Nikkiso étend ses opérations aux États-Unis afin de soutenir ses activités d’hydrogène croissantes

TEMECULA, Californie, 06 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (le « Groupe »), qui fait partie de Nikkiso Co., Ltd., a annoncé aujourd’hui avoir acquis la pleine propriété de son installation à Murrieta, en Californie, ainsi qu’un terrain de 6,6 hectares dans le but d’étendre ses opérations de fabrication et de test.

À l’heure actuelle, le Groupe fabrique et teste des vaporisateurs cryogéniques, des échangeurs thermiques, des patins de traitement, des unités de séparation d’air et des produits de liquéfaction, et l’expansion ajoutera quatre stations de test d’hydrogène sur place pour soutenir les activités d’hydrogène croissantes du Groupe.

« L’économie de l’hydrogène accélère au rythme des progrès de la transition énergétique, et Nikkiso a un rôle important à jouer », a déclaré Peter Wagner, PDG de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases. « Cette expansion de notre installation nous permet de développer nos opérations et de mieux répondre à la demande mondiale pour nos produits et technologies cryogéniques de pointe. »

La construction commencera au cours du premier semestre 2024.

À propos de Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases
Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group fait partie de la division industrielle de Nikkiso Co., Ltd. au Japon. Le Groupe est basé en Californie du Sud et compte des installations, bureaux et centres de service dans le monde entier pour fabriquer et entretenir des équipements techniques de traitement du gaz cryogénique (pompes, turbo-détendeurs, échangeurs thermiques, etc.), ainsi que des usines de traitement pour les gaz industriels, la liquéfaction du gaz naturel (GNL), la liquéfaction de l’hydrogène, l’ammoniac et le captage et la liquéfaction du carbone.

Contact auprès des médias
Lisa Adams
+1 405 492 1689

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8945173

Nikkiso Expande Operações nos EUA para Apoiar Seu Crescente Segmento de Hidrogênio

TEMECULA, Califórnia, Oct. 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (Grupo), parte da Nikkiso Co., divulgou hoje que adquiriu toda a propriedade e instalações de 66370.8 metros quadrados em Murrieta, Califórnia para expandir suas operações de manufatura e teste.

O Grupo fabrica e testa vaporizadores criogênicos, trocadores de calor, skids de processo, unidades de separação de ar e produtos de liquefação — e a expansão adicionará quatro estações de teste de hidrogênio no local para apoiar o crescente segmento de hidrogênio do Grupo.

“A economia do hidrogênio está acelerando com o avanço da transição energética, e a Nikkiso tem um grande papel a desempenhar”, disse Peter Wagner, CEO da Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases. “Esta expansão das instalações viabilizará o aumento das operações e o maior apoio à demanda global por nossos produtos e tecnologias criogênicas de última geração.”

A construção terá início no primeiro semestre de 2024.

Sobre o Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group
O Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group faz parte da Divisão Industrial da Nikkiso Co., Ltd. Lt. Japão. A sede do Grupo está localizada no sul da Califórnia, e a empresa tem instalações, escritórios e centros de serviço em todo o mundo para manufatura de equipamentos de processamento de gás criogênico projetados (bombas, turboexpansores, trocadores de calor, etc.) e plantas de processamento de gases industriais, Liquefação de Gás Natural (GNL), liquefação de hidrogênio, amônia e captura e liquefação de carbono.

Contato com a Mídia
Lisa Adams
+1 405 492 1689

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8945173

Duck Creek Technologies Entra para a Lista de Top 50 de Status de Provedora de Soluções e para a Top 100 de Fast Track FinTech dos FinTech Rankings de 2023 da IDC

O reconhecimento acompanha os dos parceiros do ecossistema e líderes globais de tecnologia que apoiam as empresas globais de seguros

BOSTON, Oct. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Duck Creek Technologies, fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do seguro de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral, tem o prazer de anunciar sua entrada para a lista de Top 50 de provedora de soluções e para a Top 100 de Fast Track FinTech da classificação de FinTech de 2023 da IDC. Este é o segundo ano consecutivo que a empresa entra para a prestigiada lista da Duck Creek com outros líderes globais em tecnologia, demonstrando seu notável e contínuo crescimento e forte tração no mercado.

