In Senegal, migration tears families apart

The departure of her 19-year-old son for Spain took Aminata Boye by surprise. “I was not informed when he left,” Boye told DW in Senegal’s coastal city of Mbour. “When I asked about him, they told me that he had taken to the sea.”

For the last three months, Boye hasn’t heard one word from her son. “His phone rang, but he didn’t answer,” she said.

Now, the young man is among those who have been reported missing somewhere around the Canary Islands.

“I lost my child at sea,” said Boye, desperate. She isn’t alone: many women in Mbour have a similar story to tell.

For Codou Boye, however, the situation is different, though no less difficult. Her husband is stuck in Spain, she told DW, waiting for paperwork to be settled. At least he regularly transfers some money back home.

“We struggle, sometimes we don’t manage to meet our children’s needs,” she said. “Life is difficult here, but there’s no point in going off to beg elsewhere. We don’t know what will happen to him or how long he will stay there.”

More than 15,000 arrivals in Spain

Many migrants have set off from Senegal in recent months, but specific figures are hard to come by. The country’s navy has stepped up its patrols along the coast and says it has intercepted several thousand illegal migrants since July. Asked by DW for exact figures, government officials said they are known but “confidential.”

However, those who survive the perilous journey in packed boats to the Canary Islands are once again counted. As of October 1, the UNHCR had registered about 15,406 arrivals in 2023 alone. From Senegal, migrants travel between 1,500 and 2,100 kilometers (up to 1,300 miles) to the Canary Islands, which, as part of Spain, are the gateway to Europe.

For German anthropologist Markus Rudolf, the recent increase isn’t surprising. He said it can be attributed to a resurgence of migration after the COVID-19 pandemic. The systematic closing of other migratory routes has also added to the problem, said Rudolf, an affiliated senior researcher at Addis Ababa University.

‘Domestic situation is hopeless’

Senegal’s internal political crisis has further exacerbated the situation. In recent months, court action against the popular jailed opposition figure Ousmane Sonko has repeatedly stirred protest, leaving at least 16 people dead. Before his imprisonment, Sonko was considered a promising candidate in next year’s presidential election.

“The domestic situation is hopeless,” said Rudolf. “The protests have led to even greater resignation.”

This comes amid ongoing economic hardship, with many Senegalese struggling to make ends meet. That has made remittances from family members in Europe all the more important, said Rudolf.

Other destinations have also been spoken about on social media as being attractive for migrants, he added. Nicaragua, for example, is sometimes seen as an easy way to get to the United States, but in reality this has repeatedly turned out to be a misconception.

“Why people should first come to the Canary Islands and then — without valid papers — try to continue to America is beyond me,” said Rudolf.

Few alternatives to migration

Nevertheless, there are groups in Senegal that are trying to persuade people to stay. Among them is the National Association of Migrant Partners (ANPM), which is trying to raise awareness about the problems that those who leave will likely cause for those left behind.

In Mbour, the ANPM also tries to help the women who are mourning their loved ones and at the same time having to cope with a lack income previously provided by their departed family members.

The government recently set up yet another program to stop migration, but ANPM chair Cheikh Diop doesn’t believe change is around the corner.

“This repressive approach of curbing migration does not work. Alternatives must be found for the young people. As long as that doesn’t happen, it’s a futile effort,” he said.

Source: Deutsche Welle

ANPG launches tender for oil concessions

The National Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANPG) launched, this Friday, the process for the award of oil exploration concessions dubbed “Tender 2023”, for the exploration of oil in the onshore basins of the Lower Congo, in Zaire Province, and of Kwanza (Luanda).

According to a press release, to which ANGOP had access, the deadline for submitting proposals extends until November 15th of this year, in compliance with the 40 days provided by law.

The tender covers 12 oil blocks, four in the Lower Congo Onshore Basin (CON 2, CON 3, CON 7 and CON 8) and eight in the Kwanza Onshore Basin (KON 1, KON 3, KON 7, KON 10, KON 13 , KON 14, KON 15 and KON 19).

As National Concessionaire and holder of mining rights for prospecting, research, evaluation, development and production of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons throughout the Angolan territory, ANPG states that all national and foreign companies that are interested can apply for the tender

Source: Angola Press News Agency

1º de Agosto raise African handball trophy

The 1º de Agosto senior women’s handball team won this Saturday, in Brazaville, the African champion clubs cup title, after victory over Petro de Luanda, also from Angola, by 28-26.

In the challenge, which has become routine in recent years between these two Angolan teams, the “military” (1º de Agosto, defending champions)) charted the path to victory in the first half, by making fewer mistakes in defense and making more shots in finishing attack moves.

More experienced and calm in their approach to the game, the 1º de Agosto squad went to the half-time break with a comfortable 16-11 lead.

In the second half, Petro de Luanda still tried to reverse the unfavourable situation, but the opponent managed to hold on to the advantage and the consequent triumph, despite it being by minimal numbers.

This is the 8th trophy for the “red and black”, being the second most titled team on the continent, after Petro de Luanda, with 19 titles.

The first Angolan team to win this competition was Ferroportuario, in 1987.

The men’s event, in which Angola was not present, was won by Al Ahly from Egypt, who defeated JSK from Congo in the final, by 37-23.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

1,100 inmates await trial, 144 convicted in Agodi Correctional Centre -NCoS

Abduljelil Odunlami, a Deputy Controller of Corrections (DCC), Nigerian Correctional Service (NCoS), says 1,100 inmates from the Agodi Correctional Centre in Ibadan are currently awaiting trial for various offences.

Odunlami, while visiting the Ibadan Branch of Nigerian Bar Association (NBA), said the facility currently housed a total of 1,244 inmates.

He added that the inmates comprise 24 female and 1,220 male, with 144 of the total number of inmates already convicted of various offences.

Odunlami disclosed that the aim of the visit was to seek for cooperation and support of members of the Ibadan Branch of NBA in helping inmates.

”We want you to assist inmates without financial means to get legal assistance, as our Agodi facility is housing many inmates who do not have financial capacity to get legal aid,” he said.

He added that the Agodi Correctional Centre was supposed to house inmates in the Ibadan axis by virtue of regulations.

“But some inmates are now being taken to the Oyo axis, and this is an aberration to the NCoS.”

Odunlami said the awaiting trial inmates needed NBA’s support for a quick dispensation of justice, especially those who do not have the financial capacity to get lawyers and are with critical sickness.

“If an offender within Ibadan is being remanded in the Oyo town correctional facility, there may be delay in justice.

“There may be an attack on the road, as well as the problem of safety on the road. Time must also be considered.

“So, I want us to join hands and work together to ensure that inmates within Ibadan are retained in the Agodi correctional facility for a quick administration of justice.

“Government is doing its best, but corporate organisations and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) like NBA also need to complement government’s efforts in the provision of welfare packages for inmates,” he said.

In her response, the Chairperson of Ibadan Branch of NBA, Folashade Aladeniyi, said the awaiting trial inmates have constitutional rights to be visited.

She said this would be within a specified timeframe and by their relations and lawyers without any financial obligation.

The chairperson, who was represented by the branch’s Secretary, Olakunle Akintola, urged correctional facility officers to ensure easy protocol for relations’ attention without intimidation or extortion.

Aladeniyi also urged correctional officers to always ensure proper evaluation of inmates to be presented for pardon or release during facility decongestion exercise, especially inmates with critical and life-threatening sickness.

“We are still finding it difficult to get medical certificates from medical facilities within correctional centres to apply for bail applications in courts.

“Something must be done about this because the medical facilities within the correctional facilities can not handle some inmates’ sickness,” the chairperson said.

Speaking also, Olakunle Faokunla, Chairman of the Advocacy Committee of Ibadan Branch of NBA, assured of continued partnership between the NBA and correctional centres in the state.

He said this would be in the areas of administration of justice and welfare support.

“Our branch has been visiting correctional facilities in the state and will continue to engage with the inmates to provide necessary support when needed.”

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

1bn persons affected with presbyopia worldwide-Eye specialist

No fewer than 1 billion persons worldwide are affected with Presbyopia(eye disorder), Dr Tochukwu Onwuzulike, an eye care specialist, has said.

Onwuzulike, an Optometrist with Vision Spring, a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), disclosed this on Friday in Abuja at the inauguration of free eye care exercise at Apo resettlement, FCT.

