Rev Prof Enoch Agbozo celebrated at 90 with lifetime achievement award

The Ghana Evangelical Society (GES), has celebrated the 90th birthday of Rev Prof Enoch Immanuel Amanor Agbozo with a call on Christians to take inspiration from his journey of life. Known and revered in Ghana and beyond by Christians and non-Christians, Rev Prof Agbozo has led the GES for 50years since its inception. He also led in the development and training of Pastor Mensah Otabil, Bishop Charles Agyin Asare, Rev. Eric Kwapong, Rev. David Abbey and several others to help the propagation of the Gospel across Ghana including Campuses. In a thanksgiving service held in his honour in Accra, Rev Frederick Barnacle Dadson, Assistant Leader, GES, said, Rev Prof Agbozo was ‘someone who stands by the truth’ and it was important that Christians focused on lessons that had made an astute person. He said Rev Prof Agbozo was selfless, not afraid of his life and did not depend on his strength, knowledge and skills because he walked with God in truth. ‘Our Apostle walks with God. Whatever God tells him, he does it. We should learn of his love for people, his soberness and endurance. Papa Agbozo speaks truth to the church,’ Rev Dadson said. He urged the church to build a relationship with God as the only way to draw their strength, power and confidence to make society a better place for all. ‘Let’s eschew arrogance and avoid fighting for material things. Let’s not prioritize affluence over people like what some politicians are showing. Papa Enoch led a pleasing life, rendered a service to God and humanity,’ Rev Dadson said. Archbishop Charles Agyin-Asare who graced the thanksgiving service said: ‘It’s a pleasure to be here on the 90th birthday of Papa Agbozo, he is a man who stuck to the will of God for his life and I can testify to that. I came to GES January 1, 1983.’ He said in 1984, he had a directive from God to ‘plant’ churches globally when he joined Rev Prof Agbozo’s team of missionaries with less financial support and that prepared him to believe in God to take them through. Born in 1933, Rev Prof Enoch Immanuel Amanor Agbozo, obtained BSc. (Econs) from the University of Ghana after going through his secondary and elementary school successfully. He spent 16 years as a civil and public servant from from 1955 to 1977 and called into Christ ministry in March 1986, commissioned Apostle and Prophet in 1975 and entered into full time ministry in July 1977. The lifetime achievement award was presented by elders of GES to his children and a birthday cake was cut to celebrate his enviable life.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Support GIS strategic plan-Ambrose Dery

Mr Ambrose Dery, Minister for the Interior, has called for support for a seven-year strategic plan of the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS). That, he said, would ensure the better management of migration in Ghana. Mr Derry was speaking at the launch of the GIS’ Strategic Plan for 2023-2029. ‘I urge all stakeholders in the migration management space to come on board and own the document and ensure its effective implementation. Mr Derry said the Strategic Plan provided a roadmap for the GIS to operate an efficient, fair and firm immigration system that met the social and economic needs of the country. It also provides an effective monitoring and evaluation system, which would guide the performance of the Ghana Immigration Service and the impact of the implementation of the Plan, he added. He congratulated the GIS for coming up with an elaborate Strategic Plan that would move the Service towards its desire of becoming a model organisation for migration management and the security of Ghana. ‘One intriguing thing about the Plan is the emphasis it places on digitalisation to build a stronger and better Service, which is in line with our national agenda.’ ‘As we continue our commitment to promote a humane and orderly management of migration it is necessary for us to collectively champion interventions and maintain a well-coordinated multi-sectoral intervention to aid the process,’ he said. The Minister said the Strategic Plan revolved around four (4) key components-Border Management, Transnational Crime Prevention, Enforcement, and Organisational Drivers. Each component, he said, had clearly spelt out strategies to facilitate the transformational agenda of becoming a model Immigration Service for migration management and the security of Ghana. ‘I want to assure the Service of the commitment of the Government of His Excellency, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo, to support the implementation of this Strategic Plan.’ ‘I thank the Government of Denmark for funding the development of this Plan under the project, ‘Strengthening Border and Migration Management in Ghana (SMMIG)’, implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD). He commended the Strategic Plan Technical Working Group, Regional Commanders and officers whose commitment and expertise saw the realisation of the document. He also praised the Comptroller-General for the action-oriented leadership he had provided the GIS over the years. Mrs Amala Obiokoye-Nwalor, Head of Office, International Centre for Migration and Policy Development (ICMPD), said the new plan was a testament of the GIS’ dedication to long term sustainable growth. She said the strategic plan sought to improveofessionalism, human rights, gender equality and growth. She said the implementation of the new plan would position GIS as a leading agency in West Africa, but quickly added that the objectives and actions must move from the pages of the book to its actual implementation on the field. Mr Kwame Asuah Takyi (Esq), Comptroller-General of Immigration, said with the expiration of the 2018-2022 development plan, the Service commenced the development of its seven years development plan to support the strengthening of border and migration management by the government of Ghana international centre for migration policy Denmark collaborated with the GIS. ‘The process of developing a new strategic plan offered us the opportunity to take stock of successes and failures as well as face the challenges ahead, and to put forward strategies for development, not only for reforms but also for active participation in international migration,’ he said. Mr Takyi said the plan would help GIS to achieve excellence through its core functions, as the plan defined its vision to become a model immigration service for migration and national security. Mr Tom NĂ˜rring, the Danish Ambassador to Ghana, said that the strategic plan aimed at promoting positive aspects of immigration such as trade and economic development. He said the launch of the strategy was a new milestone because immigration had great development potential if well managed.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Central Tongu DCE assures safety of flood victims

Mr Thomas Moore Zonyrah, District Chief Executive for Central Tongu, on Thursday said residents affected by the Akosombo Dam spillage had been given a temporary place. About one 1,000 people in Adidome and its neighbouring communities were displaced after the floods hit their homes, with several houses in Samokome, Dokpoe, Apetorgborkope, and Awadiwekope, among others, submerged. Mr Zonyrah said the Assembly moved few affected people to New Bakpa and others to the Agriculture College. He said the Assembly would provide for the victims as they tried to get out of the situation. Mr Kenneth Arthur, Deputy Chief Executive in charge of Services, Volta River Authority (VRA), said though many people were affected, the spillage was necessary to take off excess water from the dam. He said the situation was likely to affect more communities since the spillage would take few days. Mr Arthur urged affected residents to adhere to the safety protocols put in place by the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) to safeguard their lives. Mr Eric Nana Agyemang Prempeh, Director General, NADMO, said the Organization would ensure protection of lives and properties. He donated 1,000 bags of rice, cooking oils, blankets, tents, dresses and other assorted items to the victims, adding that more support would be given in the coming days. Residents in Central, South and North Tongu Districts are also in ‘darkness’ due to the flooding at the bulk power supply point in Sogakope, leading to a cut in power supply in the area. Madam Janet Avor, one of the victims in her early 80s, cried for support from the district assembly after her belongings were all gone.

Source: Ghana News Agency

OSP drags Cecilia Dapaah to court over failure to declare her property, income

The Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) has dragged Cecilia Abena Dapaah, ex-Minister of Water Resources and Sanitation before an Accra High Court for failing to comply with lawful demands of its (OSP’s) officer in line of duty. The suit filed on October 6 this year is expected to be heard by the Criminal Division of the High Court. The OSP contends that the former Minister failed to declare her property and income it served on her within 30 days. Madam Dapaah,68, is a former Minister under investigations for corruption and corruption related offences, including using public office for profit in respect of tainted large cash sums reportedly stolen from her residential premises. Documents filed by the OSP said on July 24, 2023, the Special Prosecutor in the performance of his functions served on the former Minister ‘a notice to declare her property and income under regulation 20 (1) per Forms 11 A and 11B of the First Schedule of the OSP (Operations) Regulation, 2018 (LI2374).’ The OSP said the accused was duly served and notified as per the statutory forms and by a cover letter under the seal of the OSP and she was required by law to make specified declaration and return same to the OSP as per Forms 12 of the First Schedule of LI 2374, within 30 days of service on her. The OSP held that as at the close of business on October 5, 2023, the former Minister had willfully failed, without lawful excuse, to return the duly completed statutory forms.

Source: Ghana News Agency

2023/24 Malta Guinness Women’s Premier League launched, teams to pocket over GHS 60,000 each as appearance fee

The 2023/24 Malta Guinness Women’s Premier League (WPL) have officially been launched on Wednesday October 11,2023 with some exciting packages laid out to develop women’s football in Ghana. The Southern Zone teams would receive 60,000 cedis each whereas the Northern zone sides would be given 65,000 cedis each.? Dr. Gifty Oware-Mensah, Executive Council member of the Ghana Football Association (GFA) made this known at the launch of this years Premier League. ‘We are going into a league to see Southern zone clubs get 60,000 for the league as entrants and 65,000 for the Northern Zone, in the 2022/23 season, it was 40,000 for and 45,000.’? She said the GFA was committed in developing women’s football in Ghana, adding that the association had made conscious effort to train over 80 Women in coaching, as well as organized educational seminars for administrators with support from Betway as development partners. According to her, there would be an additional GHS10,000 and GHS12,000 worth of fuel to be shared among the Southern Zone and Northern Zone sides respectively, including Puma boots from the GFA. ‘The women’s league keeps growing, fortunately for us, we are done with the fundamentals??hoping that the strategic document works for us so it’s left with the implementation which we are start this season and I think within the next three years we should see something better than this,’ she said. Dr. Oware-Mensah said the new season would be one of the best witnessed so far with some exciting packages laid out to motivate the participating teams.? She commended Malta Guinness for believing in the development of women’s football, which had seen tremendous growth since coming on board as headline sponsors.? Madam?Felicite Nson,?Managing Director of Guinness Ghana Limited, said their first season with the Ghana Football Association had been successful, following the development chalked.? She said even though Malta Guinness were the headline sponsors, it was also important to welcome onboard other entities who were willing to be part of the success story of developing the women’s league.? ‘We know that the women’s league is the source of other talents that will put Ghana on the map so we will continue to invest and collaborate with stakeholders to make the season a bigger one,’ she said. She urged Ghanaians to rally behind the Ghana Football Association and Malta Guinness as they seek to develop women’s football to a satisfactory level. ‘I must acknowledge that we have made some significant progress and through your continued and unwavering support, we will make giant strides and raise the flag of Ghana even higher,’ she said. Winners of the 23/24 Women’s Premier League would receive GHS50,000 with four buses up for grabs for the 20 Premier League sides.

Source: Ghana News Agency