Os IDC FinTech Rankings selecionam os líderes globais de tecnologia com base nos resultados de receita do ano civil anterior. Os incluídos na classificação deste ano são fundamentais para a modernização e transformação digital do setor de serviços financeiros, e a Duck Creek tem orgulho de estar junta com parceiros do ecossistema, como Accenture, Capgemini, Cognizant, CoreLogic, DocuSign, Eviden, Experian, EY, Hexaware, HCLTech, IBM, LTIMindtree, Microsoft, NTT DATA, Smart Communications, TransUnion e Wipro. A Duck Creek vem alcançando crescimento ano a ano, concentrando-se no sucesso do cliente e na sua abordagem de ecossistema de parceiros, confirmando que “é preciso uma aldeia” para apoiar as seguradoras mais sofisticadas do mundo com soluções de tecnologia líderes de mercado.

“A profunda confiança dos nossos clientes e parceiros globais, combinada com nossa tecnologia de todo o mundo, além da nossa cultura premiada, permitiram que a Duck Creek alcançasse um crescimento histórico enquanto se adaptava a um macro clima dinâmico e às tendências em evolução do setor de seguros”, disse Rohit Bedi, Diretor de Receita da Duck Creek Technologies. “Nossa inclusão nos IDC FinTech Rankings 2023 reforça a nossa dedicação em viabilizar o sucesso dos nossos clientes e o valor diferenciado que oferecemos para o setor de seguros como uma marca SaaS P&C moderna e globalmente confiável.”

“A IDC publica os IDC FinTech Rankings há vinte anos e expandiu o programa para agora incluir os 150 principais fornecedores de soluções para garantir a representação mais precisa das maiores fintechs do mundo”, disse Marc DeCastro, diretor de pesquisa da IDC. “As empresas de tecnologia desta lista fornecem a inovação necessária para manter os serviços financeiros na vanguarda do fornecimento de experiências digitais modernas em todos os aspectos da jornada financeira de um cliente.”

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies

A Duck Creek Technologies é fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do setor de seguros de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral. Somos a plataforma utilizadas como base dos sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indústria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operações ágeis, inteligentes e perenes. Autenticidade, propósito e transparência são fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que o seguro deve estar disponível para indivíduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas soluções líderes do mercado estão disponíveis de forma independente ou como um pacote completo disponíveis em Duck Creek OnDemand. Visite para obter mais informação. Siga a Duck Creek nos nossos canais sociais para obter as mais recentes informações – LinkedIn e Twitter.

Contato com a Mídia:
Carley Bunch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8944733

Duck Creek Technologies remporte le statut de fournisseur de solutions Top 50 et Top 100 Fast Track FinTech dans les classements des fintechs 2023 d’IDC

Cette reconnaissance place la société aux côtés de partenaires d’écosystème et de leaders technologiques internationaux qui soutiennent les entreprises d’assurance mondiales

BOSTON, 05 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui définit l’avenir de l’assurance générale et IARD, annonce aujourd’hui sa reconnaissance dans les classements IDC FinTech Rankings Top 50 et Top 100 Fast Track FinTech 2023. C’est la deuxième année consécutive qui voit Duck Creek être nommée dans cette liste prestigieuse comprenant d’autres leaders technologiques mondiaux, démontrant sa croissance continue remarquable et sa forte traction sur le marché.

Les IDC FinTech Rankings sélectionnent les leaders technologiques mondiaux en se basant sur leurs résultats financiers de l’année calendaire précédente. Ceux qui sont inclus dans les classements de cette année jouent un rôle crucial dans la modernisation et la transformation numérique de l’industrie des services financiers, et Duck Creek est fière d’être nommée aux côtés de partenaires d’écosystème tels qu’Accenture, Capgemini, Cognizant, CoreLogic, DocuSign, Eviden, Experian, EY, Hexaware, HCLTech, IBM, LTIMindtree, Microsoft, NTT DATA, Smart Communications, TransUnion et Wipro. Duck Creek a enregistré une croissance en glissement annuel en se concentrant sur la réussite client et son approche d’écosystème de partenaires, affirmant qu’« il faut tout un village » pour soutenir les assureurs les plus sophistiqués à l’échelle mondiale avec des solutions technologiques leaders sur le marché.

« La profonde confiance de nos clients et partenaires internationaux, conjuguée à nos technologies de classe mondiale et à notre culture primée, a permis à Duck Creek d’enregistrer une croissance historique tout en s’adaptant à un macro-climat dynamique et à des tendances en constante évolution dans l’industrie de l’assurance », a déclaré Rohit Bedi, directeur des revenus de Duck Creek Technologies. « Notre inclusion dans les IDC FinTech Rankings 2023 renforce notre passion d’offrir le succès de nos clients et la valeur différenciée que nous apportons à l’industrie de l’assurance en tant que marque de SaaS d’IARD moderne et de confiance à l’échelle mondiale. »

« IDC produit les IDC FinTech Rankings depuis vingt ans et a élargi le programme pour inclure désormais les 150 meilleurs fournisseurs de solutions afin de nous assurer d’obtenir la représentation la plus exacte des plus grandes fintechs au monde », a commenté Marc DeCastro, directeur de la recherche chez IDC. « Les entreprises technologiques qui figurent dans cette liste fournissent les innovations nécessaires pour conserver les services financiers à l’avant-garde de l’offre d’expériences numériques modernes à travers tous les aspects du parcours financier d’un client. »

À propos de Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui définit l’avenir du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD. Nous sommes la plateforme sur laquelle les systèmes d’assurance modernes se construisent, permettant au secteur de tirer parti de la puissance du cloud pour mener des opérations agiles, intelligentes et pérennes. Authenticité, mission et transparence sont les mots clés de la philosophie de Duck Creek et, selon nous, l’assurance devrait être au service des individus et des entreprises quand, où et comme ils en ont le plus besoin. Nos solutions faisant figure de leaders du marché sont disponibles séparément ou sous la forme d’une suite complète, et toutes sont disponibles via Duck Creek OnDemand. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur Suivez Duck Creek sur ses réseaux sociaux pour connaître les toutes dernières informations – LinkedIn et Twitter.

Contacts auprès des médias :
Carley Bunch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8944733

Axi lance Axi Select, un programme pionnier d’allocation de capital tout compris offrant aux traders qualifiés un financement allant jusqu’à 1 000 000 USD

SYDNEY, Australie, 05 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Axi, l’un des principaux courtiers mondiaux sur le Forex et les CFD, a annoncé le lancement d’Axi Select, un programme révolutionnaire d’allocation de capital. Ce programme est spécifiquement conçu afin d’émanciper les traders en leur offrant un moyen d’accéder à un financement en capital pouvant atteindre 1 000 000 USD et en facilitant leur progression vers le trading professionnel. Tout en créant un nouveau précédent dans le secteur, Axi Select offre aux traders l’avantage exceptionnel de rejoindre le programme sans frais d’inscription, ainsi que la possibilité de gagner jusqu’à 90 % de leurs bénéfices.

Greg-imageGreg Rubin, responsable d’Axi Select, déclare : «Grâce au lancement d’Axi Select, notre programme innovant d’allocation de capital, nous visons à offrir aux traders la possibilité de se lancer dans des carrières longues et fructueuses, leur permettant ainsi de réaliser les aspirations de toute leur vie : devenir des traders professionnels. Notre programme complet fournit le capital, le soutien et les ressources nécessaires aux traders afin de prospérer dans le monde dynamique du trading. Nous nous engageons à alimenter leur passion, à favoriser leur réussite et à leur fournir un soutien indéfectible qui leur permettra d’atteindre la réalisation de leurs objectifs. » Le programme offre une gamme de fonctionnalités notables, notamment des conditions de trading sans restriction, le score Edge qui permet aux traders d’affiner leurs stratégies et d’améliorer leurs performances de trading, ainsi qu’une salle de trading exclusive servant de hub dédié tout en offrant des mises à jour du marché en temps réel et des contenus éducatifs organisés.


Le programme Axi Select est uniquement disponible pour les clients d’AxiTrader Limited. Les CFD comportent un risque élevé de perte d’investissement. Ce contenu n’est pas disponible pour les clients australiens, néo-zélandais et britanniques. Pour obtenir de plus amples informations, consultez nos conditions d’utilisation. D’autres frais peuvent s’appliquer.

Cliquez ici pour regarder la discussion informelle d’Axi Select

À propos d’Axi Select, Louis Cooper, directeur commercial chez Axi, déclare : « Chez Axi, nous sommes fiers d’être une marque qui offre constamment à ses clients les atouts de leur réussite. Notre nouvelle offre révolutionnaire, Axi Select, est la première du genre parmi les courtiers et reflète fidèlement la promesse de notre marque. Nous avons déjà alloué 39 millions de dollars à des traders dans le cadre de programmes précédents et nous avons permis à plusieurs traders d’accéder au statut de trader professionnel. Avec Axi Select, nous offrirons à nos traders des opportunités sans précédent tout en redéfinissant les limites du possible dans le trading et en remodelant l’évolution du secteur financier. »

Axi propose un processus simplifié pour participer à Axi Select – sans frais d’inscription ni d’adhésion, les traders peuvent facilement soumettre leur candidature et commencer à trader. Une fois qu’ils ont atteint un score Edge désigné, les traders peuvent commencer à obtenir un financement en capital pouvant atteindre 1 000 000 USD.



Le programme Axi Select est uniquement disponible pour les clients d’AxiTrader Limited. Les CFD comportent un risque élevé de perte d’investissement. Ce contenu n’est pas disponible pour les clients australiens, néo-zélandais et britanniques. Pour obtenir de plus amples informations, consultez nos conditions d’utilisation. D’autres frais peuvent s’appliquer.

Cliquez ici pour regarder la discussion informelle d’Axi Select

À propos d’Axi

Axi est une société mondiale de trading de devises et de CFD en ligne, à laquelle des milliers de clients ambitieux font confiance dans plus de 100 pays à travers le monde. Nous aidons tous les types de traders, d’entreprises de trading, de banques et d’organisations financières à trouver les atouts dont ils ont besoin pour atteindre leurs objectifs financiers grâce à des transactions informées effectuées sur les marchés financiers mondiaux. Axi propose une large gamme d’actifs, notamment des CFD pour plusieurs classes d’actifs, y compris le Forex, les actions, l’or, l’argent, le pétrole, le café, les indices ainsi que d’autres matières premières.

Chez Axi, nous sommes fiers de notre réputation de courtier honnête, équitable et fiable. Nos nombreuses récompenses et nos « excellents » avis Trustpilot prouvent que nous avons gagné la confiance de clients qui apprécient les avantages de notre service exceptionnel, de notre exécution rapide, de nos paiements sécurisés, de nos fonds distincts et de nos retraits faciles.

Pour obtenir de plus amples informations, contactez nous à l’adresse suivante :

Consultez les autres communications d’Axi sur

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Tinubu committed to national unity, cohesion – Defence Minister

The Minister of State for Defence, Dr Bello Matawalle, says that President Bola Tinubu has demonstrated commitment to promote national unity and cohesion as key element of his Renewed Hope Agenda.

Matawalle said this at the inauguration of the National Defence College (NDC) Course 32, with the inaugural lecture titled, “Strengthening National Unity for Security and Development in Nigeria”, on Friday in Abuja.

He said that threats to national unity, security and development remained a major priority for the administration of President Tinubu, to drive his Renewed Hope Agenda.

The minister said that Nigeria was plagued with insecurity attributed to insurgency, sectionalism, banditry, demand for resource control, tribalism, religious intolerance, among others.

He said the President had made concerted effort aimed at addressing some of the key issues, which seemed to threaten Nigeria’s national unity especially in the area of political appointments.

According to him, Mr President has displayed commitment to the inclusivity of all Nigerians, irrespective of tribe, religion or party affiliation.

“Additionally, President Tinubu, while in New York for the UN General Assembly, had a sideline meeting with Nigerians in Diaspora, and asked them to come back home and build our dear nation.

“These are few of the efforts among many aimed at restoring national unity in our dear nation, Nigeria.

“Although pockets of challenges such as terrorism, banditry, kidnapping as well as militancy in parts of the country still exists, combined with the impact of oil subsidy removal.

“You will all agree with me that this present government has recorded a lot of achievements in tackling not only the manifestations of the challenges, but more importantly their root causes with the overall goal of strengthening national unity for security and development of+ Nigeria,” he said.

Matawalle solicited for the support of all Nigerians and international community in the government’s quest to promote national unity and security.

He added that the effort of various countries at ensuring security and economic development, which would eventually translate to the development of the African continent could be achieved faster by promoting unity among the various nations.

He commended the NDC for its commitment to the promotion of national unity and national security through its courses and other engagements over the years, and urged participants to strengthen the bond of relationship that would outlive their stay in the college.

While delivering the inaugural lecture, the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Defence, Dr Ibrahim Kana, said the issue of national unity and cohesion had remained in the front burner of the nation’s development.

Kana said the theme of the lecture was about creating a Nexus between social security, political security, food security, national security and military security.

He said that issues facing Nigeria today was not just a situation of insecurity that required military intervention, but a challenge that could be addressed through good governance, political stability and ensuring a sense of belonging for all.

According him, it is about ensuring that nobody is discriminated against and allowing everybody to contribute his quota towards the growth and development of Nigeria.

He recommended that the Federal and state governments, urging them to adopt result-Based Inter-governmental Fiscal Transfers as part of its budget process to enable funds to reach the poor and needy population.

He also advocated that government should promote media engagement and ensure effective communication with the citizens through the National Orientation Agency and other channels.

Earlier, the College Commandant, Rear Adm. Olumuyiwa Olotu, said that Course 32 had a total of 108 participants, comprising 68 senior officers from the Armed Forces of Nigeria, six participants from Nigeria Police Force and 19 senior officers from other security agencies and strategic ministries, departments and agencies of government.

He added that the course also had 16 international participants from different countries, which include the Republic of Benin, Botswana, Brazil, Cote d’ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Germany, India, Liberia and Mali.

Others are Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. (NAN) (

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Affordability: Foundation recommends capacity building on renewable energy in states

An NGO under the auspices of Lift Humanity Foundation (LHF) has reiterated the need for capacity building for skilled workforce in the renewable energy sector.

Mr Pius Oko, the Executive Secretary of LHF, said this at a workshop and launching of a policy brief on Renewable Energy Governance and Energy Access in Nigeria on Friday in Abuja.

Oko, also the Project Lead, African Coalition for Sustainable Energy Access (ACSEA) said the gesture would ensure affordable, clean and sustainable renewable energy sources.

He said the workshop was aimed at creating awareness on renewable energy access in Nigeria.

The workshop has the theme “Shaping Renewable Energy Future in Nigeria’’

The launch was organised by ACSEA and LFH.

“Over the years, we have been importing renewable energy sources that are expensive.

“Therefore we are calling for capacity building for skilled labour within the local communities so that those technologies can be developed within our local context.

“We are calling for investment on skilled labour, capacity building so that our youth can go into renewable energy sources, with that we can have them in abundance.

“The youth can drive the process of renewable energy that is affordable, clean and also sustainable,” he said.

Oko urged the government to prioritise inclusion of multiple stakeholders such as private sectors and civil society organisations in renewable energy initiatives and programmes.

According to him, this inclusion will minimise the probability of leaving out vital issues and foster cooperation in addressing renewable energy development across various levels of governance.

Oko, who attributed the challenges in the country’s renewable energy initiatives and programmes to lack of implementation of policies added that there have been lots of policies in this direction.

The team lead said the importance of renewable energy in Nigeria could not be overemphasised.

He said that as a fast developing nation, it was confronted with rising energy demands both for its rapidly expanding population and economy.

Oko said, “Renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and hydro power provide a cost-effective and sustainable solution to these energy needs.

“In addition, renewable energy can help lessen Nigeria’s reliance on infinite and expensive fossil resources.

“However, effective governance is necessary for successfully integrating renewable energy into Nigeria’s energy mix.

“Governance context such as policies, regulations and institutions significantly impact the development of renewable energy in the country.

“These governance contexts can either support or hinder the development of renewable energy. “

He said that the policy brief was based on the findings of a study conducted that sought to analyze the interactions of the renewable governance in Nigeria on its renewable energy governance context and its sub-components.

The brief, according to him, was also on renewable energy alternatives based on criteria such as cost, maximum capacity, environmental impact, job creation and security.

“Governance context’s supportiveness for renewable energy development using the gap assessment tools to ascertain supportive and restiveness to renewable energy development, “he said.

Mike Terunqwa, Executive Director, Global Initiative for Food Security and Ecosystem Preservation (GEFSEP) said the country had everything that could be used for renewable energy in abundance but took them for granted.

He said the nation has abundance of solar, wind, biomass among others.

“It is actually a development issue because of the energy property that we have in this country.

“It is the quickest and fastest means through which Nigeria can attain energy, power the entire country within the shortest possible time,” Terunqwa said.(NAN)(www.nannewsng)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Customs intercepts foreign rice, others worth N1.76bn in September

The Nigeria Customs Service (NCS), the Federal Operations Unit, Zone A, Ikeja, said it intercepted eight trailer loads of foreign parboiled rice and others worth N1.76 billion in September.

The acting Controller General of Customs (CGC), Mr Adewale Adeniyi, said this at a news conference on Friday in Lagos.

Adeniyi said the seizures took place at various times and locations within the border corridors of the South-West states.

He added that the unit generated N72.8 million in revenue through meticulous documentary checks and the issuance of demand notices on those that paid lesser amounts than the appropriate customs duty.

According to him, agriculture, being the cornerstone of Nigeria’s economy, underscores the Federal Government’s commitment to achieving self-sustaining growth and enhancing the quality of life for all Nigerians.

“In alignment with this commitment and the spirit of patriotism, our dedicated officers executed a series of operations resulting in the interception and seizure of 7,029 50kg bags of foreign parboiled rice.

“The objective of this action is twofold; to discourage potential traders from engaging in smuggling activities and to inflict financial losses on active smugglers,” he said.

Adeniyi noted that beyond the parboiled rice seizures, the operations of the unit yielded significant results in September with the interception of various goods.

He said the goods include 35,100 liters of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS), 1,100 liters of diesel and 40-foot container carrying 360 bales of used clothes.

Others were one 40-foot container containing 150 cartons of ladies’ handbags, 50 bales of nickers, and other falsely declared items, one 20-foot container of unprocessed wood.

“Also included are 106 cartons of foreign frozen poultry, 55 pieces of used fridges, 110 pieces of used compressors, 148 cartons of foreign soap, 121 cartons of expired hair oil and 25 units of vehicles (Tokunbo),” he said.

He added that 14 suspects had been apprehended in connection with various offences.

He said the offences include violating import/export guidelines, concealment, undervaluation, wrong classification, smuggling, and contravening policy directives.

Adeniji, however, urged importers and licensed agents to make sincere declarations, adhere to existing import and export guidelines, and avoid the risk of losing their investments.

“Compliance is not only a legal obligation but also a strategic choice that ensures the smooth and efficient flow of goods across our borders,” he said. (NAN)(

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

National Youth Assembly urges FG to address insecurity

The National Youth Assembly of Nigeria (NYAN), an independent youth-centric group, has called for urgent action by the Federal Government to address the prevailing insecurity in the country.

This is contained in a statement by the National Speaker of NYAN, Rt. Hon. Usman Bashir Shagari on Friday in Abuja.

He underscored the Assembly’s unwavering commitment to fostering a secured Nigeria for all citizens.

“The recent abduction of schoolgirls in Zamfara has brought renewed anguish and discontent among Nigerians.

“The NYAN stands united with the families affected by this heinous act and we urge immediate action from the government to ensure the safe return of these innocent girls.

“We express our utmost disappointment with the current outcome and call on the government to take swift and decisive measures to secure their release.

“However, in spite of our disappointment, we remain resolute in our commitment to constructive engagement with the government and respective parties.

NYAN has been actively engaging with CSOs and youth groups on various platforms to facilitate discussions, propose solutions, and advocate for stronger security measures,” Shagari said.

According to him, collaborations and consultations are crucial in addressing the multifaceted challenges our nation faces.

“Furthermore, we urge the government to prioritise safety and well-being of all Nigerians.

“We call for increased investment in security infrastructure, enhanced intelligence gathering, and the prompt reformation of the security agencies to ensure their effectiveness and accountability.

“NYAN lends its voice to millions of concerned Nigerian citizens who yearn for a secure and prosperous Nation.

“We implore the government to take immediate and decisive action to restore peace to our communities and safeguard the lives and future of our citizens,” Shagari said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Minister hails military’s determination to secure Nigeria

The Minister of Defence, Alhaji Badaru Abubakar, has commended the Nigeria Armed Forces for the determination to secure Nigeria.

Badaru gave the commendation at the graduation of Army War College Nigeria (AWCN) Course 7/2023 participants, on Friday in Abuja.

He said that the military had displayed greater determination to tackle the threats of terrorism, banditry, vandalism, kidnapping, herders-farmers clashes, cultism, successions agitations, among others, in the country.

Abubakar said the asymmetric security challenges had made the government to deploy the military across the 36 state and the FTC, in aid of civil authority.

“I must commend you all for your longstanding service to the nation.

“And also commend all our troops in all theatres of operation who have exhibited unparallel determination to decisively bring about peace and security across the country.

“The loyalty, commitment and doggedness in the various theatres of operation deserve every commendation and support from all Nigerians,” said the defence minister.

He assured that the federal government would continue to support the armed forces to develop the right set of skills and knowledge and make them better prepared to tackle the security threats.

“I know one thing for sure that the nation will overcome its challenges partly because of you, as you join your compatriot in the field.

“I enjoin you all to put in your best and do the nation proud.”

Abubakar noted that the war college had shown greater commitment to providing professional military education in line with its mission.

He challenged the participants to use their new status as strategic military leaders “to demonstrate confidence and character in every action they take as well as mentorship of the next generation of young leaders”.

The Commandant, AWCN, Maj.-Gen. Ishaya Maina, said the college had in its six years of existence, trained a good number of operational level senior military officers, who are making significant contributions in military operations across the country.

Maina said the participants had been trained and equipped with requisite skills and competences to contribute and develop options for overcoming the myriad of security challenges facing the larger society.

He added that the college, from its curriculum, had provided valuable strategic thinking tools and skills in the preparation, planning and conduct of military operations, and general application of land power to prosecute wars.

“From now onwards, you are equally expected to be able to critically think through contemporary challenges and develop implementable practical solutions.

“We therefore expect that you will knowledgeably apply much of the critical thinking tools you have learned in evolving workable solutions to solve contemporary challenges and problems.

“In doing this, remember in the words of Peter Schengen, who said that most of the problems of today came from yesterday’s solutions.

“Hence, be careful of solutions you prefer for tomorrow, because this may become a problem tomorrow,” he said.

The commandant also urged the participants to understand that the system appreciated the huge investment that had gone into their training.

He added that there would be high demand on them to deploy excellence, knowledge, ideas, options, and quality services towards securing the country.

He encouraged them to proudly stand on the solid foundation provided by the college and make their professional marks.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that course 7/2023 has 73 participants comprising 62 from the Nigerian army, two each from the Nigerian Navy and Nigerian Air Force.

There were also seven foreign participants from Benin, Cameroon, Liberia, Morocco, Niger, and the Gambia, as well as the the Nigeria Police and other security agencies. (NAN) (

Source: News Agency of Nigeria