Duck Creek Technologies Valoriza Conexões de Ecossistemas Tecnológicos e Estende Parceria com a Hyland como Patrocinadora da Conferência de Usuários do CommunityLIVE

BOSTON, Oct. 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Duck Creek Technologies, fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do seguro de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral, estende parceria com a Hyland patrocinando sua conferência de usuários do CommunityLIVE, a ser realizada entre 3 e 5 de outubro de 2023 em Las Vegas, Nevada. A Duck Creek continua a fortalecer seu foco no cliente, com suas parcerias com líderes do setor, como com a Hyland, e cumprindo seu compromisso de oferecer experiências de tecnologia mais humanizadas em todo o setor de seguros.

Como parte da conferência CommunityLIVE, a Hyland, uma provedora líder de serviços de conteúdo para seguradoras, apresentará seguradoras de P&C em um evento de networking interativo focado no papel fundamental das transformações digitais na modernização do setor de seguros. A Duck Creek tem três Integrações Gerenciadas em Qualquer Lugar (AMI) com a Hyland OnBase, que permitem que seus clientes de sinistros, apólices e faturamento simplifiquem o acesso e controle dos seus documentos por meio do sistema de gerenciamento de conteúdo seguro. Durante a sessão patrocinada “Insurance Interactive”, os clientes da Hyland OnBase obterão informações valiosas sobre como a AMI da Duck Creek acelera o desenvolvimento dos novos produtos e processos. Essa aceleração é alcançada por meio dos serviços abrangentes de gerenciamento, manutenção e suporte, ressaltando a dedicação da empresa em oferecer valor superior ao cliente.

“A Duck Creek tem orgulho da nossa parceria de longa data com a Hyland e da nossa forte estratégia de integração que viabiliza o patrocínio de eventos da indústria como o CommunityLIVE”, disse Robert Fletcher, Gerente Sênior de Parceiros da Duck Creek Technologies. “Por meio de integrações significativas, podemos agregar mais valor aos nossos clientes, com experiências de usuário aprimoradas e eficiências operacionais que aliviam o fardo das seguradoras.”

“A parceria entre a Hyland e a Duck Creek tem sido incrivelmente importante para nossos clientes conjuntos, e somos gratos pela Duck Creek ter aprofundado essa parceria ao patrocinar a CommunityLIVE”, disse Brian Schlosser, VP de Programas de Parceiros Globais da Hyland. “O evento é uma conferência digital anual de primeira linha, e a presença da Duck Creek aprimora ainda mais a experiência dos nossos participantes.”

Sobre a Hyland

A Hyland fornece bases tecnológicas líderes do setor que capacitam seus clientes a criar melhores conexões humanas. Usadas por milhares de organizações em todo o mundo, incluindo mais da metade das empresas da Fortune 100, as soluções inteligentes da Hyland integram perfeitamente conteúdo, dados e processos para melhorar cada interação.

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies
A Duck Creek Technologies é fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do setor de seguros de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral. Somos a plataforma utilizadas como base dos sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indústria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operações ágeis, inteligentes e perenes. Autenticidade, propósito e transparência são fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que o seguro deve estar disponível para indivíduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas soluções líderes do mercado estão disponíveis de forma independente ou como um pacote completo disponíveis em Duck Creek OnDemand. Visite para obter mais informação. Siga a Duck Creek nos nossos canais sociais para obter as mais recentes informações – LinkedIn e Twitter.

Contato com a Mídia:
Carley Bunch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8942015

Duck Creek Technologies met en valeur ses liaisons avec l’écosystème technologique et étend son partenariat avec Hyland en parrainant la conférence dédiée aux utilisateurs CommunityLIVE

BOSTON, 02 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui définit l’avenir de l’assurance générale et IARD, étend son soutien à son partenaire d’écosystème Hyland et parraine sa conférence dédiée aux utilisateurs CommunityLIVE, se déroulant du 3 au 5 octobre 2023 à Las Vegas, au Nevada. Duck Creek continue de renforcer sa focalisation client en s’associant avec des leaders du secteur, comme Hyland, et en respectant son engagement à offrir davantage d’expériences de technologie humanisée à travers le secteur de l’assurance.

Dans le cadre de CommunityLIVE, Hyland, un fournisseur de services de contenu de premier plan pour les assureurs, accueillera les assureurs IARD lors d’un événement de réseautage interactif axé sur le rôle crucial des transformations numériques dans la modernisation du secteur de l’assurance. Duck Creek compte trois Anywhere Managed Integrations (AMI) avec Hyland OnBase, ce qui permet à ses clients en réclamations, politiques et facturations de simplifier leur accès et leur contrôle des documents via le système sécurisé de gestion du contenu. Au cours de la session parrainée « Insurance Interactive », les clients de Hyland OnBase acquerront des connaissances précieuses sur la façon dont les AMI de Duck Creek accélèrent le développement de nouveaux produits et processus. Cette accélération est réalisée grâce à des services complets de gestion, de maintenance et d’assistance soulignant l’engagement de la société à offrir une valeur client supérieure.

« Duck Creek est fière de son partenariat de longue date avec Hyland et de sa solide stratégie d’intégration, qui nous donne l’opportunité de parrainer des événements du secteur comme CommunityLIVE », a déclaré Robert Fletcher, directeur sénior des partenaires chez Duck Creek Technologies. « Au travers d’intégrations significatives, nous sommes en mesure d’apporter davantage de valeur à nos clients par le biais d’expériences utilisateur améliorées et de facteurs d’efficacité opérationnelle qui suppriment le fardeau des assureurs. »

« Le partenariat de Hyland et Duck Creek s’est avéré incroyablement important pour nos clients communs, et nous sommes reconnaissants que Duck Creek ait approfondi ce partenariat en parrainant CommunityLIVE », a commenté Brian Schlosser, VP des programmes de partenaires mondiaux chez Hyland. « Cet événement est chaque année une conférence numérique prestigieuse, et la présence de Duck Creek ne fait qu’améliorer l’expérience dont jouiront nos participants. »

À propos de Hyland

Hyland fournit des fondations technologiques leaders du secteur qui permettent à ses clients de créer de meilleurs rapports humains. Bénéficiant de la confiance de milliers d’entreprises dans le monde entier, dont plus de la moitié de celles figurant au palmarès Fortune 100, les solutions intelligentes de Hyland intègrent harmonieusement le contenu, les données et les processus pour améliorer chaque interaction.

À propos de Duck Creek Technologies
Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui définit l’avenir du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD. Nous sommes la plateforme sur laquelle les systèmes d’assurance modernes se construisent, permettant au secteur de tirer parti de la puissance du cloud pour mener des opérations agiles, intelligentes et pérennes. Authenticité, mission et transparence sont les mots clés de la philosophie de Duck Creek et, selon nous, l’assurance devrait être au service des individus et des entreprises quand, où et comme ils en ont le plus besoin. Nos solutions faisant figure de leaders du marché sont disponibles séparément ou sous la forme d’une suite complète, et toutes sont disponibles via Duck Creek OnDemand. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur Suivez Duck Creek sur ses réseaux sociaux pour connaître les toutes dernières informations – LinkedIn et Twitter.

Contacts auprès des médias :
Carley Bunch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8942015

Duck Creek Technologies Values Tech Ecosystem Connections, Extends Partnership with Hyland as Sponsor for CommunityLIVE User Conference

BOSTON, Oct. 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance, extends support to ecosystem partner Hyland and sponsors its CommunityLIVE user conference, which takes place October 3-5, 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Duck Creek continues to strengthen its customer focus by partnering with industry leaders, such as Hyland, and fulfilling its commitment to deliver more humanized technology experiences across the insurance industry.

As part of CommunityLIVE, Hyland, a leading content services provider for insurers, will host P&C insurers at an interactive networking event focused on the pivotal role of digital transformations in modernizing the insurance industry. Duck Creek has three Anywhere Managed Integrations (AMI) with Hyland OnBase, which enable its claims, policy, and billing customers to simplify their access and control of documents through the secure content management system. During the sponsored “Insurance Interactive” session, Hyland OnBase customers will gain valuable insights into how Duck Creek’s AMI accelerates the development of new products and processes. This acceleration is achieved through comprehensive management, maintenance, and support services, underscoring the company’s dedication to delivering superior customer value.

“Duck Creek is proud of our long-standing partnership with Hyland and our strong integration strategy, which allows us the opportunity to sponsor industry events such as CommunityLIVE,” said Robert Fletcher, Sr. Partner Manager, Duck Creek Technologies. “Through meaningful integrations, we are able to bring further value to our customers with enhanced user experiences and operational efficiencies that take the burden off insurers.”

“Hyland and Duck Creek’s partnership has been incredibly important for our joint customers, and we’re thankful Duck Creek has deepened that partnership by sponsoring CommunityLIVE,” said Brian Schlosser, VP of Global Partner Programs at Hyland. “The event is a premier digital conference each year, and Duck Creek’s presence only enhances the experience our attendees will encounter.”

About Hyland

Hyland provides industry-leading technology foundations that empower its customers to create better human connections. Trusted by thousands of organizations worldwide, including more than half of the Fortune 100, Hyland’s intelligent solutions seamlessly integrate content, data and processes to improve each interaction.

About Duck Creek Technologies
Duck Creek Technologies is the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of the property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance industry. We are the platform upon which modern insurance systems are built, enabling the industry to capitalize on the power of the cloud to run agile, intelligent, and evergreen operations. Authenticity, purpose, and transparency are core to Duck Creek, and we believe insurance should be there for individuals and businesses when, where, and how they need it most. Our market-leading solutions are available on a standalone basis or as a full suite, and all are available via Duck Creek OnDemand. Visit to learn more. Follow Duck Creek on our social channels for the latest information – LinkedIn and Twitter.

Media Contacts:
Carley Bunch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8941557

CSAT Strengthens Its Technical Committee

CSAT Announces the Expansion of its External Technical Committee

CSAT’s mission is to foster robust tax policies across Africa

AMSTERDAM, Oct. 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The IBFD Centre for Studies in African Taxation (CSAT) is delighted to announce the expansion of its External Technical Committee with the appointment of three new members. These prominent tax experts bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the organization, fortifying CSAT’s mission of fostering robust tax policies across Africa.

The newly appointed members of the External Technical Committee are:

  • Mrs Laila Benchekroun, Head of International Taxation and Cooperation Division, General Tax Administration, Morocco;
  • Mr Salifou Tiemtore, Director of Customs Union and Taxation, Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS); and
  • Ms Christine Kahema Muthui, Founder and Director, Alpha Tax and Business Advisory Services, Kenya.

We are also delighted to confirm the extension of tenure for our current External Technical Committee members: Chief Mark Anthony C. Dike, Prof. Johann Hattingh and Prof. David J. Bakibinga.

CSAT is IBFD’s in-house think tank with a mission to provide research into sound tax policies for Africa. It is staffed by a team of IBFD specialists well versed in the tax systems of all African nations, and it leverages a robust network of local country experts.

The External Technical Committee plays a crucial role in contributing its technical expertise in the implementation of CSAT’s strategy and the execution of its activities. These activities include CSAT’s flagship event, the annual Africa Tax Symposium, as well as numerous other research and capacity development projects.

Belema Obuoforibo, Member of IBFD’s Executive Board and Chair of CSAT, comments, “We are pleased to welcome our new Committee members, and to continue our work with our current Committee members. This new Committee will strengthen our mission to provide groundbreaking research, leading to tax policies that would drive economic growth and development for Africa.”

For more information on CSAT’s activities, visit

Contact information: Phil Windus, Senior Marketing Coordinator:

About IBFD

IBFD is a leading international provider of cross-border tax expertise, with a long-standing history of supporting and contributing to tax research and academic activities. As an independent foundation, IBFD utilizes its global network of tax experts and its Knowledge Centre to serve Fortune 500 companies, governments, international consultancy firms and tax advisers.

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8929787

NGO seeks safe spaces for health workers to report medical negligence

An NGO, Vaccine Network for Disease Control (VNDC), has called for safe environment for health workers to report negligence of duty.

Mrs Chika Offor, the CEO of VNDC, made the call in an interview with News Agency of Nigeria(NAN) in Abuja.

She spoke on the sidelines of alleged negligence in handling the case of Ms Greatness Olorunfemi, who was pushed out of a moving vehicle by suspected criminals.

NAN reports that sympathisers rushed the victim to Maitama District Hospital, but she did not get medical assistance until she died.

Offor said that the government can create a safe environment for healthcare workers to report negligence of duty and misconduct without fear of retaliation.

“We must encourage and protect whistleblowers who come forward with information about negligent practices.

“This will help to expose and address systemic issues within the healthcare system,” she said.

Health workers, she said, often fear retaliation or negative consequences for reporting negligence, such as job loss or damage to their professional reputation.

“There is lack of robust legal protection for whistleblowers, making it risky for health workers to come forward,” she said.

She said that reporting negligence could involve navigating complex and time-consuming bureaucratic processes, which discouraged some health workers from reporting incidents.

Offor said there could be peer pressure or institutional cultures that discouraged reporting, with a prevailing “code of silence.”

“Inadequate confidential reporting mechanisms often hindered health workers’ ability to report negligence discreetly.

“Health workers may not have been adequately trained in recognising and reporting negligence.

“ High workloads and understaffing could limit the time and energy available for health workers to report incidents.

“Some health workers might not even be aware of the processes or channels available for reporting negligence,” she said.

She urged Nigerians to raise awareness on medical negligence.

This, she said, can be done through social media campaigns, community discussions, and public forums.

She encouraged them to share their stories and experiences to highlight the impact of negligence on them and the healthcare system.

“We have to encourage open dialogue and engagement with healthcare providers. This can be done through town hall meetings, patient feedback mechanisms, and regular interactions with hospital management.

“This will encourage patients and their families to speak up about their experiences and concerns,” she advised.

She also called for stronger regulatory bodies that oversee the healthcare sector.

She called for increased investment in healthcare infrastructure and resources.

She called on the Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and other relevant agencies to educate Nigerians on their rights and responsibilities in healthcare settings.

“People must be encouraged to be active participants in their own care, ask questions, and report any signs of negligence.

”They must be empowered to demand quality care and hold healthcare providers accountable.

“The ministry should work with civil society organisations that focus on healthcare advocacy. Join forces to amplify the voices of patients, share resources, and coordinate efforts to address negligence in hospitals,” she said.

She encouraged Nigerians to engage with policymakers to advocate for policy reforms that prioritise patient safety and address negligence in hospitals.

NAN reports that the FCT Administration (FCTA) set up an investigative panel in Abuja to investigate the death of late Olorunfemi.

Mandate Secretary of the Health and Environment Services Secretariat at the FCTA, Dr Dolapo Fasawe, said the panel, made up of representatives of the Nigerian Police and other stakeholders, would ensure that justice is served.

Fasawe explained that at a meeting with the management of the hospital, information received showed that the criminals shoved the victim, out of the moving vehicle on Sept. 26.

She added that a “Good Samaritan” took the deceased to the hospital at 8:35 p.m., but she died due to alleged negligence of the medical team at the hospital.

Responding, the Medical Director, Dr Imuentinyan Igbinovia, denied the allegation and said the victim was brought in dead.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Breast Cancer Awareness: NAOWA sensitises women in military barracks

The Nigerian Army Officers’ Wives Association (NAOWA), on Monday held a breast cancer awareness for women in military barracks in Abuja as part of activities lined up to kick off the 2023 Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the President, Defence and Police Officers’ Wives Association (DEPOWA), Mrs Oghogho Musa, and the President of NAOWA, Mrs Maria Lagbaja, led the women on the campaign.

Also in attendance are the President of Nigerian Air Force Officers’ Wives Association (NAFOWA), Mrs Rekiyat Abubakar, and representative of NOWA and POWA Presidents.

In her remarks, Mrs Lagbaja said the campaign was an annual event marked across the globe in October annually to raise awareness on how to fight breast cancer.

She said that NAOWA, being a stakeholder, had always observed the event as part of its yearly activities, adding that the 2023 awareness campaign has the theme “Thrive 365”.

According to her, the Breast Cancer Awareness Month should hold a special place in every woman’s heart because it is likely that “every one of us here knows or have heard of a woman that has had the disease or died from the disease.”

She said the activities provided them with an opportunity to come together as a community and raise awareness about a disease that affects countless lives, not only in Nigeria but also around the world.

Lagbaja said the campaign was a time to unite, educate and support one another in the fight against breast cancer.

“Today, we have had a walk to create awareness in the barrack community and also exercise our bodies.

“As we conclude with the enlightening seminars, let us remember the importance of healthy lifestyles, early detection, prevention, and the power of knowledge in preventing breast cancer.

“Breast cancer knows no boundaries, and it is our duty to equip ourselves with the necessary information to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

“Through this event, we aim to create a platform for open dialogue, where we can share experiences, learn from experts, and ask questions.

“Together, we can break the silence surrounding breast cancer and ensure that no woman feels alone in her journey,” she said.

The Nigerian Army Officers Wives Association (NAOWA) holds Bread Cancer Awareness Campaign in Military Barracks in Abuja on Monday (2/10/23)

On her part, the President of DEPOWA, Mrs Oghogho Musa, said that breast cancer was a devastating disease that had affected millions of women worldwide.

She said that cancer does not only affected the life of patients but their families and loved ones as well.

Musa said that the disease was one of the most common cancers affecting women, adding that early detection was crucial in the fight against it while emphasising the importance of early examination.

She urged women to do regular check up with their health care providers for annual mammogram, especially for women who are over the age of 40.

“It is our collective responsibility as wives, sisters, mothers and daughters to ensure early detection of breast cancer and it is crucial to note that breast cancer is not a death sentence.

“Early detention can lead to successful treatment and quality of life,” she said.

DEPOWA president commended the NAOWA for the initiative to create awareness on the menace in barracks to safe women.

Dr Temotope Oyinlola, a medical practitioner, advised women to regularly carry out self breast and clinical breast examinations in addition to annual mammograms for women over 40 years of age in order to help early detection of breast cancer.

She outlined several factors that could cause breast cancer, such as family history or heredity, radiation exposure, obesity among others.

NAN report that a survivors of breast cancer, Mrs Titilola Odunuga, shared her experience and lessons with other women at the event.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Insurance College pioneer Rector bows out, recounts “tough” journey

Dr Yeside Oyetayo, pioneer Rector of the College of Insurance and Financial Management (CIFM), Lagos, has described her efforts to build the institute from the scratch as “tough, but interesting”.

Oyetayo told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos on Monday that she resumed at CIFM in April 2014 when the college had neither funds nor structures on ground.

She explained that the college was still operating from the Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria’s (CIIN’s) building at Ebute-metta, when she was appointed.

“There was neither a structure, an administrative plan nor a solid academic curriculum in place for the college at that time.

“The college was only running a few short-term technical courses and the Agency Proficiency workshops annually at different locations, but mainly at the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) in Alausa, Ikeja,” she said.

According to her, her first task was to choose a team to work with and then develop curriculum for some approved programmes with the help of some of her former colleagues at the Lagos State University (LASU).

Oyetayo stated that curricular for five programmes were later developed and approved by the CIIN’s Governing Council for the college.

The programmes included Diploma in Insurance, Foundation programme, Graduate Induction, among others.

“We began the promotion of our programmes and movement to the campus in Jan. 2015 to facilitate the commencement of the Diploma in Insurance Programme.

“Our faculty was drawn from the pool of skilled and passionate trainers in the academia and the industry.”

According to her, five insurance companies nominated a total of 17 students to enrol in the college and the maiden diploma programme took off in January 2015, while the students graduated within a year.

The rector said that the college was like a start-up business for her because it had no visibility within the insurance industry, hence she began the pace-setting and trail-blazing task of putting together a world-class institution.

She noted that the college, which was envisioned to be ‘the Insurance College of Choice of Africa’, was strategically positioned to provide cutting-edge training of global standards, with supports from local and international partners.

Oyetayo commended the board of CIIN for approving her request of a take-off grant of N20 million, which though was barely enough to furnish and run the college.

She stated that she sought ways to drastically increase the college’s revenue through trainings.

According to her, within a couple of months of her resumption, a more robust calendar introducing training programmes in areas where skill gaps were identified in the industry was designed.

The rector said that the CIIN’s board also sourced funding, developed strategic plans, and pursued the CIFM project with so much dedication.

She stated that the insurance industry contributed immensely to the infrastructural development of the college through the donation of equipment, generators, sponsorship of buildings and chalets, which facilitated rapid growth of its campus.

“The National Insurance Commission (NAICOM), the insurance firms,

professionals and members of the CIIN Council rallied round the CIFM.

“It was often said that the college was the future of the CIIN. I am sure everyone is proud to say the CIFM is their college.

“We simultaneously commenced the task of getting the college registered with the

Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and creating a brand for the college, leveraging on CIIN programmes which served as a platform to sensitise the

industry about the college’s activities.

“We began collaborative training with the International Labour Organisation (ILO)Impact Insurance Facility and German Corporation for International Cooperation ( GIZ).

“We furnished and inaugurated the college, organised short-term training programmes that more than doubled the number and income of the college in the previous years.

“In the first year of operating as a college, we achieved a lot, so much that members

of the board were amazed at the number of activities that were going on in the

college,” she said.

According to the rector, the college is currently doing great and has grown tremendously, from operating under the Training Directorate in the CIIN Secretariat to a full-fledged college.

Oyetayo said the college had also grown from an annual income of N20 million in 2014 to about N290 million in 2022.

She stated that the college similarly developed from three unfurnished buildings to seven fully-furnished accommodation and office space and a 1500-seater hall named after NAICOM.

The rector expressed optimism that the CIFM, having become a brand, would, in the next few years, expand the scope of its services beyond Africa and grow into the global insurance college of choice that it was envisioned to be.

“The CIFM platform afforded me the opportunity to become the first female Chief Executive Officer(CEO) of Insurance College in Africa.

“I was also able to impact positively on the African continent through my membership of the African Association of Insurance Educators and Trainers (AAIET) and the African Insurance Organisation (AIO) Book Review Committee, among other contributions.

“To the glory of God, I am leaving a solid legacy that will endure for a very long time

“As a pacesetting pioneer Rector, I will continue to contribute my quota to the industry in other capacities when called upon,” she said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

FGC Idoani alumni pledges support to alma mater

The Federal Government College (FGC), Idoani, Ondo State Alumni Association, has reiterated commitment to give back to its alma mater through shared value and collective responsibility.

Mr Temitope Akinlonu, the President of the association, made this pledge on Sunday in Abuja at the 2023 Annual General Meeting of the association.

The theme of the meeting was, “Beyond Boarders, Embracing Diversity and Inclusion.”

He said the alumni would ensure that shared opportunities and experiences once cherished were passed down to future generations.

Akinlonu said the connection that bound them to their alma mater extended beyond their student years.

He said that the bond had not only shaped them, but also equipped them to face future challenges.

According to him, the connection has helped in fostering lasting friendships and indelible memories.

He said that the commitment to unity and giving back was evident in the alumni’s community actions.

Akinlonu said the alumni returned to the school, both as individuals and groups, with the purpose of identifying pressing needs and offering support.

Mr Adeuga Adeniyi, the Public Relations Officer of the association, said the alumni acknowledged the importance of not overshadowing the school’s responsibility as it received subvention from various sources, including alumni contributions.

He, however, said that when the need arose, the alumni community stepped in to address pressing issues that might delay action in the school.

“An example of this dedication is their initiative to illuminate the school premises by installing streetlights, providing a solar-powered borehole and generator.

“We have also undertake essential maintenance tasks such as tiling, roofing, and painting and through our unwavering commitment and support, we are shaping a brighter future for generations to come,” he said.

He further said that the alumni had gone the extra mile by establishing scholarships, not only through the contributions of the association, but also with the generous support of individuals.

Adeniyi said that the scholarships aimed to reward and nurture the brightest students and ensuring that they continued to excel academically.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the AGM featured a series of sporting competitions tagged “ALUMNILYMPICS 2023.”

There was an impressive turnout of alumni, including older sets of 80s who graced the event.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Nigeria can make $20 million from launching 1 satellite-NASRDA DG

The National Space Research and Development Agency (NASRDA) says Nigeria could generate $20 million from the launch of one satellite if it develops its Assembly, Integration and Testing Laboratory (AITL).

Dr Halilu Shaba, Director General of NASRDA, said in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria(NAN) in Abuja the agency was confident that the 25-year Space Policy Roadmap could be achieved.

Part of the content of the roadmap which included launching satellites into the orbit from Nigerian soil, Shaba said was crucial to the development of Space Science and Technology.

He added that achieving such facility was a humongous project that required huge resources which their annual budgetary allocation could barely handle.

He explained that they were engaging in advocacies to investors and other countries to see how partnerships could float the project because the government might not have the sole capacity.

“We are thinking out of the box because it can bring money and we are letting people know that this can bring money.

“The government can partner with the public on that because for you to launch any satellite, the initial deposit you give for the launch of the satellite minus the kilometres you cover is $20million to launch one satellite.

“We are also at the equator and getting windows for launch are higher and then the distance to the orbit is shorter.

“ If we can be a launching destination, it means that if we are launching 20 satellites from Nigeria every year, that gives you about $400million.

“Let’s start and then identify the other issues, and Nigeria will be launching destination for other African countries and the world,”Shaba said.

The NASRDA boss further said the agency was talking to other countries due to their interests.

He added that they were making offers to some other countries that would want Nigeria to develop the AITL and grant them access over a period.

Shaba said: “They can come, we develop this together, we share the profit, they can launch and as well have a launch pad.

“Whatever option we are looking at, it has to be to the benefit of Nigeria.’’

Shaba disclosed that the agency was developing on its Rocketry and Propulsion experience, although its profits were coming in trickles.

He said that the agency was exploring to engage every platform to educate Nigerians about Space Science and Technology.

The avenues they were exploring, Shaba said included expanding the scope of their social media engagements targeted at the youths and the banks for development of visibility tools.

“We are also looking at expanding broadband reach to rural areas which we got the approval from the Federal Executive Council in November 2022.

“We are already ahead with that, some of the equipment are here already and we are testing the broadband to see its speed.

“When you talk of digital economy, you cannot remove satellite and we want our youths to identify with all these areas because we are open to anyone,” Shaba said

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Environmental expert wants Nigeria to key into EU Green Deal

Mrs Astrid Arens, An Environmental Protection Sustainability expert/Founder, Digital International Platform for Environmental Protection (DIPESH), has called on Nigeria to key into the EU Green Deal, expected to start by January, 2024.

Arens made the call on Monday in Abuja at an Environmental Protection Sustainability and Humanity experts, enthusiasts and stakeholders forum.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), reports that the event was organised by the Richard George Foundation (RGF), a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), in collaboration with Voice-Aid Association, Germany E. V, and DIPESH.

Arens explained that the Green Deal was about living sustainability practices, new legislation, funding to supporting development, empowerment and education/engagement needed from infancy to adult life.

She also said that it was about a new law for the EU, adding that the law entailed that all companies must be sustainable in climate, environment, and social competence for the employees.

Arens noted that Africa in general and Nigeria in particular was blessed with great mineral resources, land and weather, especially sunny weather.

The environmental expert lamented that in spite of the huge endowment, the continent was faced with climate and environmental issues.

She said that the Green Deal was a first in the history of the EU, and therefore called on Nigeria to do everything possible to benefit from the deal.

Arens further explained that DIPESH worked on the basis of the 17 Global Goals of the UN.

Arens said that it connected everything needed to change the world quickly and sustainably, adding that it was building the largest alliance for sustainability in action.

She said that other pillars of DIPESH included ensuring that companies took responsibility for their actions, act as role models for global sustainable economy, as well as worldwide support of social, environmental and planet protection.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria