a annoncé ce jour avoir achevé un effort de plusieurs années visant à agrandir ses solutions et sa capacité en matière de pharmacologie clinique, désormais entièrement disponibles pour ses clients. L’agrandissement inclut un complexe ultramoderne de près de 9 300 mètres carrés (100 000 pieds carrés) à Leeds, au Royaume-Uni, ainsi qu’environ 1 860 mètres carrés (20 000 pieds carrés) d’espace, nouveau ou rénové. Cela permet d’améliorer la capacité et les aptitudes des unités de recherche clinique (URC) à Dallas, au Texas, à Daytona, en Floride, et à Madison, dans le Wisconsin.

« La complexité croissante des études de pharmacologie clinique exige des infrastructures, une expérience et une expertise adaptées afin de garantir la sécurité des participants aux études et l’intégrité des données d’importance majeure », déclare le docteur Oren Cohen, président de la pharmacologie clinique et médecin-chef chez Fortrea. « Notre plate-forme de services intégrée comprend la meilleure infrastructure de sa catégorie et des professionnels expérimentés qui se consacrent exclusivement à la pharmacologie clinique, y compris des médecins, des infirmiers, des scientifiques cliniques, des ARC et des spécialistes de la pharmacocinétique. Les investissements que nous avons réalisés ciblent des aptitudes et la capacité nécessaires aux clients afin d’évaluer avec précision les premiers candidats dans le pipeline et d’accélérer la cadence pour ceux dont le développement en phase ultérieure est le plus prometteur, et qui pourront, au final, bénéficier aux patients qui en ont besoin. »

Les améliorations réalisées dans les installations suite à l’agrandissement incluent la nouvelle URC Fortrea à Leeds ainsi que des salles à Madison et à Daytona spécialement conçues pour plus de flexibilité dans l’exécution d’études cliniques de phase précoce complexes. Les améliorations réalisées dans les espaces de loisirs, de vie et de « télétravail » au sein des URC Fortrea ont été construites pour améliorer l’expérience des volontaires participant à des recherches dans les centres.

L’agrandissement des installations de services pharmaceutiques de développement clinique précoce de Fortrea comprend de nouvelles pharmacies de pointe conformes aux cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices, ou bonnes pratiques de fabrication actuelles) au sein des URC de Leeds et de Daytona. Toutes les URC Fortrea disposeront désormais de pharmacies cGMP. Cela permet la fabrication sur site de produits médicamenteux stériles et non stériles. La conception d’installations conformes aux GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices, ou bonnes pratiques de fabrication) permet de manipuler et de délivrer des produits pharmaceutiques de qualité conforme aux GMP en toute sécurité. Cela permet ainsi de répondre aux exigences uniques des études de pharmacologie clinique tout en mettant l’accent sur l’efficacité et la flexibilité, ainsi que le niveau de contrôle attendu par les autorités réglementaires et les commanditaires.

Les améliorations scientifiques et technologiques incluent l’ajout de programmes basés sur l’intelligence artificielle afin d’optimiser l’utilisation de l’espace des lits et la planification clinique, ainsi que l’application de l’analyse des modes de défaillance et de leurs effets pour réduire les risques liés à l’exécution d’une étude avant le début de celle-ci. À la suite des investissements dans les systèmes de recueil des données, toutes les données des études de pharmacologie clinique recueillies au sein des URC Fortrea sont saisies directement dans un système de capture de données numériques au chevet du patient, qui peut également faire office de solution efficace pour la capture des données électroniques.

« Je pense que les solutions de développement clinique précoce de Fortrea établissent une nouvelle norme quant à ce que le secteur de la recherche doit attendre de ses partenaires », déclare le Dr Cohen. « Je suis très fier des membres de cette équipe, et je sais que les changements que nous avons apportés vont aussi leur bénéficier. Notre mission visant à mettre au point plus rapidement des traitements révolutionnaires pour les patients les inspire, et en retour, leur dévouement quotidien pour offrir des solutions à nos clients m’inspire également. »

À propos de Fortrea

Fortrea (Nasdaq : FTRE) est l’un des principaux fournisseurs mondiaux de solutions de développement clinique et d’accès aux soins pour les patients dans le secteur des sciences de la vie. Nous collaborons avec des sociétés de renom et émergentes, spécialisées dans le domaine biopharmaceutique, des dispositifs médicaux et du diagnostic afin de stimuler l’innovation en matière de soins de santé pour accélérer la mise au point de traitements révolutionnaires pour les patients qui en ont besoin. Fortrea propose des solutions pour la gestion d’essais cliniques de phase I à IV, pour la pharmacologie clinique, pour les essais différenciés axés sur la technologie ainsi que des services après approbation.

Les solutions de Fortrea s’appuient sur trois décennies d’expérience couvrant plus de 20 domaines thérapeutiques, une passion pour la rigueur scientifique, des connaissances exceptionnelles et un réseau solide de centres de recherche. Notre équipe talentueuse et diversifiée de plus de 19 000 personnes travaillant dans plus de 90 pays est dimensionnée pour fournir des solutions ciblées et flexibles à nos clients, partout dans le monde.

Obtenez plus d’informations sur la manière dont Fortrea influence le changement, du pipeline au patient, sur et suivez-nous sur LinkedIn et X (anciennement Twitter) @Fortrea.

Mise en garde concernant les déclarations prospectives

Certaines des déclarations contenues dans ce communiqué de presse, en particulier celles relatives aux avantages financiers et autres attendus, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, le fait que les investissements dans les unités de recherche clinique aux États-Unis et au Royaume-Uni augmenteront la capacité, amélioreront les aptitudes thérapeutiques, amélioreront l’expérience des volontaires qui souhaitent participer aux études, accéléreront le développement d’essais de phase ultérieure et amélioreront l’intégrité des données et le fait que l’ajout de programmes basés sur l’intelligence artificielle optimisera l’utilisation de l’espace des lits et la planification clinique, sont des déclarations prospectives au sens de l’U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act de 1995. Ces déclarations prospectives impliquent des risques et des incertitudes, dont beaucoup échappent au contrôle de la Société. Les résultats réels pourraient différer sensiblement des attentes exprimées ou sous-entendues dans les déclarations prospectives si une ou plusieurs hypothèses ou attentes sous-jacentes s’avèrent inexactes ou ne se réalisent pas. Les facteurs importants qui pourraient faire en sorte que les résultats réels diffèrent sensiblement de ces attentes sont et seront détaillés dans la déclaration d’enregistrement de Fortrea sous le formulaire 10 initialement déposé auprès de la SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission, ou l’organisme fédéral américain de réglementation et de contrôle des marchés financiers) le 15 mai 2023 (dans sa version modifiée et complétée), le rapport trimestriel de Fortrea sous le formulaire 10-Q déposé auprès de la SEC le 14 août 2023, ainsi que dans les autres documents déposés par Fortrea auprès de la SEC. Ces déclarations prospectives se basent sur les attentes actuelles de la direction et sont soumises à certains risques, incertitudes et changements de circonstances. Fortrea n’assume aucune responsabilité en ce qui concerne la mise à jour de ces déclarations, et ces déclarations ne sont valables qu’à la date d’émission de ce communiqué de presse.

Coordonnées de Fortrea :

Relations médias auprès de Fortrea : Sue Zaranek – 919-943-5422,
Relations médias auprès de Fortrea : Kate Dillon – 646-818-9115,
Relations investisseurs auprès de Fortrea : Hima Inguva – 877-495-0816,

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8972039

eXp Realty dévoile un partenariat innovant avec HomeHunter portant sur la modernisation de la recherche de biens immobiliers à l’international

BELLINGHAM, Washington, 02 nov. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — La société de courtage immobilier eXp Realty®, « the most agent-centric real estate brokerage on the planet™ » et la filiale principale d’eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq : EXPI), ont annoncé aujourd’hui la conclusion d’un nouveau partenariat avec Home Hunter, une application web innovante conçue pour améliorer le processus de recherche de logements pour les consommateurs d’Europe, du Moyen-Orient, d’Afrique du Sud, d’Inde, d’Australie et de Nouvelle-Zélande.

Alimenté par WikiRealty, Home Hunter va plus loin que les outils de recherche traditionnels en fournissant une plateforme personnalisée, complète et centralisée pour trouver facilement des biens immobiliers dans le monde entier. Elle optimise la recherche de logements en collectant des données provenant de nombreuses plateformes internationales, au lieu de se limiter à des requêtes individuelles. La plateforme possède également une fonction intuitive d’ajout en favori qui permet d’enregistrer en un seul clic les biens immobiliers préférés de l’utilisateur dans différentes régions géographiques et sur plusieurs plateformes, sans compter qu’elle fournit également une liste de suggestions d’annonces immobilières soigneuses sélectionnées en fonction de son historique de recherche.

« Home Hunter est bien placé pour devenir une source essentielle de données d’annonces immobilières dans le monde entier, avec des opportunités sans précédent, déclare Glenn Sanford, fondateur et PDG d’eXp Realty. Nous sommes extrêmement fiers d’être la première société de courtage à offrir à nos agents l’accès à cet outil afin d’améliorer l’expérience de recherche de biens immobiliers pour leurs clients. C’est un bel exemple de notre engagement en faveur de l’amélioration de la proposition de valeur de nos agents à l’échelle internationale. En simplifiant le processus d’achat de biens immobiliers pour les consommateurs, cet outil permet aux agents d’eXp Realty de consacrer une plus grande part de leur temps à des opportunités génératrices de chiffre d’affaires. »

À propos d’eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq : EXPI) est la société holding des entreprises eXp Realty®, Virbela® et SUCCESS® Enterprises.

Plus grande société immobilière indépendante au monde, eXp Realty recense plus de 89 000 agents aux États-Unis, au Canada, au Royaume-Uni, en Australie, en Afrique du Sud, en Inde, au Mexique, au Portugal, en France, à Porto Rico, au Brésil, en Italie, à Hong Kong, en Colombie, en Espagne, en Israël, au Panama, en Allemagne, en République dominicaine, en Grèce, en Nouvelle-Zélande, au Chili, en Pologne et à Dubaï, et continue de se développer à l’échelle internationale. Cotée en Bourse, la société eXp World Holdings offre aux professionnels de l’immobilier l’opportunité unique de se voir attribuer des actions pour récompenser les objectifs de production et leurs contributions à la croissance globale de l’entreprise. eXp World Holdings et ses entités proposent une gamme complète de solutions technologiques de courtage et d’immobilier, notamment un modèle innovant de courtage résidentiel et commercial, des services aux entreprises, des outils de collaboration et du développement personnel. La société de courtage basée sur le cloud est alimentée par Virbela, une plateforme 3D immersive profondément sociale et collaborative qui permet aux agents d’être plus connectés et plus productifs. Ancrée dans le paysage grâce à la notoriété du magazine SUCCESS® et de ses activités média connexes, la marque et publication SUCCESS® Enterprises, créée en 1897, se place en chef de file du développement personnel et professionnel.

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eXp Realty Anuncia Parceria Inovadora com a HomeHunter para Simplificar a Pesquisa Internacional de Imóveis

BELLINGHAM, Wash., Nov. 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A eXp Realty®, “the most agent-centric real estate brokerage on the planet™” e a principal subsidiária da eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), anunciou hoje uma nova parceria com a HomeHunter, um aplicativo de web inovador projetado para melhorar o processo de pesquisa de casas para consumidores em toda a Europa, Oriente Médio, África do Sul, Índia, Austrália e Nova Zelândia.

O HomeHunter foi desenvolvido pela WikiRealty para ser mais do que uma ferramenta de pesquisa tradicional, pois fornece uma plataforma personalizada, abrangente e centralizada para uma fácil pesquisa de casas em todo o mundo. Ele vai além dos limites das pesquisas individuais, agilizando a busca de uma casa, reunindo dados de inúmeras plataformas internacionais. Ele também possui uma função de marcação intuitiva que permite que os usuários salvem suas propriedades favoritas de diferentes regiões e plataformas com apenas um clique, e fornece uma lista selecionada de sugestões de propriedades com base no histórico de pesquisa do usuário.

“HomeHunter passará a ser a principal fonte de dados de listas em todo o mundo com oportunidades sem precedentes”, disse Glenn Sanford, fundador e CEO da eXp Realty. “Estamos imensamente orgulhosos de ser a primeira corretora a oferecer aos nossos agentes acesso a essa ferramenta para aprimoramento da experiência de pesquisa de casas para seus clientes. Isso é mais um exemplo do nosso compromisso de aprimorar a proposta de valor de nossos agentes em uma escala internacional. Essa ferramenta simplifica o processo de compra de casas para os consumidores, capacitando os agentes da eXp Realty a alocar mais tempo para oportunidades de geração de receita.”

Sobre a eXp World Holdings, Inc.

A eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) é a holding da eXp Realty®, Virbela® e SUCCESS® Enterprises.

A eXp Realty é a maior empresa imobiliária independente do mundo, com mais de 89.000 agentes nos Estados Unidos, Canadá, Reino Unido, Austrália, África do Sul, Índia, México, Portugal, França, Porto Rico, Brasil, Itália, Hong Kong, Colômbia, Espanha, Israel, Panamá, Alemanha, República Dominicana, Grécia, Nova Zelândia, Chile, Polônia e Dubai além de continuar a crescer em todo o mundo. Como uma empresa de capital aberto, a eXp World Holdings oferece aos profissionais do setor imobiliário a oportunidade única de ganhar prêmios de capital por metas de produção e contribuições para o crescimento geral da empresa. A eXp World Holdings e suas empresas oferecem um conjunto completo de soluções tecnológicas de corretagem e imobiliária, incluindo seu inovador modelo de corretagem residencial e comercial, serviços profissionais, ferramentas colaborativas e desenvolvimento pessoal. A corretora na nuvem tem por base a Virbela, uma plataforma 3D imersiva profundamente social e colaborativa, que permite que os agentes sejam mais conectados e produtivos. A SUCCESS® Enterprises, ancorada pela revista SUCCESS® e seus ativos de mídia, foi fundada em 1897 e é uma marca e publicação líder em desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional.

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As declarações de previsão contidas neste documento, podem incluir expectativas futuras ou outras declarações de previsão que têm por base a atual opinião e suposições da administração que envolvem riscos e incertezas conhecidos e desconhecidos que podem fazer com que os resultados reais sejam substancialmente diferentes dos resultados previstos. Exemplos de tais declarações de previsão incluem, mas não estão limitadas a, disponibilidade de programas de incentivo nos mercados internacionais e o valor futuro dos programas de incentivo financeiro. As declarações de previsão são válidas apenas a partir da presente data, e a empresa não tem nenhuma obrigação de atualizar ou revisar tais declarações. Tais declarações não são garantias de desempenho futuro. Fatores importantes que podem fazer com que os resultados reais sejam material e adversamente diferentes dos expressos nas declarações de previsão incluem, mudanças nos negócios ou outras condições de mercado; dificuldade de manter o crescimento das despesas em níveis modestos e, ao mesmo tempo, de aumentar a receita; e outros riscos detalhados ocasionalmente nos registros da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários da empresa, incluindo, mas não se limitando ao Relatório Trimestral protocolado mais recentemente no Formulário 10-Q e no Relatório Anual no Formulário 10-K.

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eXp World Holdings, Inc.

Contato de Relações com Investidores:

Denise Garcia

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RATTAWU Week: Unhappy workers will affect productivity- NAN MD

By Adeyemi Adeleye/Abiodun Azi

The Managing Director, News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Mr Ali M. Ali, says unhappy workers will negatively affect productivity of any organisation.

Ali made this remark at a lecture by the Radio, Television, Theatre and Arts Workers’ Union of Nigeria (RATTAWU), the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) Chapter, on Friday in Lagos.

NAN reports that the event, tagged RATTAWU Week Convergence 2.0 has the theme: “Enhancing Employees Development through Sustainable Skills,” was held at the NAN Media Centre.

According to Ali, the happiness of workers is directly related to their productivity within an organisation.

He, therefore, said that the leadership of NAN is committed to ensuring the well-being and happiness of its employees.

Ali acknowledged the critical role played by trade unions, especially RATTAWU, as they are essential stakeholders in the organisation.

“Trade unions, like you know, are critical in any organisation. RATTAWU, a sister union of the NUJ, is very key.

“In NAN, our leadership places very high premium on the welfare of our staff more than anything else.

“If an employee is unhappy, it is going to affect productivity and it will also affect the employers. Without the employees, there won’t be any employers, except you are self-employed.

“The management of NAN will always, at any point, keeps its doors open to union like RATTAWU.

“We identify with events like this and we will continue to support in spite our lean resources,” Ali, who was accompanied by key management staff of NAN, said.

The NAN boss emphasised that the trade union and management have a shared purpose and vision.

He also said that both should work harmoniously towards the common goal of improving NAN and addressing all issues and challenges faced by the organisation.

He expressed his optimism about the collaboration between the management and the union, seeing it as a means to raise NAN to greater heights and counter any negative trends within the organisation.

The managing director said, “Trade union and management should be working for the same purpose and not at cross purposes.

“We are not to work against each other. We are working toward the same vision and the same goal, especially in taking NAN to greater heights

“I see us working harmoniously together towards that goal of lifting NAN and towards halting the drift and rot in NAN.

Speaking, Dr Oluwarotimi Fashola, Special Adviser to Gov. Babajide Sanwo-Olu on Agriculture and Chairman of the occasion, said that agriculture remains a way of life

Fashola, who was represented by Mr Adedotun Ogunleye, noted that government workers could embrace agriculture to add value to their lives.

“We have crops that you can venture into, there are opportunities in agriculture these days.

“The beauty of it all is that you do not need a large space to start. There is urban agriculture now.

“Let’s do away with the idea of thinking that until you have a large space before you get involved in agriculture. In our own little space, we can grow crops which saves cost.

“It would be interesting to go back to the corners of our houses to grow crops, so that the lessons learned will not be wasted,” Fashola said.

In his remark, Mr Ishola Adejumo, the Chairman of RATTAWU, Lagos State Council, commended the NAN management for its commitment to staff welfare.

Adejumo thanked the management for the fleet of buses that were added to the existing ones, to ease staff’s movement.

He said that RATTAWU in Lagos State had distinguished itself in Nigeria and the first to be reckoned with.

Earlier in his welcome address, Mr Deji Fadipe, RATTAWU Chairman, NAN Chapter, commended the new management of NAN for its vision to improve the welfare of staff.

Fadipe noted that the NAN RATTAWU WEEK 2.0 featured several activities and training to equip members with more skills to contribute their quota to national development.

He said that several seminars and trainings for members on agriculture and agro-related ventures were also to help the staff in the current economy realities.

NAN reports that the event was attended by representatives from various other trade unions like the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) and Senior Staff Association of Statutory Corporation and Government-Owned Companies. (SSASCGOC) among others.

Award were presented to winners who emerged in various activities carried out during the week. (NAN)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Tinubu directs reform, reactivation of Presidential Project Delivery Tracker

Abuja, Nov. 3, 2023(NAN) President Bola Tinubu has directed the reactivation of the Presidential Delivery Tracker to empower Nigerians to track the implementation of projects across the country in real time.

The President stated this at the closing session of the three-day Cabinet Retreat, on Friday in Abuja.

Tinubu said that his determination to ensure the active and direct participation of citizens in governance was unwavering, noting that all Nigerians must be given the opportunity to track and report on the implementation of projects across the country.

He said he has asked his Special Adviser on Policy and Coordination, Hadiza Bala Usman, to immediately reactivate the tracking system in a way that maximally leverages on cutting-edge digital innovation to provide real time oversight capability.

Tinubu also redefined the priority areas of his administration as:

1. Reform the economy to deliver sustained inclusive growth.

2. Strengthen national security for peace and prosperity.

3. Boost agriculture to achieve food security.

4. Unlock energy and natural resources for sustainable development.

5. Enhance infrastructure and transportation as enablers of growth.

6. Focus on education, health, and social investment as essential pillars of development.

7. Accelerate diversification through industrialization, digitization, creative arts, manufacturing and innovation.

8. Improve governance for effective service delivery.

The President further implored all cabinet members to work very hard towards meeting the expectations of Nigerians.

“I want to reiterate that the Renewed Hope Agenda is about more than just economic growth. It is also about building a more just and equitable society for all Nigerians.

“It is about creating jobs, improving education and healthcare, and reducing poverty. It is about ensuring that all Nigerians have the opportunity to succeed.

“I know that we have a lot of work ahead of us, but I am confident we can achieve our goals. We have a strong team in place, and we are committed to working together to build a better future for Nigeria.

“Let me remind you that our people are not interested in excuses, political games, or procrastination. Neither am I. They are interested in tangible results. They seek solutions to the problems that have long plagued our great nation.

“The challenge before us demands that we must put aside personal ambitions and focus on adhering to the performance bond we have all signed up to on this day. These performance bonds represent a contract we must uphold,” the President said.

Tinubu also emphasized the importance of data in governance, saying: “Data is the lifeblood of effective governance. It enables us to understand the challenges we face so that we can design and implement effective solutions as well as monitor and evaluate our progress. Without data, we are flying blind.”

Tinubu charged all implementing authorities to unfailingly demonstrate diligence, innovative thinking, commitment and an unrelenting focus on results.

The climax of the retreat was the signing of performance bonds by ministers and permanent secretaries.(NAN)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Nigeria to receive another $150m Abacha loot from France

Abuja, Nov. 3, 2023(NAN) President Bola Tinubu has expressed the country’s appreciation to France for the return of 150 million dollars stolen from Nigeria by former Head of State, Gen. Sani Abacha.

This is contained in a statement by Chief Ajuri Ngelale, Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, on Friday in Abuja.

The President also acknowledged the signing of a 100 million Euro agreement between Nigeria and France to support the i-DICE programme.

i-DICE is a Federal Government initiative to promote investment in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Creative Arts Industries.

The agreement was signed by Dr ‘Bosun Tijani, the Minister of Communications, Innovation and Digital Technology, and the French Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs, at an event in Abuja.

Tinubu commended the strengthened bilateral relations between Nigeria and France, noting that this progress followed his visit to Paris after his inauguration.

“Thank you for the good news on the return of Abacha loot. We appreciate your effective cooperation concerning the return of Nigeria’s money. It will be judiciously applied in attaining our development objectives,” the President told Catherine Colonna, the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs of France, who delivered the news.

The President, while emphasizing the need to reinforce collaboration on both political and economic fronts, welcomed the growing cooperation between the two countries in areas of shared interest, such as climate change, economic integration, education and culture.

On the situation in Niger Republic, Tinubu, who is the Chairman of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government, said Nigeria was monitoring the situation in the neighbouring country, and exploring all diplomatic channels.

“Leadership is about responding to the needs of the people; their cries, and their frustrations. Nigeria shares a border with Niger across the expanse of seven Nigerian states, and most of these states are very populated. Therefore, I need to guide ECOWAS carefully and steadily so that we manage our anger carefully.

”We have a colleague and a democratically-elected leader, President Bazoum, being used as a human shield. If we are not careful, he and his family can be endangered.

”I am deploying all appropriate back-channel strategies to avoid bloodshed in Niger Republic. We recognize the wishes of our people; they do not want war, but that does not mean we can not take bold and decisive action,” the President said.

Tinubu said Nigeria would continue to galvanize international partners in the determined pursuit of a peaceful resolution to the situation in Niger Republic.

The French Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs conveyed the goodwill of President Emmanuel Macron and expressed the readiness of France to expand mutually beneficial collaboration with Nigeria across multiple sectors.

She proceeded to extend a formal invitation to the President to attend the forthcoming Paris Peace Forum.

Speaking on the Abacha loot, the French Presidential Envoy said the repatriation followed the completion of legal processes.

“It was a long process, but we are glad that it was concluded. Sometimes, justice may be slow, but this is a very good achievement,” she said.

Colonna also commended President Tinubu’s leadership in ECOWAS, saying: “We support your efforts at ECOWAS. We are behind you because we believe that constitutional order is a treasure for all countries, and democracy must be a reality.”(NAN)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Climate Change: NGO tasks African leaders on effective renewable energy transition

An international environmental organisation, 350.Org, has called on African leaders to show more commitment to phasing out fossil fuels, while channeling resources to the development of the renewable energy sector.

Ms Rukiya Khamis, Regional Organizer,, made the call in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), ahead of the launch of the “Power Up” for climate solutions initiative.

“We are calling on (African) governments and financial institutions to power up the continent safely by channeling finances to people-centered renewable energy, committing to phasing out fossil fuels, and for the fossil fuel industry to pay up for its role in the climate crisis.’’

Khamis said the heavy reliance on fossil fuels to generate energy had contributed to a lot of environmental and social problems, especially in Africa.

She stressed the need for Africa to look inward and fast-track the development of its vast renewable energy potentials, especially wind and solar.

“As we experience escalating climate impacts, to which the African continent is the most vulnerable, we are hopeful that a livable future is possible.

“Africa has an abundance of renewable energy potential that presents a unique opportunity for the continent to drive the global renewable energy revolution and foster an equitable transition away from fossil fuels,’’ she said.

The environmental activist said that as part of efforts to demand a clean, peaceful and equitable future for Africans, the NGO was leading a global month-long campaign ‘Power Up’ initiative.

She said the campaign was meant to put pressure on governments to change the narrative.

“Starting from Nov. 3, we will be calling on governments to get their act together and reclaim the excessive profits of the fossil fuels industry.

“Whether it is through taxes, ending subsidies, or stopping investments in new fossil fuel projects, they need to use this money to supercharge a global renewable energy revolution—one that is fair and shares resources equally.’’

According to her, the NGO is working closely with local groups and communities to raise awareness on the need for community-centered renewable projects, so as to evolve a clean/sustainable environment.

“The rapid heating of our planet is no accident; it is a crime perpetrated by a greedy few (Oil companies).

“For years, they have blocked climate action; all to protect their absurd wealth.

“It is time to break free from the chains of coal, oil, and gas and make the polluters pay for the urgent transformation we desperately need.

“We are taking to the streets not just in anger but with a burning hope in our hearts. We know there’s a better future, and we are determined to build it.

“People all over the world are already leading the charge towards a clean, just, and renewable world.

“Wind and solar power are smashing records year after year and getting cheaper by the day; we have got the tools and technology to make this transition a reality; what is missing is the political will,” she said.

In Nigeria, the NGO has slated series of ‘Power Up’ activities to take place in Abuja, Port Harcourt, Ogoni land in the Niger Delta to raise awareness on oil spills, environmental degradation and need for shift to renewable energy.

350. Org is a leading civil society organisation with sustained advocacy to end fossil fuels exploration in Africa and have a just shift to renewable energy.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria