KFSH&RC Apresenta Sua Tecnologia de Ponta para Elevar a Experiência do Tratamento do Paciente na Global Health Exhibition

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Oct. 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) irá introduzir sua tecnologia de ponta para elevar a jornada do tratamento do paciente na Global Health Exhibition de 2023 em Riade. As soluções digitais de saúde da última geração têm um papel essencial para o hospital no aprimoramento dos resultados de saúde e da eficiência operacional em diversos domínios médicos.

O KFSH&RC alcançou avanços substanciais na simplificação do processo de admissão de pacientes por meio do serviço ‘Ehalat’. Esta plataforma automatizada simplifica os encaminhamentos médicos e incentiva a colaboração com entidades de saúde públicas e privadas. Além disso, permite que os usuários enviem relatórios médicos, compilem dados pessoais e acessem o histórico médico – tudo dentro de um serviço unificado, eliminando a necessidade de visitas presenciais ao hospital. Isso além de simplificar a avaliação da condição e a elegibilidade do tratamento de um paciente, também fornece rastreamento e atualizações em tempo real nos aplicativos.

Os pacientes agora podem acompanhar remotamente o progresso do seu tratamento no aplicativo móvel “Altakhassusi”, por meio de acesso seguro aos registros médicos. O aplicativo permite que os pacientes visualizem os resultados de exames de radiologia e laboratório médico, agendem consultas facilmente, participem de consultas virtuais de acompanhamento com seus médicos e até mesmo avaliem a eficácia do seu tratamento. Além disso, ele aprimora o processo do aviamento de receita, suprimentos médicos e necessidades nutricionais, facilitando a comunicação com a equipe médica e o hospital.

O KFSH&RC se dedica a fornecer uma experiência de tratamento de alta qualidade com automação em todas as etapas. Essa abordagem economiza tempo e esforço dos pacientes e aprimora a tomada de decisões médicas por meio de métodos e modelos de atendimento de ponta que alavancam os rápidos avanços nas inovações em saúde digital. Esses recursos permitem a integração perfeita de várias tecnologias médicas que consolidam os resultados clínicos, documentos e dados médicos. Desde as notações cirúrgicas até os cuidados pós-operatórios, garantindo o fluxo suave das informações, aumentando a eficiência dos cuidados que são personalizados de acordo com as necessidades únicas de cada paciente.

O KFSH&RC é reconhecido mundialmente por seus excepcionais serviços de saúde especializados e inovadores. Ele se destaca como um centro avançado de pesquisa e educação médica, comprometido com o avanço das tecnologias médicas e com a elevação do padrão de assistência médica em escala global. Por meio de colaborações com proeminentes instituições locais, regionais e internacionais, ele tem por objetivo fornecer serviços de classe mundial em cuidados, pesquisa e educação clínica.

A Global Health Exhibition, com 250 expositores de 15 países, é o principal encontro de saúde do Oriente Médio. Ela é uma plataforma de colaboração entre as comunidades de saúde sauditas e globais, incluindo fabricantes e fornecedores regionais e internacionais. O ponto alto deste ano, “Investimento na Saúde”, promete ser um evento fundamental para moldar o futuro dos cuidados de saúde.

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8967429

Le KFSH&RC dévoile son approche d’avant-garde pour l’amélioration de l’expérience thérapeutique des patients à l’occasion de l’exposition mondiale sur la santé

RIYAD, Arabie saoudite, 27 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — À l’occasion de l’exposition mondiale sur la santé 2023 à Riyad, le King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) présente son approche avancée permettant d’améliorer le parcours de soins des patients. En exploitant les solutions numériques de pointe en matière de soins de santé, l’hôpital a mis l’accent sur le rôle de ces outils dans l’amélioration des résultats en matière de soins de santé et de l’efficacité opérationnelle dans divers domaines médicaux.

Le KFSH&RC a réalisé des progrès substantiels dans la rationalisation du processus d’admission des patients grâce au service « Ehalat ». Cette plateforme automatisée simplifie les orientations médicales et favorise la collaboration avec les entités de soins de santé publiques et privées. En outre, elle permet aux utilisateurs de soumettre des rapports médicaux, de compiler des données personnelles et d’accéder à leurs antécédents médicaux, le tout dans le cadre d’un service unifié, éliminant ainsi la nécessité de se rendre en personne à l’hôpital. Cela simplifie non seulement l’évaluation de l’état d’un patient et de son éligibilité à un traitement, mais permet également un suivi en temps réel et des mises à jour sur les applications.

Les patients peuvent désormais suivre l’évolution de leur traitement à distance grâce à l’application mobile « Altakhassusi », qui leur offre un accès sécurisé à leur dossier médical. L’application permet aux patients de consulter les résultats des examens radiologiques et de laboratoire, de prendre facilement rendez-vous, d’assister à des séances de suivi virtuel avec leur médecin et même d’évaluer l’efficacité de leur traitement. En outre, elle améliore le processus de renouvellement des ordonnances, du matériel médical et des besoins nutritionnels, facilitant ainsi la communication avec l’équipe médicale et l’hôpital.

Le KFSH&RC s’attache à offrir une expérience thérapeutique de haute qualité avec une automatisation à chaque étape. Cette approche permet aux patients d’économiser du temps et des efforts, et améliore la prise de décision médicale grâce à des méthodes et des modèles de soins d’avant-garde qui s’appuient sur les progrès rapides des innovations dans le domaine de la santé numérique. Ces capacités permettent une intégration transparente de diverses technologies médicales, consolidant les résultats cliniques, les documents et les données médicales. Cela va des notes chirurgicales aux soins post-opératoires, en assurant un flux d’informations fluide, en améliorant l’efficacité des soins et en les personnalisant pour répondre aux besoins uniques de chaque patient.

Le KFSH&RC est mondialement reconnu pour ses services de santé spécialisés exceptionnels et ses innovations révolutionnaires. Il s’agit d’un centre avancé pour la recherche et l’éducation médicales, qui s’engage à faire progresser les technologies médicales et à élever le niveau des soins de santé à l’échelle mondiale. Grâce à des collaborations avec d’éminentes institutions locales, régionales et internationales, il aspire à fournir des services de classe mondiale en matière de soins cliniques, de recherche et d’éducation.

L’exposition mondiale sur la santé, à laquelle participent 250 exposants de 15 pays, est le premier rassemblement du Moyen-Orient dans le domaine de la santé. Il sert de plateforme de collaboration entre les communautés saoudiennes et mondiales de la santé, y compris les fabricants et fournisseurs régionaux et internationaux. Le sommet de cette année, placé sous le thème « Investir dans la santé », promet d’être un événement déterminant pour l’avenir des soins de santé.

Coordonnées :

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8967429

Amidst Polarizing Global Trends, U.S. B Schools Experience Domestic Demand Rebound

GMAC’s annual survey reveals new shifts in the underlying expectations of applicants

RESTON, Va., Oct. 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Across the globe, total applications to graduate business school programs in 2023 dipped by approximately five percent. However, more programs than last year reported growth in their applications—indicating that the drop in applications was not felt evenly, according to an annual survey released today by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). GMAC, a global association representing leading business schools, published findings from the 2023 survey results to provide data and insights to better understand current trends in applications to graduate management education (GME) programs.

Specifically, the decline in applications have centered around those to more selective programs, driving a dip in total global applications while their somewhat selective counterparts reported growth in their applications. Many candidates are still interested in more traditional, competitive full-time programs, but online, hybrid, or evening options were much more likely to report application growth. Interestingly, applicants seeking out top-ranked programs may not necessarily be looking for the same flexibility as the others, but many candidates are more willing to sacrifice prestige for flexibility.

“As post-pandemic attitudes toward work continue shifting and preferences for educational offerings continue evolving, the business school community as a whole is quickly adapting,” said Joy Jones, CEO of GMAC. “From degreed programs to new certificates, concentrations, executive education, and micro-credentials, there is a wealth of options appealing to a wide spectrum of candidates in different stages of career and life. It serves as a testament to how business schools rise to the challenge to meet the needs of today’s business school aspirants who will undoubtedly benefit from graduate business education.”

Other Key Findings:

U.S. and regional trends reflect shifts in international and domestic applications.

While flexibility in delivery methods played an important role in driving the global application trends, in the United States, the international and domestic compositions of program volume turned out to be the key drivers behind the growth seen among their GME programs. After several challenging years with the domestic pipeline—especially after applications leveled off following the pandemic—more U.S. programs reported growth in domestic applications than declines in 2023. In fact, besides the increase seen in 2020 related to the pandemic, the number of U.S. programs reporting application growth reached a decade-long high in domestic applications.

While more than half of the programs in the U.S. experienced growth despite a small dip in overall applications, their counterparts in Europe, Asia, and the Pacific Islands were not as fortunate. Most European programs have faced declining applications over the past three years, with a significant drop (13 percent) in total international applications in 2023. Similarly, programs in Asia and the Pacific Islands have experienced two years of relative application declines, but with a pronounced drop (8 percent) in total domestic applications in 2023.

Applications among women continue to stagnate across degree types and regions.

Over the past five years, the share of female applicants in the U.S., Europe, Asia, the Pacific Islands, Canada and Latin America has hovered around two-fifths. Even though GMAC’s Prospective Students Survey indicates that women tend to be more interested in flexible, online, and hybrid programs, the share of women applying to online, hybrid, weekend, and evening programs is still roughly two-fifths. One silver lining lies in the share of women applicants in the executive MBA. While it is comparatively smallest at 32 percent, most of these programs saw growth in their applications from female candidates in 2023.

“It is encouraging to see more women in executive positions pursue advanced business education that could help strengthen them as leaders in the workplace,” said Ana María Zermeño Padilla, director of academic experience and operations of EGADE Business School at Tecnológico de Monterrey and a GMAC Board member. “There is still much work to be done to appeal to women, especially those earlier in their careers, to take advantage of what graduate business degrees, particularly those with online and flexible modules, could offer.”

Applications from underrepresented U.S. populations hit post-pandemic peak and top pre-pandemic levels.

Since 2014, most U.S. GME programs reported either stability or growth in their applications from underrepresented U.S. populations. Similar to broader U.S. and global trends, applications from these candidates surged alongside the pandemic until 2021 and 2022 when a majority of programs reported declines in applications as the pandemic-related increases leveled off. This year’s survey result, however, shows that 47 percent of U.S. programs reported growth in applications from underrepresented U.S. populations, rebounding by a whopping 18 percentage point from a 10-year low in 2022 and even higher than the pre-pandemic years.

“In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on race-conscious admissions, business schools are reexamining their recruitment efforts and admissions strategies to continue enrolling a student body that reflects the diversity of the country and their pool of applicants,” said Sabrina White, vice president of school and industry engagement at GMAC. “As the graduate business school community prepares for impending shifts in how U.S. programs evaluate the experiences of applicants from underrepresented racial and ethnic backgrounds, we hope sharing the data reported by schools over the past decade can help serve as a foundation for how current efforts have – or have not – been effective.”

About the Survey

GMAC’s Applications Trends Survey is the largest and most widely cited survey of its kind, serving the graduate management education community for the past quarter of a century. The 2023 survey collected data on applications received by GME programs for the 2023-2024 academic year. Between June and August, 893 programs at 247 business schools worldwide provided responses. Participating programs are located in 32 countries, including 37 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, and reflect the growing diversity of global GME offerings. The total sample includes 413 MBA programs, 456 business master’s programs, five postgraduate programs (PGP), and 19 doctoral programs. More details about this year’s participating programs can be found in the participant profile section of the report.

About GMAC

The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) is a mission-driven association of leading graduate business schools worldwide. GMAC provides world-class research, industry conferences, recruiting tools, and assessments for the graduate management education industry as well as resources, events, and services that help guide candidates through their higher education journey. Owned and administered by GMAC, the Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) exam is the most widely used graduate business school assessment.

More than 12 million prospective students a year trust GMAC’s websites, including mba.com, to learn about MBA and business master’s programs, connect with schools around the world, prepare and register for exams and get advice on successfully applying to MBA and business master’s programs. BusinessBecause and GMAC Tours are subsidiaries of GMAC, a global organization with offices in China, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

To learn more about our work, please visit www.gmac.com

Media Contact:

Teresa Hsu
Sr. Manager, Media Relations
Mobile: 202-390-4180

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8966836

Dans un contexte de polarisation des tendances mondiales, les écoles de commerce américaines connaissent une recrudescence de la demande intérieure

L’enquête annuelle du GMAC a révélé de nouveaux changements quant aux attentes sous-jacentes des candidats

RESTON, État de Virginie, 27 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le nombre total de candidatures à des programmes d’écoles de commerce en 2023 a baissé d’environ cinq pour cent dans le monde entier. Toutefois, selon l’enquête annuelle publiée aujourd’hui par le Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), davantage de programmes par rapport à l’année dernière ont fait état d’une augmentation de leurs candidatures, ce qui indique que le recul des candidatures n’a pas affecté tous les programmes de manière homogène, Le GMAC, une association mondiale représentant les plus grandes écoles de commerce, a publié les résultats de l’enquête 2023 afin de fournir des données et des réflexions qui permettront de mieux comprendre les tendances actuelles des candidatures aux programmes d’enseignement supérieur en gestion (GME).

La baisse des candidatures concerne principalement les programmes plus sélectifs, ce qui a entraîné une diminution du nombre total de candidatures au niveau mondial, tandis que les programmes moins sélectifs ont enregistré une augmentation du nombre de candidatures. De nombreux candidats sont toujours intéressés par les programmes traditionnels et compétitifs à temps plein. Toutefois, les options en ligne, hybrides ou les cours du soir sont beaucoup plus susceptibles de connaître une augmentation du nombre de candidatures. Il est intéressant de noter que les candidats qui choisissent les programmes les mieux classés ne recherchent pas nécessairement la même flexibilité que les autres, mais de nombreux candidats sont davantage prêts à sacrifier le prestige d’un programme pour gagner en flexibilité.

« Alors que les tendances post-pandémie dans le monde du travail et les préférences en matière d’offres académiques continuent d’évoluer, la communauté des écoles de commerce dans son ensemble s’adapte rapidement », a déclaré Joy Jones, PDG du GMAC. « Qu’il s’agisse des programmes octroyant une licence, des nouveaux certificats, en passant par les concentrations, la formation des cadres et les micro-crédits, il existe une multitude d’options susceptibles d’intéresser un grand nombre de candidats, quelle que soit leur situation professionnelle ou personnelle. Cela témoigne de la façon dont les écoles de commerce relèvent le défi consistant à répondre aux besoins des candidats aux écoles de commerce d’aujourd’hui, qui bénéficieront sans nul doute d’une formation supérieure dans le domaine des affaires. »

Autres résultats importants :

Les tendances américaines et régionales reflètent l’évolution des candidatures nationales et internationales.

Bien que la flexibilité des méthodes d’enseignement ait joué un rôle important comme moteur des tendances mondiales en matière de candidatures, aux États-Unis, la configuration internationale et nationale du volume des programmes s’est avérée être le principal vecteur de la croissance observée dans les programmes GME. Après plusieurs années difficiles pour le secteur national, en particulier après la stabilisation des candidatures à la suite de la pandémie, les programmes américains ont enregistré une croissance des candidatures nationales au lieu d’une baisse en 2023. En effet, outre l’augmentation observée en 2020 en raison de la pandémie, le nombre de programmes américains faisant état d’une augmentation du nombre de dossiers de candidature a atteint son plus haut niveau depuis dix ans pour ce qui est des candidatures nationales.

Bien que plus de la moitié des programmes américains aient connu une croissance malgré une légère baisse du nombre total de candidatures, les programmes d’Europe, d’Asie et des îles du Pacifique n’ont pas eu la même chance. La plupart des programmes européens ont été confrontés à une baisse des candidatures au cours des trois dernières années, ce qui s’est traduit par une chute importante (13 %) du nombre total de candidatures internationales en 2023. Les programmes d’Asie et des îles du Pacifique ont également connu deux années consécutives de baisse relative du nombre de candidatures, avec toutefois une baisse marquée (8 %) du nombre total de candidatures nationales en 2023.

Les candidatures chez les femmes continuent de stagner, quels que soient le type de cursus et la région.

Au cours des cinq dernières années, la part des candidatures féminines aux États-Unis, en Europe, en Asie, dans les îles du Pacifique, au Canada et en Amérique latine a fluctué autour de deux cinquièmes. Même si l’enquête du GMAC sur les futurs étudiants indique que les femmes ont tendance à être plus intéressées par les programmes flexibles, en ligne et hybrides, la part des femmes qui postulent à des programmes en ligne, hybrides, le week-end et le soir représente toujours environ deux cinquièmes. La proportion de femmes candidates au MBA pour cadres reste une lueur d’espoir. Bien qu’il s’agisse d’un pourcentage relativement faible de 32 %, la plupart de ces programmes ont affiché une augmentation du nombre de candidatures féminines en 2023.

« C’est encourageant de voir que davantage de femmes occupant des postes de cadres se tournent vers une formation commerciale poussée qui peut les aider à renforcer leur rôle de leaders sur le lieu de travail », a déclaré Ana María Zermeño Padilla, directrice de l’expérience académique et des opérations de l’école de commerce EGADE à Tecnológico de Monterrey et membre du conseil d’administration du GMAC. « Il reste encore beaucoup à faire pour inciter les femmes, en particulier celles qui sont au début de leur carrière, à tirer parti de ce que peuvent offrir les diplômes d’études supérieures en gestion, notamment ceux qui comportent des modules en ligne et flexibles. »

Les candidatures des populations américaines sous-représentées ont atteint un niveau record après la pandémie et dépassent les niveaux d’avant la pandémie.

Depuis 2014, la plupart des programmes GME américains ont connu une stabilité ou une croissance des candidatures des populations américaines sous-représentées. À l’instar des tendances générales observées aux États-Unis et dans le monde, les candidatures de ces candidats ont augmenté parallèlement à la pandémie jusqu’en 2021 et 2022, période à laquelle la majorité des programmes ont enregistré une baisse des candidatures alors que les augmentations liées à la pandémie s’étaient stabilisées. Les résultats de l’enquête de cette année montrent toutefois que 47 % des programmes américains ont connu une augmentation du nombre de candidatures des populations américaines sous-représentées, ce qui correspond à un rebond de 18 points par rapport au niveau le plus bas des dix dernières années, atteint en 2022, et à un niveau encore plus élevé par rapport aux années précédant la pandémie.

« Suite à l’arrêt de la Cour suprême des États-Unis sur les admissions fondées sur la race, les écoles de commerce revoient leurs efforts en matière de recrutement et leurs stratégies d’admission afin de continuer à intégrer un corps étudiant qui reflète la diversité du pays et de leur bassin de candidats », a déclaré Sabrina White, vice-présidente de l’engagement des écoles et du secteur d’activité chez GMAC. « Alors que la communauté des écoles de commerce se prépare à des changements imminents dans la manière dont les programmes américains évaluent l’expérience des candidats issus de minorités raciales et ethniques, nous espérons que le partage des données recueillies par les écoles au cours de la dernière décennie servira de base à l’évaluation de l’efficacité, ou de l’inefficacité, des efforts déployés à l’heure actuelle. »

À propos de l’enquête

L’enquête du GMAC sur les tendances relatives aux candidatures est l’enquête la plus importante et la plus largement citée de ce type. En effet, elle est utilisée par la communauté de l’enseignement supérieur en gestion depuis plus de vingt-cinq ans. L’enquête de 2023 a recueilli des données sur les dossiers de candidature reçus par les programmes de GME pour l’année universitaire 2023-2024. Entre juin et août, 893 programmes de 247 écoles de commerce dans le monde ont répondu à l’enquête. Les programmes participants couvrent 32 pays, dont 37 États américains et le district de Columbia, et reflètent la diversité croissante de l’offre mondiale en matière de programmes GME. L’échantillon total comprend 413 programmes de MBA, 456 programmes de master de commerce, cinq programmes de troisième cycle (PGP) et 19 programmes de doctorat. Pour plus d’informations sur les programmes participants de cette année, voir la section du rapport consacrée au profil des participants.

À propos du GMAC

Le GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council) est une association qui regroupe les principales écoles de commerce du monde entier. Le GMAC effectue des recherches de premier plan, organise des conférences sectorielles, fournit des outils de recrutement et des évaluations pour le secteur des études supérieures en gestion, ainsi que des ressources, des événements et des services qui aident à accompagner les candidats tout au long de leur parcours dans l’enseignement supérieur. Détenu et géré par le GMAC, l’examen Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) est l’évaluation la plus couramment utilisée dans les écoles de commerce.

Chaque année, plus de 12 millions de futurs étudiants consultent les sites Internet du GMAC, dont mba.com, pour se renseigner sur les programmes de MBA et de master de commerce, entrer en contact avec des écoles du monde entier, se préparer et s’inscrire aux examens et obtenir des conseils sur les modalités de candidature aux programmes de MBA et de master de commerce. BusinessBecause et GMAC Tours sont des filiales de GMAC, une organisation mondiale dont les bureaux se trouvent en Chine, en Inde, au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis.

Pour en savoir plus sur notre travail, veuillez consulter www.gmac.com

Contact média :

Teresa Hsu
Responsable en chef, relation média
Téléphone portable : 202-390-4180

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8967094

eXp Realty Incentivizes Teams To Join With New Equity Incentive

“Thrive” program designed to attract culturally aligned teams

eXp Realty Incentivizes Teams To Join With New Equity Incentive

“Thrive” program designed to attract culturally aligned teams

BELLINGHAM, Wash., Oct. 26, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — eXp Realty®, “the most agent-centric real estate brokerage on the planet™” and the core subsidiary of eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI), is excited to announce the launch of its new Thrive program, designed to incentivize culturally aligned, producing teams to join the eXp Realty family.

Once onboarded, the team lead will receive an equity award based on their previous 12-month production, subject to future vesting.

“As a company committed to continuously pushing the boundaries in support of our agents, eXp Realty is always looking for new ways to enhance the agent experience,” said Michael Valdes, Chief Growth Officer, eXp Realty. “Earlier this year, we introduced two incentive programs, Boost and Accelerate, aimed at helping independent brokerages and individual agents transition to eXp Realty. Now with the addition of Thrive, we are offering teams an accelerated equity opportunity. We understand that each team has its own unique culture and way of doing business, and we want to provide a platform for them to thrive in our agent-centric environment.”

eXp Realty will provide this equity incentive to team leads of culturally aligned teams with more than 10 agents in addition to the team lead and a minimum of $40 million (U.S./CAD) in sales volume in the originating country over the previous 12-month fiscal period. International qualifications to be released. Additional qualifications apply. A core criteria of this program is for team leads to commit to team training and ensuring their team members integrate with the eXp Realty ecosystem as part of their cultural alignment with eXp.

The Thrive incentive program is rolling out in the United States and Canada immediately and will soon be available in eXp’s additional 22 global markets, subject to applicable law. To learn more about eXp Realty’s new Thrive program and how it can benefit your team, please click here.

About eXp World Holdings, Inc.

eXp World Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: EXPI) is the holding company for eXp Realty®, Virbela® and SUCCESS® Enterprises.

eXp Realty is the largest independent real estate company in the world with more than 89,000 agents in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa, India, Mexico, Portugal, France, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Italy, Hong Kong, Colombia, Spain, Israel, Panama, Germany, Dominican Republic, Greece, New Zealand, Chile, Poland and Dubai and continues to scale internationally. As a publicly traded company, eXp World Holdings provides real estate professionals the unique opportunity to earn equity awards for production goals and contributions to overall company growth. eXp World Holdings and its businesses offer a full suite of brokerage and real estate tech solutions, including its innovative residential and commercial brokerage model, professional services, collaborative tools and personal development. The cloud-based brokerage is powered by Virbela, an immersive 3D platform that is deeply social and collaborative, enabling agents to be more connected and productive. SUCCESS® Enterprises, anchored by SUCCESS® magazine and its related media properties, was established in 1897 and is a leading personal and professional development brand and publication.

For more information, visit https://expworldholdings.com

Safe Harbor Statement

The statements contained herein may include statements of future expectations and other forward-looking statements that are based on management’s current views and assumptions and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. Examples of such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, the availability of incentive programs in international markets and the future value of financial incentive programs. Such forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof, and the company undertakes no obligation to revise or update them. Such statements are not guarantees of future performance. Important factors that may cause actual results to differ materially and adversely from those expressed in forward-looking statements include changes in business or other market conditions; the difficulty of keeping expense growth at modest levels while increasing revenues; and other risks detailed from time to time in the company’s Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including but not limited to the most recently filed Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and Annual Report on Form 10-K.

Media Relations Contact:

eXp World Holdings, Inc.

Investor Relations Contact:

Denise Garcia

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/5ef130bf-acbf-422b-a1dc-ae586120d6b8

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8966874

AfDB’s investments in Nigeria hits $4bn, says official

The African Development Bank(AfDB) says its portfolio in Nigeria is one of the largest among the Regional Member Countries (RMCs), with a total commitment value of 4.4 billion dollars.

Mr Lamin Barrow, Director-General, Nigeria Country Department of AfDB said this during the Joint Country Portfolio Performance Review (CPPR) Workshop on Friday in Abuja.

Barrow said this comprised of 48 operations fairly evenly distributed between public and private sector operations.

According to the director-general, some of the portfolio performance metrics have improved since the 2022 CPPR Workshop.

He said: ”In particular, operations flagged for implementation challenges decreased from 36 per cent in January to 32 per cent in September.

“’This is a result of collective efforts from Federal Ministry of Finance, the Executing Agencies and the Bank to reduce start-up and implementation delays.

” Indeed, the time taken to meet loan effectiveness and first disbursement conditions tend to be excessive. Let me acknowledge the unprecedented recent development with the FEC approval of the Ekiti Knowledge Zone project.”

Barrow said that the share of start-up delays had been reduced from 32 per cent of flagged operations in June to 28 per cent in October.

He said it was expected to reach eight per cent by end of 2023 with timely and targeted actions for some projects.

He noted that in spite of the progress, the Bank was yet to hit its target for flagged operations of 20 per cent.

‘Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, annual disbursements have gradually increased; from UA 93 million in 2021 to UA 143 million in 2022 and projected to reach UA165 million by end December.

”Fiduciary compliance has also improved with progress observed in the submission rate of audited financial statements by the Executing/Implementing Agencies for Financial Years 2021 and 2022.

‘In the area of Environmental and Social Safeguards, the enhanced collaboration between the Bank and Ministry of Environment has facilitated the disclosure of safeguard instruments.

” Especially Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) and Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs) projects in a timely manner,” he said.

Barrow commended the President Bola Tinubu’s administration for the bold reforms initiated to address macro-economic imbalances and structural issues in the economy.

He said these reforms, particularly removal of fuel subsidies and unification of exchange rates, would help reignite higher economic growth trajectory, despite the short-term pains to the population.

The director-general therefore expressed hope that the meeting would accelerate delivery of results on the ground for the people of Nigeria.

Also speaking, the Director of the International Economic Relations Department (IERD), Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning, Stanley George, commended AfDB’s partnership towards achieving Nigeria’s national development priorities.

George decried some of the challenges preventing seamless Implementations of the portfolio, while hoping that the workshop would provide the platform that would address them.

He listed some of the challenges to include long Implementation period, low disbursement rate, poor communication with the various MDAs and issues of ineligible expenditures.

‘Today’s meeting therefore is to present implementation progress, discuss some of these challenges, the opportunities that are there for us to move the portfolio in the desired direction.

”And how best we can foster maximum development impact to move Nigeria forward through these complementary efforts.

“The portfolio of over 4billion dollar is a loan to be paid by our children and grandchildren. The least we can do for them is to ensure that these projects are Implemented in a timely manner.

” So that the outcomes will improve the quality of life of the people.Outcome orientation should be the watchword,” he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

TEXEM’s executive development programme: leading transformation for strategic outcomes

In today’s dynamic and ever-evolving business landscape, senior leaders face an array of strategic transformation challenges.

Navigating these challenges effectively is the key to not just survival but flourishing in the global market.

This is also a major focus of United Kingdom based leadership development organisation, These Executive Minds (TEXEM) whose founder is Nigerian born, Dr Alim Abubakre.

TEXEM’s forthcoming Executive Development Programme on Leading Transformation for Strategic Outcomes equips leaders with the tools, insights, and strategies they need to overcome these hurdles and achieve unparalleled success.

TEXEM’s programme from Nov. 27 to Nov. 30, is not just about individual success; it’s about helping Nigerian organizations to surmount their challenges, prosper, and contribute to the greater good of society.

Today, a very huge challenge is that of change resistance faced by many organizations.

One of the most pervasive obstacles in strategic transformation is the resistance to change, often deeply ingrained within an organization.

TEXEM’s programme recognizes this challenge and offers a solution that has proven successful on the global stage.

Take IBM, for instance, faced with the need to shift from hardware to solutions and services, they employed a clear communication strategy and engaged their employees in the transformation.

The result? A successful transition and thriving global business.

Furthermore, resource limitations can often stifle transformation efforts.

TEXEM’s programme addresses the challenge by focusing on strategic resource allocation.

Even giants like General Electric have encountered resource hurdles.

Yet, by streamlining their operations and concentrating on core businesses, they achieved remarkable success.

Cultural misalignment can be another major roadblock in strategic transformation.

TEXEM acknowledges this and emphasizes the importance of aligning the new strategic direction with existing organizational culture.

Apple, under the leadership of Tim Cook, provides a stellar example.

They retained their culture of innovation while expanding into services, striking a balance that led to unprecedented achievements.

Overcoming the expertise gap is one hurdle for leaders of organizations as

lack of expertise can hinder the transformation process.

TEXEM’s programme encourages leaders to bridge this gap by hiring experts, training their teams, or partnering with organizations possessing the necessary expertise.

Microsoft’s acquisition of LinkedIn is a prime example in this regard.

This move enhanced their capabilities in social networking and professional development, strengthening their competitive edge.

The benefits of successful strategic transformation extend far and wide, impacting leaders, organizations (both government and private), and society at large.

It is a known fact that successful transformation earns leaders recognition as change agents, enhancing their personal and professional reputation.

Apart from this, accomplished transformations open doors to new leadership opportunities and career progression.

The icing on the cake is that success in strategic transformation often comes with financial rewards, further motivating leaders.

And for organizations, there is improved competitiveness, since successful transformations position organizations as more competitive in the market.

Transformations foster innovation, making organizations more adaptable to change while

streamlining operations often leads to cost savings and increased efficiency.

Talking of talents, organizations that successfully transform attract top talent, ensuring a continuous stream of innovation.

Successful organizations contribute to economic growth and create job opportunities as well.

The society where the organizations operate, benefits from improved products and services resulting from transformation.

With respect to giving back to society,

successful organizations often engage in social responsibility and philanthropic activities, making a positive impact on society.

Overall, the success of strategic transformations elevates living standards in society.

As the examples of global giants like Apple, IBM, and Microsoft show, strategic transformation is not only possible but can lead to remarkable achievements.

TEXEM’s Executive Development Programme provides the guidance and knowledge needed to tackle the challenges and reap the rewards of successful strategic transformation.

By attending this programme, senior leaders can equip themselves with the skills and strategies essential for making transformation a reality and turning challenges into opportunities.

Testimonials by Nigerian leaders who attended similar TEXEM programmes in the past are pointers to the high value placed on them.

Previous TEXEM delegate,

Otunba Sonya Ogunkuade, Hon. Commissioner and former Special Assistant to the President has the following remarks.

“I have enjoyed the orderliness of the organizers. I’ve

enjoyed the presentations of the consultants. I’ve enjoyed the practicability of the consultants.

“They bring in life examples in all their presentations, then with that one the participants were able to be carried along. It’s not theoretical.

“You know, you can see they also practicalise, by bringing in life events, even using themselves as examples. So that really sends the message deep into our hearts. And that’s wonderful”.

Prof. Kabiru Bayero (Hon. Commissioner Tax Appeal Tribunal) has the following comment.

“TEXEM is a very serious consultancy organization. I’m rating them as such because of the caliber of resources that have been mobilized to interact with us to discuss all the issues that are needed in building our leadership capacity further, in ensuring that the Tax Appeal Tribunal becomes the best adjudicator of taxes in Africa and even globally.

“So I am very, very impressed with them, and I recommend them to other institutions that are serious about ensuring effective leadership and management”.

Another past TEXEM delegate, Prof. Olatunde Otusanya (Hon. Commissioner Tax Appeal Tribunal) remarks as follows.

“TEXEM, is a good platform for advancing leadership training, and I would recommend them for any organizations or institutions that are, desirous of improving their workforce in leadership and strategic policy making”.

“I regard the These Executive Minds Executive Education programme as the best I have attended in recent times. Not one of them, but the very best as it was humanly perfect.

“My favourite thing about the programme would be…drawing our attention again to… change, which has been a constant in life experiences.

“You know, change in our lives, change, you know, in businesses,…the evolution of businesses and the way we do things…discussions, for example, on cyber security and mental health, which is not just equipping us to know what is happening around us, even equipping us personally, our mental health, paying attention to also the ever evolving cyber security,” says Ifeanyi Ani, CEO, Total Pension CPFA. (NANFeatures)

**If used, please credit the writer as well as News Agency of Nigeria (NAN)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

NASS promises speedy response to petitions, public complaints

The House Committee on Public Petitions has assured Nigerians of better days on its plan to respond speedily to public complaints.

Chairman, Committee on Public Petitions, Mike Etaba, said this at a Strategy and Capacity Building retreat in Abuja

The retreat was organised by Policy and Legal Advocacy Centre (PLAC), with support from European Union Support for Democratic Governance in Nigeria Programme Phase II.

Etaba commended PLAC for the initiative, adding that the committee would do justice to Nigerians and make them understand how to resolve their complaints through the House of Representatives public petitions.

“If you have any issue in respect of any kind of what you might be going through, what you need to do is to put up a petition to the house via the member representing you or submit to the speakers office or my office.

“We will transmit it to the House to take it to the floor and now you don’t need money to fund your petition.”

Etaba said tha House Committee on Public Petitions was fully funded by the House of Representatives and the speaker was also working so hard to make sure that Nigerians got justice.

“The committee is the last hope for the common man because you don’t need to go to the committee with a dime; if you need a lawyer that will stand for you, we have pro bono lawyers.

” If you don’t have confidence in yourself, we will give you lawyers that will stand for you and defend your petition.

” So Nigerians don’t need to be intimidated by any kind, you don’t need to go to the route of the court that will take you 10 to five years to resolve your matter.

“Come to the House of Representatives Committee on Public Petitions and get your matters resolved amicably without bias of any kind.”

Etaba said as part of the committee, the members had assumed a quasi judicial position aimed at carrying out investigations and dispute resolutions, hence ministers in the temple of justice.

He said that in recent times, the harsh economic situations, corruption, unemployment, unfair termination of employment and perceived injustice among others, had forced Nigerians to resort to self-help because of slow pace of justice administration.

“These are some of the problems our committee, using the quasi-judicial role and Public Complaints Commission, were created to address.

“Whether we have been performing these roles is a topic for another day. It is believed that this retreat will further equip us with strategies on how to do better as parliamentarians and ensure good governance,” he said

Executive Director PLAC, Clement Nwankwo, said the centre supported the Committee on Public Petitions to build it’s capacity to effectively deliver on the mandates.

Nwankwo said that the retreat did not just afford them the opportunity to share with the public, but also to work out a plan on how citizens with complaints, would be addressed.

“The retreat is to build the capacity of the committee to engage the public, take petitions from the public, and address them in terms of providing solutions and answers to their complaints.

” On a regular basis, citizens have complaints; they cannot afford the cost of litigation in the courts, and the public petitions committees of the National Assembly, and the states have not been really open.

“We need to get the Public Petitions Committees of the National Assembly to take in citizens complaints and provide solutions to bridge their challenges in finding resources to go to court. ”

Nwankwo said that the retreat would help the committee to plan on how to engage with citizens, how to institute the process of receiving public complaints from the public and be able to provide solutions.

He said that this was because once citizens were unable to find the resources to go to court, then either they suffered in silence or they resorted to extra legal means to find those solutions .

He said that the public petitions committees were, therefore, the bridge; so citizens should take advantage of their powers to find solutions to their problems.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Council inducts 55 newly qualified doctors at Igbinedion varsity

The Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN) on Thursday inducted 55 newly qualified doctors at the Igbinedion University, Okada, Edo, into the profession.

Dr Tajudeen Sanusi, the Registrar of the council, who conducted the oath of hippocratic on the inductees, charged them to be familiar with the medical code of ethics of the profession to avoid infractions.

Sanusi, who was represented by his deputy, Dr Victor Gbenro, said the council would not hesitate to sanction any practitioner found wanting in the discharge of the professional duty.

Earlier, Prof. Lawrence Ezemonye, the Vice-Chancellor of the university, said the inductees at the 18th oath taking and induction ceremony were made up of 36 females and 19 males.

Ezemonye, who was also represented by his deputy, Prof. Raphael Adeghe, said the Adesanya Class, as the set was called, was joining the list of over 3,000 medical doctors so far produced by the College of Health Sciences of the institution.

“Today’s gathering is significant in the context of present day Nigeria, as it occurs at the intersection of myriad challenges and opportunities that define medical education and healthcare in our nation.

“Universities offering training in medicine and surgery are increasing in number by the day. As of 2020, the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN) approved 39 universities to train medical students.

“Despite this number, the number of medical doctors in active medical practice has declined tremendously.

“A number of junior and even senior doctors are emigrating at their own expense to greener climes due to a myriad of problems with training at the postgraduate level in particular and medical practice in general.

“This is what is now euphemistically referred to as the “Japa syndrome” in our dear country, Nigeria,” he said.

The vice-chancellor also said amidst the challenges facing the health system in Nigeria, the university was proud to have contributed to the journey of equipping the new doctors with the knowledge, skills and values, paramount in the practice of medicine.

He urged the inductees to take up the responsibility of carrying the legacy forward, be the advocates of change, and the torchbearers of a brighter future for Nigeria healthcare system.

In his lecture at the occasion, Prof. Francis Faduyile, who bemoaned the rot in the health system, however, urged the inductees to stay in the country and improve on the situation.

He warned the new doctors against unethical behaviour, particularly offences related to drug and alcohol.

Faduyile also charged them to improve their skill and further their education home and abroad as well as involving in politics for development of policies favourable to the profession

Source: News Agency of Nigeria