St Kitts and Nevis crowned as best destination to invest in according to 2023 CBI (CITIZENSHIP BY INVESTMENT) Index

Basseterre, Sept. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — St Kitts and Nevis has been recognised as the best CBI destination in the 2023 edition of the CBI Index, trumping 11 other countries with active citizenship by investment (CBI) programmes.

The country, which has made several sweeping changes to its CBI Programme in the last year, took top honours, scoring 77 points in a race between nations such as Dominica, Saint Lucia, Grenada, Antigua & Barbuda, Malta, Vanuatu, Turkey, Egypt, Austria, Cambodia, and Jordan.

The 2023 CBI Index noted that St Kitts and Nevis has been the most proactive CBI nation in the Caribbean when it comes to responding to security concerns raised by Western nations. The country ‘stands out for taking immediate and decisive action based on the ‘Six Principles’ framework. Moreover, it underscores a political will to take a proactive leadership role in the long-term sustainability of the industry through good governance, enhanced due diligence, and regional harmonisation with international partners.’

Now in its seventh year, the CBI Index utilises its established nine-pillar index architecture to provide investors with a data-driven framework with which to measure the performance and appeal of global CBI programmes. The nine pillars include Standard of Living, Freedom of Movement, Minimum Investment Outlay, Mandatory Travel or Residence, Citizenship Timeline, Ease of Processing, Due Diligence, Family and Certainty of Product.

St Kitts and Nevis scored full marks in Mandatory Travel or Residence, Ease of Processing, Due Diligence and Certainty of Product pillars.

The Mandatory Travel or Residence pillar examines the travel or residence conditions imposed on applicants both before and after the granting of citizenship. St Kitts and Nevis does not have travel or minimum residency requirements for its programme, making it straightforward for busy entrepreneurs and global citizens to attain citizenship in the country.

The Ease of Processing pillar measures the end-to-end complexity of the CBI application process. The overall effortlessness of the application process is a particularly vital component, and the promise of a smooth, hassle-free process can generate readiness to engage with a programme.

The Due Diligence pillar measures a programme’s integrity. St Kitts and Nevis retains its top position from the previous year due to the Citizenship by Investment Unit’s changes made as part of a rapid implementation of the ‘Six Principles,’ which include mandatory interviews and measures to stop financial irregularities in the real estate option to safeguard the Programme’s reputation.

The Certainty of Product pillar encompasses a range of factors that measure a programme’s certainty across five different dimensions including longevity, popularity and renown, stability, reputation, and adaptability. As the only country to attain a perfect score in this category, St Kitts and Nevis’ performance reflects not only its swift response to the recent unprecedented international pressure imposed on all Caribbean CBI programmes, but its continuous proactive approach to instituting industry leading changes.

“I am thrilled to once again to have the St Kitts and Nevis CBI Programme recognised as the best in the industry,” said Michael Martin, Head of the St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Unit.

“This recognition by the CBI Index is another confirmation of why St Kitts and Nevis should be the first choice for any global investor. For four decades we have crafted solid, innovative and sustainable investment solutions, giving investors the confidence to attain their goals in the global arena.”

St Kitts and Nevis continues to provide an exemplary model to the investment migration industry. The country made bold changes to its Programme at the end of 2022 and further changes in July, the latter changes convincingly addressed security concerns raised by the United Kingdom, the European Union and previously the United States.

The country hosted four of the Caribbean’s CBI nations, along with a delegation from the United States, who all agreed on 6 Principles to be followed by the Caribbean nations. While many of the security measures were already in place as part of St Kitts and Nevis’ due diligence processes, the country was one of the first to institute mandatory interviews with applicants aged 16 years and older.

St Kitts and Nevis has also tightened regulations around how Authorised Agents and International Marketing Agents operate, requiring them to have their businesses registered under the laws of St Kitts and Nevis and limiting how they may advertise the St Kitts and CBI Programme internationally.

Other legislative changes include increased minimum investment thresholds, revised dependant eligibility, and the closing of loopholes for real estate investment options.

St Kitts and Nevis has shown the most commitment to upholding the integrity and reputation its CBI programme in the international arena.

The CBI Index is a rating system designed to assess the performance and appeal of active CBI programmes across a diverse range of indicators and measures. Its purpose is to bring value to the CBI industry by providing a data-driven and practical tool for appraising programmes and facilitating the decision-making process for individuals considering them.

The CBI Index stands as one of the most recognised and reputable rating tools in the investment migration industry and has a reputation for providing valuable industry insights and knowledge.

Secretary of St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Programme
Government of St. Kitts and Nevis
00 (1-869) 467-1474

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La Réunion annuelle sur l’investissement s’offre une nouvelle identité pour devenir le Congrès AIM et prépare sa 13e édition qui se déroulera à Abou Dabi en mai 2024

ABOU DABI, Émirats arabes unis, 15 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sous la nouvelle étiquette de « Congrès AIM », le comité d’organisation de l’une des plus grandes plateformes d’investissement au monde accueillera cette année encore des dirigeants régionaux et internationaux, des décideurs d’élite et des pionniers à l’occasion de la 13e édition de la réunion annuelle qui se tiendra du 7 au 9 mai 2024 au centre national des expositions d’Abou Dabi.

La conférence se déroulera sur le thème « S’adapter à un paysage de l’investissement en pleine mutation en exploitant le nouveau potentiel du développement économique mondial ». Le Congrès AIM 2024 bénéficie du soutien du ministère de l’industrie et des technologies avancées, et compte le département du développement économique d’Abou Dabi (ADDED) comme partenaire principal.

Les Émirats arabes unis accueilleront une nouvelle fois les participants au cœur de leur belle capitale, et comptent bien faire un succès inédit de cet événement qui a attiré l’année dernière pas moins de 10 313 participants et 693 intervenants de 175 pays.

Son Excellence Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, le Ministre d’État au Commerce extérieur des Émirats arabes unis s’est montré très enthousiaste envers le Congrès AIM 2024, en déclarant que « Depuis plus de dix ans, le Congrès AIM démontre son ferme engagement en faveur de la promotion d’une coopération économique mondiale et de la mobilisation du potentiel de certains pays émergents. Dans un périmètre mondial de l’investissement en pleine évolution, il apparaît capital de faire preuve d’adaptation pour explorer de nouveaux axes de croissance. Le rassemblement du Congrès AIM demeure un événement majeur en 2024, et réunit les principaux acteurs économiques du monde autour d’un dialogue constructif ouvrant la voie à des investissements à fort impact qui contribueront à bâtir un meilleur avenir pour chacun ».

Son Excellence Ahmed Jasim Al Zaabi, le Président de l’ADDED déclare pour sa part que « En capitalisant sur le remarquable succès de l’édition 2023 du Congrès AIM, nous relevons la barre pour répondre aux attentes de la communauté mondiale de l’investissement tout entière. En tant que capitale fédérale, Abou Dabi est la ville idéale pour mener le débat mondial sur les perspectives de l’investissement et ses dynamiques dans un monde en profonde mutation. Notre approche envers les flux d’investissement s’aligne sur notre engagement sans faille pour consacrer le développement humain, la durabilité et les technologies avancées au cœur de programmes socio-économiques à l’échelle nationale et internationale, tout en respectant le calendrier d’application des normes ESG et en favorisant des synergies à travers des initiatives de coopération internationale – pour que chacun d’entre nous ait de meilleures conditions de vie ».

Dawood Al Shezawi, le Président de la fondation AIM Global, a quant à lui souligné que « Renommer la Réunion annuelle sur l’investissement en Congrès AIM se fait sur fond de recul continu de la croissance économique mondiale dans une société en proie à de multiples enjeux ». Il ajoute que « Ce congrès se veut un événement majeur pour le monde de l’investissement et donne aux décideurs d’élite et aux dirigeants prestigieux du monde entier une occasion unique de se concentrer, ensemble, sur les défis les plus urgents, comme repenser le commerce mondial, rectifier les contours du paysage de l’investissement pour – in fine – créer un impact socio-économique durable dans plusieurs régions du monde ».

Le Congrès AIM repose sur cinq piliers : les investissements directs à l’étranger, les portefeuilles d’investissement étrangers, les start-ups, les PMEs et les villes du futur. La réunion consacrera ces sujets essentiels, et en encadrera les activités.

Pour en savoir plus :
Shreya Verma – +971 521133926

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000839622

Encontro anual de investimentos anuncia nova identidade enquanto AIM Congress, em preparação para a 13.ª edição em Abu Dhabi, em maio de 2024

ABU DHABI, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Sept. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sob a sua nova identidade enquanto “AIM Congress“, a comissão organizadora da plataforma de investimentos líder a nível mundial junta, mais uma vez, os líderes, pensadores e inovadores regionais e internacionais na 13.a edição do evento que irá ocorrer de 7 a 9 de maio de 2024 no Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre.

Tendo como base o tema “Adaptação a uma perspetiva de investimento em mudança: impulsionamento de novo potencial para o desenvolvimento económico mundial“, o AIM Congress 2024 é apoiado pelo Ministério da Indústria e da Tecnologia Avançada e pelo Departamento de Desenvolvimento Económico de Abu Dhabi (ADDED) enquanto principal parceiro.

Tendo novamente, lugar na vibrante capital dos EAU, o AIM Congress 2024 planeia superar o sucesso alcançado com a sua edição do ano passado, a qual atraiu 10 313 participantes e 693 oradores de 175 países.

Sua Excelência, o Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Ministro do Comércio Externo dos EAU, expressou o seu entusiasmo pelo AIM Congress 2024, afirmando que “Durante mais de uma década, o AIM Congress tem sido firme no seu compromisso de promover a cooperação económica global e impulsionar os mercados especialmente emergentes dos países. No âmbito do panorama em mudança do investimento global, é extremamente importante que os países se adaptem e explorem novas possibilidades de crescimento. Na edição de 2024, o AIM Congress continuará a ser o palco principal para o encontro dos agentes económicos mais proeminentes a nível mundial, facilitando o diálogo e o caminho para investimentos impactantes que impulsionam um futuro melhor e mais brilhante para todas as pessoas.”

Sua Excelência, Ahmed Jasim Al Zaabi, Presidente do ADDED, declarou que “Tendo por base o enorme sucesso da edição anterior do AIM, estamos a elevar o nível do evento para atingirmos as expectativas da comunidade global de investimentos. Enquanto capital do capital, Abu Dhabi é palco para conversações globais sobre o panorama e a dinâmica dos investimentos, numa era caracterizada por grandes mudanças. A nossa abordagem aos investimentos internos e estrangeiros é orientada pelo nosso compromisso inabalável em colocar o desenvolvimento humano, a sustentabilidade e a tecnologia avançada no núcleo dos planos socioeconómicos aos níveis local e internacional, em apoiar as agendas ESG e em reforçar as sinergias através da cooperação internacional para a melhoria da vida de todas as pessoas.”

A este respeito, Dawood Al Shezawi, Presidente da fundação global do AIM, comentou: “Face aos diversos desafios que o nosso mundo enfrenta atualmente, e considerando o declínio contínuo do desenvolvimento económico global, emerge o anúncio da nova identidade do AIM enquanto AIM Congress, posicionando-se como o palco principal para o investimento e fornecendo a plataforma ideal para que os líderes e responsáveis pela tomada de decisões proeminentes de todo o mundo possam abordar coletivamente os problemas mais urgentes, reformar o panorama comercial e de investimentos global e, por fim, impulsionar impactos positivos e duradouros a nível económico e social em diversas regiões em todo o mundo.”

O AIM Congress tem por base os seus cinco principais pilares — IDE, IEC, empresas em fase de arranque, PME e futuras cidades — que sustentam os objetivos do evento e fornecem um fluxo de trabalho para as respetivas atividades.

Para obter mais detalhes
Shreya Verma – +971 521133926

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000839622

Angola may surpass “black gold” production target

Oil production in Angola can reach the annual target above 1.1 million barrels per day, said this Thursday, in Luanda, the production director of the National Petroleum Agency (ANPG), Ana Miala.

The increase in levels is justified by the fact that the production of “black gold” reached 1.2 million barrels per day in the second half of this year.

The annual oil production target foreseen in the General State Budget (OGE) 2023 is 1,180,000 barrels/day at an average price of USD 75/barrel.

Ana Miala, who participated in the panel on “Exploration and production opportunities in Southern Africa” at the 4th International Conference and exhibition, Angola Oil and Gas 2023 (AOG2023), said that in the coming years, the goal is to be above current levels, looking towards the results of ongoing research and exploration, which are expected to be satisfactory.

Regarding the production losses that occur daily, she said that they are in the order of 15%, considering the period of a “good year”, as there is almost no such decline felt.

“In 2022, production was higher than what was produced in 2021, without advancing data,” she said.

But official data indicate that oil production, in 2022, amounted to 391 million barrels of crude at an average price of 101,10 dollars, resulting in gross revenue in the order of 39.94 billion US dollars.

The oil installations, that is, fields, date back to the 30s and 40s, which also influences the number of barrels produced compared to other crude producing countries.

But for the person responsible, the increase in oil exploration in the country must always be in alignment with international companies, investments in universities and young people, reversing the workforce in oil companies, equating national employees with foreign employees.

Dália field leads

But of the group of fields, Dália is one of the best in terms of production volume, having reached more than a billion barrels, that is, more than a billion barrels of oil, according to the person in charge who did not specify the period.

It has reserves estimated at more than 200 million barrels and additionally has resources that can be converted to reserves and production above 500 million barrels.

“It is a giant field and today the sharing of oil production/profit in the Dália field is 80% in favor of the State and 10% for contractor groups”, she said.

In her opinion, in the current scenario, sharing production/profit does not encourage the investor to continue investing, so a project is being developed that will allow the contractor group to have 20% resources.

The International Conference ended in the early evening of this Thursday, and took place under the motto “Energy Security, Decarbonization and Sustainable Development”.

It brought together African ministers and international experts, in an initiative by the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Petroleum with support from partners.

Source: Angola Press News Agency

ANGOP denies reports on day off Monday

Angola Press Agency (ANGOP) denied information circulating on social media on alleged day off on Monday (18) decreed by the Angola Head of State João Lourenço.

ANGOP took notice of above news via WhatsApp groups, and therefore denies any involvement of its professionals in preparation of such content.

The media outlet strongly condemns and discourages internet users from carrying out the action.

ANGOP described the action as a direct attack against the company and its employees, perpetrated by people acting in bad faith, aimed at tarnishing its image and reputation.

The company’s board informs the public that the contents related to the Presidency of the Republic and other Angolan State representative bodies are based on official notes.

Meanwhile, ANGOP reiterates its commitment to producing ever better prepared information, which respects the assumption of correct data collection and contradictions

Source: Angola Press News Agency

CAF CC: Dreams FC secure slim advantage over Sierra Leone’s FC Kallon in first leg

Ghana Premier League side Dreams FC secured a 2-1 victory over their Sierra Leone counterparts FC Kallon in the first leg encounter of the final preliminary round of the 2023/24 CAF Confederation Cup.

Goals from Godfred Kingsley Atuahene and John Antwi were enough to secure the win for the reigning FA Cup holders ahead of the return encounter on September 29, 2023, at the Southern Arena Stadium in Freetown.

Dreams FC coach Karim Zito maintained the core of his starting lineup that defeated Guinean side Milo FC in their last continental encounter, with the likes of Syveslter Simba, Emmanuel Agyei and Gideon Kwaku featuring for the ‘Still Believe’ side.

Dreams FC started the game on a bright note and took the lead in the 14th minute after a beautiful finish from Atuahene outside the penalty box, with Kallon goalkeeper Isaac Caulker rooted to the spot.

It was total dominance from the FA Cup champions, who had several opportunities to double their lead but missed most of them.

Dreams FC were eventually punished for their missed chances after Daniel Karim restored parity for the away side in first-half stoppage time.

It was a much better start for Dreams FC in the second half, and John Antwi restored their lead from the penalty spot in the 54th minute after Slyvester Simba was fouled in the penalty box.

The away side were very determined to keep the scoreline the same and kept a very defensive shape, preventing Dreams FC from scoring the third.

Dreams FC huffed and puffed in the late stages of the game for the third goal, but it never came but maintained the 2-1 scoreline at the end of 90 minutes.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Parents urged to check their genotype before childbirth

Dr Paul Enin, Chief Executive Officer at the Women’s Hospital, Airport, Accra, has called on parents to check their genotypes before childbirth.

He said most often, people fail to check their genotypes and this at times could ruin their future and that of their children.

Dr Enin made the call at a Sickle Cell awareness creation and screening, organised by the GNS Foundation at La-Bawaleshie, a suburb in Accra.

Dr Enin said many parents had become overburdened with sickle cell children who were undergoing crisis and its related effects.

Sickle Cell disease is a group of disorders that cause red blood cells to become A group of disorders that cause red blood cells to become deformed and break down.

The disease is a hereditary trait and symptoms usually include infections, pain, and fatigue due to low blood levels and patients are prone to multiple episodes of crises, resulting in frequent hospital visits.

Treatments include medication, blood transfusions and rarely a bone-marrow transplant.

According to statistics, two per cent of babies born in Sub Saharan Africa are born with the Sickle Cell disease annually and Ghana is not an exception.

Dr Enin said it was necessary for individuals to make informed decisions by checking their genotypes before getting together as a couple and childbirth to reduce the number of children born with the disease and its effects on children, parents, and society at large.

Dr Sylvester Mensah, a Medical Officer said that awareness creation with regards to Sickle Cell disease had been very low in the country, considering the increasing number of patients being born annually.

Dr Mensah said getting to know one’s genotype was necessary to avoid having more babies with the disease.

He said with the advancement in research and medication, patients with the disease could live a normal life with good medication and strict hygienic conditions.

Dr Kwame Dzikunu, President of Health CEOs and Scientists, called on the government to support sickle cell patients in the country.

Mrs Sandra Amponsah-Ayivor, Executive Director GNS Foundation said her passion to help give back to society had led to an advocacy to create strong awareness among the public to know more about the disease and the necessary precautions.

She said: ‘We all know about sickle Cell disease but information about the disease is very low. We are creating more awareness making sure that people get to know their genotype so that we will avoid having sickle cell babies in the future and help the younger generation reach their potential in life.’

Mrs Amponsah-Ayivor called on individuals, organisations, and corporate institutions to support the foundation achieve its objectives.

As part of the Sickle Cell Awareness Month this September, about 150 school children were educated and screened to determine their genotypes.

The GNS Foundation is a non-governmental charitable organisation with the objective of raising awareness of sickle cell disease in the country.

The Foundation, since 2016 has organised a series of activities including donation of computers and laboratory consumables to sickle cell clinics and payment of medical bills for sickle cell patients, among others.

Okyeame Kwame, a popular Ghanaian highlife musician and an actor, Kofi Adorlolo were at the programme to grace the occasion and to support the sickle cell advocacy.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Information Minister seeks staff commitment to transformation agenda

Information Minister Kojo Oppong Nkrumah is seeking the support and utmost commitment of the staff of the Ministry of Information and the Information Services Department (ISD) for the transformational agenda of the two outlets of the Government of Ghana.

‘Take personal responsibility the transformational agenda,’ he urged, on Thursday in Accra, in keynote address, at the launching of a manual and a two-day orientation programme of the agenda.

When he assumed office, the Minister began the Transformational Agenda to meet the changing needs of society, with a focus on modernizing the Department’s operations and services to better serve the public.

The Department adopted several initiatives, including increasing the Department’s use of digital technologies, expanding the range of services it offers and improving citizen access to information.

The ISD said it had invested in developing and implementing an advanced digital infrastructure through the Research Division to enable the ISD to better manage its data and to provide citizens with easy access to information.

As part of the reforms, an Access to Information Division was created and the Public Relations Coordinating Division was retooled and reoriented to play a lead role in coordinating government information daily.

Other activities that are being engaged in are a retooling of the newsroom with a number of computers, retooling of the Research Division with new computers and other equipment, renaming of the ISD Operations Division as Public Education Division and reorientation of officers to play a lead role in disseminating government information.

Regional and district offices are also being retooled, and the ISD is in the process of procuring cinema led trucks that will bring innovation and creativity to reach the public in the nook and cranny of the country.

The Minister thanked the directors and staff for their cooperation in the exercise so far, and challenged them to let the visible improvement in the structures and activities be very evident in the next six months,

Mr Oppong Nkrumah noted that the change process would bring some discomfort, and ‘not everybody will get what you personally desire.’

He, however, registered his personal commitment to the ISD Transformational Agenda, saying, ‘the ISD should become an organization that is fit for the purpose of the future, not a champion of the past.’

Mr Oppong Nkrumah pledged to go to all the links to raise money and other resources.

‘I’m personally committed, what I need is your commitment,’ he emphasized, adding, ‘take ownership of it, and treat it like your own property, your private business. You are writing your own story of excellence

‘I want to see you in about six months doing some wonders.’

Mrs Charlotte Morgan Asiedu, the Chief Director, said the Ministry wants to scale up, in addition to the widely known traditional information van service delivery.

‘Let’s scale up, we should be the change agents,’ she urged.

Mr David Owusu Amoah, Acting Director of the ISD, said the Department aimed to become a one-stop shop for government information and communication delivery.

There were presentations on the ISD Transformation Agenda dealing with Administration and Human Resources, Research, Media, Public Education, Public Relations Coordinating, Access to Information Division, Planning Budgeting and Finance Divisions.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Jean Mensa awarded for outstanding support to EC’s Internal Audit Unit

The Internal Audit Agency (IAA) has adjudged Mrs Jean Adukwei Mensa, Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, as ‘the Best Head of Covered Entity that supports Internal Audit Unit’ within the Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDA) Category.

Mrs Mensa was honoured at an awards ceremony at the 2023 Annual Internal Audit Conference, at the University of Professional Studies, Accra.

The awards ceremony is aimed at recognising deserving internal auditors, Audit committees and Heads of Public Institutions for dedication to complying with Internal Audit requirements within an auditing year.

These among other things include enterprise risk management compliance, regular and timely submission of audit reports and consistency in holding audit meeting.

The theme for the conference is: ’20 years of Internal Audit Practice in Ghana: Achievements, Challenges and Way Forward.’

Mr Yaw Osafo-Maafo, the Senior Presidential Advisor presented a plaque and a citation to the EC Chairperson.

The citation read: ‘You ensured that the Internal Audit Unit was provided with adequate resources, space and logistics to enable it to deliver on its mandate in an objective and independent manner devoid of intimidation.

‘Your actions have undoubtedly enhanced the internal control systems of the Electoral Commission of Ghana

‘The Agency recognises your timely implementation of audit recommendations and general support to internal audit activities,’ the citation highlighted.

Mrs Mensa, a lawyer by profession became the Chairperson of the EC on July 23, 2018, after an 18-year career at the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) where she eventually became the Executive Director in 2009.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Africa Youth must defuse their minds about science positively – Prof. Akinbo

Professor Olalekan Akinbo, Head of the Centre for Science Technology Innovations, AUDA-NEPAD has called for the need to defuse the minds of African youth about science and convince them that science can translate the development of the continent.

‘Africa has a strong youth population, and we need to build the minds of these young minds for them to see the benefits of science that can positively translate development especially the health sector.

Speaking at the Imaging Cellular and Chromosome Dynamics Conference, organised by the Sena Institute of Technology Foundation in collaboration with The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) Prof. Akinbo noted that the youth needed not to travel outside the continent before they could use whatever they have been trained in the medical space.

The four-day conference brought together scientists, academic and clinical partners from around the world to discuss emerging technologies on chromosome and cellular imaging.

Prof. Akinbo said Africa had a demography of youth that could positively be engaged to improve science on the continent by translating the knowledge acquired in country and in continent into usability.

‘Africa is not a dumping market for any foreign technology. The continent is capable and has resources and the human capacity needs to grow it,’ he added.

He explained that what the youth needed was to believe in themselves, and gain confidence in themselves in the world of health care to enable them to compete favourably with other continents

Prof. Akinbo expressed concern about the weak structure of the health systems in Africa compared to other continents and ‘until we create an ecosystem to involve every stakeholder in the health space, we will be doing ourselves more harm than good especially the health sector.

He said there was lack of connectivity between service providers, scientists, and the medical system and to address such a challenge, he hinted that AUDA-NEPAD was driving the Agenda 2063, which seeks to enhance the Africa We Want.

‘Africa is driving Agenda 20263 and one of them is to drive its own health sector, which we need the youth to have a mind change to discover and make the health sector strong, make it competitive and drive the demand beyond the continent.’

To achieve this, AU is helping to connect policy to science for end users to benefit, develop our own and be self-sufficient where Africans develop their own health sector without any external influence,’ he added.

Prof. Akinbo called for a stronger collaboration, expand research, and synergise activities to involve more youth on the continent to achieve the Africa we want.

Dr Andrews Kwasi Agbleke, Executive Director, Sena Institute of Technology Foundation, Boston who was the convener said there was the need to bring together the scientific community to talk about innovations and new developments happening in the world.

‘A meeting like this encourages Ghanaian scientists and researchers to develop their science by learning what is currently happening in their laboratories.’

He explained that some of the scientists were working on DNA functioning in cells to know the sorts of diseases and how to solve them as well as the new discoveries from the laboratories which sometimes break the knowledge in the textbooks.

The meeting focused on three main themes -Imaging cellular and chromosome dynamics; Image processing and integration; Computational biology and data mining.

It also presented the latest research and fostered discussion on: Environment and Epigenetics, Disease and Whole Organisms Imaging, RNA Imaging and Transcription, Emerging Technologies and Image Analysis, Chromosome Structure and Organization, DNA Recombination, Cellular and Protein Imaging, Quantitative Biophysics.

‘FASEB is committed to sustaining diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion (DEAI) in the biological and biomedical sciences. Our goal is to create and support a conference environment that is welcoming and safe for all. FASEB believes in inclusion of diverse participants,’ he added.

Source: Ghana News Agency