Duck Creek Technologies Divulga Nomes dos Vencedores do Primeiro Duck Creek Technologies Partner of the Year Awards 2023

Os Parceiros Integradores de Sistemas Accenture, Aggne e Coforge; os Parceiros de Soluções Copart, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Quadient e Smart Communications; e o Parceiro Inteligente de Comunicações e Consultoria Penguin Tech são reconhecidos por suas inovações tecnológicas significativas para o setor de seguros durante o Partner Summit ’23 da Duck Creek

BOSTON, Sept. 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Duck Creek Technologies, fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do seguro de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral, tem o prazer de anunciar os nomes dos vencedores do primeiro Primeiro Duck Creek Technologies Partner of the Year Awards 2023, realizado durante o Partner Summit ’23 em Orlando, na Flórida nos dias 20 e 21 de setembro de 2023. Os Prêmios de Parceiro do Ano de 2023 da Duck Creek foram os Parceiros Integradores de Sistemas Accenture, Aggne e Coforge; Parceiros de Solução Copart, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Smart Communications e Quadient; e Parceiro de Consultoria Penguin Tech.

A líder SaaS (software como serviço) dedicou tempo durante seu evento para reconhecer as incríveis realizações dos seus parceiros de soluções, integradores de sistemas e parceiros de consultoria de todo o mundo. O Duck Creek Technologies Partner of the Year Awards foi criado para reconhecer o poder das parcerias e celebrar conquistas conjuntas significativas em todo o ecossistema de seguros. Os prêmios de vidro gravados foram entregues aos oito vencedores por alcançarem o mais alto nível de excelência como parceiros da Duck Creek e por terem uma visão de avançar seus negócios enquanto reimaginam o futuro dos seguros.

A Accenture foi reconhecida como Parceiro Integrador de Sistemas do Ano por se destacar em atividades conjuntas de entrada no mercado, fornecendo soluções Duck Creek para clientes em todo o mundo e excedendo consistentemente os padrões de adesão à entrega.​ A Accenture alcançou o maior número de implementações concluídas de todas as soluções da Duck Creek e mantém sua posição como uma influência significativa para upsells globais de clientes.

A Aggne foi reconhecida como Parceira de Criação de Valor do Ano das Américas pela colaboração bem-sucedida com as equipes de vendas da Duck Creek para diferenciar e conquistar novos negócios e o desenvolvimento de aceleradoras para garantir a migração bem-sucedida de clientes para o Duck Creek OnDemand (DCOD).

A Coforge foi reconhecida como Parceira Internacional de Criação de Valor do Ano por fornecer uma entrega excepcional de serviços embalados aos clientes, obtendo um time-to-value mais rápido da Duck Creek.​ A Coforge implantou com sucesso soluções Duck Creek OnDemand integradas usando aceleradores e melhores práticas em tempo recorde.

A Copart foi reconhecida como Parceira de Soluções de Eficiência Operacional do Ano por sua integração com a Duck Creek. Ela aprimora a eficiência operacional para os nossos clientes mútuos, permitindo que eles tomem decisões inteligentes de seguro e atendam rapidamente às necessidades dos segurados. A Copart tem sido uma parceira de mercado valiosa para a Duck Creek no mercado das 10 melhores seguradoras de automóveis, além de fornecer um serviço de salvamento de veículos líder do setor, central para a estratégia de sinistros automotivos da Duck Creek. Sua integração robusta com a Duck Creek fornece um exemplo demonstrável de aprimoramento simultâneo da eficiência operacional e da experiência do cliente.

A LexisNexis Risk Solutions foi reconhecida como a Parceira de Soluções de Rápida Colocação no Mercado do Ano por sua integração com a Duck Creek, e por seu substancial impacto na velocidade da colocação dos nossos produtos no mercado. A LexisNexis Risk Solutions é parceira da Duck Creek há 14 anos. Ele oferece dez integrações integradas para suas soluções líderes do setor. Suas integrações são adotadas de forma mais consistente do que outras, resultando em menor tempo de implementação e economia de custos para os nossos clientes mútuos.

A Quadient foi reconhecida como Parceira de Soluções de Experiências Personalizadas do Ano por fornecer uma integração de solução atraente para uma melhor experiência de personalização para o titular da apólice. A Quadient é líder em gerenciamento de comunicações com clientes com integrações disponíveis para Apólice e Sinistros da Duck Creek. A Quadient se envolveu estreitamente com a Duck Creek durante 2023 em várias atividades de co-marketing em torno dessas integrações, resultando em várias novas oportunidades de vendas para ambas as partes.

A Smart Communications foi reconhecida como Parceira de Soluções Internacional do Ano por sua substancial contribuição global aos negócios da Duck Creek. A Smart Communications é líder mundial reconhecida da indústria de gestão de cliente. Em 2023, sua equipe se destacou por colaborar extensivamente com a equipe da Duck Creek para desenvolver as principais integrações de demonstração em conjunto, sendo a patrocinadora da nossa primeira cúpula anual de clientes para a nossa região da APAC.

A Penguin Tech foi reconhecida como Parceira de Consultoria do Ano por sua substancial contribuição aos valores do ecossistema Duck Creek. A equipe da Penguin Tech tem mais de 40 anos de experiência conjunta com a Duck Creek e acelerou o crescimento do ecossistema da Duck Creek, desenvolvendo muitas integrações em nome dos nossos Parceiros de Soluções. Essas integrações com líderes de mercado criaram demonstrações de vendas atraentes e ampliaram a proposta de valor da Duck Creek.

“Estamos entusiasmados com as valiosas parcerias que formamos e com a nossa capacidade de envolvimento colaborador com empresas ilustres como Accenture, Aggne, Coforge, Copart, LexisNexis, Quadient, Smart Communications e Penguin Tech. Juntos, estamos reformulando o cenário de inovação no setor de seguros à medida que continuamos oferecendo soluções com base na nuvem de primeira linha, juntamente com serviços excepcionais”, disse Mike Jackowski, CEO da Duck Creek Technologies. “É um privilégio reconhecer essas conquistas e comemorar as realizações dos nossos parceiros no nosso Partner Summit ’23, com um público composto por centenas de participantes do ecossistema.”

Para mais informação sobre estes parceiros premiados da Duck Creek, visite e estes sites de parceiros:

Integradores de Sistemas Premiados:




Parceiros de Soluções Premiados:


LexisNexis Risk Solutions


Smart Communications

Parceiros de Consultoria Premiados:

Penguin Tech

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies

A Duck Creek Technologies é fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do setor de seguros de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral. Somos a plataforma utilizadas como base dos sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indústria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operações ágeis, inteligentes e perenes. Autenticidade, propósito e transparência são fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que o seguro deve estar disponível para indivíduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas soluções líderes do mercado estão disponíveis de forma independente ou como um pacote completo disponíveis em Duck Creek OnDemand. Visite para obter mais informação. Siga a Duck Creek nos nossos canais sociais para obter as mais recentes informações – LinkedIn e Twitter.

Contato com a Mídia:
Carley Bunch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8926501

Duck Creek Technologies annonce les lauréats de l’édition inaugurale de ses Duck Creek Technologies Partner of the Year Awards 2023

Les partenaires intégrateurs de systèmes Accenture, Aggne et Coforge, les partenaires en solutions Copart, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Quadient et Smart Communications, et le partenaire en conseil Penguin Tech ont été récompensés individuellement pour leurs innovations technologiques significatives dans le domaine des assurances lors du Partner Summit ’23 de Duck Creek

BOSTON, 21 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui définit l’avenir de l’assurance générale et IARD, annonce aujourd’hui les lauréats de l’édition inaugurale des Duck Creek Technologies Partner of the Year Awards 2023 lors de son annuel Partner Summit ’23 se tenant à Orlando, en Floride, les 20 et 21 septembre 2023. Les partenaires intégrateurs de systèmes Accenture, Aggne et Coforge, les partenaires en solutions Copart, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Smart Communications et Quadient, et le partenaire en conseil Penguin Tech se sont vus décerner le prix de Partenaire de l’année Duck Creek 2023.

Le leader SaaS (software-as-a-service) a consacré du temps pendant son évènement pour reconnaître les réalisations incroyables de ses partenaires en solutions, en intégration de systèmes et en conseil dans le monde. Le prix de Partenaire de l’année Duck Creek Technologies a été créé pour récompenser la puissance des partenariats et célébrer les réalisations communes significatives dans l’écosystème des assurances. Des prix en verre gravé ont été remis aux huit lauréats qui ont atteint le plus haut niveau d’excellence en tant que partenaire de Duck Creek et ayant su faire progresser leur activité tout en réinventant l’avenir de l’assurance.

Accenture a reçu le titre de Partenaire intégrateur de systèmes de l’année pour avoir excellé dans les activités conjointes de mise sur le marché, en fournissant des solutions Duck Creek à des clients du monde entier, et pour avoir constamment dépassé les critères de respect de l’exécution. Accenture a mené à bien le plus grand nombre de mises en œuvre complètes de solutions Duck Creek et maintient sa position d’influence significative pour les ventes incitatives auprès des clients au niveau mondial.

Aggne a reçu le titre de Partenaire de l’année en création de valeur dans les Amériques pour sa collaboration fructueuse avec les équipes de ventes de Duck Creek visant la différenciation et l’acquisition de nouvelles activités ainsi que le développement d’accélérateurs pour garantir la migration réussie des clients vers la plateforme SaaS Duck Creek OnDemand (DCOD).

Coforge a reçu le titre de Partenaire de l’année en création de valeur au niveau international pour sa prestation exceptionnelle de services packagés aux clients, permettant à Duck Creek d’accélérer la rentabilité. Coforge est parvenue à déployer des solutions Duck Creek OnDemand prépackagées en utilisant des accélérateurs et les meilleures pratiques en un temps record.

Copart a été nommé Partenaire de l’année en solution d’efficacité opérationnelle pour son intégration avec Duck Creek. La solution améliore l’efficacité opérationnelle pour nos clients communs, en leur permettant de prendre des décisions éclairées en matière d’assurance et de répondre rapidement aux besoins des assurés. Copart est pour Duck Creek un précieux partenaire de mise sur le marché dans le segment des 10 premiers assureurs automobiles et offre un service de récupération automobile de premier plan essentiel à la stratégie de Duck Creek en matière de sinistres automobiles. Son intégration solide avec Duck Creek est un exemple concret de l’amélioration à la fois de l’efficacité opérationnelle et de l’expérience client.

LexisNexis Risk Solutions a obtenu le titre de Partenaire de l’année en solution d’accélération de mise sur le marché pour ses intégrations avec Duck Creek qui ont eu un impact significatif sur la rapidité de mise sur le marché de nos clients mutuels. LexisNexis Risk Solutions est un partenaire de Duck Creek depuis quatorze ans. L’entreprise propose dix intégrations préconstruites pour ses solutions de pointe. Ses intégrations sont plus largement adoptées que d’autres, permettant une mise en œuvre plus rapide et des économies pour nos clients mutuels.

Quadient a reçu le prix de Partenaire de l’année en solution d’expériences personnalisées parce que l’entreprise fournit une intégration de solution convaincante visant à mieux personnaliser l’expérience des assurés. Quadient est un acteur majeur de la gestion des communications avec les clients avec des intégrations pour Duck Creek Policy et Claims. Quadient a collaboré étroitement avec Duck Creek au cours de l’année 2023 dans diverses activités de co-marketing autour de ces intégrations, qui ont ouvert de nombreuses opportunités de ventes pour les deux parties.

Smart Communications s’est vue décerner le titre de Partenaire de l’année en solution internationale pour avoir contribué de manière remarquable aux activités de Duck Creek à l’échelle mondiale. Smart Communications est un leader mondial reconnu en gestion des communications avec les clients. En 2023, son équipe s’est distinguée par sa collaboration étroite avec l’équipe de Duck Creek pour le développement conjoint d’intégrations de démonstration clés et a parrainé notre premier sommet annuel dédié aux clients pour notre région APAC.

Penguin Tech a reçu le titre de Partenaire de l’année en conseil pour ses contributions significatives à la valorisation de l’écosystème de Duck Creek. L’équipe de Penguin Tech compte plus de 40 années d’expérience combinée avec Duck Creek et a accéléré la croissance de l’écosystème de Duck Creek en développant de nombreuses intégrations pour le compte de nos partenaires en solutions. Ces intégrations avec les leaders du marché ont permis de créer des démonstrations de vente convaincantes et d’élargir la proposition de valeur de Duck Creek.

« Nous sommes ravis des partenariats précieux que nous avons noués et de notre capacité à collaborer avec des entreprises réputées telles que Accenture, Aggne, Coforge, Copart, LexisNexis, Quadient, Smart Communications et Penguin Tech. Ensemble, nous repensons le paysage de l’innovation dans le secteur des assurances tout en continuant à fournir des solutions de premier ordre basées sur le cloud associées à des services d’exception », a déclaré Mike Jackowski, PDG de Duck Creek Technologies. « C’est un privilège de reconnaître ces réalisations et de célébrer les performances de nos partenaires lors de notre Partner Summit ’23 en compagnie d’un public composé de centaines de membres de l’écosystème. »

Pour plus d’informations concernant les partenaires Duck Creek récompensés, consultez la page et les sites Web de ces partenaires :

Lauréats de la catégorie Intégrateur de systèmes :




Lauréats de la catégorie Partenaire de solution :


LexisNexis Risk Solutions


Smart Communications

Lauréat de la catégorie Partenaire de conseil :

Penguin Tech

À propos de Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui définit l’avenir du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD. Nous sommes la plateforme sur laquelle les systèmes d’assurance modernes se construisent, permettant au secteur de tirer parti de la puissance du cloud pour mener des opérations agiles, intelligentes et pérennes. Authenticité, mission et transparence sont les mots clés de la philosophie de Duck Creek et, selon nous, l’assurance devrait être au service des individus et des entreprises quand, où et comme ils en ont le plus besoin. Nos solutions faisant figure de leaders du marché sont disponibles séparément ou sous la forme d’une suite complète, et toutes sont disponibles via Duck Creek OnDemand. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur Suivez Duck Creek sur ses réseaux sociaux pour connaître les toutes dernières informations – LinkedIn et Twitter.

Contacts auprès des médias :
Carley Bunch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8926501

Duck Creek Technologies Announces Winners of Its Inaugural 2023 Duck Creek Technologies Partner of the Year Awards

Systems Integrator Partners Accenture, Aggne and Coforge; Solution Partners Copart, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Quadient, and Smart Communications and Consulting Partner Penguin Tech are each recognized for meaningful technology innovations to the insurance industry during Duck Creek’s Partner Summit ’23

BOSTON, Sept. 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance, announces today the winners for the company’s inaugural 2023 Duck Creek Technologies Partner of the Year Awards during its annual Partner Summit ’23, held in Orlando, Florida, September 20-21, 2023. Receiving Duck Creek’s 2023 Partner of the Year Awards were Systems Integrator Partners Accenture, Aggne and Coforge; Solution Partners Copart, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, Smart Communications, and Quadient; and consulting partner Penguin Tech.

The SaaS (software-as-a-service) leader dedicated time during their event to recognize the incredible accomplishments of their solution partners, systems integrators and consulting partners worldwide. The Duck Creek Technologies Partner of the Year Awards were created to acknowledge the power of partnerships and celebrate significant joint achievements across the insurance ecosystem. Engraved glass awards were handed to the eight winners for achieving the highest level of excellence as a partner to Duck Creek and for having a vision to advance their business while reimagining the future of insurance.

Accenture was recognized as System Integrator Partner of the Year for excelling in joint go-to-market activities, delivering Duck Creek solutions to customers across the globe, and consistently exceeding delivery adherence standards.​ Accenture has achieved the highest number of completed implementations across Duck Creek solutions and maintains its position as a significant influence for global customer upsells.

Aggne was recognized as Americas Value Creation Partner of the Year for successful collaboration with Duck Creek sales teams to differentiate and win new business and development of accelerators to ensure successful migration of customers to Duck Creek OnDemand (DCOD).

Coforge was recognized as International Value Creation Partner of the Year for providing exceptional delivery of packaged services to customers, realizing faster time to value from Duck Creek.​ Coforge successfully deployed prepackaged Duck Creek OnDemand solutions using accelerators and best practices in record time.

Copart was recognized as Operational Efficiency Solution Partner of the Year for its integration with Duck Creek. It improves operational efficiency for our mutual customers, enabling them to make intelligent insurance decisions and quickly meet policyholders’ needs. Copart has been a valued go-to-market partner for Duck Creek in the top 10 auto insurer market and provides an industry-leading auto salvage service central to Duck Creek’s automotive claims strategy. Its robust integration with Duck Creek provides a demonstrable example of simultaneously improving operational efficiency and customer experience.

LexisNexis Risk Solutions was recognized as Speed-to-Market Solution Partner of the Year for its integrations with Duck Creek, significantly impacting our mutual customers’ speed to market. LexisNexis Risk Solutions has been a partner of Duck Creek for fourteen years. It offers ten pre-built integrations for its industry-leading solutions. Its integrations are more consistently adopted than others, resulting in quicker implementation time and cost savings for our mutual customers.

Quadient was recognized as Personalized Experiences Solution Partner of the Year for providing a compelling solution integration to better personalize the policyholder experience. Quadient is a leader in customer communications management with integrations available for Duck Creek Policy and Claims. Quadient engaged closely with Duck Creek during 2023 in various co-marketing activities around these integrations, resulting in multiple new sales opportunities for both parties.

Smart Communications was recognized as International Solution Partner of the Year for significantly contributing globally to Duck Creek’s business. Smart Communications is a recognized global leader in customer communications management. In 2023, their team stood out by collaborating extensively with Duck Creek’s team to develop key demonstration integrations jointly and sponsored our first annual customer summit for our APAC region.

Penguin Tech was recognized as Consulting Partner of the Year for making significant contributions to the value of the Duck Creek ecosystem. The Penguin Tech team has over 40 years of combined Duck Creek experience and accelerated the growth of the Duck Creek ecosystem by developing many integrations on behalf of our Solution Partners. These integrations with market leaders have created compelling sales demonstrations and extended the Duck Creek value proposition.

“We are thrilled by the valuable partnerships we’ve formed and our capacity to engage collaboratively with distinguished companies such as Accenture, Aggne, Coforge, Copart, LexisNexis, Quadient, Smart Communications, and Penguin Tech. Together, we are reshaping the landscape of innovation in the insurance industry as we continue delivering top-tier cloud-based solutions paired with exceptional services,” said Mike Jackowski, CEO, Duck Creek Technologies. “It is a privilege to recognize these achievements and commemorate the accomplishments of our partners at our Partner Summit ’23, with an audience comprising hundreds of fellow ecosystem members.”

For more information about these award-winning Duck Creek partners, visit and these partner websites:

Systems Integrator award winners:




Solution Partner award winners:


LexisNexis Risk Solutions


Smart Communications

Consulting Partner award winner:

Penguin Tech

About Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies is the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of the property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance industry. We are the platform upon which modern insurance systems are built, enabling the industry to capitalize on the power of the cloud to run agile, intelligent, and evergreen operations. Authenticity, purpose, and transparency are core to Duck Creek, and we believe insurance should be there for individuals and businesses when, where, and how they need it most. Our market-leading solutions are available on a standalone basis or as a full suite, and all are available via Duck Creek OnDemand. Visit to learn more. Follow Duck Creek on our social channels for the latest information – LinkedIn and Twitter.

Media Contacts:
Carley Bunch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8925918

WilsonHCG nommé 1er fournisseur mondial de RPO dans la liste RPO Baker’s Dozen 2023 de HRO Today

TAMPA, Floride, 21 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — WilsonHCG a été reconnu 1er fournisseur pour l’externalisation des processus de recrutement (RPO) dans la liste Baker’s Dozen 2023 de HRO Today.

La liste Baker’s Dozen de HRO Today, la plus ancienne enquête de satisfaction client dans l’industrie de la RPO, est conçue pour mettre en avant les meilleurs fournisseurs de RPO au monde et démontre clairement les partenariats RPO qui ont le plus d’impact. Les prestataires sont évalués sur une série de facteurs, dont l’étendue des solutions, la qualité du service et la taille de la transaction.

« C’est un honneur d’être classé numéro un dans la liste Baker’s Dozen », a indiqué John Wilson, PDG de WilsonHCG. « Cette reconnaissance signifie énormément pour nous en tant qu’entreprise, car elle est uniquement motivée par les commentaires des clients. C’est véritablement un témoignage de l’engagement et du soin que nos employés accordent à nos relations clients. Je tiens à dire un grand merci à l’équipe, et je suis impatient de poursuivre sur cette lancée en continuant d’apporter de la valeur à nos partenariats clients. »

« Depuis le premier placement de WilsonHCG sur la liste Baker’s Dozen de HRO Today en tant que marque challenger, la société se concentre sur l’offre d’un excellent service client et l’emploi d’approches innovantes en matière de solutions d’externalisation des processus de recrutement et de main-d’œuvre. Elle a évolué de sa position des premiers jours en tant que challenger vers celle d’un chef de file important dominant le marché, qui aide à redéfinir ce à quoi le succès doit ressembler pour les clients de ces offres de services. Chose remarquable, l’orientation du service de WilsonHCG a continué de s’améliorer pour en faire l’une des sociétés les plus grandes et les plus prospères du secteur. Nous la félicitons ainsi que son équipe de direction pour ce classement en tant que premier fournisseur sur la liste RPO Baker’s Dozen de HRO Today », a déclaré Elliot Clark, PDG de HRO Today.

Rendez-vous sur le site Web de HRO Today ici pour davantage d’informations sur la liste Baker’s Dozen.

À propos de WilsonHCG
WilsonHCG est un leader mondial primé dans les solutions totales de talents. Opérant en tant que partenaire stratégique, la société aide certaines de marques les plus admirées au monde à développer des fonctions de talents complètes. Grâce à une présence mondiale couvrant plus de 65 pays et six continents, WilsonHCG fournit une suite complète de services de talents configurables, notamment l’externalisation du processus de recrutement (RPO), la recherche de cadres, ainsi que le conseil en gestion de talents et de solutions de talents temporaires.

TALENT.™ Plus qu’une solution, c’est notre identité.

Contact auprès des médias

+44 7889901517


GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8926330

WilsonHCG nomeada provedora de RPO global número 1 da RPO Baker’s Dozen List de 2023 da HRO Today

TAMPA, Fla., Sept. 21, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A WilsonHCG foi reconhecida como a fornecedora número 1 de Recruitment Process Outsourcing (Terceirização de Processos de Recrutamento – RPO) na RPO Baker’s Dozen List de 2023 da HRO Today

A pesquisa de satisfação do cliente mais antiga do setor de RPO, a Baker’s Dozen List da HRO Today, foi criada para destacar os principais provedores de RPO do mundo e dar transparência às parcerias de RPO mais impactantes. Os fornecedores são classificados em uma variedade de fatores, incluindo amplitude de soluções, qualidade do serviço e tamanho do negócio.

“É uma honra estar em primeiro lugar na Baker’s Dozen List”, disse John Wilson, CEO da WilsonHCG. “Esse reconhecimento significa muito para nós como empresa, porque é impulsionado exclusivamente pelo feedback dos clientes. É realmente um testemunho do compromisso e cuidado que o nosso pessoal tem com o relacionamento com os nossos clientes. Quero agradecer imensamente à equipe e mal posso esperar para aproveitar esse sucesso à medida que continuamos a agregar ainda mais valor às parcerias com nossos clientes.”

“Desde a primeira inclusão da WilsonHCG na Baker’s Dozen List da HRO Today como uma marca desafiadora, ela tem se concentrado em um ótimo atendimento ao cliente e abordagens inovadoras às terceirização de processos de recrutamento e soluções de força de trabalho. Ela se transformou de desafiadora nos seus primeiros dias em uma grande e dominante líder do mercado, ajudando a redefinir o que o sucesso dessas ofertas de serviços deve parecer para os clientes. Notavelmente, a orientação de serviço do WilsonHCG continuou a ser aprimorada com a sua transformação em uma das maiores e mais bem-sucedidas empresas do setor. Parabenizamos a empresa e sua equipe de liderança por sua inclusão como principal fornecedora do Baker’s Dozen List da HRO Today”, disse Elliot Clark, CEO da HRO Today.

Visite o site da HRO Today aqui para encontrar mais informações sobre a Baker’s Dozen List.

Sobre a WilsonHCG
A WilsonHCG é uma premiada líder global em soluções completas de talentos. Como parceira estratégica ela ajuda algumas das marcas mais admiradas do mundo a desenvolver funções abrangentes de talentos. Com uma presença global em mais de 65 países e seis continentes, a WilsonHCG fornece um conjunto completo de serviços configuráveis para talentos, incluindo recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), pesquisa de executivos, soluções de talentos contingentes e consultoria de talentos.

TALENT.™ É mais do que uma solução, é o nosso cerne.

Contato com a Mídia

+44 7889901517


GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8926330

N/East elders hail military onslaught against terrorists

The North-East Elders for Restoration (NEER), a pressure group has hailed the ongoing military clearance operations nationwide, especially against Boko Haram/Islamic State of West Africa Province (ISWAP) terrorists.

The group gave the commendation in a statement by its president, Mallam Bello Katagum and Secretary, Alhaji Sani Sanusi, on Thursday, in Abuja.

They also declared their support for the appointment of Gen. Christopher Musa as Chief of Defence Staff and expressed confidence that Nigeria would witness improved security with the military under his command.

The group said the North East region witnessed improved security when Gen. Musa was the Theatre Commander, Operation Hadin Kai theatre.

They said it was during Musa’s tenure that displaced persons in the region began to return to their various means of livelihood as a result of intense military operations against terrorists.

According to the group, the region also witnessed large number of terrorists and their family members surrendering to troops of the Armed Forces of Nigeria.

“We are, therefore, not surprised that he has begun to replicate these attributes as the Chief of Defence Staff.

“No matter the noise from the terrorists and bandits, we are rest assured that the Armed Forces of Nigeria is in good hands.

“Very soon, Nigerians will begin to rejoice over the enemies who don’t want us to leave in peace.

“During his time as the Theatre Commander, Operation Hadin Kai, Gen. Musa was thorough, didn’t side any religion and gave the terrorists a hard time,” they said.

The elders also commended the military for the enhanced synergy between the services and other security agencies, saying it had produced positive results across the country.

They urged Nigerians to continue to support the military to ensure their sacrifices for peace and stability would not be in vain. (NAN) (

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

4-point agenda in health sector will address manpower challenge – Minister

The Coordinating Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Prof. Muhammed Pate, on Thursday said the ministry’s four-point agenda would address the sector’s manpower challenge and strengthen the nation’s healthcare system.

Pate stated this at the 41st Annual convocation of National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria, Ijanikin, Lagos.

He was represented by Prof. Jesse Otegbayo, the Chief Medical Director of the University College Hospital, Ibadan.

He said that the four-point agenda would also provide effective health and human services.

The minister said that the programme would improve the quality of governance and management of hospitals by assessing the leadership qualities of teaching hospitals in strengthening the regulatory capacity of the institutions.

“Improve population health outcomes and medical care, so that diseases such as diphtheria, measles, vaccine preventable diseases, maternal and child health will be prioritised.

“Unlock the healthcare value chain with a focus on medical industrialization, so that Nigeria can be self sustaining in producing medical supplies.

“Invest more resources to ensure that the Nation’s public healthcare capabilities are strengthened to be able to respond to outbreaks early, before they get out of hand,” he said.

Pate said that the blueprint would chart a way forward to achieve a healthy population that would help harness the potential of the young and aged populations.

“The students and scholars who will be receiving degrees, awards and prizes today, are Nigeria’s investment capital, for building a better future.

“You have been equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to spearhead improvement in the Nigeria’s health system.

“In order words, you are a symbol of Nigeria’s aspirations to stand shoulder to shoulder with the giants globally,” he said.

Pate said that the commitment of the Federal Government is to reposition Nigeria’s healthcare system towards improving the health of all Nigerians.

Prof. Akin Osibogun, the President, National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria, called for a synergy among stakeholders to help address the medical manpower needs of the country.

Osibogun said that the collaboration would embrace the challenges ahead with courage and determination, adding that it would create a healthier nation and a brighter tomorrow.

“We recognise 413 medical and dental specialists from 15 faculties, who have fulfilled all training requirements for the award of the fellowship by examination, who are convocating today.

“Also 92 graduates of our postgraduate MD programme and six postgraduate diplomat Ed in Anaesthesia and 73 diplomat in family medicine.

“I implore you all to continue to represent the college well in which ever position you find yourself and be worthy ambassadors of the college, both in character and in learning,” he said.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that some medical professionals were given distinguished Fellowship Awards such as: Prof. Adewale Akinsola, a Professor of Medicine and Consultant Nephrologist and foundation provost of Bowen University College of Health Sciences, Osogbo.

Dr Benedictus Ajayi, a former President, Ophthalmological Society of Nigeria (OSN) and Chief Medical Director, Elena Eye Institute, Ibadan.

Dr Akintola Ladeinde, a Professor and Consultant in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Lagos University Teaching Hospital.(NAN) (

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

World Bank pledges to reposition Nigeria’s irrigation farming for economic development

The World Bank announced its commitment to reposition Nigeria’s irrigation farming for sustainable economic development and for food security on Thursday in Abuja.

It announced the commitment when its team on Sustainable Power and Irrigation in Nigeria/ Transforming Irrigation Management in Nigeria, (SPIN/TRIMING) project officials visited the Minister of Water Resources and Sanitation, Prof. Joseph Utsev.

The officials were led by Mr Jun Matsumoto, the Team Lead.

Matsumoto acknowledged the successful transformation of irrigation asset management in Nigeria through the establishment of water users associations.

He noted the pivotal role played by the associations in ensuring the sustainable management of irrigation resources and called for support in achieving the project’s objectives.

He emphasised the critical importance of collaboration in the upcoming SPIN project and elaborated on its core objectives.

Matsumoto said one of the objectives was the utilisation of existing water resources infrastructure to address Nigeria’s water resources and energy requirements.

He said the project would include comprehensive technical assistance studies focused on large-scale water resources management, and the development of multi-purpose dam hydropower projects.

Responding, Prof. Utsev said achievements already recorded in Nigeria’s TRIMING project was impressive.

He emphasised the integral connection between economic sustainability and food security underlining the TRIMING project’s pivotal role in enhancing food production.

The minister welcomed the proposal to replace TRIMING, set to expire in 2024, with SPIN, saying it would address Nigeria’s pressing challenges in the area of food sufficiency.

Prof. Utsev reaffirmed Federal Government’s commitment to food security, improved irrigation techniques, and enhanced farming practices across the country.

He expressed gratitude to the World Bank for the remarkable progress recorded on the project over the past nine years and expressed optimism that it would yield even more significant outcomes.

TRIMING strengthened quality of and access to productivity-enhancing and market access services for 130,000 farmers in four rehabilitated irrigation schemes.

They are the Bakolori Irrigation Scheme in Zamfara, Middle Rima Irrigation Scheme in Sokoto State, Kano River Irrigation Scheme, and Hadejia Valley Irrigation Scheme in Jigawa.

The project provides technical assistance to establish a Farmers’ Management Centre at each of the irrigation schemes. (NAN)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

International Peace Day: Rotary Club, Peace Corps task Nigerians on peaceful coexistence

Rotary International District 9125 and Peace Corps of Nigeria have stressed the need for peaceful co-existence among people of diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds in the country.

They said this at a peace awareness walk, organised to commemorate the 2023 International Day of Peace on Thursday in Abuja.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the peace day, celebrated annually on Sept. 21, is aimed at reducing violence and strengthening the ideals of peace around the world.

NAN also reports that this year’s theme is: “Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the Global Goals.”

National Commandant, Peace Corps of Nigeria, Dr Dickson Akoh, called on Nigerians to live in peace with one another and shun social vices that might make the country ungovernable.

“In Nigeria today, we have a couple of challenges, leading to needless loss of lives and property, but the fact that we still remain united as a nation deserves celebration.

“We want to use this day to call on some of the youth who have taken up arms against one other or the state to stop it in the interest of development.

“If you look at the content of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, to which Nigeria is a signatory, we deserve peace, as it is the bottom line and the ultimate goal,” he said.

Also speaking, Mr Sani Ahmed, District Governor, Rotary International District 9125, urged Nigerians to make themselves advocates of peace, as it would benefit the country in numerous ways.

“This is a very important day to us as Rotarians because one of the major issues we are advocating for is for us to have peace globally and that is one of the seven focus areas of Rotary.

“In everything we do in Rotary, we are trying to give people hope so that they can be at peace with themselves and everyone in the world.

“We believe that with hope, peace will prevail,” Ahmed said.

Also speaking, Princess Okoro, District Governor Nominee, District 9125, said that the campaign was aimed at creating awareness on the need to promote peace in the country.

According to her, without peace, there will be no harmony and it will be difficult to achieve meaningful development in the country.

“As we are doing this today, it is being commemorated in every part of the federation.

“All we are talking about is peace; we want everybody to appreciate peace, preach peace, sing peace and love peace,” she said.

Mr Roy Nwafor, District Chair, Peace and Conflict Resolution, District 9125, added that Rotary International was committed to promoting peace and unity among Nigerians.

“We want to promote peace in Nigeria while activating the pillars of peace, starting from a well-functioning government, a sound business environment and equitable distribution of resources.

“We also want to promote the acceptance of the rights of others, free flow of information, good relationship with our neighbours, high level of human capital and low level of corruption.

“These actions are our focus at Rotary International for peace and conflict resolution,” Nwafor said. (NAN) (

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Fatality crashes on Nigerian roads down by 15.5% – FRSC

The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) says road traffic fatalities significantly reduced in the first half of 2023 by 15.5 percent.

This is contained in statement released by FRSC’s Spokesman, Assistant Corps Marshal Bisi Kazeem, on Wednesday in Abuja.

Kazeem said that the corps recorded a total of 5,700 road traffic crashes (RTCs) as against 6,627 recorded during the same period in the preceding year 2022.

He said there was 14 per cent reduction in RCTs as captured in the FRSC road traffic crash dashboard within the period under review.

According to him, the corps also witnessed 14 per cent reduction in the number of rescued victims with injuries between January and June.

He added that the corps rescued a total of 16,716 accident survivors in 2023, as against the 19,440 injured in accidents during the same period in 2022.

“On the number of people killed, the corps also recorded a significant reduction within the same operational period in review

“According to the crash data report, in the first six months of the year 2023, the corps recorded a total of 2,850 fatalities as against 3,375 fatalities in the same period in 2022, representing 15.5 per cent reduction, ” he said.

Kazeem quoted the FRSC Corps Marshal, Dauda Biu, as attributing the modest achievement to a number of strategies and innovations in enforcement activities.

He said that there was improved presence and visibility of FRSC personnel, public enlightenment and engagement with partners within the period under review.

Biu charged motorists to desist from bad driving habits, adding that the Corps would continue to monitor and deal with any driving infraction.

This, he said, would be by sanitising the highways and entrenching safety values and measures on the over 200,000 kilometers road network across the country. (NAN) (

Source: News Agency of Nigeria