Moroccan King Gives Instructions for Emergency Humanitarian Aid to Palestinians

HM King Mohammed VI, President of the Al-Quds Committee, has given His Very High Instructions for the dispatch of emergency humanitarian aid to the Palestinian populations, as indicated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccan Expatriates. This aid includes significant quantities of foodstuffs, medical supplies, and water, as specified in a statement released by the ministry. The modalities of sending this emergency aid will be determined in coordination with the Egyptian and Palestinian authorities. This Royal High Decision is part of the constant commitment of HM King Mohammed VI, to the Palestinian cause, concluded the statement.

Source: Ghana News Agency

COCOBOD organises free breast screening for women in Accra Business District

Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD) has organised a free breast screening for market women in Accra Central to climax 2023 breast cancer awareness month. The screening was to aid market women, who are not able to visit healthcare facilities due to financial constraints or busy schedules to also get tested. The breast screening took place at the Cocoa House on Wednesday, witnessing shop owners, sellers and pedestrian shoppers trooping in to be screened. Mr Francis Gyamfi Ocran, Director of Human Resource, COCOBOD, said the statistics of breast cancer was very alarming and the screening was to share with the public ways of preventing breast cancer amongst women. He said over the years, COCOBOD had focused on providing logistics and provisions needed for breast healthcare, and alongside sending campaign messages across social media to alert women on preventive measures of breast cancer. ‘Our commitment to breast cancer awareness goes beyond this day. We offer support to our employees through wellness programmes, healthcare benefits, and by fostering a compassionate and understanding workplace, it is through these efforts that we can make a meaningful difference,’ he said. Mr Ocran encouraged all to take a moment to learn about breast cancer, its signs and symptoms, and the importance of regular screenings, adding ‘awareness is the first step in prevention and early detection.’ Mr Joseph Omane Baah, Administrative Manager at COCOBOD, told the Ghana News Agency that it was part of the organisation’s Corporate Social Responsibility to create awareness in order to prevent women from breast cancer. He said that these women are hard pressed with time and may find it difficult to visit the health centres on their own to be screened. He said every organisation should prioritise the health of its workers and stakeholders. ‘If your workers are unhealthy, productivity will retrogress’, he added. Mr Baah urged Ghanaian women to seek early healthcare to know their status for early treatment.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Two Moroccan Military Aircraft with Humanitarian Aid for Palestinians Arrive at Egypt El Arich Airport

Two Moroccan military aircraft carrying emergency humanitarian aid for Palestinian populations arrived, on Wednesday morning, at El Arich airport (eastern Egypt). This humanitarian initiative comes in accordance with the High Instructions of HM King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, aimed at delivering emergency humanitarian aid to the Palestinians. The two aircraft, whose cargo will be transported to the Gaza Strip via the Rafah land border crossing, are carrying large quantities of food, medical products and water. The operation to receive this aid at El Arich airport was supervised by the Kingdom’s Ambassador in Cairo and its permanent delegate to the Arab League, Ahmed Tazi, as well as members of the Moroccan embassy. In a statement to MAP, Tazi said that these aids bear witness to HM the King’s constant commitment to the Palestinian cause, noting that all the departments concerned have been mobilized to speed up the implementation of this operation and the delivery of these aids to the Palestinians, in accordance with HM the King’s High Instructions. This humanitarian aid will be handed over to the Egyptian Red Crescent, which will take charge of transporting it to the Palestinian territories in coordination with the relevant Palestinian authorities, he added, pointing out that this operation is being carried out in accordance with arrangements coordinated with the Egyptian authorities, given the security conditions surrounding the Rafah crossing.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Two Moroccan Military Planes send humanitarian aid to Palestinian Populations

Upon very high instructions of HM King Mohammed VI, two military planes took off, Tuesday evening, from the Royal Air Forces Air Base of Kenitra (3rd BAFRA), bound for El Arich airport in the Arab Republic of Egypt, with emergency humanitarian aid to the Palestinian populations on board. A press release of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates said that HM King Mohammed VI, President of the Al-Quds Committee, had given His very high instructions for the dispatch of emergency humanitarian aid to the Palestinian populations. This aid includes significant quantities of foodstuffs, medical supplies and water, the ministry noted, adding that the modalities of sending this emergency aid will be determined in coordination with Egyptian and Palestinian authorities. This high Royal decision is part of the constant commitment of HM King Mohammed VI to the Palestinian cause, the press release concluded.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Dr Bawumia cuts sod for $150 million SOCO projects for Northern, Oti

Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia Wednesday performed the ground-breaking ceremony for the construction of 582 projects under the Gulf of Guinea Northern Regions Social Cohesion (SOCO). The symbolic sod-cutting took place at the Palace of the Overlord of Dagbon, Yaa Naa Abukari Mahama II. The SOCO projects would be implemented in 48 metropolitan, municipal and district assemblies (MMDAs) in six regions in the northern part of Ghana. Some development experts have touted the importance of the projects, describing them as timely intervention to address some key emerging and recurring challenges in the northern part of Ghana. The Government secured the $150 million credit facility from the World Bank, which would benefit eight districts in the Northern Region, six districts in the North-East, 15 in Upper East, 11 in Upper West, and four each for the Savannah and Oti regions. Officials of the Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development say the projects were designed to address the effects of the spillover of conflicts and extremism from the Sahel Region. They would also help to reduce vulnerability because of exposure to the impacts of climate change; strengthen local institutions; improve economic opportunities and build public trust. Vice President Bawumia said government was mindful of the growing human and other security threats in the Sahel Region arising from climate change and conflicts. Therefore, it was taking appropriate measures to ensure these do not spread into Ghana by creating meaningful jobs and providing opportunities for economic, social and other means of improving lives. ‘In this regard, the SOCO Project focuses mostly on border communities in these regions where the citizenry, especially women and youth, are exposed and susceptible to the threats of terrorism from the Sahel Region,’ he said. Thus, the project focused on dealing with issues relating to fragility, conflicts and violence (FCV). ‘Another issue of grave importance is the impact of climate change. Climate change poses a multiplier threat and compounds fragilities and conflict dynamics, particularly relating to access to natural resources,’ the Vice President said. ‘In Ghana, the livelihood of many in the northern part are invariably impacted by climatic conditions, as a greater proportion of the population is dependent on rain-fed agriculture, making it difficult for people to adapt and build resilience to changing conditions over time, hence the need for the SOCO projects.’ The phase 1 is expected to deliver socio-economic community-level climate-resilient infrastructure, skills development and training for the youth and women, including vulnerable groups this year. These include provision of water, construction of school buildings, health facilities, markets, earth dams and other critical physical infrastructure. The project has, so far, created jobs for 434 community facilitators and other specialists, and would also improve access to basic social and economic services, promote local economic development, gender equality, and improve environmental management. The beneficiary regions and districts were carefully selected based on the Vulnerability Index Criteria – exposure to security risk, climate vulnerability, poverty incidence and unemployment rate. Vice President Bawumia charged all implementing agencies to remain committed to their duties to achieve the desired goals. ‘I wish to emphasise that funds have been made available for the execution of all the subprojects, as earlier indicated by the Minister for Local Government.’ ‘I wish to caution all implementing agencies, both at the national and sub-national levels that implementation delays will not be tolerated.’ He urged them to ensure that the delivery of the project through the decentralised structures culminated in outcomes and impacts as contained in the Project Appraisal Document and Project Implementation Manual.’ Mr Daniel Kweku Botwe, the Minister of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development, assured Yaa Naa, other traditional leaders, and the residents of his Ministry’s commitment to working closely with them to ensure a smooth implementation. ‘Your Majesty, the contractors and agencies have been specifically tasked to give you and all other stakeholders regular briefings on the progress of work and to keep you properly informed of any developments.’ Alhaji Farouk Aliu Mahama, the MP for Yendi, commended the Government for the good initiative, which he believed would bring ‘real development to the doorstep of the people, unlike in the past where we heard about developments in our communities but never saw them.’

Source: Ghana News Agency