Presbyopia is an eye condition in which the eye slowly loses the ability to focus quickly on objects that are close up.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the free eye care exercise was organised by Eye Care Aid Foundation, Vision Spring, with the support of Act Foundation.

Onwuzulike, who is also a business development specialist, said that among the 1 billion affected people, no fewer than 500 million were visually impaired because they lacked access to reading glasses.

He said that the NGOs were concern that no fewer than 2 million Nigerians were visually impaired.

The optometrist said that such figure was scary and that it was a huge problem that needed to be tackled on time.

The eye specialist urged people to imbibe the habit of taking care of the eyes and going for test when necessary.

“This occasion is highly significant because it deals with a very big and global problem which is eye care; Eye care has been found to be instrumental to productivity, eye care boost people’s livelihood.

“Eye care boosts the quality of life and even to a large extent, mental health; it is very crucial for us to address the eye care needs of millions of Nigerians.

“Presbyopia is a global problem; all over the world, about a billion people are affected with presbyopia; among these 1 billion people, no fewer than 500 million are visually impaired all because they lack access to reading glasses.

“It is a very good thing that the Act foundation, Eye Care Aid Foundation and Vision Spring have come together with the support of Abuja Municipal Area Council(AMAC) and health authority of the FCT to come to carry out this screening.

“We are determined to see that 20, 000 persons are screened of their eyes and distribution of10, 000 glasses absolutely free in the FCT,” he said.

Earlier, Dr Adesuwa Agbontaen, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Eye Care Aid Foundation, said that the project was going to run until June 2024, and would go round all the communities in the FCT.

“Today we are flaging-off our project, Eye Care Aid project for resident of FCT, giving eye care services, eye test and giving them free reading glasses, we are doing this for 20, 000 persons in the FCT.

“Our mandate is to distribute 10,000 glasses; we are going to run this project up till June 2024; we are going round all the communities in the FCT, from one place to another.

“Eye problem will not show up but until you see the doctor before you will know you have certain problem; if you don’t see doctors, you won’t notice certain eye problem, certain eye problem are hidden.

“We are creating awareness with this exercise; we know that world sight day is coming up on Oct.12; this exercise is also to commemorate vision care for that day, and also to talk about eye care issues,’’ he said.

In his remarks, Mr Emeka Mbanusi, Head of Information and Public Relations, AMAC, thanked the organisers of the eye screening exercise, adding that AMAC was only partnering to give them direction with regards to where to carry out the exercise in the FCT.

He said that the AMAC Chairman, Mr Christopher Maikalañgu, had done so much for the residents of the area council in terms of medical care both for children, mothers and the elderly ones.

Mbanusi said AMAC was paying counterpart funding for polio eradication and other routine immunisation in order to ensure that children under five years received treatment.

According to him, AMAC has done free medical care in many communities in FCT where it gives malaria drugs free of charge, and albendazole to deworm children.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

NYFF congratulates Luminate for collaboration toward empowering Nigerian youth

Nigeria Youth Futures Fund (NYFF) Advisory Board has congratulated Luminate, a CSO, for collaborating with it toward raising funding for the success empowering Nigerian youth.

A statement by Maimuna Sani, NYFF’s Head of Communications and Community Engagement, indicated that the collaboration is aimed at focusing attention on a shared commitment to empowering the Nigerian youth.

Sani added that the cooperation is to catalyse impactful transformation for the long-term developmental of the country.

She said that the youth fund project set in motion in 2021, “is a five-year initiative funded by the MacArthur Foundation and Ford Foundation, and implemented by LEAP Africa, a non-profit organisation committed to inspiring, empowering and equipping a new cadre of African leaders.

According to her, the project is dedicated to nurturing youth leadership and activism in Nigeria by fostering outcomes-driven policy engagements and inclusive resourcing for medium and long-term national development.

“The NYFF embodies the collective determination to invest in the potential of Nigerian youth. By facilitating policy engagements and providing a platform for their voices and ideas to thrive, NYFF continues to pave the way for a brighter and more inclusive Nigeria,’’ she said in the statement.

Executive Director of LEAP Africa, Kehinde Ayeni, who spoke further on the project, said: “We are thrilled to welcome Luminate Group as a funding partner for the Nigeria Youth Futures Fund.

“Their commitment to join this fund underscores the power of collective action in engendering citizen-led participation in good governance and nation building.

“This partnership will amplify the project’s local and grassroots impact and create a lasting positive change in Nigeria at all levels.”

LEAP’s Director of Programmes in Africa, Amabelle Nwakanma, said Luminate’s experience in supporting social change initiatives would be invaluable to NYFF.

She said, “This collaboration will enable us to expand our reach and engagement efforts, ensuring that youth voices not only resonate but also drive tangible changes in our nation’s long-term development plans.”

Luminate’s contribution to NYFF funding pool is expected to enhance the fund’s capacity to drive sustainable and inclusive development initiatives.

She stated that the partnership is also expected to further advance the youth fund’s outreach and engagement across its areas of coverage and ensure that the youth not only speak with one voice, but are heard and carried along in the country’s long-term development plans.

Vice President Africa of Luminate, Toyin Akinniyi, said that the organisation as a supporter of efforts at creating just and fair societies, “is proud to co-fund the Nigeria Youth Futures Fund alongside the Ford Foundation and MacArthur Foundation.

“The active participation of young Africans in civic and political processes is critical to ensuring more representative and inclusive governance.

“The Nigeria Youth Futures Fund will continue to play a huge role in facilitating young people’s active participation and engagement in the development of policies and strategies that will shape Nigeria’s future, and that is why we are supporting this.”

Speaking earlier, Chinenye Uwanaka, the Co-chair of NYFF Advisory Board, expressed the group’s happiness to have Luminate join in the project, saying: “their vision and values strongly align with ours, and they have a history of supporting youth-led organisations.

“I really look forward to working with them to increase meaningful civic and political participation in Nigeria, and help create an environment where independent media thrives, especially in the challenging times we live in as a nation.”

The Luminate’s involvement solidifies NYFF’s foundation of collaboration, innovation, and resilience. Together with LEAP Africa, the MacArthur Foundation, and the Ford Foundation, Luminate becomes an integral part of this transformative journey that places the youth at the forefront of nation-building.”

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

NBC serves Arise TV final warning on alleged violation of Broadcasting Code

The National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) has given the operators of Arise Television final warning on alleged violation of Nigeria Broadcasting Code.

Director-General of NBC, Balarabe Shehu llelah, gave the warning in a letter to the Chief Executive Officer of Arise Global Limited and made available to the News Agency of Nigeria on Saturday in Abuja.

In the letter titled “Preponderance of derogatory and incendiary remarks: Final warning”, Ilelah said the commission had observed with concern, the preponderance of incendiary remarks allowed on Arise News.

“This letter once again seeks to underscore the tremendous responsibility put on the broadcaster to manage array of guests that may feature on the station from time to time.

“For the benefit of doubt, on Oct. 5 during the programme – ‘The Morning Show’, anchored by Reuben Abati, Rufai Useni and Ayo Mairo Ese, featured Oladotun Hassan and Dele Farotimi as guests.

“The programme contained unguarded incendiary remarks by Dele Farotimi against the legislature, executive, judiciary and Mr President.

“Similarly, On Oct. 6, during the programme “Newsday”, it featured Kenneth Okonkwo (Spokesperson for Labour Party) who used derogatory remarks on air.

“Your attention is therefore drawn to the relevant sections of the Nigeria Broadcasting Code for compliance please,” Ilelah said.

The NBC boss explained further that section 1.10.3 says the broadcaster shall ensure that its presenter does not express his or her opinion in the programme, as a matter of professional standard.

He said section 3.3.1 (a) stipulates that the broadcaster shall ensure that any information given in a programme, in whatever form, is accurate

Illelah said 3.3.3 (c) provided that the broadcaster shall be above inherent biases, prejudices and subjective mindsets

According to section 3.3.1(e), the Broadcaster shall not treat any individual or organisation in an unjust and unfair manner in any programme.

The NBC boss further explained that section 5.3.3(b) of the code stated that the broadcaster shall, in using political materials for news and current affairs programmes, avoid hate speech, inflammatory, derogatory, and divisive remarks of allusions.

