Le prince héritier Mohammed bin Salman dévoile le plan directeur de Soudah Peaks

RIYAD, Arabie Saoudite, 27 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Son Altesse Royale, le prince héritier saoudien Mohammed ben Salmane bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Premier ministre et président de Soudah Development, a dévoilé le plan directeur pour développer un nouveau projet dans la région montagneuse de Soudah et certaines parties de Rijal Almaa. Le projet Soudah Peaks prévoit la création d’une destination de tourisme de montagne de luxe à 3015 mètres d’altitude, sur le plus haut sommet d’Arabie saoudite. Situé dans un environnement naturel et culturel extraordinaire dans la région d’Asir, dans le sud-ouest de l’Arabie saoudite, le projet sert d’élément clé des efforts du Fonds d’investissement public (PIF) visant à diversifier l’économie en développant des industries vitales telles que le tourisme, l’hôtellerie et les loisirs, et en soutenant la stratégie de développement d’Asir.

Le prince héritier Mohammed bin Salman, président du conseil d’administration de Soudah Development, a déclaré que Soudah Peaks représentait une nouvelle ère du tourisme de montagne de luxe, dans la mesure où il propose une expérience de vie sans précédent tout en préservant l’environnement naturel et la richesse culturelle et patrimoniale. Ce projet est stratégiquement conforme aux objectifs de la Vision 2030, à savoir développer le tourisme et les loisirs, soutenir la croissance économique, attirer les investissements, contribuer à hauteur de plus de 29 milliards de riyals saoudiens au PIB cumulé du Royaume et créer des milliers de possibilités d’emploi directes et indirectes.

Et son altesse royale d’ajouter : « Le plan directeur réaffirme notre engagement aux efforts mondiaux visant à préserver l’environnement et les ressources naturelles pour les générations futures à contribuer à la diversification des sources de revenus nationaux et à la construction d’une économie solide qui attire les investissements locaux et mondiaux ».

« Soudah Peaks sera une addition importante au secteur du tourisme en Arabie saoudite et placera le Royaume sur la carte du tourisme mondial, tout en célébrant la richesse de la culture et du patrimoine du pays. Les visiteurs auront l’occasion de découvrir la beauté de Soudah Peaks, d’explorer la richesse de sa culture et de son patrimoine, et de vivre l’expérience de l’hospitalité authentique de la communauté locale. Soudah Peaks proposera des expériences inoubliables dans un cadre verdoyant, au-dessus des nuages », a indiqué le prince héritier.

Soudah Peaks vise à fournir des services d’hospitalité luxueux et haut de gamme à plus de deux millions de visiteurs tout au long de l’année d’ici à 2033. Le plan directeur est conçu de manière à refléter les styles traditionnels et architecturaux locaux et à promouvoir le patrimoine culturel et paysager de la région. La destination comptera six zones de développement uniques : Tahlal, Sahab, Sabrah, Jareen, Rijal et Red Rock. Chacune d’entre elles disposera d’une gamme d’installations de classe mondiale, notamment des hôtels, des stations de montagne de luxe, des chalets résidentiels, des villas, des manoirs haut de gamme, des attractions commerciales et de divertissement, ainsi que des attractions en plein air dédiées au sport, à l’aventure, au bien-être et à la culture.

Soudah Development fournira 2700 chambres d’hôtel, 1336 unités résidentielles et 80 000 mètres carrés d’espace commercial pour Soudah Peaks d’ici à 2033. Le plan directeur sera développé sur trois phases. L’achèvement de la première phase est prévu pour 2027 avec 940 chambres d’hôtel, 391 unités résidentielles et 32 000 mètres carrés d’espace commercial.

Soudah Peaks s’étend sur plus de 627 kilomètres carrés surplombant un paysage naturel impressionnant, avec moins de 1 % des terrains acquis à des fins de construction. Il reflète en effet l’engagement de Soudah Development à protéger et à préserver l’environnement, en adoptant les meilleures normes de développement durable, et en contribuant aux efforts de l’Initiative verte saoudienne.

En tant que société par actions fermée appartenant au PIF, Soudah Development vise à développer une destination touristique de montagne de luxe unique en Arabie Saoudite, tout en préservant l’environnement naturel et le patrimoine culturel de la zone du projet répartie sur Soudah et certaines parties de Rijal Almaa.

À propos de Soudah Development
Soudah Development est une société anonyme fermée entièrement détenue par le Fonds d’investissement public (PIF) de l’Arabie saoudite. Elle a été créée pour stimuler le développement d’une destination touristique de montagne de luxe, couvrant Soudah et certaines parties de Rijal Almaa, dans la région d’Asir, au sud-ouest de l’Arabie saoudite. Elle vise à préserver le paysage naturel et à respecter le riche patrimoine culturel de la région, en attirant 2 millions de visiteurs chaque année d’ici à 2033. Le développement de Soudah a été annoncé le 24 février 2021 par SAR le prince héritier Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Premier ministre et président du PIF.

Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter les liens suivants :
Sites électroniques : www.soudah.sa et www.soudahpeaks.com
Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn et Facebook : @Soudahpeaks
Ou par email : press@soudah.sa

Le texte du communiqué issu d’une traduction ne doit d’aucune manière être considéré comme officiel. La seule version du communiqué qui fasse foi est celle du communiqué dans sa langue d’origine. La traduction devra toujours être confrontée au texte source, qui fera jurisprudence.

Mohammed A. Alshehri

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000841475

10 areas of the aerospace industry to be disrupted by AI tools

DUBLIN, Ireland, Sept. 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The use of AI in aviation goes beyond customer support chatbots and price comparison tools for travelers. While these applications will definitely stay and become ubiquitous, the real disruption will come from optimizing the “hard” areas of aviation – from revenue management to evaluating the likelihood of a strike. Chairman of Avia Solutions Group Gediminas Ziemelis shares his predictions regarding the areas where AI in aviation will make a massive difference.

  1. Unlocking true dynamic pricing. In the airline business, revenue management has never been an easy game, but the stakes are even higher in the post-COVID world. According to IATA, the average profit margin per passenger today is truly razor-thin – just $2.25, compared to double-digit numbers in 2019. AI can help improve the tough task of analyzing historical data and calculating the right price, taking into account the client’s location and a myriad of other factors. While larger airlines will probably opt for building their own solutions in-house, there’s already a growing number of carriers partnering with the likes of AirGain – an AI-driven predictive solution with a data lake covering 6 billion price points.
  2. Maintaining engine health. Predictive maintenance has been an integral part of MRO for quite some time now, with sensors helping airlines determine when and what needs to be fixed or replaced. Artificial Intelligence can use both real-time sensor data and predictive historical fault patterns to reduce downtime and overall costs of maintenance. A recent study conducted by the University of Maryland’s Center for Advanced Aviation System Development (CAASD) found that predictive maintenance can reduce aircraft operational costs by up to 20%. AI is already disrupting this field. For instance, Lufthansa Technik has leveled up aircraft upkeep with its AI-driven predictive maintenance systems. Their Condition Analytics solution employs machine learning algorithms to analyze sensor data from various aircraft components, predicting maintenance needs with remarkable precision. The creation of so-called “digital twins” – perfect virtual replicas that change their parameters according to the physical component’s wear – MRO technicians use digital twins for predictive maintenance and to detect anomalies by comparing real-world sensor data to the data generated by digital twins.
  3. Planning the most efficient route. According to IATA, airlines will spend $215 billion this year, accounting for around 28% of operating expenses, which can be reduced with more efficient route planning. Numerous variables (including air traffic congestion, quickly changing weather patterns, and fluctuating fuel costs) make route planning a complex and demanding task, which can either improve or damage a carrier’s bottom line, depending on how efficiently it is performed. AI-enabled platforms can accelerate decision-making for operators, helping them harness not just the power of historical data but also of predictive mechanisms that, together, generate an actionable and clear picture. One example of such a platform is Flyways, which uses scheduled and active flight data to map out flight routes that go through less-congested areas and bypass areas with adverse weather conditions. The solution has already been tested out by Alaska Airlines, saving the company 480,000 gallons of fuel and resulting in 4,600 fewer tons in carbon emissions over a six-month period. The results of such AI-operator collaboration are reflected not only in cost savings but also in helping businesses become more sustainable. Once such solutions become commonplace not just among airlines but also flight authorities around the world, we will look back at today and be surprised at how inefficient all of us were when planning routes.
  4. Predicting strikes. While strikes in aviation usually make headlines because of the disruption they have on travelers’ plans (especially around major holidays), the fact that airlines can lose tens if not hundreds of millions per strike is often overlooked. In 2022, for instance, SAS lost $145 million over a 15-day pilot strike. As AI can analyze not just technical but also sociological data, a model could be designed to help airlines predict a potential strike and be better prepared for potential negotiations. Models like this that can predict the probability of individual employees leaving their jobs have already been developed by IBM, producing 95% accuracy.
  5. Improving workflows in-flight. An AI can serve as a helper not just to the staff on the ground but also to the cabin crew. It is not just about making routine tasks easier – a properly trained tool can offer expert advice on managing the aircraft and making quick, informed decisions, especially when the pressure is on and quick decisions are vital. The wheels are already in motion to bring this vision to life, with Level 1 AI applications nearing certification, thanks to EASA’s Trustworthiness of Machine Learning based Systems guidelines established in April 2022.
  6. Helping pilots and crew maintain their mental health. Could an AI model have prevented the suicide-by-pilot disaster of Germanwings Flight 9525 that led to the death of 150 people? While this is an area of much speculation, specially designed regular staff screenings can help predict the likelihood of mental issues exacerbated by exposure to stressful events, such as circadian rhythm disruptions, instances of turbulence, and onboard emergencies. Another promising application, which is already being tested by the UK startup Blueskeye AI, is the use of facial sensing technology to identify fatigue in pilots. Today, fatigue is calculated based on the number of hours a pilot has flown, but in the future, this metric will be highly individualized.
  7. Predicting the probability of Airworthiness Directives. An Airworthiness Directive (AD) for either a part of the frame or the engine can ground a sizeable share of an airline’s fleet, especially one that is not diversified across different models. Knowing the likelihood of such a risk can massively help at different stages of fleet management – from fleet formation to maintenance. Much like AI-driven risk management software in banks and financial institutions, a similar solution could be deployed to calculate and mitigate AD risks.
  8. Improving in-house quality management processes. While no malfunction will ever rival the $20 billion bill that Boeing had to foot because of the crashes and subsequent grounding of the 737 MAX, a QA issue can still bankrupt a company. While quality assurance standards in aviation are already higher than in any other industry due to strict regulation of everything related to safety and security, AI can boost in-house quality assurance protocols within the realms of aviation manufacturing and airline management. At the manufacturing stage, a sophisticated computer vision system enhanced by manual checks can better pinpoint flaws in components. For airlines, an AI-enhanced Safety Management System (SMS) can take into account vast amounts of data from various sources, including performance, weather partners and maintenance information.
  9. Finding the best logistics solution for AOG situations. While every aircraft on ground (AOG) situation is unique, it can cost the airline anything from $10,000 to $150,000, not to mention reputational damage. Figuring out the puzzle of both finding the spare part needed and delivering it in hours, and not days, can be tricky, especially if the AOG situation happens far away from major hubs. An AI solution could help the company quickly locate and ship the part to the aircraft. At the same time, a predictive maintenance solution can help prepare for potential AOG events and make sure that there are always enough critical parts in stock.
  10. Determining insurance pricing. In the post-9/11 world, aviation insurance buyers globally are still encountering escalating prices and diminished availability when it comes to war risk coverage. An AI model can help airlines calculate the risks they are facing more precisely, helping them to understand their “war risk” exposure when they are making insurance-related decisions.

About Gediminas Ziemelis

Gediminas Ziemelis (born April 4, 1977) is an accomplished Lithuanian entrepreneur, business consultant, and the founder and current Chairman of the Board of Avia Solutions Group, the largest global ACMI (Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance, and Insurance) provider, operating a fleet of 196 aircraft. He was selected twice among the top 40 most talented young industry leaders by Aviation Week & Space Technology.

Gediminas is known for his cosmopolitan mindset and exceptional management skills, which have contributed to his success in various business fields. Over his 26-year-long career, Gediminas has founded more than 100 start-ups, 50% of which are still in operation, led companies through 4 successful IPO/SPO processes, and raised over 800 million euros in global public capital and bond markets.

In December 2022, Gediminas Ziemelis was listed as the richest Lithuanian by TOP Magazine, with estimated assets worth 1.68 billion euros.

Gediminas is the largest donator of Rimantas Kaukenas Support Group, a charity and support fund, that provides help to children with oncological diseases and their families. He is also the biggest shareholder in the leading basketball club Wolves.

Media contact: 
Silvija Jakiene 
Chief Communications Officer 
Avia Solutions Group 
+370 671 22697

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000841364

HRH Crown Prince launches Soudah Peaks’ masterplan

HRH Crown Prince launches Soudah Peaks’ masterplan

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Sept. 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — His Royal Highness Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Prime Minister, and Chairman of Soudah Development has launched the masterplan to develop Soudah and parts of Rijal Almaa into Soudah Peaks – a luxury mountain tourism destination set 3,015 meters above sea level on Saudi Arabia’s highest peak. Situated within an extraordinary natural and cultural environment in the Aseer region (southwest Saudi Arabia), the project is a key part of the Public Investment Fund (PIF)’s efforts to diversify the economy by expanding vital industries such as tourism, hospitality, and entertainment, and supporting Aseer development strategy.

HRH Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Chairman of Soudah Development’s Board of Directors, stated that Soudah Peaks represents a new era of luxury mountain tourism by providing an unprecedented living experience while preserving the natural environment, cultural, and heritage richness. It is strategically aligned with Vision 2030 goals of expanding tourism and entertainment, supporting economic growth, attracting investments, contributing more than SAR 29 billion to the Kingdom’s cumulative GDP, and creating thousands of direct and indirect job opportunities.

HRH said, “The masterplan reaffirms our commitment to global efforts in preserving the environment and natural resources for future generations and aims to contribute to diversifying national income sources and building a strong economy that attracts local and global investments.”

HRH added, “Soudah Peaks will be a significant addition to the tourism sector in Saudi Arabia and place the Kingdom on the global tourism map, whilst highlighting and celebrating the country’s rich culture and heritage. Visitors will have the opportunity to discover the beauty of Soudah Peaks, explore its rich culture and heritage, and experience the authentic hospitality of the local community. Soudah Peaks will offer unforgettable experiences amidst lush greenery, above the clouds.”

Soudah Peaks aims to offer high-end luxurious hospitality services to over two million visitors throughout the year by 2033. The masterplan is being designed to reflect the local traditional, and architectural styles, and will promote both the cultural and landscape heritage of the region. The destination will be home to 6 unique development zones: Tahlal, Sahab, Sabrah, Jareen, Rijal, and Red Rock. Each will offer a range of world-class facilities including hotels, luxury mountain resorts, residential chalets, villas, premium mansion sites, entertainment and commercial attractions, as well as outdoor attractions dedicated to sports, adventure, wellness and culture.

Soudah Development will deliver 2,700 hospitality keys, 1,336 residential units, and 80,000 square meters of commercial space for Soudah Peaks by 2033. The masterplan will be developed over three phases, with 940 hotel keys, 391 residential units, and 32,000 square meters of retail space expected to be completed in 2027, within Phase one.

Soudah Peaks is set across more than 627 square kilometers of awe-inspiring nature, with less than 1% of the land being acquired for building, reflecting Soudah Development’s commitment to protecting and preserving the environment, following best-in-class sustainability standards, and contributing to the efforts of the Saudi Green Initiative.

As a closed joint-stock company owned by PIF, Soudah Development aims to develop a unique luxury mountain tourism destination in Saudi Arabia, whilst preserving the natural environment and cultural heritage of the project area spread across Soudah and parts of Rijal Almaa.

About Soudah Development
Soudah Development is a closed joint-stock company fully owned by the Public Investment Fund (PIF) of Saudi Arabia. It has been established to drive the development of a luxury mountain tourism destination, covering Soudah and parts of Rijal Almaa, in the Aseer region in southwest Saudi Arabia. It aims to preserve the natural landscape and respect the rich cultural heritage of the region, whilst attracting 2 million visitors every year by 2033. Soudah Development was announced by HRH Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Prime Minister, and Chairman of PIF, on February 24, 2021.

For more information, visit the links below:
Website: www.soudah.sa & www.soudahpeaks.com
Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook: @Soudahpeaks
Or by email: press@soudah.sa

Source: NewsBeatWire


Mohammed A. Alshehri


A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is available by clicking on the image or link below:

HRH Crown Prince launches Soudah Peaks’ masterplan

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000841357

Why Tinubu appointed new management team for CBN- Aide

Sen. Abdullahi Gumel, the Senior Special Assistant to the President on National Assembly Matters (Senate), says the appointment of a new management team for the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is to rejig the bank and make it alive to its responsibilities.

Gumel said this in a statement on Wednesday in Abuja.

He said that the appointment of the team by President Bola Tinubu was part of efforts to rescue the Nigerian economy from its challenges.

“The CBN’s image was badly battered, so this team that has come on board is a rescue team.

“They have come to rescue the image of the CBN.

“In fact, it is not only Nigerians that are waiting for the CBN’s new management to be up and running but the ECOWAS sub-region and the African Union(AU).

“They are waiting for Nigeria to get back the economy so that everybody will feel secure and happy,” he said.

Gumel lauded the Senate for confirming the appointment of Mr Olayemi Cardoso as the CBN Governor and his team on the first day of its plenary after recess.

“The screening was successful as robust questions bothering on the economy were asked.

“The lawmakers told the CBN governor and the deputy governors the feelings of Nigerians and what they talked to the team about is reflective of what Nigerians feel about the CBN,” he said.

Gumel expressed optimism that other appointees of the President would be screened and confirmed soon by the Senate.

“Today is a public holiday but we are in the office to receive CVs.

“We are also expecting the list of about three ministerial nominees from Kaduna, Kwara and Ondo states.

“In the spirit of Maulud, I am using this medium to call on Nigerians irrespective of religious belief to know that we do not have any other country but Nigeria.

“We are all brothers and sisters irrespective our religious beliefs. God does not make mistakes,” he said.

Gumel added: “If he wanted all Nigerians to be either Muslims or Christians it will be so but in his wisdom he decided to have us all in one country.

“So, we should be patient with one another and accommodative in order to take Nigeria to the promised land in the spirit of renewed hope.”he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Expert advises FG on blockchain technology to boost economic growth

Mr Odunayo Ayeku, Chief Executive Officer, Kinka token, a Bitcoin company, on Wednesday urged the Federal Government to further embrace blockchain technology to boost the nation’s economy.

Ayeku gave the advice while speaking with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) against the backdrop of the dwindling economy.

He said a couple of other things must be done to further boost the economy like: cutting cost, structural empowerment, adequate monitoring of government establishments and projects and good power supply.

“ At this stage of the nation’s development, the Federal Government must prioritise boosting our economy. Government needs to invest in capacity building to revive the economy.

” The Federal Government should also embrace blockchain technology, blockchain institutions should not be left out as well because with this, we can generate much money to clear our debt in the diaspora.”

Speaking on the need for government to educate Nigerians on cryptocurrencies, he said it would go a long way in curbing the ‘Japa syndrome’ ravaging the country.

He said Nigerians continue to travel out in quest for better means of livelihood because they no longer find Nigeria attractive but crypto education could make many change their minds to stay.

“ Crypto education can indeed offer a potential path toward financial freedom in Nigeria and across the world.

“ Investing in cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Kinkajou has provided substantial returns for many early adopters.

” The advent of crypto has really contributed to job creation in Nigeria but our government is not looking into that aspect, and the crypto market in no doubt can help boost Nigeria’s economy.”

He,however, said that it was essential to approach it with caution and understand the risks involved.

According to him, to achieve financial freedom with crypto, there are a few steps to consider.

Ayeku, therefore, advised the youth to explore the power of the internet legitimately by acquiring relevant skills for problem-solving, and creating digital businesses.

” As a developer and Chief Executive Officer of Kinkajou token, a digital currency, I have been able to fully maximise opportunities on the internet legitimately. (NAN) (nannews.ng)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

NARD offers free surgical intervention, items to Kwara residents

The National Association of Resident Doctors (NARD) on Wednesday offered free surgical interventions to 14 patients and donated items including cash to indigent patients at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital (UITH).

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the intervention and humanitarian gesture are part of the activities for the NARD 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) tagged: “The Emirate Experience.”

Speaking on the sidelines of the surgical intervention, Dr Emeka Orji, the National President of NARD, stated that the association is known for yearly free medical outreach and intervention for the indigent across every state of the country.

He explained that the purpose of the outreach is to reach out to indigent who are in need of medical intervention or have health challenges.

He also explained that this is part of the social responsibilities of the association in giving back to the society.

Orji said that NARD should not be known for strike actions actions alone, adding that they have always been at the forefront of identifying with the indigent by reaching out to them through free medical outreaches and intervention.

He said some admitted patients in UITH also received cash donations to enable them cater for their needs.

Also speaking, Dr Remi Solagbade, of the Department of Surgery, UITH and coordinator of the outreach explained that the 14 beneficiaries had various surgical conditions.

He added that some of the conditions include hernia, glaucoma and other surgical needs, adding that some in-patients at the Emergency and Accident Unit were also given cash to assist them in their recovery stages.

In his reaction, Prof Bilyaminu Asayomi, the Acting Chairman, Medical Advisory Committee (CMAC) of UITH, commended the association for the laudable and humanitarian gesture.

He noted that what the doctors were doing was fantastic in reaching out to indigent members of the society and treating them for free.

Responding, Mr Joshua Durojaiye, a beneficiary of the outreach lauded the doctors for the life saving intervention.

“These doctors attended to us very well, there was no hassle. And I appeal to them to continue and widen the scope of this kind of humanitarian programmes they are doing,” he said.

NAN also report that highlights of the event include visitation and donation of foodstuffs and medical consumables to School for the Special Needs in Ilorin.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Umahi warns expatriate contractors against sub-standard jobs

The Minister of Works, Sen. Dave Umahi, has warned indigenous and expatriate contractors engaged in the construction of road projects across the country against substandard works.

The minister, gave the warning in Abuja at a meeting with contractors handling federal roads, said sub-standard work was no longer acceptable.

Umahi said most of the roads currently being constructed in the country could not last for seven years after construction

He frowned at how contractors cheat Nigerians in the materials they use to construct roads in the country.

“Our expatriate contractors, this cannot happen in any of your countries, it cannot.

“Anywhere there is a project going on, the first thing that is done is the convenience of the people. I feel we are being taken for a ride, and we are being taken for granted.

You feel you are doing us a favour, you are not doing us a favour, this is business, and this attitude must stop,” he said

He also decried the discomfort and pains Nigerians face while travelling on federal roads, saying he had to feel their pains when he travelled to Edo from Abuja.

He said the contractors constantly increase the cost of project and cheat the country through contracts variation and the use of asphalt materials, which are subject to the international price of crude oil.

According to him, there is no project being constructed right now in Nigeria that is going to last for seven years.

“The question is, are we going to be maintaining or reconstructing our roads after every 10 years.

“That is what we have been doing. I traveled from Abuja to Benin City through Lokoja, all the stretches of the road are on contract, ongoing, this is through the policy of the last administration but how much of the roads are motorable?

“I travelled through the roads myself and I shed tears for the kind of pains our people are going through.

“I spent 14 hours on the road having started my journey from 10 a.m. and got to Benin City at 2 p.m. the next day and I was very happy I experienced the pains.

“President Tinubu said I must travel through all the projects so that I will brief him on my experience and tell him the truth,” he said

Umahi further said he had stopped the signing of the funds to be released to contracts who are seeking price variation of their contracts, adding that Mr President was not aware of such increases.

The minister debunked the claim that cement price would go to N9,000 if the government starts doing concrete roads saying that it was blackmail against him by the people who don’t want the progress in the construction industry.

He added that he was doing his work with the fear of God.

“This is my line of instructions. I will do whatever the president instructs me to do and he is the only one and God that can cancel my instructions so don’t waste your time reporting me to anyone apart from these two.

“No matter the amount of blackmail and lies, it will not prevail. I travelled to the south west, I am not totally unhappy with the project there and supervision as I gave them 80 marks.

While critising workers in the ministry for not doing their supervision of contracts as they are expected, he said they had blood in their hands for the number of people that died in road accidents and those that were kidnapped.

“Unless Mr President does something about it, his lofty intention to help this country may not totally be achieved. Documents will be sent to the Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP) it will stay for six months.

“How will the contractors do the additional job you directed them to do without a backup authorization.

“I am warning all directors to get your controllers back to work, I want to see all the roads motorable, trucks should be off the road, any road where trucks fall I recall the director,” Umahi warned.

Also at the stakeholders meeting, President of the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) Prof. Sadiq Abubakar, said the council was delighted to be part of the meeting.

According to him, the minister has shown a peculiar direction in bringing change to the sector.

He said COREN was going to do a follow up and have a meaningful engagement with the contractors.

He complained that there was a lot of non-compliance on the aspects that have to do with expatriates engagement in the country especially quota allocation adding that Nigeria having been admitted to the Washington Accord demand compliance.

Abubakar, therefore, appealed to the directors to bridge the gaps notes by the minister adding that COREN would do its own due diligence.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Firm to construct 300,000 housing units for Edo residents

A real estate firm, Neighborhood Turn Key Project has pledged 300,000 units of affordable housing across the 18 local government areas of Edo to cushion the effects of housing deficit in the state.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the firm, Mrs Cecilia Atohengbe, disclosed this on Tuesday during the opening of a four-day Edo Shelter Conference in Benin.

Atohengbe said that the initiative was a pilot project in the state, adding that recent studies had shown that 28 million Nigerians were in dire need of shelters.

Atohengbe, who is also the convener of the conference, said participants would discuss housing problems, examine and proffer solutions to the average citizen.

“Governments, over the years, have come up with several projects to try and meet these housing needs of people living in shanties and slums.

“As a company, we have designed a solution to enable anyone who earns N40,000 to own a home in an environment with good roads, water, light and other amenities,” she said.

According to her, aspiring house owners do not necessarily need to be civil servants or own bank accounts.

“He/she moves into the house and starts paying. It will be a rent-and-own scheme,” she said.

Other estate and property developers, who spoke during a panel discussion at the event, identified land inaccessibility, stunted financial and mortgage system as part of the factors affecting housing delivery in Nigeria.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

My journey at CIFM – Pioneer Rector, Oyetayo

The Pioneer Rector of the College of Insurance and Financial Management (CIFM), Dr Yeside Oyetayo, on Wednesday said that she resumed at CIFM in April 2014 when the college had no fund and structure on ground.

Oyetayo revealed this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos, at the verge of her official handling over to her predecessor on Friday.

She explained that the college was still operating from the Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria’s (CIIN’s) building at Ebute-metta, when she was appointed.

“There was neither a structure, an administrative plan nor a solid academic curriculum in place for the college at that time.

“ The college was only running a few short-term technical courses and the Agency Proficiency workshops annually at different locations, but mainly at the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) in Alausa, Ikeja,”she said.

According to her, her first task was to choose a team to work with and then develop curriculum for some approved programmes, with the help of some of her former colleagues she had worked with at the Lagos State University (LASU).

Oyetayo stated that curricular for five programmes were developed and approved by the CIIN’s Governing Council for the college, which included: Diploma in Insurance, Foundation programme, Graduate Induction, among others.

She said : “We began the promotion of our programmes and movement to the campus in Jan. 2015 to facilitate the commencement of the Diploma in Insurance Programme.

“Our faculty was drawn from the pool of skilled and passionate trainers in the academia and the industry.”

According to her, five insurance companies nominated a total of 17 students to enrol in the college and the maiden diploma programme took off in January 2015, while the students graduated within a year.

The rector mentioned that the college was like a start-up business for her, because it had no visibility within the insurance industry, hence, she began the pace-setting and trail-blazing task of putting together a world-class institution.

She noted that the college, which was envisioned to be ‘the Insurance College of Choice of Africa’, was strategically positioned to provide cutting-edge training of global standards, with supports from local and international partners.

Oyetayo commended the board of CIIN for approving her request of a take-off grant of N20 million, which though was barely enough to furnish and run the college.

She stated that she sought ways to drastically increase the college’s revenue through trainings.

According to her, within a couple of months of her resumption, a more robust calendar introducing training programmes in areas where skill gaps were identified in the industry was designed.

The rector said that the CIIN’s board also sourced funding, developed strategic plans and pursued the CIFM project with so much dedication.

She stated that the insurance industry contributed immensely to the infrastructural development of the college through the donation of equipment, generators, sponsorship of buildings and chalets, which facilitated rapid growth of its campus.

“The National Insurance Commission (NAICOM), the insurance firms, professionals and members of the CIIN Council rallied round the CIFM.

“ It was often said that the college was the future of the CIIN. I am sure everyone is proud to say the CIFM is their college.

“We simultaneously commenced the task of getting the college registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and creating a brand for the college, leveraging on CIIN programmes which served as a platform to sensitise the industry about the college’s activities.

“We began collaborative training with the International Labour Organisation (ILO)Impact Insurance Facility and German Corporation for International Cooperation ( GIZ).

“We furnished and commissioned the college, organised short-term training programmes that more than doubled the number and income of the college in the previous years.

“In the first year of operating as a college, we achieved a lot, so much that members of the board were amazed at the number of activities that were going on in the college,” she said.

According to the rector, the college is presently doing great and has grown tremendously, from operating under the Training Directorate in the CIIN Secretariat to a full-fledged college.

Oyetayo said, the college had also grown from an annual income of N20 million in 2014 to about N290 million in 2022.

She stated that the college similarly developed from three unfurnished buildings to seven fully-furnished accommodation and office space and a 1500-seater hall named after NAICOM.

The rector expressed optimism that the CIFM having becoming a brand, would in the next few years, expand the scope of its services beyond Africa and grow into the global insurance college of choice that was envisioned to be.

“The CIFM platform afforded me the opportunity to become the first female Chief Executive Officer(CEO) of Insurance College in Africa.

“I was also able to impact positively on the African continent through my membership of the African Association of Insurance Educators and Trainers (AAIET) and the African Insurance Organisation (AIO) Book Review Committee, among other contributions.

“ To glory of God, i am leaving a solid legacy that would endure for a very long time, as a pacesetting pioneer Rector and would continue to contribute my quota to the industry in other capacities called upon,” she said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Commission threatens to seal off facilities for violating accessibility laws

Mr James Lalu, the Executive Secretary of National Commission for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) has threatened to seal off any facilities that do not comply with the commission’s accessibility laws.

Lalu said, the law mandates organisations and other business premises to make their facilities accessible to persons with disabilities in Nigeria.

”Failure to comply, the law also mandated us to seal the organisations through law enforcement agencies.

He was speaking on Wednesday when he received the Director-General, National Agency for the Prohibition of trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) Prof. Fatima Waziri-Azi, in Abuja.

” It is no longer an option for organisations to comply with the accessibility laws because we would enforce it.

”Though, the law provides a transition period of five years, that is from January 2019 to January 2024.

Lalu said, the law provided for a national regulation on accessibility in Nigeria to every public building by January 2024 to make their facilities accessible to persons with disabilities

”Anything in short of that, we are mandated by law to go and seal up any facilities that do not comply with the law.

Lalu however, NAPTIP is a critical partner towards achieving Nigeria’s desire for equal opportunities for the disability community in Nigeria.

“This is evident in the agency’s conversion of its policy documents into assistive devices especially for blind to enable them gets acquainted with the workings of the agency, he said.

He also commended the commitment of the NAPTIP boss towards providing the relevant laws that ensures access to justice for the disability community.

”We remain very grateful to you and we are committed to sanitise the system to gurantee better future for Persons With Disabilities ” he said.

In her response, Prof. Waziri-Azi, expressed the deliberate attempt by NAPTIP towards disability inclusion.

She said the agency is determined to ensure effective mainstreaming of the issues of visibility of persons with disabilities into the running of the organisation.

”We are very deliberate about disability inclusivity and about issues of visibility into our everyday work into our everyday processes and also across our five strategic prevention protection competition partnership” she said.

Waziri-Azi said the agency had already make their facilities accessible to persons with disabilities in the last five years.

She said in addition to that, the agency allocated five percent employment opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in the agency.

”I have the drafting team that came up with that and in the past few years we have been able to make our building at the headquarters accessible.

”We have ramps just at the main entrance into the NAPTIP office, we also have ramps in the main Building and our rapid response code at the back has also been fitted with a ramp” she said.

She therefore assured the commission of her readiness for partnership to ensure mutual benefit for the two organisations.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that, the event featured presentation of some official documents called NAPTIP Red Card, NAPTIP Act, NAPTIP Violence against Persons Prohibition Act.

NAN also reports that, the documents was all converted into a readable format for the blind community in Nigeria .

Source: News Agency of Nigeria