King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre Achieves Medical Milestone with World’s First Fully Robotic Living Donor Liver Transplant

King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre Achieves Medical Milestone with World’s First Fully Robotic Living Donor Liver Transplant_02

King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre Achieves Medical Milestone with World’s First Fully Robotic Living Donor Liver Transplant _ 02

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — In a historic achievement, the Organ Transplant Center of Excellence (OTCoE) team at King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC) has successfully performed the world’s first fully robotic living donor liver transplant in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia—a move that solidifies KFSH&RC’s position as a global leader in minimally invasive transplant surgery.

KFSH&RC’s pioneering approach employed state-of-the-art robotic technology to conduct both donor and recipient surgeries with precision and minimal invasiveness, eliminating the need for a hybrid approach. While other centres offer minimally invasive liver transplants using mixed techniques, KFSH&RC is the only centre to complete a fully robotic living donor liver transplant surgery successfully.

This accomplishment represents a significant leap forward in the history of transplantation, a testament to the centre’s commitment to advanced practices that enhance healthcare outcomes, improve the patient experience, and boost hospital operational efficiency. It has also led to a reduction in the risk of complications, recovery time, and the length of hospital stays.

King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre Achieves Medical Milestone with World’s First Fully Robotic Living Donor Liver Transplant

King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre Achieves Medical Milestone with World’s First Fully Robotic Living Donor Liver Transplant

As a strategic health partner at the Global Health Exhibition held in Riyadh from October 29 to October 31, KFSH&RC is showcasing its latest innovations at the forum. Attendees will gain insights into the OTCoE’s expertise in applying cutting-edge technologies to expand healthcare possibilities.

KFSH&RC has set records in successfully conducting reciprocal kidney transplants, a medical approach that facilitates kidney transplants between two donors from different families simultaneously. In 2022, the program achieved a remarkable milestone by completing 91 reciprocal transplants, surpassing its international counterparts.

KFSH&RC’s OTCoE is a pioneer in the Kingdom, representing one of the most advanced and comprehensive facilities for multi-organ transplantation in the Middle East. Its services encompass kidney, liver, lung, pancreas, and intestine transplants, collectively called solid organ transplantation.

KFSH&RC is globally renowned for its exceptional contributions to specialized healthcare, commitment to innovation, and dedication to advanced medical research and education. Furthermore, KFSH&RC is steadfast in its pursuit of developing medical technologies and elevating the standard of healthcare globally by collaborating with major local, regional, and international institutions. It is committed to delivering world-class clinical, research, and educational services.

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I will beat Mahama hands down in 2024- Ken Agyapong

Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, an aspiring presidential candidate of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), has assured party delegates of wining the 2024 election when voted as the flagbearer of the party. He described himself as confident, bold and experienced candidate who could beat Mr John Dramani Mahama, the presidential candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) hands down. ‘I assure delegates that I will beat John Mahama hands down in the general election when voted to lead the NPP.’ The presidential candidate noted that regardless of his political affiliations, making Ghana great and strong as the National Anthem underscored was his vision and could be realized if delegates voted for him to lead. Mr Agyapong gave the assurance when he addressed delegates, party faithful supporters and sympathisers at the Cape Coast chapel square where they converged after one of his ‘showdown walks’ through the principal streets in the Metropolis. He noted that he was a man of truth, a unifier, patriotic and disciplined and would bring back all the grassroots together to rally behind the party for victory 2024. The Assin Central Member of Parliament urged the delegates not to be intimidated by anyone but be bold and strong to resist any form of inducement that would influence their votes. ‘Don’t be intimidated by anyone, you make the Jubilee House so don’t allow anyone to influence your vote but resist or give them a showdown’, he insisted. Mr Agyapong advised them to support him as Ghanaians would not vote for NPP if he did not win the upcoming Saturday, November 4, delegates conference. The Presidential Candidate cautioned the Police Service and Electoral Commission to ensure free and fair elections or he would resist any attempts to interfere in the result. On his visions, he pledged to transform Central Region through its tourism potential by ensuring effective management of the castle and forts among others. Mr Agyapong said his administration would implement policies and interventions, particularly in the industrial and natural resources sectors to develop the country. He mentioned a lot of contributions he had made to the party from former President Kuffour’s era to date and assured that the well-being of the Ghanaian people remained his top priority. The showdown walk attracted many people from all walks of life and from the political divide who believed the country needed him for development.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Showdown walk shakes Cape Coast Metropolis

There was massive turnout as hundreds thronged the principal streets to participate in Mr Kennedy Agyapong, an aspiring presidential candidate of the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) ‘showdown walk’ in Cape Coast. The attendees dressed in branded ‘Ken for 2024’ t-shirts and other party paraphernalia, danced to music and chanted slogans of the presidential candidate as they displayed placards indicating the reasons Mr Agyapong was the best candidate for Ghana. More than 10 pickups and buses joined the procession and played different kinds of Ghanaian music to entertain the attendees amidst long hours of non-stop traffic on the principal streets of Cape Coast where the walk took place. Delegates from all the 22 constituencies, well-wishers, party executives and leadership participated in the walk. It also attracted highly respected personalities in the NPP party as well as some current and retired leaders. Security personnel detailed to monitor the event were virtually on holiday as the ‘showdown walk’ was peaceful and entertaining. The walk begun at the Cape Coast Sport Stadium around 08:00 hours and ended around 01:30 hours at the Cape Coast Chapel square. It was to solicit support and votes from delegates in the Central Region.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Air Pollution: Ghana can save 2.5 billion dollars annually

Ghana can make an estimated savings of 2.5 billion dollars every year by taking decisive steps towards controlling sources of air pollution, Mr Emmanuel Appoh, the Managing Consultant of EnviroFin Consult, has said. The figure, representing about 4.2 per cent of the country’s Gross Domestic Product, can be invested in other areas of the economy – projects, upscaling of research and innovations to spur economic growth and improve livelihood. Mr Appoh, speaking with the Ghana News Agency (GNA), said the amount, quoted by the World Bank, was what Ghana used annually to address issues related to air pollution. He noted that aside the financial loss, more than 28,000 people die in Ghana from exposure to air pollution every year. The number is projected to increase if no action is taken to control it. Mr Appoh, who is a former Director of the Environmental Protection Agency, said the Government had a greater responsibility, while citizens under the constitution had crucial roles to play to safeguard clean air. He urged government agencies, especially the local assemblies to strengthen their regulatory enforcement offices to ensure that sources of air pollution were monitored and offenders punished. ‘Apart from vehicular emissions, open burning of waste is the next major air pollution source. As a country, we are still struggling with ensuring safe disposal of waste. It is important because lack of a good waste disposal is resulting in open burning of landfills and that of households,’ he said. Mr Appoh asked the Government to provide social amenities in small towns and communities to address rural-urban migration and prevent overcrowding and misuse of green spaces in cities. ‘Burning is now becoming a norm because the cities are choked and tonnes of waste generated are burnt. We have not been able to meet even half of the infrastructure needed to deal with sanitation,’ he noted. On emissions from vehicles, the Consultant asked the government to review the regulation that permitted the importation of vehicles 10 years old and above with higher penalties. The ban should be increased to four years only strictly with no room for penalties as practiced in other countries. He urged the government to grant tax relief and financial support for new safer, low emission public transport vehicles. ‘The National Petroleum Authority is enforcing the law that ensures that diesel and petrol imported into the country comply with the sulphur requirements stipulated at maximum 50 mg/kg (ppm) as contained in the Ecowas Harmonised Specifications for Automotive Fuels,’ he noted and commended the Authority for the proactiveness. ‘Sulphur dioxide, the main output, Sulphur, when burnt in combustion engines, exacerbates particulate matter effects in very complex and dangerous ways. Sulphur dioxide causes serious respiratory and other health issues,’ he stated and charged all stakeholders to support the NPA to enforce the regulation for the safety of all. Air pollution is the second highest health risk factor for death and disability, after malnutrition. Young children and adults over 50 years are most at risk of disease and premature death. Poor air quality in Ghana is mainly caused by cooking using wood and charcoal, road transport, slash-and-burn methods of farming, open waste burning, energy generation, accidental fires and industry. While deaths from household air pollution have decreased since 1997, deaths from outdoor air pollution have increased. Ghana is one of only seven African countries with real-time air pollution monitors, but the availability and accessibility of air quality data is limited. There is no nationwide air quality policy or targets. However, there are sector-specific policies and guidelines that address air pollution, as well as clean air initiatives in Accra. Nima, Makola, Agbogbloshie, Chorkor and Madina Zongo Junction are the five?most polluted?hotspots in Accra, according to results from improved air quality monitoring in the national capital. These areas have?recorded the?most consistently poor-quality air standards over the period, with their sources mainly being from open waste burning and emissions from vehicles. Data from over four months of monitoring showed that pollution in these areas occurred throughout the day and the readings exceeded the recommended World Health Organisation standards. GNA …This story is done in collaboration with New Narratives with funding support from the Clean Air Fund.The content is independent of the opinions of the funder…

Source: Ghana News Agency

Buem Constituency NPP ready to elect 2024 Presidential candidate

A total of 539 delegates in the Buem Constituency are ready to cast their ballots in the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) Presidential primaries scheduled for Saturday, November 4. The figure includes five Council of Elders, five Council of Patrons, 27 Electoral Area Co-ordinators, 17 Constituency Executives and 485 Polling Station Executives. Mr. Mathias Komla Bassayi, the Buem NPP Assistant Constituency Secretary, disclosed this to the Ghana News Agency (GNA), in an interview at Jasikan in the Oti Region. He said the Bueman Senior High School (BUSEC) had been selected as the venue for the event and advised delegates to let peace prevail before, during and after the polls. ‘This is an internal democratic process to elect a new presidential candidate, we should eschew insults regardless of whoever you are supporting,’ Mr. Bassayi advised. ‘We are NPP, peace and unity are our hallmark,’ he said.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Jehovah’s Witnesses direct media consumers to Bible to filter information

Jehovah’s Witnesses globally are advising media consumers to apply Bible principles to protect themselves from misleading media content in the current global flow of information in overwhelming quantities. They noted that ‘at the click of a button, people around the world everyday are sharing misleading news reports, deep fakes, false reports, and conspiracy theories featured on internet websites and social media feeds.’ However, as the world marks Global Media and Information Literacy Week, the Witnesses, noted for their door-to-door evangelism activity, are cautioning against the consumption of unwholesome media content by applying Biblical principles. Global Media and Information Literacy Week is being celebrated from 24-31 October 2023. Global Media and Information Literacy Week, commemorated annually, is a major occasion for mobilising worldwide stakeholders to raise awareness to increase national take-up and celebrate the progress achieved towards Media and Information Literacy for All – underlining the importance of this Global Week, celebrated since 2011. The attention to false and fake media information comes at the back of reports from the World Health Organisation that ‘false information is 70% more likely to be shared on some social media platforms than accurate news,’ a release from the Public Information Department of the Ghana Branch of Jehovah’s Witness said, in Accra. Mr Daniel Adashie, Spokesperson for Jehovah’s Witnesses at the Ghana Branch Office, in a follow up interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA), said: ‘The Bible provides solid principles about trust, discernment, and the value of truth that are extremely relevant today.’ He noted that many media consumers are finding the Jehovah’s Witnesses website useful as ‘it draws attention to practical tips that help advance media literacy.’ The Jehovah’s Witnesses Spokesperson added: ‘There are several articles on that specifically address misinformation and provide practical guidance for people who are trying to navigate the information deluge many are experiencing.’ He cited the article ‘Protect Yourself from Misinformation’ on the, backed by Bible quotes which draw attention to Bible principles that can help. Some of the principles are ‘Do not believe everything you see or hear- ‘The naive person believes every word, but the shrewd one ponders each step.’-Proverbs 14:15; ‘Evaluate the source and content; ‘Make sure of all things’-1 Thessalonians 5:21; ‘Be guided by facts, not personal preferences, ‘Whoever trusts in his own heart is stupid’-Proverbs 28:26; ‘Stop the spread of misinformation’, and ‘You must not spread a report that is not true.’-Exodus 23:1. Mr Adashie referenced the article ‘Can You Trust the News Media?’ which he said advised for balance when consuming news; and shares some tips for testing out the information we read, watch, or listen to. The article, he said, recommended examining if a ‘report comes from a credible, authoritative person or organisation. ‘Does the program or publication have a reputation for seriousness or for sensationalism? Who provides the funds for the news source?’ ‘Also with sources, is there evidence of thorough research? Is the story based on just one source? Are the sources reliable, fair, and objective? Are they balanced, or have they been selected to convey only one point of view?’ There are other considerations such as purpose, tone, consistency and timeliness of the media content. ‘ also features a whiteboard animation video geared toward young people’ and ‘the video creates awareness about deep fakes, conspiracy theories, misinformation and false information,’ Mr Adashie said. He added: ‘Misinformation isn’t just inaccurate. It can also be dangerous. It can cause people to make bad decisions or ignore safety warnings.’ The article, the Spokesperson said, also encouraged children and teens to consult people they trust and stay safe when they consume information’ and ‘related content on includes articles about being cautious when sharing information, how to help children deal with disturbing news reports and teaching children smartphone sense.’

Source: Ghana News Agency

WADEMOS announces first cohort of Next Gen Young Leaders Initiative

The West Africa Democracy Solidarity Network (WADEMOS) has announced the first cohort of its Next Gen initiative. A statement issued by WADEMOS, copied to the Ghana News Agency said after a rigorous selection process, these Next Gen Young Leaders had been selected from different fields with diverse experiences but with a common commitment to positively impact the West Africa sub-region. It said the successful applicants were: Ophelia Awinboma Azure (Ghana), Mark Owusu Twumasi (Ghana), Ndey Fatou Nying (Gambia), Zakari Emmanuel (Nigeria) and Ohalete Lynda Chiamaka (Nigeria). Others were Kotobidjo Nehemie (Benin), Sadiya Diallo (Burkina Faso), Diallo Aissatou (Guinea), Rosália Djedjo (Guinea-Bissau), Malamine Badiane (Senegal) and Marina Terry (Sierra Leone). The rest are Sialyn Hawah Bockarie (Liberia), Ousman Goulo Abdoulaye (Niger), Pitekelabou-Potchossi Magnudawa (Togo) and Tetchi-Yavo N’gbesso Jean-Yves (the Ivory Coast). The WADEMOS Network consists of over 30 civil society organizations (CSOs) located in 15 countries in West Africa. The statement said at a time when there was a decline in democracy in the West African sub-region, with four out of 15 countries in the sub-region going through transition, the shaping and moulding of the next generation of leaders was essential. It said the WADEMOS Next Gen initiative was a six-month mentorship programme designed to empower and engage young leaders and activists in West Africa to promote and strengthen democracy in the region. It noted that the programme was thoughtfully crafted to encompass a four-week intensive online session, followed by a two-month mentoring programme with a recognised civil society organisation, accompanied by research and project work, and a concluding camp meeting that will bring all participants together in Ghana. ‘Through this comprehensive approach, we aspire to equip the next generation of leaders with the necessary skills and knowledge to promote positive change and strengthen democracy in West Africa,’ it said. The statement said in response to an open invitation for young Africans to participate in this innovative programme, they received more than 150 applications from individuals who were committed, enthusiastic, and driven. It said, however, after undergoing a rigorous selection process, the 15 finalists demonstrated that they not only met the stringent requirements but also possessed the capability and promise to emerge as exceptional young leaders in the sub-region and their respective disciplines in the near future. It noted that every Next Generation Young Leader will be required to complete a 12-week task. It said the project should be geared towards democracy and democratic consolidation. The statement said the Next Gen initiative underscores WADEMOS’ quest to help build a new crop of leaders whose leadership skills and commitment to development would be unquestionable. The Network aims to build the capacities of young leaders, give them exposure, and provide a platform for them to explore their abilities and talents. It also aims to bridge the gender gap in leadership on the continent and seeks to ensure diversity, inclusivity, and balance in leadership on the continent.

Source: Ghana News Agency

FDA cracks down on turkey tail sellers in Suhum, Nsawam/Adoagyiri

A crackdown by the Eastern Regional Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has put a stop to the sale of turkey tail meat in Suhum and Nsawam/Adoagyiri, where the demand for the product was high. In an operation with the Ghana Police Service some retailers and sellers of the meat were arrested and cartons of turkey tail confiscated. In Ghana, the fried turkey tail is commonly referred to as ‘Tsofi.’ Health experts say this particular poultry product has a high fat content of over 15 percent, which, if consumed in large quantities, could potentially increase the risk of developing cancers in the lungs, breast, colon, and brain. ?At the scene of the exercise, the team faced resistance from the retailers, who greeted them with insults and accusations of political interference. They claimed that the intention was to make life difficult for members of certain political parties by collapsing their businesses. Meanwhile, the Authority told the Ghana News Agency that it remained dedicated to ensuring consumer safety at all times. Despite the widespread public awareness of the health hazards of selling turkey tail, there was still a thriving market for the meat, Madam Anita Owusu-Kuffour, the Eastern Regional Acting Head of the FDA, said. According to her, in 1999, the Ministry of Trade and Industry issued a communique to all importers, stating that poultry and poultry products with a total fat content exceeding 15 per cent were prohibited from being imported into the country. Nevertheless, it was discovered that turkey tails had made their way into Ghana. This indicates that they were likely smuggled in, either through unapproved routes or by falsely declaring the product content at the approved point of entry. ‘We need to make it a collective responsibility to make sure such products are not available on the market for sale,’ Madam Owusu-Kuffour said. She said that those who were apprehended would be brought before the court to ensure legal compliance and serve as a deterrent to others. The authority safely disposed of the seized meat products. Mr. George Ampofo Ayeh, the Public Relations Officer of the FDA, Eastern Region, quoted the Public Health Act, 2012 (Act 851), Section 100, Subsection (3), that certain criteria must be met for a food to be considered safe for consumption. These criteria include not containing poisonous or harmful substances, being wholesome and fit for human or animal consumption, not consisting of filthy, putrid, rotten, decomposed, or diseased substances, not being adulterated, not being injurious to health, and meeting the prescribed standards. According to the penalty and defence section of Section 110, subsection (1), anyone who violates sections 97 to 108 is committing an offence. The consequences for this offence include a fine ranging from 1000 to 7500 penalty units, imprisonment for a minimum of four years to a maximum of fifteen years, or both. The FDA’s primary goal is to safeguard public health by upholding rigorous standards to ensure the safety, quality, and effectiveness of various products, including drugs, food, cosmetics, medical devices, household chemicals, clinical trials, and tobacco products.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Garu/Tempane MPs express concern about military brutalities on constituents

Mr Albert Alalzuuga Akuka, the Member of Parliament (MP) Garu, and Madam Lydia Akanvariba Adakudugu, MP for Tempane, have expressed their concern about alleged military brutalities against their constituents. In a joint statement, copied to the Ghana News Agency, in Accra, they said it had come to their attention that the incident occurred in their constituencies Sunday, 29 October, at about 0200 hours. The MPs urged the immediate withdrawal of the Military from the Garu and Tempane constituencies and unconditional release of those arrested. The statement alleged that military officers entered their constituencies and engaged in actions that resulted in harm to the residents. ‘This unprovoked action by the Military on the innocent civilians was uncalled for and must be condemned by all peace-loving people,’ it said. ‘Any form of violence and brutalities meted on citizens, especially when it is perpetrated by those who are supposed to serve and protect them must be condemned unequivocally. ‘We are deeply disturbed by these reports, especially considering the volatile nature of the area vis-a-vi the Bawku Conflict (Garu and Tempane are part of the Bawku Traditional Area), and we are, therefore, actively seeking more information about the situation. ‘We stand with our constituents who have been affected and demand a thorough investigation into the matter to ensure that those responsible are held accountable for their actions.’ The statement said their priority was the safety and well-being of their constituents, and that they were committed to providing support to those who had been impacted by this incident. It said they were working closely with relevant authorities and organisations to ensure that justice was served and that such incidents were prevented in the future. It said those injured during the military disturbances should be taken care of and compensated by the Government/Ministry of Defence. They, however, urged their constituents to remain calm and peaceful ‘during this challenging time’. The statement called for transparency, accountability, and open communication to address this issue.

Source: Ghana News Agency

VRA begins disinfection and fumigation exercise at Mepe as floods recede

The Volta River Authority has begun a major disinfection and fumigation exercise at Mepe in the North Tongu district as the floods, following the spillage of the Akosombo Dam, recede. The exercise, which is being carried out in collaboration with Zoomlion, is to allow residents who would want to return to their homes when the flooding situation is over to do so. Briefing the media ahead of the exercise, Mr Divine Fenu, District Chief Executive of North Tongu, said the exercise was being carried out as there were concerns that some affected victims in the camps were beginning or trying to move back to their homes. He said besides the disinfection and fumigation, the Assembly Engineers would also carry out a structural integrity test on the buildings to ensure they were in good condition for habitation. ‘So we need to do the decontamination of these houses. And then, we are saying that we have to do some structural inspection of those buildings even after the fumigation to see whether those buildings are good enough for people to just move in.’ Mr Kwame Mensah Darkwa, Engineering Preparedness Plan Coordinator, VRA, said the areas which had the floods significantly reduced were mapped out and an area view conducted to give an appreciation of the extent of decline of the water. ‘So, we’ve had a fair idea of areas that were free of water and that is necessary for us to start some form of fumigation and decontamination to make the place safe for habitation,’ he said. ‘So we are looking at starting the exercise around the st Kizito area with the assistance of the assemblyman and the health inspector of the assembly. We can demarcate all the other areas and then carry out the exercise successfully,’ he added. Mr King Jonas Wonder, Vector Control Officer, Zoomlion, said because most places had been contaminated the team would undertake disinfection and fumigation. ‘We realise that most of the households have been polluted. So, we have a chlorine and hydrogen peroxide base disinfectant that we’ll be using to do the disinfection, then we follow up with fumigation as some of the places have mosquitoes and then reptiles,’ he said. He said the exercise would target individual households, surfaces and then the whole compound. Some residents of Mepe welcomed the initiative and expressed the hope they would soon return to their homes. However, those whose homes were destroyed expressed anxiety about resources to build new ones. VRA began spilling excess water from the Akosombo and Kpong Dams on September 15, leading to the Volta River overflowing its banks, leaving some downstream communities flooded.

Source: Ghana News Agency