La décarbonation de l’acier en passe de redéfinir les chaînes d’approvisionnement d’ici à 2050

Selon un rapport de Wood Mackenzie, de nouveaux complexes métalliques verront le jour à mesure que l’industrie sidérurgique accélérera ses efforts de réduction des émissions de carbone

LONDRES, HOUSTON et SINGAPOUR, 19 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Selon le dernier rapport Horizons de Wood Mackenzie, l’industrie sidérurgique devrait subir une transformation significative qui accompagnera l’accélération des efforts de décarbonation. Le rapport ayant pour titre Metalmorphosis : comment la décarbonation transforme l’industrie sidérurgique, met en évidence l’émergence de nouveaux complexes métalliques, la survenue d’une nouvelle forme de production de l’acier ainsi que de nouveaux modèles du commerce mondial.

Selon le dernier rapport de Wood Mackenzie, la technologie du four à arc électrique (EAF), l’utilisation accrue de matières premières écologiques et l’évolution des politiques en matière de carbone joueront un rôle crucial dans cette transformation. La production par EAF à faible intensité de carbone représente 28 % de la production mondiale d’acier et devrait atteindre 50 % d’ici à 2050. Un investissement de 130 milliards de dollars US sera nécessaire pour atteindre cet objectif.

Cette évolution vers un acier à moindre intensité de carbone entraînera une demande de matières premières plus écologiques, telles que le fer à réduction directe (DRI) et d’une ferraille de qualité supérieure. Wood Mackenzie prévoit que la proportion de ces matières premières dans la demande totale de métaux passera de 36 % à 54 % d’ici à 2050, ce qui entraînera la création de nouveaux complexes de production, de traitement et de négociation pour le fer et la ferraille à faible teneur en carbone.

L’augmentation des volumes de production de fer DRI et la croissance des échanges vont créer des opportunités tant en termes d’investissement que de revenus sur la chaîne de valeur prise dans son ensemble. Wood Mackenzie prévoit un doublement de la capacité de fer DRI d’ici 30 ans, ce qui nécessiterait un investissement estimé à 80 milliards de dollars. Cette projection ne prend pas en considération les investissements potentiels en direction de l’hydrogène vert, des fonderies de fer DRI à faible teneur, des plateformes de granulés et du transport maritime.

Wood Mackenzie indique que l’emplacement des nouveaux complexes verts de fer à réduction directe (DRI) sera déterminé en fonction de leur proximité avec la production d’hydrogène à faible teneur en carbone. Ce point se révèle particulièrement important compte tenu des incertitudes qui entourent le transport et le stockage de l’hydrogène commercialisé. Le Moyen-Orient et l’Australie sont bien positionnés pour tirer parti de cette opportunité, et le nombre de projets dans ces régions est en augmentation.

La qualité primera sur la quantité à mesure que le coût de l’acier à faible teneur en carbone augmentera. Sur les marchés où les prix du carbone sont élevés, l’importation de DRI vert pour fabriquer de l’acier à faible teneur en carbone à l’aide de fours à arc électrique deviendra plus avantageuse que l’importation d’acier fini provenant de producteurs à forte intensité d’émissions tels que la Chine et l’Inde.

La décarbonation de l’industrie sidérurgique, qui représente actuellement environ 8 % des émissions mondiales de carbone, est un objectif ambitieux mais réalisable. Grâce à des niveaux d’investissement et des politiques de soutien adéquats, cette transformation a le pouvoir de redéfinir les schémas commerciaux et la chaîne de valeur.

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pour plus d’informations, nous vous invitons à cliquer ici. Pour obtenir le rapport et organiser une rencontre avec les auteurs, nous vous invitons à contacter l’équipe des relations avec les médias de Wood Mackenzie.

À propos de Wood Mackenzie
Wood Mackenzie est le spécialiste mondial des énergies renouvelables, de l’énergie et des ressources naturelles. Les données sont notre force. Mise en œuvre par les hommes et les femmes. En pleine révolution énergétique, les entreprises et les gouvernements ont besoin d’informations fiables et exploitables pour mener à bien la transition vers un avenir durable. C’est pourquoi nous intervenons sur l’ensemble de la chaîne d’approvisionnement avec une ampleur et une profondeur inégalées, grâce à plus de 50 ans d’expérience dans le domaine des ressources naturelles.

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Hla Myat Mon
Direction des RP – APAC

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000865009

A descarbonização do aço redefinirá as cadeias de suprimentos até 2050

O relatório da Wood Mackenzie afirma que novos centros metálicos emergirão à medida que a indústria siderúrgica acelera os esforços de redução de carbono

LONDRES, HOUSTON e SINGAPURA, Oct. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — De acordo com o último relatório Horizons da Wood Mackenzie, a indústria siderúrgica deverá passar por uma transformação significativa, à medida que os esforços para a descarbonização aceleram. Intitulado Metalmorfose: como a descarbonização está transformando a indústria do ferro e do aço, o relatório destaca o surgimento de novos centros metálicos e a reformulação da produção de aço e dos padrões de comércio globais.

O último relatório da Wood Mackenzie diz que a tecnologia do forno elétrico a arco (FEA), o aumento do uso de matérias-primas verdes e as políticas de carbono em evolução desempenharão um papel fundamental nesta transformação. A produção intensiva de FEA com baixas emissões de carbono representa 28% da produção global de aço, com previsão de aumentar para 50% até 2050. Um investimento de US$ 130 bilhões será necessário para alcançar esta meta.

A transição para a produção de aço menos intensiva em carbono irá direcionar a demanda por matérias-primas mais ecológicas, como o ferro-esponja (DRI) e a sucata de alta qualidade. A Wood Mackenzie prevê que a porção destas matérias-primas na demanda de metais totais aumentará de 36% até 54% até 2050, levando à criação de novos centros de produção, processamento e comércio de ferro e sucata com baixa emissão de carbono.

O aumento da produção e do comércio de DRI criará investimentos e oportunidades de geração de receita ao longo da cadeia de valor. A Wood Mackenzie prevê uma duplicação da capacidade de DRI dentro de 30 anos, o que requer um investimento estimado de US$ 80 bilhões. Esta projeção não inclui investimentos potenciais em hidrogênio verde, fundições para DRI de baixa qualidade, centros de pelotas e transporte.

A Wood Mackenzie indica que a localização de novos centros verdes de Ferro de Redução Direta (DRI) será determinada com base em sua proximidade à produção de hidrogênio de baixo carbono. Isso é particularmente importante, considerando as incertezas que envolvem o transporte e o armazenamento de hidrogênio comercializado. O Oriente Médio e a Austrália estão bem posicionados para se beneficiarem desta oportunidade, e o número de projetos nestas regiões está aumentando.

A qualidade prevalecerá sobre a quantidade, à medida que o custo do aço com baixo teor de carbono aumenta. Em mercados com altos preços de carbono, importar DRI verde para fabricar aço com baixo teor de carbono utilizando FEAs se tornará mais vantajoso do que importar aço acabado de produtores com altas emissões, como a China e a Índia.

Descarbonizar a indústria de ferro e aço, que atualmente é responsável por aproximadamente 8% das emissões globais de carbono, é uma meta desafiadora, mas alcançável. Com os níveis corretos de investimento e políticas de apoio, esta transformação pode redefinir os padrões de comércio e a cadeia de valor.

Notas do editor:
Leia mais informações aqui. Para solicitar o relatório e agendar uma entrevista com os autores, entre em contato com a equipe de assessoria de imprensa da Wood Mackenzie.

Sobre a Wood Mackenzie
A Wood Mackenzie é a consultoria de visão global para energias renováveis, energia e recursos naturais. Orientada por dados. Movida por pessoas. No meio de uma revolução energética, as empresas e os governos necessitam de visões confiáveis e viáveis para liderar a transição para um futuro sustentável. É por isso que cobrimos a cadeia de suprimentos completa com amplitude e profundidade sem precedentes, apoiados por uma experiência de mais de 50 anos em recursos naturais.

Hla Myat Mon
Gerente de RP – APAC

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000865009

Ghana Standards Authority trains 300 trading standards inspectors to help in enforcement

The Ghana Standards Authority has trained and employed about 300 Trading Standards Inspectors to help enforce standards nationwide. It is also to ensure goods imported and produced in the country are standardised. Professor Alex Dodoo, Director-General GSA, speaking at an event to climax a flag-raising ceremony of the World Standards Day in Accra assured stakeholders of the Authority’s readiness to protect the lives and well-being of Ghanaians by putting in place a solid infrastructure, which includes systems and people to ensure standardisation. The year’s event was on the theme: ‘Shared Vision for a Better World: Standards for Sustainable Development Goal 3(Good Health and Well-Being). World Standards Day is celebrated annually on October 14, to honour the joint efforts of numerous experts across the world who voluntarily develop the technical agreements which are issued as international, regional, or national standards. It also offers an opportunity to increase understanding of the importance of standards. He said the Authority was installing various management systems, including iso 9001, which would help them become efficient. He said having standards required that they were enforced, adding that in 2022 the Authority got a new Act which provided GSA powers to enforce these standards. ‘The coming into force of the National Quality Policy and GSA’s five-year strategic plan are to ensure the protection of society, lives and good health,’ he added. Ms Joyce Okoree, Director, Standards Directorate, GSA, said the event sought to raise awareness of the importance of standards to global development. She said the emphasis on providing a better and fair world with more sustainable activities was vital because humans keep degrading the environment daily in diverse ways which is affecting the health and well-being of citizens. ‘In a bid to create a better world for the present and future generations, adherence to standards is critical to make this shared vision a possibility,’ she added. She said the practical solutions provided by standards in all aspects of an economy have become more relevant as stakeholders sought to achieve the SDGs to build a better world. The Director said a world without standards would be a world full of chaos, social imbalances, collapsed businesses and failed communities where individuals only look out for personal gains and profit. She said standards had provided a fair playing field for all businesses and for consumers to get value for money in any exchange. ‘The SDGs can only be achieved through the collaboration of many public and private partnerships and the use of all available tools such as international standards and conformity assessment,’ she said. Ms Okoree said standards developed empowered nations with real-world solutions to address the targets set out in the UN SDGs. She said that developed by thousands of experts from all over the world, standards embodied global expertise and best practices to ensure goods and services are safe, sustainable, and work effectively and responsibly. She called on the government, stakeholders, partners, and the public to make use of the Authority’s standards to ensure an efficient and robust economy. Prof. Felix Mills-Robertson, the Board Chairman of GSA, said standards were the invisible threads that weave the fabric of progress. He said in the realm of healthcare, they were the guiding principles that ensure the safety, efficacy, and accessibility of medical services and products. ‘By adhering to these standards, we guarantee that the medicines we consume, the treatments we receive, and the technologies we rely on are of the highest quality,’ he added. He said the Authority was dedicated to fostering a culture of standardization in healthcare and they were committed to ensuring that our nation’s health sector is fortified by robust standards that guarantee the well-being of our citizens. He said through rigorous research, meticulous testing, and continuous innovation, they strived to elevate healthcare standards in Ghana, setting an example for the entire continent. He said by embracing cutting-edge technologies, ‘we can enhance medical research, improve diagnostics, and develop groundbreaking treatments.’ Prof Mills-Robertson said moreover, collaboration stands as the cornerstone of progress, and they must collaborate across sectors, borders, and ideologies to leverage our collective knowledge and resources for the greater good. He urged every citizen to recognize the importance of standards in shaping the present and safeguarding our future. ‘Let us be advocates for health and well-being, championing the cause of accessible healthcare for all. Let us demand that our governments, institutions, and industries prioritize the implementation of standards that protect our health and enhance our quality of life,’ he added. Certificates were presented to participants of the African Organisation for Standardisation (ARSO) Essay Competition for the 2022/2023 Awards.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Restore Foundation to undertake free reconstructive surgery in Ho

Restore, a Foundation for Reconstructive Surgery from the USA, is undertaking a mega free plastic reconstructive surgery at the Ho Teaching Hospital (HTH). The surgery, which is being undertaken in collaboration with the HTH, would come from 6th to 10th November 2023. Mr. Ken Mensah, a Coordinator of the programme, in a telephone interview with the Ghana News Agency on Thursday, said the Foundation was made up of doctors from several countries, including the USA, United Kingdom and some African countries. He said Dr. Michael Obeng, a renowned Ghanaian Plastic surgeon domiciled in the United States, would lead the team to undertake the surgery. Mr. Mensah said the cases to be treated include congenital limb deformities such as extra digits, syndactyly, congenial facial deformities like cleft lip and palate, post traumatic deformities of limbs and face and post burn construct of all body areas. Others are soft tissue trumours, benign or malignant, all breast anomalies, congenital or acquired, soft tissue effects and genital anomalies. The coordinator said all patients would be screened and those, who required laboratory tests would do so. He said that although the surgery was free, patients would pay for all laboratory services. Mr. Mensah said the screening and booking for the surgery ends on 27th October 2023. He urged all interested people to register at the HTH Customer Care Unit Central Out-Patients Department. Mr. Mensah reminded all patients to come along with a valid Health Insurance card.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Agrihouse Foundation Secures Sponsorship from Yara Ghana for 13th Pre-Harvest Agribusiness Conference and Exhibition

Agrihouse Foundation has secured sponsorship from Yara Ghana for its 13th Annual Pre-Harvest Agribusiness Conference and Exhibition scheduled for October 24 to 26, 2023, at the Agrihouse Agri-Village Training and Demonstration Centre in Kudula, Tamale, in the Northern Region. As part of their contribution to the event, Yara Ghana will lead field demonstrations and training sessions, engaging more than 2000 farmers, a statement issued by Agrihouse Foundation and copied to the Ghana News Agency, GNA, has said. The 13th Pre-Harvest Agribusiness Conference and Exhibition, themed ‘Connecting the Unconnected: The Farmer, the Input Dealer, and the Processor,’ aims to provide market linkages, education, and opportunities to individuals across the entire agricultural value chain. Yara’s Expert agronomists will provide guidance, high-quality, crop-targeted fertilizers to support participants in their quest to produce nutrient-rich, high-quality food to strengthen local communities, the statement said. Ms. Alberta Nana Akyaa Akosa, the Executive Director of Agrihouse Foundation expressing appreciation noted, ‘Our partnership with Yara Ghana is a source of immense pride for us at Agrihouse Foundation. ‘Yara Ghana has consistently demonstrated its commitment to Ghana’s agricultural sector by sponsoring our Annual Pre-Harvest event for the past 13 years. This level of dedication is truly remarkable and exemplifies what can be achieved when the private sector collaborates with organizations like ours to empower our farmers and promote sustainable agriculture’. Ms. Akosa noted Yara Ghana’s pivotal role in promoting the agricultural sector, and emphasized that Yara Ghana stands out as an exemplary corporate organization. The three-day event encompasses conference sessions, presentations, exhibitions, and a marketplace for fostering business-to-business interactions. The Pre-Harvest Agribusiness Conference and Exhibition serves also as a dynamic platform, facilitating contract negotiations for farmers and strengthening the capacity of smallholder farmers, Farmer-Based Organizations (FBOs), Aggregators, Processors, and other key players in the agricultural value chain. According to Agrihouse, participants will also have the opportunity to engage in practical and immersive sessions aimed at providing deeper insights into best practices and capitalizing on the multitude of opportunities within the agriculture sector. These sessions encompass commodity break-out discussions, intensive training programs, farmer-buyer matchmaking dialogues, panel education sessions, field demonstrations, keynotes, and exhibitions-all of which contribute to showcasing and promoting businesses while fostering networking opportunities. Ms. Akosa also acknowledged Yara Ghana’s role in enhancing the participation of women in agriculture, emphasizing that the company’s support has been instrumental in fostering gender inclusivity within the sector. ‘Yara Ghana’s initiatives have not only improved crop yields but have also uplifted the lives of many female farmers. Their commitment to women in agriculture is commendable, and it aligns perfectly with our mission to empower all farmers’. The Pre-Harvest Agribusiness Conference and Exhibitions event, for the past 12 years, has provided and created market linkages and built the capacity of over 150,000 value chain actors and stakeholders. Beneficiaries range from farmer groups, buyers, development partners, policy makers, agribusinesses, ICT professionals, and aggregators. Others include input dealers, equipment and machinery dealers, transporters, financial institutions, telecommunication companies, out growers, civil society, and processors.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Keta: MCE donates to Nurse and Midwifery Training College

Mr Emmanuel Gemegah, the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for Keta in the Volta region, has donated 400 student armchairs worth GH?250,000 to the Keta Nurses and Midwifery Training College (NMTC). The move was to help curb some infrastructural challenges facing the school. Mr Gemegah, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency, said the donation was to help mitigate the challenges of the school. He further said the donation received funding from the Municipal Assembly’s Internally Generated Fund (IGF). ‘This School is training several good nurses, midwives, and others who always give us quality healthcare, and this is how we can also support them for now,’ he said. Mrs Mabel Kafui Torku, Principal of the College, who received the items on behalf of the management, expressed gratitude to the MCE for the kind gesture. She promised the chairs would be used for their intended purpose to help improve and promote quality teaching and learning in the School. Madam Torku further revealed other challenges facing the school, which include inadequate student dormitory, lack of computer laboratory, inadequate teaching and learning materials, lack of teachers’ bungalows, and others. ‘One of the most challenging issues is how our students are scattered in the town, exposing them to all forms of risk due to insufficient dormitory.’ She also revealed that the school would continue to do its best to bring the best out of the students regardless of the challenges they faced. Madam Torku also appealed to corporate organisations, individuals, and others to help solve their reigning challenges.

Source: Ghana News Agency

New report on Ghana’s mental health and human rights unveiled

A new report on the current mental health and human rights situation in Ghana has been launched by a coalition of non-governmental organisations in the country, spearheaded by MindFreedom Ghana. The report was presented to the UN Human Rights Council in January 2022 as part of the 4th Cycle of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and Ghana was reviewed on January 24, 2023. The UPR is a one-of-a-kind procedure that examines the human rights records of all 193 UN Member States on a regular basis. Mr. Dan Taylor, Executive Secretary of MindFreedom Ghana, said in a statement copied to the Ghana News Agency on Thursday that his organisation compiled the report that reviewed the human rights situation of people with mental health conditions in Ghana. He said the shadow report was put together through a nationwide consultation process, and that the report aimed to draw the Human Rights Council’s attention to ongoing instances of systemic and structural challenges in Ghana’s human rights response to protect, promote, and secure the human rights of people with mental health conditions. It also urged Ghana to implement suggestions made by non-governmental and civil society groups working for and on behalf of those suffering from mental illnesses. However, the report underlined Ghana’s improvement during the previous third cycle of the Universal Periodic Review. The new report is one of three that served as the foundation for Ghana’s assessment on January 24, 2023, when the UN Human Rights Council’s UPR Working Group assessed Ghana’s human rights record for the fourth time in a webcast meeting. It required States to outline the actions they had taken to carry implement recommendations made during previous reviews that they agreed to pursue. They were also asked to highlight recent advancements in their country’s human rights record. Ghana’s delegation to the meeting, according to the statement, was led by Mr. Godfred Yeboah Dame, the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice. Mr. Taylor further mentioned that since its first meeting was held in April 2008, all 193 UN member states have been reviewed three times within the first, second, and third UPR cycles. The UPR is a United Nations process conducted under the auspices of the Human Rights Council with the aim of improving the human rights situation globally and addressing violations in all countries. Every member state of the United Nations goes through this comprehensive review of its human rights practices every five years. Ghana’s first, second, and third UPR reviews took place in May 2008, October 2012, and November 2017. MindFreedom Ghana submitted the detailed shadow report on mental health and human rights to the United Nations Human Rights Council on July 14, 2022, with contributions from 26 mental health non-governmental and civil society organisations to aid in reviewing Ghana’s situation. The assessments were based on Ghanaian national reports and information, as well as reports from independent human rights experts and groups known as Special Procedures, human rights treaty bodies, and other UN agencies. It also included information from other parties, including national human rights authorities, regional organisations, and civil society groups.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Kwande emerges Plateau FA chairman

A former member of the House of Representatives, Suleiman Kwande on Thursday in Jos emerged the Chairman of Plateau Football Association (PFA)

Kwande was the sole candidate for the position after two other candidates were disqualified for failing to meet up the election guidelines.

Other officers elected included, Ezra Godit, 1st Vice Chairman, Patrick Abu- 2nd Vice Chairman, John Maren, Chairman of Chairmen and Mohammed Shuaibu, Executive member Plateau central.

Others are, Jonah Reng, Executive member Plateau North, Ajiji Ibrahim, Executive member Plateau North, Anani Salisu, Executive member Plateau South and Godfrey Ayuba, Executive member Plateau South.

The chairman in his acceptance speech, promised to work with all football stakeholders to prioritise the development of grassroots football in the state.

Kwande promised to constitute an advisory council of experienced football stakeholders who will constantly advise the board.

“My vision is quite broad but I will ensure that grassroots football flourishes. I will make sure that we start secondary schools’ games to discover young talents.

“Female football will also be one of my cardinal objectives as the FA chairman.

“I am going to have a special committee for all former chairmen so that we can get advice on how to run an all-inclusive government,’ he said.

In a remark, Babagana Khalid, NFF committee member who observed the elelction, said that the election was conducted in accordance with FIFA, CAF and NFF guidelines.

“I and NFF Director of affiliation have been here since Wednesday and we can certify that it is in accordance with the guidelines.

“Their number one priority should be the development of football at the grassroots which is the cardinal point of the NFF under the leadership of Ibrahim Gusau,’’ he said.

Audu Buba, Chairman of the NFF Stabilisation Committee in Plateau, urged football stakeholders in the state to support the newly elected officials.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the newly elected executives were immediately sworn in.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Agric Secretariat tasks FCT residents on tree planting to mitigate climate change

Mr Lawan Geidam, Mandate Secretary, Agriculture and Rural Development Secretariat, Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) has urged residents of the FCT to plant trees as part of strategies to combat climate change.

Geidam, who made the call during a visit to the FCT Plant Nursery in Bwari on Friday, expressed concern over the loss of tree covers resulting from rapid developmental activities in the FCT.

He noted that climate change has emerged as a global concern, with its detrimental effects being felt across the world.

He said that FCT, like many other urban areas, has experienced the depletion of its green cover due to urbanisation and developmental projects.

According to him, the removal of trees not only contributes to the loss of biodiversity but also exacerbates climate change by intensifying the urban heat and negatively affecting vegetation.

“To address this challenge, residents must join the ongoing efforts to replant trees in areas where there are no trees or areas where trees were lost to development activities.”

He explained that the visit to the nursery was in continuation of his familiarisation tour of agricultural projects in the FCT.

At the Bwari Fish Farm Estate, the secretary assured stakeholders that the project would receive full attention and support from the FCT Administration.

He reiterated the importance of engaging all allottees and addressing infrastructure needs to facilitate their activities, assuring that it would be giving attention to the Estate.

“We will, as a strategy, engage all the allottees while also addressing the issue of provision of infrastructure to enable the allottees conduct their activities with ease,” the secretary said.

Geidam also directed the Agriculture Services and Rural Development Department to come up with strategies that will make technology not only available but for the utilization of rural farmers.

He stressed that the FCTA through technological advancements hoped to improve agricultural productivity to meet the growing demand for food.

Other areas visited included the FCT Agricultural Development Program (ADP), Fadama offices and Agriculture Central Store and Mechanical Workshop at Gwagwalada Area Council.

At the ADP, the secretary expressed satisfaction with the ongoing activities of the FCT Fadama CARES Programme for promoting sustainable agriculture and supporting local farmers.

He equally expressed the readiness of the Administration to provide a conducive working environment for Agricultural workers to deliver efficient extension services to FCT farmers.

He also reiterated the commitment of the FCT Minister, Mr Nyesom Wike and FCT Minister of State, Dr Mariya Mahmoud to achieving sustainable food and nutrition security.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

CBA Foundation moves to raise awareness for widows, children

A Lagos-based Charity Organisation, CBA Foundation, has reiterated commitment to supporting widows and their children by giving them a voice and empowering them to transform their lives.

Its founder, Mrs Chinwe Bode-Akinwande, in a statement on Friday in Lagos, said that the foundation had concluded arrangements to embark on a ‘Walk4Hope’ to raise awareness and make life better for widows and their children.

Bode-Akinwande explained that this inspiring walk aligns with the foundation’s mission to empower widows and make a positive impact on their lives.

She said that the upcoming 2023 edition of the transformative walk aims to create awareness about the challenges faced by widows and seek essential community support.

Bode-Akinwande said that the foundation would kick off its symbolic walk on Nov.11 from Eko Hotel.

“The walkathon which has the theme, “Volunteer to Make a Difference”, serves as a powerful platform to spread awareness about the challenges faced by widows and the essential support they require from the community.

“The 2023 edition of our annual Walk4Hope is very special to us at CBA Foundation. It is amongst the many steps we take to give widows the needed voice and support they need.

“Every widow that is single handedly raising their child(ren) in this part of the world is a daunting task due to the many cultural and society challenges they face,” Bode-Akinwande said.

According to her, like previous editions, every step taken during the 2023 Walk4Hope resonates with the courage of every widow as they strive for a better tomorrow for their family.

The founder added: “By walking together, we are not only raising awareness but also fostering a sense of belonging and support for widows in our community.

“We invite everyone to join us in this remarkable journey of compassion, impact and love.”

Since its establishment in 2015, she said that the CBA Foundation had made a significant impact by reaching out to thousands of underprivileged widows and their children.

She said that their efforts included providing skills acquisition training, healthcare interventions, business start-up support, as well as clothing, nutrition, and tuition fees for the children.

Bode-Akinwande said that the foundation’s resolve was to shed light on widows’ stories and advocate for their rights.

According to her, widows are undoubtedly the unsung heroes of the society and they face numerous challenges that need to be addressed.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria