National Mosque asks Muslim faithful to disregard campaign of calumny against Wike

The Abuja National Mosque Management Board has debunked the news alleging that the FCT Minister, Mr Nyesom Wike, had ordered a partial demolition of the National Mosque, Abuja.

Amb. Haliu Shuaib, its Director, Finance and Administration, discredited the media reports at a news conference in Abuja on Friday.

Shuaib called on Muslim faithful to disregard what he described as a “campaign of calumny” against Wike.

He further described the report as the “handiwork of conflict merchants” bent on creating religious tension in the nation and casting the minister in bad light.

He explained that the Board’s visit to Wike on Wednesday was fruitful as he received them warmly and approved their requests.

The News Agency of Nigeria(NAN) reports that the Board, led by its Chairman, the Etsu Nupe, Alhaji Yahaya Abubakar, had visited the minister to seek clarification on the status of its plots 63 and 99.

The visit followed FCTA’s three months’ grace to undeveloped plot owners to develop same or have the certification revoked.

Shuaib recalled that at the meeting, Wike extended the three-month ultimatum for the religious groups since they largely depend on free will donations from members.

“It has come to the attention of the Abuja National Mosque Management that there is a news item making the rounds in social and print media regarding the purported partial demolition of the National Mosque.

“The report is creating tension and anxiety amongst the Muslim Ummah in the country and beyond.

“The Chairman of the Abuja National Mosque Management Board and his delegation paid a courtesy visit to the Minister of the FCT, and were warmly received.

“Discussions were constructive and cordial; issues of mutual interest were discussed.

“As it affects the development of plot 99, the Minister was briefed that the development of the plot was receiving serious attention.

“On the development of Plot 63, opposite Yar’adua Centre, the Chairman briefed Wike that substantial part of the plot had been consumed by the proposed Inner Northern Expressway.

“The Chairman, therefore, requested to know the status of the plot and that the remaining part be re-allocated and appropriate replacement of the lost portion be given to the Mosque.

“To this request, the minister’s response was positive.

“On renovation of the Mosque, the Chairman appealed to Wike to use his good office to complete the rehabilitation/renovation of the National Mosque. He promised to look at the issue.

“The National Mosque wishes to inform the public that there was never a time the minister mentioned the demolition of any part of the National Mosque.

“The general public should, therefore, ignore the social and print media campaign and completely disregard the fake news in circulation,” he said.

Earlier, Mr Shehu Ahmad, Executive Secretary, FCDA, has said that the minister had not been briefed about the status of plot 63 belonging to the mosque, part of which was affected by a road interchange.

Ahmad explained that Wike gave the FCDA 24 hours to brief him on the issue with a view to compensate the Mosque for the affected portion of the land.

“We have complied with the directive and have briefed the minister who immediately approved that the excised portion be taken note of with a view to re-issue a title to compensate them for the lost portion.

“The minister had assured the delegation of the support of the FCT Administration in the maintenance of the National Mosque as well as the National Christian Centre as National Monuments.

“The above explanation is the true and correct reflection of what actually transpired as confirmed by the National Mosque Management Board.

“It is, therefore, hoped that this explanation will close the so-called National Mosque demolition falsehood,” he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Bamidele advocates legislative measures to stem naira devaluation

The Senate Leader, Sen. Opeyemi Bamidele, has urged federal lawmakers to come up with creative legislative frameworks and provide robust oversight support that could guarantee the appreciation and stability of Naira.

He made the call in a statement by his Directorate of Media and Public Affairs in Abuja on Friday.

The directorate quoted Bamidele to have made the suggestion in a speech he delivered at the ongoing two-day retreat on Fiscal Policy and Tax Reforms organised for senators by the National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS) at Ikot Ikpene, Akwa Ibom.

Bamidele also recommended regular parleys between federal lawmakers and all members of the Federal Executive Council (FEC).

This, he said should serve as measures to integrate the eight-point agenda of President Bola Tinubu with the programmes of the 10th National Assembly.

Raising further concerns about the weakness of the Naira, the senate leader called for oversight support for the implementation of responsive fiscal and monetary policies.

“This is with a view to rescuing the economy from regression.

“Both chambers of the National Assembly are under obligations to stem the recurring decimal of Naira devaluation and promote economic stability.

“This entails appropriate legislative framework and oversight support for the implementation of responsive fiscal and monetary policy measures.

“Henceforth, developing appropriate legislative frameworks is central to ensuring macroeconomic stability with focus on managing inflation, addressing high interest rates as well as foreign exchange deficit,” he added.

Bamidele equally highlighted diverse antidotes to socio-economic challenges currently confronting the federation, recommending first, the urgent review of the Land Use Act, 1979.

This, he said is to redress the current land tenure system and give Nigerians more access to arable farmland nationwide.

He said that ensuring more access to arable farmland would boost agricultural production and guarantee food security, adding that most Nigerians, especially among those in the rural communities who are predominantly farmers.

He also called for the need to prioritise the Small Towns and Village Recovery and Development Bill in order to restore economic fairness to the rural communities in the scheme of national revenue allocations as well as the provision of rural infrastructure.

Bamidele said that the initiative would obviously stem the alarming rate of rural–urban drift and the attendant urban population explosion, urban criminality, environmental degradation and huge gap between available resources and demands in the cities.

The lawmaker also said that effective implementation of the poverty alleviation programme “is fundamental to promoting peace, harmony and sustainable democracy in Nigeria where over 70 percent of the nation’s population is reportedly living below poverty line.”

Pointing out the alarming rate of corruption in the public space, Bamidele warned that the federation should prepare for mass action from the downtrodden, which might manifest in the form of protests.

As a matter of national security, the senate leader tasked the National Assembly to work out preventive measures to address corrupt practices rather than emphasising antidotes to cure them.

Bamidele also urged the Federal Government to discourage selective treatment, executive lawlessness, high handedness and political persecution of perceived enemies in the fight against corruption.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria