MENACW 2023 Highlights Future Minerals Forum’s Crucial Role in Shaping Sustainable Mineral Value Chains for the Clean Energy Transition

Future Minerals Forum at MENA Climate Week

The Future Minerals Forum panel discussion at the MENA Climate Week

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Middle East and North Africa Climate Week (MENACW) 2023, hosted in Riyadh, underscored the pivotal role of the Future Minerals Forum (FMF) in shaping the future of minerals.

The panel moderated by Aldo Pennini, Director of Strategy, Program, and Content for FMF, featured distinguished panelists, including Abdulrahman Al Belushi, Assistant Deputy Minister for Mining Enablement at the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources; Eng. Saud Al Mandil, Vice President of Technology, R&D, and Innovation at Ma’aden; Dr. Thamer Aldaajani, General Manager of Mining and Hydrocarbon Research at King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology; Ali Al-Mutairi, Executive Director at FMF; Dr. Abdullah Al-Nabhan, Senior Director of the Survey and Exploration at the Saudi Geological Survey; and Professor Jim Skie, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

“Minerals represent a crucial pillar in powering numerous industries and projects,” said Abdulrahman Al Belushi. He stressed the need for sustainable operations that minimize environmental impact and ensure community benefits.

Saud Al Mandil emphasized Maaden’s commitment to sustainability in the mining sector. The company is dedicated to minimizing environmental impact and responsibly managing natural resources, aligning with the Kingdom’s commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement.

Thamer Aldaajani stressed the pivotal role of research in comprehending the economic and environmental impact of mineral resources and enhancing their value chains. He acknowledged the challenges faced by the mining sector in balancing the extraction of required minerals with environmental preservation.

Ali Al-Mutairi outlined FMF’s mission, stating, “FMF aims to shape the future of minerals in the context of the energy transition through multi-stakeholder dialogue and collaboration. The Forum serves as an international platform, fostering opportunities for entities involved in the mining sector to explore potential opportunities across the mineral super region, which stretches from Africa through West and Central Asia.”

Abdullah Al-Nabhan elaborated on the geological characteristics of the Arabian Shield, highlighting its abundant mineral resources essential for the green energy transition. Meanwhile, Professor Jim Skea announced, that for the first time, the IPCC will incorporate the role of minerals in the energy transition as part of its next multi-year report.

The third edition of FMF, under the patronage of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, will be held from January 9-11, 2024, at the King Abdulaziz International Conference Center in Riyadh.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

Omar Shereen
M: +966 50 663 0489

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000864591

MENACW 2023 Highlights Future Minerals Forum’s Crucial Role in Shaping Sustainable Mineral Value Chains for the Clean Energy Transition

Future Minerals Forum at MENA Climate Week

The Future Minerals Forum panel discussion at the MENA Climate Week

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Middle East and North Africa Climate Week (MENACW) 2023, hosted in Riyadh, underscored the pivotal role of the Future Minerals Forum (FMF) in shaping the future of minerals.

The panel moderated by Aldo Pennini, Director of Strategy, Program, and Content for FMF, featured distinguished panelists, including Abdulrahman Al Belushi, Assistant Deputy Minister for Mining Enablement at the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources; Eng. Saud Al Mandil, Vice President of Technology, R&D, and Innovation at Ma’aden; Dr. Thamer Aldaajani, General Manager of Mining and Hydrocarbon Research at King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology; Ali Al-Mutairi, Executive Director at FMF; Dr. Abdullah Al-Nabhan, Senior Director of the Survey and Exploration at the Saudi Geological Survey; and Professor Jim Skie, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

“Minerals represent a crucial pillar in powering numerous industries and projects,” said Abdulrahman Al Belushi. He stressed the need for sustainable operations that minimize environmental impact and ensure community benefits.

Saud Al Mandil emphasized Maaden’s commitment to sustainability in the mining sector. The company is dedicated to minimizing environmental impact and responsibly managing natural resources, aligning with the Kingdom’s commitment to the Paris Climate Agreement.

Thamer Aldaajani stressed the pivotal role of research in comprehending the economic and environmental impact of mineral resources and enhancing their value chains. He acknowledged the challenges faced by the mining sector in balancing the extraction of required minerals with environmental preservation.

Ali Al-Mutairi outlined FMF’s mission, stating, “FMF aims to shape the future of minerals in the context of the energy transition through multi-stakeholder dialogue and collaboration. The Forum serves as an international platform, fostering opportunities for entities involved in the mining sector to explore potential opportunities across the mineral super region, which stretches from Africa through West and Central Asia.”

Abdullah Al-Nabhan elaborated on the geological characteristics of the Arabian Shield, highlighting its abundant mineral resources essential for the green energy transition. Meanwhile, Professor Jim Skea announced, that for the first time, the IPCC will incorporate the role of minerals in the energy transition as part of its next multi-year report.

The third edition of FMF, under the patronage of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, will be held from January 9-11, 2024, at the King Abdulaziz International Conference Center in Riyadh.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

Omar Shereen
M: +966 50 663 0489

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Gap Inc., Cargill, and GSK Join the Water Resilience Coalition and WaterAid to Improve Access to Water in India as Part of the Coalition’s 2030 100-Basin Plan

New York, New York, Oct. 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Water Resilience Coalition (WRC), an industry-driven, CEO-led initiative convening global companies to address the global water crisis, today announced the launch of the Women + Water Collaborative, a flagship corporate collective action program to improve access to clean water and sanitation in India.

Gap Inc., Cargill, and GSK, in partnership with WaterAid and the Water Resilience Coalition, are launching the initiative to improve health, livelihoods, and climate resilience in water-stressed communities in India, beginning with the Krishna and Godavari basins. The WRC is an initiative of the CEO Water Mandate, a partnership between the UN Global Compact and the Pacific Institute.

This marks the first time that companies from different sectors spanning apparel, biopharma, and agriculture have united with shared goals, metrics, and governance to provide access to clean water and sanitation in the same communities. The Collaborative builds on the success of the previous USAID Gap Inc. Women + Water Alliance, which empowered over 2.4 million people to improve their access to water and sanitation in India between 2017 and 2023. This is one of 21 collective action projects in 15 basins underway across Asia, Africa, South America, and North America as part of the Water Resilience Coalition’s 2030 ambition to build water resilience across 100 Priority Basins.

The Women + Water Collaborative will improve the availability and quality of water in priority river basins through water replenishment and conservation using methods such as rainwater harvesting. It will provide communities with safe drinking water and climate-resilient sanitation and hygiene infrastructure and services. Although women in rural India play a crucial role in water collection and use, their participation in decision-making around water resources remains low. This program will leverage women’s leadership to build water resilience, improve water security, and enable equitable access to water and sanitation for communities at scale.

“As part of the Forward Faster Water Resilience Target and as members of the Water Resilience Coalition, the companies involved in this initiative have joined an alliance that thrives on collaboration and collective action. This cooperation will play a key role in achieving the WRC’s ambitious goals outlined in its 2030 strategy,” said Sanda Ojiambo, CEO and Executive Director of the United Nations Global Compact and Co-Chair of the Water Resilience Coalition.

“The Women + Water Collaborative builds on Gap Inc.’s history of designing innovative programs with nonprofits and the public sector, and then convening corporate partners to drive sustainability at scale,” said Dan Fibiger, Head of Global Sustainability for Gap Inc. “By joining across food, fashion and biopharma, we can drive meaningful impact in communities that fuel our global supply chains.”

“Water is essential for human health, as well as for the ongoing production of our medicines and vaccines,” said Claire Lund, VP Sustainability at GSK. “Yet climate change and nature loss are impacting water and health in locally specific ways – with some countries being more vulnerable. That’s why we are focused on water as part of our commitment to contributing to a nature positive world. We are proud to be a founding partner of the Women + Water Collaborative to improve water quality, quantity, and access in India, in turn helping to support local community health.”

This flagship collective action program demonstrates tangible progress toward the Water Resilience Coalition’s ambition to contribute to water security for 3 billion people and enable equitable access to water, sanitation, and hygiene for more than 300 million people by 2030.

“We know that reliable access to clean water and sanitation is essential for people and agriculture. At Cargill, we are focused on improving access to safe drinking water and sanitation, with the goal of reaching 500,000 people in priority communities by 2030,” said Michelle Grogg, Vice President of Corporate Responsibility at Cargill. “Partnership and collective action are a critical pathway to help us deliver on this ambition and we’re pleased to be a participating company in the Women + Water Collaborative.”

WaterAid will launch the program in five Indian states and six priority districts. The NGO is keen to bring on additional corporate partners to expand the reach.

“Our impact is limited only by the number of corporate partners we are able to bring on,” says Kelly Parsons, CEO of WaterAid America. “We know that solving the water crisis is a business imperative. We also know that none of the sustainable development goals will be achieved without global collaboration and partnership. By coordinating large, multi-stakeholder partnerships, we create holistic impact, at scale. That’s the power of collective action.”



About the Water Resilience Coalition

The Water Resilience Coalition is an industry-driven, CEO-led initiative of the CEO Water Mandate that aims to elevate the long-term mounting crisis of global water stress to the top of the corporate agenda and to preserve the world’s freshwater resources through collective action in water-stressed basins and ambitious, quantifiable commitments. Since the Coalition’s launch in 2020, 35 global companies across multiple sectors with a combined market cap of US$4.8 trillion and operations in more than 140 countries have joined the effort. For more information, visit

About the Pacific Institute

Founded in 1987, the Pacific Institute is a global water think tank that combines science-based thought leadership with active outreach to influence local, national, and international efforts in developing sustainable water policies. From working with Fortune 500 companies to frontline communities, our mission is to create and advance solutions to the world’s most pressing water challenges. Since 2009, the Pacific Institute has also acted as co-secretariat for the CEO Water Mandate, a global commitment platform that mobilizes a critical mass of business leaders to address global water challenges through corporate water stewardship. For more information, visit

About the UN Global Compact

As a special initiative of the United Nations Secretary-General, the UN Global Compact is a call to companies worldwide to align their operations and strategies with Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Our ambition is to accelerate and scale the global collective impact of business by upholding the Ten Principles and delivering the Sustainable Development Goals through accountable companies and ecosystems that enable change. With more than 18,000 companies and 3,800 non-business signatories based in over 101 countries, and 62 Local Networks, the UN Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative—one Global Compact uniting business for a better world. 

Dr. Amanda Bielawski
Pacific Institute

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Déclaration officielle : Saurabh Chandrakar clarifie la malinformation concernant les dépenses de mariage et d’autres allégations

DELHI, Inde, 17 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — À la lumière des récents reportages médiatiques concernant l’affaire Mahadev, M. Saurabh Chandrakar, un entrepreneur originaire de Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, estime qu’il est impératif de s’attaquer à la désinformation flagrante et aux accusations infondées dont il a été victime. En tant qu’homme d’affaires dévoué, au parcours irréprochable, M. Chandrakar a été surpris par les allégations sans fondement concernant son implication présumée dans des activités illicites.

Réfutant les rapports sensationnalistes, M. Chandrakar affirme avec véhémence qu’il a entièrement financé la cérémonie de mariage, qui a coûté environ 10 millions de dirhams émiratis, par ses propres ressources et épargnes. En effet, des dossiers méticuleux et bien documentés prouvant les sources de ses revenus sont disponibles. Des informations circulent suggérant un paiement deux milliards de roupies indiennes en espèces, et tout en mettant en question la faisabilité d’une transaction en espèces aussi énorme, M. Chandrakar souligne le caractère malcommode de ces scénarios.

M. Chandrakar réfute les affirmations concernant les prétendues dépenses extravagantes rapportées par certaines sources. Il indique spécifiquement que tous les aspects financiers de l’événement ont été supervisés par des gestionnaires d’événements professionnels et qu’aucune transaction en espèces n’a été impliquée à aucune étape de la planification ou de l’exécution ; insinuer le contraire est purement spéculatif et infondé. Des documents et des dossiers financiers sont disponibles pour étayer ces faits, fournissant des preuves claires qui dissipent tout soupçon d’irrégularité.

En outre, M. Chandrakar croit fermement que la présence de célébrités lors de l’événement était grossièrement exagérée. Il indique que tous ceux qui ont assisté au mariage ont été engagés par la société de gestion d’événements, ce qui a facilité leur présence. M. Chandrakar tient également à souligner que tous les artistes ont été embauchés exclusivement par la compagnie pour assister et présenter leur performance lors de l’événement. De même, Il n’y a eu aucune transaction financière directe entre M. Chandrakar et ces célébrités, tous les paiements étant traités en toute transparence par la société de gestion de l’événement, via les canaux bancaires légaux.

M. Chandrakar nie tout rapport présumé avec l’application Mahadev ou ses opérations. Les accusations le décrivant comme le « Fondateur/Promoteur/Directeur » de l’application Mahadev manquent de crédibilité et sont sans équivoque fausses. De plus, les allégations concernant son implication dans 60 plateformes offshore illicites sont totalement infondées.

M. Chandrakar dément avec fermeté tout lien suspect avec des individus ou des organisations impliqués dans des activités illégales. Toutes les allégations similaires ne sont que des rumeurs, totalement sans fondement, et rien de plus qu’un « produit de l’imagination » de ses promoteurs, exprimant son vif étonnement face à de telles allégations.

Il est également impératif de préciser qu’aucune opération au Pakistan, au Sri Lanka ou au Népal n’est associée à M. Chandrakar. De telles affirmations sont entièrement fausses et calomnieuses, dénuées de la moindre once de vérité. M. Chandrakar ne s’est jamais rendu dans ces pays et toute allégation selon laquelle il aurait participé à des activités illicites dans ces régions est dénuée de tout fondement et totalement diffamatoire.

M. Chandrakar exhorte sincèrement les médias à cesser de diffuser des rumeurs infondées et des histoires sensationnalistes et exagérées qui non seulement ternissent sa réputation, mais érodent également la confiance du public dans un journalisme responsable.

Le texte du communiqué issu d’une traduction ne doit d’aucune manière être considéré comme officiel. La seule version du communiqué qui fasse foi est celle du communiqué dans sa langue d’origine. La traduction devra toujours être confrontée au texte source, qui fera jurisprudence.

Source: Newsbeatwire

Saurabh Chandrakar

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Declaração oficial: Saurabh Chandrakar esclarece informações incorretas sobre despesas de casamento e outras alegações

DELI, Índia, Oct. 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — À luz dos recentes relatos dos meios de comunicação social em torno do caso da aplicação Mahadev, Saurabh Chandrakar, um empresário oriundo de Bhilai, Chatisgar, considera imperativo abordar a desinformação flagrante e as acusações infundadas que surgiram. Sendo um homem de negócios dedicado e com um currículo irrepreensível, o Sr. Chandrakar foi apanhado de surpresa pelas alegações infundadas sobre o seu alegado envolvimento em atividades ilícitas.

Contrariamente aos relatos sensacionalistas, o Sr. Chandrakar afirma com veemência que toda a cerimónia de casamento, que custou cerca de 10 milhões de AED, foi inteiramente financiada pelas suas poupanças e provisões internas. Existem registos meticulosos e bem documentados que comprovam as suas fontes de rendimento. As notícias que circulam sugerindo um pagamento de 200 milhões de rupias em numerário suscitam incredulidade e, embora o Sr. Chandrakar questione a viabilidade de uma transação em numerário tão avultada, sublinha a falta de viabilidade prática de tais alegações.

O Sr. Chandrakar refuta as afirmações sobre as supostas despesas extravagantes relatadas por certas fontes. Indica especificamente que todos os aspectos financeiros do evento foram supervisionados por gestores de eventos profissionais e que não houve transações em numerário em qualquer fase do planeamento ou da execução; insinuar o contrário é puramente especulativo e infundado. Existem documentos e registos financeiros que comprovam estes factos, fornecendo provas claras que dissipam quaisquer noções de irregularidade.

Além disso, o Sr. Chandrakar acredita firmemente que a menção da presença de celebridades no evento foi grosseiramente exagerada. Indica que todas as pessoas que assistiram ao casamento foram contactadas pela empresa de gestão de eventos, que facilitou as suas presenças. O Sr. Chandrakar também faz questão de sublinhar que todos os artistas foram contratados pela empresa exclusivamente para participar e atuar no evento. Não houve transações financeiras diretas entre o Sr. Chandrakar e estas celebridades, uma vez que todos os pagamentos foram processados com total transparência através da empresa de gestão de eventos, através de canais bancários legais.

O Sr. Chandrakar afirma veementemente que não tem qualquer ligação com a aplicação Mahadev ou com as suas operações. As acusações que o descrevem como “fundador/promotor/diretor” da aplicação Mahadev carecem de credibilidade e são inequivocamente falsas. Além disso, as alegações sobre o seu envolvimento em 60 plataformas offshore ilícitas são infundadas e não têm qualquer fundamento.

O Sr. Chandrakar nega veementemente quaisquer ligações suspeitas com indivíduos ou organizações que participem em atividades ilegais. Quaisquer alegações semelhantes são meros rumores, completamente infundados e nada mais do que “fruto da imaginação”. O Sr. Chandrakar manifesta o seu espanto perante tais alegações.

É igualmente imperativo esclarecer que não existem operações no Paquistão, no Sri Lanka ou no Nepal associadas com o Sr. Chandrakar. Estas afirmações são totalmente falsas e difamatórias, não tendo qualquer vestígio de verdade. O Sr. Chandrakar nunca viajou para estes países, e quaisquer alegações da sua alegada participação em atividades ilícitas nestas regiões carecem de qualquer fundamento e são completamente caluniosas.

O Sr. Chandrakar pede encarecidamente aos meios de comunicação social que cessem a difusão de rumores infundados e de histórias sensacionalistas e exageradas que não só mancham a sua reputação como também minam a confiança do público no jornalismo responsável.

Fonte: Newsbeatwire

Saurabh Chandrakar

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Over 4,000 delegates to participate in 2023 BRF in China

This year’s edition of the Belt and Road Forum (BRF) for International Cooperation will host over 4,000 delegates from 140 countries participating in the event in Beijing, China.

The forum will be opened on Wednesday, October 18, by Chinese President Xi Jinping to mark the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), aimed at building a global trend of community with a shared future for humanity.

It will bring together over 30 international organisations, including state leaders, heads of international organisations, ministerial officials, and representatives of the business sector, academia, and non-governmental organisations.

The forum is on the theme ‘High-quality Belt and Road Cooperation: Together for Common Development and Prosperity’.

Ghanaian representatives will participate in the forum.

Mr Wang Antao, the Deputy Director-General, International Cooperation, Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources in China, addressing a press conference ahead of the forum, said the event would promote an effective partnership between China and its partners to advance sustainable development.

That, he stated, was critical because the world needed to survive, develop, and recover from the economic challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The event, he said, would witness three high-level forums held simultaneously for in-depth discussions on connectivity, green development, and the digital economy.

Also, six thematic forums will be conducted in parallel under the topics of trade connectivity, people-to-people bonds, think tank exchanges, clean silk roads, subnational cooperation, and maritime cooperation.

Mr Antao announced that there would be a Chief Executive Officers’ Conference, during which Chinese and foreign businesses would negotiate and sign a series of cooperation projects.

The BRF is expected to produce substantial outcomes, both in the form of cooperation documents, initiatives, funds, and measures.

Mr Antao said China had worked with African countries to establish the China-Africa Cooperation Forum to address environmental, social, and economic challenges to ensure long-term development and prosperity.

He pledged to deepen cooperation, especially in the field of integrated marine development and the transfer of technology for sustainable growth.

Mr Li Shuangjian, the Deputy Director-General, National Marine Data and Information Service, China, underscored the importance of partnership, saying ‘promoting common development can be realised through cooperation.’

China, he stressed, had demonstrated commitment towards the effective protection and conservation of the ecosystem through its comprehensive laws.

That, he said, was in line with Sustainable Development Goal 14, pledging to work with its partners to ensure the protection of the environment.

Mr Pan Xinchun, the Vice President and Secretary-General of the China Oceanic Development Foundation, said the Foundation had signed cooperation documents with stakeholders to address environmental challenges globally.

He said China had built the capacities of its partners through training and scholarships, of which 16 African professionals would receive PhDs in Science and Ocean Development to build a resilient coastal system for the BRF.

The BRI in the past decade achieved tangible and fruitful outcomes where more than 3,000 cooperation projects were agreed on and up to one trillion dollars of investment mobilised.

Some of the projects include the China-Europe Railway Express, the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor, and the Silk Road in the Air, which are expanding in capacity and speed.

According to the World Bank, by 2030, BRI transport infrastructure, if fully implemented, will increase global real income by 0.7 percent to 2.9 percent, lifting 7.6 million people from extreme poverty and 32 million people from moderate poverty.

Source: Ghana News Agency

GMB pageant: Fans give Kwartemaa rousing welcome to Sunyani

Ms. Selina Kwartemaa, the second runner-up of the 2023 Ghana Most Beautiful (GMB) pageant, a reality show was given a rousing welcome as hundreds of residents in the Bono Regional capital showered praises and cheered her up on the streets of Sunyani.

Her arrival in the capital reflected the biblical story of the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ as the principal street of town was greeted with spontaneous jubilations amidst heavy vehicular and human traffic.

It was however hectic for the few police personnel to control traffic, maintain law and order around the old Rex Cinema enclave.

Kwartemaa, who represented the Bono Region in the 2023 GMB pageant, organised by the Media General, arrived in Sunyani around 1500 hours on board an unregistered black V8 4X4 vehicle.

Before her arrival, the ecstatic fans and well-wishers had already lined up along the principal street of the town to cheer her up, with some of them waving miniature flags decorated with the colours of red, yellow and black.

Describing her performance in the reality show, which was live-telecast on TV3, as exceptional, some of the fans told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) Kwartemaa ‘has indeed made the chiefs and people of the region proud’.

According to some of them, they had their own reservations in the judging process of the contest, while others said they marked Kwartemaa for the first position due to her brilliant performance from the onset of the reality show.

Addressing the fans at a colourful durbar held at the Sunyani Victoria Park, Kwartemaa expressed her heartfelt appreciation to the entire chiefs and people of the Bono Region for their support throughout the contest.

She also thanked some individuals and corporate bodies in the region, saying ‘though I could not get the ultimate prize, your support, motivation and encouragement inspired me a lot’.

Ms. Kwartemaa indicated Bono had a lot of talents, saying with the required support, the region could tap into and harness the potentials in especially culture and tradition to spur socio-economic development of the region.

She, therefore, advised enterprising young people in the region, irrespective of their backgrounds, to pursue their dreams, saying ‘with persistency and determination your dreams and aspirations can come into reality’.

Selorm Magdalene Gafah, the Volta Region’s representative was crowned winner in this year’s GMB pageant, after beating Greater Accra’s representative Naa

Ayeley to annex the crown in the finals held at the National Theatre on Sunday, October 8.

After a13-week reality show, Kwartemaa came third, while Northern Region’s Nurah and Upper East Region’s Aduanige came fourth and fifth respectively.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Residents of Nkwanta, Kpassa fix bad segment on Eastern Corridor Road

Residents of Nkwanta and Kpassa in the Nkwanta North and South Municipalities in the Oti Region have organised a communal labour to fix potholes on segments of the Nkwanta-Kpassa section of the Eastern corridor road.

The exercise was an initiative of the Nkwanta South Municipal Assembly, and led by Mr Bright Kwame Lenwah, the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) with support from drivers and commuters in the area to make the road motorable.

The MCE said even though the road had been awarded, work had not commenced yet, therefore, the exercise was crucial to fix segment of the road for easy vehicular movement.

Mr Lenwah provided trucks and other equipment to facilitate the filling process and commended the residents for their support and communal spirit.

Mr Ogbe, a driver in an interview with Ghana News Agency said the exercise would help reduce accidents on the road due to its deplorable nature.

Mr Muniru Safiano, a resident, described the exercise as a display of communal spirit as people came out in their numbers to see the work done.

‘We are pleading with the Government to listen to our plight as several calls on government have not been positive. We are pleading with the Regional Minister to find a lasting solution to the road issue because we are tired,’ he said.

Mr Aziz Bawa, Chairperson of Nkwanta North GPRTU said the bad nature of the road is affecting their commerce in addition to wear and tear of vehicle parts, couple with frequent breakdowns.

Source: Ghana News Agency

We are looking at immediate, future support for Dam spillage victims – President Akufo-Addo

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has assured of a comprehensive support package for victims of the recent spillage of the Akosombo and Kpong dams.

The people’s immediate as well as future needs were being taken into consideration, he said.

‘It is the National Disaster Management Organisation’s (NADMO) intention to continue the exercise of providing relief items,’ the President added when he toured some of the affected areas in the Volta Region.

Thousands of people, especially those living within the North Tongu, South Tongu and Central Tongu areas have been greatly affected by the spillage.

More than 20, 000 people have been displaced and distressed, following the spillage, according to NADMO officials.

President Nana Akufo-Addo, accompanied by some members of the Inter-Ministerial Committee charged to coordinate the Government’s response to the tragedy, said the authorities were determined to alleviate the plight of the people.

‘Apart from what NADMO is doing, we also have to think about the future.

‘I am aware that you are a farming people… farming on the banks of the River that has overflowed and destroyed many of the farms,’ he noted.

He pointed out that the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance and the Office of the President would be working with the local authorities ‘to decide exactly the nature of the support we have to give to you when the waters have gone away’.

Interacting with the people at Mepe, the President consoled the people, saying the Government sympathised with all those affected.

Socio-economic activities in the affected areas, particularly those related to the agricultural value chain, have virtually come to a halt in the wake of the disaster.

Cemeteries, places of convenience, homes, offices, among others were submerged.

Prior to the tragedy, the Volta River Authority (VRA) had cautioned all residents along the Volta River and downstream of the Akosombo and Kpong Dams to be on alert and take the necessary precautionary measures.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Major Mahama Trial: Prosecution orally addresses jury

The prosecution in the trial of alleged murderers of Major Maxwell Mahama has commenced addressing the seven-member jury in the case.

The prosecution, led by Mrs Evleyn Keelson, Chief State Attorney, presenting its orally address, told the jury that the accused persons were charged on three counts of conspiracy to commit crime to wit murder, abetment to commit crime to wit murder and murder.

She said the prosecution after the close of its case called 14 witnesses and tended several exhibits, including cement blocks, iron bars, sticks and guns among others.

Fourteen persons are standing trial at an Accra High Court over the killing of Major Mahama, who was an officer of the 5th Infantry Battalion, at Burma Camp.

The late Major was on duty at Denkyira-Obuasi in the Central Region when on May 29, 2017, some residents allegedly mistook him for an armed robber and lynched him.

The mob had allegedly ignored his persistent plea that he was an officer of the Ghana Armed Forces.

The accused persons are William Baah, the Assembly member of Denkyira-Obuasi, Bernard Asamoah alias Daddy, Kofi Nyame

a.k.a Abortion, Akwasi Boah, Kwame Tuffour, Joseph Appiah Kubi, Michael Anim and Bismarck Donkor.

Others are John Bosie, Akwasi Baah, Charles Kwaning, Emmanuel Badu, Bismarck Abanga and Kwadwo Anima.

Mrs Keelson said at the close of their case, a prima facia case was made against the accused persons, where the accused persons made a submission of no case, but their submission was overruled.

She said the court held that a case was made against the accused persons.

To enable the jury to refresh its mind on the case, two short videos were shown to them to show that Major Maxwell Mahama was dead, and that the death was not through a natural cause.

She told the jury that the late Major was attacked by the accused persons and others with implements like sticks, iron bars, and guns, adding that doctors who performed the autopsy said the deceased was shot twice.

She said after the autopsy, doctors said the cause of death was because of multiple head injury from the attack.

The Chief State Attorney said initially, 56 persons were arrested but upon advice from the Attorney-General, 14 of them were charged to stand trial at the High Court.

The case was adjourned to October 23, 2023, for continuation.

Source: Ghana News Agency