Greenpeace Activists Paint ‘Crime’ on Cooling Tower of Maritsa 3 Power Plant

Dimitrovgrad, Southeastern Bulgaria, Oct 16 (BTA/GNA) – Greenpeace activists painted ‘CRIME’ with letters that are twice their size, on a 50-m cooling tower of the Maritsa 3 coal-fired power plant in the southern town of Dimitrovgrad. They started the climb early on Monday morning and an announcement of the Greenpeace Bulgaria said they were going to paint a message for the authorities. Seven people took part in the demonstration, which was in protest against the regular air pollution and abuses by the coal plant, the organization said. Participants in the action came from Bulgaria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Croatia, Greece and Romania. Velislava Mikova of Greenpeace Bulgaria says it is a peaceful protest for people’s right to clean air. The organization insists that this country should abandon coal by 2030. She said that this coal plant has ‘a negligible contribution in the energy system and at the same time its electricity comes at the cost of severe pollution’. She urged the Environment Ministry to revoke the permit of the coal plant for failure to meet the terms and making air pollution in the region a regular problem. Maritsa 3 lawyer Julian Semerdjiev told BTA that they would sue the activists for trespassing and will claim damages. He described the Greenpeace action as ‘a dangerous publicity stunt of an international organization’.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Ghana can make a historic economic breakthrough under Dr Bawumia – Former Director of BoG

Mr John Gyamfi, a former Director of Currency at the Bank of Ghana (BoG) has called on party delegates and Ghanaians to vote for Vice President Alhaji Dr Mahamadu Bawumia for an Economic breakthrough. ‘He has vision to lead the country into immense transformation across the economy’s various sectors when he becomes President of Ghana’. In a statement copied to the Ghana News Agency in Accra, Mr Gyamfi said the Vice President’s efforts at making Ghana a digital hub of Africa, bridging the digital divide and applying digital technology and artificial intelligence for the transformation of healthcare, education and public service delivery was unparalleled. Mr Gyamfi said Dr Bawumia’s plans to transform Ghana into a Health Tourism Hub by retooling the nation’s teaching hospitals to undertake all kinds of organ transplanting to enhance the nation’s foreign exchange earnings was phenomenal. On Air Travel, Financial Services and Petrochemical Hub of the Sub-Saharan Region to boost investment, job creation and enhance manufacturing as well as facilitate road construction using by- products of world class oil refineries to be established, the statement said Bawumia was rolling out a good plan. It said having a visionary leader who declared his quest to realise a country that can maximize the benefits of its natural resources, including gold, lithium and others minerals through policies such as value addition, certified gold refinery, enhancing the gold for oil policy, and dedication to specific gold concessions to the Bank of Ghana to enhance the accumulation of gold reserve was a great access to the nation. Mr Gyamfi according to the statement had known Dr Bawumia since their students’ days in Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada in 1991, where they shared the same accommodation for 18 months and also worked with him. ‘Because of my association with the Vice President as a student and in BoG, I can testify that he is a truly remarkable man, honest, loyal, incorruptible, trustworthy, non-discriminatory, accommodating, principled, visionary and exceptionally competent. He traced the Vice President Lecture series on Ghanaian economy as well as his participation in church programmes while remaining a committed and practicing Muslim to his student days in Canada.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Help remove barriers against women representation in politics – UNDP

Dr Angela Lusigi, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Residents Representative, has appealed to Ghanaians to stand with women who choose to lead in politics. She said women need to be helped by getting rid of bias and barriers that would kill their aspiration as the District Assembly election approaches to develop the society. Dr Lusigi was speaking at a policy dialogue on ‘Women’s Leadership in Local Governance: Driving Grassroots Development’ in Accra. The policy dialogue organised by the UNDP brought together stakeholders in local governance, representatives of NGOs, Electoral Commission, researchers, media among others and stressed on the need for increased equitable female political participation in Ghana. She said women participation in political leadership and decision making was low in the country and therefore, there was the need for a deliberate effort to boost the occurrence. Dr Lusigi said, the change, must start at the top with clear policies and creating space at the decision table for women adding that ‘this cannot succeed without a strong pipeline and support system for emerging women leaders’. According to her, although Africa’s performances in terms of female participation at the higher levels was encouraging, female had many barriers to be victorious in politics and decision making. ‘Only 14.5 per cent of women are in Parliament, less than 5 per cent of elected assembly members are women, some districts have none, only 15 per cent of the 261 Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs), regions such as Ahafo and Western North regions have none. ‘At the current rate of progress, it will take Africa 140 years to reach gender parity in work and society,’ she added. Dr Lusigi said data from UNDP showed that globally, 49 per cent of women and men feel that men make better political leaders than women while 43 per cent feel that men made better business executives than women. ‘UNDP is collaborating with other stakeholders to make sure that the local level election 2023 and the General election in 2024 would have better women representation and the outcome for women candidates who have the courage to contest,’ she added. She said UNDP was committed to expanding opportunities and networks for women and young people reach their full potential as leaders empowered women and youth with equal access to leadership and decision making will close the gender gap and get us all closer to the Sustainable Development Goals. Dr Esther Ofei Aboagye, Gender and Local Governance Expert said women must be more interested in the district assembly elections because decisions at the local levels affected them. She said political parties should allow more women to participate in their internal politics to build the capacity of women to take up key positions in the party aside the positions of women organisers. Dr Aboagye urged women to turn out in their numbers to vote in the district assembly elections to elect leaders who would address their challenges in their communities. Madam Otiko Afisa Djaba, Executive Director of Henry Djaba Memorial Foundation, called on President Nana Akufo-Addo to leave a legacy of passing the Affirmative Action Bill before leaving office. She, however, encouraged all to go out and vote for women contesting in the district level elections.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Akosombo Dam Spillage: ‘Move upstream’ -NADMO tells unaffected districts

Mr George Kwadwo Ayisi, the Director-General of the National Disaster Management Organisation (NADMO), has advised people in districts within the buffer zone of the Akosombo and Kpong dams, who have not been affected by the spillage of the dams to move to higher ground. Mr Ayisi, in a phone interview with the Ghana News Agency, said due the rising water levels, it was important for them to make alternative arrangements and to move up stream. ‘I advise all persons living in safe districts to move to a higher ground. Don’t think that because you live in a district that has not been affected, therefore, you are safe,’ he stressed. He said the Organisation was collaborating with the Volta River Authority (VRA) and the Ghana Armed Forces (GAF) to support some14,000 people from the nine districts with relief items and boats to facilitate evacuations. ‘We have collaborated with the VRA and set up emergency operation centres to coordinate our activities to help and evacuate victims. The Military are with us. They have provided boats with which we are helping more to get to safety. The VRA so far has released 10 million Cedis out of which victims have received assistance. They have promised more financial assistance,’ he said. On September 15, 2023, VRA began a controlled spill from the Akosombo and Kpong Dams due to the rise in water levels from the Volta River buffer zone. So far, nine districts have been affected by the spillage. With the hardest hit being the South, Central, and North Tongu districts of the Volta Region. Cemeteries, places of convenience, farms, homes and businesses have been submerged. GNA

Source: Ghana News Agency