“Section 5.5.6 says, the broadcaster shall have a delay mechanism to guard against possible undesirable content.

“Arise TV is advised to install a delay mechanism to guard against possible undesirable contents as prescribed in Section 5.5.6 of the Nigeria Broadcasting Code.

“Please note that henceforth, your station shall be held liable for any infraction on your platform and applicable sanctions shall be imposed as prescribed by Law,” Ilelah stressed.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

16,620 girls to benefit from AGILE project in Bauchi State – Official

No fewer than 16,620 adolescent girls will benefit from a viable education support under the Adolescent Girls Initiative for Learning and Empowerment, (AGILE) project in Bauchi State.

The Project Coordinator, Dr Jamila Mohammed-Dahiru, said this during a breakfast meeting with heads of media organisations in Bauchi on Saturday.

AGILE is being implemented by the Federal Ministry of Education with support from the World Bank, designed to improve basic and post-basic education opportunities for adolescent girls.

Children in Nigeria, especially girls are being faced with challenges preventing them from accessing and completing secondary education due to socio-cultural, financial constraints, and infrastructural deficits.

The project seeks to tackle the challenges and improve education opportunities in 18 participating states, to make education more appealing to adolescent girls, parents, and communities.

The AGILE project consists of three main components which include Creating Safe and Accessible Learning Spaces, Fostering an Enabling Environment for Girls, Project Management and System Strengthening.

Mohammed-Dahiru said that Bauchi government had submitted its proposed Work Plan to the national coordinating unit and contributed N150 million as counterpart fund to facilitate successful implementation of the project in the state.

She said the state’s Project Unit had identified 120 schools and 30 non-formal schools for participation through a community driven approach to ensure sustainability of the project.

The project, she said, would be implemented based on a 60/40 per cent ratio for girls and boys in basic and post-basic schools across 20 local government areas of the state.

The Project Coordinator said the state planned to construct new classrooms to expand 60 schools and rehabilitate dilapidated ones in 60 other schools.

The schools, she said, would be provided with facilities such as furniture, learning materials and information technology facilities to make them functional, safe, inclusive, and more conducive to teaching and learning.

On Fostering an Enabling Environment for Girls, she said, the objective was to promote behavioural change which acts as a barrier to girls’ education through sensitisation and advocacy campaigns to promote girls’ education and empowerment.

“It also aimed at enhancing digital literacy and entrepreneurial skills development, to empower girls to enable them to be useful as they transit to adulthood.

“We have a Conditional Cash Transfer programme to provide financial incentives to the poorest households, to address barriers to girls’ enrollment, retention and completion of school.

“Each of the beneficiaries will receive N5,000 for the junior schools and N10,000 for those in senior schools per term, respectively,” she said.

“While the Management and System Strengthening component of the project seeks to strengthen the institutional capacity of federal and state governments to support girls’ education and empowerment.

“We also have a Teacher Professional Development programme and planned to review curriculum as well as the School Based Management Committees (SBMCs),” she said.

According to her, the state government will recruit additional 3,000 teachers to ensure effective management of the schools.

She added that teachers and members of the School-Based Management Committees (SBMCs) would be trained to fast track effective monitoring and supervision for successful implementation of the project.

She, therefore, sought the support of the media in creating awareness in the communities to mobilise participation in the project

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Steel minister expresses confidence on Ejeh of Ankpa’s reign

The Minister of Steel Development, Prince Shuaibu Abubakar-Audu, on Saturday expressed confidence that the reign of the new Ejeh of Ankpa, Alhaji Abubakar Ahmed-Yakubu, will bring about peaceful coexistence and development in Ankpa local government Area (LGA) of Kogi.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the minister made the remark in Ankpa at the official presentation of the Staff of Office to Ahmed-Yakubu as the fourth Ejeh of Ankpa by Gov. Yahaya Bello.

Abubakar-Audu said: “I am very confident that with your educational background, wealth of experience in the public and private sectors, and in business development, you will, beyond your traditional and religious roles, attract great investments to the great Ankpa Kingdom, Kogi and Nigeria as a whole.”.

“The Ejeh of Ankpa is not novel to the throne. As one who was born into royalty and watched your father and grand father rule his people in peace, unity and prosperity, you would rule to exceed the accomplishments of your ancestors.

“It is a prayer that every child becomes greater than his father, and so, I wish the Ejeh of Ankpa success, and many years of greatness and accomplishments on the throne.

“My relationship with His Royal Highness dates back to the times of our fathers, who shared the same value of fostering the unity, growth and development of the Igala Kingdom.

“We remain grateful to God Almighty, that today, we are alive to preserve the legacies of our fathers in the Igala Kingdom, Kogi State and our dear country, Nigeria,” Abubakar-Audu said.

The Minister, who extended his warm wishes to the traditional ruler,

described the Ejeh as one who was capable of ruling his people in a peaceful and united way to bring notable development and prosperity to Ankpa, Igala Kingdom and the country at large.

He added: “I join the people of Ankpa, Kogi State, and millions of Nigerians to congratulate His Royal Highness, Alhaji Abubakar Ahmed-Yakubu, on the official presentation of Staff of Office to him as the fourth Ejeh of Ankpa.

“As he sits on the throne of his anscestors. I pray that Almighty Allah will guide and direct him to lead his people in peace, unity, love and harmony that will bring notable development and prosperity to Ankpa, the entire Igala Kingdom and Kogi State.

“I also thank the Governor of Kogi, Alhaji Yahaya Bello, for his respect to the sacred stool of the Ejeh of Ankpa and for ensuring that the right person wears the crown.

“i thank the Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, Bar. Salami Ozigi, for ensuring the success of the event,” Abubakar-Audu added.

He urged the people of Ankpa to live peacefully and united under the reign of his Royal Highness, irrespective of their religious and political affiliation.

The Honorable Minister attended the event alongside Gov. Yahaya Bello, the Kogi State APC Gubernatorial Candidate, Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo, His Royal Majesty Attah of Igala, Matthew Opaluwa, Sultan of Sokoto, His Eminence, Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Sa’ad Abubakar III, and His Royal Highness Etsu Nupe, Alhaji Yahaya Abubakar.

Also present at the event were the Governor of Kastina State, Dikko Umar Radda and the former Governor of Katsina, Ibrahim Shema, amongst others.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Health Council partners 3DATX on vehicular emission testing

The Environmental Health Council of Nigeria (EHCON), says it is partnering with 3DATX Africa, a US based organisation on vehicular emission testing.

Dr Yakubu Baba, Registrar of EHCON stated this at a media dialogue on de-carbonisation control measure on Friday in Abuja.

He said that the partnership would ensure an emission free society and safeguard the health of the populace.

Baba said the essence of the vehicular testing a technological device provided by 3DATX was to protect the health of humans.

According to him, the objective of the vehicular testing technology was to reduce emission to the barest minimum to mitigate the effect of climate change.

He said the project been piloted in Abuja has so far tested no fewer than 100 vehicles at no cost.

“This is a very important instrument and Nigeria is the first to start benefiting in the whole of Africa.

“The beauty of the technology is after identifying the problem the company, and council will also come up with a solution base to make all the Nigerian vehicles emission-free.

“This will enable the country meet global standard on emission free vehicles.

“We need to collaborate so that we can be able to face the issue of climate change squarely, because we have seen the effect.

“ We also want to make Nigeria to benefit from the incentive that is within the UN framework,” he said.

He described the vehicular testing technology as significant in the history of environmental health in the country.

Baba said EHCON had agreement with the company in four areas which included research and development.

“Another segment of our agreement with the company is to develop the capacity of our practitioners which are over 40,000 across the country so that the state government will follow suit.

“The last segment of our relationship is where we can be able to create advocacy to Nigerians on the importance of ensuring that they make their vehicle available for assessment and inspection through this technology, ” he said.

Earlier, Matthew Suleiman, General Manager, 3DATX Corporation identified the device as highly sophisticated for measuring emission gases coming out from vehicle.

He explained that it can be used on generator and has temperature adjustment that processes the gas.

“The whole system is controlled while it is connected to the laptop, so we have software that will show us real time the emissions coming out from the car.

“We are measuring particles, carbonmonoxide, sulphur among others coming out from the vehicle depending on the configuration of the devices, ” he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria